1953 British Industries Fair: Company G
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1953 British Industries Fair
Held 27th April - 8th May at Olympia and Earl's Court
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- Gainsborough Silk Weaving Co, Ltd., The Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.530 Sudbury, Suffolk. Teleph.: Sudbury 2081. Cablesgainsboro, Sudbury, Suffolk.” London Showrooms : Kent House, Market Place, Oxford Circus, W.1.—Manufacturers Of “Gainsborough” “Fabrics Of Distinction” For High Class Furnishing. Damasks, Brocades, Tapestries, Brocatelles, Tabourettes, Satins, Taffetas.
- “Games and Toys” (H. Richard Simmons, Ltd.) Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.L 30-31, Knightrider Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Central 1641 and 7934. Cables : “ Appressolo, Cent, London.”—Publishers Of “Games and Toys” Trade Journal. Circulates Amongst Toy Dealers, Shippers, Wholesalers, Stores, Manufacturers. “ Games and Toys ” Year Book and “ British Playthings ” Quarterly Export Review.
- Gardner Co. (London), Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand F.24 172. Ciapham Park Road, Clapham, London, S.W.4. Teleph. : Macauly 2358-9. Cables : “ Gardnespra, Clapcom, London.”—Manufacturers Of The “ Atomist ” Medical Throat and Nasal Sprays, Au Glass Nebuusers, Perfume Sprays, Powder Sprays, Disinfectant Sprays, Barbers’ Sprays, Etc. Special Types To Customers’ Specifications.
- Gascoignes (Reading), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.12 Gascoigne House, Berkeley Avenue, Reading. Teleph.: Reading 5067-8-9, 2273-4-5 and 4831-2-3. Cables : “ Gascoignes, Reading.”—Manufacturers Of “ Humalactor ” Robot Baby For Maternity Use To Promote Natural Feeding, Also Of Milking Machines For Farm Use and Milking Staus and Other Tubular Constructions.
- Gayler and Hall, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.8 21, Regina Road, Southau, Middlesex. Teleph. : Southau 3529.—Manufacturers Of Cylindrical Screen Printing Machines For Glassware, Bottles, Syringes and Drums. Flatbed Screen Equipment and Accessories For Direct Printing On All Types Of Flat Surface.
- Gayonnes, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.319 and R.420 22, Grafton Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Regent 4735-4-5. Cables ; “ Gayonnes, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Gayonnes ” Fine Furnishing Fabrics and Soft Furnishings. Screen and Roller Prints, Au Widths. Bedspreads, Quilts, Cushions, Ships’ Furnishings. Specialists In Hand Printed Rayons.
- Gee and Holmes, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands L.120 and L.202 61, Eyre Lane, Sheffield, 1. Teleph.: Sheffield 23852.—Manufacturers Of Canteens and Cabinets Of Cutlery, Cased Goods, Spoons and Forks In “ Heritage ” Plate, “ Silvaseal,” Etc. Table Cutlery, Pen, Pocket Knives, Butchers’, Cooks’ Knives, Scissors.
- W. and J. George and Becker, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands B.27 and B.32 Nivoc House, Eating Road, Alperton, Wembley, Middlesex. Teleph..: Perivale 3344. Cables: “ Nivoc, Wembley.” and 157, Great Charles Street, Birmingham, 3, Teleph.; Birmingham, Central 7641.—Manufacturers Of Laboratory Furniture, “ Nivoc ” Scientific Apparatus, Balances and Weights ; Suppliers Of Chemicals and Analytical Reagents,
- J. F. Germain and Son Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand S.3 25, Commercial Buildings, St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands. Teleph.: Jersey, Central 723. Cables: “ Germain, Jersey.”—Manufacturers Of Quality Cigarettes and Tobaccos, Including “ Germain’s Supreme_ Bto. 1 Virginia,” “ Panda Virginia ” (Plain and Corktipped), “ Iviixture ** Taknt't'a
- Gestetner, Ltd. Aldwych, London, W.C.2, Telep'h.: Holborn 8700. Style, London.” Works : London, N.17.—Manufacturers Of Rotary Duplicators and Accessories, Including The Royal and 180 Series and Special Machines For Schools, Hotels, Industry Generally. Gesteprint Process Outfit,
- Gibbs, Herbert E., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.4 First Avenue, Montague Road, Edmonton, London, N.I8. Teleph.: Tottenham 5111-2-3.—Manufacturers Of Wood Office Furniture. Specialists In Pedestal Desks. Office Tables, Typists’ Desks, Telephone Tables, “ Paketables.” Manufactured In Oak Under Registered Trade Name Of Herbert E. Gibbs.
- Giesen and Wolff, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.59 7, Museum House, Museum Street, London, W.C.L. Teleph. : Museum 2350. Cables: “ Kaygeserie Wescent, London.” and Victoria Road, Northampton. Teleph.: Northampton 32113-4.—Manufacturers and Publishers Of The “ Kay Gee ” Series Christmas, Birthday, Easter and Valentine Cards, and Cards For All Occasions. Calendars, Picture Prints.
- “Gifts and Fancy Goods” Olympia, 1st Floor, Stasid M.4 12, Shepherds Bush Road, London, W.6. Teleph. : Shepherds Bush 6991-2. Cables : “ Bejayay, London.”—Publishers Of Official Organ Of The Fancy Goods Association and The Journal Of The British Fancy Goods Trades. Circulates Amongst Gift Shops, Stores, Shippers, Wholesalers, Manufacturers.
- B. Gilder, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.67 203-205, Brick Lane, London, E.2. Teleph. : Bishopsgate 2291 and 703. Cables : “ Bettatray, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Durobound ” Plastic Bound Glass Top Serving Trays, Trolleys, Server Screens, Cakestands, Fire Screens. Plain Or Decorated With Picture Prints. Also Polished Wood, Chrome Trays.
- A. C. Gill, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.532 and R.534 2-12, Warser Gate, Nottingham. Teleph. : Nottingham 52268-9. Cables : “ Ilba, Nottingham.”—Manufacturers Of “Witchcraft” Lingerie and Dress Laces, Flouncings, Embroideries, Guipures, Nylon Laces and Allovers. “ Radiant ” Bridal and Bridesmaids’ Veils, Head-Dresses, Millinery Veils, Veuings, Confirmation Veils, Novelties. See Advt. Page 179
- A. C. Gill and Cleaver, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.3 Warser Gate and Fletcher Gate, Nottingham. Teleph. : Nottingham 40260. Cables ; “ Marquise, Nottingham.”—Manufacturers Of “ Marquise ” (Regd.) Hair Nets, Slumber Nets, “ Ric Rac ” Braid, Boot and Shoe Laces, Elastic. Hair Curlers, Grips and Accessories.
- Glen Mills (Colne), Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.119 4, Fountain Street, Manchester, 2. Teleph. : Manchester, Deansgate 2640 and Blackfriars 9254. Cables : “ Concern, Manchester.”—Manufacturers Of Industrial and Fashion Denims, Flannelettes, Awnings, Deck Chair Canvas, Work Shirtings, Domestics, Native Stripes and Other Coloured Woven Fabrics For Home Trade and Export. See Advt. Page 31
- Gloucester Shirt Co, Ltd., The Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.609 Magdala Road Factory, Gloucester. Teleph.: Gloucester 21311. Cables: “ Shirts, Gloucester.”—Manufacturers Of “ Glosdura ” and “ Glosco ” Shirts For Men and Boys, and “ Glosco ” Pyjamas. Also Ladies’ Tailor-Made Shirts. All Produced From Best Grade Woven Poplins, Etc. See Advt. Page 179
- Gold Coast Government (Official Exhibit) Commonwealth Section, Ground Floor, Earls Court Trade Commissioner, Gold Coast Office, Melbourne House, Aldwych, London, W.C.2. Teleph. : Temple Bar 2913-4. Cables : “ Gococom, London.”—Producers Of Cocoa, Gold, Manganese, Industrial Diamonds, Timber (Logs and Sawn), Bauxite. See Advt. Page Iv
- Golderstat Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand K.4 25, Downham Road, London, N.I. Teleph. : Clissold 6713.—Leaflets and Brochures By Photolitho. Mass Reproduction Of Photographs. Experts In Industrial Photography. Photographing Of Exhibition Stands and Exhibits.
- Goldsmiths of The City Of London, The Worshipful Co. Of Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.106 Goldsmiths’ Hall, Foster Lane, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Monarch 1668, —City Livery Co.. Statutory Hall-Marking Authority. Patrons and World Exhibitors Of Gold, Silver and Jewellery Craftsmanship. Interested In Trade Welfare and Education.
- Gooch and Housego Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.8 Comhill Factory, Ilminster, Somerset. Teleph. : Ilminster 402. Cables : “ Gooch and Housego, Ilminster.”—Manufacturers Of Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal Blanks. Insulators (Silica), Fused Quartz Components, Special Scientific Requirements. Glass Components, Prisms, Lenses, Optical Flats.
- Goodacre, William, and Sons, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Z.14 Ceylon Mills, Russell Road, Custom House, London, E.16. Teleph. : Albert Dock 3371. Cables: “Goodacre, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Windsor ” Coco Malting, Mats. “ Orissa ” Spool Axminster Squares. “ Kendal ” Spoo Axminster Stair, Body and Rugs. “ Kent ” Chenille Axminster Squares. “ Bedford ” Reversible Stair.
- G. Goodfellow Qlympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.24 44, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.L. Teleph. : Museum 1811.— Sole Agent For Tresco Plastics Ltd. Alpha-Beta Sets and Printing Sets. Sunny Smile Ltd. Rattles and Pram Toys. “ Playrite ” Nursery Toys. “ Keith Lowe ” Pistols. “ Marcol ” Dolls.
- Goodhale Distributors, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.56 “ Challenge House,” 129, Brockley Rise, Forest Hiu, London, S.E.23. Teleph.: Forest Hill 1171-3. Cables: “Goodcutter, London.”—Sole Agents For “ Goodhale ” Clutchless, Beltless, No Flywheel 33 In. and 25 In. Self and Hand Clamp Power ; 12 In. and 25 In. Hand Rotary Guillotines, Goodhale Patent “ Tricut ” Three-Edge Trimmers.
- Goodman and Son (Fashions), Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.903b 28, Percy Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Museum 9892-3.—Manufacturers Of “ Perce ” (Registered) Brand Of Model Blouses In The Finest Nylon, Crepon, Suzette, Velvet and A Variety Of Laces.
- Gordon Fraser Gallery, The Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.65 Eastcotts Road, Bedford. Teleph.: Bedford 3761.—Publishers Of Christmas and Birthday Greeting Cards.
- Goshawk Shipyards, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.7 Trinity Road, East Cowes, Isle Of Wight. Teleph. : Cowes 314.—Manufacturers Of Yachts, Launches and Commercial Craft Constructed Of Timber. Built To Highest Specifications, and Repairs To Hulls and Machinery Undertaken At Competitive Prices.
- Govancroft Potteries Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C.27 1855, London Road, Tollcross, Glasgow, E.2. Teleph. : Glasgow, Shettles- Ton 1625. Cables : “ Govancroft, Glasgow .”—Manufactiuers Of Stoneware, Whisky and Wine Flagons, Acid Proof Ware, Foodstuff Containers, Insulators, ? Perfume Bottles, Decorated Fancy Ware, Coloured Glass Traffic Signs, Designed Windows, Permanent Colours.
- Goya Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands F.18 and F.21 161, New Bond Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Regent 6446. Cables : “ Goya, London.”—Manufacturers Of High Quality Perfumes, Perfumed Colognes, Toilet Waters, Perfumed Soaps, Bath Salts, Talcum Powder. Dusting Powder, Cosmetics, Lipsticks, Corvette Shaving and Hair Preparations For Men.
- F. W. Grafton and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.107 and R.206 65, Oxford Street, Manchester, 1. Teleph.: Manchester, Central 4444. Cables ; “ Graftonia, Manchester.” London : 1/2, Berners Street, W.L. Teleph. : Museum 5677.—Manufacturers Of “ Anti-Shrink ” Washable, Unshrinkable Rayon, and Cotton Fabrics For Frocks, Lingerie, “ Teryelene '* Fabrics ; Furnishings’; Ties and Dressing Gowns. See Advt, Pages 32 and 33
- K. H. C. Graham and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.17 11, Crompton Way, Crawley, Sussex. Teleph: Crawley 1351.—Manufacturers Of Clock Cases, Instrument Cases, Smokers’ Requisites, Display Cabinets, Wireless Cabinets, Instrument Panels, Balance Cases.
- Graham, Walter (Jewellery), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.605 27, Princes Street, Regent Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Mayfair 5747 and 2829. Cables : ‘‘ Waltgra, London.”—Manufacturers Of Coronation Souvenirs, “ Rosita ” Series Simulated Pearl Costume Jewellery, Simulated Pearl Necklets, Earrings, Brooches, Clips, Bracelets, Mounted and Unmounted Simulated Pearls. Bahamian Shell Jewellery.
- Grange Fibre Co, Ltd., The Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.2 13, Welford Road, Leicester. Teleph. : Leicester 5322. Cables : “ Fibre, Leicester.”—Manufacturers Of Linson and Other Covers For Publishers’ Books, Account Books, Loose-Leaf Books and Files, Diaries, Box Files, Stock Boxes, Instrument Cases, Travel Goods, Etc.
- Grant, Harry, and Sons, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.206a Watcombe Marble Works, Torquay, South Devon. Teleph. : Torquay 88479 and 87301. Cables: “ Grant, Torquay 88479.” London Oflrce: 48, Brewer Street, W.L. Manufacturers Of Goods In Onyx, Malachite, Lapis Lazuli and All Semi-Precious Stones, Including Presentation Articles, Writing Sets, Smokers' Requisites, Clock Cases.
- Granville Crepe Paper Mills Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.20 Brettenham Road, Edmonton, London. N.18. Teleph. : Tottenham 4648, Cables : “ Velvocrepe, Southtot, London.”—Manufacturers Of Crepe Paper, Drinking Straws, Confetti. Christmas Garlands, Crepe Festoons, Gummed Chain Papers, Cake Frills, Carnival Ribbons, Rose Petals, Venus Face Tissues, Paper Handkerchiefs, Etc.
- Gray, Dorothy, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands F.18 and F.21 32, New Bond Street, London, W.L. Teleph.: Mayfair 6496. Cables: “ Dorogray, London.”—Manufacturers Of Cosmetic, Toilet and Perfumery Preparations.
- Green Brothers Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Z.13 Hailsham, Sussex. Teleph.: Hailsham 170. Cables : “ Greens, Hailsham.” —Manufacturers Of “ Geebro Cord ” Floor Covering, Mats and Matting, Ropes, Lines and Twines, Table Tennis Tables, Folding Garden and Domestic Furniture.
- Green (Fancy Papers) Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0,73 Rolyfoil Works, Packington Road, Acton, London, W.3. Teleph.: Acorn 3287-8-9. Cables : “ Fancipaper, London.”—Manufacturers Of Aluminium Foil Lined Papers and Boards. Foil Display and Decorations, Gift Wraps, Aluminium Gummed Tapes and Labels, Picture Tops, Carnival Masks, Tiaras, Streamers, “Rolyfoil-Wrap.”
- Green, Harry, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand F.9 Ajax Works, Hertford Road, Barking, Essex. Teleph.: Rippleway 3326-7. Cables : “ Greenasoap, Barking.”—Manufacturers Of “ Broadcast ” “ Mary Drake,” “ Olive and Palm ” Toilet Soaps, Laundry, Household, Industrial Soaps, Flakes, Powders, Milling Base, Soap Chips, Shaving Soap, Brilliantine, Hair Cream, “ Kiddysoaps.”
- Greig, John, and Sons, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.6 Fountain House Works, Dundee Street, Edinburgh 11. Teleph.: Edinburgh, Fountainbridge 6772. Cables : “ Greig, Edinburg.”—Manufacturers Of Guillotines, and Many Types Of Cutting, Perforating, Punching, Nipping, Gilding, Bundling, and Backing Machines and Presses For The Printing, Bookbinding, and Other Allied Trades.
- Grimshaw, Baxter and J. J. Elliott, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.318 29-37, Goswell Road, London, E.C.L. Teleph.: Clerkenwell 4936.—Agents For Smiths Electric and Spring Driven Clocks, Wrist and Pocket Watches, Wau Clocks, Electric and Spring Driven Alarm Clocks and All Forms Of Commercial Timekeeping.
- Grimston Astor, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.6 Riverside Yard, Bideford, North Devon. Teleph. : Bideford 822, Cables : “ Grastor, Bideford.”— Producers Of Light Alloy Launches Of Patent Two Way Tension Stressed Skin Construction 26 Ft. To 60 Ft. As Supplied To The Royal Navy, British and Foreign Governments.
- Grimwades, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C.33 Winton Pottery, Stoke-On-Trent. Teleph. : Stoke-On-Trent 44141. Cables : “ Griniwades, Stoke-On-Trent.”—Manufacturers Of Royal Winton Tableware and Fancies, Ornamental Ware, Souvenir Ware, Advertising Ware, Hospital and Nursing Ware, Hotel and Restaurant Ware.
- Grist Plastics Ltd, Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.29 82-84, Brighton Road, Surbiton, Surrey. Teleph. : Elmbridge 4214. Cables: “ Grist, Surbiton.”—Manufacturers Of Thermosetting Moulding Powders and Thermoplastic Materials.
- J. Grossmith and Son, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands F.18 and F.21 45, Piccadilly, London, W.L. Teleph. : Regent 6817. Cables : “Grossmith London.”—Manufacturers Of Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Soaps, Toilet Preparations and Cosmetics, Including Old Cottage Lavender and “ Phul-Nana.”
- Grovewell, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.2. 656, Forest Road, Walthamstow, London, E.17. Teleph.: Larkswood 4311-2-3. Cables: “ Grovewel, Walt, London.”—Manufacturers Of Puck Balloons and Novelties, Puck Plastic and Rubber Playthings, Mechanical Electrical and Constructional Toys, Lightweight Swimcaps, Puck Flexa Icecube Containers, Foodsaver Bags. Grovewell Cyclehoms. See Advt. Page 199
- Guest, Henry, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.200 Triumph House, 189, Regent Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Mayfair 4456-7. Cables : “Geetex, Piccy, London.”—Manufacturers Of Plain and Novelty Weaves In Rayon and Nylon. Poults, Failles, Gros Grains, Brocades, “ Mossandra ’’ Moss Crepe, Etc. Widths From 36 In. To 48 In. See Advt. Page 180
- Guinness, Arthur, Son and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stands S.L and S.9 Park Royal Brewery, London, N.W.10. Teleph. : Elgar 7700. Cables : “ Guinness, Harles, London.”—Manufacturers Of Guinness’s Extra Stout, Guinness’s Foreign Extra Stout, Guinness’s Export Stout, Foreign Extra Stout For All Overseas Markets, Export Stout For Western Europe.
- Gurr, Edward, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.20 42. Upper Richmond Road, East Sheen, London, S.W.14. Teleph. : Pro. Spect 8051 and 7606. Cables: “ Micromlabs, London.”—Manufacturers Of Microscopic Stains, Biological Reagents, Indicators, Bacteriological Sugars ; Biochemical and Clinical Laboratory Reagents ; Technical, Photographic and Medicinal Dyes. Biological Laboratory Sundries. Publishers : Microscopic Staining Techniques.
- Gurr, George T,, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.21 136-138, New Kings Road, London, S.W.6. Teleph. : Renown 2413, 2463 and 2493. Cables : “ Microstain, London.”—Manufacturers Of Stains and Reagents For Microscopy, Including Electron and Fluorescence Microscopy. Indicators, Immersion Oils, Bacteriological Sugars and Media. Histological Materials and Specialised Reagents.
See Also
Sources of Information