Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 167,647 pages of information and 247,064 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1953 British Industries Fair: Company R

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1953 British Industries Fair

Held 27th April - 8th May at Olympia and Earl's Court

Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

  • R. S. Colour Works, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C.15 22, Render Street, London, S.E.14. Teleph. : New Cross 0503 and 5780. Cables : “ Shri, London.”—Manufacturers and Producers Of Liquid Golds, Ceramic Colours, Transfers, Precious Metal Compounds For All Trades. Cadmium Sulphides. Buyers, Refiners, Assayers and Dealers In Precious Metals, Mercury, Etc.
  • Ramer Chemical Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand F.4 115a, Ebury Street, London, S. W.L. Teleph.: Sloane 7960.—Manufacturers Of Sponges For Toilet and Industrial Uses. “ Ceramer ” Potters’ Sponges In Three Textures and Ten Special Shapes. Sponge Dish Mops.
  • Ramm, Son and Crocker, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.218 11, Carlos Place, Grosvenor Square, London, W.L. Teleph. : Grosvenor 1874. Cables : “ Ramms, Audley, London.”—Producers Of Machine and Hand Printed Linens, Chintzes and Cretonnes, Damasks, Brocatelles, Tapestries and All Types Of Furnishing Fabrics ; In Exclusive Designs.
  • Ramms, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.218 11, Carlos Place, Grosvenor Square, London, W.L. Teleph. : Grosvenor 1874. Cables: “Ramms, Audley, London.”—Producers Of Machine and Hand Printed Linens, Chintzes and Cretonnes For Export Throughout The World.
  • Ramsbottom, Lyons and Co, Ltd, Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.71 Bank Buildings, Nicholas Croft, Manchester, 4. Teleph. ; Manchester, Deans- Gate 2112-3. Cables: “Reams, Manchester,” London Address: 5, Budge Row, E.C.4. Teleph. : City 3410-9.—Manufacturers Of Hartsdale Paper Products, Domestic Paperware, Cartons, Boxes, Bags, Garlands, Festoons, Packing Materials, Letterpress and Colour Printers. See Advt. Page 26
  • Ramsden Wood Print Works, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.218 Walsden, Near Todmorden, Lancs. Teleph. : Todmorden 21.—Manufacturers Of Fine Quality Printed Furnishing Fabrics.
  • J. and L. Randall, Ltd. and Signalling Equipment]], Ltd. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand Q.66 Merit House, Potters Bar, Middlesex. Teleph. : Potters Bar 2262. Cables : “ Merit, Potters Bar.”—Manufacturers Of Boxed Games, Roy Rogers Cowboy Suits and Holsters, Tool, Fretwork, Electrical and Chemistry Sets, Water Guns and Pistols, Needlework Boxes, Plastic Toys, Microscopes, Binoculars.
  • G. F. Rapkin, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.31 151-157, Goswell Road, London, E.C.L. Teleph. : Clerkenwell 2621-2. Cables : “ Rapturist, Barb, London.”—Manufacturers and Publishers Of Stamp, Photo and Display Albums, Stamp Hinges, Tweezers, Magnifiers, Stamp Packets, Loose-Leaf Books Of All Kinds. Stamp Collectors’ Requisites.
  • Rawsons (Labelling Machines), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.9 7, Calverley Park Gardens, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Teleph.: Tunbridge Wells 3404-5. Cables : “ Rawsons, Tunbridge Wells.”—Manufacturers Of The “ Autorex ” Range Of Labelling Machines, Comprising The “ New Precision,” “ Senior Precision,” “ Rotary ” and “ Thermorex Permanent ” Thermo-Plastic Labeller and Other Packaging Machinery.
  • Redwing, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Z.12 Bensham Works, Bensham Lane, Thornton Heath, Surrey. Teleph,: Thornton Heath 3663.—Manufacturers Of Redwing Kitchen Furniture Manufactured From Aluminium, Stainless Steel and Formica. Specialists In The Planning Of Complete Kitchens, Including Tables and Chairs.
  • Reema Construction Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Y.4 Milford Manor, Salisbury. Teleph.: Salisbury 5141. Cables: “Strongwork, Salisbury.”—Producers Of The “ Reema ” Patented System Of Non- Traditional Building In Pre-Cast Concrete For Home and Overseas. Specialists In Reinforced Concrete Design and Construction.
  • L. Rees and Co, Ltd. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand Q.80 31-35, Wilson Street, London, E.C.2. Teleph.: Monarch 2651-7. Cables : “ Elreesonia, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Dolleries ” Dressed Dolls, Babies, Trousseaux. “ Ellar ” Toys, Teasets, Etc. Sole Concessionaires For “ Rosebud ” Babies, Dolls, Miniatures, “ Hair-Do ” Dolls. “ Vulcan ” Sewing Machines, Washing Machines, Etc.
  • Rees, Pitchford and Co, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.57 72-74, Victoria Street, London, S.W.L. Teleph. : Victoria 7723. Cables : “ Pitchvelos, London.”—Manufacturers Of The “ Velos ” Range Of Office Appliances and Stationery Sundries Will Show Staplers, Pencil Sharpeners, Perforators, Eyeletters, Numberers, Daters and Sundries. See Advt. Page 162
  • Reggan Clothing Manufacturers, Ltd., The Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.302 62, Carstairs Street, Glasgow, S.E. Teleph.: Glasgow, Brid^On 1146-7-8. Cables : “ Regganwear, Glasgow.”.—Manufacturers Of Men’s, Women’s, Children’s Waterproof and Rainproof Garments. Also Plastic Clothing Impervious To Oils, Etc. Suppliers To Government-And Municipal Departments At Home and Overseas.
  • Rejaftx, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.L 81-83, Fulham High Street, London, S.W.6. Teleph. : Renown 5802-3. Cables : “ Rejafix, London.”—Manufacturers Of Rejafix Patented Combined Marking, Printing Machines For Marking, Printing Or Decorating On Articles Of Glass, Plastics, Wood, Metal, Rubber, Etc. Also Rejafix Special Inks. See Advt. Page 124
  • Remanco (Sales), Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.41 Dimminsdale, Willenhall, Staffs. Teleph.: Willenhall 728-9. Cables: “ Remanco, Willenhall.”—Manufacturers Of Educational Toys and Constructional Toys. Metal Toys, Including Pistols, Popguns, Etc. Replicas Of Father’s Garden Tools and Mother’s Household Utensils.
  • Remington Rand, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.5 Commonwealth House, 1-19, New Oxford Street, W.C.L. Teleph.: Chancery 8888. Cables: “ Remrandco, Westcent, London.”—Manufacturers Of Remington Accounting Machines. Remington Standard and Portable Typewriters and Supplies. Office Equipment For Filing, Indexing, Visible Records, Ledgers, Graphic Control. Safe Products. Photo-Documentation. See Advt. Page 125
  • Remploy, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Z.25 25-28, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W.L. Teleph. : Victoria 6621. Cables: “ Remployed, Sowest.”—Manufacturers Of Bedroom, Dining Room, Occasional, Kitchen, Upholstered, Steel, School and Hospital Furniture; Garden Furniture and Equipment; Industrial Gloves ; Surgical Boots and Appliances ; Knitwear ; Woodware. See Advt. Page 88
  • Remus and Gow Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C.17 19, Holbom Viaduct, London, E.C.L. Teleph. : Central 4360. Cables: “ Remusgow, London.”—Sole Agents For Finest Lead, Crystal, Table, and Fancy Glassware. Inexpensive Decorated Suites In A Wide Range Of Original Designs.
  • Renu Plating Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.29 29-31, Upper Ground, Blackfriars Bridge, London, S.E.L. Teleph. : Waterloo 4565. Manufacturers Of Anodised Name Plates For Ships, Oil Companies, Machinery and Aircraft. Speciality Instruction Plates Exposed To Sea Water, Tropical and Similar Conditions.
  • Rexel, Limited Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.24 92-94, Newman Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Museum 4215. Cables: “ Rexel, London.”—Manufacturers Of Patented Office Supplies, Including Staplers, Staples, Paper Punches, Reinforcers, Drills, Pencil Sharpeners, “ Speedfix ” Tapes and Dispensers, Edge Binders, Numbering and Dating Machines, Mechanic^ Pencils.
  • T. A. Reynolds, Son and Wardale, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.504 40-42, Percival Street, London, E.C.L. Teleph.: Clerkenwell 6127. Cables: “ Therbarome, London.”—Manufacturers Of Barometers, Thermometers, Watch, Pocket and Surveying Aneroids, Barographs, Thermographs, Hygrographs, Ships’ Aneroids, Motor Aneroids. Special Repair Department For Any Of Above.
  • Richard and Tucker Nunn, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.318 108, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.L. Teleph. ; Holborn 6064-9. Cables : “ Clocks, London.”—Wholesale Distributors Of Smith’s “ Sectric ” and Spring-Driven Clocks. Wrist and Pocket Watches, Mechanical Alarms, Enfield Chimes, Strikes, 30-Hour Timepieces.
  • Richardson, Smith and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.220 Maidstone House, 25, Berners Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Museum 5141. Cables: “ Arrestaps, Rath, London.”—Manufacturers Of Comprehensive Range Of Competitive Furnishing Fabrics For Coverings, Curtains, Loose Covers, Comprising Damasks, Brocatelles, Moquettes, Tapestries, Art Silk and Cotton Brocades, Repps, Etc.
  • Ridgway and Adderley, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand C.H Ash Hau, Stoke-On-Trent. Teleph. : Ashbank 451-7. Cables : “ Ridgways, Stoke-On-Trent.” London Office : 30, Portland Place. Teleph.: Langham 5555.—Manufacturers Of Fine Bone China Dinner and Teaware, Earthenware Dinner and Teaware, Bone China Fancies, Earthenware and Vitrified Hotelware.
  • Ritchie, William, and Sons, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.52 Elder Street, Edinburgh, 1. Teleph. : Edinburgh Central 4391. Cables : “ Reliable, Edinburgh.” London Showroom : 1, Hatton Garden, E.C.L. Teleph. : Holborn 2520.—Manufacturers Of “ Riteweu ” Social Stationery, Including Gift Stationery. Publishers “ Beaux Arts ” Greeting Cards, Calendars, Wedding Stationery, Invitations, Etc.
  • Roberts Brothers (Gloucester), Ltd. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stands Q.93 and Q.94 Glevum Works, Upton Street, Gloucester. Teleph, ; Gloucester 21174. Cables : “ Games, Phone, Gloucester.”—Manufacturers Of Picture Cubes, Abc Blocks, Jigsaw Puzzles, Blackboard Easels, Indoor Games, Kindergarten Educational Pastimes, Carnival Throwballs, Coloured Building Bricks, Seaside Spades, Cricket Sets, Skittles, Stores.
  • Rockingham Babycrafts, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand 0.30 Newark Yard, Strood, Near Rochester, Kent. Teleph. : Strood 7660.— Manufacturers Of “ Kumty -Bye ” Pram and Cot Mattresses. “ Kumfy-Hair” Pram and Cot Junior Mattresses. “ Kumfy-Safe ” Pram and Cot Pillows. “ Kumfy-Bye ” Pram and Cot Filled Quilts. “ Kumfy-Bye ” Pram and Cot Rubber Sheets.
  • Rodgers, William (Proprietors : John Clarke and Son, Ltd.), Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.102 Mowbray Works, Mowbray Street, Sheffield, 3. Teleph. : Sheffield 25697. Cables ; “ Clarke, Sheffield.”— Manufacturers Of Knives For All Purposes : Hunting, Pocket, Butchers’, Table, Tradesmen’s. Scissors, Domestic and Trade.
  • Ronson Products, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands L.218 and L.307 House, 352-3, Strand, London, W.C.2. Teleph. : Temple Bar Cables : “ Rondelight, London.” Works At Leatherhead, Surrey. ? J V. 2,2 2 - -- “Ronson” Pocket And “ Ronsonol ” Lighter Fuel, “ Ronson ” Flints, Wired Wicks,
  • Ronuk, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand F.6 Portslade, Sussex. Teleph.: Hove 48631. Cables: “ Ronuk, Portslade.” —Manufacturers Of “ Ronuk ” The Original Wax Polishes For Floors, Furniture, Automobiles, Etc. “ Coiron ” Wood Dyes, “ Panda ” Steel Wool, Steel Shavings, Polishing Brushes, Pot Scourers, “ Eggo ” Preservative.
  • Roosen Silks, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.305 Ideal House, 1-4, Argyll Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Gerrard 2517. Cables ; “ Roosilks, London.”—Manufacturers Of Novelties In Plain and Printed Silks, Rayons, Fine Cottons and Light Weight Woollens.
  • Root, James, and Son (Brushes), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand E.2 Tavistock Street, Bletchley, Bucks. Teleph. : Bletchley 22. Cables: “ Rootstock, London.”—Manufacturers Of Painting and Decorating Brushes, Signwriters’ Fitches Arid Artists’ Brushes. Household Brushes For All Purposes. Stable and Road Sweeping Brooms. Shaving Brushes (Bristle and Badger).
  • Rose Brothers (Gainsborough), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.15 Albion Works, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. Teleph. : Gainsborough 2231-8. Cables : “ Rose, Gainsborough.”—Manufacturers Of Automatic Wrapping, Packaging, Filling, Labelling Machinery For Bottles, Confectionery, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Cereals, Ice Cream, Bread, Soap, Razor Blades, Powders, Tea; Fibreboard Container Glueing, Compressing.
  • S. J. Rose and Sons Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.205 19, Ridgmount Street, London, W.C.L. Teleph. : Museum 1805. Cables ; “ Ridgrose, London.”—Manufacturers Of Gold and Silver Cigarette Cases, Boxes, Vanities, Brush Sets, Links, Chains, Lighters, Pencils, Penknives, Cigar Piercers, Signets, Swizzel Sticks, Novelty Articles, Smokers’ Requisites, Souvenirs.
  • Rosensttel’s, Felix (Widow and Son) Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.37 14-16, Cowcross Street, London, E.C.L. Teleph. : Clerkenwell 6108. Cables : “ Felrosart, London.”—Manufacturers Of Frames For Mirrors and Pictures, Trays, Table Mats and Kindred Fancy Articles. Publishers Of Picture Prints Of Au Descriptions For Framing, Calendars, Box-Tops, Etc.
  • Rossell, Henry, and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.Ll Waverley Works, Sheffield, 4. Teleph. : Sheffield 24374-5-6-7. Cables : “ Rossell, Sheffield, 4.”—Manufacturers Of Guillotine and Slitter Knives For Cutting Machines Used In The Printing Trade. Knives and Dies For Cardboard Box Manufacturers. Paper Mill Machinery Specialities.
  • Rotosigns, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.7a 207, Victoria Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Victoria 0414.—Producers and Creators Of Novel “ Sales-Aid ” For Window Display, Counter Dispenser, Automatically Changes Pictures, Slogans, Merchandise Without Using Battery, Electric Motor, Heat Or Clockwork. Immediate Delivery. See Advt. Pages 204 and 205
  • Rovex Plastics, Ltd. (Subsidiary Co. Of Lines Brothers]], Ltd., London, S.W.19) Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand Q.99 16-18, Petersham Road, Richmond, Surrey. Teleph. : Richmond 0112-3. Cables ; “ Rovex, Richmond, Surrey.”—Manufacturers Of “ Tri-Ang ” Railways—^Electric and Precision Clockwork 00 Gauge Train Sets, Stations and Other Layout Accessories. See Advt. Page 191
  • Royal Crown Derby Porcelain Co, Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands C.4 and C.7 - Osmaston Road, Derby. Teleph. : Derby 47051. Cables: “ China, Derby.”—Manufacturers Of Fine English Bone China For Dinnerware, Teaware, Etc.; China Handled Cutlery and Fancies.
  • Royal Sovereign Pencil Co, Ltd., The Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.25 54, Neasden Lane, Neasden, N.W.Io. Teleph.: Willesden 0171. Cables : “ Omnimodus, Norphone, London.”—Manufacturers Of The Royal Sovereign Pencil In New Aluminium Pack. Wolff’s Spanish Graphite, Wolff’s Alexandra, Tintorex, Coloured Copying, Chinagraph, Coloray Series, Washpruf Linen Marking Pencil, Etc.
  • Royce Shirt Manufacturing Co. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.616a 24, Grafton House, 2-3, Golden Square, London, W.L. Teleph.: Gerrard 1775.—Royce Shirts Are London Tailored For Gentlemen, Manufactured With The Finest Quality British Shirtings, At Competitive Prices In All Collar Attached Styles.
  • Rubber Latex, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.40 Mosley Road, Trafford Park, Manchester, 17. Teleph.: Manchester, Trafford Park 3087. Cables : “ Compounds, Manchester.” Head Office : St. Dunstan’s House, Idol Lane, London, E.C.3.—Manufacturers Of Dispersions Of Rubber Latex Chemicals. Dispersions Of Reclaimed Rubber. Rubber Latex Compounds For All Purposes.
  • Russell, Madeleine (Exquisite Knitwear), Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.910 Victoria House, Victoria Street, Mumps, Oldham. Teleph. : Oldham, Main 1857. Cables : “ Rubello, Manchester.”—Manufacturers Of Ladies’ Knitted Cardigans, Jumpers, Blouses, Evening Wear, Stolas, Scarves, Caps.

See Also


Sources of Information