1953 British Industries Fair: Company R
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1953 British Industries Fair
Held 27th April - 8th May at Olympia and Earl's Court
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- R. S. Colour Works, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C.15 22, Render Street, London, S.E.14. Teleph. : New Cross 0503 and 5780. Cables : “ Shri, London.”—Manufacturers and Producers Of Liquid Golds, Ceramic Colours, Transfers, Precious Metal Compounds For All Trades. Cadmium Sulphides. Buyers, Refiners, Assayers and Dealers In Precious Metals, Mercury, Etc.
- Ramer Chemical Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand F.4 115a, Ebury Street, London, S. W.L. Teleph.: Sloane 7960.—Manufacturers Of Sponges For Toilet and Industrial Uses. “ Ceramer ” Potters’ Sponges In Three Textures and Ten Special Shapes. Sponge Dish Mops.
- Ramm, Son and Crocker, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.218 11, Carlos Place, Grosvenor Square, London, W.L. Teleph. : Grosvenor 1874. Cables : “ Ramms, Audley, London.”—Producers Of Machine and Hand Printed Linens, Chintzes and Cretonnes, Damasks, Brocatelles, Tapestries and All Types Of Furnishing Fabrics ; In Exclusive Designs.
- Ramms, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.218 11, Carlos Place, Grosvenor Square, London, W.L. Teleph. : Grosvenor 1874. Cables: “Ramms, Audley, London.”—Producers Of Machine and Hand Printed Linens, Chintzes and Cretonnes For Export Throughout The World.
- Ramsbottom, Lyons and Co, Ltd, Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.71 Bank Buildings, Nicholas Croft, Manchester, 4. Teleph. ; Manchester, Deans- Gate 2112-3. Cables: “Reams, Manchester,” London Address: 5, Budge Row, E.C.4. Teleph. : City 3410-9.—Manufacturers Of Hartsdale Paper Products, Domestic Paperware, Cartons, Boxes, Bags, Garlands, Festoons, Packing Materials, Letterpress and Colour Printers. See Advt. Page 26
- Ramsden Wood Print Works, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.218 Walsden, Near Todmorden, Lancs. Teleph. : Todmorden 21.—Manufacturers Of Fine Quality Printed Furnishing Fabrics.
- J. and L. Randall, Ltd. and Signalling Equipment]], Ltd. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand Q.66 Merit House, Potters Bar, Middlesex. Teleph. : Potters Bar 2262. Cables : “ Merit, Potters Bar.”—Manufacturers Of Boxed Games, Roy Rogers Cowboy Suits and Holsters, Tool, Fretwork, Electrical and Chemistry Sets, Water Guns and Pistols, Needlework Boxes, Plastic Toys, Microscopes, Binoculars.
- G. F. Rapkin, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.31 151-157, Goswell Road, London, E.C.L. Teleph. : Clerkenwell 2621-2. Cables : “ Rapturist, Barb, London.”—Manufacturers and Publishers Of Stamp, Photo and Display Albums, Stamp Hinges, Tweezers, Magnifiers, Stamp Packets, Loose-Leaf Books Of All Kinds. Stamp Collectors’ Requisites.
- Rawsons (Labelling Machines), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.9 7, Calverley Park Gardens, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Teleph.: Tunbridge Wells 3404-5. Cables : “ Rawsons, Tunbridge Wells.”—Manufacturers Of The “ Autorex ” Range Of Labelling Machines, Comprising The “ New Precision,” “ Senior Precision,” “ Rotary ” and “ Thermorex Permanent ” Thermo-Plastic Labeller and Other Packaging Machinery.
- Redwing, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Z.12 Bensham Works, Bensham Lane, Thornton Heath, Surrey. Teleph,: Thornton Heath 3663.—Manufacturers Of Redwing Kitchen Furniture Manufactured From Aluminium, Stainless Steel and Formica. Specialists In The Planning Of Complete Kitchens, Including Tables and Chairs.
- Reema Construction Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Y.4 Milford Manor, Salisbury. Teleph.: Salisbury 5141. Cables: “Strongwork, Salisbury.”—Producers Of The “ Reema ” Patented System Of Non- Traditional Building In Pre-Cast Concrete For Home and Overseas. Specialists In Reinforced Concrete Design and Construction.
- L. Rees and Co, Ltd. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand Q.80 31-35, Wilson Street, London, E.C.2. Teleph.: Monarch 2651-7. Cables : “ Elreesonia, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Dolleries ” Dressed Dolls, Babies, Trousseaux. “ Ellar ” Toys, Teasets, Etc. Sole Concessionaires For “ Rosebud ” Babies, Dolls, Miniatures, “ Hair-Do ” Dolls. “ Vulcan ” Sewing Machines, Washing Machines, Etc.
- Rees, Pitchford and Co, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.57 72-74, Victoria Street, London, S.W.L. Teleph. : Victoria 7723. Cables : “ Pitchvelos, London.”—Manufacturers Of The “ Velos ” Range Of Office Appliances and Stationery Sundries Will Show Staplers, Pencil Sharpeners, Perforators, Eyeletters, Numberers, Daters and Sundries. See Advt. Page 162
- Reggan Clothing Manufacturers, Ltd., The Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.302 62, Carstairs Street, Glasgow, S.E. Teleph.: Glasgow, Brid^On 1146-7-8. Cables : “ Regganwear, Glasgow.”.—Manufacturers Of Men’s, Women’s, Children’s Waterproof and Rainproof Garments. Also Plastic Clothing Impervious To Oils, Etc. Suppliers To Government-And Municipal Departments At Home and Overseas.
- Rejaftx, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.L 81-83, Fulham High Street, London, S.W.6. Teleph. : Renown 5802-3. Cables : “ Rejafix, London.”—Manufacturers Of Rejafix Patented Combined Marking, Printing Machines For Marking, Printing Or Decorating On Articles Of Glass, Plastics, Wood, Metal, Rubber, Etc. Also Rejafix Special Inks. See Advt. Page 124
- Remanco (Sales), Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.41 Dimminsdale, Willenhall, Staffs. Teleph.: Willenhall 728-9. Cables: “ Remanco, Willenhall.”—Manufacturers Of Educational Toys and Constructional Toys. Metal Toys, Including Pistols, Popguns, Etc. Replicas Of Father’s Garden Tools and Mother’s Household Utensils.
- Remington Rand, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.5 Commonwealth House, 1-19, New Oxford Street, W.C.L. Teleph.: Chancery 8888. Cables: “ Remrandco, Westcent, London.”—Manufacturers Of Remington Accounting Machines. Remington Standard and Portable Typewriters and Supplies. Office Equipment For Filing, Indexing, Visible Records, Ledgers, Graphic Control. Safe Products. Photo-Documentation. See Advt. Page 125
- Remploy, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Z.25 25-28, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W.L. Teleph. : Victoria 6621. Cables: “ Remployed, Sowest.”—Manufacturers Of Bedroom, Dining Room, Occasional, Kitchen, Upholstered, Steel, School and Hospital Furniture; Garden Furniture and Equipment; Industrial Gloves ; Surgical Boots and Appliances ; Knitwear ; Woodware. See Advt. Page 88
- Remus and Gow Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C.17 19, Holbom Viaduct, London, E.C.L. Teleph. : Central 4360. Cables: “ Remusgow, London.”—Sole Agents For Finest Lead, Crystal, Table, and Fancy Glassware. Inexpensive Decorated Suites In A Wide Range Of Original Designs.
- Renu Plating Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.29 29-31, Upper Ground, Blackfriars Bridge, London, S.E.L. Teleph. : Waterloo 4565. Manufacturers Of Anodised Name Plates For Ships, Oil Companies, Machinery and Aircraft. Speciality Instruction Plates Exposed To Sea Water, Tropical and Similar Conditions.
- Rexel, Limited Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.24 92-94, Newman Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Museum 4215. Cables: “ Rexel, London.”—Manufacturers Of Patented Office Supplies, Including Staplers, Staples, Paper Punches, Reinforcers, Drills, Pencil Sharpeners, “ Speedfix ” Tapes and Dispensers, Edge Binders, Numbering and Dating Machines, Mechanic^ Pencils.
- T. A. Reynolds, Son and Wardale, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.504 40-42, Percival Street, London, E.C.L. Teleph.: Clerkenwell 6127. Cables: “ Therbarome, London.”—Manufacturers Of Barometers, Thermometers, Watch, Pocket and Surveying Aneroids, Barographs, Thermographs, Hygrographs, Ships’ Aneroids, Motor Aneroids. Special Repair Department For Any Of Above.
- Richard and Tucker Nunn, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.318 108, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.L. Teleph. ; Holborn 6064-9. Cables : “ Clocks, London.”—Wholesale Distributors Of Smith’s “ Sectric ” and Spring-Driven Clocks. Wrist and Pocket Watches, Mechanical Alarms, Enfield Chimes, Strikes, 30-Hour Timepieces.
- Richardson, Smith and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.220 Maidstone House, 25, Berners Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Museum 5141. Cables: “ Arrestaps, Rath, London.”—Manufacturers Of Comprehensive Range Of Competitive Furnishing Fabrics For Coverings, Curtains, Loose Covers, Comprising Damasks, Brocatelles, Moquettes, Tapestries, Art Silk and Cotton Brocades, Repps, Etc.
- Ridgway and Adderley, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C.H Ash Hau, Stoke-On-Trent. Teleph. : Ashbank 451-7. Cables : “ Ridgways, Stoke-On-Trent.” London Office : 30, Portland Place. Teleph.: Langham 5555.—Manufacturers Of Fine Bone China Dinner and Teaware, Earthenware Dinner and Teaware, Bone China Fancies, Earthenware and Vitrified Hotelware.
- Ritchie, William, and Sons, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.52 Elder Street, Edinburgh, 1. Teleph. : Edinburgh Central 4391. Cables : “ Reliable, Edinburgh.” London Showroom : 1, Hatton Garden, E.C.L. Teleph. : Holborn 2520.—Manufacturers Of “ Riteweu ” Social Stationery, Including Gift Stationery. Publishers “ Beaux Arts ” Greeting Cards, Calendars, Wedding Stationery, Invitations, Etc.
- Roberts Brothers (Gloucester), Ltd. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stands Q.93 and Q.94 Glevum Works, Upton Street, Gloucester. Teleph, ; Gloucester 21174. Cables : “ Games, Phone, Gloucester.”—Manufacturers Of Picture Cubes, Abc Blocks, Jigsaw Puzzles, Blackboard Easels, Indoor Games, Kindergarten Educational Pastimes, Carnival Throwballs, Coloured Building Bricks, Seaside Spades, Cricket Sets, Skittles, Stores.
- Rockingham Babycrafts, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand 0.30 Newark Yard, Strood, Near Rochester, Kent. Teleph. : Strood 7660.— Manufacturers Of “ Kumty -Bye ” Pram and Cot Mattresses. “ Kumfy-Hair” Pram and Cot Junior Mattresses. “ Kumfy-Safe ” Pram and Cot Pillows. “ Kumfy-Bye ” Pram and Cot Filled Quilts. “ Kumfy-Bye ” Pram and Cot Rubber Sheets.
- Rodgers, William (Proprietors : John Clarke and Son, Ltd.), Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.102 Mowbray Works, Mowbray Street, Sheffield, 3. Teleph. : Sheffield 25697. Cables ; “ Clarke, Sheffield.”— Manufacturers Of Knives For All Purposes : Hunting, Pocket, Butchers’, Table, Tradesmen’s. Scissors, Domestic and Trade.
- Ronson Products, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands L.218 and L.307 House, 352-3, Strand, London, W.C.2. Teleph. : Temple Bar Cables : “ Rondelight, London.” Works At Leatherhead, Surrey. ? J V. 2,2 2 - -- “Ronson” Pocket And “ Ronsonol ” Lighter Fuel, “ Ronson ” Flints, Wired Wicks,
- Ronuk, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand F.6 Portslade, Sussex. Teleph.: Hove 48631. Cables: “ Ronuk, Portslade.” —Manufacturers Of “ Ronuk ” The Original Wax Polishes For Floors, Furniture, Automobiles, Etc. “ Coiron ” Wood Dyes, “ Panda ” Steel Wool, Steel Shavings, Polishing Brushes, Pot Scourers, “ Eggo ” Preservative.
- Roosen Silks, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.305 Ideal House, 1-4, Argyll Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Gerrard 2517. Cables ; “ Roosilks, London.”—Manufacturers Of Novelties In Plain and Printed Silks, Rayons, Fine Cottons and Light Weight Woollens.
- Root, James, and Son (Brushes), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand E.2 Tavistock Street, Bletchley, Bucks. Teleph. : Bletchley 22. Cables: “ Rootstock, London.”—Manufacturers Of Painting and Decorating Brushes, Signwriters’ Fitches Arid Artists’ Brushes. Household Brushes For All Purposes. Stable and Road Sweeping Brooms. Shaving Brushes (Bristle and Badger).
- Rose Brothers (Gainsborough), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.15 Albion Works, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. Teleph. : Gainsborough 2231-8. Cables : “ Rose, Gainsborough.”—Manufacturers Of Automatic Wrapping, Packaging, Filling, Labelling Machinery For Bottles, Confectionery, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Cereals, Ice Cream, Bread, Soap, Razor Blades, Powders, Tea; Fibreboard Container Glueing, Compressing.
- S. J. Rose and Sons Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.205 19, Ridgmount Street, London, W.C.L. Teleph. : Museum 1805. Cables ; “ Ridgrose, London.”—Manufacturers Of Gold and Silver Cigarette Cases, Boxes, Vanities, Brush Sets, Links, Chains, Lighters, Pencils, Penknives, Cigar Piercers, Signets, Swizzel Sticks, Novelty Articles, Smokers’ Requisites, Souvenirs.
- Rosensttel’s, Felix (Widow and Son) Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.37 14-16, Cowcross Street, London, E.C.L. Teleph. : Clerkenwell 6108. Cables : “ Felrosart, London.”—Manufacturers Of Frames For Mirrors and Pictures, Trays, Table Mats and Kindred Fancy Articles. Publishers Of Picture Prints Of Au Descriptions For Framing, Calendars, Box-Tops, Etc.
- Rossell, Henry, and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.Ll Waverley Works, Sheffield, 4. Teleph. : Sheffield 24374-5-6-7. Cables : “ Rossell, Sheffield, 4.”—Manufacturers Of Guillotine and Slitter Knives For Cutting Machines Used In The Printing Trade. Knives and Dies For Cardboard Box Manufacturers. Paper Mill Machinery Specialities.
- Rotosigns, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.7a 207, Victoria Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Victoria 0414.—Producers and Creators Of Novel “ Sales-Aid ” For Window Display, Counter Dispenser, Automatically Changes Pictures, Slogans, Merchandise Without Using Battery, Electric Motor, Heat Or Clockwork. Immediate Delivery. See Advt. Pages 204 and 205
- Rovex Plastics, Ltd. (Subsidiary Co. Of Lines Brothers]], Ltd., London, S.W.19) Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand Q.99 16-18, Petersham Road, Richmond, Surrey. Teleph. : Richmond 0112-3. Cables ; “ Rovex, Richmond, Surrey.”—Manufacturers Of “ Tri-Ang ” Railways—^Electric and Precision Clockwork 00 Gauge Train Sets, Stations and Other Layout Accessories. See Advt. Page 191
- Rowhedge Ironworks, Ltd
- Rowland (Birmingham), Ltd
- T. Rowley and Co, Ltd
- Royal Crown Derby Porcelain Co, Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands C.4 and C.7 - Osmaston Road, Derby. Teleph. : Derby 47051. Cables: “ China, Derby.”—Manufacturers Of Fine English Bone China For Dinnerware, Teaware, Etc.; China Handled Cutlery and Fancies.
- Royal Sovereign Pencil Co, Ltd., The Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.25 54, Neasden Lane, Neasden, N.W.Io. Teleph.: Willesden 0171. Cables : “ Omnimodus, Norphone, London.”—Manufacturers Of The Royal Sovereign Pencil In New Aluminium Pack. Wolff’s Spanish Graphite, Wolff’s Alexandra, Tintorex, Coloured Copying, Chinagraph, Coloray Series, Washpruf Linen Marking Pencil, Etc.
- Royce Shirt Manufacturing Co. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.616a 24, Grafton House, 2-3, Golden Square, London, W.L. Teleph.: Gerrard 1775.—Royce Shirts Are London Tailored For Gentlemen, Manufactured With The Finest Quality British Shirtings, At Competitive Prices In All Collar Attached Styles.
- Rubber Latex, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.40 Mosley Road, Trafford Park, Manchester, 17. Teleph.: Manchester, Trafford Park 3087. Cables : “ Compounds, Manchester.” Head Office : St. Dunstan’s House, Idol Lane, London, E.C.3.—Manufacturers Of Dispersions Of Rubber Latex Chemicals. Dispersions Of Reclaimed Rubber. Rubber Latex Compounds For All Purposes.
- Russell, Madeleine (Exquisite Knitwear), Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.910 Victoria House, Victoria Street, Mumps, Oldham. Teleph. : Oldham, Main 1857. Cables : “ Rubello, Manchester.”—Manufacturers Of Ladies’ Knitted Cardigans, Jumpers, Blouses, Evening Wear, Stolas, Scarves, Caps.
See Also
Sources of Information