1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Lighting and Water: K
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- Kensington and Knightsbridge Electric Lighting Co, LinAteA.—Directors: Lt.-Col. R. E. Crompton, C.B. (Chairman), Sir H. W. Bliss, K.C.I.E,, G. H. Hopkinson, R. W. Wallace, K.C., and C. C. Wyllie, Jun. Secretary: R. S. Erskine. Office: 148, Brompton Road, S.W.—The company was registered March 29, 1888. Under the Electric Lighting Act the local authorities have the option of purchase after 42 years from 1889.
- Kensington and Notting Hill Electric Lighting Companies, Joint Station Committee. —Office: 140, High Street, Notting Hill, W.—In May, 1900, there was issued at 103 per cent. £100,000 4 per cent, debenture stock, guaranteed jointly and severally by the two companies named. The stock forms part of a total authorised of £200,000, of which £180,790 has in all been issued, has interest payable April 1 and October 1, is to be repaid at par January 31, 1931, and is specially secured by a trust deed constituting a first mortgage on the freehold joint station. A sinking fund is provided, which may be employed in the purchase of stock, but none has so far been purchased. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. ; the stock is transferable in multiples of £1. The stock is quoted in the official list; latest price, 99.
- Kent County Gas Light and Coke Co, Limited.—Being wound up. Liquidator : The Official Receiver in Companies Liquidation, Carey Street, AV.C.
- Kimberley Waterworks Co, Limited.—Directors: J. Jackson (Chairman), R. Ford, and AV. Mendel. Sea'Ctary: AV. Vincent. Office: 20-1, Laurence Pountney Lane, E.C.—The company was registered July 3, 1880, to acquire a concession from the corporation of Kimberley, Cape Colony, expiring May 20, 1905, for the supply of water to the town and neighbourhood. In March, 1903, a fresh agreement was entered into for an extension of the concession for 21 years. The municipal council has the option of purchasing the works under certain specified conditions on May 20, 1912, December 1, 1913, or November 20, 1915,
- Kingston-upon-Thames Gas Co.—Direciws: B. Marsh (Chairman), C. E. Nuthall (Deputy-Chairman), AV. Allard, S. Brown, E. T. Coppinger, S. Gray, and S. Kavanagh. Engineer : H. W. Packham. Secretary: S. C. Sherrard. Office: Kingston- upon-Thames.—The company was incorj^orated in 1854.
- Korean Waterworks, Limited.—Director s: Baron G. de Keuter (Chairman), A. Adam (Boulogne-sur-Mer), G. Bougfere (Angers, France), H. E. M. Bourke, G. Cawston, F. B. Lawson, M. P, Sayce, K. Le Strange, Sir T. D. Pile, Bart., and Sir W. H. Treacher, K.C.M.G. (the last two representing the Japanese and Eastern Corporation]], Limited). Secretary: A. H. Wynne. Offi^ce: 20, Birchin Lane, E.C.—The company was registered April 12, 1906, to acquire a concession, dated December 9, 1903, granted by the Korean Government, for the establishment of a water supply for the city of Seoul, the capital of Korea. The concession gives exclusive rights and privileges, and is for a term of 49 years from the date when the supply of water is turned on ; and at its termination the concessionnaires will be allowed to sell the machinery, buildings, and all other property of the company.
See Also
Sources of Information