The Engineer 1897/05/21
1897 May 21st PDF
- Contents, p 515.
Main Subjects
- Aluminium; Its Present and Its Future, (No. III), p 503.
- Blackwall Tunnel, p 504.
- W. Mills and Co - Aluminium Bed-Plate, p 509. (Illustrated).
- Bridge Over The River Don, p 518.
- Budleigh-Salterton Railway, p 523.
- Catalogues, p 526.
- Central Blast Cupolas - By Thomas D. West, p 522.
- Dulier Smoke Absorption Apparatus, p 523.
- Editorial, p 515.
- The Conference - Institution of Civil Engineers.
- Employers' Liability.
- A Recalcitrant Boiler Owner.
- Eight Hours.
- Iron and Steel Institute, p 508.
- Jeremiah Head.
- A. P. Head.
- Mr. Lauder, of the Edgar Thompson Works.
- W. R. Stirling, of the Illinois Steel Works.
- J. W. Spencer.
- Edward P. Martin's Presidential Address, p 512.
- Launches and Trial Trips, p 527.
- Letters to the Editor, p 520.
- Pretot Motor Car Speed Gearing, p 523.
- Royal Society - Conversazione, p 509.
- Lord Lister
- Sir John Evans (treasurer),
- Professor Michael Foster (secretary),
- Professor A. W. Ricker (secretary),
- Dr. Edward Frankland (foreign secretary),
- The Earl of Rosse,
- The Earl of Crawford,
- Lord Kelvin,
- Sir John Lubbock,
- John Wolfe Barry,
- Sir Frederick Bramwell,
- Sir Andrew Noble,
- Francis Galton,
- Sir Guilford Lindsey Molesworth,
- Professor S. P. Thompson,
- Henry Wilde
- John Isaac Thornycroft
- Professor Kennedy,
- Sir Benjamin Baker,
- Professor William Chandler Roberts-Austen,
- Professor Grylls Adams,
- Sir John Derington, M.P.,
- Dr. Ludwig Mond, and
- Professor Alexander Crum Brown.
- Royal Meteorological Society, p 509.
- Tank Locomotive, Circum Etna Railway, p 509 and 511. (Illustrated).
- US Steamer Grande Duchess, p 510. (Illustrated).