The Engineer 1880/07/23
1880 July 23rd PDF
Main Subjects
- 1880 Royal Agricultural Show, p073 (II).
- Brake Trials on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, p074 (Illustrated).
- Editorial, p069.
- Tire Fastenings
- Duplicate Drainage
- Coal Pit Explosion at Risca
- Loss of Life in Mines
- Boilers of the Livadia
- Exhibition of Printing Machinery, p074.
- Experiments on Tire Fastenings, p063 (II)(Illustrated).
- Mr. Rothery's Report on the Tay Bridge, p066.
- North Western and Lancashire and Yorkshire Railways, p062.
- Pipe Coupling, p072.
- Pulsometer Co - Raising the SS Tyne, p072 (Illustrated).
- Society of Engineers - Visit to Saxby and Farmer's Signal Works, p062.
- Steam Cultivating Machinery at the Royal Agricultural Show, p061 (II) (Illustrated).
- John Fowler and Co - Eight Horse-power Double Drum Ploughing Engine, p068.
- Howard
- Aveling and Porter
- Savage
- Barford and Perkins
- Burrell and Sons
- Fisken and Co of Hunslet
- Murray and Co.
- Welch's Chain Fire-Bars, p072.