The Engineer 1925/09/04
- Contents, p 243.
Main Subjects
- A Large Colliery Compressed Air Transmission Scheme, (No. I), p 238 - p 240 and p 242. (Illustrated).
- A Seven-Day Journal, p 213.
- Naval Additions and Reductions.
- The British Broadcasting Company's Receiving Station.
- The Shipbuilding Trades Investigation.
- A Goods Tube Railway for London.
- New Wave Length Tests.
- A High-pressure Marine Turbine Installation - Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co.
- The Inspection of Steam Boilers - Manchester Steam Users Association.
- The Decay of Stone.
- Textile Machinery for Russia - Mather and Platt, Tweedales and Smalley.
- British Association, (No. II), p 235 - p 237.
- Death Announcement, p 243.
- Editorial, p 243 - p 244.
- Railway Accidents.
- Locomotive Boilers and Steam Pressures.
- Education, Research and Standardisation, by Sir John Dewrance, p 240.
- Federated Malay States Railways, p 240.
- Letters to the Editor, p 237.
- 'Locomotives with Bogies' by James Dunlop.
- 'Compound Locomotives' by R. Axon.
- 'Continental Steel Pipes for South Africa' by Michael Perrin.
- 'Webb's Three-Cylinder Compound Locomotives "Dreadnought" Class' by Ernest Leopold Ahrons.
- McEwen-Runge Low-Temperature Coal Carbonisation System, p 249.
- Obituary, p 237.
- Rectifiers, (No. VII), p 233 - p 235. (Illustrated).
- Sixty Years Ago, p 245.
- South African Engineering Notes, p 251.
- Victoria Falls Power Company's System .
- Platinum Discoveries - Transvaal Consolidated Land and Exploration Co.
- Steam vs Electric Locomotives, p 237.
- Sudan Government Railways - "Prairie" Type Locomotive, after p 244 and p 246 - p 247. (Illustrated).
- The British Steam Railway Locomotive from 1825 to 192, by Ernest Leopold Ahrons, (No. XXXVI), Period 1882-1889: Compound Locomotives, p 232 - p 233.
- The Institute of Metals, (No. I), p 244 - p 245.
- Sir John Dewrance.
- John Brown.
- J. W. Donaldson.
- Dr D. Hanson.
- Miss Marie L. V. Gayler.
- Dr J. L. Haughton.
- W. T. Griffiths.
- Professor J. H. Andrew.
- Robert Hay.
- C. H. M. Jenkins.
- R. B. Deeley.
- The Manufacture of Condenser and Locomotive Tubes, by Alexander Cameron, p 250.
- The Scapa Flow Salvage Operations, p 248 - p 249. (Illustrated).
- The Treatment of Activated Sludge, p 247.