1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Lighting and Water: U
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- Union des Gaz.—London Directors: A. Lucas (Chairman), J. H. Birchenough, R. S. Gardiner, N. B. B. Garey, R. H. Jones, and F. Tendron. London Secretary: W. Martin. London Office: 7, Drapers’ Gardens, E.C. Head Office: Paris.—
- United Electric Light and Power Supply Co, Limited.— Directors: A. R. Parker, F. Taylor, S. Taylor, and W. Taylor. Secretary: F. D. Ashton. Office : 184, Stockport Road, Manchester.—The company was registered November 29, 1901, and has the exclusive right of supplying electricity to the town of Guimaraes, Portugal, for a period of thirty years, at the end of which time the municipality has the option to buy out the company, or to extend the concession for a further term of ten years, and at the end of that time for a still further term of ten years.
- Urban Electric Supply Co, Limited.—Directors: F. E. Gripper (Chairman), E. Charrington, H. B. Grotian, W. Page, and W. B. Hopkins. Secretary: C. H. Jones. Office: Broad Sanctuary Chambers, Westminster, S.W.—The company was registered June 29, 1898 (although the capital was not issued until June, 1901), for the purpose of obtaining parliamentary powers to work electric light and tramway undertakings in various places in England and Scotland, and rights have been acquired in several districts.
- Uxbridge and Hillingdon Gas Consumers Co.—O^ce: Uxbridge.—The company was incorporated in 1861.
See Also
Sources of Information