1953 British Industries Fair: Company Z
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1953 British Industries Fair
Held 27th April - 8th May at Olympia and Earl's Court
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- Zanetta Co, The Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.12 Trafalgar Street, Lowestoft. Teleph. ; Lowestoft 1075.—Manufacturers Of Baby Carry Cots, Pram Safety Nets, Pram Seats, Baby Seats For Cars, Dolls’ Carry Cots, Baby Carriers and Swings, Cot Nets. Netted Shopping Bags.
- G. H. Zeal, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands B.34 and B.37 Lombard Road, Morden Road, Merton, London, S.W.19. Teleph. : Liberty 2283-4-5-6. Cables: “ Zealdom, London.”—Manufacturers Of Glass Hydrometers, Glass Thermometers For Clinical, Household, Laborato^ and Industrial Purposes. Vapour Pressure and Mercury-In-Steel Dial Indicating and Recording Thermometers.
- Zell-Em, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand V.14 Wren Grove, Preston Old Road, Blackpool. Teleph. : Blackpool, Marton 945-6. Cables : “ Emzed, Blackpool.”—Manufacturers Of “ Zell-Em ” Self-Adhesive Plastic Interchangeable Letters, Figures, Price Ticketing, Advertisement Window Stickers. Patented Licence Holder, Educational Set and Animals. Cine-Titling Set.
- Zenobia Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands F.18 and F.21 12, Derby Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire. Teleph. ; Loughborough 2292. Cables : “ Genatosan, Loughborough.”—Manufacturers Of Fine Perfumes, Bath and Toilet Beauty Soaps, Bath Cubes and Talcum Powder. The Floral Perfume Range Includes “ Gay Orchid,” “ French Carnation,” “ Lily,” “ Wild Violets ”.
See Also
Sources of Information