1905 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar 1905 Jul-Dec Index - Volume 15
- A A 39 (Reply to Query), 26
- Abbott, C. E. (letter), St
- Aberdeen C.C. and Motor Car Act. 878
- A. B. (letter), 591
- A. B. S. (letter). 313
- Abuse of Warning Triangles. 867
- Accessories at Olympia Show, 69-1
- Accident at Edge Hill, 254, 427
- — Motor Car, at Bank Holiday, 226
- — and Sheep, 534, 559
- Accidents and Carelessness. 869
- — Lunatics, Motors and, 402
- — Horse-drawn Vehicles, 29. 1 12. 180. 7 77
- — Horse and Tramway, 112, 4 79
- — in London Streets during 1904, 409
- — Motor Car, 28, 144, 226
- — Daily Press and, 33
- — Investigation of, 144
- Accrington Town Council at Chadswell (illustration), 210
- Accumulator Charging, Boron Battery for, 177
- — Trouble', 253, 281
- Accumulators, Economical Charging of, 177
- Acetylene Gas Plant, Accident to M. Vendran. 410 ’
- — Head Lamp, Lucas, 453
- — Lamp Prize Competition, Germany, 436
- A.C.F. and the Industry, 38
- A.C.G.B.I.’s Decision to withdraw from 1906 Gordon-Bennett Race, 192, 196
- AC 104 (letter), 402
- Act, Motor Car, To Amend, 19, 34, 39
- Ader Carburetter, Description of, 623
- Adjustment of Feed to Cylinders. 177
- Advantages of Pneumatic Tyres, 21, 49, 52, 83, 115, 145, 201, 256, 285, 314
- Advertisement, Ridiculous, 833
- Aero Club, 152
- Aeros Suspension Device, 866
- Aga Khan Challenge Cup, Poona Reliability Trials, 420
- A. G. R. (query), 876
- Air Inlet Device, Extra, Maudslay Car, 457
- — Tube, Non-nipping, 56, 85
- — Valve, Extra, 350, 442, 470, 537
- Airship, Cardiff, Capt. Beedle’s, 513
- Aix-les-Bains Tour (illustration), 43
- — Touring Trials, 14
- A. J. M. (letter), 871
- A. J. P. (reply), 642
- Albany Water-circulating Pump, 739
- Albion Cars, 407, 470
- — 16 h.p. Car (illustration), 409
- — Mechanical Lubricator, 514
- — Motor Car Co., Ltd;, 404 (letter), 494
- A 4359 (letter), 285
- A 7103 (letter), 143
- Alford and Alder’s Car Body Designs, 773
- Allay, The Agitation, To, 25, 49
- All-British Car, Morgan and Co.’s, Description of. 582
- — Cars, 623, 704, 736, 770, 801, 804, 837
- — Motor Show, 867
- Allen, G. A. (letter), 768
- Allison, Alt. J. (letter), 172
- A. L. M. (letter), 836
- Alpha (query), 774
- A. M. A. C. Contact Breaker, 831
- Amateur Classes in Competitions, 24
- — Inventors, 505, 525, 527, 627
- — (letter), 144
- — v. Professional Drivers, 519
- Amateur’s Workshop, 26
- Amateurs, Competitions for, 506, 519
- American Customs Duty on Cars, 742
- — Make of Dunlop Motor Tyre, 59, 115, 407, 442
- — Makers in Paris, 5.55
- — Motor Boat ° Dixie ” (illustration/, 322
- America, Touring in, 648
- Andover Magistrates and Motorists, 257, 283, 341, 373
- Andre, Wilfred (query), 253
- An Old Cyclist (letter)# 494
- — Motorist who has never yet been
- — Summoned (letter), 373
- Another Disgusted One (letter), 835
- — Maker filter), 22
- — Mote' \r, 21
- Anti-L«iuOu? (letter), 85
- Anticipation (query), 537
- Anti-dust (letter), 200
- Anti-freezing Mixtures, 536. 581, 630, 642, 734. 813
- Anti-skid Device, Lempereur, 400
- Anti-skids for Solid Tyres. 642 774, 813
- A O 267 (letter), 495
- Appeals, Their Result and Cost, 749
- A. R. ( . (letter). 770
- Ardennes Circuit, 197
- - Race (Illustrations), 212. 217, 218. 225
- A 4644 (reply)# 442
- A 7103 (reply), 407
- A 8648 (reply), 324
- Argyll Car for Prince and Princess of Wales in India (illustration), 500
- — J. B. Dunlop’s (illustration), 120
- — 12 h.p. Car, Melbourne to Adelaide. 204
- — 12-14 l-.p. Car, Sir T- Lipton’s, 249
- — 20 h.p. Four-cylinder Car (illustration), 289
- — Show ."land (illustration), 709
- — Works, Front Elevation (illustration), 116
- — London Depot, 43 7 Ariel Cars. 206
- Ariel-Simplex Car, Description of, 282
- — Cars, Design of Mudguards, 468
- — 23 h.p. (illustration), 844
- — Touring Car (illustration), 29
- Aries, 30 h.p., Baron Petiet’s (illustration), 504
- A.R. (letter). 315
- Armoured Motor Car, Austria, 639
- Armstrong, Whitworth and Co.’s 12 h.p. Landaulet (illustration), 523
- Arnott, E. H. (letters), 459, 87V
- Arrays, Market Square (illustration). 54
- Arrol-Johnston 15 h.p. Car, Description, 619
- — 12 h p. Car, Description of, 756
- — Cars, Details of, 364
- Article in the “ Times,” Cost of an, 823
- Ascot Race Meeting, Group oi Cars at (illustration), 17
- As Others see us, by P. Roelofe, of Antwerp, 194
- Assault Case, Kent Assizes, 777
- — upon Motorist, Gloucester Petty Sessions, 500
- Associations, Too Many, 295, 343, 351
- Aster Engines and Argyll Co., 529
- Ast-Rex 18 h.p. Gar, 5f>7
- Attacks on Motorists. $7.1
- Atkinson, J. Armagh (reply), 442 (reply), 58
- A. T. (letter), 495
- Austin Car, 588
- — C. (query), 602
- Australia, Dunlop Motor Contest, 606
- Australian Motor Reliability Contest, 290
- Austrian A.C., Semmering Hill Climb, 198, 382
- “ Autocar ” Challenge Cup for Motor Boats, Winner of (illustration), 238
- Autocars of 1906, 571, 612
- Autocrat, Occasional Gossip by, 17, 43, 79, 196, 292, 331, 406, 450, 518, 607, 723, 864
- Automatic Carburetters, Attention to, 35
- — Spark Advance, 836 , •
- Automaton “ Enigmarelle.” 94, 120
- Automobile Association, 443, 468, 481
- — Association (letter), 344
- — Club, 570
- — Dinner, Report of, 737
- — Dust Trials, 370, 396
- — and Motor Racing, 17,
- — and Cycle Engineers’ Institute, Paper, 568, 603
- Auto (reply), 26 .
- A. W. B. {query), 324 !
- A. W. (query), 253
- Axle, Back, Clement-Talbot, Description of, 487 ; -
- — Rear, Lanchester Car (illustration), 738
- A. Z. (reply), 876
- Backfiring, 58
- Back Spring Hangers, 873
- B.A.C.S. Car, 18-24 h.p., Description, 40
- Baker, Fred W. (letter), 593
- Balkans, Through the, on Motor Car, 751* 786, 820, 854
- Ball Bearings, 25
- Banbury, Cecil E. (letter), 229
- Bannister, F. A. (replv), 602
- Barber, J. W. Getters), 558, 631
- — L. W. (letter), 24
- Barlow, J. W. Getter), 200
- Barmouth Bench, 435
- Barnes, G. D. (reply), 813
- Barnfather, E. Getter), 256
- Bartleet, H. W. Getter), 560
- Barwell, Leycester (letters), 433, 527
- Bath, H. J. Getter), 403
- Batteries, Primary, 228
- Battersea Polytechnic Classes, 502
- B. D. B. (reply), 324
- Bearing Lubrication, Tests relating to, 860
- Bearings. White Metal, 52,.83
- Beaufort Cars, Description of, 246
- — 18 h.p. (Tiassls (illustration), 722
- Beaumont, W. Worby, Tourist Trophy Fuel Limit, 498
- Beeston-Humber Car, Experience Wanted, 876
- Bellamy Car, Miss Claudia Lasell on (illustration), 74
- Bell, Foot, Hedley S. Hunt and. Co.’s, 620
- Belsize Car. Six-cylinder (illustration), 517
- Bengal, Automobile Association of, 441
- Bennett. J. W. (letter), 374, 462, 527
- Benson. J. R. (letter), 202, 525
- B E 239 (query). 602
- Berkshire A.C., 94, 124
- B. H. (letters), 771. 803
- — (query), 643 —- (reply), 643
- Bickford. J. S. V. (letter). 342
- Bill, Universal Lights; 88
- Binks, C. (letters), 494, 526, 593, 705
- Bishop, Anna (letter), 493
- BJ 36 (letter), ; 42
- Blackheath A.C., 94. 124, 441, 504, 850
- — and Kent A.C.’s Inter-club Meet, 323
- Blackpool Meeting, 16, 113, 142, 156
- — Race Meeting, Description of, 156
- Blake, L. R., Spring Wheel for Motor Vehicles, 53
- Bleichroder Race, 219
- Bleriot Generator, Description of, 20
- — New Light, Description of, 554
- B 1089 (letter), 285 -
- Blighted Being, A, by F. F. S„ 843
- Blond, Aubrey le (reply), 442
- Blount, Bertram (letters), 372, 403, 460
- Boake, E. J., Hint by, 97
- Board of Trade Returns, 807
- Boating, Motor, in U.S.A., 339, 435
- Boat, Motor, Built in Belgium, 28 Racing Rules,- 318
- — Royal Navy (tilustratidn); 150 60 h.p., Yarrow-Napier-Saunderf, 553
- — Race, Cross Channel, Report of, 102
- — Fiasco, Paris to the Sea, 141
- — Motor, Boulogne-Folkestone, 15,78. 102
- — Races, Motor, Lac du Bourget, 15
- — Maisons Lafitte, 522
- — Trials, Description of, 164, 186, 222
- — Judges’ Report, '223
- — Motor, by an Observer, 222
- — Petrol v. Steam, 244
- — Table of Marks, 245
- — Trip, Motor, Non-stop, 631
- Boats, Motor, 805
- — Seagoing, 113, 145 Bob (letter), 769
- Body Building, A Record in, 23, 202
- — Work for Cars, Alford and Alder’s Designs, 773
- Booth General, at Folkestone, 208
- Boron Battery Co. (reply). 813
- — for Accumulator Charging, 177, 602, 813
- — Cells, 537, 643, 710, 774
- Borough Magistrate (letter), 341
- Bosworth, W. J. (letter), 114, 402
- Bothered with Noise (query), 177
- Boulder-strewn Road, 372
- Boulogne-Folkestone* Motor Boat Race, 15, 78, 102
- Boundy, C. M. (reply?, 177
- Bowden, E. (letter), 144
- — Harold (letter),* 706 on 10 hup. Raleigh C^r
- B. P. M. (reply), 407
- Brake, Using Engine 529, 537, , ___
- Brakes. Countershaft, Slipping,
- — Water-cooled, 212
- Brescia Meeting, 312,
- — Storm Apron, 750'
- — Description of, 117, 128
- — to Edinburgh on Top Gear, 465, 480. 526, 558. 592. 628
- Bristol and Gloucestershire A.C., 56, 123
- — Carnival at, Motor Tours, 82
- British Association, Capetown, Paper on Motor Cars, 413’
- — Cars, 144, 229, 623, 704, 736, 770, 801. 804, 837
- — Empire Motor Trades Alliance, Annual Dinner, 780
- — International Cup Race, Motor Boat. 15. 347
- — Macclesfield Magneto. Description of. 561
- — Manufacturers and the Colonies, 591
- — Motor Boat Club. 31. 124. 294. 323 411. 504. 779. 81
- British Motor Boat Club at Burnham, 417 Show, 867
- Brooke Car, 15 h.p. (illustration), 120 ••
- Brooke I.” Motor Boat (illustrations), 91 322
- Brook. G. J. (letter), 460
- Brotherhood 20 h.p. Car (illustration), 533, 640
- Brown, Arthur (letter), 24
- — Harold H. (reply), 86
- — S. G. (letter), 229
- Browne-Cave Reiff ovable Rim and Tyre, 293
- BS 6 (letter), 734
- Buist, H. Massac, «The Herkomer Trophy by, 242
- Burnett, J. (letter), 113
- Burnham, British Motor Boat Club at, 417
- — Motor Boat Races (illustration), 440
- Burnley and District A.C., 381
- Burns, R., Prosecution of, 1
- Burroughs, Elton (letter), 314
- Burton-Alexander, Austrian Driver (illustration), 88 '
- Burton Radiator, 469
- Bury and West Suffolk A.C., 352
- Buschetts, G., and Co. (reply), 643
- Button, F. I. (letter), 431
- B. W. D. (query), 7.10 B W 250 (reply), 442
- Byrd, H. Linley, 703
- Cairo, Motor in, 849
- — (query), 849
- Cairns, T. Munro (letter), 228
- Calculator (letter), 804
- Callous Behaviour, 173
- Cambridge University A.C., 30
- Camelot (letter), 3J5
- Campbell^ Archd. (Tetter), 83
- Camping, Motor, 162
- Cannot-we-come-td-a-term-of-Penal-
- Servitude (letter), 283
- Cannot-we-Come-to-Terms (letter), 227
- Cannstatt-Daimler' Engine at Paris
- Theatre (illustration), 518
- — First Car at Eastbourne 224
- Canopy Top to Talbot Car, 461
- Cape May Speed Tests, U.S.A. (illustration), 262
- — Parliament and Petrol Duty, 87
- Capetown; British Association, Paper on the Motor .Car, 413
- — Charge against Motor Car Driver, 221, 534
- Captain (query), 813
- Carburetter, Ader, Description of, 623
- — Freezing up. Remedy for, 629, 771
- — Krebs, A Hint about, 49
- — Popping in the, 835
- Carburetters, 285
- — Automatic, Attention to, 35
- — and Damp Atmosphere, 537, 642
- Cardan Axle Mishap, 253, 324
- Cardanshaft Wear and Extra Air Valves, * 324
- Cardiff Airship, Capt. Beedle’e Invention, 513
- — Motor Club, 644
- Careful Motorist (letter), 200
- Carle. L., Driving 14 h.p. Mors on Crystal Palace Water Chute (illustrations), 27
- Carriage builder’s Status, 227
- Carriagework, Frames and Wheels at Olympia Show, 689
- Carter, G. (reply), 537
- — John (letter), 196
- Cartwright, S. (reply), 710
- C. A. S. (reply), 442
- Castellian, H. G. P. (letter), 838
- Casual Comments, by A. J. Wilson, 232, 318, 452
- Caution Board Signs, 46, 173
- Cayley, Arthur (letter), 283
- C. D. L. (letter), 23
- C. D. (query), 86
- Cecil, J. Watson (letters), 113, 526, 803
- C. E. C. (letter), 22
- C. E. Co. (letter), 594
- Celluloid, Dangers of, 405
- Census. Mot »r Car, 95
- Ceylon, Motor Trials in, 60, 96
- C. F B. (letter), 495
- — (query), 253
- C. G. M. (query), 503
- Chadwick Change-speed Lever, Description of, 538
- Chain Drive (letter), 838
- — Tension, 631
- Challenge to Gordon-Bennett Winner, 38
- Chamberlain, H. F. (letter), 642
- Change-speed Gear, Morgan, Description of, 636
- — Gears, 539, 557, 636, 706
- — Lever, The Chadwick, 538
- Charging Apparatus. Rhodes Co., Ltd., 334
- Chateau-Thlerry Hill Climb, 429
- Chauffeur's Commission, 734, 835, 867
- Chauffeur Tetter), 837
- Cheltonlan (letter), 867
- Chenard-Walcker Cars, 813, 876
- — 16 h.p. Car, Description of, 550
- — Car, Trip in, *523
- Chesterma^ter, G. (letter), 177
- Chester, Motor Union Meet at, 93, 111
- Cheswright, R. (letter), 177
- Chief Constable of Staffordshire on Talbot Car, 288
- Children and Motors, 51
- — Where shall they Play ? 125
- China, The Autocar in, 716
- Christie, W., 120 h.p. Car on Cape May Beach (illustration), 262
- — Walter, on 120 h.p. Racer (illustration),
- Christmas Communication. 859 423
- Circuit des Ardennes, 197
- — Racing, To Interest Spectators in, 143
- Circumvention of Police Traps, 51, 286, 343, 375, 733
- Clapham, C. F. (letter), 21
- Clayton, Will (letter), 704
- Clement-Talbot Back Axle, Description of, 487, 529
- — 12-16 h.p. as a Two-seater (Illustration), 844
- — Ltd. (letter), 871
- Clement Car at Fete des Fleurs, 25
- Raising of from the Mersey. 534
- Clerical Automobilist. (illustration), 57
- Clerks, Justices’, and Motorists, 723, 771, 835
- Climax 14 h.p. Car, New Pattern, 597
- Clothing at Olympia Show, 696
- Club, Automobile, and Motor Racing, 17
- — Competitions, Entrance Fees for, 144
- — Doings. 30, 60, 92, 122, 152, 181, 210, 237, 263, 294, 323, 352, 381, 411, 441, 471, 504, 535, 570, 604, 644, 778, 814, 880
- — Driving Certificates, 335
- — Fixtures, 30, 62, 92, 122, 152, 182, 210, 238, 263, 294, 323, 352, 381, 411, 441, 471, 504. 535, 570, 604, 644, 778, 814, 880
- Clubs and the Legislative Defence Fund. 294, 381
- Clutch and Brakes, Unconnected, 35
- — Design, 343
- — Fierce, Treatment for, 3
- C. M. (letter), 113
- Coates High Tension Magneto System, 453
- Cobb, W. F. (letter), 52
- Codrington, J. (letter), 805
- Coil, Numbering, 65
- Cole. J.- A. (letter), 342
- Coleman. Frederic (letter), 174
- Collan, Oil, How to Use, 412
- Collie, Frank (letter), 344
- Collier Tyres, 776
- Collision, Result of, with Un-lighted Cart (illustration), 534
- Colonial Magistrates’ Justice, 314
- — Readers, To, 118
- — Requirements, Plea for Details, 341
- Colonies, British Manufacturers and the, 591
- — The Motor Car for, by Alfred Foster, 507
- Comments on the Brighton Meeting, 146
- Competition, Unauthorised, 24
- Competitions for Amateurs, 506, 519
- — Future, 473
- — Sport and Trade in, 473
- Compiegne Cup, 455
- — Touring Trials, 49i2
- Compression Space, To Calculate, 874
- Confetti Signalling, 710
- Connaught, Duke of, at Rogerstown (illustration). 148
- — in Sweden, 599
- Connecting Rod and Gudgeon Pin (illustration), 536
- Considerate Motorist (letter), 171
- Constable, F. (letter), 836
- Constantinople. Tour jo. R. L Jefferson’s, 308. 386, 435, 468, 481, 510, 543, 586. 611, 720, 751, 786, 820, 854
- Consumer, Automobile, of the World, 394, -- 434, 463, 496
- Consumption, Fuel, Tests, 525, 837
- Contact Breaker, Aston Motor Accessories. 831
- — Draknor, for Non-trembling Coils, 319
- Continental Notes and News, 14, 77, 141. 169 197, 225, 277, 311, 337, 369, 398, 429, 455, 489, 521, 555. 590, 637, 730, 763. 850, 866
- — Tyres in Gordon-Bennett Race, 163
- Cooke, Wm. (letter). 23
- — Stenson (letter), 592
- Cookson, G., Manchester (query), 470
- Copland, Nevill (reply), 442
- Corbet, R. D. (letter), 144
- Cork, Runaway Motor at, 486
- Corners, Turning, 629
- Cornilleau and Saint Beuve Chassis (illustration), 822
- Cornwall (reply). 537
- Correspondence, 21, 49, 83, 113, 143, 199, 227, 255, 283, 313, 341, 371, 401, 431, 459, 493, 525, 557, 591, 627, 703, 733, 767, 803, 835, 850, 867
- Corroborative Evidence,” 64, 85, 116
- Cosmopolitan (letter), 591
- Cost of an Article in the " Times,” 823
- Costs of Running. Readers’ Statistics, 647, 724. 749
- — Upkeep. Small Car, 649, 710
- Counteract Police Evidence, To, 200
- Countess of Wilton on Darracq Car (illustration), 152
- Country Doctor (letter), 373
- — House Work, Motor Cars for, 74
- County Magistrate (query), 642, 774
- Courthorpe, F., Detachable Tyre Rim, 176
- Coventry Humber Car Experience, 774, 813
- — 12 h.p. Car (illustration), 640
- Cowey Speed Indicator, 707
- Cox. W. Spencer, M.D. (letter), 23
- Craig, A. E. 8., Articles by, 209, 291 (letter). 228
- Crank Chamber Drainer, Schneider and Helmecke, 59
- Craven," Percy (letters), 526, 593
- Creber, H. (reply), 281
- Critchley, J. S. (letter), 405
- Cross Channel Boat Race, Report of, 102
- Crossley Car 40 h.p., 387 /
- — 22 h.p. Car, Four Forms of (illustration), 334
- — 20 h.p. Car (illustration), 377
- — Cara, 1906 pattern, Description of, 632
- C. R. W. (letter), 768
- Cubitt, C. A. (letter), 51
- Cupelle Motors. Ltd., Body Lifting Devices, 735
- Currie, R. Sedgwick, Ladies’ A.C. Lectures, 760, 806, 847. 879
- Cyclist Patrols on Highways, 592
- Cylinder Wall Heat, 710, 774
- Cylinders, Eight v. Six, 627
- — Four v. Six, 631, 7C2, 705, 735, 865, 871
- — Number of, 627, 631, 702, 705, 735, 770, 865, 868, 871
- — by H. O. Duncan, 595
- Daily Papers and Motor Cars, 33, 200
- Daimler 35 h.p. at Blackpool (illustrations), 154, 181
- Car (illustration), 810
- — Car, Earl Russell’s (illustration), 811
- — Miss Maud Manville’s (illustration). 240
- — Cars in Garage (illustration), 180
- — Motor Co.’s Works, 41
- — 28 h.p.. Sporting Party (illustration), 467
- — Won Wisher (letter), 804
- — 35 h.p., with Roi des Beiges Body (illustration), 231
- Dangerous Driving, 153
- Darnel, Keith H, (letter), 431
- Danish Motor Regulations, 711
- Dangers of Unlighted Vehicles, 493
- Darracq 15 h.p. Cars (illustration), 207
- — (query), 324
- Davenport and Co., G. (letter), 706
- Davey, George W. (letter), 372
- Daw (reply), 849
- Deane, Frederick (letter), 314
- Dean, J. Percy (letter), 770
- Deasy All-British Car, 801
- Deasy and Co’s Instructions to Drivers, 9
- De Cadignan Resilient Wheel, Description of, 454
- Decauville and Leader Cars, 253
- — Cara, Experience of, 433, 529
- De Dietrich 100 h.p. Boat (illustration), 430
- — Drivers, Prizes for. 759
- — (letter), 49 16 (letter), 405
- — 40 h.p., Sir A. Macdonald’s Car (illustration), 852
- — 1906 Type, 531
- — 24 h.p., with Patent Body, Miss
- — Saville’s (illustration), 566
- — Dion-Bouton Car (illustrations), 777. 833, 845
- De Dion Car, Count Revertera’s (illustration), 408
- — Experiences, 642, 849
- — with Tonneau Body (illustration), 600
- — Cars for 1906, 534
- — Gear, Description of, 486
- — 24 h.p. Car (illustration), 378
- — 8 h.p. Car, J. R. Egerton’s (illustration), 502
- Definition and Classification, 125
- Defries, Colin (letters), 114, 704, 770, 837
- Delaunay-Belleville 40 h.p. Car, E. F. Gubbins’s, 335
- (illustration), 297
- Delehey, Henry Marshall (letter), 557
- Delhi-Bombay Trials, Illustration of Trophy, 202
- Dennis Brothers Ltd., Convertible Vehicle (illustration), 581
- — 24 h.p. Car (illustration), 777
- — Landaulet Car (illustration), 810
- Denny, W. M. (letter),^837 1
- Derby and District A.C.,i238
- Design, Drift of, at Paris Salon, 846, 875
- — for Body suggested, 465, 858
- — Motor Brougham, C. T. Clarke’s, 471
- — of Cars and Dust, 768
- — Steering Arms, 177
- Detachable Tyre Rim, F. Courthorpe’s, 176
- Development in Cars. Future Tendencies. 265
- Dewar Cup, Run for, 14 h.p. Mors Car, 389
- Differential Gear, Working of, 160
- Digby, H. A. (letter), 173
- Dinner, Automobile Club, Report of, 737
- Dinsmoro, Clarence Gray, Death of, 637
- Direct Drive Seizes, Hints on, 97
- Disgusted (letter), 734
- — Reader (letter), 870
- Dixie Motor Boat (illustration), 322
- Dixon, Charles F. (letters), 344, 495
- D. M. C. (letter), 256
- Dock, Motorists in the, 374
- Doctors and the Royal Commission, 433
- — Car, by K. G. Wells, 872
- Domville, Henry Koosen (letter), 705
- “Dorothy” Motor Boat for Mission to Seamen (illustrations), 290
- Dorset A.C., 323
- Double Ignition, 211
- Dourdan Meeting, 455
- Dowson, W. E. (reply), 26
- Doxeen (query), 407
- Doyle, D. (letter), 144
- Drake Francis (letter), 344
- — William A. (letter), 629
- Draknor Contact Breaker for Non-trembling Coils, 319
- Driver of Six Years’ Experience (letter), 462
- — Question, The, 586, 741
- Drivers, Mechanic, Training of, 219
- — Name, Giving to Police, 26, 372
- — Supply of, 24
- Driving Advice, by Archibald Ford, 520, 543
- — Certificates, 335, 837
- — Examination^ for, 286
- — Considerate, 706, 734
- — Dangerous, 153
- — Inconsiderate, 79, 171, 375, 460, 558, 734, 768, 836
- — in Scotland, 460, 502, 528
- — Licenses Issued, Statistics of, 100
- — Motorists from the Country, 85, 115, 202
- Drummond, Dr., Double-seated Laudaulet, 409
- Ducellier Lamp, Description of, 233
- — Lamps at fudge Exhibition, 502
- D U 338 (letter), 710
- — (reply), 813
- Dugdale, M. (reply', 350
- DumboB, J. Burns (letters), 463, 733
- Duncan, E. St. Clair (letter), 229
- — H. O., Number of Cylinders, by, 595
- Dundas, R. Denys (letter), 558
- Dunlop Motor Contest in Australia, 606
- — Tyre, American Make of, 59, 115, 407, 442
- — Rubber Co.’s Coats, 90
- — Tyre Cc.’s Security Bolts, 809
- Dunn, Thomas (letters), 50, 84. 145
- Duryea, 12 h.p., Dr. J. D. Mackay’s (illustration), 439
- — Motor Co. (letters), 23, 52, 202, 342, 461
- — Power Co.’s Engine, 47
- Dust and Motor Cars, 526
- — at Olympia Show, 764, 767
- — Exhaust and. 200
- — Laying Trials, A.C.G.B.I., 370, 396, 460
- — Nuisance, 83, 113, 406, 630
- — Preventive, Basalt as, 511
- — Trials, Private, 105
- Dymond, Chas. J. (query), 876
- Dynamo on Car, 407, 503
- Eagleton, L. O. (repty), 537
- E. A. J. F. (letter), 594
- Eastern Counties A.C30
- Eastmead, Frederick (letter), 803
- E. C. C. (letter), 257
- E. C H. (reply), 876
- Eclipse Observing from the Air, 310
- Edge, Cecil (letter), 629
- — Hill Affair, 254, 427, 454. 459, 486
- — S. F. (letters), 52, 85, 200, 404, 434, 494, 559, 706, 735, 771
- — Wheel Tests by, 54
- Edinburgh Motoring Club, 62, 294
- Edmunds’s Hill-climbing Trophy, 380, 395, 441
- E. E. F. (reply), 26
- Egerton, Hubert (letter), 402
- E. H. B. P. (query), 537
- E.I.C. Solid Ignition Cell, 610
- Election, Coming, and Motor Cars, 747, 815, 838, 851, 870
- MotorteU and the, 21, 63, 113
- Electrical Notes from the Shows, by H. M. Wyatt, 765
- — Novelties at Olympia Show, 693
- Electric Coach for London and District Railway, 320
- — Touring Cars at Paris, 311
- — Vehicle Trials, 280
- Elementary Lessons on Motor Cars, 760, 806, 847, 879
- Elginshire (query). 537
- E. L. J. (letter), 255
- E L 128 (letter), 84
- Elliott, W. Scott (letter), 314
- Ellis, Herbert (letter), 628
- E. L. (query), 407
- E. L. R. (query), 813
- Endorsement of Licenses, 154
- Engine Braking, 415, 461, 494, 529, 537, 560, 591, 736, 836
- — Change of, 876
- — Details Wanted, 177
- — Duryea Power Co.’s, 47
- — Extra Air to, 442, 470. 537
- — Failing and Cause, 26
- — for Motor Launch. 177
- — Governing of, 407, 442, 503
- — Rating, 431
- — Stopping of, 58
- — Twelve-cylinder, of Winton Boat (illustration), 91
- Engines, Eight Cylinders v. Six. 627
- — Four v. Six-cylinder, 631, 702, 705, 735. 865
- — Franklin Air-cooled, Description of, 862
- — Multi-cylinder. Synchronising, 97, 200
- — Parts and Fittings at Olympia Show, 692
- — Petrol, White and Poppe, 10
- — Wiring up, 813
- England and the Gordon-Bennett, 286
- English and French Methods Compared, 460
- Enquirer (letter), 434
- — (query), 602
- Entente C’ordiale en Automobile, 214
- E. P., Greenock (query), 643
- Essex Automobile Club, 644
- — County A.C., 441, 535, 778
- E. St. C. D. (letter), 871
- Estcourt, E. (letter), 284
- Ethics of the Motor, by Lady Grove. 517
- Every-day Utility Car, 190, 313, 591
- Evolution, Process of. 265
- Examination of Second-hand Cars, Expert’s Experiences, 392, 422
- Exhaust and Dust, 200
- — Condenser, Rankin, Kennedy and Co.’s, 534
- — Nuisance, Automobile Club and, 208, 228
- — Pipes, Covering for, 602
- Exmoor Staghounds Meet, Motor at (illustration). 406
- Experience for Solution, 642
- Experiences, Practical, 405, 407
- Explosive Mixtures, 835
- Exports and Imports. Motor, 807
- Eyesight and Motoring, 511
- E. Y. (query), 324
- Fair Play for Steam Car, 462
- (letters), 174, 202, 257, 286, 433, 462 to All (reply), 58
- Fan Cooling, 52
- F. A. (queriec), 86, 876
- Farrer, J. A. (letterr), 200, 432
- Fawcett, E. D. (letter), 767
- Fawssett, Frank (letter), 771
- Fentiman, A. G. (letter), 77*1
- Ferguson, Alec (letter). 253
- — E. A. J. (letter), 24
- Fergusson, W. H. (letter), 461
- Fiat Car, 350
- Earl of Wilton’s (illustration), 394
- — for Prince of Wales in India (illustration), 234
- — Gordon-Bennett Car at Blackpool, 145
- — Justitia (letters), 85, 734
- — (query), 350
- Filey Meet—Some Suggestions, 23
- Financial Matters, 571
- Fine.-- and Costs, 771
- — Unjust, One Result of, 433, 495, 496, 527
- Fire at Nottingham, Charles Binks’s Factory Destroyed, 202
- — Engine, Motor, in Wales (illustration), 435
- — Extinguishing Apparatus, “ New Era,” 179
- Firing Sparks, Two v. One, 876
- Firth, T. W. Staplee (reply), 26
- F. J. H. (letter), 869
- Flag (letter), 733
- Flare Patches, 35
- Fletcher, Henry Marshall (letter), 493
- F. L. (letter), 344
- Florio, Chevalier (illustration), 370
- — Cun, 312, 337
- F. M. W. (query), 710
- Ford, Archibald, Driving Advice, by, 520,
- — (letter), 630
- Foreign Motor Cars, Government and. 142
- For the Royal Commission, 373
- Foster, A. (letter), 49
- — Alfred, The Motor Car for the Colonies, by, 507
- — T. Scott (letter), 529
- Four and Six-cylinder Engines, by A. C. Hutt, 865
- — Thousand Miles Tyre Trials, 636, 711
- Fowler, L. K. (letter), 496
- “'ox w io has n >r 1 >s his Tail (letter). 24
- France and Motor Racing, 126, 141. 398
- — A Trip to, 281
- — Cars in, Notes on, 275
- — Military Manoeuvres (illustration), 369
- — New Regulations in, 521, 533. 590, 637
- — Touring in, 325
- Franklin Air-cooled Engines, Description of, 862
- Freead (letter), 705
- Freezing, To Prevent, by W. R. Ormandy, 581
- — Troubles, 710
- — up of Carburetter, Remedy for, 629, 771
- French Agents, Trouble with, 255, 285, 341, 432
- — Cars, 838, 871
- — Criticisms of British Cars at Olympia, 763
- — G.B. Eliminating Trials, 24
- — (illustrations), 13, 28
- — 1,200 Kilometres Voiturette Trials, 730
- — Naval Officers at England, 214
- — Show, Drift of Design at, 846
- — Notes on, 764, 790, 800
- — Withdrawal i rom Gordon-Bennett Race 33 37 79
- F. R. S. (letter), 493, 835
- Fuel, Cheap, for Steam Cars, 704
- — Consumption Testa, 525, 837
- — Limit., Tourist Trophy, 498, 837, 870
- Fuller, Roger H. (letters), 313, 433, 558
- Fulton, D. B. (letter), 703
- Future Competitions, 473
- — Tendencies, Development, in Cars, 265
- Gaikwar of Baroda on 24 h.p. De Dietrich (illustration), 44
- Gallion Hill Climb, 489
- Galloway, W.. and Co. (reply), 470
- Gamage's Two-in-one Coat, 47
- Gamesoil, C. H., Oil Separator, 254
- G. A. (query), 281
- Garage Accommodation at Ilfracombe, 284
- Garages, Water Supply at, 65
- Garden Party, Mayor of Brighton’s (illustration), 126
- Garton, W. (query), 470
- Gaskell, W. H., 867
- Gas Motor Yacht, Thornycroft, 166
- Gaste, Madame du (illustration), 601
- G. B. Winning Car, M. Brasier’s Son on (illustration), 75
- Gears, Change-speed, 539, 557, 636, 706
- Gear, Change-speed, Lloyd or Quadrant* Description of, 512
- — De Dion, Description of, 486
- — Differential, Working of, 161
- — Hitchon, 470, 503
- — Lever, Safety Latch for, 343
- — Mitchell Epicyclic, Description of, 464
- — Six-speed, Vauxhall Tourist Trophy Car, 251
- — Top, Driving on, 525
- Gear-driven Cars, Renault Patent Pronounced Invalid, 857
- Gee, B. G. H. (letter), 433
- General Election and Motor Cars, 747, 815, 838, 851, 870
- — Practitioner (letter), 21
- Generalities, by Rutulan, 46, 275, 511, 577, 640
- Georges-Richard-Brasier 40 h.p. Car, Description of, 220
- German A.C., Acetylene Lamp Competition, 436
- — Emperor’s Cars, 555
- Germany’s Plea for Racing, 492, 521
- Germany and the Gordon-Bennett Cup, 764
- — Winter Travelling in (illustrations), 531
- G. F. E. (letters), 462, 730 .
- — (query), 350
- G. F. (query), 642
- Gibbs and Dumbell Timing Device, 501
- Gibson Patents Co., Power Indicator, 834
- Gilt Arthur W (letter), 372
- Give and Take (letter), 496
- Gladiator Query, 442
- — 16-20 h.p. (query), 876
- — Six-cylinder Engine, 766
- Glansur (letters), 375. 460
- Glasgow Motor Tyre Co., Ltd., 461
- G 470 (letter), 85
- Glidden. C. J., Chat with. 566
- — Second Tour of the World, 287, 288, 566
- — in Java (illustration), 291
- — Trophy Tour, 76 Gloucester and Bristol A.C., 56
- — Assault upon Motorist at, 500
- Glover. W. T., and Co. (letter), 50
- Glycerine, Anti-freezing Mixture, 630, 734
- Glytili, K. F. (letter), 63C
- Gnome. 18 b.p. Car, 147
- Goff, Herbert *V. D. (letter). 593
- Goggles, Motor, Choosing, 733 876
- Goodenough, R. (letter), 629
- Goodwin, F. R. (letter), 286
- Goodwood Races, Police Traps and, 114
- Gordon-Bennett Cup for Touring Trials, . 369
- — Eliminating Trial Times, 319
- — Notes, 66, 77
- — Race, 1906, A.C.G.B.I. Decision to Withdraw, 192, 196, 225, 256
- — Continental Tyres in, 163
- — French Withdrawal, 33, 37, 79
- — (illustrations), 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 88, 89, 90, 121
- — Makers' Attitude, 225
- — Popularity of, 63
- — Round the Course with Rolls, 36
- — 1905, Supplement. July Sth. To Replace the, 823
- — the. by E. M. C. Instone, 108
- Gordon Park, Cleveland (illustration), 53
- Gorey, Lieut. C. (reply), 813
- Gossip, Occasional, by the “ Autocrat,” 17, 43, 79, 196, 292, 331, 406, 450, 518, 607, 723, 864
- Governing the Engine, 407, 442, 503
- Government and Foreign Motor Cars, 142
- Grand Prix and Gordon-Bennett, 38
- Grange, John (reply), 350
- — (freply), 470
- Graht, Lewis (letters), 734, 803
- — Robertson (letter), 24
- Grease Spots, Remedy Wanted, 253
- Greig, G. (query), 253
- Grinin, H. Hewitt, Olympia Show ’Statistics, 718
- Grouiid, E. (letter), 835
- Grofce, Lady, Ethics of the Motor, by, 517
- Guildford Bench and Motorists, - 702
- Gymkhana, Country, at Goldicote.^237
- H. A. (letter), 433 Halifax A.C., 880
- Hallamshire 12 h.p. at Filey Speed Trials (illustration), 60
- Haire, Clifford (letter), 734
- — Spring Wheel, 219, 536, 599, 706
- Halliday, E. H., Iris Motor Boat, 541
- Hamilton Film Radiator, 773
- — J. (reply), 350
- — R. S. (letter). 256
- Hairdicapping of Motor Cars, 143, 172, 174, 200, 229
- Harcourt, W. E. (letter), 869
- Hate, C. Rutter (letter), 459
- Harris, F. H. (letter), 868
- Hartlepools A.C., 644
- H. C. B. (query), 849
- H. C. L.^A Merry Christmas Long Ago, 841
- — A ” Tyresome ” Trip by, 651
- — (letter), 49
- — Speed Limit, Pro and Con, 598 H D 146 (query), 350
- H. D. (reply), 324
- Health, Motoring for, 196
- Heating of Motor Houses, 324, 350, 407, > 533, 638
- Heavy Vehicles, Motorists and, 373
- Hebei’ (letter), 114 „ „ _ . _
- Helena Tyre Outfit, 106 „
- Help, C. H. (fetter), 705
- Henderson, Geo. C. (letter). 401
- Hennessy, A. -T. (letter), 769
- Herbert, G. R. (query), 177 Herefordshire A.C., 92 xAi
- Aston Hill Climb (illustration), 99
- — fcnd South Wales A.C.'s Meet, 31
- Heflkomer Competition, 378
- — Trophy, British Tour to Munich, 203
- — Description of Race, 216, 242
- H. E. R. (letter), 805
- Hertfordshire A.C., 124
- Highway Commission, Proposed, 142
- — use of the, Discussion at Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 18
- Highways, Proper Use of the,
- — The King’s, 4 Hill-climb, Gaillon, 489
- — Semmering, Austrian A.C., 198
- Hill-climbing Trophy, Henry
- Hill, E. H , Valve-removing Lever, 395
- Hints and Tips, Book of, 266
- — Letter re, 528
- — Useful, 3, 35, 65, 97, 127, 155, 185, 213, 241, 267, 316, 340, 376, 385, 428, 458, 484, 524, 556, 589, 624, 700, 732, 772, 783, 817, 853 H I 32 (query), 876
- Hirst, A. (letter), 315
- Historical Veteran, Cannstatt-Daimler Car, 449
- H. (letter), 24, 343
- H 2061 (iet-tei), 494
- H. M. B., Article by, 203
- Hoare, Arthur (reply), 281
- Hodgson, C. A. Allan (letter), 628, 836
- Hoffman and Co.’s Magneto Machine, Description of, 561
- Holland, E. (_. (letter), 372 77;
- — (query), 7 74
- Holmes and Co., b. (reply), 350
- Hooded Car, 232
- Hooper, Percy N. (letter), 371
- Hooting, 232
- Hom, Abuse of the, 505, 525, 557, 560
- Horns.\. Bells, 52. 84, 202
- — Necessity lor, 331
- Horse Driver, Sleepy, and his Liability, 202
- — Driving, Reckless. 493
- — Hot Weather and, 83
- Horse and Tramway Accidents, 112, 4 79
- Horses, Hot Weather and, 83
- — Led, 594, 642, 849
- — Market Value and Statistics France, 638
- — and Motor Cara, 261, 533
- Horse-power, Misleading, 24, 174
- — To Ascertain, 876
- Hostility to the Happy, 767
- Hotchkiss, 17 h.p. Car (illustrations), 168, 378
- — 20 h.p., Marquis of Linlithgow’s (illustration), 773
- Hotels for Motorists, 374, 402, 496, 838
- Houfton. A. F. (letter), 529
- House oi Commons Notes, 19. 39, 88, 99, 142, 163, 195
- Howes and Burley’s Lamps, 206
- H. P. Calculator, French Invention, 780
- — (query), 470
- H. R. C. (letter), 341
- H. (reply), 849
- H. S. (query), 876
- Hughes, Hugh (letter), 704
- Hull and District A.C., 294, 323
- Humber Car, 5,000 Miles Trial of, 801, 880
- Hunt, G. F. (reply). 253
- Hunting Men and the Motor, 701
- Hunziker Prize, 408
- Husky (letteF), 768
- Hutt; A. C.t Four and Six-cylinder Engines by, 8$5
- H. W. (letter), 85
- — (query), 407
- Hyde Park Regulations, 23, 48, 50, 84, 88, 116
- — R. (replf), 324
- Hyne. C. J. Cutcliffe, on Simms-Welbeck Car (illustration), 262
- Ideal Car — Is it Desirable ? 98, 171
- — Ryta and Hoult Trading Co.’s Lamp, 351
- Idiocy of Ignorance, 769
- If it were Summer, by O. L., 842
- Ignition, 52
- — Cell, Solid, E.I.C., 610
- — Coil, Lodge, 463
- — Device, New, 59
- — Double, 211
- — Magneto, Articles on, 445, 475
- — Speed, Unequal, 253
- — Synchronised, 281, 407, 442, 509, 560, 710
- — Explained, 509
- — Talbot-Mon de y, Description of, 45
- — Trouble Symptoms, 253
- Ignoramus (query), 710
- Imports, Exports and, Motor, 807
- Impregnable Pneumatic Tyre, 610
- Impressions o’f the Paris Show, by Chas. Jarrott, 822
- Inauguration Of Olympia Show, Important Speeches, 698
- Inconsiderate Motorists, Lady’s View, 371
- Indian Motorist (letter), 374
- — Motorists (illustration), 782
- India, Prince of Wales’s Visit, 374, 379
- — (query), 86
- — Reliability Trials in, 499, 717
- — Sending Car to, 86, 177
- — Taking Car to, 86, 281, 324, 537, 602
- — Up-country Motoring in, 625
- — Western, Motor Union Trials, 411, 441
- Indicator, Power, Gibson Patents Co.’s, 834
- — Speed, Cowey, 707
- Indicators, Speed, “ Perfect,” 530
- — Use of, 22, 528/594
- Indictment of Automobilists, 431, 459, 493
- Indirect Fourth Speeds, 717
- Induction Coil, 813 Current, 86, 177
- Influence of Ironstone on, 774, 813, 876
- Inglis, Hugh (query), 602
- Inner Tubes, Inserting, 459
- Instone, E. M. C., To the Gordon-Bennett Race, by, 108
- Instruction Books, 645, 871
- Insulation, Destruction of, by Oil, 50
- Interchangeable Car Bodies, 635
- Inter-club Meets, 31, 92, 93
- Inter-communication between Clubs, 182
- Interested (reply), 442
- Interesting Motor Vehicles, J. H. Knight’s Cars (illustration), 519
- International Competition, 175
- — Cup for Motor Boats, 15
- “In the Good Old Days,” 83
- Inventor (letters), 20 L 527
- — of the Eastwood Tyre (letter), 558
- Inventors, Amateur, 505, 525, 527, 627
- Ireland, Motor Cars in, 344
- — Roads in, Improvement of, 99
- Iris 25 .and 35 h.p. Chassis, Description of, 574
- Irish A.C., 294
- — Motor Curricle, 418
- Ironstone, Influence of, on Induction Coil, 774, 813, 876
- Isaac Francis L. (letter), 229
- Isle of Man and Motor Racing, 325
- — Trials (illustration), 39
- — Wight Motorists’ Association, 181
- Isleworth, Danger Post at (illustration), 349
- Italy, King of, on Motor Car (illustration), 393
- — Sport in, 398
- Ivel Agricultural Motors, 597
- Jamaica Motor Car Act, 90
- — in, 401, 431
- James and Browne Cars, Air. Loeffler's, 466
- — Ltd. (letter), 23
- — 25 h.p. Side-drive Car, Description of, 608
- Two-cylinder Light Car, Description of, 6
- — Wm. (letter), 113
- Jane, Fred T., Article by 98
- Japan, Motor Cars for, 91
- Jarrott, Chas., Impressions of Paris Show, by, 822
- (letters), 25, 175, 286, 463, 631, 735
- J. C. A. (reply), 470
- J. C. W. (reply), 58
- Jefferson, R. L., Tour to Constantinople, 308, 386, 435, 468, 481, 510, 543, 586, 611, 720, 751, 786, 820, 854
- Jeffreys, W. Rees (letter), 434
- J. E. G. (letter), 805
- Jehu:(query), 876
- Jenkins, J. W. (letter), 804
- J. Hl L. H. (query), 177
- J. H.‘ S. (query), 602
- — (reply), 876
- J. J/P. (letter), 24
- J 8 (letter), 528
- J. L. (letter), 407
- J. M. D. (query), 602
- J. N. C. K. (letter), 837
- Johannesburg A.C., 94-. 535
- — (letter), 315
- — Motor Cars in, 408
- — Motorphobia at, 315
- — to Cape Town by Motor Car, 769
- John. Owen, On the Road, by, 12, 72, 140, 193, 249, 336, 485, 755, 833
- Johnson, C. (letters), 143, 703, 770
- — J. F. (letter), 83
- Jolly, John B. (letter), 558
- Jones, S. Coetmore, Seashore Motor Speed , Track, 388
- Jonson, G. C. Ashton (letter), 733
- Joy, Basil H. (letter), 804
- J. P„ C J 13 (letter), 283
- J.'(query), 503
- J.XT. S. (letter), 283
- Judges’ Report, Motor Yacht Club Trials. * 223
- Juggernaut Stories, 839
- Justices’ Clerk (letter), 771
- — Clerks and Motorists’ Fines, 723, 771, 835
- — Justice, Motorists and, 114, 174, 175, 208, 494, 528
- Justice (letter), 496
- Justitia (letter), 496
- J. W. M. (query), 642 _
- Kay, Fred R. (letter), 461
- K. C. (letter), 314 „ ELJ LrfJ J
- Keen Motorist (letter), 175
- Kennard. Edward (letters), 24, 202, 314, 495
- Kennedy, J. (letter), 705
- Kent A.C., 123. 181, 237, 263, 535
- — and Blackheath Inter-club Meet, 294
- Kenway, Philip T. (letter), 315
- King Edward at Marienbad (illustration), 252
- — Shooting Car for the, 861
- King’s Highway, The, 4
- — New Mercedes Car, The, 80
- Kingsbury, F. W. (letter), 83 „
- Kingussie. Burgh of. Speed Limit, 24, aa
- Kirkstone Pass (reply), 876
- Knaresborough Prosecution, Withholding Witnesses, 1
- Krebs Carburetter, A Hint about, 49
- Kromhout 40ft. Motor Launch, 118, 238
- Lucre Motor Car Co., Ltd. (letter), 50
- Ladies’ A.C., 57, 92, 504. 570, 778, 814
- — Gymkhana at Ranelagh, 61
- Lectures by Mr. R. Sedgwick Curine, 760, 806, 846, 879
- — and East Surrey A C.. Inter-club Meet, 92
- — Motor Car Touring for, 22
- Lady Automobilist, Veteran, 51
- — Motorist (reply),S'350
- “ Lady Pais ey ” (letter), 115
- Lady's Experience on Six-cylinder Rolls- Royce. 313
- — View of Inconsiderate Motorists, 371
- Lakeland. Motoring in (illustration), 859
- Lamb, Cecil (letter), 803
- Lambeth Borough Council and Motor Cars, 80
- Lamp, Acetylene, Lucas. 453
- — and Speedometer Trials. 823
- — Tyre Trials, 474
- — Rear, Tell-tale, 452, 469
- — Tail, Makeshi t, 3, 65
- “ Ryta,” Description of, 351
- Lamps, Ducellier, 59, 233
- — Howes and Burley’s, 206, 312
- Lancashire, North-east, A.C., 62, 210
- Lanchester Car, Capt. Webb’s (illustration), 864
- — 20 h.p. Car (illustration), 763
- — Experiences, 710
- — Engine Co. (letter), 591
- — Rear Axle (illustration), 738
- Lange, F. (reply), 26
- Langham. Frances (reply), 86
- Laqueuille, Temporary Bridge at (illustration), 82
- Lasell, Claudia, Miss, on Eight-cylinder Bellamy Car (illustration), 74
- Launch, Motor, Design, 288
- — Engine for, 177
- “ Kromhout,” 118
- Law, Motorists and the, 867
- Leader Car, 26, 58, 86, 253
- — Four-cylinder Car (illustration), 149
- Le Blond, E. (queries), 774, 813
- Legal limit Cars, C. S. Rolls and Co.’s, 348
- Legality of Towing Disabled Car, 58, 86
- Legislative Fund, Clubs and, 264, 323, 412, 4<0, 471
- Legislators, Motor Cars and, 25
- Leicester, An Interesting Gathering aL 848
- — Crippled Children (illustration), 323
- Leicestershire A.C., 181, 237, 778
- Lempereur Anti-skid Device, 400
- Leomo (query), 876
- Leon Bollee Car, 24 h.p., 57
- — 24 h.p. Laudaulet, 467
- Letts, W. M. (letters), 285, 771
- Levers, Control, Hints on Operating, 3
- Lewis, Edmund W. (letter), 557
- — Edward (letters), 558, 736
- — S. (letter), 25
- Lex (letter), 463
- — Talionis (letter), 50
- L. G.B. Signs, 643, 849
- L. H. D. (letters), 25, 114, 174, 201, 256, 560, 628
- License for Manservant, 281
- Licenses, Endorsement of, 154, 281
- — Law as to. Producing, 331, 348
- Liedekerke Cup Race at Dinant, 226, 252
- Lidge Exhibition, 279
- Lights, Universal, Bill, 88
- Lincolnshire A.C., 32, 62, 93, 122, 152, 181, 237, 263, 294, 352, 814
- — Motoring in, 249
- Lines, Robt. (reply). 470
- Live Axle Car, Ariel Simplex, Description of, 282
- — Cars, 24, 342
- Liverpool A.C. Gymkhana, 122
- — Special Roads for Motors, 90
- L. J. M. (letter), 768
- Llandudno, Proposed Speed Limit in, 560, 592, 628
- L. (letters), 529, 591 .
- Lloyd Change-speed Gear, Description of, <4 512
- Local Authorities and Motor Law, 802
- Lock, Walter C. C. (query), 710
- Locomotive, Motor Car and (illustration), 207
- Locomotives on Highways, W. Worby Beaumont’s Letter, 471
- Loco (reply), 470
- Lodge Ignition Coil, 463
- London Automobile Cab Co.’s Landaulet (letter), 434
- — Depot, Argyll Works, 437
- — Motor Garage Co., Ltd. (letter), 51
- — Street Accidents during 1904, 409
- — to Scotland, Motor Tour, 143
- — Traffic Problem. 318
- — Royal Commission on, 96, 99, 318, 516
- Longridge, C. C. (letter), 463
- Lord, W. T. (letter), 838
- L.R.C.S. and P.I., 560
- Lubricants and Lamps at Olympia Show, 696
- Lubricating Oil for Summer, 3
- Lubrication, 803
- — and Over-lubrication, 402. 528
- — nearing, fests relating t>, 860
- — Neglect, Result of (illustration), 536
- — of Springs, 560
- Lubricator, Mechanical, Albion, Description of, 514
- Lubricators, Grease, Screw-down, 3
- Lucas Acetylene Head Lamp, 453
- Lucy, Reginald II. (letter), 593
- Mablethorpe Races, Lincs. A.C., 263, 264
- Macclesfield, Withholding Police Evidence at, 80
- Macdonald, A. J. (letter), 173
- Machine Tools and Workshop Appliances at Olympia, 698
- Mackay, J. C. (letter), 736
- Maclean, A. Macdonald (query), 537
- MacLulich, J. (letters), 25, 83, 115, 404, 642, 560
- Macpherson, Donald D. (letters), 23, 177, 407
- Magistrate of Forty-five Years’ Standing (letter), 460
- Magistrates and Motorists’ Fines, 171, 209, 341. <>79
- — Clerks and Motorists, 723, 771, 835
- — Considerate Bench of, 495
- — -Discredited, 256, 313, 374
- — Harsh Treatment, 51, 208, 257, 405
- — Stipendiary, Necessity for, 114, 116, 240, 283
- Magneto and Accumulator Ignition, Combined, 849
- — Coil Systems, Alternative, 710
- — British Macclesfield, Description of, 561
- — Ignition, Articles on, 445, 475
- — Hints on, 853
- — Query, 774
- — (letter), 496
- — System, Coates's High Tension, 453
- — Trouble, 602, 642
- Maharajah of Mysore’s Trophy, Delhi - Bombay Trials (illustration), 202
- Maisons Lafitte Motor Boat Races, 522
- Maitland, Keith R. (letter), 528
- Makdougall, Hugh Scott (query), 324
- Malay States Automobile Club, Meet of, 474
- Manchester District, Police and Motorists in, 529
- — M.C., 152, 294, 352, 411, 504, 814, 880
- — Technical Schools, Motor Car-Lectures at, 235
- Mann and Overton Useful Accessory, 641
- Manufacturer (letter), 373
- Manx A.C. (illustration), 92
- — Enterprise, 325
- M. A. P. (query), 442
- Maps, Board of Agriculture, 638, 873
- Marine Hotel, Selsey, Accommodation for Care, 150
- — Motors at Olympia Show, 728
- — Motor Club, 62
- Market of the Automobile World, 394, 434, 463, 496
- Marshall, James Thompson, 627
- — Valve Gear, 585, 627
- Martini Car, Capt. Deasy’s {illustration), 775
- — 24 h.p. Car, Mr. Beaumont's (Illustration), 532
- — 30 h.p. Touring Cor (illustration), 408
- Maskew, Henry (letter), 115
- Mason, 8. H. (letter), 593
- Master Patents, 852, 857
- Maudslay Air Inlet Device, 457
- Mawbey, E. George (letter), 403
- Mayes and Langdown (letter), 592
- Mayhew, Mark (letters), 343, 375
- May, P. Stanley (letter), 202
- McConechy, Jas. (letters), 115, 528
- — Pneumatic Tyre, 346
- McDonald, John (letter), 201
- McDonnell, W. Campbell (replies), 643, 774
- McElroy, W. (letters), 116, 442
- McIver, J. (reply), 643
- Mechanic Drivers, Training of, 219
- Mecredy, R. J. (letters), 344, 432, 459
- Melbourne to Adelaide by Motor Car, 204
- M. E. (query), 324
- Mercator (letter), 868
- Mercedes Cars, Book Wanted, 470
- — 40 h.p. Car, Herr Ladenburg’s (illustration), 377
- — Earl Percy’s (illustration). 121
- — Car, H.M. The King’s, 80
- Merry Christmas Long Ago, 841
- Metallic Wheel, W. Stanley’s Patent, 580
- Mevan-Siddeley Match, 142
- M. I. C. E. (letter), 342
- Michelin Non-skid Tyre, 231
- — Tyre Attaching and Detaching Irons,
- Middleton’s Pneumatic Hub, 576, 776
- Middleton Pneumatic Hub, A.C. Trial, „ 708, 723
- Midland A.C., l?2, 181, 182, 210, 237, 441, 471, 814 Hill-climb, 237
- — (illustrations), 235, 237, 238, 834
- Milburn, John (letter), 628
- Mills. Wilton (letter), 461 Mill, VV. (reply), 813
- Military Manoeuvres in France (illustration), 369
- Milnes-Daimler Lorry with Damaged Car (illustration', 501
- Minerva Cars, 602. 643
- — Tourist Trophy Car, Description of, 250
- Mitcham Motor Boat at Isle of Wight
- — (illustration). 348
- Mitchell Epicyclic Gear, Description of, 464
- M’Lachlan, J. (letter), 528
- Mobile 16 h.p. Car (illustration), 151
- Model K Winton Car, Description of, 508
- Monarchs and Rulers who own Cars, 270
- Mont Ventoux Hill-climb, 369
- Moore, Henry (letter), 836
- Morals from Olympia, Filson Young's Address, 779
- Morgan and Co., Ltd. (letter), 804
- — Change-speed Gear, 636
- — Co.’s All-British Car, Description of, 582
- Mors 120 h.p. Car (illustration), 3 70
- Moseley and Co.’s Tale of Tyre Sizes, 549
- — Hall Cycle and Motor Gymkhana. 32
- — * Perfect ” Tyre, Detaching (illustrations), 744
- — Tyres, 293
- Mossop, Sydney (letter), 592
- Motor Car Act, Inquiry into the Working, 99, 163, 183, 195
- — Arte, Things a Motorist must never do, 394
- — for the Colonies, by Alfred Foster, 507
- — Incident, A, 342
- — Industry, Board of Trade Returns, 807
- Motorist and Lover of Dogs, 375
- — (letters), 114, 115, 202, 315
- Motorists and the Coming Election, 21
- Motorless Land. A, 336
- Motor Mad (query). 281
- Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (reply), 281
- — Pneumatic Tyre Co., 151
- — Schools, A Warning to Drivers, 110
- — Union and Training of Mechanic
- — Drivers, 219
- — Annual Dinner, 745
- — Appeals, 468
- — at Leeds and Harrogate, 32
- — Benefits of, 83, 179
- — Correspondent (letter), 592
- — Defence Fund, 179, 377, 441
- — Inter-club Meet at Chester, 93, 111 *
- — (illustrations), 2, 110
- — of Western India Trials. 411
- — Operation of Motor Car Act, 91
- — Volunteer Corps, 832
- — World-girdler’s Next Move, 566
- — Yacht Club, 93, 263
- — Club’s Reliability Trials, 164, 186, 222
- — Trials (illustrations), 184, 193, 196, 203, 206
- Mountain Motoring in the High Alps, 748
- Mountains, Small Car in, 767
- Mount Washington Hill-climb, 149
- Multi-cylinder Engines, Synchronising, 97, 200
- Multi-speeds for Single-cylinder Cars, 628
- Munich, British Tour to, Herkomer Trophy, 203
- Murphy Petrol Gauge, Description of, 333
- — Experience of, 432
- Murray, T. Blackwood (letter), 372
- Muskett, Herbert G. (letter), 373
- Myburgh, A. M. (letter), 172 f ? . * •
- Napier Boats (illustration), 236
- — Carburetter, Flooding of (illustration), 597
- — 18 h.p. Car, Capt. Duff’s (illustration), 148
- — Car, 40 h.p. (illustration), 215
- — Steering Wheel on, 180
- —-80 h.p. Car (illustration), 759
- — Cars, Old and New Pattern (illustration), 646
- — Orders for, 234
- — Run, Brighton to Edinburgh, 46a, 480
- — 60 h.p. Car, The Premier’s (illustration), 483
- — John S. (letter), 404
- — Motor Brougham, 18 h.p.. Description of, 497
- — (illustration), 516
- — Six-cylinder Cars of 190;» and 1906,
- — Test of, at Brighton, 438
- Natal. Alcohol Motors, 878
- National Car, 26, 58, 407
- National Car. Capt. Cyril Thornton s (illustration), 4J9
- — Major Renton’s (illustration), 410
- — 18 h.p. Car (illustration )> 878
- Navy, The Motors in, 650
- N. B. (reply), 876
- N. C. (query), 58
- N. C.U. and the Royal Commission, a77
- Neate, Wills, and Ahlquist’s Spring Wheel, Description of, 276
- Newall, J. W. Getters), 733. 837, 869
- New Car, 371. 434
- — Era Fire Extinguishing Apparatus, 179
- Newton, Chas, (letter), 867
- Nice Meeting, 555
- N 23 (letter), 84
- Noise in Carburetter and Exhaust Box, 537
- Noisy Exhaust, 177, 281
- Non-puncture Records, 52, 85, 116
- Non-skidding Tyre, J. Richardsons, 641
- Non-skid Experiences, 602, 710, 876
- — One only, 875
- — Tyre, Michelin, 231
- Non-skids and Tyre Protection, 461
- — for Light and Heavy Cara, Pullman, 530
- Non-stop Appeal, 804
- — Motor Boat Trip, 631
- No. 36 (query), 710
- No. 63 (query), 710
- Norfolk Automobile and Launch Club, 263
- Northampton, Trap Accident at, 467
- North-Eastern Automobile Association, - 237, 263, 352, 850
- North-east Lancashire A.C., 62, 210, 352
- North and East Riding A.C., 850
- — London A.C., 504, 850
- — Oliver D. (letter), 375
- Notley, F. Graham (letter), 171
- Nottinghamshire A.C., 31, 93, 294
- Notts A.C., 152, 210, 381, 411, 441, 504, 570
- — Speed Trials (illustrations), 20
- Novelty in Motor Cars, for Sands of the Soudan, 382
- Novice (query), 324, 602
- Number of Cylinders, by H. O. Duncan, 595 •A
- O’Brien, Edmond L. (reply), 503
- — James (reply), 710
- Obstruction at Reigate, 229
- — Charge Dismissed at Leeds, 501
- Odometers, Opinions on, 281, 350
- Ogilvie, G. Stuart (letter), 50, 285
- O. H. B. (letter), 628
- Oil Gauge, Over-lubrication and, 528
- — Lubricating for Summer, 3
- — Separator for Steam Cars, C. H. Gameson’s, 254
- Okill, John (letter), 769
- Old Pan (letter), 51
- Oldsmobile Cars, American Race (illustration), 119
- — 20 h.p. Car (illustration), 762
- Oldsmobiles, New Types of, 567
- Olympia. Morals from, Filson Young’s Address, 779, 805
- — Number of Vehicles at, 718, 838
- — Show Cloakroom, 593 Dust at, 764, 767
- — Impressions, by Owen Johu, 755
- — Marine Motors at, 725
- — Notes. 601, 652
- — Novelties at, 622, 740
- — Preparations for, 248, 469, 483
- — Report, 653
- Once Bitten (letters), 403, 527
- One Bitten (letter), 433
- — who did not Win (letter), 144
- — wants to Know (letter), 628
- On the Road, by Owen John, 12, 72, 140, 193, 249, 336, 485, 755, 833
- Opinions Summarised (letter), 768
- OI 19 (reply), 643
- Organ Pattern Pedals, 837
- Orleans Car 22 h.p. (illustration), 739
- Ormandy, W. R., Article by, 581
- Ormond-Daytona Beach Races, 832
- Outsider (letter), 432
- Overheating Engine, 281, 3.50
- — Petrol Consumption and, 26
- Owen, E. TT. (letters), 52, 284
- Owner (letter), 837
- Pazolt, Arthur N. (letter), 402
- Panhard Engine, Six-cylinder, 50 h.p. (illustration), 611
- — 24 h.p., for Prince of Wales’s Visit to Ceylon (illustration), 707
- — 50 h.p. (illustration), 119
- — Travelling Repair Shop, 321
- — Works, A Run Round, 275
- Paraffin Carburetter (query), 281
- — Fuel, 527
- — Running on, 835
- Paragon Dust and Mud Collector, 469
- Paris, American Makers in, 555
- — Breslau/Touring Competition, 16
- — New Regulations in, 399
- Paris Salon, Drift of Design at, 846
- — Medal awarded to Rolls and Co.
- — (illustration), 208
- — X
- — Notes on, 764, 790, 800, 822
- — Show, 399
- — Impressions of, by Chas. Jarrott,
- — to the Sea, Motor Boat Race Fiasco, 141
- Park Regulations, Lobby Notes, 19
- Parker, Walter R. (letters), 434, ^28, 769
- Parks, Royal, Motor Regulations, 23, 48, $0, 84, 88, 116
- Partington’s Combination Solid-pneumatic Tyre, 259
- Passing Vehicles on Wrong Side, 86
- Patents Master, 852, 857
- Patterson, Jane (letter), 371
- Payne, J Rowland (letter), 145
- Pedals, Organ Pattern, 837
- Pedestrian (letter), 734
- Pedestrians, Duty of, 711
- Pennell, C. W. (letters), 172, 432
- Perfect Motor Tyre, Description of, la-1
- Perjury, Charge of—Motor Scout Case, 782. 843
- Perkins, Herbert M. (reply), 876
- Perman and Co.’s Motor Launch, 118
- Petra (letter), 175
- Petro (letter), 22
- Petrocochino, A. W. (letter), 835
- Petrol and Benzine, 350
- — the Chauffeur, For, 50
- — Cars at Olympia Show, 653
- — Consumption, 403, 407
- — and Overheating, 26
- — Engines, White and Poppe, 10
- — Filter, Senyab, 47
- — Gauge, Murphy, Description of, 333
- — Increase in Price of, 865
- — in Egypt, 849
- — Leakage, 65
- — Storage, 324, 470, 602
- — v. Steam, 537. 602, 642
- Peugeot 12 h.p. Car (illustration), 811
- — 40 h.p., Lord Tenterden’s, 410
- — 10 h.p. Touring (illustrations), 55
- Philip, Roland (letter), 704
- Phillips, Robert E. (letter), 594, 628
- Pibel, L. M. (letter), 285
- Pike, R. L. (query), 253
- Pipe Chassis, 50 h.p. (illustration), 755
- Piping. Staying of, Hints on, 97
- Piston Rings (query), 643
- Plain Clothes. Policemen and, 372
- P 407 (letter). 734
- Pneumatic Hub, Middleton’s, 576, 776
- — (query), 177
- — Tyre, Improved, McConechy’s, 346
- — Tyres, Advantages of. 21, 49, 52, 83, 115, 145, 201, 256, 285, 314
- — Attention to, 3
- — v. Solid Tyres, 173, 375, 4Q3, 434, 462, 527, 559, 771
- Police Effrontery and Veracity, 255
- — Evidence, 64, 80, 85, 200, 379, 432, 493, 528
- — Fairness, 804
- — How Traps Recoil on, 843.
- — Motorists and the Public, 754
- — Outing in Motor Car, 409
- — Persecution of Motorists, 2C0, 460, 594
- — Rutland, and Motorists, 228
- — Trap Discloser, 201
- — Motorist Caught (illustration), 64
- — York-Tadcaster Road (illustration), 708
- — Traps and Goodwood Races, 114
- — Circumvention of, 51, 286, 342, 375, 733
- — on Open Road, 433
- — Where are they ? 175, 285
- Policemen, Use of Force by, 416. 462
- Poona Reliability Trials, Aga Khan Challenge Cup, 120
- Pope-Tribune Cars, 150
- — Two-cylinder 10 h.p. Car, Description of, 345
- Popping in the Carburetter, 835
- Postcard to Mrs. Edge, Facsimile of, 179
- Power Indicator, Gibson Patents Co., 834
- P 161 (query), 407
- — (reply), 503
- Practical Experiences, 405, 407
- Prejudice, Unreasoning, Justified, 227, 256, 283, 315
- Prejudiced Opinion, 384
- Preparing for Action, 183
- P 2212 (reply), 710
- Primary Batteries, 228, 284
- Prince of Wales’s Motor Car for India, 374, 379
- Princess of Wales’s Daimler Car, 252
- Private Dust Trials, 105
- — Reliability Record, 113
- Probable Purchaser (query), 407
- Professional v. Amateur Drivers, 519
- Progress (query), 86
- Propeller, New, Don Jose Fola’s Invention, 382
- Proportion, Sense of, 174
- Prosecutions, Motor, 25
- Proud. E. J. (letters), 21, 496
- Proud, E. P. (letters), 115, 174, 736
- Pullman Non-skids for Light and Heavy Cars, 530 *1
- Puncture, In Case of, 97
- — Stop, French Invention, 472
- Puzzled (queries), 281, 602
- P. W. A. (letter), 284
- Pyle, E. Elliott (letter), 525
- Pyrenees Cup (illustrations), 440, 743
- — Race, Description of, 277 (illustrations), 266, 277, 311
- — Winners, 274
- Q. E. D. (letter), 804
- Quadrant Change-speed Gear, Description of, 512
- Queensland (Australia) A.C., 181
- Queries and replies, 26, 58, 86, 177., 253, 281, 324, 350, 407, 442, 470, 503, 537, 602, 642, 710, 774, 813, 849, 876
- Quick-change Body, Thom and Co.’s, 634
- Quite Satisfied (reply), 58
- Races, Motor, on Skegness Sands, 309
- — Yacht Club, Description of, 164, 186, 222
- — Judges’ Report, 223
- — Trials and, 22
- Racing, Circuit, To Interest Spectators in, 143
- — Evil Influence of, 232
- — for the Improvement of Cars, 727, 868
- — Germany’s Views on, 492, 521
- — Is it any Longer Useful ? 43, 79
- — Motor, France and, 126, 141
- — Rules for Sport, by F. Strickland, 766
- — Tendency of, 78
- R. A. C. (letter), 402
- Radiator, Burton, 469
- — Hamilton Film, Description of, 773
- Radiators, Removal of Scale from, 542, 631
- Rail, Motors Cars by, 284
- Railway Electric Coach, London and District, 320
- — Locomotives and Internal Combustion
- — Engines, 42
- Raleigh 10 h.p. Car, H. Bolden on (illustration), 90
- Ranelagh, Ladies’ A.C., Gymkhana at, 61
- Ray, J. N. A. (letter), 173
- Reader (query), 774
- Rear Lamp, Tell-tale, 452
- Reckless Drivers, 56
- — Driving, To Eliminate, 9
- Record, Flying Kilometre, 717
- — in Good Running, 51
- Re-engining Car, 407
- Regatta, Motor Boat, on Lake Lucerne (illustration), 269
- Registered, Cars and Cycles, Statistics of. 100
- Regrettable Affair, Swift Car at Tourist Trophy Race, 457
- Regular Subscriber (query), 470
- Regulation of Motor Traffic, 802
- Regulations, Motor, Royal Parks, 23, 48, 50, 84, 88, 116
- Reigate, Obstruction at, 229
- Reliability Record, Private, 113
- — Trials in India, 499, 717
- Relief Valve Fitting to Crank Chamber, 876
- Remington, A. A. (letter), 559
- Renault Car with Two Bodies, 635
- — Patent Abridged, 858
- — Pronounced Invalid, 857
- Renfrewshire No. 108 (reply), 813
- Renton. Major, and National Car (illustration), 410
- Repair Shop, Travelling, for Panhard Cars, 321
- — Johnson and Co.’s, 532 Repairer (query), 442
- Replaciner Geese and Chickens, 315
- Report of Advisory Board of Engineers on London Traffic, 516
- Result of Unjust Fines, 433, 495, 496, 527
- Revarnishing Motor Bodies, 35
- Revertera, Count, and De Dion Cai, 408
- Revirda (letter), 838
- Rexette, Two-cylinder Engined, Description of, 73
- Rhodes Electrical Co.’s Charging Apparatus, 334
- — S. R. (letter), 802
- Ribbentrop, B. (letter), 706
- Richard-Brasier Car, Sir David Salomon’s (illustration), 565
- Richardson Car, with Non-skidding Tyres (illustration), 709
- Richardson’s Non-skidding Tyre, 641
- Riches, G. F., and Co. (query), 642
- Richmond, Arthur (letter), 374
- Rim and Tyre, Removable, Browne-Cave, 293
- R. K. (letter), 836
- Road, Courtesies of the, 344, 495
- — Damage, Motorists and the Public, 704
- — Dangerous, 592
- Road Foundations and Materials ,46
- — Maintenance, Motorists and, 704
- — Maps. 344. 372
- — Mending. Intelligent. 645, 736
- — On the. by Owen John, 12, 72. 140, 193. 249, 336, 485, 755. 833
- — Repairing and the Unemployed, 716, 80 4
- — Surveyors, Motor Cars for. 86
- Road Hog, Origin of the Term, 236
- Roads, Dusty, 113
- — for Motors only, 90, 605, 628, 639, 704
- — Improvement Association (letter), 805
- — Improvements in, 450
- — in Ireland, Improvement of, 99
- — Vehicles on the, 85
- Roberts, Major J. R., Article by. 625
- Robinson. J. C. S. (query), 602
- Roe, A. Verdon (letters), 496, 627, 836, 837, 871
- Roelofs, P., of Antwerp, Motor Tour by, 194
- Rolls and Co. (letters), 434, 627
- — Medal awarded to (illustration), 208
- — Chas. S. (letter), 770
- Rolls-Royce 20 h.p. Car, Description of. 828
- — Car. Experiences of. 313. 403
- — French Naval Officers in (illustration). 261
- — Hill-climb on, 596
- — Eight-cylinder Landaulette, Run on, 742
- — Three-cylinder Car, Trial of, 321
- — 15 h.p. Double Phaeton Car (illustration), 236
- — Landaulet, Eight-cylinder, Description of. 578 v
- — Phaeton, Presented to Dr. Warre (illustration), 775
- — Tourist Trophy Car, Description of. 250
- Roots, J. D. (letter), 52
- Rose Bros, (reply), 26
- Roas, C. (letter), 627
- Routh, H. P. (query), 58
- Rover, 6 h.p.. Run on, 861
- — 8 h.p. Experiences, 849
- — Car. 6 h.p., 86, 634
- — 1 ' h.p., Description of, 139
- — Engine Dismantled (illustration), 506
- — in Ceylon. 378
- — R. L. Jefferson’s, 386
- — Carburetter (illustration), 779
- Royal Commission and Motor Car Act, 99. 163, 183, 195, 255, 284, 410, 488, 812
- — on London Traffic, 96, 99, 318, 516, 527
- — Suggestions for, 527
- — The N.C.U. and, 577
- — Marines and Motor Instructions, 116
- — Navy Motor Boat (illustration), 150
- Rovan Meeting, 311
- R (query), 642
- Rules. 1906 Tourist; Trophy, 459, 495, 573
- Running Costs, Readers’ Statistics, 647, 724, 749
- Russell, Lord (letters), 405, 527
- Ruston, R. S. (letter). 403
- Rutland Police and Motorists, 228
- Rutulan, Generalities, by, 46. 275, 511, 577, 649
- Ryknield 15 h.p. Car (illustrations), 261, 321
- Ryta Rear Light, Description of, 35]
- Safety Latch for Gear Lever, 343
- Salon, Drift of Design at, 846, 875
- — Interest of the, 555
- Saltbum Motor Car Festival, 210, 263, 323
- Samuel, H. S., Weather Screen (illustration), 450
- Sanderson. Thoa. (reply), 58
- Santos-Dumont in hi° Balloon (illustration), 290
- Saracen’s Head Hotel, Southwell (illustration), 877
- Sardy, J. L., and Co.’S, Speed Indicator, 280
- Satisfied (letters), 313, 343
- — (replies), 643, 710
- Sauce for Goose and Gander (letter), 803
- Savill, Edward (query), 58
- Savory, L. (letter), 113, 631
- Scale on Radiators,* Removal of. 542
- Scarborough, Motor Car Regulations in, 234
- — Hearth, Leveson (letters), 83, 84, 256, 374, U 594
- Scenes in the Car Enclosure (illustrations), 330
- Schneider and Helmecke Crank Chamber Drainer, 59
- Schools, Motor. A Warning to Drivers. 110 Scot (query), 253
- Scotch (reply), 710
- Scotland. Inconsiderate Driving in. 460, 502 528
- — Speed Li,its.’”202, 322
- — Tour in. 171,.174
- Scottish A.C., 31, 210, 323, 381, 814, 850
- — (Eastern Section), 62
- — (Western Section), 323, 504
- — Reliability Trials, Tyres in, 25
- Scout Car 14 h.p., Accident to, 307
- — Motor Case, Charge of Perjury, 782, 843
- Screen, Weather, H. S. Samuel s (illustration), 450
- Seagoing Motor Boats, 113, 145
- Seamless Steel Boat Co., 236
- Searlo, Frank (letter). 736
- Seashore Motor Speed Track, by S. Coetmore Jones, 388
- Seasonable Compliments, 816
- — eat on W. J. (query), 470
- Second-hand Cars, Examination of. Experiences of Examiner, 392, 422
- Selbv, Viscount, Photograph of, 564
- Seminering Hill-climb, Austrian A.C., 198, 382
- Senvab Petrol Filter, 47
- Serpollet Management, 4 70, 503
- Seven Miles an Hour Speed Limit, 21. 55
- S. F. E. (letter), 528
- Shaw, Walter M. (letter), 819
- — W. (letter), 631
- — (query), 602
- Sheep, Motorists and, 534, 559, 628, 734. 804
- Sheffield and District A.C., 124, 181, 471, 64 1. 880
- Sheppee, E. W. (letters). 630, 770, 870
- S. H. (letter), 255
- Shooting at Motorists, Charge of, 121
- — Car for the King, 861 Short Circuiting, 470
- — Circuits, Detecting, 403, 431
- Short-sighted (query), 876
- Show, Division of the, 781
- — Impressions, fetter re, 736
- — Novelties, Olympia and Stanley, 740
- — Olympia, Inauguration of—Important
- Speeches, 698
- — Ventilation, 525
- Shows, Editorial Notes, 605, 715
- — Electrical Notes from, by H. M. Wyatt, 765
- Shrewsbury and Speed limit, 805
- Siam, King of, New Cars for (illustration), 384
- Siddeley 18 h.p. Car (illustration), 742
- — The King’s Presentation to Osborne House (illustration), 234
- — 15 h.p. Engine (illustration), 745
- — Engine, 25 h.p. (illustration), 737
- — Racer, 100 h.p. (illustration), 760
- — Racing Car, Caricature of, 149
- Siddeley-Me ya n Match 87, 118, 147, 167
- Interview with Mr. Siddeley, 167
- Side-entrance Cars, 17, 79
- Side-slip, 607
- Side-slips and how to avoid them, 84
- Siemens Brothers, Transport Cells, 717
- — Transport Cell No. XII., 205
- Signalling with Confetti, 710
- Signal of Distress, 433, 733
- Signposts, 46, 173
- Simms 100 h.p. Engine (illustrations), 320
- — F. R., First Drive in England, 82
- — Paraffin Vaporiser, Description of, 874
- — 12 hp. Waggonette (illustration), 150
- Simms-Welbeck Car, at I. of M.» Accident (illustration), 349
- Sir William Corry’s (illustration), 28
- Singer Car, 58
- Sirdar Non-nipping Air Tube, 56, 85
- Siren an Undesirable Adjunct, 606
- Sir Hector’s Conversion, 824
- Skegness Sands, Motor Races, 309
- Skinner, H. (letter), 594
- Slade. Capt.. Warre on 10 h.p. Panhard (illustration), 46
- S. L. C. (reply), 26
- S 18 (letters), 17$, 560
- Slipping Countershaft Brakes, 86, 177, 253
- Slow-moving Traffic, A Humanitarian View 199 228
- Small Car, Costa qf Upkeep. 649, 710
- — in the Mountains, 767
- Smart, G. H. (letter), 257
- Smith, David (letter), 503
- — G., Article by, 702
- — G. H. (letter), 116
- — Henry R. (letter), 145
- — Robert J. (letter), 202
- — Samuel (letter), 22
- — T. Farrar (letter), 405
- Smoking in Motor Houses, 876
- Smoky Exhaust, 284
- Snowsmith, Dr. S.-(reply), 710
- Soames, Edgar (reply), 350
- Soares, Mr., Proposed Amendment of Motor Car Act. 19. 39, 88
- Society of Automobile Mechanic Drivers, 871
- — Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Discussion at. 18
- Solid Tyres, Anti-skids for. 642, 774, 813
- — v. Pneumatic Tyres, 173, 375, 403, 434, 462
- Solid-pneumatic Tyre. J. A. Partington’s Patent,$259
- Somerset A.C., 123, 210, 352, 412
- — (letter), 494
- Somerville-Large, P. T. (letter), 281
- Soudan, Car for Sand? of, 382, 391, 441
- South Africa, The Motor Car in, A. T. Hennesy’s Paper, 413, 472
- — African A.C., 352
- — Experiences 172, 269
- — Motoring, 729
- — Kensington, Motor Models at, 641, 7„4
- — Wales and Monmouth A.C.. 94, 122, 210
- Southampton to Tilbury by Water, 541
- Southern M.C., 94, 122, 381, 411, 880
- Spain, Motor Car Regulations in, 600
- — To ring in (query), 253, 350
- Sparking Plug Tests, 324
- Speed Indicator, Cowey, 707
- — in Police Cases, 91, 180
- — Trials. 706
- — Web, 280
- — Indicators, Use of, 22, 528, 594
- — Limit, Absurdity of, 495
- — at Wigan, 349
- — (letter), 767
- — Seven Miles an Hour, 2-1, 55
- — Pro and Con., by H. C. L., 598
- — Signals, Special, 432
- — Limits in Scotland, 202, 322
- — of Trams, 572
- Speedometer and Lamp Trials, 823
- Speedometers, 314
- Spherola Spring Wheel, Description of, 276
- Sport, Racing Rule** for, by F. Strickland. 766
- — Car, Light, 442, 470 ' *
- — Cars. 174, 495, 706
- — Cheap Fuel for, 704 *
- — in Competitions, 145, 175, 462
- — the Tourist Trophy Race,
- — Oil Separator for, 254
- — (queries), 26, 442
- Steamer (letter), 706
- Steel Tyre Inventions, 261
- — Vanadium, for Motor Construction, 568,
- Steering Arm (query), 177
- — Arms, Design of, 177
- — Wheel on Napier Car, 180
- Stipendiary Magistrates. Necessity „ 114. 116,
- St. Marcian (query), 849
- Stocks, J. W. (letter), 22
- Stones thrown up by Wheels, 253
- Stone-throwing at Motorists. 116
- — in France, 260
- Stonham, F. (letter), 24
- Storage of Petrol, 324, 470, 602
- Strickland. F., Articles by, 74, 587, 621, o ’ 727. 766
- Sturmey, Henry, Articles by, 43, 146, 366. 424
- — More about the Tourist Trophy, 42 i
- — H. (letters', 21, 52, 255. 284. 315*
- — Use of the Highway, 18
- Sturrock, J. Leng (letter), 871
- Sultan of JohoreV 25ft. Motor Launch (illustration), 418
- Sunbeam Car for 1906, Description of, 544
- — Non-stop Run, 57, 91
- — 12 h.p. Car. Trial of. 81
- Surgeon and Pioneer Motor Man (letter), « . 525
- SUIT, E. (letter), 869
- Surrey Assizes, Motor Scout Case, 782, 843
- Sussex A.C. at Worthing (illustration). 535
- — County A.C.. 94. 123, 210, 237, 814
- — (query), 537
- Sutton, Henry (letter), 527
- Swain Petrol Pouter, 535 ,
- Swift Car and Tourist Trophy Race, 457, 527
- — Dr. Harman Brown’s (illustration), 121
- Swindley, H. J., Article by, 36
- - Switzerland, Motor Care in, 320
- — Touring in, 278, 378
- S W 27 (letter). 591
- Synchronised Ignition, 281, 407, 442, 509, 560. 710
- — Explained. 509
- — Talbot-Mondey, Description of, 45
- Synchronising Multi-cylinder Engines. 97, 200
- Synchronos (query), 281
- S. Y. (reply), 407
- Table of Marks, Motor Boat Trials, 245
- Tail Lamp, Makeshift, 3, 65 Talbot, Arthur (letter), 374
- — Car, 24 h.p., Major Clifton's (illustration), 235
- — with Canopy Top, 641
- — 12-16 h.p. Four-cylinder, 55, 863
- Talbot-Mondey Synchronised Ignition, Description of, 45
- Tappet (letter), 52
- Tarmac Roads, 260
- Taxation by Horse Power, 284, 315
- — of Motor Cars. &2, 57, 284, 3-15
- Taxes, Motorists and, 871
- Taylor, J. V. Elliott (letter), 199
- Tendency of Racing, 78
- Ten Years Ago, F. R. Simms’s Drive, 82
- — (illustration), 34
- Testing of Cars, Inconsiderate Driving. 79
- Tetchley, E. H. (letter), 314
- Teuf-Teuf Tyres. 116
- Thames Embankment, Road Metalling Experiments, 170
- — Motor Boats on the, 207
- Thawed (letter), 630
- Thery’s Retirement, 78
- Thirty Miles per Gallon, 343
- Thompson, Thomas C. (letter), 495
- — W. H. (reply), 86
- Thorn and Co.'s Quick-change Motor Body, 634
- Thornycroft Boats at Chiswick (illustration), 308
- — 24 h.p. Car (illustrations), 260p564
- — Mr. Oliver Stanton’s (i lustration), 743
- — Destroyer for Swedish Government
- — (illustration) 511
- — Gas Motor Yacht, 166 w
- — Tourist Trophy Car, Description of. 230
- Thorold, W. A. H. (query), 642
- T. H. (query), 407
- T. H. S. A. (query), 407
- Times in the Eliminating Trials, 319
- Time*, Cost of an Article Ln the, 823
- Timing Device, Gibbs and Dumbell’s, 501
- Tips, Useful Hints and, 3, 35, 65, 97, 127, 155, 185, 213, 241, 267, 316, 340, 376, 385, 428, 458. 484, 524, 556, 589, 624, 700, 732, 772, 783, 817, 853
- Top Gear Trips, 113, 202, 704, 771, 803
- Tortoise (letter), 173
- — (reply), 350
- Tour in Scotland, 171, 174
- — Motor, P. Roelof’s, of Antwerp, 194
- -- to Constantinople. R. L. Jefferson’s, 308, 386, 435, 468, 481, 510, 543. 586, 611 720, 751, 786, 820, 854
- Tourist (letter), 134
- — Neglected, 313, 372, 433
- — Trophy and Gordon-Bennett Race
- — Compared, 408 ?
- — Cars. Description of, 250, 270, 299
- — Future, by F. Strickland, 587
- — Interesting Tests of, 391
- — Challenge, Mors, Ltd., 332
- — Competition. Impressions before the Event, 326
- — Entries, 215, 266
- — Fuel Limit. 498, 837. 870
- — (illustration), 607
- — Item?, 19b 239, 287, 295, 307
- Tourist Trophy v. Lessons of, by Henry Sturmey, 366
- — More about the, by H. Sturmey, 424
- — Notes, 353, 356
- — Race (illustrations), 327, 328. 344, 373, 404, 405, 134, 463, 557
- — Next Year’s, 383, 395, 443, 452. 459, 494, 540. 630
- — Possibilities of, 268
- — Reflections on, by E. W. Walford, 419
- — Steam Cars in, 805, 816
- — Suggested Amendments, 354
- — Rules, 144, 200, 229, 256, 257, 296
- — Explained, 296
- — 1906 Rules, 459, 494, 573, 703, 733, 769, 805, 815
- Towing Disabled Car, Legality of, 58, 86
- Town Vehicles, Trial of, in Paris, 866
- Track, Seashore Motor Racing, by S. C. Jones. 388
- Trade Methods, Motor. 460
- Traders and the Royal Commission, 284
- Traffic, Slow-moving, 199, 228
- Trail of the Unconanmed, by A. E. S. Craig, 209, 291
- Training of Mechanic Drivers, 219
- Trams, Speed of, 572
- Tramway Accidents, Horse and, 112, 479
- Transport Cells. Siemens Bros., 205, 717
- Transvaal A.C., 850
- — Reliability Trial, 352
- Traps Recoil on Police, 843
- Travers, Gilbert N. (letter), 495
- T 430 (reply), 442
- Trevithick’s Idea for Road Locomotive (illustration), 877
- Trial after Completion. 52
- — of 12 h.p. Sunbeam Car, 81
- Trials and Races. 22, 116
- — Reliability, 113
- — Motor Yacht Club’s, 164, 186
- — Suggested Venue for, 257
- T. R. (letter), 837
- Trouc (query), 86
- Trouville Cup Race, 169
- Tucker, Alex. E., Paper by, 568. 603
- Turkheimer Single-cylinder Engine (illustration), 846
- Turner. Juan (reply), 350
- Turner-Miesse Steam Car, Chassis View of, 56
- Turning of the Tide. 336
- — Over Query, 407
- Turrell, C. McR (reply), 774
- Turvey, Fred (letters), 559, 804
- — (query), 281
- Tutorless (query), 281
- Twin (query), 813
- Two-cylinder Engined Rexette, Description of, 73
- Two Views of Motoring, 317
- — Ways of netting across Country (illustration), 572
- Tyre and Lamp Trials, 474
- Touring Car Competitions, X.C.F., 456. 637
- — Attaching and Detaching Irons. Michelin Co.’s, 258
- — Dunlop Motor. American Make of. 59
- — Experience, 602
- — Guarantees. 177
- — J. Partington’s Combination Solid pneumatic, 259
- — Outfit. Helena, Description of, 106
- — Patching v. Vulcanising 849
- — Pneumatic. “ Impregnable,” 610
- — New Patent, 176
- — Records, Non-puncture, 22, 85
- — Replacement, 434
- — Rim, Detachable, F. Courthorpe’s, 176
- — Security Bolts, Improvements in, 809
- — Treatment, 172, 202
- -- Trials, 225, 318, 456, 851
- — Four Thousand Miles, 636, 711
- Tyres and Bands, 350. 407
- — Non-skids at Olympia Show, 691
- — Continental, in Gordon-Bennett Race, 163
- — English-made, 202
- — in Circuit des Ardennes, 197
- — Scottish Reliability Trials, 25
- — Life of. 649, 845
- — Pneumatic, Advantages of, 21, 49, 52, 83, 115, 145, 173, 201, 256, 285, 314
- — Attention to, 3, 404
- — Sizes of, Moseley and Co.’s Table, 549
- — Solid v. Pneumatic, 173, 375, 403, 434, 462, 527, 559, 771
- — Upkeep of, 25
- “ Tyresome Trip,” by H. C. L., 651
- Unconsnmed, Trail of the, by, A. E. S. (Taig, 209
- Uneven Running, 407, 442, 503
- Unic 16 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 846
- Union, Motor, and Training of Mechanic Drivers, 219,
- Union. Motor, Annual Dinner, 745
- — Benefits of the, 83, 811
- — Daimler Co.’s Subscription to, 638
- — Meet al Chester, 93, 111
- — Operation of Motor Car Act, 91
- United Service Motor Club, 352
- Unlighted Vehicles, Dangers of.' 493
- Unreasoning Prejudice Justified, 227, 256, ,T x „ 283, 315
- Up-country Motoring in India, 625
- Upkeep of Cars, Readers’ Statistics, 647.
- — C „ 724, 749
- — Small Car, Costa of, 649 710 Tyres, 25
- Utility Car, Every-day, 1^9
- Valve, Extra Air, 442, 47*0, 537
- — Gear, Marshall, 585, 627
- Open, Advantage^, <»fs 736. 804
- — Grinding Paste, 407
- — Removing Lever, E. JI. Hill’s, 395
- — Setting, 55ft, 627, 876 -
- Valves and Bolt Nuts, Attention to, 3
- Vanadium Steel for Motor Construction, 568, 603, 644
- Vanderbilt Cup Race (illustrations), 549. 562, 563, 588
- — Reliability Trials, 425, 471, 482
- Vauxhall Cars at Luton (illustration), 506
- — 18 h.p. Engine (illustration), 586
- — Tourist Trophy Car, Gear of, 251
- Vehicles on the Roads, 85
- Verney, R. B. (letter), 459
- Veteran Lady Automobilist, 51
- Victim (letter), 342
- Voiturette Trials in France, 522
- — 1,200 Kilometres, French, 730
- Vollmer, G. Fred (letter), 704
- Volunteer Corps, Motor, 832
- Vox Populi in the Making, J 2
- Vulcan Odometer, Experience Wanted, 876
- — (query), 849
- Vulcanisation of Tyres, 175
- Vulcanisera, Cheap, 232
- Vulcanising Machines, 253, 407, 442, 602
- Walford. Eric W., Hints by, 97 (letter), 628
- — E. W., Reflections on Tourist Trophy Race, 419
- Wallinger, J. A. (reply), 281
- Wallis, Thos. (letter), 525
- Walmsley, Jas. (letters), 228, 592
- W. A. (query), 281
- W. A. R. H. (query), 407
- Warning to Car Owners, 24
- — Drivers, Motor Schools, 110
- — Owners of Cars, 837
- — Triangles, Abuse of, 867
- Warwickshire A.C., 94
- Waterchute, Crystal Palace, Driving MOB? Car on, 27
- Water-cooled Brakes, 212
- Water-cooling System. Deposit in, 58
- Water Supply at Garages 65
- Watson, L. J. (letter), 734
- — M. D. (letter), 706
- W. A. W. (letter), 49
- Wedding, Motor Car, at Altrincham (illustration'. 4 79
- Weigel. D. M. 'letter), 229
- Weighing Apparatus, W. and T. Avery’s, 744
- Weight Limit, Tourist Trophy Race, 383,
- Web Speed Indicator, 280 443
- Wells. Henry M., Trial of Sunbeam Cay, by. 81
- — R. G , Article by, 872
- — W. II. (query), 86
- Welsh A.C., 124, 152, 181, 570
- — Hill-climb, Times in, 122
- Westralian (letter), 200
- Weyher and Richemond’s 15 h.p. Steam Car (illustration), 847
- W. G. B. (query), 58
- — (reply), 324
- Wheel, Metallic, W. Starley s Patent, 580
- — Resilient, De Cadignan, Description of, 454
- — Spring, for Motor Vehicles, L. R. Blake’s, 53
- Hall£, 219, 536, 599, 706
- — Tests, Metal v. Wood, 54
- Wheels, Attention to, 403
- — for Motor Cars, 374
- — Spring, 627, 703, 734, 769
- Whitaker, Edgar (letter), 733
- White and Poppe Petrol Engines, 10
- — George (letter), 51
- — Metal Bearings, 52, 83
- — Steam 18 h.p. Car (illustration), 406
- — Car, 18 b.p., Description of, 390
- — in South Africa (illustration), 120
- — Mrs. J.Cuneo’s (illustration), 260
- — with Brougham Body (illustration), 533
- — Steamer at Coventry Gymkhana (illustration ),*J 82
- White >1 earner. 40 h.p., W. C. White’s (illustration). 456
- Whitlock-Aster, 12 h.p. Two-cylinder (illustration). 209
- Whitlock Automobile Co. (letter), 84
- — Landaulet (illustration), 812
- W. H. N. (query), 281
- Wigan, Dangerous, 24
- — Speed Limit at. 349
- Wilding. H. R. (letter). 202
- Wilkinson. G. J. (letter). 871
- Willis, G. Bright (letter), 459
- Wilson, A. ,T.. Casual Comments, bv. 232, 318, 452
- (letter), 228
- — Alfred letter), 21
- — Art hut. 201
- — J. Dudley (letter), 85
- — W. (1'tter). 869
- Wilson-Pilcher 12 h.p. Car (illustration), 253
- Winch. P. Montagu (letter). 373
- Windham. Lieut.. Hints and Tips bv, 127, 155. 185, 213. 241. 267, 316. 340, 376, 385. 428. 458, 484. 524. 556, 589, 624, 700, 732. 772, 783, 817
- — W. (letter), 431
- — (reply). 26
- Windshield. New Form of (illustration), 29
- Windsor. Arthur W. (letter). 371
- Wingate. F. R.. the Sirdar, Car for, 391
- — R. (query ,407
- Winton Car, Model K, Description of, 508
- — Cars. 324. 350
- Winton. 24 h.p. (illustration), 776
- — Motor Boat (illustrations). 91
- Witnesses. Withholding, at Knaresborough. 1
- W. L. S. (query), 407
- Woking, Motor Car Gymkhana at, 94 Wolfe, Jas. C„ 24
- Wolseley 6 h.p. Car. Maharajah Shri Chatigsinhji’s (illustration), 532
- — Carrying St. John Ambulance Corps. 180
- — 24 h.p.. A. Carnegie s. 34 7
- — Car for Soudan. 382, 391. 444
- — Hon. C. S. Rolls’s (illustration), 29
- — Cars, Fixed Starting Handle for, 530
- — Company, 179
- — Station Car (illustration), 845
- Wolverhampton and District A.C., 535
- Wolverton, from a Height (illustration), 812
- Woodrow. Arthur (letter), 314
- Woods, G. Hubert (letter', 113
- Woollen, T. H., Resignation of, 638
- Working of Differential Gear, 161
- World, Automobile Consumer ol, 394, 434, 463, 496
- W. (query), 849
- Wright, Albert Percy (letter), 284
- — H. (query), 407
- Wrinkles, 300, by Lieut. Windham. 127, 155, 185, 213. 240, 267, 316, 346, 376, 385. 428, 458, 484. 524, 556, 589 624, 700. 732, 772, 783, 817
- W. W. (letters), 557, 805
- Wyatt, H. M., Electrical Notes from the Shows, by, 765
- — Jas. (reply), 643
- X. (letter), 284
- X 433 (reply), 86
- X 219 (reply), 642
- Yacht “ Enchantress,” 742
- — Motor Club, 93
- — Races. Description of 164. 186, >>22
- — Judges’ Report. 223
- — P. N. Impey’s (illustration), 348
- Yachts, Motor. 284, 318
- Yarrow-Napier-Saunders 60 h.p. Boat, 553
- “Ye Olde Bell ” Inn, Illustration of Interior, 502
- York, Proposed Club for, 441
- Yorks (letter), 25
- Yorkshire A.C., 92, 124, 412, 441, 644, 850
- — (letter), 23
- — (query), 58
- York-Tadcaster Road Police Trap (illustration), 708
- Young, A. B. Filson (letter), 805
- — A. J. (letter), 174
- — Filson, Address to A.C., Morals from Olympia, 779
- — Jas. (letter), 560