Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1953 Who's Who in the Motor Industry: Companies C

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1953 Who's Who in the Motor Industry

- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

C. &. E. Motors Limited. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. zoo, Fletchamstead Highway, Coventry. Telephone: 3021. TIA.:" Crosslis " Coventry. Directors: A. J. Ellis (Chairman and Managing). Mrs. I. W. Nichols (Secretary). T. 0. Morris (General Manager). F. G. Vass (Service Manager). A. C. Ellis. R. A. Ellis.

C. L. Equipments Limited. Manufacturers of Garage Equipment, Spares and Replacements. Merridale Lane, Wolverhampton. Telephone: 22464 and 25302. Director: A. Clarke. Secretary: Mrs. E. E. Walker. General Manager: A. E. Glazzard.

C. M. C. (Caterham) Ltd. Car and Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 59/69, Croydon Road, Caterham, Surrey. Telephone: 823. Directors: H. U. V. Scrutton (Governing). R. E. Thornton (Managing). A. C. N. Williams (Secretary). J. W. S. Milnes ( Wholesale). L. W. Alderson. G. R. Wigg. Service Manager: D. J. Baker.

Cable Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd. Proprietors, Printers and Publishers of " The Garage and Motor Agent." 62, Doughty Street, London, W.C.i. Telephone: Holborn 7771. T/A.: "Arator," Holborn. Directors: H. G. Sambrook (Chairman). Arthur J. Salmon (Deputy Chairman). Walter B. Boyle (Managing). M. E. Saville (Secretary). Editor of " The Garage and Motor Agent": John Queenborough.

E. D. Cadge and Co. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 23, Woodbridge Road East, Ipswich. Telephone: 78972. Proprietor: E. D. Cadge.

R. Cadisch and Sons. Tyre and General Motor Factors and Distributors o1Transport Service Equipment. Red Lion Square, London, W.C.S. Telephone: Chancery 6868 P.B.X. Also at Princes Street, Ipswich, Suffolk. Telephone: 2253. Partners: Ernest E. Cadisch (Managing). L. E. Cadisch. M. T. Pickrell. Managers: R. C. Horner (General). F. F. Leach (Ipswich Branch).

Caffyns Ltd. Automobile Agents and Engineers. Head Office : Saffrons Rooms, Meads Road, Eastbourne. Telephone: 4343. Joint Managing Directors: Sidney M. Caffyn. Edward R. Caffyn, C.B.E., T.D., J.P., M.I.Mech.E. Publicity Manager: F. W. Wootton. Purchasing Manager: H. G. R. Rapley. BEXHILL-ON-SEA. Telephone: 98. Station Road, Bexhill-on-Sea. Branch Manager: H. H. Ward. BRIGHTON. Telephone 53061. 140, Dyke Road, Brighton. Local Director: C. C. Russell Depot Manager: C. F. Marchant. CANTERBURY. Telephone: 3288. New Dover Road, Canterbury. Local Director: L. Hart. CROWBOROUGH. Telephone: 532. Beacon Road, Crowborough. Branch Manager: R. M. S. Burslem. EASTBOURNE AREA. Telephone: 4343. Night: 4344. Meads Road, Eastbourne. Local Director: R. C. Matthews. Assistant Manager: W. F. Macfarlane. Telephone: 4343. Night: 4344. Seaside, Eastbourne. Depot Manager: F. F. Spooner. EASTBOURNE. Telephone: 4343. 27a, Commercial Road. Branch Manager: S. J. Ellis. EAST GRINSTEAD. Telephone: 757. King Street, East Grinstead. Branch Manager: A. C. Dray. FOLKESTONE AREA. Area Manager: D. Herbert. HASTINGS. Telephone: 1678. Night: 5791. 221-9, London Road, St. Leonards. Branch Manager: R. J. Thompson. HAYWARDS HEATH AREA: Local Director: L. W. Gascoigne. HEATHFIELD. Telephone: 313. High Street, Heathfield. Branch Manager: P. W. Goodwin. B• 42 Caffyns Ltd. (Continued). HORSHAM. Telephone: 279. North Street, Horsham. Branch Manager: E. D. Tull. HOVE. Telephone: 48681. Kingsway, Hove. Local Director: C. C. Russell. Assistant Manager: G. F. Godfrey. HYTHE. Telephone: 6544. East Street, Hythe. Branch Manager: R. F. Marshall. LEWES. Telephone: 745. Mailing Street, Lewes. Hoopers Lane, Lewes. Branch Manager: E. 0. Tingley. MAIDSTONE. Telephone: 4744. Ashford Road, Maidstone. Branch Manager: A. Douglas. MARGATE. Telephone: Day, Thanet 20271. Night, Thanet 20272. 8-12, Harold Road, Cliftonville, Margate. Branch Manager: F. J. Edwards. SEAFORD. Telephones: 2271 and 2620. Branch Manager: K. Elder. SEVENOAKS. Sutton Park Road, Seaford. Telephone: Day 2371. Night 2372. Branch Manager: H. D. M-C. Maitland. TONBRIDGE : Local Director: K. H. Baker. 166, High Street, Sevenoaks. AGRICULTURAL DIVISION : Branch Manager: T. Wright. TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Telephone: Day 1o85. Night 1o86. Bank Street, Tonbridge. 88, Grosvenor Road, Tunbridge Wells. Also at 9, St. John's Road, Tunbridge Wells. Branch Manager: T. M. Thornycroft. UCKFIELD. Telephone: 282. 84/86, High Street, Uckfield. Also 45, High Street, Uckfield. Branch Manager: R. S. Winslade. WORTHING AREA : Telephones: Day, 2340. Night, 2062. Local Director: R. H. Cooke. 58, Chapel Road, Worthing. Assistant Manager: F. Arrowsmith.

Cameron & Campbell Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 573, Bothwell Street, Glasgow, C.2. Telephone: Central 4125. Director: Gregor Cameron (Managing). Managers: Gregor Cameron, Jnr. (General). Gordon Cameron (Sales). Evan McD. Cameron (Hire and Drive).

John Cameron and Sons (Curriers) Ltd. Accessory and Leather Manufacturers. Silver Mills, Edinburgh, 1. Telephone: 26887. Directors: R. E. Muirhead (Chairman). R. S. Meldrum (Managing).

Arthur G. Camp, Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Premier Garage, Hill Street, Wrexham. Telephone: 2128. Director: H. Hannay.

W. Canning & Co., Limited. Manufacturers of Electro-plating materials and equipment. 133, Great Hampton Street, Birmingham, 18. Telephone: Central 8621. TIA.:" Materials" Telex, Birmingham. Directors: Sir Ernest R. Canning, D.L., J.P. (Chairman and Joint Managing). G. A. Pope (Joint Managing). F. H. Ewens. E. J. Dobbs, B.Sc. W. H. Griffin, J.P. Secretary: L. G. Mummery, A.C.A.

Capital Motor Co. Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Remington Street, City Road, London, N.r. Telephone: Clerkenwell 7456. Also Tudor Garage, Tottenham Lane, Hornsey, N.B. Telephone: Mountview 3451. Directors: Alfred Fraser Durdin, F.I.M.I. (Managing). George Kelly Lobb, M.I.M.I. ( Works). Managers: J. Hendry (Sales). C. Whitmill (Service). S. V. Durdin, A.M.I.M.I. (Hornsey Branch).

Car Collection Company Ltd., The. Car Delivery Specialists. 328-356, York Way, London, N.7. Telephone: North 4081/3. T/A.: " Karkollect," Telex, London. Delivery Depots at : 43, Windmill Road, Luton. Telephone: 2411. 45, Cowley Road, Oxford. Telephone: 47102. 14, Holyhead Road, Coventry. Telephone: 60011. Bristol Road South; Northfield, Birmingham, 31. Telephone: Priory 1134/5. Apperley Road, Apperley Bridge, Bradford. Telephone: Idle 787. c/o. Car Despatch Dept., The Rover Co. Ltd., Solihull, Birmingham. Telephone: Sheldon 2668. Directors: R. S. Hunter (Governing). A. G. Player. L. G. Hind.

Car & Electrical Services Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. x88, Maidstone Road, Chatham. Telephone: 3268. Eirector: A. Kelcey (Managing). . Secretary: V. R. Scammell.

Car & General Insurance Corporation, Limited. Insurance of all classes except life. 83, Pall Mall, S.W.1. Telephone: Whitehall 6161. T/A.: Insucar Piccy London. (A Subsidiary of Royal Exchange Assurance). Directors: L. W. Farrow, C.B.E., F.C.A. (Chairman). Hon. David Bowes-Lyon (Deputy-Chairman). Gen. Sir Alan Cunningham, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., D.S.O., M.C. W. A. Hurst, O.B.E., J.P., F.C.I.I. Alexander MacDonald, F.C.I.I. A. E. Phelps. E. S. Shrapnel!-Smith, C.B.E. Manager: R. J. Gwilt. Secretary: W. F. MacDonagh, A.C.A.

Car Mart, Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Telephone: Euston 1212. Stanhope House, 320-324, Euston Road, London, N.W.i. Directors: A. J. Rayment (Chairman and Managing). Col. R. E. Maude, O.B.E., T.D. E. H. Grindley. R. T. S. Grigg. V. R. Hicks (Secretary). General Manager•: A. P. Field.

Carberry Garages Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Dune Street, Leven. Telephone: 14. Directors: A. Howie. W. Russell. J. Roden. A. Davidson. General Manager: J. Anderson.

Carbodies Ltd. Motor Body Manufacturers. Holyhead Road, Coventry. Telephone: 64005. Directors: Robert Jones (Governing). Ernest Jones (Managing). Managers: J. H. Orr (General). J. H. Thompson (Personnel). Chief Buyer: A. Davis. Secretary: G. A. Stevens.

Carlight Trailers Ltd. Caravan Manufacturers. Church Lane, Sleaford, Lincs. Telephone: Izo. Directors: W. R. Earl (Managing). C Gregory (General Manager). A. Earl.

Carnarvon Arms Garage Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Dulverton, Som. Telephone: 3. Directors: E. W. P. Anderson. G. G. Neldcr.

Carr's Motors. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 20/22, Hardman Street, Liverpool, I. Telephone: Royal 5141'4. Proprietor: E. Wolfson. General Manager: L. H. Carr. Executive Officer: W. Plant.

Carris Motors, Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Lewisham Bridge, London, S.E.13. Telephone: Lee 8585. Directors: H. Pilmore-Bedford (Managing). D. A. Comonte. W. H. Pitts. Managers: W. D. Clarke (Works). J. P. MacLennan (Sales).

Carter Gate Motor Co. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Telephone: 43524. 201-211, Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham. Proprietors: A. R. Atkey & Co. Ltd. Manager: Lt. Cmdr. G. J. Mackness.

Castle Bromwich Garage. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 278, Chester Road, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham. Telephone: Castle Bromwich 2080. Partners: L. P. Walsh. S. H. Oliver. Managers: B. Martin (General). E. Harrod (Spares).

Castle Motors (Newark) Limited. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockist. it, Castlegate, Newark, Notts. Telephone: 751 752. Chairman: E. S. Pitchford, F.I.M.I. Secretary and General Manager: R. N. Pitchford, A.M.I.M.I. Works Foreman: D. Patrick.

Castle Road Garage (C. Ward). Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 17/27, Castle Road, Scarborough. Telephone: 2247. Proprietor: C. Ward. Service Manager: J. Appleby.

Castle's Motor Co (Leicester) Ltd. Automobile Distributors. Church Gate, Leicester Telephone: 65251. Directors: R. P. Castle. S. J. Clutterbuck. General Manager: F. J. Ruffle. Cater Motor Co. Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Cheltenham Road, Bristol. Telephone: 25326. Directors: H. G. Henly. R. G. Chandler. B. C. Day. Col. E. H. Kenny. Secretary: T. Plant.

Cavendish Motors Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Holywell Cross, Chesterfield. Telephone: 2468 and 2621. Directors: Sir George Kenning, J.P. (Chairman and Managing). G. Kenning, Jnr., D.F.C., M.A. General Manager: J. E. Taylor. Secretary: Miss L. Wilson.

Cawoods Garage Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Palace Garage, Silver Street, Doncaster. Telephone: 327114- And Thorne Road, Wheatley Hills, Doncaster. Telephone: 49589. Directors: E. W. Towler. A. Holmes. E. Binks (Secretary). Managers: Bernard Elston (General). W. Knight (Sales). H. Barker ( Works). H. I. Winsor (Works). F. Fawcett (Depot).

Lewis A. Cawthorne Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 17, Stonegate Road, Meanwood, Leeds, 6. Telephone: 53128. Directors: L. A. Cawthorne (General Manager). D. Cawthorne. Secretary: Joan M. Hancox.

Caxton Name Plate Manufacturing Company Ltd. Manufacturers of Name Plate and Licence Holders. Kew Green, Richmond, Surrey. Telephone: 0041. Directors: T. Larter Hands. l (Joint Managing). Norman S. Hands. f Sales Manager: V. Peck. Secretary: Miss May Cricks.

C. P. Cayless & Sons, Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 12/14, Loseby Lane, and 130, Highcross Street, Leicester. Telephone: 65977. Directors: C. P. Cayless, F.I.M.I. (Managing and General Manager). E. C. Cayless. Branch Manager: N. G. Cayless.

Ceag Limited. Manufacturing Electrical Engineers. Queens Road, Barnsley, Yorks. Telephone: 2208/9. Directors: R. J. Plummer, J.P. (Managing). R. Ian Plummer. D. J. Weighton. Secretary: B. L. Milner.

Cellon Limited. Manufacturers of Paints and Polishes. 380, Richmond Road, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey. Telephone: 5234. T/A.: "Ajawb," Phone, Kingston-on-Thames. Directors: J. D. Ferguson, F.C.A. (Chairman). Harold Lazell, B.Sc. (Joint Managing). W. H. Shilcock (Joint Managing). N. F. Rose, M.B.E. Secretary: E. G. Davis, A.C.A.

Central Garage (Worksop) Ltd. Motor and Agricultural Engineers. Victoria Square, Worksop. Telephone: 2255. Directors: Sir George Kenning, J.P. (Chairman and Managing). R. D. Cooke (Secretary). G. Kenning, Jnr., D.F.C., M.A. Manager: E. Priestnall.

Central Motor Institute Ltd., The. Finchley Road, Hampstead, London, N.W.3. Telephone: Primrose 6623 P.B.X. Directors: Col. Harold Atherton, O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E. (Chairman and Managing). Maj. Archer C. Cookson. Richard J. Harter. Douglas N. Shaw. William W. Pendleton. Soloman Goss (Secretary). School Manager: S. P. Esom.

W. E. Chalice Ltd. Car Stockists. Cannington, Bridgwater, Somerset. Telephone: Combwich 228. Director: W. E. Challice.

J. A. Challiner & Co. Ltd. Motor Tyre, Accessories and Garage Equipment Factors. 79183, Downing Street, Manchester, I. Telephone: Ardwick 3225/3. Directors: Mrs. N. Challiner. C. J. Challiner (General Manager). E. S. Challiner. H. Nunn (Secretary). G. S. Wakefield.

John Chalmers & Sons Limited. Vehicle Dealers, Body Builders and Agricultural Engineers. High Street, Redhill, Surrey. Telephone: 3931. Directors: F. J. B. Budgett, M.I.E.I. (Managing and General Manager). J. Denholm. C. A. Chalmers. Mrs. A. M. Chalmers (Secretary). Managers: Col. S. C. Clemence (Ford Depot). J. 0. Knott (Ford Sales). J. C. Douglas (Austin Sales). Chief Accountant: \V. G. Tyson.

Chamberlin and Sons. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 13 & 15, Buckingham Street, Aylesbury. Telephone: 246. Partners: F. W. Chamberlin (Senior). R. G. Chamberlin (Sales Manager). K. H. Chamberlin (Secretary). H. E. W. Purkiss (Manager).

Champion Sparking Plug Company Limited. Sparking Plug Manufacturers. Feltham, Middlesex. Telephone: Hounslow 4494. T/A.: " Champlug 'Phone " Hounslow. Directors: R. A. Stranahan (Chairman). A. W. Wright (Managing). F. D. Stranahan. H. B. Speyer. R. A. Lydy. H. G. Starley, C.B.E. (Deputy Managing Director). T. Gorst. Chief Engineer: H. W. Irving. Managers: G. P. Baldwin (Sales). H. W. Craddock (Advertising). G. Coles ( Works). Secretary: N. F. Sperryn.

A. W. Chapman Ltd. Car Seat Fitting Manufacturers. Ranelagh Gardens, Fulham, London, S.W.6. Telephone: Renown 1372. Directors: R. S. Dyball (Chairman). D. G. Northam. J. Harrison.. D. H. Finer.

Arthur Charles Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Barge Garage, English Bridge, Shrewsbury. Telephone: 3611 i2. Directors: Sir George Kenning, J.P. (Chairman and Managing). A. C. Wales. F. Kenning, T.D., M.A. G. Kenning, jnr., D.F.C., M.A. R. Pilcher (Manager). Secretary: D. B. Kenning, M.A.

E. & G. Charlesworth Limited. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Bennetthorpe Garage, Doncaster, Yorks. Telephone: 4411. Director: Edgar Charlesworth, M.B.E., F.I.M.I. (Managing).

Charnley and Davidson Ltd. Heavy Vehicle Distributors. Dickens Street, Blackburn, Lancashire. Telephone: 44288:9. Directors: A. E. Parkinson. P. Greenwood. T. E. Barker. E. Parkinson. H. S. Frost. General Manager: J. I. Schofield.

Alfred Chaston Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Blackwood, Mon. Telephone: 3165. Directors: Alfred Chaston, M.I.M.I. A. J. Chaston, M.C., T.D.

Chatham Motor Co. Ltd., The. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Railway Street, Chatham. Telephone: 3413:4• Directors: Frederick Charles Manington, M.I.M.I. (Managing and General Manager). Rebecca Elizabeth Tomlin. Thomas Frederick Smith (Accountant and Secretary). Managers: Henry John Tomlin (Sales). Alexander Alfred Blake, A.M.I.B.E. (Service).

Cheall Knowles & Co. Ltd. Vehicle Delivery Agents. 6, Warren Road, Blundellsands, Liverpool, 23. Telephone: Great Crosby 3859. Directors: A. L. Cheall. H. Cheall. General Manager: H. Fielding.

Cheeseman & Edwards Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 49, High Street, Caterham, Surrey. Telephone: 1056. Director: W. G. Edwards.

Cheltenham Caravan Company Ltd. Manufacturers of Trailer Caravans. Maidavale Works, Naunton Lane, Cheltenham, Glos. Telephone: 3572. Branch Works : 205, Leckhampton Road, Cheltenham. Directors: A. E. Gardner (Managing). J. K. Gardner (Secretary). C. H. Gardner (General Manager).

A. E. Cheshire (Harmondsworth) Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Telephone: West Drayton 2739. Roundabout Garage, Bath Road, Harmondsworth.. Directors: W. J. Bowers. A. E. Cheshire. L. L. Bowers.

Oscar Chess Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Motor House, Talbot Road, Port Talbot. Telephone: 832. And at :The Motor House, 17/18, King Edward Road, Swansea. Telephone: 3913. The Motor House, Blue Street, Carmarthen. Telephone: 359. Directors: Oscar Chess (Chairman). 0. G. Chess (General Manager). P. Owen. D. Walpole. C. D. Evans.

Chester Engineering Company Limited, The. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Bedford Works, Boughton, Chester.. Telephone: Chester 22323. Directors: Robert Braid, M.B.E., F.I.M.I. Albert Braid, F.I.M.I. G. S. Haigh, F.I.M.I., M.Inst.B.E. General Manager: W. A. Gregson.

Frank Cheverton Ltd. Car, Light and Heavy Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 4, Lower St. James Street, Newport, Isle of Wight. Telephone: 2401/ 3. Directors: F. A. Cheverton (Governing). R. B. Cheverton (Managing). V. B. Gully (Secretary). Sales Manager: L. G. Pearson.

Frank Chick Ltd. Motor and Cycle Factors. 83/84, Queen Street, Exeter. Telephone: 4155. Directors: C. J. Melhuish. General Manager: J. H. Pearce.

W. D. Chitty Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Mere Street and Park Road, Diss, Norfolk. Telephone: 2 / 1/2. Directors: W. D. Chitty (Managing). R. W. Chitty. A. K. Chitty. Managers: O. Wheeler (General). H. Harvey (Sales).

Chloride Electrical Storage Co. Ltd. The. Battery and Accumulator Manufacturers. Exide Works, Clifton Junction, Manchester.. Telephone: Swinton 2011. T/A.: Chloridic Pendlebury. Directors: A. W. Browne, O.B.E., M.I.E.E. (Chairman). Maj. E. C. Hopkinson, M.C. W. S. Naylor, M.I.E.E. H. V. Schofield, M.C., M.I.E.E. Col. L. Edge. V. A. B. Hughes, M.I.M.E., F.C.I.P.A. E. C. Smith.

Churchill Constructors, Ltd. Coach, Caravan and Commercial Body Constructors. Salhouse Road, Mousehold, Norwich. Telephone: 25271. Directors: J. Taubman (General Manager). G. Taubman. Managers: D. Roche (Sales and Secretary). G. Meyrick ( Works).

V. L. Churchill & Co. Ltd. 'Transport Service Equipment Manufacturers. 27/34, Walnut Tree Walk, Lambeth North, London, S.E.s 1. Telephone: Reliance 3063. Directors: J. B. S. Gabriel, M.A., A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. (Chairman). P. W. Gibson (Managing and Secretary). H. McCall. E. J. Smetham-Jones, O.B.E. (Sales).

Churchmans Ltd. 'Wholesale Factors, Cycle, Motor and Radio Trades. 79, Maidenburgh Street, Colchester. Telephone: 3931/43. Branches at : Ipswich, Cambridge and Peterborough. Directors: H. G. Churchman (General Manager). A. Churchman. H. E. Fielden. M. Fielden (Mrs.). Branch Managers: C. C. Abbott. C. McIntosh. F. W. Barker.

City Motor Co (Oxford) Ltd. Incorporating Great Western Motors, Reading and Layton's Garages, Bicester. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Head Office: Gloucester Street, Oxford. Telephone: 2231. Also so Branches in Oxfordshire and Berkshire. Directors: H. S. Critchley (Chairman). Norman F. Jones (Deputy Chairman and Managing). W. T. Bridges. C. H. Adams. C. H. B. Fryer. R. Hunt. Managers: K. R. Bryant (General Service). J. C. O'Halloran I (Service). H. Youngman A. R. Bullock (Bodybuilding). E. W. Clitter l(Sales). V. W. J. Price '- Branch Managers: J. E. Gerring. J. R. West. A. J. Broadis. S. E. Finch. W. J. Arkell.

City Motor Co. (Cardiff) Ltd. Motor Agents and Engineers. Showrooms : 99-101, City Road, Cardiff. Works and Stores : Penlling Street, Cardiff.. Telephone: 1404/6. Directors: R. K. Wellsteed, F.I.M.I. (Chairman and Managing). Miss M. Y. Morgan (Secretary). H. C. Day (Service and Repairs). K. Cox (Sales). Mrs. L. Wellsteed. B. 0. Keohane, J.P. Mrs. D. M. King. R. P. Martyn (Stores).

Charles Clark & Son Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Chapel Ash, Wolverhampton.. Telephone: 22247. Also at Chester Street, Shrewsbury. Telephone: 3556. Directors: J. H. Barnett (Managing). P. S. Barnett, M.A. (Cantab), A.M.I.Mech.E. Managers: W. Davis (General and Service). W. B. Stokes (Sales). W. Creber (Branch—Shrewsbury). E. Mayne (Service—Shrewsbury).

F. W. Clark Motors. Car and Motor Cycle Stockists. 562, London Road, Thornton Heath.. Telephone: Tho. 4987. Proprietor: Frederick William Clark.

William Clark (Spare Parts) Ltd. Accessory and Transport. Service Equipment Manufacturers. 438, Harrow Road, London, W.9. Telephone: Cunningham 6116/8. Directors: William Clark (Managing). Doris M. Clark. E. C. Malyon. J. C. Gallagher (U.S.A.). General Manager: Peter Tripple.

Clarke's Motor Works Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Ballymoney Road, Ballymena, Co. Antrim.. Telephone: 6353. Directors: Robert John Moore, Senr. David Moore. Robert Moore. Samuel N. Moore. Managers: Thomas S. Clarke (General). Weslie Allen (Stores). David Bones (Office). Salesman: Thomas D. Hall. Foreman: James McDowell.

E. Claybourn & Co. Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 37, Hall Gate, Doncaster.. Telephone: 3414 (P.B.E.). Also The White Garage, Askern, Nr. Doncaster. Telephone: Askern 211. Directors: J. E. Claybourn, M.I.M.I. (Governing). Doris Claybourn. J. Dennis Claybourn. Managers: S. Reyner (General and Secretary). Arthur Wroot (Sales). H. Himsworth (Branch).

Howard Clayton-Wright Ltd. Engineers and Manufacturers of Specialised Aeronautical and Automobile Components. Wellesbourne, Warwick. Telephone: 316/7/8. T/A.: " Clatronite," Wellesbourne. Directors: Howard Clayton-Wright (Chairman and Managing). Graham Clayton-Wright. V. M. Clayton-Wright. • Chief Buyer: A. E. Price. Export Manager: A. H. Badger. .Chief of Design: C. Wilday. Accountant and Secretary: L. Harbour.

Clayton Dewandre Company Limited. Manufacturers of Automobile and Industrial Accessories. Titanic Works, Lincoln. Telephone: 11305. TIA.:"Titanic," Lincoln. Directors: A. V. Perry (Chairman). C. H. Dade. J. W. F. Hill. P. A. Lane. C. G. H. Richardson. -Secretary: C. G. Tuxford.

W. Clayton and Sons, Ltd. -Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Gilberdyke, Brough, E. Yorks. Telephone: Gilberdyke 29. Directors: J. D. Clayton (General Manager). W. C. Clayton (Sales Manager). W. A. Clayton. F. C. Clayton.

Clear Hooters Limited. Manufacturers of Electric Horns and Push Buttons. 33, Hampton Street, Birmingham, 19. Telephone: Central 2911/2. TIA.:" Clear," Birmingham. Directors: L. J. F. Austin (Chairman and Joint Managing). R. W. L. Paton, A.M.I.P.E. (Joint Managing). C. R. Croft. L. T. Owen. -Secretary and Registrar: T. A. Furse, M.B.E., A.C.A.

Cleekheaton Engineering & Motor Co. Ltd. •Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 179-197, Bradford Road, Cleckheaton, Yorkt. Telephone: 490. Directors: H. E. Sugden. S. Smith. J. Birch. T. L. Croft. L. Dean. •Secretary: T. Major.

Clement, Butler & Cross Ltd. 'Goods and Utility Body Builders. Boston Works, Glenhurst Road, Brentford, Middlesex. Telephone: Ealing 451112. Directors: G. M. Clements. C. H. Lindars. 53 G. C. Clench. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Castle Parade Garage, Usk, Mon. Telephone: 14. Partners: G. C. Clench. R. S. Clench.

Cleveland Garages Limited. Car Stockists and Distributors. Havre Des Pas, Jersey, Channel Islands. Telephone: Central 7. Also at David Place, Jersey, Channel Islands. Telephone: Central 632. Directors: D. W. Ryan (Managing). Mrs. V. Ryan. J. C. Milburn, A.C.A. Managers: H. T. Legg, O.B.E. (General). D. S. Porteous (Service). Secretary: A. C. Moyse.

Cleveland Petroleum Co. Ltd. Shippers and Dealers in Motor Spirits and Allied Products. Central House, Upper Woburn Place, W.C.r. Telephone: Euston 2844. T/A.: Clevecol, Phone London. Directors: Sir William Alexander, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. (Chairman). R. A. Cardcr. C. F. Lumb. Sir Thomas D. Nicol, K.B.E. W. E. Jenkins. Leonard Sinclair. L. W. G. Perkins. Secretary: G. H. Willis.

L. F. Clifford, Ltd. General Motor Factors and Distributors of Transport Service Equipment. 82-84,Wictoria Road, Margate. Telephone: 2682. Directors: L. F. Clifford (Governing). G. C. F. Davis (Secretary). General Manager: E. G. Johnson.

Clifton Street Garage. Car Stockists, Sales and Repairs. Scarborough, Yorks. Telephone: 791. Proprietor: John Stanley Renshaw, M.I.M.I.

Clyde Automobile Co. Ltd, The. Car Stockists. roo, Renfrew Street, Glasgow, C.2. Telephone: Douglas 0556 7. Also at t23, Balcarres Avenue, Glasgow, W.2. Directors: James Semple, M.C. James A. Brown. George A. Murray. Frank D. Peters.

Coaches & Components Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists; Heavy Vehicle Authorised Distributors. 469/475, Holloway Road, London, N.7. Telephone: Archway 2647. And 93/94, Stamford Hill, London, N.I6. Telephone: Stamford Hill 8444. Directors: J. R. Pegley (Chairman and Managing). G. Johnson. Managers: D. Benbow (Service—Dennis). C. D. Ide (Service—Vauxhall and Bedford). H. D. Weeks (Parts).

Joseph Cockshoot & Co. Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 39, Gt. Ducie Street, Manchester, 3. Telephone: Deansgate 6611. Also two Branches in Manchester. Directors: John 0. H. Norris (Chairman and Managing). N. J. Cartland (Secretary). L. A. J. Hendrie (Sales). G. A. Norris ( Works).

E. K. Cole Limited. Radio Manufac curers. Ekco Works, Priory Crescent, Southend-on-Sea, Essex. Telephone: 4949 1. TIA.:"Ekco" Southend-on-Sea. Directors: E. K. Cole (Chairman and Managing). N. C. Robertson, M.B.E. (Deputy Chairman). E. R. Pring. D. W. Pritchard. E. B. Willeocks (Secretary). F. S. Allen. J. Corbishley. A. W. Martin.

Coleborn & Hopkins Ltd. Car Stockists. Abbey Street, Wicklow. Telephone: 23. Directors: John Andrew Toner (Managing). Harold B. Hopkins. Cedric A. Hopkins.

Coleman, Roberts and Co. (Acocks Green) Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Station Garage, Acocks Green, Birmingham, 27. Telephone: Acocks Green 0414. Directors: J. F. Coleman (General Manager). A. T. Josebury. Secretary: N. Coleman.

R. H. Collier & Company, Limited. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists.' Showrooms : 42, Easy Row, Birmingham, t. Telephone: Midland 2317. Main Works : Collier's Corner, South Yardley, Birmingham, 25. Directors: Richard Hamilton Collier, M.I.Mech.E. (President and Managing). Robert William Sylvester. William James Wright (Secretary). Charles Patrick Hamilton-Adams, M.I.M.I. Managers: Spencer Leslie Sadler, M.I.M.I. (Repair Department). William Wren (Machine Shop). Herbert Holden (Stores).

Commer Cars Ltd. Commercial Vehicle Manufacturers, Rootes Group. Biscot Road, Luton. Telephone: 236o. T/A.: Komerkars, Luton. Directors: Sir William Rootes, K.B.E. (Chairman). Sir Reginald Rootes (Deputy Chairman). G. Cozens (Managing). G. Bragg (Sales). R. W. Hammond, C.B.E. W. G. Rootes. B. G. Rootes. T. D. Rootes. J. Sherwin ( Works). B. B. Winter (Engineering). Secretary: R. G. Leaf. Executives: F. M. S. Best (Production Manager). A. R. Gulland (Chief Accountant). T. W. Hodgkins (Service Manager). H. S. Lewis (Supply Manager). J. J. Newsome (Parts Manager). A. J. Smith (Chief Technical Engineer).

Commercial Distributors (Clifton) Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Somerdale Garage, Bath Road, Keynsham, Nr. Bristol. Comdis " Keynsham. Telephone: Keynsham 3277. Directors: Major G. S. Taylor. Miss M. Taylor (Secretary). J. R. Ash. General Manager: J. Carter.

Conatus Industries Ltd. (Larks of Walton Division). Half-Way Green, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey. Telephone: moo. Directors: C. D. Pott (Managing). W. M. Park.

Connaught Engineering Co. Foreign Car Concessionnaires and General Motor Engineers. Portsmouth Road, Send, Surrey. Telephone: Ripley 3178. General Manager and Chief Designer: Rodney Eyre Clarke. Consumer Credit Corporation Ltd. All shares owned by North Central Wagon and Finance Co., Ltd..

Arthur Conyers Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. I, 3 and 5, West Street, Blandford. Telephone: 7. Directors: J. D. F. Conyers. J. E. Conyers (General Manager). N. C. Conyers. M. G. Conyers. Secretary: M. E. Conyers.

A. V. Cook (Motors & Cycles) Ltd. Car Stockists. no, Burlington Road, New Malden. Telephone: Malden 0463. Directors: A. V. Cook (General Manager). E. Cook. 56 Cooke's Garages. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 10'20 and 24/30, Nantwich Road, Crewe. Telephone: 2011. Proprietor: Arthur Clifford Cooke. Managers: A. S. Hulme (Garage and Stores). J. 0. Lloyd (Service).

Cooks Car Mart Ltd. Motor Dealers. Henly House, 385/7, Euston Road, London, N.W.r. Telephone: Euston 4444. Directors: H. G. Henly. R. G. Chandler. Col. E. H. Kenny. Secretary: T. Plant.

J. J. Cookson, Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Telephone: 222617. The Central Garage, Macclesfield. Directors: John James Cookson (Managing). Ian Gordon Cookson. Edith C. Cookson. Secretary: S. McCoy.

Cooper Car Company Limited, The. Racing Car Manufacturers. Telephone: Elmbridge 3346. Directors: C. N. Cooper (Joint Managing). 243, Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey. J. N. Cooper (Joint Managing and Sales). P. S. Brookes. S. P. Moore (Secretary). J. R. Stott, O.B.E.

Coopers Mechanical Joints Ltd. Gasket Manufacturers. Telephone: 22373. Directors: C. C. Griffith (General Manager). P. W. C. Griffith. 14, Liverpool Road, Slough, Bucks.

W. H. Cornelius & Son. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Telephone: rzs. Proprietor: Mrs. R. A. Cornelius. General Manager: W. G. Cornelius. Redruth, Cornwall

Cornercroft Limited. Manufacturers of Automobile road-wheel discs and high grade number plates. Ace Works, Queen Victoria Road, Coventry. Telephones: 4123-4, 5966, 60580. Directors: J. Alan Corner (Chairman and Managing). Norman Rycroft (Technical). Hugh Wylie, C.A., A.E. Hudson, F.C.W.A. (Secretary).

Thomas Corrie Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Morris House, Dumfries. Telephone: 1001/2/3. Directors: Thomas Corrie (Governing). Thomas McMeekin.

Cottee & Edwards (1939) Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Castle Boulevard, Nottingham_ Telephone: 52213/4/5. Directors: A. W. Dutton (Managing). R. E. Dutton. Managers: B. H. Wells (Sales). H. E. Reed, F.I.M.I., A.M.Inst.B.E. Secretary: S. N. Wardman.

County Cycle & Motor Co. Ltd. Motor Cycle and Car Distributors. 266, Broad Street, Eirmingham, Telephone: Midland 2671 and 6508. And 104/6, Bath Row, Birmingham, 15. Telephone: Midland 2817. Directors: Martin G. Briggs, M.I.M.I. (Managing). R. V. Newland, A.C.A.

County Garage Co. Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists; Heavy Vehicle Authorised Distributors. Hardwicke Circus, Lowther Street, Carlisle- , Telephone: 2434. Directors: S. S. Collings (Chairman). H. Gilligan (Managing). M. H. Emerson.

County Garages. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. St. Thomas Street, Scarborough.. Telephone: 2345. Sole Proprietor: Joseph William Hardcastle. Managers: Frank Judson (General). H. Leslie Pipes (Assistant). Reg. Minshall ( Works). Donald Jackson (Stores).

County Motors (Grimsby) Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Brighowgate, Grimsby. Telephone: 5191/2. Directors: C. B. Mawer, A.M.I.Mech.E. K. Mawer, S.M.A., S.W.A. A. G. Pearson, A.C.A. Managers: W. Plaskitt (General). F. Bradley (Service). F. Castle (Parts).

County Motors (Kirkcaldy) Limited. Car Stockists. Telephone: Dysart. 5631. Junction Road, Kirkcaldy. Directors: John Wilkinson (Service). Thomas Stewart (General Manager). John Wales (Sales).

Coventry Hood & Sidescreen Co. Ltd. Motor Car, Aircraft and Allied Trades Accessory Manufacturers. Telephone: 3500. Meteor Works, Queen Victoria Road, Coventry_ Directors: Bertie Dunn. Thomas Wilford. Harold Bertie Dunn (General Manager).

Cow (P.B.) & Company Ltd. Rubber and Plastic Manufacturers. r2, Hay Hill, Berkeley Square, London, W.I. Telephone: Regent 7405. Liloprod Piccy London. Directors: D. H. Carlisle (Chairman). W. J. Garner (Managing). B. S. Davies. W. E. Fitzhugh, B. Corn., F.C.A., F.S.A.A. • M. M. Haywood (Technical). Secretary: W. C. Jenvey, F.C.C.S.

Cox & Co. (Leeds) Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Regent Buildings, Regent Street, Leeds, 2. Telephone: 31914. Directors: J. Clifford Jaeger, A.M.I.Mech.E. (Managing). J. Russell Rose, J.P. D. Reddihough. G. D. C. Rose. Secretary and Sales Manager: F. W. Webster, A.M.I.M.I.

Cox & Co. (Watford) Ltd. Manufacturers of Motor Car Seats, Bus Seats, Windscreens, etc. Watford-By-Pass, Watford, Herts. Telephone: 5631. Directors: R. W. Cox (Managing). Mrs. S. Cox. E. H. Wilton (General Manager). J. R. W. Cox, M.A. C. Toon.

Francis E. Cox (Keighley) Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Bradford Road, Keighley. Telephone: 2281/2. Directors: Charles Crabtree. Denis Crabtree. Service Manager: P. Webster.

Norman Cox Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Milestone Garage, Barton-on-Humber. Telephone: 3129. Directors: Albert Norman Cox (Governing). Edith Margaret Cox.

J. Coxeter & Co. Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 40-4r, Park End Street, Oxford. Telephone: 2275/6. Directors: J. Wade Coxeter (Chairman). B. M. B. Coxeter. Major B. J. W. Coxeter.

A. Crabtree & Co. Ltd. Distributor of Transport Service Equipment and General Motor Factor. Lawkholme Crescent, Keighley, Yorks. Telephone: 2259. Director: Alfred Crabtree.

Crabtree & Nicol. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. City Garage, Sheffield, I. Telephone: 27551. Directors: E. J. Crabtree (Managing). R. Nicol.

Cresswell's Asbestos Co. Ltd. Brake and Clutch Lining Manufacturers. Wellington Mills, Bradford. Telephone: 64301. Directors: G. A. Bracewell. R. A. Bracewell. R. G. A. Bracewell. Secretary: J. L. Evans.

H. J. Croft Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. 84-92, Highgate, Kendal. Telephone: 188. TIA.:" Croft," Kendal. Directors: E. J. Croft (Managing). Madge Croft. Secretary: R. Talon.

Croft & Blackburn Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. The Square, Ripon, Yorks. Telephone: tn. Director: R. N. Moss (Managing).

Anthony Crook Motors Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Town End, Caterham Hill, Surrey. Telephone: Caterham 2232/3. Director: T. A. D. Crook (Managing). Ralph Cropper. Transport Consultant. 50, St. James Avenue, Beckenham, Kent. Telephone: 1546. Proprietor: Ralph Cropper.

Cross & Sons Ltd. Motor and Tractor Sales and Service. Telephone: 20595/6. Sullivan's Quay, Cork. Also at Drawbridge Street, Cork. Telephone: 21304. Directors: Thomas Fergus Cross, M.I.M.I. Brendan Joseph Cross, M.I.M.I. (Joint Managing). Managers: Michael O'Brien (General). Richard A. Collins (General Sales). John O'Connor, P.C. (Tractor Sales). John O'Sullivan (General Service).

Cross's Garage Ltd. Car Stockists. Telephone: 20927. Directors: Frederick John Roberts Cross (Managing). 12, South Mall, Cork, Ireland. William Gale. Managers: J. F. O'Shea (Sales). W. Phillips (Service). C. Tobin (Stores). Secretary: W. H. Leper, A.Comm.A. Crypton Equipment Ltd. All shares owned by Lancashire Dynamo Holdings Ltd.

Cuckfield Motor Works Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. i Telephone: 19. Directors: G. P. Thomas (General Manager). Whiteman's Green, Cuckfield, Susses. F. Knight (Secretary). K. M. T. Thomas.

Tom Cullen (Rubber Services) Limited. Cycle Accessory, Rubber Goods and Tyre Factors. Telephone: 43328. 70, Middle Abbey Street, Dublin. Directors: T. J. Cullen. T/A.: "Rubber," Dublin. Mrs. L. Hutchinson (Secretary). - Mrs. V. O'Flynn.

W. I. Cullin Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Telephone: 87416. Rathmore Road, Cambridge. Director: William Isaac Cullin, F.I.M.I. (Managing). Curtis Garage Lincoln Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Telephone: 1247. Burton Road, Lincoln. Directors: E. B. Curtis (Managing). N. E. Curtis. B. B. Curtis (General Manager). P. M. Curtis (Secretary).

Cutlers of Streetly Ltd. Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Stockists. Telephone: 7131-78109. Chester Road, Streetly, Nr. Birmingham. • Directors: William (Bill) Cutler (Managing). General Sales Manager: Clive Packer. Other Executive Officers: R. H. Cutler. A. Elwell.

See Also


Sources of Information