Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 167,647 pages of information and 247,064 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1953 British Industries Fair: Company G

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1953 British Industries Fair

Held 27th April - 8th May at Olympia and Earl's Court

Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

  • Gainsborough Silk Weaving Co, Ltd., The Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.530 Sudbury, Suffolk. Teleph.: Sudbury 2081. Cablesgainsboro, Sudbury, Suffolk.” London Showrooms : Kent House, Market Place, Oxford Circus, W.1.—Manufacturers Of “Gainsborough” “Fabrics Of Distinction” For High Class Furnishing. Damasks, Brocades, Tapestries, Brocatelles, Tabourettes, Satins, Taffetas.
  • “Games and Toys” (H. Richard Simmons, Ltd.) Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.L 30-31, Knightrider Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Central 1641 and 7934. Cables : “ Appressolo, Cent, London.”—Publishers Of “Games and Toys” Trade Journal. Circulates Amongst Toy Dealers, Shippers, Wholesalers, Stores, Manufacturers. “ Games and Toys ” Year Book and “ British Playthings ” Quarterly Export Review.
  • Gardner Co. (London), Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand F.24 172. Ciapham Park Road, Clapham, London, S.W.4. Teleph. : Macauly 2358-9. Cables : “ Gardnespra, Clapcom, London.”—Manufacturers Of The “ Atomist ” Medical Throat and Nasal Sprays, Au Glass Nebuusers, Perfume Sprays, Powder Sprays, Disinfectant Sprays, Barbers’ Sprays, Etc. Special Types To Customers’ Specifications.
  • Gascoignes (Reading), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.12 Gascoigne House, Berkeley Avenue, Reading. Teleph.: Reading 5067-8-9, 2273-4-5 and 4831-2-3. Cables : “ Gascoignes, Reading.”—Manufacturers Of “ Humalactor ” Robot Baby For Maternity Use To Promote Natural Feeding, Also Of Milking Machines For Farm Use and Milking Staus and Other Tubular Constructions.
  • Gayler and Hall, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.8 21, Regina Road, Southau, Middlesex. Teleph. : Southau 3529.—Manufacturers Of Cylindrical Screen Printing Machines For Glassware, Bottles, Syringes and Drums. Flatbed Screen Equipment and Accessories For Direct Printing On All Types Of Flat Surface.
  • Gayonnes, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.319 and R.420 22, Grafton Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Regent 4735-4-5. Cables ; “ Gayonnes, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Gayonnes ” Fine Furnishing Fabrics and Soft Furnishings. Screen and Roller Prints, Au Widths. Bedspreads, Quilts, Cushions, Ships’ Furnishings. Specialists In Hand Printed Rayons.
  • Gee and Holmes, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands L.120 and L.202 61, Eyre Lane, Sheffield, 1. Teleph.: Sheffield 23852.—Manufacturers Of Canteens and Cabinets Of Cutlery, Cased Goods, Spoons and Forks In “ Heritage ” Plate, “ Silvaseal,” Etc. Table Cutlery, Pen, Pocket Knives, Butchers’, Cooks’ Knives, Scissors.
  • W. and J. George and Becker, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands B.27 and B.32 Nivoc House, Eating Road, Alperton, Wembley, Middlesex. Teleph..: Perivale 3344. Cables: “ Nivoc, Wembley.” and 157, Great Charles Street, Birmingham, 3, Teleph.; Birmingham, Central 7641.—Manufacturers Of Laboratory Furniture, “ Nivoc ” Scientific Apparatus, Balances and Weights ; Suppliers Of Chemicals and Analytical Reagents,
  • J. F. Germain and Son Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand S.3 25, Commercial Buildings, St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands. Teleph.: Jersey, Central 723. Cables: “ Germain, Jersey.”—Manufacturers Of Quality Cigarettes and Tobaccos, Including “ Germain’s Supreme_ Bto. 1 Virginia,” “ Panda Virginia ” (Plain and Corktipped), “ Iviixture ** Taknt't'a
  • Gestetner, Ltd. Aldwych, London, W.C.2, Telep'h.: Holborn 8700. Style, London.” Works : London, N.17.—Manufacturers Of Rotary Duplicators and Accessories, Including The Royal and 180 Series and Special Machines For Schools, Hotels, Industry Generally. Gesteprint Process Outfit,
  • Gibbs, Herbert E., Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.4 First Avenue, Montague Road, Edmonton, London, N.I8. Teleph.: Tottenham 5111-2-3.—Manufacturers Of Wood Office Furniture. Specialists In Pedestal Desks. Office Tables, Typists’ Desks, Telephone Tables, “ Paketables.” Manufactured In Oak Under Registered Trade Name Of Herbert E. Gibbs.
  • Giesen and Wolff, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.59 7, Museum House, Museum Street, London, W.C.L. Teleph. : Museum 2350. Cables: “ Kaygeserie Wescent, London.” and Victoria Road, Northampton. Teleph.: Northampton 32113-4.—Manufacturers and Publishers Of The “ Kay Gee ” Series Christmas, Birthday, Easter and Valentine Cards, and Cards For All Occasions. Calendars, Picture Prints.
  • “Gifts and Fancy Goods” Olympia, 1st Floor, Stasid M.4 12, Shepherds Bush Road, London, W.6. Teleph. : Shepherds Bush 6991-2. Cables : “ Bejayay, London.”—Publishers Of Official Organ Of The Fancy Goods Association and The Journal Of The British Fancy Goods Trades. Circulates Amongst Gift Shops, Stores, Shippers, Wholesalers, Manufacturers.
  • B. Gilder, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.67 203-205, Brick Lane, London, E.2. Teleph. : Bishopsgate 2291 and 703. Cables : “ Bettatray, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Durobound ” Plastic Bound Glass Top Serving Trays, Trolleys, Server Screens, Cakestands, Fire Screens. Plain Or Decorated With Picture Prints. Also Polished Wood, Chrome Trays.
  • A. C. Gill, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.532 and R.534 2-12, Warser Gate, Nottingham. Teleph. : Nottingham 52268-9. Cables : “ Ilba, Nottingham.”—Manufacturers Of “Witchcraft” Lingerie and Dress Laces, Flouncings, Embroideries, Guipures, Nylon Laces and Allovers. “ Radiant ” Bridal and Bridesmaids’ Veils, Head-Dresses, Millinery Veils, Veuings, Confirmation Veils, Novelties. See Advt. Page 179
  • A. C. Gill and Cleaver, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.3 Warser Gate and Fletcher Gate, Nottingham. Teleph. : Nottingham 40260. Cables ; “ Marquise, Nottingham.”—Manufacturers Of “ Marquise ” (Regd.) Hair Nets, Slumber Nets, “ Ric Rac ” Braid, Boot and Shoe Laces, Elastic. Hair Curlers, Grips and Accessories.
  • Glen Mills (Colne), Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.119 4, Fountain Street, Manchester, 2. Teleph. : Manchester, Deansgate 2640 and Blackfriars 9254. Cables : “ Concern, Manchester.”—Manufacturers Of Industrial and Fashion Denims, Flannelettes, Awnings, Deck Chair Canvas, Work Shirtings, Domestics, Native Stripes and Other Coloured Woven Fabrics For Home Trade and Export. See Advt. Page 31
  • Gloucester Shirt Co, Ltd., The Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.609 Magdala Road Factory, Gloucester. Teleph.: Gloucester 21311. Cables: “ Shirts, Gloucester.”—Manufacturers Of “ Glosdura ” and “ Glosco ” Shirts For Men and Boys, and “ Glosco ” Pyjamas. Also Ladies’ Tailor-Made Shirts. All Produced From Best Grade Woven Poplins, Etc. See Advt. Page 179
  • Gold Coast Government (Official Exhibit) Commonwealth Section, Ground Floor, Earls Court Trade Commissioner, Gold Coast Office, Melbourne House, Aldwych, London, W.C.2. Teleph. : Temple Bar 2913-4. Cables : “ Gococom, London.”—Producers Of Cocoa, Gold, Manganese, Industrial Diamonds, Timber (Logs and Sawn), Bauxite. See Advt. Page Iv
  • Golderstat Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand K.4 25, Downham Road, London, N.I. Teleph. : Clissold 6713.—Leaflets and Brochures By Photolitho. Mass Reproduction Of Photographs. Experts In Industrial Photography. Photographing Of Exhibition Stands and Exhibits.
  • Goldsmiths of The City Of London, The Worshipful Co. Of Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.106 Goldsmiths’ Hall, Foster Lane, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Monarch 1668, —City Livery Co.. Statutory Hall-Marking Authority. Patrons and World Exhibitors Of Gold, Silver and Jewellery Craftsmanship. Interested In Trade Welfare and Education.
  • Gooch and Housego Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.8 Comhill Factory, Ilminster, Somerset. Teleph. : Ilminster 402. Cables : “ Gooch and Housego, Ilminster.”—Manufacturers Of Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal Blanks. Insulators (Silica), Fused Quartz Components, Special Scientific Requirements. Glass Components, Prisms, Lenses, Optical Flats.
  • Goodacre, William, and Sons, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Z.14 Ceylon Mills, Russell Road, Custom House, London, E.16. Teleph. : Albert Dock 3371. Cables: “Goodacre, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Windsor ” Coco Malting, Mats. “ Orissa ” Spool Axminster Squares. “ Kendal ” Spoo Axminster Stair, Body and Rugs. “ Kent ” Chenille Axminster Squares. “ Bedford ” Reversible Stair.
  • G. Goodfellow Qlympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.24 44, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.L. Teleph. : Museum 1811.— Sole Agent For Tresco Plastics Ltd. Alpha-Beta Sets and Printing Sets. Sunny Smile Ltd. Rattles and Pram Toys. “ Playrite ” Nursery Toys. “ Keith Lowe ” Pistols. “ Marcol ” Dolls.
  • Goodhale Distributors, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.56 “ Challenge House,” 129, Brockley Rise, Forest Hiu, London, S.E.23. Teleph.: Forest Hill 1171-3. Cables: “Goodcutter, London.”—Sole Agents For “ Goodhale ” Clutchless, Beltless, No Flywheel 33 In. and 25 In. Self and Hand Clamp Power ; 12 In. and 25 In. Hand Rotary Guillotines, Goodhale Patent “ Tricut ” Three-Edge Trimmers.
  • Goodman and Son (Fashions), Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.903b 28, Percy Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Museum 9892-3.—Manufacturers Of “ Perce ” (Registered) Brand Of Model Blouses In The Finest Nylon, Crepon, Suzette, Velvet and A Variety Of Laces.
  • Gordon Fraser Gallery, The Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.65 Eastcotts Road, Bedford. Teleph.: Bedford 3761.—Publishers Of Christmas and Birthday Greeting Cards.
  • Goshawk Shipyards, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.7 Trinity Road, East Cowes, Isle Of Wight. Teleph. : Cowes 314.—Manufacturers Of Yachts, Launches and Commercial Craft Constructed Of Timber. Built To Highest Specifications, and Repairs To Hulls and Machinery Undertaken At Competitive Prices.
  • Govancroft Potteries Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C.27 1855, London Road, Tollcross, Glasgow, E.2. Teleph. : Glasgow, Shettles- Ton 1625. Cables : “ Govancroft, Glasgow .”—Manufactiuers Of Stoneware, Whisky and Wine Flagons, Acid Proof Ware, Foodstuff Containers, Insulators, ? Perfume Bottles, Decorated Fancy Ware, Coloured Glass Traffic Signs, Designed Windows, Permanent Colours.
  • Goya Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands F.18 and F.21 161, New Bond Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Regent 6446. Cables : “ Goya, London.”—Manufacturers Of High Quality Perfumes, Perfumed Colognes, Toilet Waters, Perfumed Soaps, Bath Salts, Talcum Powder. Dusting Powder, Cosmetics, Lipsticks, Corvette Shaving and Hair Preparations For Men.
  • F. W. Grafton and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.107 and R.206 65, Oxford Street, Manchester, 1. Teleph.: Manchester, Central 4444. Cables ; “ Graftonia, Manchester.” London : 1/2, Berners Street, W.L. Teleph. : Museum 5677.—Manufacturers Of “ Anti-Shrink ” Washable, Unshrinkable Rayon, and Cotton Fabrics For Frocks, Lingerie, “ Teryelene '* Fabrics ; Furnishings’; Ties and Dressing Gowns. See Advt, Pages 32 and 33
  • K. H. C. Graham and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.17 11, Crompton Way, Crawley, Sussex. Teleph: Crawley 1351.—Manufacturers Of Clock Cases, Instrument Cases, Smokers’ Requisites, Display Cabinets, Wireless Cabinets, Instrument Panels, Balance Cases.
  • Graham, Walter (Jewellery), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.605 27, Princes Street, Regent Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Mayfair 5747 and 2829. Cables : ‘‘ Waltgra, London.”—Manufacturers Of Coronation Souvenirs, “ Rosita ” Series Simulated Pearl Costume Jewellery, Simulated Pearl Necklets, Earrings, Brooches, Clips, Bracelets, Mounted and Unmounted Simulated Pearls. Bahamian Shell Jewellery.
  • Grange Fibre Co, Ltd., The Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.2 13, Welford Road, Leicester. Teleph. : Leicester 5322. Cables : “ Fibre, Leicester.”—Manufacturers Of Linson and Other Covers For Publishers’ Books, Account Books, Loose-Leaf Books and Files, Diaries, Box Files, Stock Boxes, Instrument Cases, Travel Goods, Etc.
  • Grant, Harry, and Sons, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.206a Watcombe Marble Works, Torquay, South Devon. Teleph. : Torquay 88479 and 87301. Cables: “ Grant, Torquay 88479.” London Oflrce: 48, Brewer Street, W.L. Manufacturers Of Goods In Onyx, Malachite, Lapis Lazuli and All Semi-Precious Stones, Including Presentation Articles, Writing Sets, Smokers' Requisites, Clock Cases.
  • Granville Crepe Paper Mills Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.20 Brettenham Road, Edmonton, London. N.18. Teleph. : Tottenham 4648, Cables : “ Velvocrepe, Southtot, London.”—Manufacturers Of Crepe Paper, Drinking Straws, Confetti. Christmas Garlands, Crepe Festoons, Gummed Chain Papers, Cake Frills, Carnival Ribbons, Rose Petals, Venus Face Tissues, Paper Handkerchiefs, Etc.
  • Gray, Dorothy, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands F.18 and F.21 32, New Bond Street, London, W.L. Teleph.: Mayfair 6496. Cables: “ Dorogray, London.”—Manufacturers Of Cosmetic, Toilet and Perfumery Preparations.
  • Green Brothers Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Z.13 Hailsham, Sussex. Teleph.: Hailsham 170. Cables : “ Greens, Hailsham.” —Manufacturers Of “ Geebro Cord ” Floor Covering, Mats and Matting, Ropes, Lines and Twines, Table Tennis Tables, Folding Garden and Domestic Furniture.
  • Green (Fancy Papers) Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0,73 Rolyfoil Works, Packington Road, Acton, London, W.3. Teleph.: Acorn 3287-8-9. Cables : “ Fancipaper, London.”—Manufacturers Of Aluminium Foil Lined Papers and Boards. Foil Display and Decorations, Gift Wraps, Aluminium Gummed Tapes and Labels, Picture Tops, Carnival Masks, Tiaras, Streamers, “Rolyfoil-Wrap.”
  • Green, Harry, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand F.9 Ajax Works, Hertford Road, Barking, Essex. Teleph.: Rippleway 3326-7. Cables : “ Greenasoap, Barking.”—Manufacturers Of “ Broadcast ” “ Mary Drake,” “ Olive and Palm ” Toilet Soaps, Laundry, Household, Industrial Soaps, Flakes, Powders, Milling Base, Soap Chips, Shaving Soap, Brilliantine, Hair Cream, “ Kiddysoaps.”
  • Greig, John, and Sons, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.6 Fountain House Works, Dundee Street, Edinburgh 11. Teleph.: Edinburgh, Fountainbridge 6772. Cables : “ Greig, Edinburg.”—Manufacturers Of Guillotines, and Many Types Of Cutting, Perforating, Punching, Nipping, Gilding, Bundling, and Backing Machines and Presses For The Printing, Bookbinding, and Other Allied Trades.
  • Grimshaw, Baxter and J. J. Elliott, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.318 29-37, Goswell Road, London, E.C.L. Teleph.: Clerkenwell 4936.—Agents For Smiths Electric and Spring Driven Clocks, Wrist and Pocket Watches, Wau Clocks, Electric and Spring Driven Alarm Clocks and All Forms Of Commercial Timekeeping.
  • Grimston Astor, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.6 Riverside Yard, Bideford, North Devon. Teleph. : Bideford 822, Cables : “ Grastor, Bideford.”— Producers Of Light Alloy Launches Of Patent Two Way Tension Stressed Skin Construction 26 Ft. To 60 Ft. As Supplied To The Royal Navy, British and Foreign Governments.
  • Grimwades, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C.33 Winton Pottery, Stoke-On-Trent. Teleph. : Stoke-On-Trent 44141. Cables : “ Griniwades, Stoke-On-Trent.”—Manufacturers Of Royal Winton Tableware and Fancies, Ornamental Ware, Souvenir Ware, Advertising Ware, Hospital and Nursing Ware, Hotel and Restaurant Ware.
  • Grist Plastics Ltd, Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.29 82-84, Brighton Road, Surbiton, Surrey. Teleph. : Elmbridge 4214. Cables: “ Grist, Surbiton.”—Manufacturers Of Thermosetting Moulding Powders and Thermoplastic Materials.
  • J. Grossmith and Son, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands F.18 and F.21 45, Piccadilly, London, W.L. Teleph. : Regent 6817. Cables : “Grossmith London.”—Manufacturers Of Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Soaps, Toilet Preparations and Cosmetics, Including Old Cottage Lavender and “ Phul-Nana.”
  • Grovewell, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.2. 656, Forest Road, Walthamstow, London, E.17. Teleph.: Larkswood 4311-2-3. Cables: “ Grovewel, Walt, London.”—Manufacturers Of Puck Balloons and Novelties, Puck Plastic and Rubber Playthings, Mechanical Electrical and Constructional Toys, Lightweight Swimcaps, Puck Flexa Icecube Containers, Foodsaver Bags. Grovewell Cyclehoms. See Advt. Page 199
  • Guest, Henry, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.200 Triumph House, 189, Regent Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Mayfair 4456-7. Cables : “Geetex, Piccy, London.”—Manufacturers Of Plain and Novelty Weaves In Rayon and Nylon. Poults, Failles, Gros Grains, Brocades, “ Mossandra ’’ Moss Crepe, Etc. Widths From 36 In. To 48 In. See Advt. Page 180
  • Guinness, Arthur, Son and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stands S.L and S.9 Park Royal Brewery, London, N.W.10. Teleph. : Elgar 7700. Cables : “ Guinness, Harles, London.”—Manufacturers Of Guinness’s Extra Stout, Guinness’s Foreign Extra Stout, Guinness’s Export Stout, Foreign Extra Stout For All Overseas Markets, Export Stout For Western Europe.
  • Gurr, Edward, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.20 42. Upper Richmond Road, East Sheen, London, S.W.14. Teleph. : Pro. Spect 8051 and 7606. Cables: “ Micromlabs, London.”—Manufacturers Of Microscopic Stains, Biological Reagents, Indicators, Bacteriological Sugars ; Biochemical and Clinical Laboratory Reagents ; Technical, Photographic and Medicinal Dyes. Biological Laboratory Sundries. Publishers : Microscopic Staining Techniques.
  • Gurr, George T,, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.21 136-138, New Kings Road, London, S.W.6. Teleph. : Renown 2413, 2463 and 2493. Cables : “ Microstain, London.”—Manufacturers Of Stains and Reagents For Microscopy, Including Electron and Fluorescence Microscopy. Indicators, Immersion Oils, Bacteriological Sugars and Media. Histological Materials and Specialised Reagents.

See Also


Sources of Information