1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Lighting and Water: H
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- Hampton Court Gas Co.—Directors: R. J. Kent (Chairman), A. Goodman (Deputy- Chairman), F. E. Cooper, E. G, Ive, F. J. Kent, H. Pullman, W. A. Sadler, (>. Sanders, and Sir T. Skewes-Cox. Engineer and Manager: W. E. Price. Secretary: W. C. Lamb. Offi'Ce: Hampton Wick.—The company was incorporated in 1867.
- Harrogate Gas Co.—Directors: F. Barber (Chairman), H. Beaumont, J. Gaunt, J. W. Knowles, G. Renton, and S. Spencer. Secretai'y and General Manager: H. Wilkinson. O^ce : Harrogate.—The company was incorporated in 1846.
- Harrow and Stanmore Gas Co.—DirecUyi's: A. H. Baynes (Chairman), J, W. L. Glaisher (Vice-Chairman), A. F. Phillips, and H. J. Rydon. Engineer and Secretary: J. L. Chapman, Office: Roxeth, Harrow.—The company in its present form dates from March 25, 1895, when the Harrow District Gas Company and the Great Stanmore Gas Company were amalgamated under the above title.
- Hartlepool Gas and Water Co.—Directors: T. Appleby (Chairman), J. Brownless (Vice-Chairman), R. Murray, J. H. Ropner, O. K. Trechmann, and W. R. E. Waddingham. Seci'etary: W. Scott. Offiee: West Hartlepool, Durham.—The company was incorporated in 1846.
- Hastings and St. Leonards Gas Co.—Directors: G. G. Gray (Chairman), Maj. S. T. Weston (Deputy-Chairman), C. E. Beeching, W. J. Glenister, A. Parks, W. Stubbs, and H. C. Wilimott. Engineer and Manager: C. E. Botley. Secretary: A. E. Young. Office: 1, Bank Buildings, Hastings.—The company was incorporated in 1854.
- Herne Bay Waterworks Co. — Director's: A. T. Simpson (Chairman), J. W. Docwra, J. Proffitt, and B. B. Taylor. Secretary : W. Colbrook. Office: 38, Parliament Street, S.W.—The company was established in 1867.
- Holyhead and North Wales Gas and Water Corporation, Limited.— Directors: W. Jackson (Chairman), F. Holt, D. Morgan, and W. Worrall. Manager and Secretary: R. T. Stoddard. Office: Gas Works, Holyhead.—The company was registered March 9, 1896, to take over various properties.
- Hong Kong and China Gas Co, Limited.— Directors:- A. F. Phillips (Chairman), Sir J. J. Grinlinton, R. Morton, S. Rostron, and B. H. Woods. Secretary: F. G. Barrett. Office: 148, Gresham House, E.C.—The company was established in 1862.
- Hornsey Gas Co.—Directors: J. Drew (Chairman), F. E. Bodkin, J. Miles, Sir H. Owen, G.C.B., and A. M. Paddon. Secretary: W. E. Roberts. OJ/ice: 63, Chancery Lane, W.C.—The company was incorporated in 1866.
- Hove Electric Lighting Co, Limited.—Directors: Col. A. J. Filgate (Chairman), Col. H. Wood, C.B. (Vice-Chairman), H. A. Hoare, and C. F. Tufnell. Secretary: F. R. Reeves. O^ce : Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C.—The company was registered August 4, 1892, for the purpose of taking over for a period of 42 years the powers and duties comprised in the Hove Electric Lighting Order of 1890. The town council has the power, after the expii'ation of 21 years (from December, 1892), to purchase the undertaking and to pay to the company the capital expenditure, with such sum added as shall, with the profits previously gained, make up a total cumulative dividend of 7 per cent, per annum, or to pay for the undertaking by valuation as a going concern, and not subject to the restrictions in the second section of the Electric Lighting Act of 1888.
- Hoylake and West Kirby Gas and Water Co, Limited.—Directors: W. H. Forde (Chairman), J. Mawdsley, Dr. J. S. K. Smith, and A. Tyrer. Secretary and Manager: A. G. Readdy. Office: 5, The Quadrant, Market Street, Hoy lake.—The company was incorporated in 1878.
- Huelva Gas and Electricity Co, Limited.—Directors: G. F. Ross (Chairman), C. Ker (Secretary), and W. H. Richardson. Office: 115, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. —The Huelva Gas Co]], Limited, was registered September 13, 1878, to construct gas works at Huelva in Spain, and in 1897, on the company deciding to erect electric light plant, the name was changed as above; the production of electricity was commenced at the beginning of 1898.
See Also
Sources of Information