1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Lighting and Water: W
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- Wakefield Gas-Light Co.—Directors: W. A. Statter (Chairman), G. A. Moorhouse (Deputy-Chairman), J. B. Alexander, A. M. Lawrence, and E. White. Engineer and Manager: H. Townsend. Secretary: W. H. Parker. Ojjice: Warrengate, Wakefield.—The company was incorporated in 1847.
- Walker and Wallsend Union Gas Co.— Directors: T. Crawford (Chairman), G. A. Allan (Deputy-Chairman), C. J. Crawford, J. R. Lownds, C. J. Potter, and J. W. Richardson. Secretary : C. H. Armstrong. O^ce: Neptune Road, Wallsend-upon- Tyne.—The company was incorporated in 1866, and further powers were obtained in 1884, 1903, and 1905.
- Waltham Abbey and Cheshunt Gas and Coke Co.—Dtrecioj’s : A. Kitt (Chairman), J. Parnell, and H. Woodall. Engineer and Secretary: W. B. Randall. Office: York Road, Waltham Cross.—The company was incorporated in 1869.
- Walton-on-Thames and Weybridge Gas Co.—Director's: man), W, A. Biiney, F. E. Cooper, G. Sanders, and A. Wood. Offer: T. Price. Seci'etary: T. II. Lamb. C'J’ incorporated in 1869.
- Wandsworth and Putney Gas-Light and Coke Co.—Directors: H. E. Jones (Chairman), T. A. I. Howell (Deputy-Chairman), H. S. Freeman, J. B. Howell, Col. W. A. Jones, and E. R. Ransome. Seeretary: C. W. Braine. Office: Fairfield Street, Wandsworth, S.W.—The company was incorporated in 1856.
- Watford Gas and Coke Co.—Directors: E. J. Slinn (Chairman), W. T. Coles (Deputy-Chairman), T. J. Broad, D. Hill, C. F. Hollingsworth, F. H. Jones, and W. Pcarkes. Seet'ctary: J. D. Royal. Office: Bushey, Herts.—The company was incorporated in 1871.
- Weardale and Consett Water Co. — Directors: J. Brownless (Chairman), A. F. Pease (Deputy - Chairman), Sir J. B. Dale, Bart., Dr. C. D. H. Drury, T. L. Gledstone, G. E. Henderson, H. Kitching, R. Pease, W. E. Pease, U. A. Ritson, W. J. Scott, andW. R. Stobart. Secretary: W. Harding. Office: Crown Street Chambers, Darlington.—The company was established in 1866 as the Weardale and Shildon District Waterworks Company, and in 1902, in connection with the absorption (as from January 1 1902) of the Consett Waterworks (Company, the name was changed as above.
- Wellington Gas Co, Limited.— In May, 1887, the Bank of New Zealand, 1, Queen Victoria Street, E.C., issued £50,000 5 per cent, debentures of £100 each of the Wellington Gas Co, Limited, of New Zealand.
- West Cheshire Water Co, Limited.—Directors: J, Holt (Chairman), W. S. McDowell (Deputy-Chairman), F. W. Archer, C. E. Maples, T. W. Oakshott, and W. Thomson. Secretary: P. H. Bettie. Office: 9, Hamilton Square, Birkenhead.—The company was registered February 26, 1884, to effect the amalgamation of the Wirral Waterworks Company and the West Cheshire Water Company.
- West Gloucestershire Water Co.—Directors: P. Fussell (Chairman), A. E. Horton, and H. Marten. Secretary and Manager: S. F. Andrews. Office: Kingswood Hill, near Bristol. — The company was incorporated in 1884.
- West Ham Gas Co.—Directors : J. L. Godlee (Chairman), T. S. Geere (Deputy- Chairman), F. W. Carter, C. F. H. Leslie, F. Nicholson, and H. C. Belly. Engineer and General Manager: J. Clark. Secretary : A. G. Snel^ove. Office: Union Street, Stratford, E. —The company was formed in 1845, and incorporated June 30, 1856.
- West Kent Gas Co.—Directors: J. J. F. Stevens (Chairman), C. Beadle (Vice- Chairman), W. Y. Baker, J. Blachford, G. F. Page, and R. G. Eice. Secretary: R. S. Keys. Ojffice: 4, Brighton Chambers, Denman Street, London Bridge, S.E.—The company was incorporated in 1867.
- West London and Provincial Electric Supply Co, Limited.— Directors: SirT. Brooke-Hitching (Chairman), M. Ansell, W. B. Esson (Managing Director), H. Kahn, and J. C. Peache. Secretary: O. W. Williams. Office: 14, Ironmonger Lane, E.C.—The company was registered May 13, 1899, to take over provisional orders for the supply of electrical power in Chiswick and Aberystwyth, the rights being held through The Chiswick Electricity Supply Corporation, Limited, formerly named the Aberystwyth and Chiswick Electricity Supply Corporation, Limited, whose shares the company own. The local authority in each place has the right of purchasing the undertaking in its own district at the end of twenty-one years from the dates of transfer in 1893, or at the end of any subsequent period of five years up to the forty-first year on paying its “fair market value as a going concern,” and thereafter under the provisions of the Electric Lighting Act of 1888. Electric current is being supplied at both Chiswick and Aberystwyth.
- West Surrey Water Co.—Directors: A. T. Simpson (Chairman), J. W. Doewra, J. McMillan, 0. P. Simpson, and A. Wood. Secretary: W. Colbrook. Office : 38, Parliament Street, Westminster.—The company was incorporated in 1869.
- Westminster Electric Supply Corporation, Limited.—DireciorsLord Suffield Bax, E. Boulnois, J. Browne-Martin, W. H. Fisher, Lord Kinnaird, and R. W. Wallace, K.C. Engineer : Sir A. B. W. Kennedy. Manager: L. H. Hordern. Seci'etai'y : F. Iago. Office: Eccleston Place, Belgravia, S.W.—The company was registered June 30, 1888, but it was not until the end of 1880 that shares were offered to the public. The company supplies current to the districts of Mayfair, Belgravia, Pimlico, and the parish of St. Margaret and St. John’s, Westminster. Under the Electric Lighting Act, 1888, the local authorities have the power of purchase within six months of the expiration of a period of 42 years, and within, six months after the expiration of every subsequent period of ten years.
- Weston-super-Mare Gas-Light Co.—Directors : H. F. Price (Chairman), E. E. Baker (Deputy Chairman), W. H. James, E. G. Lalonde, and F. R. Smith. Engineer and Secretary : J. H. Gray. Office: The Boulevard, Weston-super-Mare.—The company was incorporated in 1855.
- Wetherby District Water Co.—Directors: T. G. Mylchreest (Chairman), A. G. Lupton, A. H. Meysey-Thompson, and C. S. Robson. Secretary and Manager: J. R. Smith. Office: Wetherby, Yorkshire.—The company was incorporated in 1899.
- Whitland and District Water and Gas Co, Limited.—Directors.- D. J. Davies, E. Eaton, E. Evans, Dr. Maclean F. W. Talbot, and H. J. Vivian. Engineer: F. G.‘Vivian. Secretary: H. R. Davies. Office: 99, Cannon Street, E.C.—The company was registered September 28, 1906.
- Winchester Water and Gas Co.—Directors: J. C. Warner (Chairman), W. T. Warren (Deputy-Chairman), H. L. Hill, H. G. Johnson, W. H. Myers, and A. W. Oke. and Ccneral Manager: H. C. Head. Seci'etary: C. Wooldridge. Offi^ce : 19, Staple Gardens, Winchester.—The company was incorporated in 1865.
- Windsor Royal Gaslight Co.—Office: Victoria Street, Windsor.—The company was incorporated in 1867.
- Woking District Gas Co, Limited.—Director's: C. IT. Master (Chairman), H. W. Andrews, G. B. Holroyd, and S. Spencer. Secretary: B. D. Holroyd. Office: 5-6, Great Winchester Street, E.C.—The company was registered November 24, 1890.
- Woking Water and Gas Co. —Directors: Sir J. Baker, M.P. (Chairman), A. H. Baynes (Vice-Chairman), R. J. E. Baker, A. F. Phillips, and J. E. Plummer. Secretary: B. D. Holroyd. Office Great Winchester Street, E.C.—The company was incorporated in 1881.
- Wolverhampton Gas Co.~Dirccio?’s: B. O, Clark (Chairman), H. H. Ward (Vice- Chairman), T. B. Cope, E. p. Crane, A. B. Hanbury-Sparrow, B. Hill, and J. W. Tilley. Secretary: A. Jones. Engineer: P. G. Winstanley. Office: Darlington Street, Wolverhampton.—The company was established in 1820.
- Wolverhampton New Waterworks Co,—Secretary: L. T. Smith. Address : Wolverhampton.—The works are leased to the corporation in perpetuity at a fixed rent
- Worcester New Gas-Light Co.—Directors: F. Dingle (Chairman), W. C. Abell (Vice-Chairman), W. Caldicott, F. J. Hall, J. V. Stallard, J. A. Steward, and A. Usher. Ma'nager and Secretary: E. L. Adlington. Office: Worcester. — The company was established in 1846.
- Worthing Gas-Light and Coke Co.—Directors : H. H. Gardner (Chairman), S. L. Rymer (Deputy-Chairman), F. Blaker, A. W. Oke, E. C. Patching, and H. J. Strong. Engineer and Manager : W. A. Walker. Secretary: W. F. Verrall. Office: Park Road, Worthing.—The company was incorporated in 1868.
- Wrexham and East Denbighshire Water Co.—Directors: J. A. Hughes (Chairman), J. Rogers (Deputy-Chairman), A. E. Evans, H. Croom-Johnson, and J. R. Thomson. Engineer and Secretary: F. Storr, Office: Egerton Street, Wrexham.—The company was incorporated in 1864 as the Wrexham Waterworks Company, and in 1902 the name was changed as above.
See Also
Sources of Information