1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Lighting and Water: N
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- National Electric Supply Co, Limited.—Directors : J. Booth (Chairman), J. Anderson, and E. Pyke. Secretary : T, Cross. Office: 119A, Fishergate, Preston.— The company was registered October 28, 1889, and has secured parliamentary powers covering the borough of Preston under a provisional order granted by the Board of Trade for a term of forty-two years from 1891; a further order has since been obtained for the surrounding districts of the borough. Under the Electric Lighting Act, 1888, the local authorities have power to purchase the undertaking in 42 years from August
- New Century Arc Light Co, Limited.—The business of this company has been disposed of.
- Newcastle and District Electric Lighting Co, Limited.—Directors: J. B. Simpson (Chairman), Col. W. M. Angus, H. I. Brackenbury, Sir B. C. Browne, W. D. Hunter (Managing Director and Engineer), Hon. C. A. Parsons, A. Scholefield, and J. W. Spencer. Secretary: J. Patterson. O^ffice: 38, Grainger Street West, Newcastle- upon-Tyne.—The company was registered January 14, 1889. The Newcastle Corporation has the option of buying up the company’s property situated in that city in 1922, and the Newburn Urban District Council has similar powers of purchase as regards the Newburn area in 1937.
- Newcastle and Gateshead Water Co.—Directors: W. D. Cruddas (Chairman), J. C. Hamilton (Vice-Chairman), L. W. Adamson, Lord Armstrong, T. Bell, G. E. Henderson, Sir A. Noble, Bart., K.C.B., U. A. Ritson, and Sir W. H. Stephenson. Secretary: G. Smith. Ojice : Newcastle-on-Tyne.—The company was established in 1845.
- Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Gateshead Gas Co.—Directors: Sir W. H. Stephen • son (Chairman), E. A. Hedley (Deputy-Chairman), A. Alihusen, Lord Armstrong, M. H. Atkinson, E, Atkinson, Sir W. E. Plummer,. U. A. Eitson, and W. Sutton. ^Secretory : T. Waddom. Office : Grainger Street West, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.—The company was incorporated in 1864.
- Newcastle-upon-Tyne Electric Supply Co, Limited.—Directors: J. T. Merz (Chairman), J. H. Armstrong, F. W. Dendy, T. G. Gibson, G. B. Hunter, J. H. B. Noble, J. Tennant, Et. Hon. E. S. Watson, and Sir L. Wood, Bart. Manager: E. P. Sloan. Secretary: M. Short. Office: Eoyal Exchange Buildings, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.—The company was registered January 8, 1889, and in 1903 took over the electricity undertaking of the Walker and Wallsend Union Gas Company, the transfer taking effect as from January 1, 1903. The company holds nearly 10,000 ordinary shares of £5 each in the County of Durham Electrical Power Distribution Company.
- Newport (Mon.) Gas Co.—Directors: E. Laybourne (Chairman), H. M. Brewer (Deputy-Chairman), T. G. Cartwright, Sir J. T. Firbank, Kt., G. Geen, and 0. D. Phillips. Secreta'i'y: T. H. Hazell. Office: Mill Street, Newport, Mon.—The company was incorporated in 1843.
- Normanton Gas Co.—DirecZM-s .• E. Mitchell (Chairman), J. Armitage (Vice- Chairman), G. M. Lawrence, and E. White. Secretary and Manager: E. H. Hudson. Office.' Normanton.—The company was incorporated in 1878.
- North-East Lincolnshire Water Co.—Directors: F. Hopper (Chairman), G, H. Nowell, and H. Wilson. Secretary and General Manager: R. Maden. Office: 29, Broadgate, Lincoln
- North Middlesex Gas Co.—Director's: A. M. Paddon (Chairman), J. Heal, H. A. Lermitte, H. F. Lofts, and S. A. Sampson. Secretary : E. L. Burton. Offices: 5, Great Winchester Street, E.C.—The company was registered in 1871, and incorporated by act of parliament in 1895.
- North Pembrokeshire Water and Gas Co.—O^ce: Fishguard, Pembrokeshire. —The company was incorporated by act of parliament in 1899.
- North Sussex Gas Co.—Secretary: A. E. Locke. Offi^ce: Billinghurst, near Horsham.—The company was incorporated in 1905.
- North-Western Electricity and Power Gas Co. — O^ce: 37, Cross Street, Manchester.—No information is obtainable in regard to capital, &c.
- Northampton Electric Light and Power Co, Limited. —Directors .• F. H. Thornton (Chairman), R. Cleaver, and W. Tomes. Secretary: E. M. Browne. OJfice: 2, St. Giles’ Square, Northampton.—The company was registered April 5, 1889.
- Northampton Gas-Light Co.—Directors: J. Kellett (Chairman), F. Bostock, T. P. Dorman, J. Manning, T. Manning, C, Markham, A. E. Phipps, T. Katliffe, T. Sargent, C. Thorpe, T. G. Turner, and W. H. Turner. Manager: J. Eunson. Sec^'ctary: J. J. Faulkner. Office: Northampton.—The company was incorporated in 1823.
- Northern Counties Electricity Supply Co, Limited.—Directors: G. Emmott (Chairman), Adml. H. Cleveland, and Gapt. H. P. Pulleine. General Manager: G. W. Fairweather. Secretary: A. Gemmell. Office: Hinton’s Buildings, Middlesbrough.—The company was registered November 26, 1900, to establish works to supply electricity for lighting, motive power, traction and any other purpose, and has secured provisional orders for extensive areas in the counties of Northumberland, Durham, and Yorkshire. Most of the orders contain clauses giving the local authorities the right to purchase the undertaking after a term of years at its value as a going concern, determined if necessary by arbitration.
- Notting Hill Electric Lighting Co, Limited.— Hireciora; Sir W. Crookes, Kt. (Chairman), A. E. Franklin, J. T. Jervis, Sir K. B. Martin, Bart., and Sir J. W. Swan, Kt. Engineer and Manager: G. Schultz. Seci'etaryR. G. Rawkins. Office: 140, High Street, Notting Hill Gate, W.—The company was registered February 21,1888. The local authorities have the power of purchase after 42 years (from August 26, 1889), or at the expiration of every 10 years afterwards. See also Kensington and Notting Hill Electric Lighting Companies, Joint Station Committee
See Also
Sources of Information