1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Lighting and Water: C
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- Cagliari Gas and Water Co, Limited.— Directors: Sir J. Aird, Bart. (Chairman}, J. Aird, F. W. Blunt, A. G. Burney, W. R. Galbraith, and S, Simmelkjor.. Secretary: W. B. Peat. Office: 11, Ironmonger Lane, E.C.—The company was registered August 8,1866. The company has concessions for the supply of lighting and water to the town of Cagliari, Italy. The water concession is for 90 years from 1867,
- Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation, Limited.—Direcfora; Col. A. J. Filgate (Chairman), E. Boulnois, J. G. H. Glass, O.I.E., K V. Luke, C.I.E., and Sir G. L;. Molesworth, K.CJ.E. Secretary: F. R; Reeves. Offi.ce: Salisbury House, E.C.—The Company was registered January 15, 1897, to acquire a licence granted by the government of Bengal for the supply of electrical energy for lighting and power in Calcutta. The-licence was, in the first place, for a period of twenty-one years from October 20, 1897,’ and the government has now granted a new licence from July 31, 1907, which is in. perpetuity, subject to the power of the local authority or the local government to purchase the undertaking in 1918 or at the end of every subsequent period of ten years during the. subsistence of the licence.
- Cambridge Electric Supply Co, Limited.—Directors: D. Munsey (Chairman), M. D. Bradford, P. W. Latham, M.D., Hon. C. A. Parsons, C.B., R. P. Scott, J. B. Simpson, and A. A. C. Swinton (Managing Director). Manager and Engineer: H. B. Harvey. Secretary : J. H. Taylor. Office: Thompson’s Lane, Cambridge.—The company was registered May 18, 1892.
- Cambridge University and Town Gas-Light Co.—Directors : E. H. Parker (Chairman), W. B. Redfern (Vice-Chairman), H. Darwin, W. M. Fawcett, and J. B. Peace. Engineer and Manager: J. W. Auchterlonie. Secretary: A. E. King. Office: Cambridge.—
- Cambridge University and Town Waterworks Co.—Directors: F. Whitting (Chairman), Col. R. T. Caldwell (Vice-Chairman), A. W. Bishop, W. M. Coates, G. Kett, P. H. Lilley, and Rev. C. K. Robinson. Enginee^'y Manage^', and Secretary: W. W. Gray. Office: Cambridge.—The company was incorporated in 1853.
- Cape Town and District Gas Light and Coke Co, Limited. — Directors: J. E. Lilley (Chairman), H. R. Savory (Vice-Chairman), R. A. Fairclough, and C. W. Lilley. Secretary: H. Yuill. Office: New Broad Street House, E.C.—The company was registered October 9, 1890, to acquire the properties of the Cape Town Gas-Light Co, Limited, and the South African Gas Co]], Limited, both companies supplying Cape Town and the suburbs.
- Cardiff Gas-Light and Coke Co.—Directors: C. H. Williams (Chairman), W. Taylor, M.D. (Deputy-Chairman), C. E. Dovey, Col. H. O. Fisher, J. P. Ingledew, and G. C. Williams. Engineer: H. Morley. Seci'etary: G. Clarry. O^e: Cardiff.— The company was incorporated in 1837. As from January 1, 1907, the existing A, B, C, and D stocks were converted into such amounts of new consolidated stock (ranking fox* dividends of 5 per cent.), as would give the same income as the old stocks,
- Cartagena (Colombia) Waterworks, Limited.—Directors: W. Galloway and J. F. U. Gaskell. Secrtary: A; G. Thresher. Offices: 110, Cannon Street. E.C.—-The company was. registered December 13, 1905, and owns a concession conferring a monopoly for 50 years, until 1955, for the construction of waterworks in the City of Cartagena, Colombia. The works are being constructed under contract.
- Ceara Gas Co, Limited.—Directors: J. D. Blount (Chairman), F. W. Brothers, T. Guyatt, and F, A. Wallroth. Sec^'etat'y : G. R. Guyatt. Office: 9, Queen Street Place, E.C.—This company owns works in Ceara, Brazil.
- Central Electric Supply Co, Limited.—Directors: E. Boulnois (Chairman), Col. E, J, A. Balfour (Deputy-Chairman), J, Browne-Martin, B. Fitch, W. Leaf, and R. W. Wallace, K.C. Joint Managers: F. J. Walker (Secretary) and L. H. Hordern. Office: 19, Carnaby Street, Golden Square, W.—The company was registered June 24, 1897, and in 1899 obtained an Act of Parliament giving compulsory powers to purchase land in the parish of St. Marylebone, and to erect thereon a generating station for the supply of electric energy to the St. James’s and Pall Mall Electric Light Co]], Limited, and the Westminster Electric Supply Corporation]], Limited. The local authorities will have the right, in 1931, of acquiring the undertaking upon the terms expressed in the Electric Lighting Act of 1888.'
- Charing Cross, West End and City Electricity Supply Co, Limited.—Director's W. F. Fladgate (Chairman), G. H. B. Glasier (Vice-Chairman), K. Chadwick, J. M. Gatti (Managing Director), and R. Gatti. Secretary: E. W. Seale. Office: 60, St. Martin’s Lane, W.C.—The company was registered June 12, .1889, as the Electricity Supply Corporation]], Limited, for the purpose of obtaining a provisional order for the supply of electric light and power within the parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, and subsequently the company acquired from Messrs. A. and S. Gatti their business plant and premises in Bull Inn Court, Strand, for £70,000. In 1896 a provisional order for supplying the district of the Strand District Board of Works with electric light was also obtained, provisional orders for the St. Giles and Holborn Districts, lying to the south of New Oxford Street and High Holborn, were granted in 1898, and a provisional order for the City of London was granted in 1899. In 1893 the name was changed to the Charing Cross and Strand Electricity Supply Corporation]], Limited, and in March, 1905, as above
- Chelsea Electricity Supply Co, Limited.— Directors: Sir J. I. Courtenay, Kt. (Chairman), H. R. Beeton, W. R. Davies, and Maj, W. F. Woods. Chief Engineer : P. Still. Secretai'y: S. J. Cluer. Ojf.ce : 19, Cadogan Gardens, S.W.—The company was registered November 18, 1884, with a view of establishing a central station for the supply of electricity for lighting and other purposes over the whole parish of Chelsea.
- Cheltenham Gas-Llght and Coke Co.—P/reciors ; R. Ticehui-st (Chairman), AV. Barron, A. F. Griffiths, H. Jordan, AV. N. Skillicorne, J. B. AVinterbotham, and G. B. AV itts. Ertgincci' and Manager: R. O. Paterson. Clerk to the Company: A. H. AVyatt, Essex Place, Cheltenham.—The company was incorporated in 1819.
- Chester United Gas Co.—Directors: J. Gamon (Chairman), R. L. Barker, H. J. Birch, J. G. Frost, J. M. Frost, J. P. Gamon, J. Hobday, and J. Jones (ex- officio). Secretary and General Manager: F. A. Pye. Engineer: J. C. Belton. Office: Cuppin Street, Chester. — The company was incorporated in 1858.
- Chester Waterworks Co.—Directors: F. E. Roberts (Chairman), AV. Haswell, H. A. Latham, J. Musgrave, G. S. Martyn, J. S. Roberts, and J. R. Thomson. Secretai'y: AV. S. Moss. Office: Newgate House, Chester. —
- Chicago Edison Co.— Office: Chicago, U.S.A.— The company was incorporated in March, 1887, under the laws of the state of Illinois, to supply electric light and power in Chicago. The ordinance granted by the city of Chicago was for twenty-five years from 1887, but arrangements have since been made by which the company will have the benefit of an additional ordinance, running for fifty years from 1897.
- Chigwell, Loughton and Woodford Gas Co.—Director’s : T. Keen (Chairman), H. J. Barnes, A. Savill, A. B. Mitchell, and A. Suart. Manager and Secr'etary: F. Smallbone. Office: Woodford, Essex.—Tb.e company was incorporated in 1873.
- Chiswick Electricity Supply Corporation, Limited.—Directors; Sir T. Brooke-Hitching (Chairman), M. Ansell, W. B. Esson (Managing Director), H. Kahn, and J. C. Peache. Secretary: O. W. Williams. Office: 14, Ironmonger Lane, E.C.—The company was registered May 13, 1893, as the Bourne and Grant Electricity Supply Co, Limited, the name being changed in 1898 to the Aberystwyth and Chiswick Electricity Supply Corporation, Limited, and in February, 1904, to the present title.
- City of Durham Gas Co.—Director’s: J. Coward (Chairman), C. Rowlandson (Vice-Chairman), G. Chapman, M. Hay ton, J. Mawson, R. Ord, and J. Willan. Secretary: T. M. Waller. Office: Durham.—The company was incorporated in 1873.
- City of London Electric Lighting Co, Limited - Directors: J. B. Braithwaite (Chairman), F. W. Reynolds (Vice-Chairman), P. D. Tuckett, F. Bailey (Engineer), and J. C. Bull, the last two being also Joint Managing Directors. Secretary: A. F, Harrison. Office: 1-2, Great Winchester Street, E.C.—The company was registered July 11, 1891, and holds provisional orders for the electric lighting of the City of London and the district of the late St. Saviour’s (Southwark) District Board of Works. The orders for the City of London (formerly three in number) have been amalgamated into one under the City of London Electric Lighting Act of 1893; the order continues in force until the Corporation of London exercises its right to purchase the undertaking. Under the provisional orders the local authority at the expiration of 24 years from the commencement of the order (August 18, 1890) may require the company to sell the public lighting part of the undertaking on the terms specified in section 2 of the Electric Lighting Act, 1888. Under the orders the local authority may also require the company to sell the private lighting part of the undertaking at the end of 24 years from the commencement of the orders, upon terms to be agreed, or, in default of agreement, by arbitration. An option of purchase also exists in regard to the St. Saviour’s (Southwark) district, but the date at which the undertaking can be acquired is at the expiration of 42 years from August 26, 1889. By contracts with the late Commissioners of Sewers, the Commissioners, as far as they were able, granted the company the exclusive right to supply electricity for private purposes for 21 years from 1890-1, and after the expiration of the first 21 years then for a further term of 21 years, but then concurrently with any other company, subject to an option to the Commissioners to purchase the private part of the undertaking by agreement, or, failing agreement, by arbitration at the end of the first period of 21 years. The contracts for the Central and Western districts have been held by the House of Lords to be invalid, because a commissioner held 200 shares in the Brush Electrical Engineering Co, Limited, the original grantees of the contracts ; the contract for the Eastern district has been held to be valid. Under the provisions of the Electric Lighting Act, 1888, the Charing Cross and Strand Electricity Supply Corporation, Limited (now the Charing Cross, West End and City Electricity Supply Co, Limited), has, notwithstanding the above-mentioned contracts, obtained powers to supply in the City. Under the contracts entered into the public part of the undertaking cannot be purchased by the Corporation until 21 years from the date of the completion of the public lighting, which is not yet completed, the terms being those specified in section 2 of the Electric Lighting Act, 1888. The provisional orders contain a modification of the sliding scale applied to gas imdertakings by which the price to consumers is reduced by jd. per Board of Trade unit for every 1 per cent, above a certain standard profit. This standard profit is reached, in each district, when, after making provision for depreciation and a reserve fund, a cumulative profit of 10 per cent, on the amount of the capital for the time being employed in the undertaking is exceeded.
- City of St. Petersburg New Waterworks Co, Limited.—Directors: A. F. H. Darley (Chairman), Lord E. S. Churchill, H. F. Guinness, and W. T. Western. Secretary: G. C. narrower. Offi-ces: College Hill Chambers, Cannon Street, E.C.—The company was registered May 16, 1874, and was reconstructed early in 1881.
- City of Wellington Electric Light and Power Co, Limited.—The undertaking has been transferred to the Wellington Corporation, and the company is being wound up. Liquidator: H. E. Salt, New Broad Street House, E.C.
- Cleveland Water Co.—Directors:W. H. A. Wharton (Chairman), W. Whitwell (Deputy-Chairman), E. Hamilton, W. Harding, J. F. Pease, and R. C. Yeoman. Engineer and Secretary: W. I’Anson. O^ces : Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Yorkshire.—The company was established in 1868.
- Coatbridge and Airdrie Electric Supply Co, Limited.—Directors: A. Ayres, F. E. Savory, J. M. Arther, and G. Neilson, the last two being local directors. Manager and Secretary: H. B. Renwick. Office: Moorgate Court. Moorgate Place, E. C.—The company was registered June 19, 1906, to take over from the Scottish House-to-House Electricity Co, Limited, in liquidation, a provisional order from the Board of Trade giving the right to supply electricity throughout the whole of the borough of Coatbridge, and also an order for supply in the adjoining borough of Airdrie.
- Coatbridge Gas Co.—Directors : J. Johnston (Chairman), R. Sharp (Vice- Chairman), W. Ballantyne, G. Garrett, A. S. Legat, J. D. Miller, W. Taylor, R, Waterston, and J. Young. Secretary: W. Johnston. O,'0ice: Coatbridge.—The company was incorporated in 1877.
- Colne Valley Water Co.—Director's: C. E. Keyser (Chairman), A. Helsham- Jones (Vice-Chairman), S. J. Blackwell, J. R. Hollond, J. Lloyd, E. H. Loyd, F. E. Marshall, C. T. Part, and D. Pitcairn. Sccretar'y and General Manager: W. Verini. Office: The Works, New Bushey, Watford.—The company was incorporated in 1873.
- Colombo Gas and Water Co, Limited.—Directors: A. F. Phillips (Chairman), S. C. Clarke, Sir J. J. Grinlinton, and J. G. Wardrop. Secretar'y : F. G. Barrett. Office: 148, Gresham House, E.C.—The company was registered in 1869.
- Colonial Gas Association, Limited. — London Directors : S, Spencer (Chairman), A. Godwin-Hammack, C. Hunt, W. C. Parkinson, and F. R. Smith. Secretary: A. J. Kingdon. Office: Suffolk House, E.C.—The company was registered February 3,1888, as the Australasian Gas Association, Limited, for the purpose of acquiring existing and erecting new gasworks, and in 1893, in connection with the extension of the business, the name was changed as above.
- Compania de Gas y Electrlcldad de la Habana.—Office: Habana, Cuba.—Five per cent, bonds of this company for £150,000 were issued in September, 1906, in exchange for securities of the Havana Electricity Co]], Limited. They are of £100 each, have coupons payable January 1 and July 1 by Messrs. Greenwood, Henderson and Co., 28, Austin Friars, E.C.,and are repayable in 37 years by half-yearly drawings, commencing January, 1907.
- Consolidated Water Works Company of Rosario, Limited.—Directors: W. T. Western (Chairman), J. Anderson, F. S. Isaac, R. Pinsent, andF. O. im Thurn. Secretary: G. Proctor. Office: 52, Moorgate Street, E.C.—'J'he company was registered May 4,1896, to take over the rights and obligations of the Rosario Water Works Co]], Limited, and the Rosario Waterworks (New) Co]], Limited. The Rosario Water Works Co, Limited, was established in 1886 to supply the city of Rosario with water, under a concession from the municipality and to carry on the business of a waterworks company in the Argentine Republic. The concession was originally for twenty years, but under the terms of the drainage concession in 1888 it was extended for seventy years (known as the supplementary concession), on the expiry of which term the works and their direct accessories remain for the exclusive benefit of the municipality. After 20 years (as to the precise expiry of which there is a question pending) the municipality may expropriate the works for a sum in cash which, at 6 per cent, interest, would produce an annual income equal to the net income during the year previous to the expropriation, with a premium of 20 per cent, added thereto. The company is engaged in a lawsuit with regard to the validity of the supide- mentary concession.
- Continental Union Gas Co, Limited. — Directors : A. Lucas (Chairman), F. Tendron (Deputy-Chairman), J. H. Birchenough, C.M.G., R. S. Gardiner, N. E. B. Garey, R. H. Jones, and A. F. Phillips. Secretary: W. Martin. Offices: 7, Drapers Gardens, E.C.—The company was established in 1864, and has concessions from the municipalities of Messina, in Sicily, and Montargis, in France, for the supply of gas; the, present concessions expiring respectively in 1923 and 1935, while there are certain options of renewal.
- Cork Gas Consumers Co. — Directors: G. Lynch (Chairman), C. J. Dunn, J. Dwyer, W. B. Harrington, F. W. Mahony, and J. J. O’Brien. Secretary: J. S. O’Mahony. O^ces: 72, South Mall, Cork.—The company was incori^orated in 1868.
- County of London Electric Supply Co, Limited —Directors : J. B. Braithwaite (Chairman)^ F. W. Reynolds, A. H. Sanderson, F. E, Savory, R. P. Sellon, and J. Shaw. Chief Dnyineer: C. P. Sparks. General Manager and Secretary : H. B. Renwick. Office: Woorgate Court, Moorgate Place, E.C.—The company was registered June 30, 1891, as the County of London Electric Lighting Co Limited; in May, 1893, the name was changed to the County of London and Brush Provincial Electric Lighting Co, Limited, and in 1904 as above. The company has obtained provisional orders for the parishes of St. James and St. John, Clerkenwell; St. Luke, Middlesex; St. George the Martyr, Southwark; St. Giles, Camberwell; the district of the St. Olave’s District Board of Works, the district of the Wandsworth District Board of Works, the district of the Holborn District Board of Works, the districts of the St. Giles’s District Board of Works (part of), and has considerable interests in the Bournemouth and Poole Electricity Supply Co, Limited, and the Coatbridge and Airdrie Electric Supply Company (formerly the Scottish House-to-House Electricity Supply Co, Limited). The local authorities have the usual powers of purchase at the end of 42 years, except in the case of Camberwell.
- Cranbrook District Water Co.—Directors: S. R. Dennis (Chairman), E. T. Gould, E. J. Holmes, and F. Miller. Secretary: C. D. Murton. Office: Cranbrook, Kent.— The company was incorporated in 1895.
- Crays Gas Co.—Directors: K. B. Berens (Chairman), A. May, W. May, F. Stanger, and E. Vinson. Secretary: W. B. Mimmack. Office: St. Ma^ Cray, Kent.— The company was incorporated in 1865.
- Crowborough District Gas Co.—Directors: R. Howard (Chairman), E. Catchpole, F. Miller, and C. Wheeler. Secretary: J. F. Horne. Office: The Great Hall, Tunbridge Wells.—The company was incorporated by act of parliament in June, 1899, to acquire the undertakings of two companies.
- Crowborough District Water Co.—Directors: W. A. Hounsom (Chairman), G. Burt, J. Hallett, and A. Turner. Secretary: E. J. Carter. Office: Crowborough, Sussex.— The company was incorporated in 1897.
- Croydon Gas Co,—Directors .• C. Hussey (Chairman), T. Rigby (Deputy- Chairman), W. Cash, P. H. Hall, W, J. Russell, S. Spencer, and C. Woodall. Engineer and General Manager: J. W. Helps. Secretary: W. W. Topiey. Office: Katharine Street, Croydon.—The company was incorporated in 1847, and in 1904 the naine was changed from the Croydon Commercial Gas and Coke Company as above; in 1905 the Caterham and District Gas Co was absorbed.
See Also
Sources of Information