1912 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index: Difference between revisions
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Line 1,644: | Line 1,644: | ||
* — Plaque for, 207 | * — Plaque for, 207 | ||
* — Start of Parisian Competitors (illus.), 186 | * — Start of Parisian Competitors (illus.), 186 | ||
* Montgomery, A. J. (letter), 209 '? | * [[A. J. Montgomery|Montgomery, A. J.]] (letter), 209 '? | ||
* Moor, George (letters), 502. 548, 687 | * [[George Moor|Moor, George]] (letters), 502. 548, 687 | ||
* Morgan, A. E. (letter), 1005 | * [[A. E. Morgan|Morgan, A. E.]] (letter), 1005 | ||
* — H. F. T. (letter), 212 | * — H. F. T. (letter), 212 | ||
* — P. C. (letter), 311 | * — P. C. (letter), 311 | ||
Line 1,653: | Line 1,653: | ||
* More 12-15 h-p. Car, Particulars of, 986 | * More 12-15 h-p. Car, Particulars of, 986 | ||
* Motor and Horsed Vehicles, 600 | * Motor and Horsed Vehicles, 600 | ||
* [[Motor Cycling Club]], 918 | * [[1912 Motor Cycling Club|Motor Cycling Club]], 918 | ||
* — Houses, Asbestos, 509 | * — Houses, Asbestos, 509 | ||
* — Manufacturers and Traders, Society of, Annual Meeting, 807 | * — Manufacturers and Traders, Society of, Annual Meeting, 807 |
Latest revision as of 11:20, 21 December 2021

Note:This is a sub-section of The Autocar
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The Autocar Index - 1912 Jan-Jun - Volume 28.
- A 262 (letter). 684
- AA3206 (letter), 354
- A-A. and M-U. Handbook (review), 857
- — Letters re, 863
- — Member 19434 (letters), 208, 402
- — New City Offices (illus.), 1058
- — Petrol—first-aid Services, 520
- — Prosecution—41
- — Scout ” Advertising Case, 901
- — Sentry box (illus.), 332
- — Member (letter), 818
- — Patrols, Extension of, 618
- — Scout, Charge Dismissed, 802
- A.B.C. Wind Waggon on Brookland’s Track, 621
- Aberdeenshire, Speed Limit Order for, 587
- About the Cobbler and his Last, by Owen John, 843
- ACC. (letter). 356
- Acceleration Tests, R A.C, 33
- Accessibility, Front Seat, 596, 641
- Accessories, Concerning, by Owen John, 296
- — Cost of, 354
- Accident, Brighton Road, 951, 1003, 1049
- — Motor Car (illus.), 380, 726
- — near Huntingdon (illus.), 766
- Accidents and Liability of Motorists, 941
- - on Tramlines, 957
- — Street, 1197
- — Traffic, Analysis of, 813
- Accordion Flexible Paint for Hoods, 560
- Accumulator Charging Adapter, Indispenso, 844
- — for Automobile Use, Worsnop and Co., 762
- — Small Dynamo v., 820
- Accumulators (letters). 311, 734
- Acetylene Gas Experiences, 356
- — Generators, 1011, 1057
- — Lamps, Increasing Candle-power of, 223
- — Peroxide of Hydrogen in, 267
- — Self-starters. 356, 405, 454, 506
- A.C. Tricar, 964
- Adams, H. (letter), 732
- Adams Manufacturing Co. (letter), 550
- — 16 h-p. with Air Self-starting System, 801
- Adaptable (letters), 401, 454
- Addere Legi Justitiam Decus (letter), 1052
- Adelaide to Sydney, Australian Relay Ride, 943
- Adjustable Beamer by Vickers, Ltd. (illus.), 932
- Adjustment of Supplementary Springs, Faraday House Apparatus, 771
- Adler Car, 15 h.p. Car, Particulars of, 382 (illus.), 1074
- — 15-25 h-p. Car for Lady Heylesbury (illus.), 1137
- — 10 h-p. Car ( (illus.), 1160
- Adierwerke Vorm Heinrich Kleyer, Patent by, Poppet Valve, 1053
- Ad Sum (letter), 1200
- Advantages of Rival Organisations, 1006
- Advertisement Prices in India, 915
- Aerophone Experiments. Schneider Cars for, 530
- Aeroplanes, Engines for, 186
- A.G.F. (letter), 1049
- A.G. (letter), 730
- A.H. (letter), 243
- Al 536 (letter), 72
- Airedale Epicyclic Gear Co., Variable Speed Friction Drive, 627
- Air-starting Adams Car, impressions of, 801
- Aix-les-Bains, Strange Notice Board near, 689
- AJ 510 (letter), 642
- Ake-Ake (letters), 640, 733, 820
- A.K.S. (letter), 1199
- Albion 15 h.p. with Flush-sided Body (illus.), 60
- Alcock, F. (letters), 34. 687
- Alcohol as Fuel for Motor Cars, 984
- Alcyon Grand Prix Racer, Engine for (illus.), 940
- Alford and Alder Limousine Body (illus.), 1034
- — Two-seater (illus.), 1125
- A.L. Generator, Description of, 385
- Alldays Car, 10-12 h.p. Car, 171
- — 14-18 h-p. Car for Birmingham Tramways Department (illus.), 741
- — Owner, 10 Horse (letter). 821
- All-metal Built-up Body, 547, 599
- Alltree, A (letter), 403
- Almagam, Ltd. (letter). 452
- Alpha Sigma (letter), 958
- Alpine Austro-Daimler Car, Description of, 1090
- — Roads, Grades on, by Francis Miltoun, 679
- — Tour, Austrian, 778, 984. 1091. 1142. 1171
- — Impressions of Practice Runs, 1091
- — Rules and Itinerary, 156
- Alps, Touring in the, 123, 164, 210, 308, 355
- Aluminium, Repairing, 87
- — Soldering, 1071
- A.M.A.C. Self-starting Device, Description of, 231
- Amateur Overhauling, I., The Preliminaries, by Kewayen, 3
- — II., Body, Cape Cart Hood, etc., 179
- — III., Tools, Washing Down, Magneto, etc-. 417
- — Owner, 353
- America, Brithh-biriit Wire Wheels in (illus.). 1103
- Motoring in. Car in Mud-hole (illus.), 1104
- — Vb.it of Road Board Territory to, 1148
- American Invasion, 125. 359
- Motor Industry, W M. IX41M on, 294
- Non Hop Record, 810
- Valve Engine, Lady’s Invention, 619
- A M M (ktb in), 242. 731
- An Absolutely Unpitied Class, by Owen John. 710
- Analysis of Traffic Accidents, 813
- Ancient Sanctuary Knocker, 464
- Anderson’s Overhead Vehicle Washer, 999
- Anglo-Indian Motorist (letter), 915
- Anna Valley Trailer, Description of, 856
- Annexe at Olympia, 775
- Annual Dinner of R.A. and Associated Clubs, 617
- — Meeting of R-A-C., 615
- An Old Motorist (letter), 819
- Another Anti-Monopolist (letter), 864
- Another Ford Owner (letter), 776
- — Owner-driver (letter), 644
- — Paid Driver, 125
- — Rustic (letter). 405
- — Sufferer (letter), 164
- — Victim (letter), 72
- Answered (letter), 503
- Anti-carper (letter), 684
- Anti-dazzle (letter' 211
- Anti-freezing mixtures, 122, 502, 599
- Anti-Ford-prejudice (letter), 821
- Anti-monopolist (letter), 818
- Anti-trust (letter). 1100
- AO 1262 (letter), 1003. 1004
- A Plague o’ Both your Houses, 459
- Appeal Case, Newbury, 492
- — Motorist’s, Dismissed, 602
- — Scottish, lo House of Lords; Liability for Accident-, 941
- Appreciation, 506
- — of Old Servant, 881
- AR 2082 (letters). 684, 818
- Archer, H. G., A Gipsy Village, by, 1059
- “Arena, The” (reviews), 2, 588, 812. 1007
- A.R.F., A Six Days' Tour, by, 1159, 1205
- Argyll 25 h.p. Body Interior (illus.), 668
- — 12 h.p., near Loch Lomond after Snowfall (illus.), 162
- Argylls, Ltd. (letter), 403
- Armature, Life of an, 215, 259, 316, 361, 409
- Army v. Navy Rugby Match, The King at (illus.), 437
- Armstrong, John (letter), 453
- Armstrong-Whitworth and Co., Additions to Works (illus.), 941
- — Body (illus ), 581
- — Car, 510, 555, 691, 782
- — 18-25 h p. Car, 994
- — 17-25 h.p. Car (illus.), 44
- — 15-20 h.p. Car (illus.). 788
- — 30-50 h.p. Car, Description of, 840
- — 18-22 h.p. with Australian Body (illus.), 126
- — Threequarter Landaulet (illus.), 812
- Arrol-Johnston Car with Luggage Trailer, Capt. Hope’s, 681
- — 15.9 h.p. Car. (illus.), 1055
- — Cars for Grand Prix, 1138
- — Grand Prix Car (illus.), 995
- — 15-9 h.p. with Torpedo Cabriolet (illus.), 943
- Artistic Garage Design, 805
- Asbestos Jacketing, 1069
- — Motor Houses, 509
- Ascot Race Meeting (illus.), 1136, 1186
- — Races, R.A.C. and, 932
- ASM. (letter), 1W,
- Associate (letter)v 4t>4
- — of Royal College of Organists (letter), 1197
- Associated Clubs, R.A-C., 515, 559
- Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. (letter). 732, 1004
- Aston Hill-climb 106*
- — — B^ort of, 1IS5
- Aston, W. Gi, Betwixt and Between, by, 111
- Atlas Impulse Tyre Pump, R.A-C. Trial, 400
- — Inner Case, 171, 200
- — of British Isles (review), 406
- — Pulsating Tyre Pump, 153
- — Stowaway Jack, 56
- Artificial Rubber, 1163, 1190
- Audi 14-35 h.p. Chassis with Zeppelin Body (illus.) 338
- Austin Advocate (review), 43
- — 18-24 h.p. Car (illus.k 338
- — Cars at Kimberley (illus.)/ 875
- — Defiance Model Car, 769
- — Extremes, 50 h p. and 10 h p. Cars (illus.), 418
- — 15 h.p. (illus.). 15
- — 15 h p. Car, 40, 83, 127
- — 10 h.p. Car, Description of. 719
- — Hill-climbing (Illus.), 1054. (Illus.), 779
- — 18-24 h.p. Car (illus.), 718
- — 15 h.p., Carburetter for, 316
- — 18-24 h.p. Colonial Car (illus.), 937
- — 18-24 h.p. Limousine (illus.), 778
- — 50 h.p. Six-cylinder Cabriolet in Snow (illus.), 161
- — 10 h.p. with Medicann Body (illus.), 385
- Australia, A-C. of, 1157
- — Automobilism in (illus.), 214
- — Customs Duties on Motor Cars, 202
- — English Motorist’s Adventures in, 285
- — Motor Care Imported into, 894
- Imports and Exports, 1201
- — Motor Labour in, 776
- — Tyre from, 498
- Australian Bodywork (illus.)y 126
- — Contracts, Tenders for, 647
- — Relay Bide, Adelaide to Sydney, 943
- — Requirements, Views of Frederic Eastmead, 946
- Austrian Alpine Tour, 7?8. 984, 1091, 1142, 1171
- — Impressions of Prnctiro Man, 1091
- — Rules Mini Itinerary, 166
- Austro-Daimler Alpine Car, Description of, 1090
- — Car (illus.), 1001
- — 25-30 h.p. Car (Lius.), 233
- — 25-35 h.p. Car (illue.), 1018 t
- — 27-80 h-p. Car, Prince Henry Type (IBBS^),
- — 22-80 h.p. Prince Henry Model (illus.), 534
- Auxiliary Petrol Tank and Car Momentum, 242, 307
- — Suspension, Review of Modern Devices, 181
- Autocars of 1912, 578
- Autogenous Welding (letter), 166
- Automobile Engineer Year Book, 298
- — Golfing Society Summer Meeting, 1038, 1186
- Autovox (letter), 208
- Avenues to the Sun, by Owen John, 149
- - Letter re, 308
- Awards offered to Napier Car Drivers, 524
- A.W.K. (letter), 644
- Axles, Bevel-driven and Worm-driven. 960
- Axle, Three-wheeled, Patent by H. N. Evans, 1053
- Ay-Ay (letter), 1006
- B 232 (letter), 819
- Baby Mathis Car (illus.), 69
- — Peugeot. 6i h.p-, Miss Starkey at (illus.). 613
- Back Axlee, Leaky, 1116
- Baguley 15-20 h.p. Car (illus.], 580
- Bailey, Sir W. H- and A. J., Patent by, Silencer, 631
- Baker, E- G- (letter), 912
- Balancing, Crankshaft, 16
- Ball Bearings, 221, 353
- — Causes of Failure in, 401, 454
- — Discussion Wheel by John V. Pugh, 634
- — Paper by G. F. Barrett, 248, 335 551
- — Duplex, 652 Lubrication of, 452,
- — v. Plain. 684
- Baniber, H.W. (letter), 957
- Banditti of the Road, Dy J. Fairfax Blakeborough. 947
- Barimar, Ltd. (letters), 123. 166
- Barker, Alfred F. (letter), 1049
- Barnes, F. J. (letter), 551
- Barrett, G. F., Paper by, Causes of Failure in Ball Bearings, 248, 335
- Barry, Arthur P. (letter), 547
- Bartleet, Albert (letters), 644, 1200
- Barton, J. Kingston (letter), 71
- Basis for Car Comparison, Wimperis Accelerometer, 1190
- Battle of the Wheels: Road Evolution, Bay of Biscay. From, to. Mediterranean,
- B.B- (letter), 957
- B.C.F. (letter), 640
- Beacon Cyclecar (illus.), 1111.
- Beavin, A. C- (letter), 914, 1004
- Beavis, E. J- (letter), 818
- Bebe Car (illus.). 334
- Bedelia Cars. 509
- Bedford Cr, 15 h.p. Two-seated Car, de Haviland’s (illus.), 815
- Beeston Humber 4in. Car (illus.), Beginner, Notes for the, by Eric
- Belgian A.C. Trials. 76
- — Roads and Motor Touring, 256
- — Team Trial, 236 Belgium, Coupe de Royale of, 1038
- Belgium’s Foreign Motor Trade in 1911, 1075
- Bellairs, I. M. (letter), 506
- Bell, J. Dalrymple, Self-starters, by, 373
- Belsize Car, 10-12 h.p., 648 Car, Description of, 48
- Belvoir Hunt, Cars at Meet (illus.), 727
- Benett-Stamiord, John (letters), 912, 914
- Binks de Luxe Carburetter, 997
- Benn, A. (letter), 504
- Bennett, J. W. (letter), 1004
- Bentall Car, Carburetter for, 259 x>en*
- — Four-cylinder Racing Oar, 521, 522
- — 12-20 h.p. with Two-seated Enclosed Driving Cabriolet Body, 1075
- Berkshire A- and Ae.C., 780
- — Road Surveyor, Some Discoveries in France, by 300
- — Roads, 308, 761
- Berlin and Horse-drawn Cabs, 360
- Berliet 25 h.p. Car, N. S. Hind’s (illus.). 1189
- Best, Mary, In South Brittany, by, 1109
- Bethell, E. H. (letter), 548
- Betwixt and Between, the Gap between Autocar and Motor Cycle, 111, 212, 307, 354, 405 455. 596
- Bevel-driven and Worm-driven Axlea, 960
- Bewilderment, 122
- BF1 (letter), 353
- B.H.W. (letter). 506
- Bibendum, Skating Carnival Costume (illus.), 56
- Bingham and Co., Charles (letter), 454
- Binks Petrol-paraffin carburetter, Description of. 628
- — Two-jet Carburetter, Description of, 344*
- Binon, G., Patent by. Carburetter, 631
- Birmingham Cripples' Union Outing (ilhis.), 868
- — North, A O., 408 ' ’
- BK 788 (letter) 485
- BL. (IdHnt), 212
- Blackburn, A. E. H. (letter), 1049 154 145
- — Miss Gladys 673
- — W. Walford, 942, 1096
- Black Country. Through, Proposed New Road, 483
- — Jahn (letters), 3X, 72
- — rating. 871
- Bladder, W J- (letter), 1152
- Blakeborough J Fairfax, Banditti of the Road. by, 94’’
- — Extortions at Raring Centres, by, 633
- — Horse Cab v. Taxicab, by, 669
- — Indebtedness of Hunters to Motor Cars, 773
- — Motoring at Night Time, by, 443
- Blaker. Alex A. (letter) 166
- Bleriot No-glare Head Lamps, 409
- Bowing off the Boiler, 418
- Board of Trade, Petition to, by Roads Improvement Association, 52
- Boat Race (illus.), 646
- Bob-sleigh Team at Engelberg (illus.), 158
- Body, All-metal, 547, 599
- Body-building, Example by Theo Masui (illus.), 670
- — Indian, 742
- Body Design and Construction, 299, 358, 543, 670, 762, 834. 891, 892, 909, 928, 930, 952, 1075, 1104, 1187
- — Position, 597, 643
- — Prince Henry, 575
- Bodywork, 460
- — Repairs, 1°1
- Bodies for Overseas Use, 467
- Bogus Scout, Alleged, 638
- Bohne, M., Patent by, Carburetter Jet, 1053
- Boiling on Hills, 743
- — To Prevent, 817
- Bolt, 'Twisting, To Secure, 223
- BM 1800 (letter), 307
- Bombay, Motor Car Taxation in, 1054
- Bonnets, Radiators and, 265, 268
- Bonnet, Waste of Space Occupied by, 478
- Boots and Pedals, 47
- Bordeaux, Transporting Cars to, 106, 454
- Boron Charging Set, 1158
- Borrowing Tins and Tools, 168
- Bosch Magneto on Ford Cats, 361, 459, 509
- — R., Patent by, Improved Magneto, 998
- — Improved Contact. Breaker, 631
- — Magneto Contact Breaker, 998
- — Sparking Pmg, 998
- — Starting Magneto, 116
- Boston- (letter). 1003
- Bottone, Arthur E. R. (letter), 402
- Bowden, Harold (letters), 125, 643
- Bownas, H. (letter), 167
- Box, Norman E. (letter), x2
- Boycott, Automobile, in Germany, 932
- Bradford A-C., 214
- Brake Shoes, Manganese or Phosphor Bronze, 964
- — Horse-power Tests of Private Cars at Brooklands, 1189
- Braking System, 34, 125
- Branston, C. A. (letters), 34, 356, 405, 506, 733
- Brasier Cars, 171
- — 24 h.p. Car, Description of, 933
- Bravery, For. Gold Medal Presentation, 1149
- Brazing Cast Iron, 206, 340
- Bremer Eng. Co. (letter), 642
- Brenna Car, 12-14 h.p. Car (illus.), 1022
- Bricks without Straw, by Owen John, 488
- Bridge across Thames, L.C.C. Bill, 508
- — Derelict, Norfolk (illus), 368
- — over River Nene, Widening of, 645
- — Toll, over Severn (iilus.), 446
- Bridges, T. C. (letter), 598
- Bridgman, H. M. U. (letter), 122
- Brighton Road Accident, 951, 1003, 1049
- Bristol and Gloucestershire A.C., 553, 601
- — Town-avoiding Routes, 704
- British and Foreign, 1050
- — Fuel, 971
- — Monogram Oil, 737
- — Motor Makers and French Show, 33
- Briton New Model Car, 1132
- Broadway, 863, 955, 1003
- — Hill on Top Speed,- 944, 1003, 1051, 1097, I198
- Brock, N. B. C. (letter), 122
- Broken-hearted (letter), 776
- Brolt Car Lighting System, 492
- Bromage, A- (letters), 819, 955
- Brooklands A.R.C., 736, 824, 869, 962, 1105, 1202
- -- Class Records, 452, 521, 1034
- — Classification, Possibility of New System, 20
- — Cubic Capacity Classes, Particulars of, 341
- — Cups, 1912 (illus.), 535
- — Curious Vehicle at (illus.), 257
- — Easter Meeting, Entries for, 618, 620, 661
- — Programme of Events, 440
- — Report of, 661
- — May Meeting, 816, 852, 857
- — June Meeting, Report of, 1139
- — Meeting, R.A.C-, 256
- — Race for Grand Prix Cars, 1131
- — Proposal to Limit Number of Entries, 1149
- — Rating, New, 367
- — Sketches at. 981
- — Suggested Improvements at, 957
- — Track, Floods at (illus.), 20, 222
- — Whitsun Meeting, 857. 940, 980, 985
- Brougham, Motor v. (letter), 166
- Brown, D. Elyard (letter), 125
- — H. 8. (tetter), 774
- Browne, Tomyns R. (letter), 403
- Brownsword, Percy (tetter), 308
- Bruce Fraser Motor Co (letter), 912
- Braised (letter), 72
- Brussels Show (illuM.), 99 100, 136, 137, 138 **
- B.S.A., Trial Run of, 842
- — New Car, 298
- B.T.H Mayda Electric Lamps, 1162 i5o/h,
- — M, PfiUnt by, Change-Speed Gear. 163
- — Two Methods of Progression (illuM. 379
- Buchet Car, 12-20 h.p. Oar (illus), 1095
- — Mr. Hayle’s (illus.) 938
- — 16-20 hp. Car (illus.), 431
- Bucks. C.C., Byelaw, Rear Lights, 360
- Budd, E J. W. .'letter). 818
- Buenos Ayres, Car Numbers in, 778
- E. Bugatti|Bugatti, E.]], Patent by. Spring Suspension, 1102
- Buist, n. Massac, Scottish AC., Lecture by, 99
- Bulls, Ancient and Modern (review), 588
- Bultum Emergency Rim, 119
- Burns, John, Arriving at Bow Institution (illus), 435
- Butler, H. S. (letter), 957
- Buttermere Hawse, 1049, 1099, 1153, 1200
- BW 629 (letter), 731
- Byfleet Road, 863
- Bye-pass, Shaw, for Carburetters, 1195
- Cadillac Co.’s Gear Box, After Long Service, 1190
- Calcium Carbide, Storage of, 63
- Calcutta Racecourse, H.M. the King at (illus.), 303
- Calland E. (letter), 402
- Callousness, 865
- Calthorpe and Class B Records, 726
- — Grand Prix Cars, 761
- — Racers (illus.), 896
- — 12-14 h.p. Car, 259, 315, 409, 459
- — 15 h.p. Car, Description of, 227
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 123
- Cam Oil Pump, 953
- Campbell von Laurentz, Baroness, A Run to Oban, By, 1013
- Camping, Motor. (illus.), 671
- — Out Route, 649
- Canada, Motoring in (illus.), 331, 589
- — Testing Cars in, 37
- — Western, Motoring in (illus.), 516, 552
- Canadian Rotary Valve Engine, 905
- Canterbury (New Zealand) A.A., 1156
- Captain Detachable Rims, 695
- — Particulars of Various Types, 858
- Carbon Deposit Removal, Patent by W. E. W. Richards, 1102
- — Removing, 563
- Carburation, Ignition and, 91
- Carburetter, Binks De Luxe, 997
- — Petrol Paraffin, Description of, 628
- — Two-jet, Description of, 344
- — Design, Patent by P. A. M. Delieuvin, 163
- — Facile, Particulars of, 399
- — for Bentall Car, 259
- — Ford Cars, 171
- — 15 h.p. Austin, 316
- — 22 h.p. 1909 Daimler, 361
- — 14-16 h.p. Darracq, 459, 737
- — 20 h.p. D Type Standard, 738, 825
- — 15 h.p. Humber, 603
- — 30-45 h.p. Napier, 361
- — 8 h.p. Rover, 459, 603, 757, 1107
- — 15 h.p. Talbot, 39, 83
- — 14-20 h.p. 1908 Wolseley, 39
- — G.C., Description of, 722
- — Jet, Patent by M. Bohne, 1053
- — Manvillier, Description of, 851
- — Paraffin, Stewart, 484
- — Patent, by G. Binon, 631
- — Polyrhoe, 83, 506
- — Scott-Robinson, Description of, 446
- — Shaw, Bye-pass for, 1195
- — S.U. (letter), 215
- — Trouble, 259
- — White and Poppe, 691
- Carburetters, White and Poppe, Management of, 788, 833, 879
- Cardiff M.C., 314, 408, 554, 690
- Careful Usage, Example of, 356
- Carello Lamps, Description of, 1043
- Car-lifting Jack, 489
- Carlile, Walter (letter), 210
- Carmichael-Schaibey Engine, 305
- Carrying Spare Wheel, 1170
- — Wheel Spanner, 1065
- Cartographers, Suggestion for, 1048
- Caruser (letter),- 1152
- Case-hardening, 91
- Cast Aluminium Number Plates, 366
- Castell, C. D. (letter), 452
- Castiglione and Bolton Engine, Description of, 708
- Castiglioni, E. J. (letter), 818
- Cast-iron Brazing, 340
- Castor Oil as a Lubricant, 452, 501, 551, 600
- — for Engine Lubrication, 430, 531
- Catalogues Received, 87, 88, 132, 175, 220, 320, 414, 464, 514, 607, 652, 741, 742, 1015
- Catch, Simple, 369
- Cattermole, C. (letter), 1048
- Cattle and Sheep, Lighting of, 402, 847, 912, 955
- — Straying, Responsibility for, 58
- Cautley, J. R., Points in Design at New York Show, by, 199
- Caveat Vendor (letter), 503
- Cave-Browne-Cave, C. B., Taking Car to Riviera, by, 429
- C.A.V. Dynamo, Charging Four-volt Battery from, 692
- — Outfit on 12-16 h.p. Car, 616
- — Electric Head Lights (illus.), 615
- Cawood, Fred, jun. (letter), 403
- CC 449 (letter), 31
- C. D.A. (letter), 502
- Ceylon A.C., 314
- — Motoring in (illus.), 117, 266, 282, 710
- — 15 h.p. White Steamer in (illus.), 1001
- Chadwick, S.T. (letter), 688
- Chaffinch, A. (letter), 311
- Chain-driven Gear Boxes, 386
- Chain Testing Machine, Coventry Chain Co., 695
- Chalmers Car, 25 h.p. Car, Description of, 141
- Change-speed Gear with Two Direct Drives, Patent by M. Buch, 163
- Changing Gear on 14-16 h.p. Darracq, 39
- Charging Accumulators from Alternating Current, 259
- Charlesworth, Special Body Design for Occasional Seats, 891, 892
- Charron Car, 90 h.p. Car (illus.l, 673
- — Colonial Car (illus.), 1193
- Chauffeur (letters), 35, 210
- — Modern, Necessary Abilities of, 68
- Chauffeurs’ Lunches, 243
- — Models, 636
- — Uniform (illils.), 862
- — “ Vagabonding,” in Germany, 689
- Chemist (letter), 640
- Cheshire A.C., 1056
- — Motorist (letter), 245
- — The Blizzard in (illus.), 161
- Cheswold Car (illus.), 602
- Chichester and Ten-mile Speed Limit, 159
- China, White Car in (illus.), 736
- Chinese Republic President (illus.), 1072
- Chlorophylle Goggles, 878
- Choked Off (letters), 913, 1100
- Christie, S. P. (letter), 686
- Churchill, J. R. (letter), 642
- CJ 880 (letter), 166
- CK 46 (letter), 123
- Clack, David J. (letter). 355
- Clarke, A. E. (letter), 817
- — G. R. (letter), 456
- Clark, H. C., and Deasy Co., Patent by, Universal Joint, 998
- — Some Possible Developments of the Motor Car Body, by, 525
- — Tyre, 498
- Class Record, 16 h.p. Rating, 34, 73, 208
- — Records, Brooklands, 452, 521, 1034
- — Rivalry (illus.), 1177
- Claudel-Hobson Carburetter Trial, 923
- Clean Counties, Licences and, 1, 31, 50, 71, 122, 206, 209, 307
- — — and Registration of Motor Cars, 574
- Cleaning of Water-cooling System, . 469, 550
- — Upholstery, 500 -V
- Clegg, E. J. (letter), 1200
- Clement-Bayard 8 h.p., 315
- Clement-Talbot, Ltd. (letter), 1196
- — with Indian-built Body (illus.), 742
- Clement Bonnet and Radiator, 340
- Clergymen Ford Owner, Driver, Cleaner, Repairer, etc. (letter), 821
- Cleveland A.C., 736
- Closed Body, Patent by Soc. Anon, des Automobiles Gregoire, 998
- — Cars and Overtaking Traffic, 1078
- “ Closed Circuit ” Transmission System, Constructive Criticism, 136
- Clubbite (letter), 1052
- Club Doings, 38, 214, 258, 314, 408, 553, 601, 647, 690, 736, 780, 824, 869, 918, 962, 1010. 1056. 1105, 1156, 1202
- Clutch, Polyrhoe, Particulars of, 902
- C.M. (letter), 1154
- C.O. (letter), 308
- Coachbuilder (letter), 121
- Coaching; Inn to Farmhouse, From, 5
- Coal Strike, Petrol Prices and, 440
- Coatt, W. W. (letter), 357
- Coatts, W. W. (letter), 309
- Cochrane, William (letters), 503, 597
- Collision, A, 32
- — at Hampton, Middlesex, 726, 776
- — Motor Car and Tram, in Johannesburg, 110
- — Motor Cyclist and Pedestrian, near Perth, 328
- — of Cars at Grappenhall, 1047
- — Result of, 167, 209
- — Wolseley and Vauxhall Cars, 1042
- Colomp, G. L. (letter), 164
- Colonial 18-24 h.p. Austin Car (illus.), 937
- — Requirements, Cooling, 551
- Colonies, Cars for, 1154
- Commer Car Estate ’Bus (illus.), 394
- Commissions on Subscriptions, 561
- Composite Motor Chassis, 536
- Concerning Accessories, by Owen John, 296
- Conditions of Purchase, 308
- Connecting Rod Bearing, Silent, Patent by C. Y. Knight, 457
- Consideration, Want of, 208
- Constant Compression Engine, 915
- Constructive Criticism of Independent Engineer, 136, 203, 397
- Contact Breaker, Improved, Patent by R. Bosch, 631
- Continent, With Car and Sketch Book, by Sydney Tebbutt, 363, 411
- Control of Traffic, 31
- Controller, V.R., 140
- Cooke, M. Adeline, Some Old Inns and Their Signs, by, 605
- Cooke, Stenson (letters), 596, 1005
- Coop, J. (letters), 1098, 1153
- Coote, Philip C. (letter), 643
- Corkaguiney, The Dingle Peninsula, by John LI. Warden Page, 739, 783, 827, 873
- Cornwall and Motorists, 955 Police Traps, 257
- — Inconsiderate Driving in, 925
- Correspondence, 31, 71, 121, 164, 208, 242, 307, 353, 401, 452, 501, 647, 596, 640, 684, 730, 774, 817, 863, 912, 955, 1002, 1048. 1097. 1150, 1196 Cost of Motoring, 35, 311, 320, 353, 504, 643, 733, 819
- Cotswold Hills. Trial Trip of 38 h.p. Lanchester, 760
- Country (letter), 307
- — M.D. (letter), 820
- — House Service, The Motor Car in, 157
- County Councils and Motor Oar Licence Duties, 911
- — Court Judge’s Opinion of Motor Oars, 36
- Coupe du Royale of Belgium, 1038
- Coupe de VAuto, Winner of (illua.), 1182
- Courtesy cd the Hoad. 1049, 1099
- Court. k k (letter), 1200
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 38, 258, 554, 647, 780, 824, 1156
- — Motor Club Run to Wales (illus.), 1035
- — Engineering Society, Paper by H. O. Clark, 525
- — Simplex Engine. 39
- Cowell. E. J. E. (letter), 311
- Cox, L. W. (letters), 1098, 1150
- C.R. (letter), 212
- CR 951 (letter), 1006
- Cracked Water Jackets, Repairing, 745
- Crank Chambers, Temperature of Oil in, 865
- Crankshaft Balancing, 16
- Crossley 12-14 h.p. Car, Body Design, 299
- C.R.D. (letter), 551
- Crespelle Car, Wind Screen on (illus.), 458
- Cricket Club, Motor, Proposed, 643
- Crippled Hire Dept, (letter), 958
- Crisp, Q. T. (letter), 1200
- Critique (letter), 357
- Cropper, J. (letter), 599
- Crossley Car with Camping Requisites (illus.), 671
- — Crankshaft and Crank Case (illus.), 861
- — 15 h.p. Car (illus.), 620, 952
- — with Totally Enclosed Body, 762
- — 1-2-14 h.p. Car (illus.), 1034
- — 20 h.p. on Brooklands Test Hill (illus.), 1078
- — Instruction Book, 741
- Crow, J. (letter), 209
- Crypto Co., New Transformer, 500
- C.S. (letter), 687
- CT 684 (letter), 776
- C.T.E.M. Mechanical Engine Starter, 798
- Cudham Hill and Church Hill, Cudham, Gradients of, 439
- Culyerwell, E. P. (letter), 124
- Cure,' Francis Capel (letter), 454
- Cushman, T. G., Patent by, Spring Damper 631
- Cut-outs, Prohibition of, Exhaust Horns and, 390, 578
- — in Scotland, 170
- — New L.G.B. Regulation, 303, 353 C.W.B. (letter), 599
- Cycle, Motor, Carried on Car (illus.), 1201
- Cyclists, Motors and, 72, 405
- Cylinder Cleaning, 1107, 1204
- Cylinders, En Bloc v. Separate, 1199
- Cymru-am-Cyth (letter), 308
- DA 603 (letter), 208 Daily Sufferer (letter), 642
- Daimler Gear Changes, .409, 459, 555
- — 22 h.p. 1909 Car, Carburetter for, 361
- — 23 'h.p. 6-cyl. Car (illus.), 1206
- — 38 h.p. Car (illus.), 312
- — with Maythorn Body (illus.), 407
- — Mulliner Body (illus.), 1161
- — 20 h.p. Car (illus.), 1061
- — — Chassis (illus.), 764
- — 15 h.p. Car, Mrs. H. Ingham Bottomley’s (illus.), 988
- — 25 h.p. Car on the Road, 860
- — S.K. 15 h.p. Starting on Switch, 409, 509. 737
- Damage in Transit, 692
- — to Bodywork by Tar, 912
- Danger from Insecure Number Plate, 642
- — Real, to Motoring, 878
- — to Road-roller Men, 1063
- Dangers of Central Posts, 730
- Dangerous Central Light Standards, Accident (illus.), 614
- — Corners, 360, 735. 778, 867, 1008, 1048
- — Roads, 76, 495, 735
- Dansey, R. P. (letter), 957
- Darracq Engine, 118
- — 12 h.p. Car, 509
- — 15 h.p. 1911 Car, 781
- — 22-28 h.p. 1911 Car, 361, 459
- — 18-22 h.p. 1909 Car, 216, 316
- — 20 h.p. Car (illus.), 37
- — 14-16 h.p., Carburetter for, 459
- — Changing Gear on, 39 Dart, H. C. (letter) 1197
- Dartmoor, Across, by John LI. Warden Page, 261, 317
- Davies, A. (letter), 167 Dawson, Charles (letter), 642
- DB416 (letter), 598
- Dealers’ Identification Numbers, 339
- — Motor Car, and Inland Revenue Licences, 852
- Deane, C. C. (letter), 818
- Deasy Motor Car Co. and H. C. Clark, Patent by, Universal Joint, 998
- — Co.’3 New Light Car, 1188
- Debating Society, Motor Trade, 458, 735
- Debole (letter), 504
- Decarbonisation Extraordinary, Oxygen Jet Method, 180
- — of Engines, 232
- De Dion Bouton (1907), Ltd. (letter), 914
- — 25 h.p. Car (illus.), 97
- — Ton Delivery Van, R.A.C. Trial, 400
- — Car and 5 Ton Van (illus.), 407
- — Cars, Medical Men and, 830 10 h p 1007 (Mr. 315
- — 26 h.p. Eight-cylinder Car (illus.), 645
- — 13 h.p. Car, Description of, 151
- — J. W Stocks's (Ulus,), 139
- — 6 h.p Car, Mrs. Vincent Betts's
- — 13 h.p, Car on Lynton Hill (IIIUB.), 843 (Illus.) 1145
- — Motor Omnibus in Peak District
- Dee (letter), 167
- Defiance Model Austin Car, 769
- De Freville, G. D. N. (letter), 124
- Deganwy Police Trap, 913, 957, 996
- Deighton, A. (letter), 731
- Dffis, Oliver U. (letter), 915
- De Lacey, Albert E. (letter), 32
- Delage 1910 12 h.p., 648
- — 14 h.p. Car (illus.), 333
- — with Charlesworth Body (illus.), 656
- Delaunay-Belleville 17 h.p. Car (illus.), 416
- — 26 h.p. Car (illus.). 76, 313
- — — — Description of, 1045
- — 37 hjo. Car with Mulliner Body, 909
- — M., The Late, 285
- Delaunay-Bellevilles in Postal Service, 682
- Delay in Delivery, 1150
- De Lesseps Sleigh (illus.), 566
- Delhi Durbar, The Autocar at the, 100
- Delieuvin, P. A. M., Patent by, Carburetter Design, 163
- Dennis and Delage Cars, 315
- — 40 h.p. Touring Car (illus.), 1060
- Derby Races, Motor Cars at, 1103
- Derbyshire and North Staffs A.C., 870, 1105
- — H. M. (letter), 642
- Design and Construction, Body, 299, 358, 543, 670, 762, 834, 891, 892, 909, 916, 928, 930, 952. 1075, 1104, 1187
- Detachable Rims, Captain, Particulars of Various Types, 858
- — Wheel Locks, by Bertram C. Joy, 676.
- — L.W., 190
- — Patents, 434, 487, 575, 684, 902, 956
- — Rudge-Whitworth, Description of, 888
- — Wheels, 1005
- — Wire Wheels, French, 305, 337
- Detective, Famous, Royal Motoring Clients, 431
- D.E.W. (letter), 32
- Dewar Trophy, 256, 408
- Developments, Possible, of the Motor Car, by H. C. Clark, 525
- Devon and Cornish Camping Route, 460, 555
- — — Cornwall A.C., 553, 1157 Tour in, 1158
- — Roads, 654, 1049
- Devonshire Dumpling (letter), 208
- — Road Surfaces, 34, 72, 133, 164, 208, 242, 1151
- D. F.P. Cars, Front of (illus.), 491
- Diatto 15 h.p. with Body by Linington Bros, (illus.), 477
- Dieppe Circuit, Camp for, 729 (illus.), 294
- — Hotel Accommodation for Grand Prix, 999
- Digest of Leading Motor Cases, by John A. Williamson, 475
- Dingle Peninsula, Corkaguiney, by John LI. Warden Page, 739, 783, 827, 873
- Dines, J. S. (letter), 452
- Dirigible, E. T. Willows’s, Power, Plant, and Body of (illus.), 816
- Disbrow, Louis, New Racing Car (illus.), 588
- Discounts, 405, 503, 550, 599
- Disfigurement of Landscape, 1196
- Diva Head Light Co. (letter), 309
- Doctor of Medicine (letters), 242, 454
- — The, and the Car (review), 608
- Dog in the Manger (letter), 916
- Doncaster and District A.C., 1156
- Donnelly Detachable Jacket, 617
- Don’ts for Novices, 1116
- Dorset-Hants Motorist (letter), 912
- Dover and Brighton Roads, with Old Coast Road Connecting, 935
- Down Greenhow, 243
- Dreux Splash Guard (illus.), 292
- Drills, Grinding of, 502 ’
- Driver of the Car (letter), 776
- Driver’s Name, Giving to Police, 914
- Drivers for the Grand Prix, 123
- Driving, Dangerous, 208, 245, 354, 402, 502, 598, 819, 864, 866, 957
- — Inconsiderate, in Cornwall, 925
- — Licence Endorsements, 256
- — Licences, Renewal of, 71
- — Surrey, 516
- — Wheels, High, 121
- Drummond Lathe, 897
- Duckham, Alexander, Castor Oil for Engine Lubrication, by, 430
- — A. (letter), 1151
- Duco Leather Mat (illus.), 88
- Dulwich Hood and Screen Factory, Hood Design, 43
- Dunorgan Horn, 758
- Dunlop Detachable Wheel. Patent by Dunlop Tyre Co. and W. Wright, 631
- — Handbook (review), 408
- — Jas. (letter), 209
- — J. B. (letter), 1005
- — Tyre Co., Patent by, Detachable Wheel, 631 D
- Duo-car, 365
- Duo-Cars, Ltd. (letter), 456
- Duocars, Monocars and, 384
- Duplex Ball Bearing, 652
- — Rotary Valve Engine, 372
- Dust and Effect upon Wear and Tear, by Page, 611
- Dynamo Outfit, Attractions of, 670
- — Position and Drive, 401, 550, 642
- — Small v. Accumulator, 820
- E 115 (letter), 684
- Early British Cars, 550, 596, 642, 685
- Easter Meeting, Brooklands, 618, 620, 661
- East Anglia, A Word for, 587
- — Indies, Motoring in the (illus.), 562, 595
- — Nottingham Bye-election (illus.), 823
- — Suffolk AC., Ipswich and, 214, 647, 824
- Eastmead, Frederic, Views on Australian Requirements, 946
- Easy Starting, 454. 644. 730. 866
- Economy (letters), 453, . 1048
- Eder, Paul E. (letter), 863
- Edge, 6. F. (letters), 74, 125, 165, 777, 959, T . .xv . 1051, 1198
- Interview with, Motoring in South Africa, 657
- Edinburgh and District M.O. (illus.), 1039
- Educational, by Owen John, 849
- E.F.C, (letter), 1003
- Efficiency of Small Engines, Constructive Criticism, 203
- Egdur (letter), 956
- Egypt, .Motor Tour Experiences in, 823
- E. H. (letter), 733
- E.H.G. (letter), 77.5 Electric Car Lighting,. 83, 171, 409, 616
- — Head Lights, 75, 122, 125. 149, 165, 211,
- „ 246, 309, 356, 454
- — Results of Tests, 30, 309
- — Lamps for Cylinder Holder, 786
- — Lamps, Wiring, 127
- — Lighting Set, “ En Route Dynamo, 286
- — Transmission, Variable-speed, Simplified, 397
- Elliott, Thomas R. B. (letter), 1050
- E.M.F. Car in North America (illus.), 689
- E.M.P.B. (letter), 164
- — Tour in Vosges and Black Forest, by, 44J7,
- Empire Slide Valve Engine, Description Emery Wheel in Garage, 369
- En Bloc v. Separate Cylinders, 1199 Enfield (letter), 644
- — Self-starter, Description of, 39
- England, Geo. (letters), 599, 687
- — Main Roads of, 567, 935
- — What the Road Board .Might Do Wanderer, 538
- English Lakes, Round the, by Harry Wade, 921, 966
- — Motorist’s Adventures in Australia, 285
- — Visitors to the Grand Prix, 1042
- Engine Bonnet with Perspective (illus.), 430
- — Castiglione and Bolton, Description of, 708
- — Constant Compression, 915
- — Coventry Simplex, 39
- — Cylinders, Supplying Moisture to, 959
- — by Eric W. Walford, 893
- — Darracq, 118
- — Itala, 25 h.p. (illus.), 487
- — Rotary Valve, Report by Consulting Engineer, 591
- — Low, Particulars of, 389, 503
- — Lubrication, Castor Oil for, 430. 531, 551
- — of Alcyon Grand Prix Racer (illus.), 940
- — Rotary Valve, Canadian, 905
- — Duplex, 372
- — Itala, Teat of, 22
- — Sleeve Valve, American, Lady’s Invention, 619
- — Designed by J. Moriceau, 493
- — Patent by F. Lamplough, 163
- — Slide and Piston Valve, Patent by J. Miesse, 1102
- — — Valve, Empire, Description of, 143
- — Starter, Mechanical, C.T.E.M., 798
- — Stroke and Tyre Wear, 1097, 1196
- — Two-cycle, Micklewood, 197
- — Valveless, Renault, 305
- — Warmth, To Utilise, 91
- — Without Pistons, Carmichael-Schaibey, 305
- Engines, Decarbonisation of, 232
- — for Aeroplanes, 186
- — Slide Valve, 402, 503, 596, 685, 865
- — Small, Efficiency of, Constructive Criticism, 203
- — Two-stroke, 958
- “ En RouteDynamo for Electric Lighting, 286
- Enthusiastic French Tourist (letter), 164
- Epsom, Motor Cars at (illus.), 793
- Fqus (letter), 75
- Ernest Owers (letter), 122
- Essex County A.C., 408, 601, 869, 1156
- — Floods in, 185
- — M.C., 314, 553. 554
- Eton, Fourth of July at (illus.), 1073
- Evans Car Heater, 64
- — H. N.. Patent by. Three-wheeled Axle, 1053
- Events of the Week (illu6.), 187
- Ever-ready Engine Starter,’ 1020
- Evidence “Independent” in Motor Cases, 1150
- E.W.S. (letter), 865 . '
- Exaggeration, The Spirit of, 27
- Exhaust Assisted Water Circulation, 49b
- — Cut-outs, 89
- — Heater, Thomson-Bennett 306
- — Horns and Prohibition of Cut-outs, 390, 578
- — Valve after Nine Years’ Use (illns.), 881
- — Warmed Suit. 35
- Experientia (letter), 167
- Experts Without Experience, 987
- Exports. Motor Car and Parts, 595
- — and Imports, Australia, 1201
- Ex-Tester (letter), 33
- Eyes, Comfort to the, 878
- EY 286 (letter), 1151
- Facile Carburetter, Particulars of, 399
- Facility Divisible Rim, 40, 871, 919
- Faggot Sellers in Southern Italy, 322
- Fair Play (letters), 402, 551
- Faraday House Apparatus for Adjustment of Supplementary Springs, 771
- Farmer (letters). 242, 307
- — Who is also a Motorist (letter), 912
- Farmers, Motoring for, 495
- Farnsworth, A. W. (letters), 502, 1005, 1152
- Fed Up (letter), 1101
- Ferry Facilities, Scottish, 590
- Ferryhill Village, County Durham,
- F. F. (letter), 864
- F.I.A.T. (letters), 913, 10(55
- — Grand Prix Cars (illus.), 1056
- — 35-50 h.p. Car, Ralph Salem’s with Pullman Body (illus.).
- Fidgety Dick (letter), 551
- Fillingham or Summer Castle, 22. 75
- Fire by Friction. 973
- Fishguard. U»wcr. New Road into, 159
- The Hills and the Hermit of, by H.B.G., 41
- Fish, Poisoning of, 913, 959
- Fitxall Spanner. 607
- Fixed and Variable Ignitions, 732
- Flanders Car. 127, 964
- — 15-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 427
- Fleet of Cars, G. H. L. Parsons’s (illus.), 423
- Float Chamber, Dirt in the, 973, 1165
- — Water in, 1165
- Floods in Essex, 185
- Flower Vase for Interior of Closed Cars, 514
- Foden Model Steam Waggon, E. F. Foden’s (illus.). 467
- Folkestone-Chichester-Southampton Road, 1027
- Foot Mutt, Edwards’s, 607
- Foot-warmer or Car-heater, Simple Form of, 135, 311
- Forced Feed Lubrication System, 563
- Ford Car, Early Model (illus.), 988
- — on Test Hill at Brooklands, 779, 867
- — — with Lookers, Ltd., Body (illus.), 1145
- — Cars, 603, 648, 691, 737”
- — Bosch Magneto on, 361, 459, 509
- — — Carburetter for, 171
- — Lubrication, Carburation, and Ignition, 83, 127
- — Owner-Driver (letter), 549
- — Sparking Plugs, 691
- — T.. Substitute for Petrol Tap, 713
- Foreign Cars, Home and, 1133
- — Competitions, The Value of, 987
- — Motor Tourists, 1042
- Formula K for Estimating Performances, by J. W. Roebuck, 1117
- Forward Sparking Plug, 559 Four-in-one Polish, 128
- Four-seated Body on Short Wheelbase Chassis, 1104
- — Two-seater, 891, 892
- Four River Valleys, by H.J.S. and the Colonel, 746, 789, 835
- Fourth of July at Eton (illus.), 1073
- Fox, C. Leslie (letters), 1100, 1196
- Fox’s Patent Puttees, 313
- — E. P. (letter), 243
- France and Spain, Tour on 25.6 h.p. Vulcan, by Thos. Hampson, 237, 287
- — Detachable Wheels in, 305, 337
- — Discoveries in, by Berkshire Road Surveyor, 300
- Gaal, A., and Co. (letter), 600
- Gabriel Rebound Snubber, 388
- Gallio (letter). 1099
- Gamage, A. W. (letter), 1153
- — Noiseless Cut-out. 848
- Gap between Autocar and Motor Cycle, What is being done to fill, 111
- Garage Brushes, G. T. Riches and Co., 608
- — Design, Artistic, 805
- — Heating, 46
- — Proprietor (letter), 405
- — Proprietor's Signpost, 717
- Garages and Inhabited House Duty, 715
- — Illicit Use of Cars by, 548
- Gardner, Eric (letter), 1050
- Gas Mixer, 361 r, . _
- Gautier Metallic Fabric Tyre, R.A.C. Trials, 562
- — Tyres, R.A.C. Test of, 76
- G.C. Vaporiser, Description of, 722
- — Ltd. (letters), 775. 865. 959
- Gear Box, Cadillac Cos, After Long Service, 1190
- Gear Boxes, Chain-driven, 386
- — Changing, Two Simple Rules, 563
- — Ratios, 1017, 1018, 1019. 1025, 1030
- — for Cars., Tabulated List, 1030
- — Importance of, J 026
- Generators
- German Army Subvention Trials, 491
- — Automobile Boycott, 932
- — Information Tours, 507
- - Voiturette Trials, 284, 689, 735
- Germany, Boycott of Duchy of Gotha, 868
- — Detachable Wheel Patents in, 434, 487,
- — XM-X A . • 575, 684« 9Q2
- — Military Aviation Circuit and Motor Cars as Scouts, 779
- - Vagabonding Chauffeurs in, 689
- Gatings-Johnson, J. (letter), 1005
- — F. (letter), 551
- Gibbs. H. C. (letter), 71
- Gibraltar. Shipping Car at (illus.), 395
- Ginger (letter), 684
- Gipsy Village, by H. G. Archer, 1059
- Girling Motors, Ltd. (letter), 405
- Glasgow Motor Show (illus.), 46, 118 '
- Glass Substitute for Screens and Hoods, Verre Souple, 816
- Glendoe Hill, Inverness-shire, 585
- G.N. Car, Description of, 235
- — Cyclecar (illus.), 804
- — 8-10 h.p. Runabout, 361
- Godalming Persecution, 453, 575
- Godalming’s Motorphobia, 243
- — Speed Limit Notoriety, 891
- — Ten-mile Limit, 523, 961
- Golf Trophy, “ The Autocar,” Third Annual Competition, 1186
- Golfing Society, 'Automobile, Spring Meeting of, 589
- — Summer Meeting, 1038
- Goodhart, Gavin C. (letter), 506
- Goodrich Retreading and Repairing Dept., 786
- Goodwin, W. V. Summers Gradwell (letter), 75
- Goodyear Detachable Wheels (illus.), 1077
- — E. F. (letters), 548. 688, 777, 1199
- Gordon, A. B. (letter), 35
- Gore, A. (letter), 505
- Government, Apathy of, and Petrol, 971
- — F. P. (letter), 863
- Grades on Alpine Roads, by Francis Miltoun, 679
- Gradients of Cudham Hill and Church Hill, Cudham, 439
- Graham, A. J. S., Lincolnshire, by, 85, 129, 217
- Grand Prix (illus.), 1080
- — Alcyon Racer Engine (illus.), 940
- — Arrol-Johnston Cars for, 1138
- — Calthorpe Racers (illus.), 896
- — Cars, Brooklands Race for, 1131
- — Cars for (illus.), 759, 799, 807, .822, 1126, 1134, 1135
- — — Drivers for the, 123, 864
- — English Visitors to the, 1042
- — F.I.A.T. Cars (illus.), 1056
- — French, and L’Auto Cup, 26, 458, 532, 839
- — Mercedes, Mr. Mander’s, after Fire (illus.), 929
- — Preparing for, Description of Course, 1126
- — Preparations, 774
- — — Race, English Representatives on Dieppe Circuit, 426 1178,
- — Report of, 1181
- — Impressions of (illus.), 1177, 1185
- — Types of Cars for (illus.), 1180
- — Winner of (illus.), 1184
- — Singer Cars, Particulars of, 854, 882, 883, 884 (illus.), 1142
- — Sunbeam Cars for, 799
- — Vauxhall Car (illus.), 759, 807
- — Vinot et Deguingand Car (illus.), 1089
- Granite Setts, Paving in London, 823
- Grant, Archibald S. (letter), 1006
- Grant-Maclennan, Alastair (letter), 1097
- Grateful Road-Louse (letter), 73
- Grease Plunger, Royalty, 382
- Great Orme, Climbing, 579, 685, 917
- Gregoire Car, Georges Carpentier on (illus.), 941
- — Cars with Uncommon Bodies (illus.), 543
- — 16-24 h.p. Car, 737 (illus.), 140, 842
- — 18-30 h.p. Car (illus.), 508
- Grimston Tyres, 110
- Grinding of Drills, 502
- — Process, 1081
- Gritting and Tar Treatment of Roads, 989
- — of Street Surfaces, Roads Improvement Association’s Campaign, 764, 989
- Grosvenor Garage (letter), 599
- Guildford Avoiding Route, 961
- Gyroscopic Non-skid, 737
- Hackney Carriages, 1012
- Haig, K. G. (letter), 210, 506
- Halkett, George R. (letter), 454
- Hall, D. (letter), 957
- Hammersmith Speed Limit Enquiry, 437
- Hampden, G. (letter), 641
- Hampshire A.C., 258. 824
- — Police Activities, 863, 912
- Hampson, Thos., In France and Spain, by, 237, 287
- Hampstead Cyclist (letter), 547
- Hands, G. N. (letter), 774
- Hannen, R. (letters), 308, 599
- Hansa Car, 45 h.p. Car (illus.), 1188
- Harris, Morns (letter), 506
- Harrogate and Motorists, 912
- Harrow, Speech Day at (illus.), 1155
- Hart, Victor (letter), 1153
- Hauling Oars Out of Morass, Pytchley Hunt (llitw.). 691 %
- Hayes, S. H. (letter), 1197
- H.B.O , Hills and Hermit of Fishguard, by, 41
- H.D.R Welding Process, 714
- Head Lamp Adjustments, 47
- — Brackets, 47
- — Light, Searight Swivelling System, 442, 443
- — Lights, Electric, 75, 122, 125, 149, 165, 211, 246, 309, 356, 454
- Results of Test*. ?n. 309
- — — Seabrook Acetylene, 149
- Healing oi tne Breach, by Owen John, 59
- Heart, The, and Motoring, by Page, 379
- Heater, Car, Evans, 64 '
- Hedges, Obstruction by, 522, 773, 778, 818
- Hele-Shaw Hydraulic Transmission, Trial of, 1132
- — Description of, 1146
- Herefordshire A.C., 602
- — G.E.R. (letter), 75
- Hertford Street Motor Hiring Co., Ltd. (letter). 1197
- Herts County A. and Ae.C., 258. 824, 1010
- — A.C. Hill-climb, 761, 1064, 1086
- H.F. “Baby” Vulcaniser, Description of, 903
- H.H. (letter), 820
- Higginbotham, Gt (letter), 685
- High Court Decisions to End of 1911, by John A. Williamson, 475
- — Driving Wheels, 121
- — Hedges, 609
- — Price of Petrol, Criticisms of R.A.C. Meeting, 1035
- Highway Construction and Maintenance Five Centuries of, 13. 108. 154, 188, 224, 280, 370
- — Lighting of Cattle on, by Motoring Farmer, 847
- Highworth, King’s Royal Rifles Meeting, Spectators’ Cars (illus.), 480
- Hill-climb. Aston, Report of, 1086
- — in Switzerland. 698
- — Joint, Somerset and Gloucestershire A.C.’s, 918
- — Open, at Rivington Pike, 910, 918
- — Shelsley Walsh, 586, 1166
- Hill-climbing in Yorkshire, 195, 230
- — Tour, 12-16 h.p- Wolseley (ilius.), 711
- Hill-climbs, Moderate Stroke and, 1101, 1196
- — Six-cylinder Cars in, 863
- — Value of, 831
- Hill, F. C. (letter), *1099
- — Gradients, Cudham Hill and Church Hill, Cudham, 439
- Hills and Hermit of Fishguard, by H.B G.> 41
- — at Newquay, 171, 315
- — Boiling on, 743
- — in Wale-s, 243
- — Maintaining Head of Petrol bn, 973, 1050. 1099
- — near Fishguard, 215, 243, 315
- — Test, 506
- Hillman Motor Car Co., Ltd. (letter), 209
- Hints and Tips, Useful, 3, 47, 91, 135, 179, 223, 2.67, 323, 369, 417, 469, 517, 563, 611. 655, 699. 745, 788. 833, 879, 927, 973, 1019, 1065, 1116, 1165
- Hiring of Cars, 311. 354, 456, 503
- H.J.S. and the Colonel, “ Four River Valleys,” by, 746, 789, 835
- Hobson, Hamilton (letter),. 209 -
- Hodgkin, J. E. (letters). 600, 1196
- Hodgkinson. ±L. R. (letter), 551
- Hodgson, C. W. Allen (letter), 1154
- Holmes, G. B. (letter), 686
- Holyhead Road, Corwen to Cerrig-y-Druidion, 308, 912, 957
- Home-made Soldering Bit, 267
- Hood, One-man, Design by Dulwich Hood and Screen Factory, 43
- —One-man, Rotax, 490
- Hoods, Flexible Paint for, 691
- Hooter Troubles and Repairs, 745
- Hope, Captain, Trailer for Touring Car, 681
- Hopkins, G. A. (letter), 1154
- Horn, Dunorgan, 758
- Horns, Musical, 1197
- Horse Box, Motor, 625
- — Cab v. Taxicab, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 669
- — Carriage with Car Hood (illus.), 1161
- Horse-power at the Road Wheels, 123
- Horses’ Hoofs and Tarred Roads, 775, 819, 914, 955, 1006
- Huntingdonshire, Persecution in, 1098, 1150^
- Hupmobile 15-18 h.p. Car, 366 Description of, 481
- H. and S. (Houdaille) Shock Absorber, 159
- Hut Hotel. Wialey (illus.), 901.
- H.W., Ye Ancient Sundial, by. 623
- Hydraulic Transmission, Hele-Shaw, Description of, 1146
- — Trial of, 1132
- Ice, Composite Race on (illus.). 291
- — Yacht, Motor Car and (illus.), 191
- Identification Marks, New, 822
- — Numbers, Dealers’, 339
- Ignition and Carburation, 91
- — Fixed or Variable, 644, 732, 818, 865
- — «Setting, Valve and, 19
- — Timing, 674
- Ignoramus (letter), 956
- Illicit Use of Cars by Garages, 548
- Imperia Cars, 39, 128
- imports, Petrol, into United Kingdom, 732
- Improved Universal Joint, Patent by H. C. Clark and Deasy Motor Car Manufacturing Co., 998
- Improvements, Suggested, at Brooklands, 957
- Income Tax, Medical Men’s Cars and, 242, 353, 453, 502
- Incubus, The, by Owen John, 765
- Indebtedness of Hunters to Motor Cars, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 773
- Independent Evidence in Motor Cases, 1150
- India, Advertisement Prices in, 915, 1006
- — British Motor Car Duties, 170
- — Prices in, 1154
- — Royal Visit to (illus.), 178, 213
- — Sir Charles Friswell’s Impressions of, 908
- Indian Body-building. (illus.), 742
- Indicator, Oil-feed, by E. H. Trelease, 388
- Indispenso Accumulator Charging Adapter, 844
- Infants, Motoring for, 1049, 1150
- Inhabited House Duty Garages and, 715
- Injection of Water into Cylinders, 687, 732, 865
- Inland Revenue Licences, Motor Car Dealers and, 852
- Innkeepers, A Moral for, 1042
- Inn, Unspoiled, at Stoke, Suffolk, 60
- Inns, Old, and their Signs, by M. Adeline Cooke, 605
- — Some Old, 640
- Inspector (letters), 733, 956
- — oi Petroleum (letter), 244
- Institute of Inventors, 159
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, Annual Meeting, 534
- — Graduates’ Section, 290, 508 (illus.), 229
- — Paper at, 660
- — Paper by G. F. Barrett, 248
- — Paper by David J. Smith, 77, 107
- — Visit to Paris, 822
- Insulating Material, 1107, 1158
- Insurance Companies’ Want of Discrimination, 929
- — No Claim Bonus, 732
- — of Motor Cars, 212, 353, 685, 914
- — Traction Engine Dangers and, 31
- Inter-club Meeting and Gala, R.A.C., 848
- Interested (letters), 307, 915
- Interior Lighting of Cape Cart Hood, 33
- Internal Combustion Engines: Wanted, a Name, 728
- International Manufacturers’ Union, Formation of, 99
- — Road Congress, Third, 144, 656
- — Tour, Buda-Pesth to Constantinople, 709
- Ipswich and East Suffolk A C., 214, 647, 824
- Ireland, Police Traps in, 489, 1J04
- — Unlighted Cars in, 646
- Iris Car, Mr. Barry’s: Body Design, 358
- Irish A.C., 40«
- — Trial of 15 h.p. Napier, 637
- — Application for Speed Limit, 491
- — Police, Sporting, 148
- — Roads, 709
- Island of Walcheren, by M.G.6.B., 693
- Itala 60-70 h-p. Car (illus.), 1008
- — 25 h.p. Engine (illus.), 487
- — 35 h.p. Rotary Valve Car (illus.), 1207
- — Rotary Valve Engine, Report by Consulting Engineer, 591
- — Test of. 22
- Italy, Southern, Faggot Sellers in (illus.), 322
- Ivor Car, 127
- Jack, Car-lifting, 489
- — Lightning, 1195
- — Michelin, Description of, 332, 402
- — Stowaway, Atlas, 56
- Jackson Generator, Description of, 724
- Jackson Car, 6.2 h.p. Car (illus.), 542
- — 13-16 h.p. Car, with “Demon” body (illus.), 234
- Jane, Fred T. (BK 97) (letter), 1003
- Janson, S. (letter), 503
- Japan. First Motor Club Run in, 138
- — Motor Cars in, 508. 1201
- Japanese Emperor, Mercedes Cars for, 320
- Jay-Eye-See, Louis Disbrow’s Racing Oar, 588
- Jeffrey, Arthur (letter), 1153
- Jehu (letter), 72
- Jenkins. A. H (letter). J003
- Jenks. Alfred E. (letter), 686
- J.G.M, (letter), 821
- J H E (letters), 122, 353
- J L ft (letter), 818
- J L D, Starting from the Seat, Device, by, 655
- J M F. <letter), 1199
- Johannesburg, Collision of Car and Tramcar, 110
- Motor Car Trad", 645
- John, Gladys A. W. (letter), 1150
- Johnston, J. Gettings (letter), 210
- Jones Sparking Plug, 1037
- Joy., Bertram C., Detachable Wheel Locks, by, 676
- J.R.C. (letter), 353
- J.R.D. (letter), 503
- Judge, Learned, Advantage of Practical Knowledge, 381
- June Meeting, Brooklands, Report of, 1130
- Justice, A Contrast in, 496
- — (letter), 641
- — to Other Road Users, 653
- K 4173 (letter), 209
- K 4236 (letter), 402
- Kai-Ora (letter), 455
- Kent A.O., 601, 962
- — and Road Patrols, 119
- — Coast, With a Camera on, 42
- Keep. A. W. (letter), 866
- Keeping to the Left, 453
- Kelly, Sydney A. (letter). 307
- — Proposed Road from Liverpool to Preston, by, 169
- Kempshall Tyre Pressure Gauge, 107
- Kenneth, H. (letter), 73
- Kensington Speed Limit, Proposed, 846
- Kenway, Philip T. .’letters), 453, 596, 730
- Kewayen, “ Amateur Overhauling,” by, 3, 179_,
- Kidner, P. C., Interview with, Swedish
- King and Queen at Fakenham (illus.), 664
- King Edward I. and Motor Car Law, 162
- — H.M. the, at Weymouth (illus.), 911
- — in Nepal (illus.), 460
- — J. B. (tetters), 34, 168
- “ K,*” Basis for Comparison between Cars, by J. W. Roebuck, 1117
- — and Wimperis Accelerometer, 1190
- — The Ideal Compromise, 1113
- Klaxon Battery, 786, 875
- — Horn Adjustment. 517, 745
- Knight, Chas. Y., Interview with, The Sleeve Valve in the States, 419
- — John Henry (letter), 596
- — Minerva 26 h.p. Car (illus.), 859
- — Panhard 25 h.p. Car (illus.). 1077, 1160
- Knowles, E. Miles (letters), 914, 957
- K.R.I.T. Car, 361
- — Testing of (illus.), 339
- — 15-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 302
- — Chassis (illus.), 301
- Kuvershields, 1012. 1057
- Lady’s Invention, American Engine of Sleeve Valve Type, 619
- Lagonda Car (illus.), 98
- Lake District Drive, 1153
- La Licorne 12-14 h.p. Car, Description of, 632 (illus.). 713
- Lalonde, W- T. (letters), 244, 456
- Lamplough, F., Patent by, Sleeve Valve Engine, 163
- Lamps, Acetylene and Electric, 97-
- — Increasing Candle-power of, 223
- — Carello, Description of, 1043
- — Electric, Wiring, 127
- — Head, BlSriot, 409
- — Some Points about, 149
- Lancashire AC.. 824. 918, 1202
- — and Manchester A.C. Open Hill-climb, 910
- Lanchester Car, Account of Trip on, 803 Details of Design, 974
- — F. W., Patent by. Vibration Damper, 998
- — 20 h.p. 4-cyl. Car. 1203
- — 28 h.p. Six-cylinder Limousine (illus.), 736
- — 38 h.p. Trial Trip among Cotswold Hills, 760
- — 25 h.p. with Cann Body (illus ), 765
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 597
- — 1903, on Great Orme's Head (illus-), 579.
- Lancia 15 h.p. Car, Description of, 576
- — 30 h.p. Car (illus.), 198, 1001
- — 24-40 h.p. with Flush-sided Body (illus.), 542
- Landscape Disfigurement in Scotland, 53
- Lang, S- (letter). 1101
- Langridge, G. T. (letter), 403
- Language Class, Another: Golfing Society Meeting, 589
- — Classes for Chauffeurs, 416, 551, 552. 596, 642, 656
- Last Year’s Races and Competitions, 62
- Lathe, Small The Value of, 897, 956
- La-Violette Car (illus.), 383
- Law, Motor Car, King Edward I. and, 162
- Lawrence Boyle (letter), 455
- L.C.C. Licence Collecting Methods, 177, 434
- LCE.K. (letters), 311, 456
- LE 4245 (letter). 401
- Leak in Petrol Tank, Repairing, 699
- Leaky Valve Tappets. Care for, 323
- Lea Reflex Lights, Patents -Upheld. 51
- Leather Preservative, 215
- Lee-Guinnees, K. E., Patent by, Magneto Driving Mechanism, 1053
- Left Hand, -Starting with. 135
- Legal and Legislative. Review of 1911
- — Department, B.A.C., 49
- — Representation of Motorists, 152
- Legislation, Piecemeal. 697
- Le Gui 12 h.p., Description of, 201
- Leicestershire AO., 38, 601. 869, 1010
- Le Mans Meeting (illus.), 996
- Letts, W. M., on American Motor Industry, 294
- Leverett, Ernest E. (letter), 641
- Lex (letter), 914
- L. (G ) M. (letter). 123
- Liability for Killing Dogs, 965
- — of Motorists for Accident. 941
- Licence Collecting Methods, L.OO., 177, 434
- — Declaration Forms, L.C.O. Summons, 193, 230, 242. 307.
- — Duties, County Councils and, 911
- — Fee and Legal Use of Car, 692
- Licences and Clean Counties, 1, 31, 50, 71, 122, 209, 307
- — for Middlesex, 119
- Lichtstrahl (letters), 122, 310
- Licorne Car, 12-14 h.p. Car, 871
- — Four-cylinder Coup6 (Ulus.), 192
- Lighting and Tramway Standards, 721
- — Imperfect, of Slow-moving Vehicles, 165
- — Interior, of Cape Cart Hood, 33
- — of Cattle and Sheep, 402, 847, 912, 955
- — on Highway, by Motoring Farmer, 847
- — System, Brolt, 492
- Lightning Jack, 1195
- Lights, Front, Single, 610
- Lincoln Morse Fair (illus.), 823
- Lincolnshire A.C., 214, 258, 601, 1010
- — A. J. S. Graham, 85, 129, 173, 217
- — Danger Spot in, 1003
- — Roads, 290
- Lining-up Piston, 369
- Lion-Peugeot 16 h.p. Car. 555, 825
- Little, L. E. (letter), 867
- Liveried Loafers, 938, 1002, 1050, 1101
- Liverpool to Southport, Proposed New Road, 4p2
- — to Preston, Proposed New Road, 169, 209, 307
- L. J., From Tree to Tyre, by, 393
- Lloyd Cars for 1912. 741
- Local Authorities and Motor Car Licence Duty, ?675
- — Government Board Regulation, Prohibition of Cut-outs, 303, 353
- Locks, Detachable Wheel, by Bertram C. Joy, 676
- Lodge Brthers, and Co. (letters), 75, 166, 211, 246, 356, 866, 1098 LN 4606 (letter), 774
- London and Birmingham, Traffic Congestion, 342
- — County Council and Motorists, 177, 434, 802. 832, 852, 945
- — and Trade Identification Marks, 945
- — and Trailer Tramcars, 222, 226
- — Exits, The Road Board and, 322, 329
- — Paving, Granite Setts for, 823
- — Proposed New Western Approach. 329, 387, 402, 423, 432, 500, 504, 551, 707, 861
- — Proposed Speed Limits in, 134, 753
- — Routes Through and Around (review), 1007
- — Street Paving in, 638
- — to Exeter and Back, 51
- — to Edinburgh Run. M.C.C., 736, 995, 1037
- — Tramcar and Motor Speeds, 142, 360
- — Speeds, L.C C. Summoned, 142
- — Tramway Obstruction in, Petition to Board of Trade, 52, 1038
- Longstroke (letter), 685
- Lord Chancellor, A Case for, 36, 56
- Lorraine-Dietrich 1912 Cars, Description of, 336
- — 18-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 849
- — 12-16 h.p. Car (illus.), 36
- — 28 h.p. with Mulliner Body (illus.), 387
- Low, A. M. (letter), 454
- — Engine, Particulars of, 389, 503
- — Hedges and High Cars, 773, 818
- — Stanley (letter), 867
- L43.S. (letter), 730
- Lubricant, Castor Oil as. 452, 501, 551. 600
- Lubrication, 452, 506, 550, 640
- — Engine, Castor Oil for, 430, 531
- — of Ball Bearings, 452, 551
- — Star Car, 1204
- — Systems, Forced Feed, 563
- Lubricating Systems, Mechanical, to Main Bearings, 808
- — Review of Existing Methods, 700, 750, 808
- — — Splash, 810
- Lubricator, Combined Shackle Bolt and, 305
- Luggage Capacity, Additional, Special Trailer, 681, 732
- L.W. Detachable Wheel, 190
- M. (letter), 600
- Mac (letter), 1048
- Macdonald. J. H. A. (letter). 600
- — Sir Archibald J., on R.A.C. and A.A. and M.U., 389
- — Sir J. H. A., Paper by, The Road, 343
- Mackenzie, D. F. (letter), 35
- — M. M. Hodson (letter), 353
- Madras, Motor Car Tenders for, 76
- Magisterial Disapproval of Short Distance Traps, 880 >
- Magneto Breakdown. Peculiar, 745
- — Contact Breaker, Patent by R. BoseJi, 998
- — Driving Mechanism, Patent by K. E. Lee Guinness, 1053
- — Improved, Patent by R. Bosch, 998
- — Re-magnetising, 39
- — Sparks, Study of, 674
- — Start-on-the-Switch, Patent by A. Ritter, 1102
- — Thefts, 1004
- — Trouble, 699
- Maguire, T. Miller (letter), 354
- Maidenhead Police and Motorists. 956
- Main and Side Roads Traffic, 458, 759
- — Roads of England, 567, 935, 1027
- “ Maintenance of Motor Cars,” Review, 38
- Malaya, Motoring in, 451
- Malta, Royal Visit to (illus.). 206
- Manchester AC., 314. 601. 736, 870
- — M.C., 690, 962. 1156. 1202
- — Motor Show, Cars nt (illus.), 382 (illus.). 258
- — Report; of, 346
- — Show, 403
- Manganese or Phosphor Bronze Brake Shoes, 964
- Man in the Street (illus.), 1099
- Manufacturers’ Union, International, Formation of, 99
- Manx A.C., 780 Map of Ireland, Review, 1007
- Maps Showing Police Activity, 573, 886
- Margetts Sectional Tyre, 215
- Marriott, J. S. (letter), 210
- Marshall Tyre, Description of, 25
- — Jacket and Tyre, 122
- Martin, Horace (letter), 1097
- — Self-starter, Description of, 468
- Marvel Security Patch, 491
- Mason, F. W. (letter), 732
- Mass Car, 20 h.p. Car, with totally enclosed body (illus.), 28
- Master Patent, Reputed for Detachable Wheels, 434
- Matthew, J. S. (letter), 454
- Matthews, Stanley N. (letter). 1099
- Maudslay Car, Enclosed Driving Saloon Car (illus.), 931
- — 40 h.p. Car (illus.), 507
- — 30 h.p. Car (illus.), 920
- — 25-30 h.p. Car (illus.), 1022
- — 17 h.p. with Body by Bideford Motor Works (iilus.), 930
- — Holmes and Co. (illus.), 1192
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 863
- — Robbery at, 330 *
- Mauvillier Carburetter, Description of, 851
- Maxwell Car after Accident (lllus.), 614
- Mayer, L., Patent by, Spring Suspension, 1102
- May Meeting, Brooklands, 816, 852, 857
- Mayor, A. (letter), 730
- Maythorn Body QU Daimler Chassis (illus.), 407
- Mayda, B.T.H. Electric Lamps, 1162
- M.B., B.S. (letter), 1150
- M.C.C. London-Edinburgh and Back Run, 736, 995, 1029, 1037
- McKusick, M. H- (letter), 958
- M.D. (letter), 72 Mechanical Engine Starter, C.T.E.M., 798
- — Man at Puch Works (illus.), 1037
- Medical Ford Owner, Driver, Cleaner, Repairer, and Re-designer (letter), 776
- — Men and De Dion Cars, 830
- Petrol Rebate, 37
- — Men’s Gars and Income Tax, 242, 353, 453, 502
- Medicann Body on 10 h.p. Austin Chassis (illus.), 385
- Medico (letter), 685
- Medicus (letter), 1199
- Medinger, M., Racing Car, built by (illus.), 1085
- Mediterranean, From Bay of' Biscay to, 145
- Meisse, J., Patent by^ Slide and Piston Valve Engine, 1102 .
- Member of Both (lettte'fe 404
- — Royal Dublin Society ’(kCtier), 644
- Mercedes, Grand Prix, Mr. gander’s, after Fire (illus.), 929
- — 80-90 h.p. Car, Description of, 283
- — 75 h.p. Car (illus-), 960
- — 45-50 h.p. Chassis (illus.), 1134
- — Four-cylinder Car, Description of, 1079
- — Engine (illus.), 1133
- — 45 h.p., Gordon Watney’s (illus.), 587
- — 60 h.p., Old, with New Body jillus.), 203
- — Racing Team (illus.), 926
- Mercier, M., Road Skate, Invented by (illus.), 425
- Mersey M.C., 780
- Metallurgique 14 h.p. at Water-splash (illus.), 987
- — 20 h.p. Limousine. 1159
- — with Van den Plas Body (illus.), 1205
- — 36 h.p. with Van den Plas Body (i-llus.), 414
- — 40 h.p. with Van den Plas body (illus.), 542
- — Prince Henry Type Car, Description of, 855
- — with Vincent Limousine Body (illus.), 931
- Metamorphosis, Highway Construction and
- Maintenance., 280, 370
- Metropolitan Police and Motorists, 456
- Traffic Congestion, 45
- — Speed Limit and Prohibition Applications
- Refused, 902
- M.E.W. (letter), 1100
- Meyer, Louis (letter), 34
- M.F.A. (letter), 600
- M.G.8.B., The Island of Walcheren, by, 693
- M.I.A.E. (letter), 74
- Michelin Guide, 506 to British Isles, Review, 848
- — Jack, Description of, 332, 406
- Mickey (letter), 246 ... _
- Micklewood Two-cycle Engine, Description of, 197
- Midland AC. Hill-climb at Shelsley Walsh, 586, 1166
- Midlands, Byways of, A Bun Through, 1133
- Middlesex County AC-, 214. 314, 780, 1010 1106
- — Petrol Economiser, 648. 781
- Miltoun, Francis, * Shrine for Automobilists,
- — From Bay of Biftar to Mediterranean, 146
- — Grades on Alpine Koada, by, 679
- — — Riviera Background*, by, 582
- M.I.M.E. (letters). 777, 864. 866. 1197
- "Mind the Step," Uecful Device, 400
- Minerva cars in new Zealand Trials, 629
- — 26 h.p. Car, Run on. J OOH
- - Chassis 07
- — 16 h.p., with 1912 Cann Body (illuw), 68
- — Knight 26 h.p. Car (ilhm,), H59
- Mirfit Sares, *72
- Misleading Audible, Warning Hignttln, 818
- Mitchell. S. C. C. (letter), 734
- Mitre Metal Polish, 408
- Model Car made by A. B. Sanderson (illus.), 423
- — Cars built by W. Bovde, 636
- — J? lying Machines, Review, 407
- Moderate Stroke and Hill-climbs, 1196
- Mombasa, Motoring in (illus.), 1026
- Monocars and Duocars, 384
- Monaco Rally, 214. 229, 230, 304
- — Plaque for, 207
- — Start of Parisian Competitors (illus.), 186
- Montgomery, A. J. (letter), 209 '?
- Moor, George (letters), 502. 548, 687
- Morgan, A. E. (letter), 1005
- — H. F. T. (letter), 212
- — P. C. (letter), 311
- — W. (letter), 865
- Moriceau, J., Sleeve Valve Engine designed by, 493
- More 12-15 h-p. Car, Particulars of, 986
- Motor and Horsed Vehicles, 600
- Motor Cycling Club, 918
- — Houses, Asbestos, 509
- — Manufacturers and Traders, Society of, Annual Meeting, 807
- — Railway Locomotive, 90
- — Routes of England, Review, 38
- — Supply Co., Ltd., Opening of New Premises, 970
- — Trade Debating Society, 458 735
- — Traffic (Street Noises) Bill, 697. 716
- “ Motors and Motoring, 1912,” Review, 406
- Motoring Farmer (letters), 818. 819. 864. 955
- — Lighting of Cattle on Highway, by, 847
- — for Everybody, 99
- Motorists and Motor Cyclists, 72, 405, 642
- “M” Tyres, Royal A.O. Trial of, 1141
- Mudguard Improvement, 369
- Mulhner Limousine on Rolls-Royce Chassis, 928
- — Shooting Brake (illus.), 1136
- Mumford, L. (letter), 456
- Munchausen, Baron (letter), Museum, Motor Car, 1038
- Musical Horns, 1197
- Mysterious Watchmen, 550
- N6177 (letter), 1049
- Nainby, C. M. (letter), 686
- Namaqualand. Motoring in,
- Napier Car-Drivers, Awards ..
- — Cars, 871, 964, 1011, 1107
- — and Brooklands, 1101
- — 15 h.p. Car (illus.), 313
- — for the Duchess of Norfolk (illus.), Landaulet,
- — C. F. Gill’s (illus.), 895
- — with Body by Gamage Bell Motor Cab Co. (illus.), 1148
- — R.A.C. Trial in Kent, 55, 148, 170
- — Yorkshire, 144, 195, 232, 328,
- — Trial in Wicklow Mountains, 637
- — Zenith Carburetter on, 1203
- — 65 h.p. Car, 919
- — at Moscow Exhibition (illus.), 1041
- — in Algerian Desert (illus.), 887
- — Six-cylinder, H. O. N. Shaw’s (illus.), 612
- — 45 h-p. Car, Sir George Barham’s (illus.). 950
- — Granville M. Kenyon’s Car (illus.), 1072
- — Hon. Rupert Lee-Guinness’s Car (illus.), 1108
- — with Newton and Bennett Body (illus.), 26
- — 30-45 h.p., Carburetter for, 361
- — 30 h.p. Six-cylinder, 460, 509, 555
- — in Canary Islands (illus.), 767
- — — with Mulliner Body (illus.), 712
- — John S. (letter), 956
- — (letter), 209
- National Automobile Council, 327
- — Traction Engine Owners’ and Users’ Association, 64
- Naull, Clement (letter), 242
- Naval Chauffeurs, 167
- Nazzaro Chassis under Test (illus ), 393
- Nearly a Victim (letter), 502
- Nepal, H.M. the King in (illus.), 460
- Nemo (letter), 1101 .
- Nest-o’-Cups Silencer, 666
- Newbury, Motorist’s Appeal at, 492
- Newcastle and District M.C., 38, 690,
- New Engine (Motor) Co., Ltd. (letter), Newson, J. (letter), 914
- New South Wales Motoring in (Illus.),
- — Specimen, A, by Owen John, 667
- — York Show, Points in Design, by J. R. Cantley, 199
- — Zealand, Automobilism in, 725, 1042
- — Speed Trials in, 778
- Nias, A. E. (letter), 164
- Night, The Sidecar at, 610 .
- Night-time, Motoring at, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough. 443
- Noise, A Standard of, 612
- Noises, Motor Car, 1080
- — Street, One of Many, 697
- No More for Me (letter), 404
- Nonconformist (letter), 308
- Non-skid, Gyroscopic, 737
- Non-stop Record, American, 610
- Norbury lletter), 1050
- Norfolk Bridge, Derelict (lllus.), 368
- Northamptonshire Roads, 675
- Northampton to Atherstone, 1198
- North Birmingham A.C., 408
- — Page, 261. 317. 461. 511, 557
- - Riding of York (letter), ]30
- — Wales. Ronds and Signa in, 11-4
- — Yorkshire AC, 314, 647 Walford
- Notes for the Beginner, by Eric W. Walford
- Notts. AC., 601
- Not Unemployed (letter), 548
- Number Plate, Insecure, Danger from, 642
- Non-illuminated, Bradford Police Case, 960
- — Plates, Cast Aluminium, 366
- — Obliterated, 458
- — Swinging (letter), 72
- Nursen, J. (letter), 550
- Nuttall, J. M. (letter), 820
- Nut, The, 732
- Oakamoor Inter-club Contests, 1105
- Oban, A Run to, by Baroness Campbell von Laurtmtz, 1013
- Obituary, 285
- O’Brien, E. (letter), 34
- — H. F., and Co. (letter), 1153
- Observer (letter), 244
- — Obstruction by Hedges, 522
- — Farmer, Police Case, 689
- O. D. (letter). 308
- “ Official des Catalogues de l’Automobiles ” (review). 406
- Off-side Light, Sussex Constable's Action, 1089
- O’Gorman Trophy 1912 Race, 1078, 1132
- Oil, Castor, as a Lubricant, 452
- Oil-feed Indicator, by E. H. Trelease, 388
- Oil Feed to Engine Bearings, Review of Methods, 700, 750
- — for Cylinders, 39
- — Motor Cycle, for Bad Weather, 359
- — Temperatures, 744
- — Temperature of, in Crank Chambers, 1151
- Oldfield, Herbert R. (letter), 353
- Old Inns and their Signs, by M. Adeline Cooke, 605
- Oliver Stanton Fund, 436, 502, 532, 551, 588, 663, 716
- Olympia. Annexe at, 775
- — Show, Proposed Stand Arrangement, 716
- Once an Officer and a Gentleman (letter), 550
- One-man Hood Design by Dulwich Hood and Screen Factory, 43
- On Other Roads, by Owen John, 338
- — the Eve of Revolution, Road Evolution in England. 188, 224
- — — (Proposed New Western) Road, by Owen John, 423
- — — Road, by Owen John, 27, 68, 97, 157, 191, 300, 333. 383. 478, 542. 579, 613, 670, 710, 803, 843, 881 929, 987, 1021, 1072, 1132, 1191
- — Track, 20, 293, 341, 440, 521, 620, 664, 726, 816. 857, 895, 940, 985, 1034, 1078, 1149, 1176
- Ordinary Householder (letter), 310
- Orleans, 45 h.p., for Testing Palmer Tyres, 754
- Oryx Car, 18-24 h.p. Car, Description of, 763
- Our Homeland Churches and How to Study Them (review), 406
- — Rallye-,'by Owen John, 233
- Overend, W. L- (letter), 243
- Overhauling, Amateur, by Kewayen, 3, 179, 417
- Overhead Vehicle Washer, Anderson’s, 999
- Overland Cars, 215
- — Top Gear Drive, 1153
- — 20-25 h.p. Car ascending Cudham Hill (illus.),
- — 20 h.p., Test Bun. of, 1054, 1Q98
- Overseas Use, Bodies for, 467
- Overturning of Car, Limonest (illus.), 944
- Owen John. A New Specimen, by, 667
- — Another Language Class, by, 589
- — Avenues to the Sun, by, 139
- — Bricks Without Straw, by, 488
- — Concerning Accessories, by, 296
- — Educational, by. 849
- — Healing of the Breach, by, 59
- — On Other. Roads, by, 338
- — On the (Proposed New Western) Road, by, 423
- — On the Road, by. 27. 68, 97, 157, 191, 300, 333, 383. 478. 542, 579, 613, 670, 710, 843, 881, 929, 987, 1021, 1072, 1132, 1191
- Owner Driver
- Oxygen Jet Method
- P 000 (letter,, 245
- P 161 (letter), 504
- P 4970 (letter), 775
- P 2819 (letter), 1196
- Paddon, Plail (letter), 245
- - W. (letter), 820. _
- Page, Dust and its Effect upon Wear and Tear,
- - John LI. Warden, Corkaguiney, The Dingle
- — Peninsula, by. 739. 783, 827, 873 , .
- — North Foreland to Lands End, by, 261. 317, 461, 511, 557
- - The Heart and Motoring, by, 379
- Paid Driver (letter) 74 357
- — FaM^b.p7 Vr2 D^oription ’of.™ -15 h.p. Oar, Speed Model Hllua.), 853 » TO* S60
- — Car. Description of, 23
- - Tyro* Oo.’e Tyre Teeting Onr. 754
- Panhard-Knight 25 h.p. Car for Buenos Ayres Para laced tat ch, 930 1Aez>
- Paraffin as Fuel, 774. 819. 865, 959 1050
- — Paper by W Morgan and E. B. Wood, 660
- — Carburetter. Stewart, 484
- — for Steam Cans, 919, 1011, 1069
- — Fuel Demonstration, 664
- — Gas Producer, by C. Carburettor, 722
- — Lamps, .Lighting, 744
- Paris Aero Snow (lllns.), 4
- Parochial Road Making. 134
- Passes of the Pyrenees, Review, 1009 ,
- Patents, Detachable Wheels, 434, 487, 575, 684, 902, 956
- — Recant, by Eric W. Walford, 163, 457, 631, 998, 1053, 1102
- — Rotary Valve Engine, 774
- — Sleeve Valve, in France, 438
- Paterfamilias (letter), 1049
- Patriot (letter), 864
- Paul (letters), 123, 245, 454
- Payne, J. Rowland (letter), 958
- Peace (letter), 599
- Pearson and Cox, Ltd. (letters), 34, 125
- Pearson-Cox Steam Car, 964
- — Vaporiser on, 125
- P.E.B. (letter), 455 Pedals, Boots and, 47
- Pembrokeshire AC., 1202 Penarth Road Toll, 744
- Penfield, Frederic Courtland (letter), 1048
- Pennell, C. W. (letter), 502
- “ Perfect ” Speed Indicators, Particulars of, 906
- Peroxide of Hydrogen in Generators, 594
- Persecution in Huntingdonshire, 1098; 1150, 1198
- Peterborough and its Cathedral, by H. Walker, 650
- — Road Improvements at, 954
- Petrol and Oil Consumption, 8 h.p. Renault, 603, 691, 737. 781, 826, 1011
- — Cock, Visor, 305
- — Consumption, 1158
- — 12-16 h.p. Sunbeam, 127
- — 12 h.p. Talbot, 510
- — Fires, To Prevent, 1065
- — Funnel, To Replace, 699
- — Gas (letter), 685
- — High Price of, 598. 673. 684. 731, 787, 818, 853, 864, 913, 925, 957. 972. 986, 1004, 1018, 1048, 1072, 1089, 1099, 1137, 1151, 1199
- — Criticism of R.A.C. Meeting, 1035
- — R.A.C. Secretary’s Suggestions, 1137
- — Imports into United Kingdom, 732. 909
- — Maintaining Head of, on Hills, 973, 1050, 1090
- — Meeting, Royal A.C., 1037. 1039
- — Meter, 501
- Petrol-paraffin Carburetter, Bints, Description of, 628
- Petrol, Plugs and, 356, 454
- — Prices and Coal Strike, 440
- — Why they have Increased, 435, 547
- — Short Measure in, 598, 684. 733. 775, 818, 864, 913, 956, 100'4, 1052
- — Tank, Auxiliary, and Car Momentum, 242, 307, 730
- — Repairing Leak in, 699
- — Tanks, To Remove Water from, 469
- — Tap, Substitute for, T. Ford’s Device, 713
- — Quality, 212. 244. 308 Peugeot 10-14 h.p. Oar, 555, 649
- — 17-22 h.p. Car, Description of, 518
- — 12-15 h.p. Car (illus.), 233
- P.G.A.L. (letter), 865
- P.H. (letter), 32
- Phanomobile Car, Description of, 485
- Philp, T. R. (letter), 957
- Phoenix (letter), 453
- — Cars, 259
- Phoenix Motors, Ltd. (letter), 124
- Piccadilly Circus, One Hour’s Traffic Census, 386
- Piecemeal Legislation, 697 Pierce, Edwin (letter), 502
- Pilain Car, 10-12 h.p. Car (illus.), 162
- — 16-20 h.p. Car, James Valentine on, (illus.), 76
- Pipe, H. (letter), 1051
- Piscator (letter), 959
- Piston, Lining up, 369
- — Ring Manipulator, 148
- — Rings, Missing, on Rover Car, 989, 1048, 1098
- — on Steam Cars, 1069
- Pistons, Welded, 444
- Play the Game ^letter), 404
- Plugs with Compression Tap, 737, 781
- Plume Noire (letter), 501
- P.O. (letter), 354
- — Pocket Clothes Brush (illus.), 755
- Point of View of the Amateur who Never
- — Matures, 1191
- — Poisoning of Fish, 913, 959
- Police Activities, Hampshire, 912
- — Activity, Map showing, 573, 886
- — Cases, 37, 312, 337, 360. 381, 489, 496, 552, 960, 1008, W55, 1077
- — Duties of the, 71
- — Inconsistency, 45
- — Irish, Sporting, 148
- — Officers, Automobile Course for, 645
- — Trap on Old Kent Road, 1003. 1048
- — near Llandudno, 913, 957. 996
- — Traps, 213, 308, 640, 685, 717, 730, 961. 1003
- — Bedfordshire, 730 in Ireland, 489. 1104
- — in Roxburghshire, 1050
- — Responsibility for, 730
- Policy of the Road Board, 688. 732
- Polish for Upholstery, 964, 1011
- — Fonr-in-Onp, 128
- Polkey-Jarrott Electric Equipments Co.. Ltd. (letter), 309
- Polyrhoe Carburetter, 83, 506
- — Clutch, Particularfl of, 902
- Pooh-Bah (latter), 732
- Pope, H. R. (letter^). 821. 1004, 1098
- Poppet Valve, Patent by Alderwerke Vorin Heinrich Kleyer, 1053
- Possible Development of the Motor Car, by H. C. Clark. 5?5
- Postal Service. Delaunay-Belleville Cars in, 682
- Pothole (letter), 355
- Powell, C. H. (letter), 1049
- Powerful Combination, Sheffield-Simplex, Ltd., 900
- Power Tyre Pumps, 853
- Practical Electrician’s Pocket Book and Diary, Review, 406
- Pragma Tyre Filling, 118, 509, 825, 1012
- Prance, H. Waymouth (letter), 817
- Preston to Liverpool, Proposed New Road, 169, 209, 307
- Price of Petrol, Motor Organisations and, 1021
- Prices of Motor Spirit, 20, 76, 98, 170, 206, 213, 360, 407, 435, 440, 547, 868
- Priest, H. (letter), 356
- Prince Henry Body. 575
- — Tour, Commemoration Dinner at R.A.C., 1189
- — Type Metallurgique Car, Description of, 855
- — Vauxhall Car, Impressions of, 1070
- — of Wales Steamer leaving Cowes (illus.), 770
- Private Owner (letter), 866
- Pro Bono Exhibition (letter) 775
- Prohibition of Cut-outs, New L.G.B. Regulation, 303
- Propeller-driven Car, Sixty Miles an Hour on, 621
- Proprietors of Sternol Motor Oils (letter), 865
- Proscout (letter), 1051
- Protheroe Smith, J. B. (letter), 955
- Provincial Meeting, Royal A.C., July 6th, 979
- Prussia, Stone-throwing in, 407
- Puch Car, Four-cylinder Car (illus.). 990
- Pugh, John V., in Discussion on Causes of Failure in Ball Bearings, 634
- (letters), 33, 598, 777, 1153, 1198
- — v. Riley Cycle Co., Wire Wheels, 207, 340
- Pullman Limousine on S.C.A.T. Chassis (illus.), 814
- Pulse Rate, Motoring and, 354, 379
- Pump, Foot, Portable, 445
- — Motor Tyre, 1203
- Push-on Pump Adapter, 771
- Puzzled (letter), 311
- Pytchley Hunt, Hauling Care from Morass (illus.), 591
- Queensland A-C., 214
- Queries and; Replies, 39, 83. 127, 171, 215, 259, 315, 361, 409, 450, 509, 555, 603, 648, 691, 737. 781, 825, 871, 919, 964, 1011, 1057, 1107, 1158, 1203
- Qui Hai (letter), 1151
- Quotations, 357, 733
- R 868 (letter), 122
- R- (letters), 123, 210
- Races and Competitions, Last Year’s, 62
- Racing Centres, Extortions at, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 633
- — in Sicily; 666
- Radcliffe, Arthur J. (letter), 640 .
- Radford, A. J. (letter), 913
- Radiators and Bonnets, 265, 268
- Railway Killed by Motor Car, 422
- — Locomotive, Motor, 90, 209
- Rats, 166
- R.B.F. (letter), 550
- R.C.H. Car in Mombasa (illus.), 1026
- R.E. (letter), 1050
- Reamer, Adjustable, by Vickers, Ltd. (illus.), 932
- Rear Lights, Compulsory, Bucks. C-C., 360
- — on Vehicles, Lindsey C.C. Byelaw, 917.
- Reasonable [letter), 732
- Record, Hour, 895
- Record, Non-stop, American, 610
- — Running, 503, 547, 686 --
- Records, Class. Brooklands, 452, 1034
- — 16 h.p. Rating, 34, 73, 208
- Red Rock (letter), 503
- — Wales (letter), '35
- Reeves, A. W., Patent by, Ingenious Valve System, 457
- Reflex Lights, Lea, Patents Upheld, 51
- Reforms on. Paper, Road Evolution, 108
- Regeneration of Bacchus, 1072
- Registration of Motor Cars, Clean Counties, 574
- — Driving without, 680
- Registrations, Motor Car, in London, 544, 999
- Regulation of Traffic and Roads Improvement Association, 755
- Reigate Hill (letter), 357
- Reilly, P. (letter), 959
- Relay Ride, Australian, Adelaide to Sydney, 943
- Reliability Trials and the Trade, 641
- Relic of London (illus-), 1042
- Remagnetising a Magneto, 39
- Removing Carbon Deposit, 563
- — Valves, 47, 135
- Renault 9 h.p. Car, 509
- — 14-40 h.p. Car, 871
- — 20-30 h.p. Chassis (illus.), 649
- — 8 h.p., Petrol and Oil Consumption, 603, 691, 757. 781, 826, 1011, 1107
- — 10 h.p., Springs, 459
- — L , Patent by. Valve Stem Lubrication, 163
- — Valveless Engine, 305
- Renewal of Driving Licences, 71
- Repair of Motor Vehicles, by David J. Smith, 77, 107, 121
- Repairs and Repairers, 501. -547, 600, 686, 1200
- — Bodywork, 121
- Repairing Cracked Water-jackets, 745
- Resilient Wheel, Stewart. 629
- Respecter of Laws (letter), 71
- Rest and Be Thankful Hill (illus.), 1115
- Retrospect, A, 1911. 6
- Reviews, 38. 43, 314, 406. 407, 408, 588, 608, 848, 857, 1007, 1009, 1061, 1112
- Reymond (letter), 1198
- Richards, W. E. W-, Patent by, Carbon Deposit Removal, 1102
- Richardson Percy (letter), 33’
- Riches and Co., Gunmetal Y Adapter, 1062
- — G. T., and Qo., Garage Brushee, 608
- Richmond and Motorists, 863
- Rickerby, T. E. (letter), 685
- Riley Cars, 315
- — Detachable Wheels, 372
- — Wire Wheels, Transporting (illus.), 847
- — 12-18 h.p. Car as Two-seater (illus.), 508
- Cars at Connington Castle (illus.), 157
- Coupe (illus.), 219
- — Wheel after Tour de France (illus.), 595
- Rim, Emergency, Bulturn, 119
- Rims, Captain Detachable, Particulars of Various Types, 858
- — Facility, 40, 919
- Ringrose Safety Steering, 306
- Ritter, A., Patent by, Start-on-the-switch Magneto, 1102 ,
- River Valleys, Four, by H. J. S. and the Colonel, 746
- Riviera Backgrounds, by Francis Miltoun, 582
- — Motoring on the; 454
- — Taking Cars to, 39
- — by C. B. Cave-Browne-Cave, 429
- Rivington Pike Open Hill-climb, 910, 918
- R.M.C. Car, 18-20 h.p. Car, 781, 825, 871, 1207 (illus.). 312
- — Two-seated Car, Trial Run on, 1044
- — Underslung Suspension, 524
- Road Board and London Exits, 322, 329
- — Tarring of Roads, 416, 490
- — and Yorkshire, 845
- — Grants. 295
- — Fifth List, 4
- — Sixth List of, 654
- — to Date 698
- — Policy, 688, 732
- — Secretary, Visit to America of, 1148
- — What it plight do for England, by Wanderer, §38
- — Board’s Work, 522
- Road-building Motorists, 1 ;
- Road Congress, International, Third, 144, 656
- — Dangers of the, 956
- — Evolution in England, 13, 65, 108, 154, 188, 224, 280, 370
- — Guides, R.A.C., 229, 304, 321, 331, 333, 340, 357, 383, 403, 454, 459, 484, 503, 515, 542. 643, 729, 730, 768, 818, 1099
- — Scottish A.C., 654
- — Improvement Association’s Campaign, Gritting of Street Surfaces, 764, 989
- — in Alcester (illus.), 1073
- — near Compton, 1009
- — Improvements at Peterborough, 954
- — in Devonshire (illus.), 1191
- — in Surrey. 161
- Reading, 1054
- — Main and Side, Traffic, 759
- Road-making, Parochial. 134
- — Map Issue (review), 1007
- — New, from Refrail Bach, 960
- — Patrols in Kent, 119
- — Patrol, Where it comes in, 96
- — Proposed from Liverpool to Preston. 169, 209, 307
- — through Black Country, 483
- — Repairing Dangers, 717
- — Warning Lights, 22
- — Reports, Scottish A.C., 663, 772
- Road-roller Men, Danger to, 1063
- Road Signals. France, 407
- — Skate, Invention of M. Mercier (illus.), 425
- — Subsidence, Damages against County Council, 204
- — Suggestions, 121
- — Surfaces, Devonshire, 34, 72, 133, 164, 208, 242, 1151
- — Effect of Frost on, 297
- — Tarring in Warwickshire. 207
- — Temporary Closing of, 500. 999
- — The, in Tudor and Stuart Times, 13, 65
- — Past, Present, and Future, Sir J. H. A-
- — Macdonald’s Paper, 343
- — Wheels, Horse-power at the, 123
- — Warnings, 554, 572, 645, 690, 736, 780, 824, 885, 963, 1010. 1056, 1106, 1202
- Roads, Alpine, Grades on, by Francis Miltoun, 679
- — and Licences, 122, 165
- — Berkshire, 3Q8
- — Dangerous, 76. 495,; 735
- — East Riding CC. and, . 1009
- — Gritting and Tar Treatment of, 989
- — Improvement Association, 37, 196, 240, 306, 378, 500, 716, 755, 1103 — Annual Meeting, 800
- — Inspection and Report by, 297
- — Petition to Board of Trade, 52
- — in Lincolnshire, 290 Scotland1, 73, 210
- — Irish, 709
- — Main, of Engiahd, 567, 935, 1027
- — New, and the Trams, 653
- — Proposed, in Surrey, 56
- — Northamptonshire, 675
- — South Devonshire, 122
- — Tarred, Horses’ Hoofs and, 775, 819, 914, 955, 1006
- — in Wiltshire, 689, 860
- — Tar-spraying of,. 126, 240, 415, 490, 917
- Roads, Traction Engines and. 64. 211, 244, 310, 354. 456, 599, 686
- — Warwickshire, Agitation for Improvement, 806
- Roberts, J. Arthur (lcttofj, 865
- Robinson, James OettersL 310, 686
- - Norman B. (letter), r048
- — P.S. (letter), 1154
- Roebet (letter), 356
- Rodakowaki, E. de (letter), 246
- — Electric Head Light Teste, by, 30
- Roebuck, J. W., “ K,” Basis for Comparison by, 1117
- Rolland-Pilain Grand Prix Car (illus.), 1135
- Rollo Car Co., Ltd- (letter), 405
- Rolls-Royce Cup, 491
- — Car Carrying Motor Cycle lillus.), 1201
- — 40-50 h.p. with Mulliner Body, 928
- — Thrupp and Maberly Body (illus ), 1071
- — Ltd. (letter), 547
- — with Body by Th6o Masui (illus.), 670
- — with Connaught Motor Co.’s Body (illus ), 360
- — with Landaulet Body (illus-), 614
- Roman Road at Albury, 1050
- Ronteix Car (illus.), 667
- Roots, J. D. (letters), 550, 685
- Roscol, O. C. (letters), 124, 168
- Rotary Valve Engine, Canadian, 905
- — Duplex, 372 Patents, 774, 818
- Rotax One-man Hood. 490
- Round the English Lakes, by Harry Wade, 921, 966
- Routes Through and Around. London (review), 1007
- — Town-avoiding, Bristol, 704
- Rover 8 h.p. Back Axle, 216
- — Carburetter for, 459, 603, 757, 1107
- — 1912 18 h.p. Car, Description of, 948
- — 12 h.p. Four-cylinder CaT, Description of, 794
- — — on Great Orme’s Head (illus.), 432
- — Test Hill at Brooklands (illus-), 408
- Rowland, ,W. F. (letters), 311, 916
- Roxburghshire, Police Traps in, 1050
- Royal Automobile and Associated Clubs, 436. 595
- — Annual Dinner, 520, 617
- — AC. and A-A. Spheres of Influence, 353, 389, 403, 459, 542, 551
- — Acceleration Tests, 33 Annual Meeting, 615
- — Subscription, 703
- — Appeal in Case affecting Tail Lights,. 802
- — and Ascot Races, 932
- — Associates, 1094
- — Brooklands Meeting, 256
- — Foreign Language Lessons at, 416, 552, 656, 735
- — Founder Members’ Dinner, 159, 326
- — Road Guides, 229, 304, 321, 331, 333, 340, 357, 383, 403. 454, 459, 484, 503, 515, 542, 643, 729, 730. 768. 818, 1099
- — Inter-club Meeting and Gala, 848
- — Legal Department. 49
- — Meeting, High Price of Petrol, Criticisms of, 1035
- — Monthly Trial Medal, 256
- — Official Maps, 848
- — Trials during 1911, 8
- — Petrol Meeting, 1037, 1039
- — Post Office for, J 70
- — Provincial Meeting, July 6th, 979
- — Rating, 243
- — Secretary’s Suggestions re Price of Petrol, 1137
- — Standard Race, 1912, 1175. 1176
- — Touring Department. 82, 229, 997
- — Trial, Atlas Impulse Tyre Pump, 400
- — De Dion Bouton Delivery Van, 400
- — of “M” Tyres, 1141
- — of 15 h.p. Napier in Kent. 55, 148, 170
- — Yorkshire, 144, 195, 232. 328, 433
- — Warland Dual Rim, 477, 604
- — Trials, Gautier Metallic Fabric Tyre, 562
- — Institute, Paper by Sir J. H. A. Macdonald, 343
- — May Day Festival at Knutsford (illus.), 832
- — Motoring Clients of Famous Detective, 431
- — North of Ireland Yacht Club, 918, 961
- — United Service Institution, Training of Chauffeurs, 822
- — Visit to Aidershot (illus.), 951
- Royalty Grease Plunger, 382
- Royce, F. H., and Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Patent by, Spring Suspension, 457
- Rubber, Artificial. 1163, 1190
- — Gathering and Manufacture, by L-J., 393
- — Lectures on, 689
- Rubberine Tyre Filling, 15, 648, 1057
- Rudge-Whitworth Detachable Wheel, 956 Description of, 888
- — Ltd. (letters), 641, 684, 734, 916
- Rug Tip, 517
- Rules of the Road, 72
- Rule of Road for Led Horses, 867, 914, 957, 1051
- Runabout, An Opinion on the Scout System, by. 523
- — A Week in the West, by, 939
- — Small Car Talk, by, 150, 359, 1026
- Runaway Horses, 686
- Runciman, Philip (letter), 455
- Running Expense1’ of Small Car, 353, 504, 600
- Russell, Earl, L.CJC. Summons, 193
- — S. j3. (letter), 955
- Russia, Motor Car Test in,' 861
- — Touring in, 257
- — Vauxhall Cars for, 607
- Russian International Exhibition, Proposed, 140
- — Motor Car Show, 779
- — Reliability Trials, 961, 1103
- Rustic (letter), 307
- R-W.C. (letter), 357
- Saepe (letter), 357
- Salmon and Sone, Limousine by (illuu.), 534
- Salter, Julian King (letter), 550
- Salvo Jure (letter), 687
- Samson (letter), 35
- Samways, D. W. (letter), 121
- Sanctuary Knocker, Ancient, 464
- Sanderson Inflation and Safety Valve, 997
- Sandwich and its Barbican, 42
- Sankey, Joseph, and. Sons (letters), 1052, 1195
- Saskatchewan, Road Development in, 823
- Satisfied Purchaser (letter), 820
- — Sunbeam (letter), 121
- Sava Car, 18 h.p. Car. Description of, 756
- Sayers, E. E. (letter), 308
- S.C.A.T. Team for Targa Florio Race illus.), 972
- S.C.A.R. 15.9 h.p. Car (illun.), 672
- Scot Carburetter, 645 Scotland and Road Grants, 868
- — Landscape Disfigurement in, 53
- — Roads in, 73, 210
- — Speed Controls in, 1071
- — Three Weeks’ Tour in, 1158
- — Touring in, A Warning, 1002
- Scottish A.C-, 214, 498, 602
- — and Free Legal Defence, 213
- — and Motor Traffic (Street Noises) Bill, 689, 1103
- — Taxation of Motor Cars, 532
- — Lecture by H. Massac Buist, 99
- — Report, Production of Shale Oil, 1085
- — Road Guides, 654
- — Reports, 661, 772
- — Appeal to House of Lords, Liability for Accident, 941
- — Ferry Facilities, 590
- — Motor Exhibition, Report of, 101
- — Trades’ Association Dinner, 106
- — Products, 123
- — Show, Nexx Year’s, 532
- Scott-Robinson Carburetter, Description of, 446
- Scout Advertising Case, 901
- — System, 599, 687
- — An Opinion on, by Runabout, 523
- S.C.P. (letter), 817
- Scrap Rubber Tyres, 503 SD 9 (letter), 644
- Seabrook Solar. Acetylene Head Light, 149
- Sealed (letter), 685
- Searight’s Swivelling Head Light System, 442, 443
- Second City, 1003 Security Tyre Patch. 207
- Seer (letters), 405, 775, 1006
- Segment Motor Rim Co., Ltd. (letter), 866
- — Rims, 964 Self-ignition, 1063
- Self-starter, Enfield, Description of, 39
- — Martin, Description of, 468
- Self-starters, 403, 505, 549
- — Acetylene, 356, 405, 454. 506
- — by J. Dalrymple Bell, 373
- Self-starting Device, A.M.A.C., Description of, 231
- Settle, W. S. (letter), 1006
- Shackle Bolt and Lubricator, Combined, 305
- Shale Oil, Production of, Scottish A.C. Report, 1085
- Shalford-Reigate Road, 161
- Shanks’s Pony (letter), 642
- Sharpe Universal Silencer, 433
- Shaw By-pass for Carburetters, 1195
- S.H.D. (letter). 35
- Sheffield and District A.C., 553, 869, 962, 1056, 1202
- Sheffield-Simplex 25 h.p. six-cyl., Aiderman George Senior’s Car, 59
- — Car, 1033, 1206 with Mulliner Body (illus.), 68
- — Motor Works, Ltd. (letter), 211
- — Works, Ltd., 900
- Shelsley Walsh Open Hill-climb, 586, 1165
- Sheppee, E. W. (letter), 455
- Shepperson, W. (letter), 957
- Sheridan, A. L. (letter), 244
- Shipping Car to Bordeaux, 106, 454
- Ships of the Desert, Old and New (illus-), 887
- Shock Absorber, H. and S. (Moudaille), 159 S.S., 703 *T
- — Absorbers, Springs and, 34, 73, 124, 168, 210 825
- Show, Toronto, Sqjne Impressions at, 571
- Shows, Motor, in November, 877
- Shrine for Automobilists, by Francis Miltoun, 493
- Shropshire, Natural History and Antiquities of, Review, 1007
- Sicily, Racing in, 666
- Siddeley-Deasy Car, Among Welsh Mountains on, 1076
- — 18-24 h.p. Cabriolet (illus.), 176
- — 12 h.p. Car, 648, 737, 782. 871, 919, 964, 1107
- Singer Cars. 20h.p.. with Charlesworth Limousine Body (lllutj.), 1000
- - with Charlesworth Limousine Body (illus.), 1000 “
- — Special Charlesworth Bcdy, 891, 892
- Single Wont Lights, 610
- Sioco Tyre lnflator, 459
- Sirdar Rubber Co., Ltd., 1006
- Sirron Car, l5.9 h.p. Car (illus.), 878
- — 12-16 .h.p. Car (illus.), 875
- Six-cylinder Cars in Competition, 831, 958
- — — — Hill-climbs. 863
- Six in a Sunbeam, Further Adventures of, by
- — E.M.P.B., 447. 470
- — Days’ 'Tour, by A.R.F., 1159, 1205
- Sizaire and Naudin Car for Grand Prix (illus.), 822, 1134
- — 15 h.p. Car, Pierre Prior on (illus.), 458
- — 12 h.p. Cars, 409
- — Four-cylinder Car, 781, 826
- Sizaire-Nandin 15 h.p. Car (illus.), 372
- Sizaire Single-cylinder Car, 39, 361
- Sizes of Tyree, 35
- Skid, Violent, Result of, 574
- — Volte Face, 212
- Sleeve Valve Engine, Designed by J. Moriceau, 493
- — Patent by F. Lamplough, 163
- — Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co., Ltd., 457
- — in the States, Interview with Chas. Y. Knight, 419
- — Patents in France, 438
- Sleigh, De Lesseps (illus.), 566
- Slide and Piston Valve Engine, Patent by J. Meisse, 1102
- — Valve Engine. Empire, 143
- — Engines, 402. 503. 596, 685, 865
- Slow-moving Traffic. 246
- — Vehicles, Imperfect Lighting of, 165
- Small Cai" Talk, by Runabout, 150, 359, 1026 Points. 881
- Smith and Sons’ Speed Indicators, Particulars of, 906
- — David J., Repair of Motor Vehicles by, 77, 107 (letter), 33
- — Harry (letter), 1002
- — J. Augustus (letter), 598
- S.M.M-T.. Work for the, 971 . 7
- Snow and Ice Motor Vehicles (illus.},. 230
- — Car Modelled in (illus.), 488
- Snow-covered Ground, Motor Vehicle for (illus.), 27
- Soc. Anon, des Automobiles Gregoire, Patent by, Closed Body. 998
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Annual Meeting, 807
- Sock6, Valve Tappet, 622
- Soldering Aluminium. 1071
- — Bit, Home-made, 267
- Solicitor, A (letter), 212
- Somerset A.C., 314, 554, 1010. 1202
- — and Gloucestershire A.C.’s Hill-climb, 918
- South Africa, Motoring in, Interview with S. F. Edge, 657
- — Review, 406
- — African Motor Car Trials, 939
- — Railway Commissioners and Roads, 822
- — Brittany, In, by Mary Best, 1109
- — Devonshire Roads, 122 '
- — of France, Winter Routes to, by Wanderer, 92
- — Wales and Cardiff A.C. Hill-climb, 586, 962
- Southerton, Ralph (letter), 505
- Southlands (N.L.) Motor Association, 1202
- Southport, Liverpool to, Proposed New Road, 402 S.P- (letter), 913
- Spain, Motor Cars in, 934
- Spares and Replacements. 123, 820. 914
- Spare Wheel, Carrying, 1170
- Sparking Plug, Forward, 559
- — Jones, 1037
- — Patent by R. Bosch, 998
- — Plugs, Standardisation of Hexagon, 331
- Spectemur Agendo (letter), 1005
- Speed Controls in Scotland, 1071
- — Indicators, Perfect, Particulars of,
- — Limit Absurdities. 494
- — Application, Irish, 491
- — Withdrawal of, 30 Applications, 12. 76, 257. 445, 491, 544,
- — — Chichester and, 159
- — Enquiry, Hammersmith, 437
- — Modification of, 37
- — Order for Aberdeenshire, 587 Sigh (illus.), 290
- — Limits in London, 134, 753 New. 422, 587
- — Recording Instruments, 332
- — Trials on Weymouth Sands. 945
- — Where it is Excusable, 337
- Speeds Sustained Tn France, 743
- Spider Submarine Body, 445
- Splashguard, Dreux (illu6.) .292
- — Trial at Versailles (illus.). 247
- Spring Damper, Patent by T. G. Cushman, 631
- — Meeting of Automobile Golfing Society, 589
- — Suspension, Patent by E. Bugatti, 1102
- — Patent by F. H. Royce and Rolls-Royce,
- — Ltd., 457 Patent by L. Mayer, 1102
- — Trips and Tours, 561, 564
- Springs and Shock Absorbers, 34. 73, 124, 168
- — Supplementary, Advantages of. Review of Modern Devices, 181
- Squire. G. F. (letter). 600
- S.S. Shock Absorber, 703
- S T fetter), 863
- Stagg and Robson, Ltd. (letter), 599
- Standard Cut, by du Manner’s hilus.), 157, 207
- — Race Prospeots, 895
- — 1912 R&ce, 1175, .1176
- — Chassis for Polytechnic Institute (lllus.), 531
- Standard 15 h.p. Car (ilhisj. 399
- — Mrs Rodamachi, of Calcutta (illue.), 908
- — 20 h.p. 1). Typo. Ourburottor foT, /38 825
- — Metric Equivalent Table. Review, 1007
- Stanley. Hon. Arthur, M.P. (Ilins.), 760
- Stanton, Oliver, 532, 551. 588, 663, 716
- Star Car with Ever-ready Engine-starter (iHuA), i uy ?
- — Lubrication of, 1204
- — 12 h.p. Car (Ulus.). 203
- — 15 h.p. Car (lllus.), 296
- Starting Device, Ever-ready, 1020
- — Easy, 454. 644, 730. 866
- — Ford from Cqla, 691, 781, 871
- — from the Seat, Home-made Device by J.L.D.. 655
- — 15 h.p. S.K. Daimler on Switch, 409, 509, 737
- — Magneto, Boach. 116
- — with Left Hand, 135 v
- Start-on-the-Switch Magneto, Patent by A. Ritter, 1102
- States, The Sleeve Valve in the, Interview with Charles Y. Knight, 419
- Stayput, Goodrich Preparation for Tyre Cuts, 970
- Steam and Paraffin, 1057 Petrol Cars, 1203
- — Car Accessibility, 686
- — — Repairs, 916
- — Cars, Free Engines on, 33
- — — Turner-Miesse, 510, 603
- — Water Range of, 34
- — Car Topics, by Mid-Link, 24, 198, 418, 853. 1069
- — Carriage Run, Early, 1020
- Steeplechase Meetings, Motor Car as Conveyance to, 727
- Steering Box with Timken Roller Bearings, 999
- — Connection, Broken, Result of (illufi.), 930
- — Gear, Frozen, 243
- — 8afety, Ringrose, 306
- Steinem, H. (letter), 212
- Stephens, H. H. (letter), 454
- Step Light, Useful, 400
- Stewart, C. E. (letter), 1098
- — Paraffin Carburetter, 484
- — Pat. The Autocar at the Delhi Durbar, by, 100
- — Perfect Communicator, 945
- — Resilient Wheel, 629
- Still Another Victim (letter), 164
- — Waiting (letter), 916
- St. Neot’s Police Trap, 730
- Stoddard Car, 20 h.p. Car, Description of, 545
- Stoewer Car Climbing Glendoe Hill, 585
- — Cars on Coniston Old Man (Illus.), 901
- — for Sydney, New South Wales (illus.), 330
- — 10-16 h.p. Car (illus.), 293
- — 10 h.p. Car, Climbing Test of, 559
- Stokes, Gabriel (letter), 1051
- Stoneleigh Car, 13.9 h.p. Light Car, 1188
- Stone Throwing at Cars, 1003
- — Case, A.A. and M.U., 779
- Stonehenge, Mystic Rites at (illus.), 1164
- Storage of Calcium Carbide, 63
- Stormproof Attachment, Standard Motor Co.’s, 194
- St. Petersburg International Motor Car Show, 779
- Straker-Squire 15 h.p. Car (illus.), 365, 785
- — for 1912, 57
- — Run on, 890
- Stratfordian (letter), 956
- Street Accidents, 1197
- — Dangers Illustrated, 29
- — Noises, 817
- — One of Many. 697
- — Paving in the City of London, 638
- — Surfaces, Gritting of, Roads Improvement Association’s Campaign, 764
- Strenuous Old Age, Delaunay-Belleville in Postal Service, 682
- Strickland, F. (letter), 308, 551
- — S. (letter), 404
- Strike, Motorists and the, 1004
- Sturmey Motors, Ltd. (letter), 311
- Subscriber (letter), 123
- Subscriptions, Commission on, 561
- Subsidiary Springing, 642
- Subsoil and Roads, 416
- S.U. Carburetter, 215
- Sufferer, A (letter), 122
- Suffolk A.C., 824, 869
- Suggested New Club, 1052
- Summers Castle. 22, 75
- — Lynar F. (letter), 125
- Sunbeam Cars for Grand Prix Race, 799, 1126
- — Co. and Worm Drive, 358
- — 16-20 h.p. 1912 Car (illus.), 495
- — 12-16 h.p. Car (illus.), 917, 960. 1176
- — Miss Starkey’s Car (illue.), 613
- — Petrol Consumption, 127
- — 25-30 h.p., with Cann Body (illus.), 1021
- — Long Stroke Car, Experiences of Running, 630
- Sundial, Ye Ancient, 623, 684
- Supplementary Spring, Adjustment of, 771
- Supplying Moisture to Engine Cylinders, by Eric W. Walford, 893
- Surrey Driving Licences, 516
- — Magistrates and Motorists’ Fines, 301
- — Proposed New Roads, 56
- — Road Improvements in, 161
- — Speed Limits, 55
- Surveyor, A., on the Road, 300
- Suspension, Auxiliary, Review of Modern Devices, 181
- — Underslung, H.A.O., 524
- — Hutton Bank Hill, near Thirsk,, Yorkshire, 1196
- — Climbing, 914, 957
- — Coldfield and Mid-Warwickshire A.C., 554, 601
- Swedish AC., New Clubhouse (illus.), 533
- — Customs Tariff Law, 236
- — Winter Trials. Official Awards, 327
- — P. C. Kidner Interviewed, 324
- — Trophy Race, 29, 126, 230, 292, 327, 445
- Swift Cars, Dimensions of, 1155
- — 10-12 h.p. 1911 Car, 83. 171
- — 7 h.p. 1911 Car, 510, 603, 781
- — Switzerland and Automobilism, 779
- — Hill-climb in, 698
- — Motoring in, 31, 37, 98, 123. 210, 245, 396. 454, 507,
- Swivelling Head Light System, Searight’s,
- Synthetic Rubber. 1163, 1190
- SX 43 (letter), 504
- T1562, A Resident in Devon (letter), 243
- Tail Light Law, 1049. 1098. 1200
- — Lights, Important Test Case, 802
- Taking Car to Riviera, by C. B. Cave-Browne- Cave, 429
- Talbot 15 h-p., Carburetter for, 39, 83
- — 25 h.p. Car (illus.), 1040
- — with Body by Elliott and Sons (illus.), 938
- — Smith and Son (illus-), 1137
- — 12 h.p., Petrol Consumption, 510 1903 Car. 1203
- Tamar and Land’s End, Between, 461, 511, 557
- Taperail, B. Treleaven (letter), 452
- Targa Florio Race, 508, 717, 972, 995, 1023, 1024
- Tar Damage to Bodywork by, 912
- — Removal from Bodies. 964, 1056
- Tar-spraying of Roads, 126, 240, 415, 490, 917
- — Wilts. Roads. 689
- Tar Treatment and Gritting of Roads, 989
- Tarred Roads, Horses’ Hoofs and, 775, 819, 914, 955, 1006
- — in Wiltshire, 860
- Tarring of Roads in Warwickshire, 207
- Tasmanian A.C. Trial, 960
- Taxation, Motor Car, 26, 164, 546
- — Motorists and, 72
- — of Motor Cars, Scottish A.C. Viewe, 532
- — on Old Cars, 164,
- — Purposes, xx-P. Formula for, 142
- Taxes in Duchy of Luxemburg, 126
- Taxicab, Horse Cab v., by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 669
- Taylor, W. Lewis (letter), 915
- T-B.C. (letter), 165
- Tebbutt, Sydney. With Car and Sketch Book on the Continent, by, 363, 411
- TEC. (letter), 502 Teddy (letter), 958
- Temperature of Oil in Crank Chambers, 865, 1151
- Ten-mile Speed Limit, Godalming, 523
- Test Hills. 506
- Testing, Wheel, Results of, 983
- Tests, Brake Horse-power, of Private Cars at Brooklands. 1189
- T.G. (letter). 913 TH. (letter), 912
- The Incubus, by Owen John, 765
- Thomas, Hedley J. (letter). 246
- — Transmission, 246
- Thompson, Wm. Geo. (letter), 124
- Thomson-Bennett Exhaust Heater, 306
- Thoroughbred Cars, Suggested Race for, 985
- Throttles, Worn, 517
- Tilley, W. L. (letter). 168
- Timber for Wheel Building (illus.), 826
- Timing Gear, Chain-driven (illus-), 257
- — Ignition. 674
- Timken Roller Bearings in Steering Boxes. 999
- Timson, W. J. (letters). 31, 210, 245, 355
- Tin Snips, To Use, 323
- Tips, Useful Hints and. 3. 47, 91, 135, 179, 223, 267, 323. 369, 417, 469, 517, 563, 611, 655, 699. 745. 788. 835, 879, 927, 973. 1019. 1065. 1116. 1165
- Titanic Relief Fund, Collecting by Motor Car, 800
- — To the Lost, by Owen John, 744
- Letters re, 817, 913
- T.J-W. (letter), 819
- Toll-bars at Middlesbrough, 779
- Ton-miles per Gallon, 35
- Toolbox Clips, 517
- Tools, Washing Down, Magneto, etc., Amateur Overhauling. 417
- Toronto Show, Some Impressions at, 571
- Totally Enclosed Body, 670
- Tour de France. 153. 444, 535 (illus-), 419, 420, 421, 422, 478. 479. 480, 593
- — in Vosges and Black Forest-, by E.M.P-B., 447, 470
- Tours, Short Spring, 561. 564
- Touring Department, R.A.C., 82, 229, 997
- — Grounds. Winter. 196
- — in Scotland. A Warning, 1002
- — the Alps, 123. 164. 210. 308, 355
- — Notes. Week-end and. 41, 85, 129, 173, 217, 261. 317. 363, 411. 461, 511, 557, 605, 650, 693, 739, 783. 827. 873, 921, 966, 1031. 1059. 1109. 1159, 1205
- Tourists, Prospective, in France, Hints to, 579
- Towcester, Steeplechase near, Car in Mud (illus-i, 507
- Town-avoiding Routes, Bristol. 704
- Traction Engine Dangers and Insurance, 31
- — Engines and Roads, 64, 211, 244, 310, 354, 456, 599, 686
- Trade Identification Marks, London County Council and, 945
- Traffic Accidents, Analysis of, 813
- — Board for London, L.C.C and, 390, 639
- — Census, One Hour's, in Piccadilly Circus, 386
- — Congestion, London and Birmingham, 342
- Traffic, Control of, 31
- — Main and Side road. 759
- — Regulation and Roads Improvement Association. 755
- Trailer, Anna Valley. Description of, 856
- — for Touring Car. Capt. Hope's, 681
- — Trams, L.C.C. and, 222, 226
- Tramcar Sheds and Signalling Cars, 682
- — Speeds in London, L.C.C. Summoned, 142
- Tramcars, Warning Notices in, 646, 735
- Tramlines, Accidents on, 957
- Trams, New Roads and, 653
- Tramway and Lighting Standards, 721
- — Dangers at Norbury, 770
- — Obstruction, 45
- — in London, Petition to Board of Trade, 52 1038
- Tramways and Traffic Congestion, London C.C- and, 1038
- Transformer, New, by Crypto Co., 500
- Transmission, Hydraulic, Hele-Shaw, 1132
- — New System of, 90^
- Transvaal A.C., 38 e-
- Traps, Short Distance, Magisterial Disapproval, 880
- Travelling in France Seventy Years Ago, 990
- Tree to Tyre, From, by L.J., 393
- Trelease, E. n-, Oil-feed Indicator, by, 388
- Trenchard, Mohun Ashfordby (letterl, 916
- Trew, C. O., P 2325 (letter), 243
- T.S-C. (letter), 1154
- Tucker, S. (letter), 1049
- Tudor and Stuart Times, The Road in, 13, 65
- Tuning-up Extraordinary, 35
- Turco, Ltd. (letter), 1003
- Turicum 12-15 h.p. Car (illus.), 645
- Turin Automobile Exhibition, 37
- Turner Car, 10 h.p. Light Car (illus.), 993
- Turner-Miesse Steam Cars, 510, 603
- Turntable for Cars, 1195
- Turrell, G- (letter),- 730
- Tweenies, 596, 685
- — by Owen John, 533
- Twelve Years’ Mechanic-driver (letter), 35
- Twenty-one Years’ ^Experience, 168
- Two Owner-drivers defter), 1099
- Two-stroke Engines, 9>68
- Tyler, Chas. H- (letter], 867
- Tyne Ferry, 1187
- Type, C. P. (letter), 504
- Tyre, Clark, 498
- — Cuts, Goodrich Preparation, Stayput, 970
- — Expansion and Contraction, 34
- — Experiences, 641, 685, 867
- — Filling Preparation; Pragma, 118, 509, 825, 1012
- — Rubberine, 15, 648. 1057
- — Gautier Metallic Fabric, R.A.C. Trials, 562
- — Inflator, Sioco, 459
- — Jacket and Tyre Marshall, 122
- — Marshall, Description of, 25
- — Measurements, 517
- — Mileage, 1097, 1197
- — North British Clincher, 70
- — Patch, (Security, 207
- — Pressure Gauge, Kempshall, 107
- — Pump, Atlas, 153
- — Safety Valve, Sanderson, 997
- — Testing Car, 45,vh.p. Orleans, 754
- — Wear, Engine Stroke and, 1097, 1196
- — Uneven on Front Wheels, 1196
- Tyres, Can they be too Resilient? 307, 452
- — for Small Care, 1026
- — Grimston, 110
- — Heavy Car, 215
- — “ M,” Royal A.C. Trial of, 1141
- — Scrap Rubber, 503
- — Sizes of, 35
- — Treatment of, 211
- Tyreless (letter), 73
- U 1642 (letter), 1100
- Unattended Cars with Engine Running, 307
- Uniform and Livery, 912
- Union is Strength (letter), 599
- — Joint, Satisfactory, 223
- United States, Motor Car Imports and Exports, 1138
- Universal Joint, Improved, Patent by H. C. Clark and Deasy Motor Co., 998
- Upholstery, Cleaning, 500
- — Improvement, Patent by J. F. Hummerstone, 1102
- Urbane Bucolicism, 305
- Utility of the Motor Car
- V 1019 (letter), 956
- V and Curved Wind Screens, 626
- Valentine, James, on 16-20 h-p. Pilain Car (illus.), 76
- Valve and Ignition Setting, 19
- — (Stem Lubrication, Patent by L. Renault, 163
- — System, Ingenious, Patent by A- W. Reeves, 457
- — Tappet Adjustment, 1165 Silencer, 323, 622
- Valves, Removing, 47, 135
- Valveless Car, 15 h.p. Car (illus-), 314, 460
- Vandervell, C. A., and Co., 211
- Vaporiser, G. C., Description of, 722
- — on Pearson-Cox Steam Car, 125
- Variable Speed Friction Drive, 627, 731
- Vaughan, H. B. (letter), 641
- Vauxhall Car in Ford (illus.), 1103
- — Cars for Russia, 607
- — Grand Prix Car (illus.), 759
- — 20 h.p. Limousine (illue-l, 1192
- — 30 h.p. Limousine (illus.), 1060
- — with Mulliner Limousine (illus.), 196
- — Motors, Ltd. (letter), 73
- — Prince Henry Car. Impressions of, 1070
- — Type Car (illus.), 150. 780, 850
- — Sutherland Cabriolet (illus.), 300
- Velure Faint for Cars, 1107
- Vere de Vere, Montmorency (letter), 1002
- Vere (letter), 245
- Veritas (letter), 734
- Vernon. W. N. (letter), 121
- Verre Bouple, Glass Substitute for Screens and Hoods. 816 A k
- Versailles, Splashguard Trial at (lllus.), 247
- Veteran Car, 209
- Viator (letter), 209
- Vibration Damper, Patent by F. W. Lanchester, 998.
- Victoria, A C. of, 962
- Victor Vest, 215
- Vincent Limousine on Metallurgique Chassis (illus.), 931
- Vinot et Deguingand Grand Prix Car (illus.), 1089
- Violent Cornering, Grand Prix Race (illus.), 1185
- Visor Petrol Cock, 305
- Vosges and the Black Foreet, Tour in, by E.M P.B, 447, 470
- Vulcan Cars for War Office (illus ), 696
- — 10-12 h.p. Four-cylinder Cars for Ww Office (illus.), 333
- — 25.6 h.p., Tour in France and Spain on, by
- Thos. Hampson, 237, 287
- Vulcaniser, H.F. Baby, Description of, 903
- Vulcanising, School of, 340
- V. R. Controller, 140 V30 (letter), 1151
- W. A. (letter), 501
- Wade. Harry, Bound the English Lakes, by, 921, 966
- Wakefield and Co., C. C., Castor Oil for Engine Lubrication, by, 531
- (letter), 452
- Walcheren, Island of, by M.G-S.B., 693
- Wales and the Midlands, 1060
- — Open Hill-climb and Speed Trials in, 586
- Walford, Eric W. Getters), 864, 867
- — Notes for the Beginner, by, 942, 1096
- — Recent Patents, by, 163, 457, 631, 998, 1053, 1102
- — Supplying Moisture to Engine Cylinders, by, 893
- Walker, H., Peterborough and its Cathedral, 650
- — Roy W. (letter), 243
- Walters, Selsey (letter), 34
- W.A.M. (letter), 356
- Wanderer, Motoring in Switzerland, by, 1066
- — What the Road Board might do for England, by, 538
- — Winter Routes to the South of France, by, 92
- Wanted a Name for w Internal Combustion
- Engine,” 728
- Warland Dual Rim, 555, 649
- — Co., Ltd. (letters), 688, 820
- — Royal AC. Trial, 477, 604
- Warm Bodies in Winter Weather, 453
- Warning Notices, Emphatic, 774, 819
- Warwickshire, Road Tarring in, 207
- — Roads, Agitation for Improvement, 806
- Waste of Space Occupied by Bonnet, 478
- Watchmen, Mysterious. 550
- Water Boiling in Radiator, 914
- — Circulation, Exhaust Assisted. 496
- — Cooling Svstem, Cleaning, 469, 550
- — in Cylinders, Injection of, 687, 732
- — Range of Steam Care, 34
- Water-splash at Donnington-on-Bain (illus.), 728
- — near Hatfield (illus.), 987
- Wateon, J. H. D. (letter), 866
- — R. A (letter), 1004
- W.B.B. (letter), 956
- W.D.R. (letter), 454
- W.D. (letter), 598
- Wear and Tear, Effect of Dust, by Page, 611
- Weather Report Bureau, Motorists’, 401
- Webb, Chas. J. (letter), 547
- Week-end and Touring Notes, 41, 85, 129, 173, 217, 261, 317, 363, 411, 461, 511, 557, 605, 650, 693, 739. 783. 827, 873, 921, 966, 1013, 1059, 1109. 1159, 1205
- Week in the West, by Runabout, 939
- Weekes, W. (letters), 863, 1003
- Weighing Apparatus, Old, 500
- Welded Pistons, 444
- Welding Process, H.D.R., 714
- Welsh Mountains, Among, on Siddeley-Deasy Car, 1076
- West Country, Review, 1007
- — Sussex and Motorists, 863
- Western Approach to London, Proposed New, 329, 387, 402, 423, 432, 454, 500, 504, 551, 707, 861
- Weymouth Sands, Speed Trials on, 945
- W-F.W. (letter), 734
- W.G.B. and C.W. (letter), 405
- What an Owner-driver Wants, 453 -is a Bull? 684
- Wheel Building, Timber for (illue.), 826
- — Spanner, Carrying, 1065
- — Testing Results, 983
- Wheels, Wood v. Wire, 32, 548. 597, 640, 687, 733. 776. 820, 866, 915, 956, 1051, 1099, 1153, 1198
- When may a Car be Driven without being Registered? 680
- Where Xve Lack, by Owen John, 1000
- Whitcomb, W. (letter), 32
- White and Poppe Carburetter, 691
- — Management of, 788, 833, 879
- — Car in China jllus.), 736
- — 15 h.p. Steamer near Kandy, Ceylon (illus.), 1001
- — Knight (letters), 311, 454
- — The (letter), 913
- — Petrol Car, 60 h.p., Trial of, 54
- — Steam Car, 15 h.p., 39, 128. 259
- Whitsun Meeting, Brooklands, 857, 940, 980,. 985
- Whittome, Alfred (letter), 914
- W.H., Jun. (letter), 914
- W. H- Le Q. (letter), 72
- “ Who’s Who,” Review, 38
- Year Book, Review, 406
- Wilkes, Frank A. (letter), 957
- Wilkinson, T. W., Road Evolution in England, by, 13, 65. 108. 154. 188, 224, 280, 370
- Willcox, Harry W. (letter), 1154
- Williamson, John A., Digest of Leading Motor Cases, by. 475
- Willis, G. Bright (letter), 403
- Willows, E. T., Dirigible by, Power Plant and Body (illus.), 816
- Wilton, F. (letter), 1101
- Wiltshire, Tarred Roads in, 860
- Wimperis Accelerometer, 1190
- Windham Patent Body, Four Views of (illus.), 803
- Wind Deflectors to Doors, 469
- — Screen on Crespelle Car (illus.), 458
- — Screens, V. and Curved, 626
- — Waggon, A Run on a, 621
- Winter Cup Trials, Swedish, 29, 126, 230, 292, 324, 327, 445
- — Routes to the South of France, by Wanderer, 92
- — (letters re), 164. 209
- — Tarred Roads in, 415
- — Touring Grounde, 196
- — Trials, Swedish, Official Awards, 327
- — Swedish. P. C. Kidner Interviewed, 324
- — Weather, Warm Bodies in, 453
- Wire Wheels, British-built, in America (illufl.J, 1103
- — Case of Pugh v. Riley Cycle Co., 207, 340
- With a Camera on the Kent Coast, 42
- — Car and Sketch Book on the Continent, by Sydney Tebbutt. 363, 411
- Without Prejudice, Constructive Criticism of Independent Engineers, 136, 203, 397
- Wivell, J. B. (letter^, 1099
- W.K. (letter), 819
- W.L. (letter), 402
- W.L.L. (letter), 958
- Woakes,. Ernest R. (letter), 731
- Wolseley Aero Engine for Italian Government, 282
- — 16-20 h.p., with Coventry Double-purpose Phaeton Body, 1187
- — A. D. Williamson’s (illus.), 51
- — 14-20 h.p. 1908, Carburetter for, 39
- — 50 h.p. Car at Toronto (illus.), 589
- — for Viceroy of India (illus.), 27
- — 24-30 h.p. Car in New Zealand (illus.), 1009
- — Six-cylinder Chassis (illus.), 592
- — 16-20 h.p. Car in New Zealand (illus.), 1074 (illus.), 191, 400
- — Limousine in Japan (illue.), 1201
- — 12-16 h.p., 'Mr. P. Jones of Calcutta’s Car (illus.), 1000
- — on Hill-climbing Tour (illus.), 711
- — — Two-seated Coupe (illus.), 339
- — with Body by Easther, Ltd. (illus.), 21
- — Hooded Phaeton Body (illus.), 1009
- — Neat Hood arrangement (illus.), 622
- — (letter), 1198
- — Rifle Range (illus.), 844
- — Tool and Motor Car Co-, Ltd., Patent by. Sleeve Valve Engine, 457
- Wood, E. B. (letter), 865
- — v. Wire Wheels, 32, 548, 597, 640, 687, 733 776, 820; 866, 915, 956, 1051, 1099, 1153, 1198
- Woodside Ferry, Motor Car Accommodation, 723
- Worm-driven Camshaft, 32, 211, 308
- Worsley-Taylor, James (letter), 33
- Worts, Frank (letter), 734
- W.R. (letter), 354
- Wray, Fitzwater (letters). 640. 684
- Wrekin (letter), 31
- Wright, J. Crossley (letter), 165
- — Parsons (letters), 211. 355
- Writer of the Article, 733 W.T.F.A. (letter). 864
- Wusser (letter), 212
- Y 3 (letter), 913
- Yankee Invasion, The Crux of the, 359
- Ye Ancient Sundial, 623, 684
- Yorkshire A.C., 214, 854, 869, 963, 1010, 1156
- — at Bolton Abbey (illus.), 854
- — (letter), £64
- — North, AC., 314
- — R A C. 15h.p. Napier Trial in, 144, 195, 232, 328, 433
- — The Road Board and, 845
- Yzelen, D. (letter), 34
- Zebra Car, 6-8 hp. Car, Description of, 665
- Zenith Carburetter, Mills Economiser on, 171
- — on 15 h.p. Napier, 1203
- Zeppelin Body on 14-35 h.p. Audi Chassis (illus.). 338