1953 British Industries Fair: Company M
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1953 British Industries Fair
Held 27th April - 8th May at Olympia and Earl's Court
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- J. W. Mccallum and Co, Ltd. 3-4, Princes Street, Cavendish Cables: “ Founfabric, Wesdo, Worsted Fabrics In A Comprehensive Range Of Plains and Fancies In Coat, Suit, Skirt, and Dress Weights, Including “ Aftona ” Tweeds.
- A. H. Mcintosh and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Z.22 Victoria Works, Kirkcaldy, Fife. Teleph. : Kirkcaldy 3734.—Manufacturers Of Domestic, Ship Furniture and Panels, Shop and Bank Fittings, Decorative Marquetry Pictures and Chairs.
- Macintosh, Chas., and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.625 and R.706 Bridport Road, Edmonton, London, N.18. Teleph. : Tottenham 1010. Cables : “ Macintex, London.”—Manufacturers Of Men’s Raincoats In Poplin, Au-Wool and Union Gabardines. Double-Texture Macintoshes ; Overcoats, Sportswear. Women’s Fashion Rainwear; Double and Single-Texture Waterproofs.
- Mcintyre, Hogg, Marsh and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.407 60-63, Aldermanbury, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Metropolitan 0981. Cables : “ Makog, Cent., London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Radiac ” Shirts, Collars and Pyjamas. “ Radiac Rex ” Shirts and Semi-Stiff Collars. Producers Of “ Radiac ” Shirting, Pyjama and Collar Cloths.
- Macniven and Cameron, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.49 Waverley Works, Blair Street, Edinburgh, 1. Teleph, ; Edinburgh 26154. Cables : “ Pens, Edinburgh,” and “ Waverley, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers Of “ Bowersburn,” “ Pickwick ” Notepapers, Gift, Wedding Stationery. “ Rhapsody ” Cake Boxes. “ Waverley ” Stationery, Account Books, Greenback Analysis Books, “ Waverley ” Pens, Clips, Fountain Pens,
- Magnesium Elektron, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands D.7and D.12 Clifton Junction, Near Manchester. Teleph. : Manchester, Swinton 2511-9. Cables : “ Magneselek, London.”—Manufacturers Of Magnesium Metal, Pure; “ Elektron ’’ Magnesium Alloys, Including Zirconium- and Thorium-Containing Ranges, Alloying Salts, Foundry and Welding Fluxes, Zirconium Oxide, Magnesium Salts, Magnesium Powder. See Advt. Inside Back Cover
- Magneta Time Co, Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.15 Goblin Works, Leatherhead, Surrey. Teleph.: Ashtead 866. Cables : “Dial, Phone, Leatherhead.”—Manufacturers Of Synchronous Clock Systems, “ Magneta ” Time Recorders, Job Costers, Public Address Equipment, B.V.C. Office Type Vacuum Cleaners, Inter-Com Staff Location Systems. See Advt Page 122
- Malaya (Official Exhibit) Commonwealth Section, Ground Floor, Earls Court The Commissioners For Malaya In The United Kingdom, Malaya House, 57, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C.2. Teleph. : Whitehall 9837-8. Cables : “ Malawakil, Lesquare, London.”—Producers Of Rubber, Tin, Timber, Coconut and Palm Oil. Canned Pineapples, Tea, Spices, Rubber Footwear, Malay Arts and Crafts, Literature Dealing With All Aspects Of Malaya.
- Mallinson and Eckersley, Limited Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.35 Brown Street, Off Worsley Street, Salford, 3, Lancashire, Teleph,: Manchester, Blackfriars 1474, Cables : “ Baywood, Manchester,”—Manufacturers Of “ Blackfriars ” Table Woodware In English Walnut, Including Breadboards, Hors D’oeuvre Sets, Cruets, Candlesticks, Plain Wood and “ Formica ” Base Trays, Marquetry Trays and Platters, Table Mats, See Advt. Page Vii
- Malta Government
- Manesty Machines, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands F.Ll and F.12 Speke, Liverpool, 19. Teleph. : Liverpool, Hunts Crass 1972. Cables: “ Manesty, Liverpool 19.” London Office : 10, Storey’s Gate, S.W.L.— Manufacturers Of Tablet Machines For Pharmaceuticals, Confectionery, Chemicals, Plastics Preforming Machines, Granulators, Mixers, Drying Ovens, Coating Pans, Automatic Water Stills.
- Manifoldia, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.24 West Bromwich, Staffs. Teleph. : West Bromwich 0506. Cables : “ West Bromwich 0506.”—Manufacturers Of “ Manicopy ” For Payrolls, Sales/ Purchase Ledgers, Receipting, Cheque Writing, “ Manibar ” and “ Mani- Writer ” For Continuous Stationery, Portable Registers, “ Mani-Pot ” Carbon Backed Stationery, Office Machine Equipment.
- Manners, Capt. E. J., and Co. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.9e 11, Manners Comer, Manners Way, Southend-On-Sea, Essex. Teleph.: Hockley 89.—Manufacturers and Distributors Of and Sole Agents For “ Temmscraft Telegear” Remote Controls For Every Purpose. Engines, Ships, Boats, Machinery, Instruments ; Throttle, Gearchange, Signalling ; Manual; Electric. Patent Direct-Coupled Combination Controls : Automatic Audible “ Telealarms.”
- March, Michael, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.96 41, Poulett Road, East Ham, London, E.6. Teleph. ; Grangewood 5111.— Manufacturers Of Hand Finished Trays, Table and Cocktail Mats. Choice Prints and Book Plates Carefully Matched With A Full Range Of Exclusive and Delicate Pastel Shades.
- Marchon Products, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.34 Whitehaven, Cumberland. Teleph.: Whitehaven 650. Cables : “ Marchonpro, Whitehaven.”—Manufacturers Of Sulphated Fatty Alcohols, Synthetic Detergents, Anionic and Non-Ionic Surface-Active Agents. Fatty-Acid Esters, Emulsifiers, Specialised Organic Chemicals For The Cosmetic, Textile, Leather and Food Industries.
- Mark-O-Print, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.L Station Path, Putney Bridge Station, Fulham, London, S.W.6. Teleph. : Renown 4135.—Manufacturers Of The “ Fillmaster ” Ampoule. Bottle and Vial Filling Machine and The “ Rollmaster ” and “ 1001 ” All-Purpose Marking Machines.
- Marks, Paul, and Co, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.82 23^, Old Bailey, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : City 5261-2. Cables : “ Omni- Broido. Cent, London.”—Manufacturers Of Artistic Novelties, Work Bags, Baskets, “ Markcraft ” Decorated Shopping Baskets, Toilet Bags, Tea Cosies, Sachets, Trays, Table Mats, Covered Garment Hangers, “ Chelsea ” Traced Art Needlework.
- J. Marksmith and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.700 117, Middlesex Street, London, E.L. Teleph. : Bishopsgate 2030 and 2038-9. Cables : “ Jaymar, London.”—Manufacturers Of and Sole Agents For Ladies’ Cotton Jersey Wear, “ Park West ” Sports.
- Marmet (Sales), Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.31 Letchworth, Herts. Teleph.; Letchworth 333. Cables : “ Marmet, Letchworth.”—Manufacturers Of Coach-Built Baby Carriages ; Folding Baby Carriages, Suncars, Dolls’ Prams ; “ Hilux ” Baby Chairs ; Child’s Low Chairs ; Utility Cots ; Carrying Cots ; Pram Bags ; Sun Canopies.
- Marris's, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands L.212 and L.313 Cumberland Street, Birmingham, 1. Teleph. ; Birmingham, Midland 3156-7. Cables ; “ Stampers, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers Of “ Sirram” Picnic Outfits, Baskets, Cases. “ Wasp,” “ Volcano,” “ Redcap ” Kettles, Saucepans Using Methylated Spirits, Solid Fuels, Car Battery. “ Sirram ” Beauty Boxes, Lather Cloths. Hearth Furniture.
- Marshall Brothers (Bury), Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.16 Henry Street Works, Bury. Teleph.: Bury 429.—Manufacturers Of Leather Baby Harness, Reins, Straps, Dog Equipment. Toy Holster Belts, Etc. “ Marbury ” Range Of Boxed and Carded Goods. Straps For All Trades and Pu^Oses.
- Marshom, Henry M., Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.408 Hanbury Road, Tottenham, London, N.17. Teleph.: Tottenham 9191.— Manufacturers Of Men’s and Boys’ Shirts.
- Martin and Savage, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.201 Portland House, 4, Great Portland Street, London, W.L. Teleph.: Museum 0392. Cables : “ Velours, Phone, London.” and At Denholme Clough, Near Bradford, Yorks.—Manufacturers Of Fine Rayon and Silk Fabrics : Plain, Jacquard and Velvet For Dresses, Millinery, Etc.
- Martins Bank Limited Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand V.18 and Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand A.30 4, Water Street, Liverpool, 2. Teleph. : Liverpool, Central 5428. Cables : “ Argosy, Liverpool.” Chief London Office: 68, Lombard Street, E.C.3. Teleph. : Mansion House 6568.—Full Banking Facilities Available Daily During Exhibition. Guidance Gladly Given On Exchange Control Matters. See Advt. Page 99
- E. N. Mason and Sons, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.14 Arclight Works, Colchester. Teleph.: Colchester 2266. Cables: “Arclight, Colchester.”—Manufacturers Of Plan Printing Equipment, Materials. Drawing Office Equipment, Materials, Filing Systems, Industrial Photographic Equipment, Materials. Office Furniture. Business Equipment. Letterpress Printing. Die-Stamping. Business Stationery. See Advt. Pages 120 and 121
- Mason, Spencer (Sales), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand A.7 Yardley Works, Yardley Road, Kirkby Trading Estate, Liverpool. Teleph.: Liverpool, Simonswood 2646. Cables : “ Intube, Kirkby, Liverpool.”— Manufacturers Of Hospital Furniture and Equipment In All Standard Finishes, Including Stainless Steel. Canteen Equipment. Shop Display Fittings. Steel Furniture. Special Purpose Engineering Equipment (Machine Tools).
- Mauritius Government (Official Exhibit) Commonwealth Section, Ground Floor, Earls Court C/O 257a, St, James’ Court, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W.L. Teleph. : Victoria 3381.—Exhibit Of Sugar Fibres, Tea, Tobacco, Leather, Alcohol, Etc.
- Mayborn Products, Limited Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand F.13 Dylon Works, Berryman’s Lane, Sydenham, London, S.E.26. Teleph. : Sydenham 4422-3. Cables: “ Maybornpro, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Dylon ” All-Fabric Dyes ; “ Dylon ” White Dye Tablets ; “ Dylon ” Coronation Colours ; “ Dylon ” Carpet Dyes ; ?“ Dylon ” Lion-Brand Dyes ; “ Dygon ” Colour and Stain Remover. See Advt Page 68
- Mayell and Co. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.31 32-34, Hylton Street, Birmingham, 18. Teleph.: Birmingham, Northern 3966-7.—Manufacturers Of E.P.N.S. and Chromium-Plated Holloware, Cake Dishes, Preserves, Casserole Dishes, Table and Gift Articles, Mounted Glass and Pottery, “ Mayell ” Cigarette Cases Map Designs Chrome, Gilt.
- L. S. Mayer (London), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.204 18-26, Essex Road, London, N.I. Teleph. : Canonbury 5291. Cables; “Ringbird, Norphone, London.”—Manufacturers Of “Eisma” Fancy Jewellery, “ Sari ” Pearls, Souvenir Charms and Keyrings, “ Glen ” Clocks and “ Viking ” Fancy Leather Goods.
- Maylin (Jewellers), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.603 7, Charterhouse Buildings, Goswell Road, London, E.C.L. Teleph.: Clerkenwell 4533.—Manufacturers Of^Hand-Set Paste and Baguette Jewellery, Real Marcasite Jewellery, Watch Marcasite Wristlets.
- W. A. Maylor and Co, Ltd. 23, Bedford Row, London, W.C.L. Maylo, Holb, London.”—Manufacturers Of In Light Weight Travelling Cases.
- W. A. Maylor and Co, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand N.8 23, Bedford Row, London, W.C.L. Teleph.; Holbom 3621. Cables: “ Ritomaylo, Holb, London.”—Manufacturers Of Beauty Boxes and Train Cases, Men’s Fitted Cases, Ladies’ Fitted Cases, Jewel Boxes, Manicure Cases, Air Travel Sets Of Plastic, Bottles and Jars.
- Meadows, Thomas, and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand V.3 Head Office : 35, Milk Street, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Monarch 8030. Cables : “ Meadows, London.’’ Branches : Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Southampton, Hull, Leith, Bradford, Birmingham, Leicester, Stoke.— Shipping and Forwarding Agents, Export Packers. Travel.
- Meccano, Ltd. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand Q.86 236, Binns Road, Livei^Ool, 13. Teleph. : Liverpool, Stoneycroft 2701. Cables : “ Meccano, Liverpool.” London : 2, Robert Street, W.C.2.— Manufacturers Of “ Meccano ” Constmctional Outfits ; “ Hornby ” Clockwork Trains ; “ Hornby-Dublo ” Electric Trains ; “ Dinky Toys ” ; “ Dinky Builder ” ; Transformers, Clockwork and Electric Motors For Toys.
- Mellor Mineral Mills, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.29 Etruria Vale, Stoke-On-Trent. Teleph.: Stoke-On-Trent 29683. Cables: “ Micron, Stoke.”-—Manufacturers Of Ceramic Raw Materials, Including Ceramic Clays For Earthenware, Electric Porcelain Tiles, Coloured Clays. One Of The Largest Ceramic Raw Material Manufacturers In The World.
- Mendle Brothers, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.72 Station Terrace, Pontygwaith, Rhondda, Glamorgan. Teleph. : Ferndale 148. Cables : “ Femdale 148.”—Manufacturers Of Household, Fancy and Hardware Goods, Injection and Compression Moulded Plastic Materials ; Tea Caddies, Trays, Bathroom Fittings, Egg-Cups, Egg Timers, Jam Dishes, Toast Racks, Novelties.
- “Men’s Wear” See Drapers Record, Ltd., The
- “Mercantile Guardian, The ” See Lindley-Jones and Brother, Ltd.
- Mercantile Marketing Co. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.5 22, Hans Road, London, S.W.3. Teleph. : Knightsbridge 1241. Cables : “ Mermartel, London.”—Introducing “ Metalfix,” A Metallic Super-Adhesive Or Cold Solder Which Dries Hard and Solid On Exposure To The Air. Also “ Metajfix ” Transparent For Invisible Repairs. See Advt. Page 61
- “Mercantile Year Book and Directory of Exporters, The” See Lindley-Jones and Brother]], Ltd.
- Merrythought, Ltd. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand Q.62 Dale End, Iron Bridge, Shropshire. Teleph. ; Iron Bridge 3116. Cables : “ Merrythort, Iron Bridge.”—Manufacturers Of Soft Toys and Fancy Goods, Night Dress Cases, Christmas Trees. Specialities Include Designs By Walt Disney, Lawson Wood, Chloe Preston, G. E. Studdy, Etc.
- Merton Manufacturing Co, Ltd., The Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand Q.83 61, High Path, Merton, London, S.W.I9. Teleph. ; Liberty 2244. Cables : “ Aywuntoys, Souphone, London.”—Manufacturers Of Plush Toys, Animals, Teddy Bears, Soft Dolls, Coronation Toys and Novelties. Push Or Puu Along Toys For Sale To Wholesale Trade Only.
- Metal Box Co, Limited, The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands F.19 and F.20 The Langham, Portland Place, London, W.L. Teleph. : Langham 2040. Cables : “Metalboxes, Wesdo, London.”—Manufacturers Of Metal Containers, Processed Food Cans, Highly Decorated Boxes, Composites, Cartons, Caps, Corks and Aluminium Extrusions. Labels and Advertising Materials. Makers Of Can Closing Machinery. See Advt. Page 69
- Metallurgical Chemists, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.18 Gresham House, 24, Old Broad Street, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : London Wall 1613. Cables: “ Mechema, London.”—Manufacturers and Pro Ducers Of Agricultural and Industrial Chemicals, Insecticides, Fungicides. “ Coxysan ” Potato Spray, “ Talbot ” Lead Arsenate, “ Cyanolime ” Rabbit Fumigation Powder. Kyp, Ddt Formulations, 2.4-D Esters. A/1 Metallic Compounds.
- Methylating Co, Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands D.7 and D.12 Abbey House, Baker Street, London, N.W.L. Teleph. ; Welbeck 0866. Cables : “ Methcolim, London.”—Manufacturers Of Industrial Methylated Spirits (Absolute, Toilet Quality, D.M.5, “ Q ” Grade and Pyridinised), Mineralised Methylated Spirits. See Advt. Inside Back Cover
- Midlands Bank Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand V.13 and Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand A.34 Poultry, London, E.C.2. Teleph.: Monarch 9911. Cables: “Midbank, London.”—Provides Specialised Services At The Farr For All Exhibitors and Visitors Connected With Foreign Trade, Whether They Are Customers Of The Bank Or Not.
- W. R. Midwinter, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C.L Albion and Hadderidge Potteries, Burslem, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffs. Telepb. : Stoke-On-Trent 84181-2.—Manufacturers Of Dinnerware, Teaware, Nurseryware, Animal Figures, Fancies, Wide Selection Of Underglaze Prints and Onglaze Controlled Designs In Traditional Style; Introducing Our “ Stylecraft ” Contemporary Table Ware. See Advt. Page 134
- Millar and Lang, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.50 '46-50, Darnley Street, Glasgow, S.L. Teleph. ; Glasgow, South 2094-5-6. Cables : “ Papyrus, Glasgow.”—Manufacturers and Publishers Of Christmas Cards, Christmas Stationery, Birthday Cards, Occasion Cards, Postcards, Wedding, Wreath, Condolence and Children’s Party Cards. Calendars, Local View Postcards.
- Millar, Lauder, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.603 95, Cambridge Road, London, N.W.6. Teleph. : Maida Vale 1538. Cables ; “ Milarglove, Kilb, London.”—Manufacturers Of Hand-Made String and Woollen Gloves. Also Botany Wool Lined, Leather Palm, With String Or Wool Back. “ Firmagrip ” For Motoring, Riding. Handwoven Scarves, Handwoven Ties.
- Millard Brothers, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand P.L Diana Works, Carfin, Motherwell, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Teleph.: Holytown 421. Cables : “ Milbro, Motherwell.”—Manufacturers Of “ Diana ” Air-Guns and Pistols, “ Milbro ” Air-Gun Ammunition, Skates, Darts, Sheath-Knives; “ La-Ze-Li ” Garden Hammocks; “ Milbro_” Cookers ; “ Milbro ” Fishing Tackle.
- Millcross Woodcrafts, Ltd. Griffin Road, Clevedon, Somerset. “ Millcross, Clevedon.”—Manufacturers Of Fancy and Domestic Woodware Made From Fine Quality Timber. Every Article Is Hand Finished.
- Miller Gibb and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand A.7 15, Tithebam Street, Liverpool, 2. Teleph. : Liverpool, Central 3886. Cables : “ Milgibco, Liverpool.”—Sole Agents For “ Cowanising ” Anticorrosive Preparations.
- Miller Organ Co, Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand K.3 Osborne Buildings, Timberhill, Norwich. Tcleph. ; Norwich 20608. Cables : “ Organs, Norwich.”—Manufacturers Of Constant Martin Organs and Carillons. Sole Patentees For Empire and American Markets. Originators Of The Martinette Organ For Small Churches, Private Houses, Schools, Etc.
- F. Mills and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.113 Trimils Works, 87, London Road, Sheffield, 2. Teleph. ; Sheffield 27486.— Manufacturers and Producers Of Tool Sets, Hunting Sheath Knives, Table Cutlery, Canteens, Chrome Cutlery, “ E.P.N.S. ” Cutlery, Carded Cutlery, Souvenirs, Pocket Kpives, Fancy Cutlery, Palette Knives, Manicure Sets, Scissors.
- Mills Moore and Co, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.85 Tumham Green Terrace Mews, Chiswick, London, W.4. Teleph. : Chiswick 0421 and 6888.—Manufacturers Of Goods In Natural Timbers. Table Utensils In Walnut. Cutlery With Wooden Handles. Table Lamps. Fancy Goods. Glass Accessories. Automatic and Hand Turnery.
- Milners Safe Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands J.3 and J.13 58, Holbom Viaduct, London, E.C.L. Teleph.: Central 0041-5. Cables : “Holdfast, Cent, London.”—Manufacturers Of Strongrooms, Doors, Fire and Thief Resisting Safes, Safe Filing Cabinets, Night Safes, Filing Cabinets, Card Index Cabinets, Desks, Tables, Plan Files, Cupboards, Lockers, Shelving.
- Milton Manufacturing Co (Victoria), Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.510 58-60, East Dulwich Road, London, S.E.22. Teleph. : New Cross 2517. Cables : “ Milvic, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Skymaster ” (Regd.) Garments. Sports Clothing Manufacturers — Lumber Jackets, Slacks, Shorts, Jeans. Sole Manufacturers Of “ Riders Of The Range ” and “ Girl ” Jeans, Jackets and Shorts.
- Minerva Art and Photographic Service, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.16 36, King Street, Covent Garden, W.C.2. Teleph.: Temple Bar 8173-4. Producers Of High Class Commercial Photography. Our Specialities:— Exhibition Stands In Direct Colour Or Black And'white. Studio and Outside Work, Giant Enlargements, Displays, Retouching, Etc,
- Minnow Yacht Co. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.12 The Harbour, Paignton, Devon. Teleph.: Paignton 58152.—Manufacturers Of Yachts Up To 40 Ft., Including “ Torbay Bluebird,” 20 Ft. Keel Boats, “ Thresher,” “ Albatross,” “ Shark,” Motor Cruisers “ Halcyon,” Motor Sailers, “Tiddler,” Launches, Racing, Sail and Motor Craft.
- Minton, Louis, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.16 52,.Corporation Street, Manchester, 4. Teleph.: Manchester, Blackfriars 7426-7. Cables : “Mintite, Manchester.”—Manufacturers Of “ Mintite ” Patent Roller Coverings For Printing and Varnishing On Paper, Metal, Etc., Including Letterpress, Rotary, Newsprint, Lithographic, Dampers, Varnishing, Carton, Die-Stamping, Photogravure, Aniline Printing, See Advt. Page 144
- Mobile Accessories Co (London), Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Y.18 Mobile House, 9, Clifton Road, London, W.9. Teleph. : Cunningham 6176-7-8. Cables : “ Mobeth, London.”—Manufacturers Of Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Chalets, Bungalows, Schools, Warehouses, Factories, Power-Stations. We Shall Be Pleased To Quote Against Your Own Specifications.
- W. Moorcroft, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C,20 Burslem, Staffordshire. Teleph.; Stoke-On-Trent 2423. Cables: “Moorcroft, Burslem.”—Manufacturers Of Moorcroft Pottery Vases, Bowls, Lamp Bases and Table Ware. Potter To Her Majesty Queen Mary.
- C. F. Moore and Sons, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.52 Sekforde Street, London, E.C.L. Teleph. : Clerkenwell 4181, Cables-; “ Cefmor, London.”—Manufacturers Of Steel Composing Room Equipment, Type High Numbering Machines, Saw Trimmers, Honeycombe Bases, Mitreing, Cutting, Bending Machines, Composing Sticks, Furniture, Steel Cutting, Perforating, Brass Rules.
- Moore's Modern Methods, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.20 19, 20 and 21, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Central 3200. Cables: “ Mobometo, Cent, London.”—Manufacturers Of Loose-Leaf Books, Visible Records, Binders For Catalogues and Printed Matter, Machine Accounting Equipment, Plastik Binders With Metal Backs, Forms For P. A. Y.E. and All Systems.
- Moorgate (Birmingham), Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.98 84-85, Ryland Road, Birmingham,. 15. Teleph.: Birmingham, Calthorpe 2891.—Manufacturers Of Reproduction Brass and Copperware, Chrome Tableware, Mounted Glassware, Wpodware, Gift Articles, Novelties, Gongs, Candlesticks, Thermometers, Keylight Torches, Miniatures, Etc. “ Firefly,” “ Therminor,” “ Gunga Din,” Products.
- Morton Sundour Fabrics, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.425 and R.522 Dentonhill, Carlisle. Teleph. : Carlisle 1666. Cables : “ Unfadable, Carlisle.”—Manufacturers Of “ Sundour ” Fine Furnishing Fabrics For Curtains, Upholstery and Loose Covers ; “ Stagmoss ” Quilts and Bedspreads ; “ Kymric ” Bathmats ; “ Dunmail ” Tufted Rugs and Carpets ; “ Donegal ” Handmade Carpets.
- Mosda, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.20 47-48, Frederick Street, Birmingham, 1. Teleph. : Birmingham, Central 7465-6. Cables : “ Mosdaco, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers Of “ Mosda ” Automatic Lighters, Table Lighters, Lighter Cases, Cigarette Rollers, Office Equipment, Advertising Novelties, Fancy Goods.
- Mouldtype Foundry, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.12 Steam Mills, Fylde Road, Preston, Lancashire. Teleph. : Preston 86772-3. Cables : “ Mouldtype, Preston.” London : 50, Farringdon Street, E.C.4.— Manufacturers Of Printers’ Types : Gill Sans, Times, Glamour, Superflash, Perpetua, Rockwell, Goudy, Kennerley, Garamond, Bodoni, Baskerville, Bembo, Centaur, Preston, Plantin, Imprint, Borders, Rules.
- Moyle, Victor, and Co. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.1 38, Park Road, Hampton Wick, Near Kingston-On-Thames. Teleph. : Kingston 4961 and 4695. Cables : “ Wistaria, Kingston-On-Thames.”— Manufacturers Of Yacht Keels, Special Castings For Yachts, Anchor, Sheet Winches, Anti-Corrosive Light Alloy Castings, Rigging Screws, Yacht Fittings, Ventilators,. Nautical Novelties, Special Stainless Steel Bolts.
- F. J. Munster and Co, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.51 50-62, Hockley Street, Birmingham, 18. Teleph. : Birmingham, Northern 1218. Cables : “ Northern 1218, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers Of Imitation Jewellery, Brooches, Bracelets, Earclips, Necklets, Speciality Cup-Chains. Seaside Souvenir Jewellery, Silver and Rou^ Gold Rings, Charms, Compact Ornaments, Fancy Goods, Dressed Dolls.
- W. J. Myatt and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.Lll Argent Works, Graham Street, Birmingham, 1. Teleph. : Birmingham, Central 3646 and 1442. Cables : “ Argente, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers and Producers Of “ Manco ” Silver Electro-Plate. “ Argent ” Pewter-Ware, Including Tea-Sets, Tankards, Trophies, Cake Baskets, Casseroles, Condiment Sets, Butter Dishes, Calendars. Silver Brush Sets, Razors, Cosmetic Razor Sets.
- Myers, Edward, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand E.3 63, Nightingale Road, Upper Clapton, London, E.5. Teleph. : Amherst 4925.—Manufacturers Of Feather Dusters, Car Dusters, Coloured Feather Dusters Of All Descriptions. Flue Brushes, Bottle Brushes, Dairy Bottle Brushes, Test Tube Brushes, Twisted Wire Brushes, Etc. See Advt. Page 50
See Also
Sources of Information