Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1903 Stanley Show

From Graces Guide
November 1903.

Note: This is a sub-section of the Stanley Show

1903 November 20th-28th. The 27th show and held at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington.

Stanley Show 1903 [1]

We illustrate this machine for the manufacture of which The Anglian Motor Co., Ltd., of Beccles, has recently been formed. It will be exhibited at the Crystal Palace Show and is likely to come well to the front during next season. The engine is a 2.75 h.p. genuine De Dion, and the latest pattern De Dion float feed carburetter with throttle is fitted. Lubrication is effected by a large size sight feed pump placed so that it can be easily operated while machine is being ridden. Transmission is by heavy genuine Lincona belt. Two four volt accumulators are supplied, one as spare, and a Bassee and Michel coil. Control is by switch handle on left, and Bowden twist handle on right, operating exhaust valve lifter. The price complete is £60, and although this appears rather high, it should be borne in mind that everything is genuine throughout, and of the highest quality. There are no extras. Lamp, horn, combined stand and carrier, spare parts and a full kit of tools are included, and other advantages such as self-sealing air tubes are in the specification. For the purpose of this notice one of "ours" had the privilege of trying the machine on some Surrey roads. The bicycle ran marvellously well, and with perfect steadiness over some greasy stretches, and when a dry surface was reached, gave full evidence of possessing all the power that a speed man could wish. It mounted a long tricky hill, with sharp turns and a rather loose surface, without pedal assistance, leaving behind a motorcycle of a different make rated at the same power, which failed to rise to the occasion and had to be pushed to the top. Over heavy roads it made light work of a trailer with passenger.

The East London Rubber Company will exhibit at the Stanley the famous "Kerry" motor in three powers, viz., 2.25, 2.75, and 3.5 h.p., and sets of fittings for same.

A good stock of ball valves, ratchet levers, wipe contacts and other motorcycle fittings is on view at the premises of The London Autocar Co., 182, Gray's Inn Road, W.C. The latest addition is a well finished bottle-jack to lift one ton, which sells at 14s.

H. G. Turner, Eldon Grove, Manchester, will be exhibiting at the Stanley a variety of front and rear carriers for motor-bicycles. A special type of rear carrier to be shown is so designed that it forms part of the mudguard, and when turned over exposes the tyre for repair. In another pattern the base of the stand and of the carrier forms the mudguard. The first type mentioned is illustrated.

At the Stanley Show, two great improvements in the manufacture of ignition batteries will be exhibited on the stand of Messrs. Longstreths, Limited, of 427a, Strand, W.C. In the first place the corrosion of terminals has been absolutely overcome. The method adopted is to surround the positive terminal, where it leaves the accumulator with a short closed tube of celluloid containing resin oil. Should disintegration commence, it is immediately stopped by the action of the oil. The second invention allows the use of liquid electrolyte while entirely doing away with leakage and damage arising from acid spray. The battery is unspillable in any position and at the same time allows an entirely free passage for gas. This is secured by means of an ingenious system of celluloid tubes and baffle plates, and those interested should make a point of inspecting the samples which will be on view at the Agricultural Hall. The Lithanode batteries are light and strong, and it is claimed that the elements are not injured by being short circuited.

The Stern-Sonneborn Oil Company will exhibit many lubricating specialities, including oils for air and water-cooled cylinders. Sternoline lubricant, graphite grease, elastic paste for chains and gears, belt dressings, metal polishes, etc. These will be found at the Stanley.

Griffon Motors' Ltd. Exhibit. This firm's exhibit will comprise a range of 1903 pattern Griffon motor-bicycles fitted with the special Griffon 2.5 h.p. motor, combined spark and exhaust valve lever, special girder forks, copper tank, containing accumulator, coil, and capacity for one gallon of petrol and one pint lubricating oil, new pattern plug, special front and rear wheel brakes. Weighing complete only 110 lbs. Also the new 1904 pattern Griffon, 3 h.p. motor, with new mechanical inlet valve, automatic Longuemare carburetter, spring forks. There will also be shown the identical Griffon on which Lamberjack won the Chateau-Thierry Hill Climb and the identical Griffon on which Demester won the Circuit des Ardennes. All these will be found in the Minor Hall at the Stanley.

The Simms Manufacturing Co.'s Exhibit. The following are the special lines to be exhibited by the above firm at the Stanley. The 1904 pattern 2.75 h.p. Simms bicycle motor fitted with Simms-Bosch magneto ignition, one of which will be shown running on coal gas, and one fitted to a motor-bicycle complete. In addition will be shown the new 3.5 h.p. Simms bicycle motor fitted with the Simms-Bosch "Arc-light" (high tension) magneto ignition, which the makers claim as one of the greatest novelties for the coming season. This system of ignition consists of a magneto machine which produces a "jump" spark without the aid of a coil, the machine forming a complete outfit in itself. Further, it is fitted with a lever by means of which the spark may be advance or retarded. It is also applicable to any motor, as all that is necessary is to arrange a suitable rotary drive, and connect one wire front the terminal to ignition plug. One of these 3.5 h.p. motors will shown fitted to a Chater-Lea frame with Mills and Fulford fore-carriage. There will also be various size motors suitable for launches.

A new motorcycle lamp called the "Miltonus" will be on several stands at the Stanley and National Shows. Particularly to be noted is the strong bracket, shown separately in the illustration. This is quite rigid and allows plenty of clearance for the front brake rod. The reflector is aluminium, and by releasing a spring clip it can be taken out for cleaning. Should the glass get broken it can be easily replaced. The burner is pushed into a rubber lined, threaded gas tube and a metal cap fitting over it is screwed to the tube, thus holding it firmly in position, and at the same time ensuring its easy replacement should this be necessary. The lamp is large in size, thoroughly well finished and riveted in every part. The wholesale agents are Messrs. Louis Bernstein and Co., 40, Holywell Lane, London, E.C.

Dover, Ltd., will show at the Stanley a variety of castings for the motor and engineering trades in aluminium, gun metal, phosphor-bronze, brass, etc., including crank chambers, name plates, etc.

The Iris Motor Co, of Holland Street, Brixton, will be showing at the Stanley a range of their well-known water-cooled motor-bicycles. This exhibit will comprise the 5 h.p. double-cylinder water-cooled motor-bicycle, fitted with friction clutch, 1.25 inch non-stretching flat belt, and hand starter. The water tank has an ingenious little radiator on each side, and carries sufficient water for a run of 200 miles. This machine, as well as the other models, is fitted with 2.25 inch Swain voiturette tyres. The cover on the back wheel is firmly fixed, as are the tyres on large cars, by three security studs, which prevent any possibility of the tyre creeping, or coming off when deflated. The cylinders are nickel-plated, in order to show the cleanness of the casting. The whole machine, although water-cooled and having two cylinders, weighs 160 lbs. The carburetter is a new type, with automatic mixture adjustment, and the only lever is for the throttle.

A similar machine will be fitted with the Iris fore-car. This fore-car is made under license from Phoenix Motors, Ltd.

The Roots Oil Motor and Motor Car Company will be exhibiting at the Stanley several of their 5 and 12 h.p. cars. The distinguishing feature is the use of paraffin as fuel. Two forms of ignition are used, viz., tube and electric; this latter may be either by magneto or accumulator. The governing is effected by a centrifugal governor. The normal speed is 750 revolutions, which can be reduced to 400 or increased to 850. The transmission is by a friction clutch and Renold chain, and the gear box has three speeds and a reverse. There is a pedal brake and also a hand emergency brake. The engine is started on the tube ignition and then run on the electric system. The 12 h.p. cars are claimed to give 14 h.p. on the brake and have a two cylinder vertical motor. The cars can be made to carry four, six or eight persons, and can also be supplied as a light lorry to carry 25cwt. These cars are specially valuable in countries where petrol is unobtainable or very dear.

The Clyde Motor Car Co are showing their standard 2.75 h.p. model, with many improvements in detail in connection with the valve mechanism, advance sparking, etc. They are also introducing a new type 3.25 h.p. (nominal) for 1904, air or water cooled; this engine has been tested to develop 3.75 h.p. and is fitted with a new arrangement for make and break contact provisionally patented. Magneto ignition is fitted on all models, but the makers have arranged to fit the ordinary high tension where customers prefer same. The Clyde fore-carriage is made with a new attachment for motor-bicycle, which is designed to give great rigidity. Another new feature is an internal expanding drum brake with compensating arrangement. This exhibit will be at the Stanley.

At the Stanley Show, The Palmer Tyre Ltd., will exhibit an entirely new departure in motorcar tyres. The tyre will be constructed of a patent "airless" rubber and thread cord, and no canvas will be employed, either on the tread or the side walls where flexibility is required. It has been an open secret for several years that important and costly experiments have been in progress at the India Rubber Works, Silvertown, where the Palmer cycle tyres are made. As a result of these experiments it was early found that tyres made with strong, approximately straight threads or cords proved greatly superior in every respect to tyres made with woven canvas linings, but the difficulties connected with the manufacture of such cord tyres in commercial quantities appeared to be insurmountable. As a result of persistent experiments, however, a plant is now in operation at the Silvertown Works producing tyres differing completely from anything of the kind yet produced. Full details will appear in our Show Number next week.

A. C. Davison, 366, Camden Road, London, N., and Viaduct Works, Coventry, will exhibit at the Stanley 2 and 2.75 h.p. Davison motor-bicycles. The special features of these machines being magneto ignition and a new system of handlebar control, by which two or more levers can be conveniently operated by the thumb of one hand. A new trussed front fork made on scientific lines will be shown, with all the members straight and directly in the lines of stress. The handlebar and ball head adjustment being independent also form a useful feature in it. The Davison self-lifting motor-bicycle stand and patented system of petrol and oil gauges will also be shown.

The Motor Manufacturing Co.'s exhibit at the Stanley includes the –

M.M.C. 2.75 h.p. bicycle motor with automatic inlet valve, loose head and cylinder.

The 1904 2.75 h.p. bicycle motor with mechanically operated inlet valve, loose head and cylinder with and without high tension magneto ignition.

The 1904 2.75 h.p. M.M.C. bicycle motor with mechanically operated inlet valve, head and cylinder in one casting, no collonettes, with and without high tension magneto ignition.

The 1904 water-cooled M.M.C. 4 h.p. bicycle engine, designed specially for fore and side-carriage work, trailers, small boats, small cars, suitable also for many other purposes.

The 8 h.p. M.M.C. single cylinder engine, water-cooled, cylinder and head in one piece.

The two-cylinder water-cooled 10 h.p. M.M.C. engine.

The four-cylinder water-cooled 20 h.p. M.M.C. engine.

The well-known 8 h.p. M.M.C. car complete and a well-finished chassis of same type. Accessories, etc.

The M.M.C. engines have proved so successful during the past season, due to excellent workmanship, that this exhibit should prove most interesting.

The United Motor Industries, Ltd., of 15, Great Marlborough Street, W., will not exhibit at either of the cycle shows. At their show rooms, during show week, they will display all the latest motoring novelties that have been prepared for the great Paris Show in December. Visitors to London are invited to call and have a free private view of the Paris exhibit.

A non-slipping band of excellent quality will he shown by Messrs. W. and A. Bates, of Leicester. It is called the H.B. pattern. One of our staff has ridden a machine with this band fitted to a back tyre, during the season, and has reason to speak highly of its wear-resisting powers and non-slipping efficiency. The firm is making a feature of prompt repair of motor tyres, and such work could not he placed in better hands.

The "Kerry" motor-bicycle will be well in evidence at the Stanley, on the stand of The East London Rubber Company. For 1904 three powers of engine will be available, 2.25 h.p., 2.75 h.p. and 3.5 h.p. These will be absolutely upright and will be shown hung on bottom tube, fined in a loop frame, and bolted into a cradle. The workmanship and finish will be right up to the well-known "Kerry" standard. Improvements have been made in connection with the timing gear, gudgeon pins, and a contrivance to prevent leakage of via from crank chamber.

The South British Trading Co are exhibiting at the Stanley, and will show the Vindec Rapid motorcycle, a new machine possessing a number of novel features. The F.N. engine and carburetter are used. The engine is 2.75 h.p., 70 mm. by 80 mm., set vertically in a specially constructed frame built to stand vibration without weakening the joints. The forks are very substantial, being continuous with the handlebar, thus making breakage at this point impossible. A novel hinged rear mudguard greatly facilitates the removal of the rear wheel. The cylinder of the engine is designed to give great radiating surface, particularly around the inlet and exhaust valve. Another special feature is the tank, which is so constructed as to contain separate compartments for the petrol, lubricating oil, accumulator, and coil, each compartment being a complete structure in itself, thus making leaks or rattling impossible. Both front and rear band brakes are fitted on the hubs. The levers which actuate both brakes also either cut off the electric current or lift the exhaust valve before applying brake. The machine will he sold at a popular price entirely through the medium of cycle agents, exclusive agencies being granted for specified districts. Unless otherwise specified, the Palmer motorcycle tyres will be used. In addition to the above there will be shown a large variety of accessories, Fisk motor tyres and Lobee circulating pumps.

At the Stanley, in the Arcade, Messrs. Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd., will occupy their usual position. Every grade of their well-known brands of oil will be shown, and special attention will be called to "Oleogene," a new oil for motorists who prefer pure hydro-carbons. It is made in two grades.

At the "Pedes-Cyclo" Shoe exhibit, No. 307 in Gallery, Stanley Show, a new high-class motoring gaiter will make its first public appearance. The design is the result of much experience, and introduces several points strikingly novel. The outside leather is a soft and flexible quality; this is stiffened by an interlining, leaving the top below the knee and the spat quite pliable. The side of gaiter is fastened by the old style spring. The soft top is intended to tuck under the breeches extension, whereas the ordinary gaiter straps over it. This new principle is undoubtedly right, especially where leather breechs are used. In the Reliability Trials the general complaint was that the rain ran down the inside of gaiters and filled the rider's boots. With the gaiter under notice, this could not possibly occur. We think motorcyclists who inspect it at the Show will find it to be the best gaiter they have yet come across. For the coming winter season this novelty should be in much demand.

Messrs. Fletcher Bros. are exhibiting at the Stanley their Starteasy portable motor-bicycle stand. The special feature of this stand is that the motor can be started up with the machine stationary, and then by releasing a catch from the handlebar the driving wheel is brought in contact with the road and the machine starts away. Any pattern of luggage carrier can be used with this stand.

The firm are also introducing a patent speed controller and indicator which automatically keeps the speed down to any desired figure. They have had one in constant use on a motor-bicycle and have found it highly satisfactory in working.

It having been found difficult to conduct English business from continental headquarters, Messrs Griffon Motors, Ltd., have been registered at 16, Upper St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C. The Griffon is the motorcycle ridden by Lamberjack at Dourdan recently, when a sensational speed equal to 65 miles per hour was attained. Many other fine performances stand to its credit. No agents have been appointed in this country, and applications front those who mean business will welcomed. The bicycle will be exhibited at the Stanley, Minor Hall, Stand 20. Arrangements have been made to distribute as a souvenir a handsome booklet, bound in real morocco leather, and lettered in gold. It contains a reprint of the Motor Cars Act, 1903, for which special Government permission has been obtained. Full directions of "What to do on January 1st 1904," and space for entering special regulations, closed roads, etc., in the owner's particular district, are included. A more serviceable present for motormen it would be difficult to produce. See that you get one!

Messrs. J. A. Prestwich will exhibit at the Stanley Show. The display will include several machines made up of the various component firm's parts, fitted with the J.A.P. motor sets, namely, 2.5 h.p. inclined motor with surface carburetter; 2.5 h.p. inclined with spray carburetter; 2.5 h.p. vertical motor with spray carburetter; and also the new 3.5 h.p. motor. This engine has several new features. The valves are placed on top of the cylinder, and are secured by one central stud. The unions can be twisted in any direction to facilitate fixing of various silencers and carburetters. The valves are worked by a single lift rod. All long ports have been avoided, and the least possible area in the combustion chamber is exposed to the flame, and the exhaust gases are carried away from the cylinder on leaving the exhaust valve; thus the engine will keep cooler than with the usual arrangement of valves. The valve seats are independent of the cylinder. The cylinder is a uniform cylindrical casting without any side projection whatever, and thus is free from any distortion and unequal heating. The valve springs being on top, are exposed to the free current of air, and do not lose the temper. The inlet valve is operated mechanically, without extra mechanism.

An extensive display of "Motorities" will be made by A. Dunhill, Ltd., at the Stanley. These include all kinds of motor clothing, and motorcyclists will be interested in the new "hand protector" which obviates the necessity of wearing gloves. As riders well know, it is not possible to have the same control over the machine with a thickly gloved hand. The new protectors are of leather, fur-lined.

Motor lamps and headlights will form another interesting exhibit, particularly the new "Duplex" headlight. This is an acetylene lamp of 2,500 c.p. with a double lens. The "Dunhill" speed indicator is sure to prove an interesting item. The special features of this clever invention are (1) that it works upon a new principle; (2) it is sold at a price well within the reach of all motorcyclists; (3) its construction is very simple and reliable. There are two sizes registering up to 28 and 42 miles per hour respectively.

The Twentieth Century Acetylene Gas Lamp for motorcycles is made by the Twentieth Century Manufacturing Company, of New York. This company has just established its own agency at 114, Fore Street, London, E.C. Their manufactures are popular amongst English riders, and we have already at different times noticed their productions. The latest idea introduced is the rigid back support. This has been especially designed for strength, and to stand the vibration of fast riding. If it should be found desirable, a lamp bracket to fit, and proportionately strong, will be made and supplied with the lamp. The novelty will be exhibited on the company's stand at the Stanley Show.

One of the chief features in the new Riley Moto Bi is that the inclined engine of old is discarded and the more popular vertical position has been adopted. This is effected by a patented design of attachment. The system is a neat and effective one, and owing to the rigid manner in which the engine is fitted, vibration is reduced to a minimum.

Another special feature is that the engine fitted will be made expressly for the company by the Riley Engine Company, Coventry, embodying narrow crank case in conjunction with bearings of great width, valves of substantial proportions, mechanically-operated on a system recently patented by the Riley Engine Company. The fittings comprise a Longuemare carburetter, two P and R. accumulators with unspillable electrolyte, Bassee-Michel trembler coil. The Riley Moto Bi will he made in the following sizes:- 2.25 h.p. and 3.5 h.p., this latter is specially designed for fore-car, etc., use, and which may be had with either fan or water cooling. Prices range from 42 guineas.

The company are exhibiting two new designs of fore-cars, also side cars. etc., completing a most comprehensive programme for the coming season, and considering the recent development of the fore-carriage as a light motor vehicle the display should prove an interesting one, as the, firm are making a special feature of these attachments. This exhibit will be found at the Stanley.

The illustration depicts a sectional view of the J. and B. clutch supplied by the Central Rubber and Cycle Accessories Company, 35, Norton Folgate, Bishopsgate, London. The clutch consists of a metal driving pulley, recessed so as to also form the female portion of clutch. It is free on engine shaft and is bushed with phosphor bronze. The male portion of clutch is leather covered and is kept in contact by means of an internal spiral spring in the outer end of shaft which is bored out to receive it; This male part is held to the shaft by a feather, but is free to slid laterally on the shaft. The clutch is operated by lever and wire from handlebar, and a suitable arm on clutch is connected therewith and clutch is drawn out by pressing lever on handlebar. A ball race takes the thrust when the arm is out, and the thrust on clutch and pulley, caused by the internal spring, is overcome by means of a groove turned on spindle in which three set screws (which are screwed through the boss of pulley) run. This invention can be applied to any existing engine. For high power fore-carriage motors this clutch should be specially adaptable. It will be shown at the Stanley.

Messrs. Salsbury and Son, Ltd., are showing at the Stanley a collection of their celebrated lamps and motorcessories. Among the former are the Salsbury "Flare" and Salsbury "Dietz" lamps. A new pattern of lamp has been introduced called the Salsbury "Ovalite" which has met with great success during the past season.

In Salsbury "Dietz" lamps, four new patterns have been added, viz.: Salsbury "Dietz-Orient," Salsbury "Dietz-Regal," Salsbury "Dietz-Masterpiece," and Salsbury "Dietz-Lucifer," and all are splendid examples of the art of lamp manufacture. Conspicuous among the new motorcessories are the Salsbury-Barrett Jack, Salsbury-Flario motor horns, A.B.C. spark plugs, A.B.C. accumulators, dead-beat voltmeters, Salsbury motoring knife, Excelene lubricants, Excelene oils, Excelium carbide, wrenches, funnels, terminals, pneu-feed oiler, goggles, baskets, and the new "Strictor" belting. In conjunction with the lamp exhibit Messrs. Salsbury are showing their well-known "Komilfo" motor clothing — jackets, knickers, caps, gaiters, overcoats, aprons, rugs and everything necessary for motorcycling and motoring generally.

At the Stanley Show, Bradbury and Co., Ltd., will show "Peerless" motor-bicycles. These will be fitted with 2.75 h.p. motors instead of 2.5 h.p. as formerly. Two accumulators will be fitted also an improved contact breaker, ratchet levers and many small detail improvements.

Bransom, Kent and Company will exhibit their novelties at the Stanley. The new Longuemare carburetter with automatic air regulator will be a strong line, and the firm are also showing an automatic air regulator that can easily be attached to existing carburetters. The BK auto-trembler for converting non-trembler coil to trembler is a speciality and also dead beat voltmeters will be shown.

Phoenix Novelties for 1904. The new patent two-speed gear and free engine will be the firm's leading item in the way of novelties. This gear is claimed to be the simplest form of two-speed gear yet made. It is entirely dust-proof, but every part is easily accessible. In the many severe tests which have been given to the gear it has always kept absolutely cool: in fact, after a five miles' run on the low gear all the time the gear was cold. It is, of course, doubtful whether the gear would be continually run, under any circumstances, for such a period, but the test was given in order to prove the question of the heating of the gear.

In the "Phoenix" special spray carburetter it is impossible for any dust to penetrate to the interior. All the air necessary for the carburetter is drawn in through one gauzed funnel, running close to the engine. The adjustment of mixture and throttle is automatic, while the spraying nozzle is made adjustable. The petrol and oil gauges (registered) are let into the side of the tank, enabling the rider to see at once the quantity of oil and petrol in the tanks. The improved combined stand, carrier and mud-guard answers the usual purpose of carrier, but, when in use as a stand, it carries with it the top of the mudguard, thus leaving the tyre easy of access for repair. The improved paraffin injection valve will enable the easy starting of any motor, and affords a double check on loss of compression. Foot and hand applied band brakes and spring seat pillars will be embodied in the new machines. The two-speed gear was illustrated in "THE MOTOR" last week. The Phoenix machines will be on view at the Stanley, and the exhibit of this go-ahead firm will be full of interesting new features.

The Ormonde Company's New Chain Belt Transmission. As the result of exhaustive experiments the Ormonde Motor Company with their customary enterprise are placing on the market for the 1904 season an entirely new system of transmission in addition to their standard belt drive. We have closely inspected the new system and it struck us as being one of the best things in transmission yet brought out. As its name suggests, the system is a combination of belt and chain. The chain-belt consists of a series of flat hinged steel plates on the inner side of which is a leather face. At each hinge there is a projecting pin which will be fitted with a steel roller on each side. The idea, as will be readily grasped from the illustration of the actual gear, is that on the engine pulley a positive drive is obtained by the rollers running in the teeth provided in the flanges of the pulley. On the driving wheel rim the chain-belt drives exactly as a flat belt. It will be quite obvious that there can be no slip whatever on the engine pulley, no matter what the conditions of the belt, be it wet or greasy, but on the driving wheel pulley there is just that necessary amount of slip available which saves the machine and tyres from the ill-effects of the explosive impulses. Especially will this form of transmission be applicable to fore-carriage and high-powered engine drives. Another advantage is that the attention it would require would be practically nil. The company will exhibit at the Stanley.

The Raglan Cycle Co., Ltd., are introducing a motorcycle for 1904 which, by reason of its many good points and special features, promises to rank amongst the first flight. It has a 2.75 h.p. engine, a special float feed spray carburetter, and belt transmission. It is worked by two levers situated on the top tube, actuating the throttle and the ignition, which is by wipe contact. An exhaust valve lifter is fitted and actuated through the medium of a Bowden wire terminating in a pull-up lever under the right handle. An extra tank is fitted into the back part of the frame, which will contain a gallon of petrol. This exhibit will be at the Stanley.

Lake and Elliott have recently introduced a new lifting jack. This is known as the Type D. It is provided with a long handle giving quick adjustment and long range from 8.5in. to 21.5in. Stands and carriers and all classes of tools for constructing motorcycles will be shown at the Stanley.

The Bowden Patents Syndicate will be showing a large variety of improvements especially connected with the Bowden motor-bicycle. The special feature about this machine is the Bowden chain drive and friction clutch which has proved so successful, and is still further improved for 1904. The firm's handlebar control system by the Bowden wire transmission is certain to prove a highly interesting Exhibit. The illustration we give of part of the machine shows how various parts of the motor gear are controlled. Thus, there is the throttle valve, spark advance, and valve lifter. The front and rear wheel brakes and clutch and automatic circuit breaker are also wire controlled. A clever development of the Bowden principle is the firm's new flexible tube for oil or petrol connections. This entirely obviates the nuisance caused by the fracture of rigid copper pipes by vibration. The 1904 F.N. engine of 3 h.p. will be fitted as shown. This has several new features. There is an air passage between the cylinder and valve box improving the cooling. The inlet valve has a new paraffin injector (Bowden patent) and it also frees the valve automatically. The lubricating system has also been improved, and a very efficient vacuum valve fitted. A new brake acting on the belt rim will also be shown, as also will the firm's two-speed gear. The details of this gear are as follows:— It consists of a two-speed Hub worked on the well-known sun and planet motion, the spindle of the hub is rigidly held in the back fork ends, so as to prevent any possibility of it turning. On this spindle is a spur wheel fitted with a roller clutch; the chain wheel which is fitted with a spring drive, has an internal tooth gear wheel, which by the aid of a pair of small pinions, gears into the spur wheel on the axle, the chain wheel fitting has also a cone which is capable of being forced into the hub and locked there, so that the chain then drives the hub as one solid piece, the spur wheel on the axle acting as a free-wheel, and running round with the gear. On releasing the cone friction drive from the hub, the two-speed gear comes into action, the motion of the gear wheels being reversed, the spur wheel on the axle remains stationary, the small gear wheels revolving round it, giving a reduction of 40 per cent. on the high gear. When in the low gear, the machine can be wheeled along, and will overrun the engine, as in the Humber, and can be wheeled backwards and forwards by lifting the exhaust valve. The gear must be put into the high gear to start the motor, but when in the high gear, it can only be wheeled forward with the exhaust valve lifter up, as owing to the action of the free-wheel spur gear it is impossible to wheel, the machine backwards. This exhibit will be found at the Stanley, and visitors will find sufficient here in the way of novel features to occupy their attention for a considerable time. We shall illustrate further novelties of this firm in our Show Number.

Chas. Peacock and Co., 35, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C., have many novelties for 1904. We illustrate a new 4.5 h.p. motor, with twin cylinders, they are introducing. This will be very suitable for driving fore-carriages. The workmanship throughout is very substantial. The crank case is provided with clamps for attachment to a loop frame.

A new style of accumulator will also be shown. This has many good points; for instance, the positive plate is of a deep ribbed section, and formed by the Plante process, giving very great capacity and strength. The terminals are of a non-corrosive metal, and the vent is made perfectly acid-tight by an ingenious arrangement. A dead beat voltmeter is another speciality. In this the needle at once comes to rest at the figure indicating the voltage.

Then we have a new contact maker designed for use with a trembler coil. A revolving disc, which is made of steel, is provided with a small plunger, working against a spring. This rubs against a hardened steel contact piece, this, of course, being insulated by fibre and connected to a terminal. Thus a perfect connection is made through the coil at each revolution of the plunger, and the working parts being hard steel there is practically no wear and tear. The firm have other novelties in the way of switches, lamps, cell testers, electrical heaters, etc.

The motor exhibits of Clarke, Cluley and Co, Globe Works, Coventry, will include one of the well-known Globe motor-bicycles, fitted with a vertical 3.5 h.p. Globe engine, Languemare spray carburetter, double accumulator connected with switch, and large tank giving ample petrol space. Another of these machines, similarly fitted, will also be, shown, to which will in attached a patent Trimo fore-carriage, with wide front axle, patent band brakes on both front wheels, and powerful back brake. It is fitted with a large cane fore-carriage, upholstered in best style. The exhibit will also include a trailer designed with special frame work for use with motorcycles. It is fitted with 2 in. Dunlop Multicycle tyres, and the firm's patent ball socket joint. The firm will be found at the Stanley.

One of the special features of the Ariel exhibit will be the new 3.5 h.p. Ariel engine, with the mechanically operated valves. This model has been specially designed for use in conjunction with side-carriage or fore-carriage. The engine is up to the usual well-known Ariel standard, and bristles with good points, a few being extra large phosphor bronze bearings, increased weight of fly-wheels, new design of contact breaker with transparent celluloid face, 2 to 1 gear, rotated by worm drive, entirely detachable, without, disturbing crank case. The 3.5 h.p. motor-bicycle will be fitted with duplex front forks, Longuemare spray carburetter, two accumulators, with two-way switch, exhaust valve lifter, and combined cut-out to operate from handlebar.

The Ariel 2.25 h.p. model at 45 guineas will be on similar lines, but fitted with surface carburetter, as this type has been found the most suitable for an engine of this power. A very interesting link with the past will be found on the company's stand in the shape of an Ariel motor-tricycle and quad, in which class of machine the Ariel Company held practically a monopoly a few seasons ago; they are still open to supply these in limited quantities. The Ariel will be at the Stanley.

The exhibit of motorcycles on the Crypto Works Co.'s stand will consist of three specimens of two different model motor-bicycles, and two specimens of the Crypto tri-car.

The Crypto tri-car is a practical light motor vehicle for two riders. The frame is built of large diameter tubing, and the steering is of the differential type. The special features of this machine are its expanding band brakes on the front wheels, the length of the belt drive, and the strong construction throughout. The front seat of one specimen to be shown has a very fine coach-built bucket seat, and the other is of upholstered cane; 2.5in. tyres are fitted to the back wheels; the engines used are 3.5 h.p. M.M.C.

The new pattern Crypto bicycle, as illustrated herewith, has been designed to fill the present-day requirements for a comparatively light bicycle, with ample engine power. The frame, which has been duly protected, is exceptionally strong and symmetrical. The engine fitted is a 2.5 h.p. Peugeot. The whole machine weighs 100 lbs.

The other motor-bicycle will be of the now well-known Crypto type, fitted with a 3.5 h.p. M.M.C. engine. This machine is specially suitable for racing and for trailer and fore-carriage work. This exhibit will be at the Stanley Show, and we shall further illustrate the firm's novelties in our Show Special.

Brown Bros'. specialities for 1904. The 1904 Brown motor-bicycle will be made in three powers, viz., 2 h.p. (64 by 70 mm.), 2.75 h.p. (74 by 80 mm.), and 3.5 h.p. (82 by 90 mm.). The prices of these will be £38, £42, and £49 respectively. The motors are fitted with mechanically operated valves, and the fly-wheels are 0.75 in. larger in diameter than formerly. The new Longuemare carburetter is fitted, and also an improved exhaust lifter. The machines are all fitted with a combined girder and triple head. The driving rim is secured by a special system of spoking. There are many improvements in the tank details, and an additional compartment is provided for a spare battery. The silencer is also made on improved lines. The firm will exhibit at the Stanley.

The Noble Motor Bicycle. Perhaps the lowest priced motor-bicycle yet introduced is the £29 machine manufactured by the Noble Motor Company, of Pocock Street, Blackfriars, S.E. The engine of 2.5 h.p., is of original design, and has already been illustrated in "THE MOTOR." Petrol capacity is 1.75 gallons, and room is provided in the tank for two accumulators. L'Eclair trembler coil is fitted, and wipe contact. The carburetter is a D. and R. fitted with throttle which is regulated by a lever easily reached by the rider. The lubricating pump can also be easily operated while driving. An efficient silencer of special design is supplied, and any pattern tyres to order. A V belt is used, and the control is by exhaust lift from handlebar by Bowden lever and wire, the electrical ignition being operated by Mason and Brown switch on handlebar. The machine is well finished in black enamel or aluminium finish can be had for an extra 10s. The exhibit will be at the Stanley.

The Whitley Motor Co will show at the Stanley a variety of motors, including 2.75, 3.25 and 4 h.p. air-cooled, and 4 and 5 h.p. water-cooled.

The Rover Cycle Co will show their 1904 motor bicycle at the Stanley. It has a 3 h.p. motor fitted vertically in a special cradle. The inlet valve is mechanically operated. The ignition is by brush contact and trembler coil and two accumulators are provided, the two way switch being fitted on the forward part of the horizontal tube. Transmission is by V shape belt. The frame, as will be observed, is exceptionally well-stayed by a double down tube, and a series of tubes at the crank bracket. The front forks are of the duplex pattern. The motor cylinder and head are cast in one piece, and a special paraffin valve is fitted. The carburetter is of the spray pattern, and the control levers have ratchet adjustments. The sparking plug is placed vertically over the inlet valve. The case at the rear of the frame carries the accumulator a d also the coil

The Eadie Motor Bicycle. This machine will be exhibited at the Stanley. The special feature is the design of the frame. The chain stays are quite straight, without any lugs, giving great strength, and enabling the wheel to be easily removed. Another advantage is that it is easy for the assembler to manipulate the fittings, as there are no cranked lugs to braze and ample clearance for the belt drive is also provided within the stays. It will be observed from the illustration that the large panel of the frame is well stayed, and should prove exceptionally rigid.

Lintine and Company will exhibit at the Stanley a large collection of motor fittings and accessories. They have also several specialities including a patent spark intensifier and interrupter switch of neat and simple design.

Messrs. Geo. Lyons and Company will exhibit at the Stanley several motor-bicycles fitted with 3.25 h.p. motors. They have their patent flexible side-carriage attached to these machines. The attachment of these cars is effected by the screwing up of two bolts only, and the makers claim it can be attached and detached under two minutes. A special shape basket will be provided to carry petrol and other supplies.

W. King and Co.'s Exhibits. This firm will have six motorcycles on show at the Stanley. Five of these will have M.M.C. engines and one will be fitted with a 3.75 h.p. water-cooled motor. There will also be a King "Twocar" fitted with two band brakes. Another machine will have a chain drive and two-speed gear allowing of a free engine. Amongst the novelties will be shown a combined stand and luggage carrier, a petrol gauge and drain tap, water tank and special radiator, etc.

The County Chemical Company are showing at the Stanley, and will have a very complete exhibit of lubricating oils, calcium carbide, celluloid cement, picric acid, rubber solution, enamels, lacquers, motor grease, belt dressings, and a new searchlight inspection lamp; and, in fact, all materials for motor purposes.

Messrs. Strauss and Co., of 211, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C., will be exhibiting the Fafnir motor at the Stanley. It is a well designed motor, as will he seen from the illustration. It is made in two sizes for motorcycles, viz., 2.25 and 3 h.p., these being 70 by 75 and 75 by 80 mm. bore and stroke. The exhaust valve is fitted with a governor, as will be seen. The cooling ribs are larger and more numerous than usual, and cylinder and head are in one piece. The ignition is by a plain make and break. The F.N. carburetter is fitted, and also an extra silencer. The weight of the 2.25 h.p. is 38lbs., 3 h.p. 40lbs.

A motor-bicycle fitted with a 5.5 h.p. air-cooled De Dion engine will be shown at Stand No. 171 in the Arcade, Agricultural Hall. It is especially built for fore-carriage work. Bicycles built from Chater Lea fittings, and fitted with 3 h.p. Fafnir engines, will also be exhibited. These are retailed at 30 guineas by Messrs. May Brothers, of 324, Clapham Road, London, who will occupy the stand mentioned.

The Triumph motorcycles will be shown at the Stanley. These will include 2.5 h.p. and 3 h.p. machines, and also a fore-carriage with water-cooled motor. The standard pattern machine is shown in the illustration. The motor is 70 by 76 mm. and provided with a Dunlop silencer and exhaust valve lifter. Twin accumulators with two-way switch and Bassee Michel coil are used. Transmission is by V belt. Wheel base is extra long and girder forks are fitted, the weight comes out at 120 lbs.

The 3 h.p. machine designed for heavy riders and hilly countries has a motor 75 by 80 mm. and Longuemare carburetter. Transmission is by a V belt. Two accumulators and double switch are fitted. The contact is an improved make and break pattern. The motor is fitted a low central position, and a rear band brake and front rim brake are provided. The wheels are built up with extra stout spokes and fitted with 26 by 2.25 in. tyres. The petrol capacity is equal to 1.5 gallons, All control levers have ratchet adjustment. The fore-carriage motor will be provided with a honeycomb radiator.

The Jehu Motor Company will show at the Stanley the Jehu Trimo fitted with a 3 h.p, motor 75 by 80 mm., chain-driven, free engine clutch, two accumulators, and two-way switch. Petrol capacity 1.5 gallons. There is also an exhaust governor. Also a number of motor-bicycles fitted with both belt and chain drive.

Messrs. Sutherland and Marcuson will exhibit at Stand No. 198, Stanley Show, their well known "Umpire" storage batteries, in which porous separators occupy the entire space between the plates, preventing short circuits and loss of active material. The great advantage of "Umpire" cells is the ease with which they can be repaired, owing to their solidity and the absence of complications and small pieces.

In addition to the usual transparent celluloid cells they are showing "Accessible" batteries, in which the lid can be removed and replaced in a few minutes, so that all the elements can be removed, washed, replaced and resealed in the shortest time possible and with least expense.

Messrs. Alldays and Onions will have an interesting exhibit of their new pattern motorcycles and fore-carriages at Stand 95, Stanley Show. They are also showing their latest pattern "Traveller Voiturette." The motor-bicycle is made throughout by Messrs. Alldays and Onions, and all parts are interchangeable. The frame is designed with a special cradle (registered) for carrying the motor in an upright position. Lugs are provided on the crank case which correspond with faces on the cradle, and are securely held by four bolts. This invention affords great strength to the frame and rigidity of the motor, and obviates the necessity of clamping to or bending tubes. The tank has compartments for two accumulators, coil, lubricating oil, and sufficient petrol for 160 miles. A float register is provided and always visible for showing the quantity of petrol in the tank. The weight of the machine complete does not exceed 110lbs.

The machines fitted with fore-carriages are strongly built, and a specially designed frame is constructed for carrying a well-finished and smartly upholstered bucket seat. The "Traveller Voiturette" is one that particularly appeals to the man of moderate means.

The Bichrone motor will be shown by J. C. Hencke in the Minor Hall at the Stanley. There will be motors of 2.25 and 3.5 h.p., a Bichrone motor-bicycle and fore-carriage, Invicta accumulators, Dary coils, tanks and other accessories will also be shown.

The Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd., have now equipped an entirely separate factory for the production of motorcars and motor-bicycles, and from this it will be seen that the Enfield Company do not look upon motor-bicycles as a "side line." In placing cars upon the market this company is bringing to its aid the experience gained during the last few years in the building of motor quadricycles, tricycles and bicycles. The Royal Enfield 10 h.p. car is fitted with a double cylinder engine manufactured throughout by the Enfield Company; it has three speeds and reverse, a four-seated tonneau body, artillery wheels, spray carburetter, and is equipped with one foot brake, and also two brakes operated by one lever.

The Royal Enfield 6 h.p. car has a De Dion engine, two-seated body, spray carburetter, one foot brake and two tyre brakes actuated by a lever; this car has also three speeds forward and reverse. The Royal Enfield belt driven motor-bicycle is equipped either with 2.75 or 3.5 h.p. vertical engine, spray carburetter and specially large silencer. Great attention has been devoted to the strength of the frame and front forks, and the bicycle has a very handsome appearance. The Royal Enfield chain-driven motor-bicycle is a machine which attracted so much attention at last year's Show; the engine which is made by the Enfield Company is of the vertical type 2.5 h.p., and one of the chief features of this bicycle is that only a single driving chain is employed. The firm will exhibit at the Stanley.

Werner Motors, Ltd, will exhibit their new models for 1904 at the Stanley Show, Stand No. 121. Their exhibit is always looked forward to with special interest, as having been engaged in the trade from its very commencement, they are responsible for the introduction of many of the leading features now adopted in the generality of motorcycles. Originality has always been a remarkable feature in their productions, and this year 12 distinct improvements will be introduced, several of which are of a very important character.

Two types of machines will be marketed of 2.5 and 3.25 h.p. respectively. The engines are of an entirely new design, and are fitted with large fly-wheels and a new style of carburetter which is automatic in action and gives remarkable results. An entirely new device for providing a free engine will be a conspicuous feature of these machines, and a special arrangement of the engine pulley will render the possibility of belt slip very remote. The frame of the machine is longer than in last year's patterns, and the front forks are stayed on the girder principle. Special attention has been paid to the brakes and a new system for the one on the back wheel will be shown. The new silencer is of larger dimensions and of different internal construction in order to give maximum efficiency with the higher powered engines.

As soon as protection is completed, we shall illustrate and describe in detail the 1904 Werner specialities, which indicate that no effort is being spared to keep this well-known make in the prominent position it has so long occupied. Visitors to the Agricultural Hall will find plenty to interest them at the stand where Werner motor-bicycles will be exhibited.

The See Fluid for Vulcanising. The importance of a method by means of which repair patches can be vulcanised to the inner tube has already been dealt with in our columns, and a process described which necessitated the use of three chemical solutions. A distinct advance has now been made by the introduction, at a moderate price, of one solution which will accomplish the purpose. The patch and the portion of tube to be repaired are given two or three coats of ordinary solution when this is dry the chemical fluid is brushed over each surface, and the patch is at once pressed into its place. It is claimed that the resulting repair will stand high temperatures, and this is borne out by the fact that it is by the same cold vulcanizing process that the Samson-Hutchinson metal studded non-skidding leather bands are attached to tyre treads. The price of the fluid (which is in bottles, including brush) is in the bicycle size 2s., and motorcar size 3s. The London agent, Mr. Leon See, 9, Hill's Place, Oxford Street, W., will exhibit it on his stand at the National Show, where will also be shown the Samson-Hutchinson non-skid bands and the Lamaudiere motorcycle. These will also be shown at the Stanley on the stand of Mr. Theo. Masui, of 1, Hanover Court, Regent Street, W. An illustration on this page will give the reader an idea of the non-skid bands.


The illustrations mentioned are included under the company’s main entry.

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. The Motor magazine of 11th and 18th November 1903