1953 British Industries Fair: Company F
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1953 British Industries Fair
Held 27th April - 8th May at Olympia and Earl's Court
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- F. and M. Jewellery, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.102 18, Leighton Place, Leighton Road, Kentish Town, London, N.W.5, Teleph. : Gulliver 6021.—Manufacturers Of Fancy Jewellery, Earclips, Brooches, Bangles, Necklaces, Buttons, Millinery and Shoe Ornaments. Trade Names “ Celene ” Scintillating Wire. “ Fam ” New Aluminium Gold Finish.
- Failsworth Hats, Limited Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.505 Failsworth, Near Manchester. Teleph.: Failsworth 3131-4. Cables: “ Hats, Failsworth, Manchester.” London Office: 27, Maddox Street, W.L. Teleph.: Mayfair 0148.—Manufacturers Of High-Grade Fur Felt and Velour Hats, Hoods, Capelines, Manchons For Men’s and Millinery Trade. See Advt. Page 177
- Fairey Marine Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.10 Hayes, Middlesex. Teleph.: Middlesex, Hayes 3800. Cables: “ Airily Telex, Hayes.”— Manufacturers Of Fairey Marine Range Of Moulded Boats:— “ Firefly,” “ Swordfish,” “ Gannet ” and “ International 14 ” Sailing Dinghies and The New “ Eighteen.” “ Duckling ” and “ Mudlark ” Inboard/Outboard Tenders.
- Fairy Princess, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.630 Princess Palace Works, Corporation Street, Stockport, Cheshire. Teleph. : Stockport 2454.—Manufacturers Of “ Fairy Princess ” Coats and Dresses. “ Prince Charming ” Coats. Registered Trade Marks.
- “Fancy Goods Trader and Exporter, The” (W. B. Tattersail]], Ltd.) Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.49 15, Cursitor Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph.: Chancery 4001. Cables : “ Unitrader, London.”—Publishers Of The Trade Journal For The Fancy Goods, Art and Giftware Trades. World Circulation. Advertising Rates On Application. Subscription 12s. 6d. Per Annum, Post Free.
- Fancy Metal Goods, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.211 Condor Works, Summer Hill Road, Birmingham, 1. Teleph.: Birmingham, Central 3840. Cables: “ Famego, Birmin^Am.”—Manufacturers Of Toilet Brushes, Brush Sets, Metal Fancy Articles, Mirrors, Powder Compacts, Trays, Perfume Sprays, Powder Bowls, Trinket Sets, Manicure Sets, Cigarette Boxes, Clocks, Photograph Frames. See Advt. Page 104
- Fancycraft, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.42 34, Exeter Road, Kidlington, Oxfordshire. Teleph. : Kidlington 3262. ?—Manufacturers Of Toys and Fancy Goods Of Imusual and Pleasing Design. Suitable For Arts and Crafts Shops. Baby Linen, Nursery Departments, Tea Shops.
- Favourite Ties, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.506 66, Mosley Street, Manchester, 2. Teleph. : Manchester, Central 7831-2-3. Gables ; “ Gentswear, Manchester.”—Manufacturers Of Gents’ Neckties, Scarves, Dressing-Gowns ; Tie Fabrics, Woven and Printed, Of Rayon, Pure Silk and Wool.
- Fellows, James, and Son Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.41 Pool Street Stamping and Enamelling Works,. Wolverhampton. Teleph.: Wolverhampton 21120.—Manufacturers Of Vitreous Enamelled Hollowware For Hospital, Surgical and Laboratory Requirements.
- Fenn and Wood Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.13 Mill Lane, Taplow, Bucks. Teleph,: Maidenhead 3591.—Manufacturers Of Small Sailing Yachts and Power Craft. Brokers For Pleasure and Commercial Craft. All Types Home and Export, Specialists In Used Petrol and Diesel Engines.
- Fibre Case Co, Ltd., The Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand N.5 36-38, Peckham Road, London, S.E.5. Teleph.: Rodney 2282.—Manufacturers Of Fibre and Rexine Suit, Attache, Week-End and Soft Top Cases.
- Fillerys (G.B.), Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand W.6 41, Sackville Street, London, W.L. Teleph.: Regent 2027. Ca'oles: “ Fillerys, London.”—Manufacturers Of The Fillcry Combined Cleaner, Polisher and Scrubber. The Flick Of A Switch Converts From One To The Other.
- Film Stips Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.9 Edlesborough, Near Dunstable, Beds. Teleph. : Eaton Bray 269.—Manufacturers Of Non-Inflammable Film Strips. Film Strip Battery Projectors. Film Strip Viewers. Walt Disney Subjects A Speciality.
- Finlay, James, and Co, Ltd. 22, West Nile Street, Glasgow, Cables : “ Mercator, Glasgow.” E.C.3. Teleph. : London Wall Towels, Pillow Cases, Sheetings, Woven Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels.
- Finney, Smiley and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.33 15-17, Station Road, South Norwood, London, S.E.25. Teleph. : Livingstone 1111.—Manufacturers Of Metal Office Furniture ; Card Index Cabinets, Steel Shelving, Binning, Filing Systems.
- Fisco Limited Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.13 602, Seven Sisters Road, London, N.15. Teleph. : Stamford Hill 9231-2. Cables : “ Jonsworks, London.”—Manufacturers Of High Class Drawing Pins Of All Types, Chair Nails, Furniture Nails and Perambulator Nails In All Finishes. Steel Tape Rules. Perforating Machines, Stapling Machines.
- Flexa-Glas Products, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C.31 21-23 Lullington Road, Anerley, London, S.E.20. Teleph.: Sydenham 4455-6. —Manufacturers Of Flexible Glass. Mirror, For Display and Interior Decorating. Glass Fancy Goods, Trays, Photo-Frames and Table Mats.
- Flint, Howard, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.616 Avery House, Avery Row, London, W.L. Teleph.: Mayfair 3282.— Manufacturers Of Golf and Ski Wear Lightweight Clothing ; Flying Clothing Of All Descriptions.
- Fonadek (Branson), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.9 Vivian Road, Harbome, Birmingham, 17. Teleph. : Birmingham, Harbome, 0980.—Manufacturers Of Fonadek Telephone Amplifiers For Office and Home. See Advt. Page 117
- Forsters Machine Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.7 17, Yeading Lane, Hayes, Middlesex. Teleph. : Hayes 0148-9 and 0651. Cables : “ Formal, London.”—Manufacturers Of Universal Types Of Wrapping and Packing Machinery, Capable Of Changing From One Size Packet To Another Within Five Minutes. Covering Biscuits, Jellies and Cartons.
- Fox Brothers Clothes, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.606 272, Mile End Road, London, E.L. Teleph. : Stepney Green 2201.— Manufacturers and Distributors To The Men’s Trade Of Suits, Sports Trousers, Sports Jackets, Overcoats and Raincoats. Also Specialising In All Forms Of Soft Headwear.
- Fox Brothers and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.411 Wellington, Somerset. Teleph.: Wellington 270. Cables : “ Fox, Wellington, Somerset.”—Manufacturers Of Woven Woollen and Worsted Squares and Scarves For Both Ladies and Gentlemen. Also Pure Merino Wool Material For Ties.
- Fox Photos, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand A.39 Photo House, 69-71, Farringdon Road, London, E.C.L. Teleph. : Central 7831-5. Cables : “ Foxfotopic, Fleet, London.”—Photographic Experts. Specialise Exhibition Stand Photography. Cameramen Always Available For All Purposes. World-Wide Press Service Offered. Full Colour Operations. Producers Of Photo Giant Enlargements.
- Frame Clothing, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.514 Greyfriars Clothing Works, Reading, Berks. Teleph. : Reading 2288-9. Cables : “ Frameco, Reading.”—Manufacturers Of Men’s Ready-To-Wear Clothing. Lounge Suits, Overcoats, Dress and Sports Wear. Garth Riding Wear For Ladies, Gentlemen and Juveniles.
- Franklin, Walter T. (Temple Fabrics) Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.428 94, Victoria Street, St. Albans, Herts. Teleph. : St. Albans 472. Cables : “ Templefabs, St. Albans, Herts.” London Office: 19, Old Bailey, E.C.L. Teleph. : Metropolitan 0028.—Manufacturers and Producers Of Furnishing Fabrics Au Descriptions For Curtains and Upholstery. Printed Linens, Chintzes, Tapestries, Damasks, Repps, Novelty Weaves, Velours.
- Freebody's (Boat Builders) Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.22 Caversham Bridge, Reading, Berks. Teleph. : Reading 72132. Cables : “ Freebody’s, Reading.”—Manufacturers Of “ Wellington ” 10 Ft. 6 In. Sailing Dinghy. 12 Ft. General Purpose Sailing Dinghy. Class C. B.O.R.C. Hydroplane Hull. Class X Hydroplane Huu.
- Freeder Brothers Paper Mills Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.10 Brimsdown, Enfield. Teleph. : Howard 1847. Cables: “Sylkocrepe, Enfield.”—Manufacturers Of “ Florine ” Brand Fancy Paper Products, Comprising Crepe Paper, Garlands, Paper Towels, Handkerchiefs, “ Albright ” and “ Florine ” Shelf Lining Papers, Serviettes, “ Vanity ” Facial Tissues, ’Xmas Wrappings. See Advt. Pages 158 and 159
- A. Freminet, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.801 Mounthill, 295, Springfield Road, Chelmsford, Essex. Teleph. : Chelmsford 2358. Cables: “ Mounthill, Chelmsford.”—Sole Agents For Dressing Jackets, Dressing Gowns and Nightdresses, Ladies’ Evening Capes, Coatees and Stoles. Mohair Scarves. Infants’ Shawls, Matinee Jackets, Etc. Ladies’ Cardigans, Jumpers, Twin Sets.
- Frost and Reed, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.61 10, Clare Street, Bristol, 1. Teleph, : Bristol 26238-9. Cables: “Frostreed, Bristol.”—Manufacturers Of Picture Frames, Moulded, Hand Carved. Publishers Of “ Homelovers ” Series Colour Reproductions and Mezzotint Engravings. Dealers In Original Watercolours and Paintings By Old Masters and Contemporary Artists. See Advt. Page 76
- Fryer and Co. (Nelson), Ltd. Earls Court, First Floor, Stands. 10 Victory Factories, Chapel Street, Nelson. Teleph. : Nelson 53. Cables : “ Victory, Nelson.”-.—Manufacturers Of Victory L.L.V. Lozenges, Victory V. Gums, Mints, Pastilles, Gums, Medicated and General Sugar, Confectionery, Pharmaceutical Products Made To Clients’ Own Formulaes, Suitably Packed For Export.
- Fryer, John W. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.13 Lees Street Mills, Ancoats, Manchester, 1. Teleph.: Manchester, Central 3995.—Manufacturers Of “ Fryer-Edwards ” Case Assembling and Tuming- In Machines. Also Turning-In Machine For Sides On Bound Book.
- [[Fryer Textiles Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.610 Dagnail Street, Battersea, London, S.W.Ll. Teleph. : Macaulay 4411. Cables : “ Fryer, Battersea.”—Sole Agents For “ Paragon ” Industrial Overalls, Cotton Clothing Of All Kinds. Government Contractors.
- Fulham Pottery and Cheavin Filter Co, Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand* C.23 210, New King’s Road, Fulham, London, S.W.6. Teleph. :.Renown 1188. Cables : “ Stoneware, London.”—Manufacturers Of Fulham Constance Spry and Coralie Off-White Flower Vases, Etc., As Exhibited. Saludor Water Filters, General Stoneware, Modelling Clay, Etc.
- Fullers Earth Union, Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.27 “ Patteson Court,” Nutfie’d Road, Redhill, Surrey. Teleph.: Redhill 3521. Cables ; “ Fullion, Redhill.”—Manufacturers Of Activated Earth For Oil Refining and Oil Regeneration. Fullers’ Earth For Insecticides. “ Fulbond ” For Bonding Foundry Sands. “ Fulbent ” For Well Drilling, Emulsifying and Binding.
- Funditor, Limited Woodbridge House, Clerkenwell 6155-7. Turers Of Electric Heaters, Metal Feeders For Composing Machines, Remelting Furnaces, Crucibles, Paper-Drilhng Machines, Stereo-Machinery, Proof-Presses, Composing Room Saws and Accessories, Book-Blocking Presses, Packaging Equipment. See Advt. Page 142
- Furmoto Chemical Co, Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand F.26 • 1 and 3, Brixton Road, London, S.W.9. Teleph. : Reliance 2881-2. Cables: “ Furmotokem, London.”-—Manufacturers Of Furmoto And Solitaire Polishes and Cleaners. Furmoto Furniture and Car Polish, Non- Slip Floor Cream, All-Metal Shine, Silvershme, Solitaire Shoe Polish, Suede Cleaner. See Demonstration. See Advt. Page 67
- Furnival and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.31 Reddish, Stockport. Teleph.: Heaton Moor 4228-9 and 4230. Cables : “ Fumiyal, Reddish.” London: 40-41, Whiskin Street, E.C.L.—Manufacturers Of Two-Revolution Printing Presses; Two-Revolution Cutting, Creasing Presses; Rotary Lithographic Machines. Full Automatic and Standard Guillotinescutting, Creasing Platens.
See Also
Sources of Information