1910 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index

Note:This is a sub-section of The Autocar
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The Autocar 1910b Index - Volume 25 (with Supplementary Index)
The Supplementary Index which commences on page xiii. deals with those pages at the end of each issue of "The Autocar " which are printed in narrow columns, but are not numbered consecutively with the other part of the paper.
- A 9494 (letter), 384
- A. A. Hotels, 94
- — on the Great North Road, 79
- A (letter), 852
- Aberfoyle Hotel and Ten Miles Limits, 49
- A B 150 (letter), 573
- Aberdovey, Police at, 322
- Abuse of Privilege, 476
- Acceleration Records, 258
- A’Court, P. (letter), 572
- Accessories at Olympia, 531, 542
- Accident, Singular, in Calcutta, 298
- — to Hon. C. S. Rolls, How it Happened. 86
- Accidents, Horse and Tram, 133, 288
- — in India, How accounted for, 157
- — Motor, So-called, 520
- — Peculiar, 232, 246, 328
- — Street, caused by Vehicles, 193
- Accumulators, Care of, by “Page,” 333
- — Charging from an Electric Light Plant, 916
- — Frothing of, 461
- A.C.P. (letter), 352
- Adams’ Three-speed Planetary Gear, Description of, 796
- Adams, 10 h.p. Car, 980
- Additional Car Licences, 68
- Adjusting Valve Tappets, 578
- Adler Car, 20 h.p. Car, Description of, 533
- Advance of Automobile Engineering, Address by F. W. Lanchester, 527
- A D 422 (letter), 60
- A D 729 (letters), 261, 486
- Aeroplane, Emulating the, 435
- — (letter), 200
- A.E.D. (letter), 419
- A.E 4 (letter), 162
- A.E.B. (letter), 200
- A.F.H. (letter), 383
- A.G.B. (letter), 292
- A.G. (letters), 95, 380
- A.H.F. (letter), 61
- Ailments of Motorists and How to Avoid Them, 765, 814
- — Inlet, Automatic, 973
- — Propeller, Car fitted with, 435
- — Tube Protector, Makeshift, 69
- A.J.H. (letter), 818
- Albion 24-30 h.p. Car, Hill-climbing, 133
- Algeria, “ Farthest South ” in, by Richard Hennesy, 173
- — Motoring in, 263
- “ All-British ” Cars, 788
- Alldays and Onions New Models, 525
- - Car, Carburetter for, 32
- — 14-18 h.p. Car, Description of, 242
- Alps, The High Roads of the (review), 304
- Aluminium Alloy, New, 635
- Amac Carburetter, 980
- Amalgamated Motoring Bodies, Congratulations to, 842
- Amalgamation, Motor Union and Automobile Association, 793, 893, 908, 925, 972
- Amateur (letters), 27, 131, 453, 604
- Amenities of the Road, 291
- America Cup Race, English Boats for, 236
- American Automobile Engineers, Meeting of, 249
- — Design, The Trend of, 189
- — Grand Prix Race, 777, 835
- — Invasion, 264
- — National Automobile Show, 576
- — “Throw-outs,” 755, 788
- A. M. (letter), 814
- A M 1403 (letter), 756
- A M 45 (letter), 419
- A. M. G. (letter), 95
- Ancient Crosses, Origin Explained, 206
- Andrews, Alfred (letter), 522
- Angle of Connecting Rod, Influence of, 462
- Anglo-Argentine (letter), 575
- An Observant Cobhamite (letter), 163
- — Owner (letter), 680
- Another Amateur (letter), 355
- — Employer (letter), 422
- — Member (letter), 27
- A N 639 (letter), 128
- Antarctic Exhibition, Wolseley Sledges for, 934
- Antiquated Motor Car Legislation, 289
- Anti-dual Ignition (letter), 230
- Anti-freezing Solutions, 894
- Anti-Merioneth (letter), 422
- Anti-motor Press, 408
- Anti-tax (letter), 486
- Anti-Yankee (letter), 817
- Appeal Case won by A.A., 821
- Appreciative (letter), 680
- Apprentice (letter), 453
- Ardennes and Rhine Country, Holland, Tour through, 123
- Argentina, British Car Trial in, 276
- Argyll Chassis for Military Purposes (illustration), 266
- — Improvements, 964
- — New Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 357
- — Touring Model, Description of, 623, 789
- — 15 h.p. Car for Singapore (illustration), 8jL
- — 12 h.p., Description of, 449
- Ariel Car, Maori Family on (illustration), 311
- — 10 h.p. Car (illustration), 358
- Armstrong-Whitworth Cars, 494
- — 25 h.p. Car (illustration), 820
- — 12-14 h.p. Car (illustration)', 72
- — 17.9 Chassis (illustration), 586
- Arnn, Richard, at Wheel of Car at Capetown (illustration), 790
- Arrol-Johnston Brakes, 494
- — Cars at Tarbet Hotel (illustration), 489
- — 15.9 h.p • Car, 376, 811
- - with Dreadnought Body (illustration), 63
- - Car, Land’s End to John-o’-Groat’s, 91
- - Miss Philipson’s (illustration), 773
- - Chassis (illustrations), 211
- Arrol-Johnstons, Old, Taxation of, 834
- Arundel, Police Methods at, 14
- A. R. W. (letter), 384
- Ashfordby Trenchard, Mohun (letter), 785
- Assistance, Embarrassment of, 817
- — on the Road, 67 8
- Aston Hill-climb Abandoned, 375
- Atlas Non-puncture Inner Case, Description of, 803
- Atomiser Carburetter, 284
- Attempt to Deceive, 94
- Attendance, Record, at the Show, 778
- Attlee, John, M.D. (letter), 419
- August Meeting at Brooklands, 74, 156, 185
- Auster Fittings, Wind Screen and Spare Seat, 474
- Austin Car for Russian Reliability Trials (illustration), 121
- - in India (illustration), 232
- - Russian Reliability Trial, 255
- “ Pobble,” 280
- — Cars Exported, 488
- — Co.’s Trophy won in Russian Trials (illustration), 488
- — 15 h.p. Car, Miss Vera Holm’s (illustration), 30
- - with Flush-sided Body (illustration), 643
- — 10 h.p. Two-seated Car at the Salon (illustration), 949
- — New Design Car, 512
- - Pattern Cars, Description of, 593
- Australia, A.C. of, 234
- — and Tasmania, Long Trip in, 70
- — Delaunay-Belleville Car in (illustrations), 584
- — Motor Cars in, 187
- — Standard 20 h.p. Car for (illustration), 386
- — Western, Inspection Working, by A. Spalding, 436
- Austrian-Daimler Car (illustration), 591
- — 16-20 h.p. Car (illustration), 99
- — Cars, 16-18 h.p. Model, 672
- Austrian Officers in 26 h.p. Minerva Knight Car (illustration), 770
- A U 545 (letter), 677
- “ Autocar ” Golf Trophy, Result of Competition, 37
- — Handbook (review), 822
- — League Policy, Success of, 14, 301
- — Map for Motorists, 277
- — Road Book, 231
- — The, in “Punch/’935
- Autocars of 1911, 577, 609, 659
- — Comparison of Prices, 756
- Auto-chime Exhaust Horns, 474, 606
- — Seabrook, 114
- Autoclipse Adjustable Lamp-bracket (illustration), 693
- Automatic Air Inlet, 973
- — Ignition Advance, Germain System, 152
- Automatically-timed Magnetos, 61, 97, 197
- [[The AA|Automobile Association[[, Annual Meeting, 1 22
- — in Scotland, 13
- Motor Union and Ourselves, 855
- — Engineering, Advance of, Address by F. W. Lanchester, 527
- — for 1911 (review), 963
- — Engineers, Institution of, 535
- Automobilism in the United States, by F. R. Simms, 239, 318
- A W 291 (letter), 25
- B. A. Cantab, (letter), 603
- B.A.E. (letter), 787
- B. A. Oxon (letter), 852
- Back Axle Design of 15 h.p. Napier, 150
- - Gearing, 522, 602, 786
- — Axles, Gear Boxes on, 210, 324, 345, 419
- — Screens and Scuttles, Fitting, 271
- — Seats, Protection for, 271
- Baker, E. G. (letter), 926
- — Fred W. (letter), 910
- Balancing Flywheels, Connecting Rods and Pistons, 139
- — of Engines, by F. Strickland, 462
- Baldwin, Shirley (letter), 324
- Balkans, Motoring in the (review), 168
- Ballachulish Ferry, Transporting Car (illustrations), 210
- Ball Bearings, Adjustability of, 524
- - and their Lubrication, 380, 389, 419
- - Corrosion of, 897, 950
- — Thrust Bearing, Monster (illustration), 608
- Ballot Engine (illustration), 893
- Banffshire Persecution, 383
- Bangor, Hotel Accommodation at, 227, 232
- Banner Engine, Description of, 777 850, 853
- Barbee, C. (letter), 524
- Bariquand and Marre Car with Doorless Body (illustration), 810
- Barker Tyre, Description of, 606
- Barlow, A. K. (letter), 877
- Barnby Moor to Weymouth, 313
- Barne, W. E. (letter), 484
- Barnstaple Rural Council and Warning Signs, 978
- Bartholomew’s Contour Map of France, Review, 822
- Barton, P. F. (letter), 352, 977
- Bayliss, Thomas R. (letter), 293
- Bay of Biscay ta the Mediterranean, 223
- B. (letter), 227
- Beaconsfield, Police Cases at, 192
- Bearing Lubricants, 389
- Bearings, Radial and Thrust, Combination of, 364
- — Timken Roller, 364
- Beauchamp, Ronald C. W. (letter), 197
- Beaumont, Chas. R. (letter), 129
- Bechtel, Richard (letter), 325
- Beckford, F. W. (letter), 27
- Beeston-Humber 4in. as a Touring Car, 832
- Beldam 4,000 miles Tyre Trials, 778, 854, 897, 965
- — Tyre, 644
- Belgium and Motor Competitions, 456
- — Automobile Regulations, 90
- Bell, J. Dalrymple (letter), 602
- - Worm Gearing, by, 433
- Belle Isle Co., D-fronted Landaulet, by (illustration), 257
- Belsize 14-16 h.p. Car (illustration), 752
- Benson, W. B. (letter), 59
- Benz, 20.1 h.p. Car, R.A.C. Trial of, 599
- Berkshire A.C. Map of Police Traps, 49
- Berliet Engine (illustration), 913
- B H 985 (letter), 677
- B H 994 (letter), 972
- Bianchi Car with Convertible Body, 197
- — Original Body, Mr. B. L. Thorp’s (illustrations), 23
- Blackheath Centre of the M.U., 167
- Blackpool, How it Suffers, 96
- — The Roads to, 344
- Blake and Co., Flush-sided Body, by (illustration), 821
- Blakeborough, J. Fairfax, Motorists* Difficulties, by, 761
- Motors and Sport, by, 664
- Blast and Counterblast, 129
- Blew otY (letter), 197
- Blockade Operations by Herts County A.C., 470, 536
- Blood, Lieut. W. H., Rotary Valve Engine Invented by, 406
- Bloxham, W. J. (letter), 420
- Boake, E. J. (letter), 925
- Board of Trade Handbook Review, 822
- Boat, Motor, Mysterious Disappearance of. 817, 874, 974
- Bodies and Bodywork at Olympia, 684, 735
- — An Idea in, 819
- — Car, Weight of, 841, 945
- — Cheap, 274
- — Double Purpose, 668
- — Human and Otherwise, 80
- — to Match Bonnets, by “The Autocrat,’’ 414
- Body Car, New Type of “ Cabriocann,” 82
- — Design, Convertible (illustration), 824
- — -- 157, 293, 302, 385, 393, 429, 668, 824, 831, 849, 945
- — Designs, Prizes for, 80 7, 971
- — Noises, 361, 497, 536, 757
- — Work and Bonnets, 926
- — —- Light, for Motor Cars, 841, 945
- Boiling Water, Quick Method for (illustration), 339
- Boissier Engine (illustration), 893
- Bombay, Governor of, on White Steam Car (illustration), 879
- Bon Espere (letter), 323
- Booth, C. R. (letter), 160
- Bore and Stroke, Theoretical Speeds in Relation to, 430, 431
- Borrowed Tube, 161
- Bosch Magneto Co., Ltd. (letter), 419
- — Plug Adjustments, 3
- Bostwick, Albert C. (letter), 876
- Boulogne, Speed Tests at, 155
- Boult, W. S. (letter), 26
- Bounder, The, 23
- Bourne-Dale, W. (letter), 973
- Constant Vacuum Carburetter, by, 804, 874
- Bournemouth, 132, 141
- — Fetes, Decorated Cars (illustrations), 87, 88
- — (letter), 59
- — Police and Motorists, 129
- Boys climbing on Motors, 524, 572, 678
- B P 10000 (letter', 418
- Bradford A.C., 424
- Brake Adjustment, 363
- Brakes, Arrol-Johnston, 494
- — Front Wheel, 62, 164, 228, 523, 677, 810, 846, 852, 929, 974
- - Crossley, 568
- — Rubbing, 3
- Braking, Front Wheel, Conclusions after 15,000 Miles Road Usage, 810
- Bramah Lock for Spare Wheels, 290
- Brantsen, C. A. (letters), 604, 785
- Braun, C. (letter), 264
- Bredon Hill, The Conquest of, 247, 285, 324
- Brenna Car, 12-14 h.p. Car, R. D. Steward’s (illustration), 774
- Brewer, Robert W. A., Heavier Liquid Fuels, by, 7 72
- - (letters), 874, 877
- - Report of Tests of Solidified Fuel, 899
- Bridge for Motorists only, California (illustrations), 328
- Bridges Question, 647
- — T. C. (letter), 381
- — Walter (letter), 927
- Brighton and Sussex Motor Co.’s Touring Car on Napier Chassis - (illustrations), 98
- - Improved Road at, 159, 165
- Bristol and Gloucester A.C., 31
- - University Boat Crew (illustration), 80
- Bristowe, Fred E. (letter), 605
- British Car in Argentina, Trial of, 276
- - Exhibit at Brussels (illustrations), 68
- — or Foreign, 59
- — Guiana, Swift Car for, 286
- — International Motor Boat Trophy, 165, 298
- — Manufacturers, An Injustice to, 441, 608, 958
- - Motor Boat Club, 31
- - Owners’ Combine (letters), 263, 355
- - Section of Turin Exhibition, 922
- Brooklands August Meeting, 74, 156, 185
- Brooklands Automobile Racing Club, 342
- - 16 h.p. Class Records at, 690
- - 21 h.p, Class Short Record, 667
- - Impressions, at (Illustrations), 8
- - Improvement at (illustration), 155 J
- - Inetr 'varsity Racing at, 7
- October Meeting, Entries for, 440
- Brown, T. Warren (letter), 323
- - Gore, Tuning up a Car, by, 391, 4 27 B; .
- - Exhibition, 195, 250, 263, 293, 326, 327, 334, 387, 4 IK, 492
- - Grand Prix for Napier Cars OIIUH- (ration/, 802
- Brutes, 07, I2H
- Bryant, J. (letters), 59, 162
- B.S.A. 15-20 h.p. Car with Cole Body (illustration), 879
- Buch and Fleming Gear, 434
- Buist, H. Massac (letter), 575
- Bullock, F., Device for keeping Mechanism of Speedometers Clean (illustration), 182
- Burrows, H. (letter), 262
- “ Buyers’ Guide ” for 1911, 609, 659
- B Y 915 (letter), 520
- By-pass Roads, 270
- Cabdrivers’ Benevolent Association, 940
- Cabriocann Body on Zedel Chassis (illustration), 930
- — Car Body, by Cann, Ltd., 82
- Cabriolet Bodies, 494
- — (letter), 873
- Cadillac Cars, 344
- — 1941 20-30 h.p. Car, Description of, 371
- Cadman, J. (letter), 928
- Cairns, A. P. (letter), 974
- — Stud Tyre, Particulars of, 797
- Calantarients, Dr., Spring Tyre by, 771
- Calcutta, 18 h.p. Metallurgique Car for (illustration), 312
- — Singular Accident in, 298
- California, 25 h.p. De Dion-Bouton Car for (illustrations), 313, 314
- — 65 h.p. Six-cylinder Napier Car for (illustration), 430
- Californian Bridge for Motorists only (illustrations), 328
- Calland, E. (letter), 2G5
- Calliper, Internal, City Ignition Co.’s, 492
- Calthorpe Cars, 673
- - for Grand Prix des Voiturettes, 318 349
- — 12-14 h.p. Four-seater, 360 (illustration), 377
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letters), 420, 452
- Cambridge Road Repairs, 603
- Cameron, W. (letter), 850
- Canada, Employment in, 200
- — Motor Cars in, 298
- — The Invasion of, 673
- — Western, Reliability Trial for, 821
- Canadian Automobile Show at Toronto, 901
- Cann Bodies (illustrations), 506
- — Body on Valveless Chassis (illustration), 236
- — Five-seated Body (illustration), 808
- — Ltd., New Type of Body, “ Cabriocann,” 82
- Cap and Goggles Combined, 600
- Cape Colony, Motoring in (illustration), 607
- — Cart Hood, Well Designed, 443
- Captain Detachable Rim Co. (letter), 817
- - R.A.C. Trial, 491
- - Rims, 158, 817, 884
- — Motor Wheel Co., Ltd. (letters), 819, 877, 911
- — Rims, R.A.C. Trial of, 339
- — Spare Rim, Method of Carrying, 357
- — Wire Wheel, Description of, 833
- Caravan Club Meet (illustrations), 111
- “ Carboif,” Preparation for Cleaning
- Cylinders, 350
- Carburetter, 360
- — Action, Paper, by W. Morgan and E. B. Wood, 693
- — Amac, 980
- — Atomiser, 284
- — Constant Vacuum, 804. 874, 972
- - Description of, 804
- — Experience, White and Poppe, 60
- — Experiences, by A. J. McKinney, 171
- — for Alldays Car, 32
- - 15 h.p. Darracq, 360
- — Jet Improvement, Patent by J. M. Smith, 142
- — Limit, by Morgan and Wood, Description of, 553
- - R.A.C. Trial, 931
- — Napier, 565
- — Patent, by La Society Jules Grouvelle. « 142
- — Solex, Wolf and Co.’s, Description of, 282
- — Tip, 578
- - Trial, Morgan and Wood’s, by R.A.C., 476
- — Trouble, 914
- — Warmed Air for the, 221
- — White and Poppe, 193
- Carburetters, Healing, 205
- Cardan (letter), 972
- Cardiff Stipendiary, 62
- Careful Driver, The, 484
- Care of Accumulators, by “ Page,” 333
- Carlisle Police Traps, 957
- — Speed Limits, 196
- Carpe Diem (letter), 786
- Carriage Work at Olympia, 684, 735
- Currier, Dunlop Detachable Rim, 493 Castor Oil, 32
- Catalogue, Olympia Show, 785, 814
- Cattle on the Roads, 675
- C.A.V. System, Electric Light for Cars. Description of, 404
- C 1064 (letter), 265
- C. C. (letter), 929
- C D 863 (letter), 575
- C. D. (letter), 788
- Ceylon, Motoring in (illustration), 636
- C. F. (letter), 226
- Chains, The Care of, 532
- Chairman. New, of R.A.C. (illustration). 694
- Chairmanship of the R.A.C., 660
- Charges, Uniform, for Overhauls, 235, 264. 295
- Charging Accumulators from an Electric Light Plant, 916
- Chassis ? What is a, 459
- Chateau District of France, Tour in, 826. 856, 880, 903, 919, 969 Chatterton, Percy (letter), 928
- Chauffeur, Trials of a, 228
- Chauffeur’s Competition, Napier, 250, 672
- — Duties, 163, 198, 228, 262, 294, 326'. 383, 422, 455
- — Licence, 785
- — Protest, 261
- Chapffeuse (letter), 27
- Cheeseman, Alfred B. E. (letter), 230
- Chenard-Walcker 13.9 h.p. Car, R.A.C. Trial of, 127
- Cherry-Bush Engine, Description of, 930
- Cheshire A.C., 100
- — Beneficent Police, 132
- — Improved Roads for, 288
- Chester, Royal A.C. at, 4
- Chester-Walsh, J. (letter), 819
- Children and Motor Car Numbers, 132, 220
- Chivalry (letter), 27
- Chronnell, J. (letter), 322
- City Ignition Co.’s Internal Calliper, 492
- “ Civilian Motor Organisation,” Experimental, 646
- C.J.L. Mira Magnetolite, Small Type of. 779
- Clark, Wm. A. (letter), 522
- Class Records, 16 h.p., at Brooklands, 690
- Clean County Gains, 235
- Cleaning Cylinders without Dismantling. 350
- — Unvarnished Grey Bodies, 237
- Climbing, Poor, A Common Cause of, 947
- Clincher Deflation Alarm Valve, 24
- Cloak Room at the Show, 784
- Club Doings, 31, 65, 100, 135, 167, 202, 234 267, 299, 329, 359, 388, 424, 457, 491
- — Wanted, 96, 130
- Clutches, Unbalanced, 103
- Coachmakers’ Company, Winning Design. 157
- Coachwork at the Paris Salon, 976
- — Inexpensive, 218
- Cobham, New Regime at, 129, 163
- — ‘‘White Lion ” Hotel at, 233
- Cole Body on Daimler Chassis for South Africa (illustration), 894
- — G. L. (letter), 294
- Coleman, Frederic (letter), 62
- Coleshill, Dangerous Cross Roads at, i.32, 161, 197
- — (letter), 161
- — Motor Prosecutions at, 161
- Collapsable Spare Seat, by Auster, Ltd., 474
- Collins, E. Tenison (letter), 454
- Collision of Car and Taxi (illustrations), 255
- Colonel Crompton on Roads, 6
- Colonial (letters), 454, 574
- - Napier Cars, 87 8
- — Visitors and their Motor Cars, 958
- Combination Body, Hewer, 831
- Combined Rotary and Poppet Valve, 287, 326, 356, 380
- — Soldering Bit and Lamp, 813 Commander R.N. (letter), 926
- Commissariat at Olympia, 814. 850
- Commissions, Illicit, in the Motor Trade 263, 295, 325, 355
- Comparative Tests Advisable, Buying New Oar, 763
- Competitions and Business, 270
- — Reasons for Declining, 138
- Completely Jaded Associate (letter), 451
- Compression, Absence of, 271
- C N 17 (letter), 94
- Conditions of Sale, 758
- Cone Clutches, Leather, Design of, 962
- Conference on Motor Car Taxation, 821, 965
- Confiding (letter), 226
- Connecting Rod Angle, Influence of, 462
- — Rods and Pistons, Balancing of, 139
- Conning Tower Body, Delahaye Car, 539
- Consolidation of the Interests of Motorists 836, 885, 908, 925, 952
- Constant Reader (letter), 850
- — Vacuum Carburetter, Description of. 804
- Contact Breaker Spring Broken, 271
- Continental Motor ’Pouring, Some General Information, 781, 799
- — Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. (letter). 121
- Contour Road Books, 291
- Convertible Body, Bianchi Car, 197
- - (invertible Body Design (illustration), 824
- Cooke, F. H. (letter), 818
- - Stenson (letter), 384
- Cooper. T. B. (letters), 59, 484
- - W. R. (letter), 677
- Corners Taking, 129
- Cornish Roads, Dangers of, 166
- Cornwall A.C., Devon and, 234
- Coronation Tour, Prince Henry Cup Competition, 67, 89
- Correspondence, 25, 58, 92, 128, 160, 194, 226, 261, 291, 322, 352. 380. 418, 451, 483, 520, 572, 601, 675, 753, 784. 814. 848, 872. 908, 925, 972 Corrosion of Ball Bearings, 897, 950
- Corrupt Practices in the Motor Trade, 227, 264. 422
- Cost of Petrol, 265
- Cotterean Engine (illustration), 913
- Councillor (letter), 603
- County Councils and Motor Licences, 806
- - Motorists and, 14
- — Finances,' Local Taxation Licences and, 293 302
- Coupe des Voiturettes, 318, 400, 406, 429, 452
- — Report of Race, 400
- - Voitures Legeres, 872
- Courtesies of the Road, 95, 128, 228
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 267
- Coventry-Simplex Engine Designs, 647
- Cowley, R. G. (letter), 486
- Creditable Performance, 15 h.p. I tala Car, 325
- Crimea and Caucasus, Motoring in the, 479
- Criticisms of Slide Valve Engines, 495, 498
- Cropper, J. (letter), 850
- Crosses, Ancient, Origin Explained, 206
- Crossing to France, 419
- Cross Roads at Coleshill, Dangerous, 132, 161
- Crossley Amalgamation, 949
- Crossley Cars in Competitions, 134, 501
- - 12-14 h.p. and 20 h.p., Description of, 504
- — 12-14 h.p. Car (illustration), 246
- — Front Wheel Brakes, 568
- — 20 h.p. with Mulliner Body (illustration), 845
- — — Vincent Two-seated Body (illustration), 408
- Croydon-Fowler, L. (letter), 129
- Croydon Police Methods Illustrated, 72
- Crowdy Car, 20-30 h.p. Car (illustration), 665
- — Ltd. (letters), 815, 852, 929
- Crude Rubber (letter), 384
- C. 8. (letter), 788
- Cummings, Sidney G. (letter), 131
- Cup Sparking Plugs, Result of Experiment, 84
- Curious (letter), 523 C. W. (letter), 198
- C. W. T, (letters), 380, 381
- Czar's Cup Competition, 122, 153
- Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund, 607
- — Bag with Red Reflector, W. Hewitt (illustration), 57
- Cyclists and Motorists, 128, 163, 198, 232
- Cylinder (letters), 326, 381
- — Reboring, 914
- Cylinders, Cleaning without Dismantling, 350
- Daimler 1910,Car, 458, 494
- - — after Fire (illustration), 250
- — — and Road Train (illustrations), 166
- — — Design, To Stop Body Noises, 536
- — Challenge, Extension of, 81
- — Chassis with Medicann Body (illustrations), 219
- — Front Springs, 237
- — 22 h.p. Car for India (illustration), 222
- — 38 h.p. Car’ Mr. Lucas’s (illustration), 281
- — 57 h.p., The King’s New Car (illustration), 343
- — Shooting Brake for Family Transport (illustration), 64
- — Tourist Trophy Car, 150
- — with Cole Body for South Africa (illustration), 894
- Daimlers, Next Year’s Cars, Description of, 409
- Dale, .J. Gilbert (letter), 263
- - S. N. (letter), 132
- Damp Beds. Test for, 980
- Dangerous Corners. 227, 265, 358, 821
- - Roads, Accidents caused by, 358
- - Spot and London Traffic, 848
- Daniel. T. J. (letter), 910
- Darracq Car in Persia (illustration), 526
- - with Madras-made Body (illustration,. 952
- - Coach at Bournemouth (illustration), 113
- - 14-16 h.p,, with Cape Cart. Hood, 443
- - 20 h.p., with Convertible Body (illustration), 824
- Darracq 25-30 h.p., Mr. E. Gould’s (illustration), 151
- David, Constance (letter), 200
- Davies, B. IL, 1,700 Miles on a 20 Ford, by, 20
- Davis, F. (letters). 295, 353
- Davy Engineering Co. (letter), 7 56
- D B 342 (letter), 852
- D 4623 (letter), 788
- Dead Centres, Finding, 271
- Deakin, E. (letter), 265
- Deasy 15 h.p. Car (illustrations), 79,
- — 25 h.p. Car. 914
- - 10 h.p. Four-cylinder Car (illustration), 752
- — — 25 h.p. for California (illustrations), 313, 314
- - Cars, Messrs. Danbury’s (illustration), 626
- - Motor Carriages (review), 822
- - 10.8 h.p. Car, R.A.C. Trial of, 127
- - 13.9 h.p. Car, R.A.C. Trials of, 965
- — Dion 14 h.p. Four-cylinder Car (illustration), 211
- - 4$ h.p. Model G Car (illustration), 216
- - Show’ Cars, How they came from Paris, 633
- — Lacey, A. E. (letter), 353
- — Malglaive, Henri (letter), 264
- D E 15 (letter), 926
- Defence, New, in Speed Limit Cases, 383
- Deflation Alarms, 24, 980
- Defries, D. C. (letter), 227
- Delage 4 0 h.p. Car (illustration), 218
- — Runabouts, 458, 494
- Delagoa Bay, Napier Car for (illustration), 526
- Delahaye Car with “Conning Tower” Body, 539
- — 12-16 h.p. Car, Description of, 73
- Delaunay-Belleville Car at Sydney, N.S.W. (illustrations), 584
- — Cars, 300, 360, 635
- — 37 h.p. Chassis with Labourdette Body (illustration), 841
- Delhi, Motoring Adventure in, 358
- Delivery of Spare Parts, 26
- Deloche Two-stroke Engine, 12
- Dendy Marshall Formula, 518, 562
- Denmark, Automobiles in, 821, 854
- Dennis Cars, New Pattern, 659
- — 18 h.p. Car (illustrations), 674
- — 20 h.p. Chassis with Flush Sided Body, (illustration), 894
- — 24 h.p. Engine (illustration), 667
- - 1911 Chassis (illustration), 809
- — 28 h.p. Station ’Bus (illustrations), 302
- — 40 h.p. Limousine (illustration), 327
- Deposit Removal, by “ Page,” 857
- Derbyshire A.C., 65, 167, 424
- — and North Staffordshire A.C., Petition, 836, 885, 908, 925, 952
- Design. American, The Trend of, 189
- — Body, 157, 293, 302, 385, 393, 429, 668, 824, 831, 849, 945
- — of Leather Cone Clutches, 962
- — Trend of, 784, 852
- — Winning,. Competition of Coachmakers’ Company, 157
- Designs, Body, Prizes for, 807, 971
- Detachable Disc Wheel, Harris, Description of, 807
- — Rim, “ Captain,” 158, 817
- - Segment, Description of, 640
- — Rims, 268, 300, 756
- — Tyre Protector Bands, 928
- — Wire Wheels with Detachable Flanges, 980
- — Wheels, Rudge-Whitworth, 35 Devon and Cornwall A.C., 234, 424
- Dew, Harold E. (letter), 485
- D-fronted Landaulet, by Belle Isle Co. (illustration), 257
- Diaries for 1911, 944
- Dickens, A. Scrase (letter), 227
- Dickinson, Herbert (letter), 523
- — R. C. (letter), 96
- Difficulties of Identification, 305
- Diplomacy, An Opportunity for, 885 Direction Posts, 326
- Disadvantages of a Good Reputation, 454
- Disappearance, Mysterious, of a Motor Boat, 81 7, 874, 974
- Disappointed (letter), 524 Disclaimer, A, 603
- Discourteous Motorist, 605
- Disc Wheel, Detachable, Harris, Description of, 807
- Disfigurement of the Landscape, 60, 94, 161, 191, 261, 382, 421, 444, 454, 485, 489, 968
- Disgusted English Mechanic (letter), 262
- — (letters), 129, 382
- Distance Recorder, “Perfect,” 831
- Distorted View, 371
- Distributer, Gnaviter, 662
- Doctor’s Car (illustrations), 664
- — Cars, 274, 521
- Dogs and Motor Cars, 191, 623, 675. 785
- Doorless Body, by A. Knight and Co. (illustration), 810
- Dorking to Washington, by Sideways and Byways, 183
- Dorset Motorist (letter), 27
- — Roads, 27
- — Surveyors and Roads, 343
- Double Impulse Engine, F. H. S., Description cf. 513
- — - Purpose Bodies, 668
- Double-pole Plug, 914
- Doubtful (letter), 261
- Drew, W. N. (letter', 291
- Drip Feed Generators, 271
- Driver-guide (letters), 96, 130
- Driver (letter), 326
- — The Careful, 484
- Drivers’ Licences, Examination for, in France, 46
- - Endorsements, 50
- — Negligence, Liability for, Hired Motor Cars, 934
- Driver-mechanic (letter), 228
- — The, 381, 455, 788
- Driving Horse while Drunk, Conviction for, 133
- — Inconsiderate, 97, 196, 230, 265, 355,484
- — — in Roxburghshire, 94
- — in Fog, Tests of Salt in Generator, 776
- — on Grass, Ropes for, 163
- — Position and Knee Affections, 291, 352, 382
- — Recumbent, 130
- — Wheels, High, 199
- Dry Batteries, 884
- Dual Ignition on Cheap Cars, 274
- - Three Merits of, 473
- Ducellier Electric Lighting Installation, 240
- Du Cros, W. and G., Ltd. (letter), 487
- Duke and Duchess of Connaught in Car (illustration), 525
- Duncan, H. O., Incident of the Paris Railway Strike, by, 633
- Dunlop Detachable Rim Carrier, 493
- - Rims, 360
- — Memorial (illustrations), 217
- Duralumin, Vickers’s New Metal, 343, 673 Dust and Dust Laying, 823
- Dutrieux Shock Absorber, 829
- Dynamo, Fuller and Co.’s, for Car Lighting, 660
- E. A. F. (letter), 26
- Eardley, J. E. (letter), 325
- Earnshaw, Walter S. (letter), 27
- East and West, Bunjaree Women in White Steam Car (illustration), 298
- — Anglia as a Touring Ground, 215
- Eastbourne Automobile Association, 329
- E. B. (letter), 788
- E. C. (letter), 484
- Economy (letter), 928
- Edinburgh Motor Cycle Club Trial, 20
- — Suggested Speed Limit for. 913
- Edge, S. F. (letters), 28, 355, 574, 678, 787, 877, 909
- Efficiency, The Retention of, by “Page,” 857, 887
- E.I.C. Magneto, 974
- — Specialities, 594
- Eight Years’ Chauffeur (letter), 293
- - Driver (letter), 383
- Eisemann Magneto Co. (letters). 97, 230
- - Coupling, 694
- Description of, 482, 634
- Election, General, Motor Cars in, 915, 925
- Electric Heater, Wilkinson and Partners, T ... 956
- — Ignition Co., Ltd. (letter), 61
- — Light for Cars, C.A.V. System, 404
- — Lighting for Motor Cars (review), 822, 834
- - Installation, Ducellier, 240
- — — Set, Portable, on Rover Car, 489
- — Transmission, Mechanical, Thomas System, 439
- Electrolytic Corrosion of Ball Bearings, 897, 950
- Elephant-drawn Caravan (illustration), 127
- Ellis, Rowland (letter), 291
- Embarrassment of Assistance, 817, 849
- E. M. J. (letters), 420, 814
- Employer (letter), 228
- Emulating the Aeroplane, 435
- Endorsement of Licences, 50, 130, 481, 502, 506
- End-to-end and Back, Arrol-Johnston 15.9 h.p. Car, 91
- — Motor Cycle Trials, Officials in (illustration), 109
- Enfield Car, 10-12 h.P. Two-seated Car (illustration), 172
- — 12 h.p. Car (illustration), 751
- — 16 h.p. Car (illustration), 309
- — 22.4 h.p. Car, R.A.C. Trial, 491, 525
- — Now Models, 506
- - Engine, Banner, 850
- - Description of, 777
- — Cherry-Bush, Description of, 930
- — Deloche Two-stroke, 12
- — Designs, Coventry-Simplex, 647
- — Double Impulse, F. H. S., Description of, 513
- — Efficiency, Harsh Running Periodicity, 619
- — Five-cylinder, R.E.P., 2
- — H-shaped, T. B. Andre and Co.’s, 778
- — Knocks, Their Cause and Remedy, by Ambrose O’Ferrall, 627, 691
- — Lubrication, 353, 380
- — Noises at High Speeds, 103
- — the Loeb, Prince Henry Trophy Car (illustrations), 948
- — Pike, Description of, 666
- — Piston Valve, Hewitt, 602, 756. 815, 874, 91 1, 929
- - Description of, 511, 852
- — Single Sleeve Valve, Description of, 844
- — Sleeve Valve, Renault, 159
- - Taylor’s. 472
- — Slide Valve, Cripps and Little, 493
- — Speed, 34
- — Spherical Valve, Leedon, 320
- — Stresses, 200
- —- Tests at Panhard Works, 175
- - High Speed, 848
- — Test, Five Hundred Hour, 946
- — Two-cycle, Lamplough, Description of, 812
- - Thermal Efficiency of, Paper at Institution of Automobile Engineers, 898, 940
- — Two-stroke Aeroplane, N.E.C., 956
- — — Cycle, 885, 898, 940, 959, 975
- — Variable Stroke, 573
- — White and Poppe, New Type (illustration), 488
- Engines, Balancing of, by F. Strickland, 462
- — Interesting, Two, by Eric W. Walford, 862
- — Light, 301
- — Slide Valve, Criticisms of, 495, 498
- — Internal Cleaning of, 497
- — Two-stroke, 473
- — Weights of, Motor Car and Aero, 306, 356, 453
- — White and Poppe, 607
- Engineering, Automobile, Advance of, Address by F. W. Lanchester, 527
- Engineers, Automobile, American, Meeting of, 249
- — English and American, 194
- England and Wales, Old Roads of, 455, 485, 522.
- English and American Engineers, 194
- French Voiturettes, 521
- — Commercial Methods, 184
- — Justice, Principles of, 470
- — Team for Grand Prix des Voiturettes, 349
- Enquirer (letter), 483
- Epicyclic (letter), 162
- Equitable Basis of Taxation, by C. F. Dendy Marshall, 780
- Equity (fetters), 520, 675, 786
- Essex County A.C., 457
- — M.C., 299, 424
- — Motor Club’s Crippled Children’s Outing,'65
- — Main Roads, 441
- E. T. H. (letter), 381
- Eureka Spring Suspension, 321, 347, 387
- Evans; J. W. (letter), 787
- — Richardson (letter), 382
- E. W. (letter), 453
- Excessive Fine, 25
- Exhaust Alarms, A Warning, 103
- — Horn, Auto-chime, 606
- — Whistles, 360
- Exhibitions, International, Abroad, 801
- Experientia Docet (letter), 976
- Explanation, Magneto Expert, 325
- Exports, Imports, and, of Motor Cars, 117, 379, 500, 635, 809, 834, 913
- F. A. K. (letter), 522
- Faber (letter), 677
- Facility Rims, 980
- Fairbrother, W. T. (letter), 976
- Fair Play (letters), 163, 785
- Famous Cars in Retirement, 832
- " Farthest South ” in Algeria, by Richard Hennessy, 173
- Fail), John W. (letter), 520
- F. C. (letter). 128
- F. D. R. (letter), 849
- Folix (letter), 322
- Feminine for Road Hog, 25, 62
- Fenning, R. W., and W. Watson, Paper by, Thermal Efficiency of a Two-cycle Engine, 898
- Fergusson, W. H. (letter), 293
- Ferret Ratchet Spanner, 683
- Festina Lente (letter), 130
- F. H. S. Double Impulse Engine, Description of, 513 .
- F.I.A.T. Engine (illustration), 892
- — 28-35 h.p. Landaulet (illustration), 17 6
- Fines, Motorists’, 163, 198
- Fire, Humber Car after, 262
- Firmax Powder, 32
- Fitzgerald, G. (letter); 60
- Five Hundred Hour Engine Test, 946
- — Pounds Reward, Objectionable Sign Removed, 46
- — Years’ Driver (letter). 455 120,000 Miles in, 929
- Fixed v. Variable Ignition, 95
- F J 8’4 (letter), 294
- Flamingo (letter), 851
- Flanders Car (illustration), 662
- Flooding the Carburetter, 303
- Flush-sided Body on Crossley Car, 604
- Flywheels, Balancing, 139
- F.N. 3| h.p. Car (illustration), 215
- Fog, Driving in, Tests of Salt in Generator, 776
- — To Penetrate, 461, 521, 776
- Folding a Hood, The Right and Wrong Way, 825
- Footwalks, 25
- Footwarmer, Inexpensive, 578
- Ford Car (illustration), 897
- — Chassis with Medicann Body (illustration), 952
- — 20 h.p., 1,700 Miles on, by B. H. Davies, 20
- Foreign Motorists and Motor Car Licences, 314, 608
- — Tourist Regulations and British Manufacturers, 441, 608, 958
- Foreman, John E. (letters), 383, 487
- Formula, Dendy Marshall, 518, 562
- Formulae, Horse-power, 204
- Fosse Way, 59
- Foster, T. Scott (letter), 602
- Four-horse Coach Racing, 23
- Four Speeds Increasing in Favour, 577
- F. R., Leeds (letter), 753
- France, Examination for Drivers’ Licences. 46
- — Racing in, 217, 674
- — The Lot of the Motorist in, 972
- Freak Racing Car (illustration), 310
- Freight Trains on Roads, 162, 229, 263
- French Army Manoeuvres, Motor Cars in, 423
- — Awakening, 674
- — Coachbuilder and Light Body Work, 841
- — Motor Trade Figures, 801, 836
- — Railway Strike (illustration), 576
- Freeston, C. L., The High Roads of the Alps, by (review), 304
- Friends in Need, 199
- Front Wheel Brakes, 62, 164, 228, 523, 677 810, 846, 852, 929, 974 •— Crossley, 568
- - Braking, Conclusions after 15,000 Miles Road Usage, 810
- Frood, Herbert (letter), 678
- Froom, F. (letter), 326
- Frost and Anti-freezing Solutions, 894
- Frothing of Accumulators, 461
- F. S. H. (letter), 263
- Fuel Economiser, Mills, 193
- — Pressure Valve, N.B., Description of, 517
- Fuels, Liquid, Heavier, by Robert W. A. Brewer, 772
- Fuller Car Lighting Dynamo, 660
- Full Summer, by Owen John, 18
- F. W. B. (letter), 485
- F. W. P. (letter), 163
- Fylde Motor Traps, 201
- Gaal, A., and Co. (letters), 421, 487, 574,
- — A. (letter), 603 851
- Gabriel (letter), 756
- Gaillon Hill-climb, Report of, 477
- Gall and Inglis (letter), 292
- Gamage, A. W. (letter), 454
- — Storm Collar, 971
- Gandy, Maurice (letters), 229, 295
- Garage Charges in the West End 972
- Garrard, C. R. (letter), 325
- Garrard’s Patent Clutch, 188
- Gas Pipe, Blocked, 237
- Gauge, Internal, by G. La Resche, 378
- G. C. M. (letter), 926
- G. D. B. (letters), 418, 850
- Goale, J. (letter), 680
- Gear Box, Linley, Description of, 340
- — Question, 259, 261, 274, 295
- — Boxes on Back Axles, 210, 324, 345, 4 19
- - Why are they Noisy ? Plea for Experimental Laboratory, 180
- Gear Changing, Easy, 188
- — Wheel Shafts, 380, 420
- — Wheels and Teeth, 229
- Gearing, Worm, 522, 602
- - by J. Dalrymple Bell, 433
- General Election, Motor Cart in, 915
- — Survey of Olympia, 628
- Generator, Separating, Lucas, 214
- Gentleman’s Chauffeur (letter), 198
- Germain 15 h.p. Car, Description of, 837
- - Four-cylinder, 596
- — System Automatic Ignition Advance, 152
- German Manoeuvres, Motor Vehicles in, 369
- — Motor Car Statistics, 334
- Gibaud Magneto, Description of, 43
- Gideon, J. H. (letter), 604
- Gill, James F. (letter), 573
- Girdle Road round London, 584
- Gladiator Car, F. J. Hinchcliffe’s (illustration), 961
- — 35 h.p. for North Brazil (illustration), 871
- Gladstone, John (letter), 323
- Glass-backed Motor Body, Design for, 260
- Gnaviter Distributer, 662
- Gobo (letter), 198
- Gobron-Brillie Carburetter, 889
- God aiming by Day and by Night, 22
- — Police and Drivers of Night Motor Mails, 22, 119, 137, 198, 231
- — — The Way of the, 49, 227, 231
- Godbold, E. H. (letter), 814
- Goggle Danger, 25
- Goggles, Coaching (illustration), 201
- — Combined with Cap, 600
- Goldenlyte Head Lamps, 884, 914
- Golf Trophy, The Autocar, Result of Competition. 37
- Gomm, W. (letter), 678
- Goodrich Tyres, 413
- Goodwin, W. B. (letter), 758
- Gore, A. (letters), 132, 817
- Grand Prix, A.C. de la Sarthe, 806
- - Brussels Exhibition, for Napier Cars (illustration),
- - des Voiturettes, Calthorpe Cars for, 349
- - of America, 777, 835
- Race for Coupe des Voiturettes, 318
- Grantham Police Traps, 117
- Grantown, Police Traps in, 322, 383
- Graphite Lubrication, 437, 524
- Grasmere and Lake District Sports, Cars at (illustration), 281
- Gray, Cyril (letter), 420
- Great North Road, The A.A. on, 79
- Gregoire Car, Hubert Latham’s (illustration), 298
- — 12-24 h.p. Engine (illustration), 890
- — New Four-cylinder Engine (illustration), 854
- — with Capt. Masui’s Torpedo Body (illustration), 456
- - Two-seated Body (illustration), 190
- Grievances, Redress of, 520, 675
- Griffin, H. Hewitt, Olympia Show Statistics, by, 695
- Grimwade, W. R., Security Bolt Improvement, 158
- Grindrod, E. B. (letter), 264
- Grumbles, by the Grumbler, 669
- G. S. M. (letter), 848
- Guides, Motor, The Work of, 58, 96
- Guildford, Police Persecution at, 350
- Gun and Game Licences, 203
- Guppy. W. (letter), 849
- G. W. B. D. (letter), 848
- H 3092 (letter), 263
- Had Some (letter), 677
- Hakim (letter), 264
- Hall and Searle Tyres, R.A.C. Trials, 339 44 2
- — Spare Motor Wheel, 165
- Hamilton, Belton T. (letters), 816. 874, 912
- — F. (letter), 605
- — G. (letter), 756
- Hampshire A.C., 66, 135, 234
- — and Motorists, 59
- Hampton, J. (letter), 26
- Handcross Speed Limit, 159
- Handsome Treatment, 604
- Hard Knott Pass, 421, 452, 524
- Hardman, Frances A. de R. (letter). 128
- Harper, Charles G., The Holyhead Road by, 336, 366. 396
- — Patented Device. Newton-Bennett
- Shock Absorber, 312
- Harris Detachable Disc Wheel, Description of, 807
- — F. O. (letter), 421
- Harrogate and District A.C., 359
- Harrold, H. E. (letter), 62
- Harsh Running and Periodicity, 619
- Hawes-Buckden Hill, 753
- Hawkes, H. G. (letter), 200
- H C. G. (letter), 292
- Head Chauffeurs’ Club, 202
- Hood Lamps. Swivelling, 873, 926
- Headlights. .Seabrook Solar, 53
- Health, The Motor (’ar and, 88
- Heater, Electric, Wilkinson and Partner’s, 956
- Heating Carburettors, 205
- - Motor House, 914, 980
- Heavier Liquid Fuels, by Robert W. A. Brewer, 7 72
- — Correspondence, 848, 877
- Hedges, Pruning of, 790
- Hennessy. Richard, “ Farthest South ” in Algeria, by, 173
- Herts County A.C., 329
- — Blockade Operations by, 4 70, 530
- Hewer Combination Body, 831
- Hewer’s Body Design, 260
- Hewitt, James M. (letters), 680, 815, 929
- Piston Valve Engine, 602, 756, 815, 874, 911, 929
- — Description of, 511, 852
- H. H. N. (letter), 523
- High Driving Wheels, 199
- — Lamps, 961
- — Roads of the Alps, Review, 304
- — Time to Awake, 425, 486
- High-speed Engine Tests, 848
- — Records on-British Roads, 418, 521
- High-tension Magneto Experience, 947
- Highway (letter), 94
- - Military, Campaign for Widening, 147
- Hill, A. E. (letter), 163
- — Eustace (letter), 293
- — F. C. (letters), 455, 485 ’
- Hill-climb, Gaillon, Report of, 477
- — Scottish Automobile Club, 442
- — Shelsley Walsh, Midland. A.C., 39
- — Yorkshire A.C., at Pateley Bridge, 415
- Hill-climbing Competitions, 195
- — Effect of Weight, 12'0
- Hills, Arnold F. (letter), 28
- - Precipitous, Descending, 184
- Hillman Car Modifications, 646
- — 12-15 h.p. Car, Description of, 144
- Hindley Security Bolt, 834
- Hinge of Perfect a Wind Screen, 510
- Hints and Tips, Useful, 3, 35, 69, 103, 139, 171, 205, 237, 271, 303, 333, 363, 391, 427, 461, 497, 532, 5?78, 627, 691, 765, 795, 825, 857, 887, 916, 947
- — to Motorists Encountering Troops, 248
- Hired Motor Cars, Liability for Negligence of Driver, 934
- H. J. S. (letter), 927
- H. L. K. (letter), 486
- Hodgson, C. W. Allan (letter), 196
- Hoffmann Mfg. Co., Ltd. v(letter), 380
- Holding the Read, 531, 67 7
- Holland, the Ardennes, and Rhine Country, Tour through, 123
- Holloway, C. W. (letter), 291
- Holyhead Road, by Charles G. Harper, 336, 366, 396
- Homai (letter), 356
- Home-made Car, 485
- Hon. Corr. M.U. (letter), 925
- “Honk ! Honk !” Review, 822
- Hood, Double Extension “ Kolapso,” 9
- Hoods, The Right and Wrong Way to Fold, 825
- Hopkins, J. O. (letter), 60
- Horns, Electric, Seabrook Autochime, 446
- Horse and Tram Accidents, 133, 288
- — Hoofs, Action of, 33
- — Vehicles, Motor and, 683
- Horse-power and New Taxes, 420, 486
- — Formula?, 204, 420
- Horseless Age, Extract from Article, 917, 954
- Horses, Unattended, 114
- Hot Climate, Standard Car for (illustration), 386
- Hotchkiss 12-16 h.p. Car, Description of, 55
- — 40-50 h.p. Car (illustration), 178
- — 20-30 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, 562
- Hotel Accommodation, 61, 227
- Hotel-keeper’s Responsibility, 160
- Hotels, A.A., 94
- — in Scotland, Scottish A.C. and, 589
- — Recommended, 160, 169, 382, 418, 521
- — Touring, 198, 326, 605, 758, 852
- House of Commons and Motor Cars, 54, 79, 118
- H-shaped Engine, T. B. Andre and Co.’s, 778
- H.S.H. Prince Francis of Teck, 581
- Hub, Dummy, for Spare Wheel, 259
- Hudson, F. C. (letter), 927
- Hughes, Hugh (letter), 295
- Hull and District A.C., 359, 388
- Humber Cars, Latest Models, Description of, 563
- - 10-14 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 670
- - 12 h.p. 1910 Car Experience, 300
- — - Trial of, 373
- - 16 h.p. Car (illustration), 706
- - Limousine (illustration), 962
- - 10-12 h.p., Overhauling, 427
- - Ltd. (letter), 263
- - Works, A Visit to, 554
- Huntingdonshire Police, 322
- Hurtu Car, R.A.C. Trial of, 250
- - 10 h.p. Car, 24 8
- Hutchinson, F.AV. II. (letter), 383
- H. W.'(letter), 196
- H. W. R. (letter), 384
- Identification, Difficulties of, 305
- Ignition Advance, Automatic, Germain System, 152
- — Fixed v. Variable, 95
- — Problem, 162, 229, 264
- — Spare, and Retention of Efficiency, 887
- Illicit Commission in the Motor Trade, 263, 295, 325, 355
- Imports and Exports of Motor Cars, 117, 379, 500, 635, 809, 834, 913
- Import Trade, Petroleum Spirit, 22, 99, 790
- Inaccurate Policemen, Case at Woking, 399
- Inchfcy, Fd. (latter), 353
- Inconsiderate Driving, 97, 196, 230, 265, 355, 4 84
- - in Roxburghshire, 94
- Incorporated institution of Automobile Engineers, 102, 879, 924
- India, Accidents in, How Accounted for, 157
- — and Motor Cars, 26G, 268, 976
- — Austin Car in (illustration), 232
- — Cars for (illustrations), 221, 222
- — Steam Cars in (illustration), 585
- – The Autocar (illustration), 636
- Indianapolis Race Meeting (illustration). 642
- Indirect Valve Operation, Extract from Article in Horseless Age 917, 951
- Initial Mascots, 901
- Inspection Wort in Western Australia, by A. Spalding, 436
- Insulation of Motor Bodies, 673
- Insurance, Car, A.A. Policy, Concessions, 853
- - Misapprehension with Regard to,203 -.
- - Points in• 213, 540, 677, 756
- — Combined with Maker’s Guarantee, 598
- — National, against Accidents, 483
- — Pitfalls, “ Mechanical Breakdown,” 429, 520, 540, 750
- — Third Party-Risk, 326, 4£2
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 408, 535
- - Address by F. W. Lanchester, 527
- - Paper by W. Watson and R. W. Fenning, 898, 940
- — “ Carburetter Action,” 693
- Interchangeable Bodies, Registration of, 820, 850
- Interested (letters), 421, 524
- Internal Calliper, City Ignition Co.’s, 492
- — Cleaning of Slide Valve Engines, 497
- — Gauge, by G“. La Rescbe, 378
- International Exhibition at Turin, 922
- — Exhibitions Abroad, 801
- — Road Congress, L.I.A,T. and, 247
- — Travelling Pass, 474
- Inter-’Varsity Racing at Brooklands, 7
- Ireland, Motor Car Licences in, 286
- — The Passage to, 227, 291
- Iris Car, Novel Design, and Turntable, 324
- — 25 h.p. Car, Two-Seated (illustration), 218
- Isle of Man, Possibilities of Race in, 270, 318, 332, 886
- Isotta-Fraschini Chassis (illustration), 890
- Itala 15 h.p. Car, Trial Run on, 18
- Jack of All Trades (letter), 163
- - One Trade (letter), 198
- — Quick-lifting, 493, 758
- Jackson 16 h.p. Four-cylinder ‘‘ Lounge ” Car (illustration), 896
- Jarrott and Letts, Ltd. (letter), 451
- — Charles (letter), 755
- Java, Rover Cars at (illustration), 279
- J. B. Dunlop Memorial (illustrations), 217
- J. C. (letter), 60
- Jersey Motor Association Annual Meet (illustration), 138
- J. F. (letter), 486
- J. G. T. II. (letter), 421
- J. J. C. -(letter), 680 .
- John, Owen (and Co.), The Palais and its Visitors, by, 932
- - An Olympic Vision, by, 643
- - Full Summer,” by, 18
- - On the Road, by, 23, 45, 80, 108, 141, 178, 215, 245, 289, 313, 347, 377, 407, 429, 475, 501, 540, 585, 636, 750, 768, 808, 842, 871, 952
- — — Pfiris and the Paris Show, by, 888
- — — Recurring Idiots, by, 941
- Johnson, Claude (letter), 756
- Johnston, J. (letter), 756
- Jones, Merton A. (letters), 93, 292
- — (). G. Digby (letter), 26
- Jones, Thos. (letter), 353
- W. Gwyn (letter), 61
- J. P. (letters), 132, 197
- J. R. G. (letter), 908
- J. R. (letters), 27, 383
- Just Justices, 858
- Keddie, F. W. (letter), 96
- Kempshall Tyre for 1911 (illustrations), 587
- Kennard, Mr. Edward, on Napier Car. (illustration), 122
- Kent A.C., 100, 167, 202
- — (^cr (letter), 521
- — O'. G. (letter), 523
- — (letter), 605
- Kenway, Philip T. (letters), 928, 974
- Kenyon, Granville M. (letters), 130, 850
- Kettleby 11 ill-climb, 136
- Kindness Unrewarded, 27, 96. 200
- King Alfonso on Racing Car (illustration), 52.5
- — and Queen at Cambridge Hospital (illustration), 102
- — George’s First Motor Rides, 575
- — John (letter), 454
- King’s New Car, 57K.p. Daimler (illustration), 343
- Kingdon, Holman (letter), 975
- Kingston Justice, 817, 852, 908
- Kirk, John L. (letter), 814
- Kitchen, Joseph (letter), 161
- Knight, Chas. Y. (letter), 131
- - Reply to Slide Valve Criticisms, , 555
- — Engine, 421, 487
- - on Panhard Car, Particulars of, 112
- Knight-Mercedes Engine (illustration), 913
- Knight-Rover 8 h.p. Single-cylinder Car (illustration), 820
- Knock, Elusive, 887
- “ Kolapso ” Double Extension Hood, 9
- K.T. Tyres, 32, 884
- Kuklos (letter), 452
- Labourdette Body on 37 h.p. Delaunay-Belleville Chassis (illustration), 841
- La Buire Cars, 646
- Lafone, H. C., On the Track, by, 57, 87, 113, 155, 185, 212, 257, 280, 310, 351, 385, 507, 569, 590, 642
- Lamplough Two-cycle Engine, Description of, 812
- Lamps, B.E.R., 526
- — Head, Goldenlyte, 884, 914
- — High, 961
- — Silyerlyte, Construction of, 315
- — Side, Oil, 458, 494
- Lanark Aviation Meeting, Car at (illustration), 233
- Lancashire A.C., 31, 100, 234, 330, 388
- — Effect of Police Persecution, 591
- — Traps and Roads, 230, 297
- Lancaster, County of, and Unsightly Advertisements, 191
- Lanchester, C. H. (letter), 132
- — F. W., Advance in Automobile Engineering, by, 527
- - Engine Designed by, 862 (letter), 453
- - Reply to Slide Valve Engine Criticisms, .by, 656
- - Weights^^rf Motor Oar and Aero Engines, by, 306
- — 28 h.p., 458
- - for Canada (illustrations), 529
- - Running Experiences of, 487
- — 38 h.p. Six-cylinder New Car, 589
- — 20 h.p. with Special Body, 393
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letters), 382, 976
- Lancia Cars, 494
- — 25 h.p. with Limousine Body (illustration), 245
- — 24 h.p. with May thorn Body (illustration), 775
- — New Pattern Car (illustration), 761
- Lancs, (letter), 230
- Landis Auto Co. (letter), 354
- Landscape, Disfigurement of, 60, 94, 161, 191, 261, 382, 421, 444, 454, 485, 489, 968
- Land’s End to John-o’-Groat’s and Back, 15.9 h.p. Arrol-Johnston Car, 91
- Lang, J. A. (letter), 227
- La Resche, Internal Gauge Invented by, 378
- Late King’s Car, 94
- Latham, H., and His Gregoire Car (illustration), 298
- Law, Motor Car, and Taxation, 572
- Law Times and Car Insurance, 213
- - Motor Cases, 146
- Laws Unequally Administered, 283, 311
- L D 7490 (letter), 132
- Lea, R. VV. (letter). GO
- League Policy, Success of, 14, 301
- Leaguer (letter), 675
- Leaky Radiators, 26
- Leather Cone Clutches, Design of. 062
- - Seats, Renovation of. 3V
- Leaving Well Alone Vindication of Policy, 45
- Leedon spherical Valve Engine. 320
- Leeds Motorist (letter), 422
- Traps in Towns, 422. 483
- Lees. C.. Now Hun invented by. 158
- Local Dept. KAC.. SOO
- Legal, Harold J. (letter), 199
- Legislation, Motor Car. Antiquated, 289
- Le Gui Cars. 494
- Leicestershire and Leicester and District A.C.’s Gymkhana, 330
- Warwickshire Roads, a Contrast, 172
- Leland. Mr.. Interview with, 34 4
- Lemaire and Thackthwaite (letter), 487
- Leon Boll6c 14-20 h.p. Car, 554
- Letts, Wm. (letter), 195
- W. M.» Presentation to, 7 7 4, 821
- Lever Spring Suspension, 154, 532
- Leverett, E. K. (letter), 521
- Levin. B. (letter), 294
- Levy. H. (letter), 264
- Licence Duties, New, Police Case, 907, 958
- Inspection. 198
- Licences. Endorsement of, 50,
- - Gun and Game, 203
- Local Taxation, and County
- - Motor Car, 68, 188, 286, 292, 346. 376, 383, 389, 420, 425,
- Limit Carburetter, Description of, 553
- - R.A.C. Trial, 931
- Lincolnshire A.C., 31, 234, 299, 359, 388
- Lindsey Division of Lincs, 60
- Linley Gear Box, Description of, 340
- Lion-Peugeot 12 h.p. Engine (illustration), 890
- Two-cylinder Chassis (illustration), 682
- Live and Let Live (letter), 96
- — Axle, Merits and Demerits of Various Designs, 319
- Liveliness Competition, 137
- Liquid Fuels. Heavier, by Robert W. A. Brewer, 772
- Llanrwst, Ten Mile Limit at, 357
- Local Taxation Licences and County Finances, 293, 302
- Locomotive, Express, Reid-Ramsay, 116
- Lodge Plugs, A Group of (illustration), 181
- — Spark Lamp, 673
- Loeb, Prince Henry Trophy Car, Engine of (illustration), 948
- Lohan, M. (letter), 381
- London, A Girdle Road round, 584
- — How to Avoid, Section II., 251, 291, 323
- — to Brighton Route, 90
- - Edinburgh and Return, 65 h.p. Six-cylinder Napier, 83
- — Traffic, The Great Change in, 84
- London’s Hackney Carriages, 901
- Longfield, J. Norman (letter), 61
- Loose Wheels, 69
- Lord Lonsdale (illustration), 119
- Lorraine-Dietrich 12-16 h.p. Car (illustration), 334
- - 1910 Car, 458
- - 18-20 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 599
- Lotis 20-24 h.p. Car for India (illustration), 221
- Lover of Motors (letter), 263
- Low-grade Motor Spirit, 205, 265
- Lozier Car (illustration), 256
- - Chassis Construction (illustrations), 297
- L. R. C. S. (letter), 521
- Lubricants, Good, The Importance of, 459, r , . 473
- Lubrication, Ball Bearings and, 380, 389, „ . 419
- — Engine, 353, 380, 473
- — Graphite, “ Oildag,” 437
- - Methods of, 131, 162
- - Prize, 1910, Rolls-Royce, 949
- — Scare, 532
- Lucas, J. Landfear (letter), 59
- - Separating Generator, 214
- - W, I. (letter), 97
- Luggage, Carrying, on Small Cara, 473
- Lusty, Alfred J. (letter), 129
- Lux in Tenebris. Sylverlyte Lamps. 315
- Luxurious Car, 20 h.p. Lanchester, 393
- L. W. H. (letter), 522
- Lyell, J. C„ and Co., Ltd. (letter), 351
- Lynton Wheels, 32, 189
- Macedon. A Cry from, 912 (latter), 912
- - (letter)
- Maegregor, Robert (letters), 1.0, 230
- Macintosh Protector, 26
- Maddock, W. B. (letter), 60.)
- Magisterial Bench, Purging the. 294, 32 2
- Harshness, Remarkable Exhibition of, 394
- Magistrates and Motor Cases, 146
- Magna eat Veritas (letter), 676
- Magnetolitc, Mira, Official Tests and Report, 794
- - Small Type of, 779
- Magneto Coupling, Eisemann,
- — Eisemann, Description of,
- — E.I.C., 974
- — Gibaud. Description of, 43
- — High Tension, Experience,
- — Two-spark, U.B., 445
- — Timing Tips, 303, 354, 419, 427, 4oo
- Magnetos, Automatically Timed, 61.97,197
- " Magpie ” Buildings in Cheshire, 748
- Maid, A, in Tourainc, 826, 856, 880, 903, 919,969
- Mail Van Driver, Distress Warrant against, 231
- Makers’ Guarantee combined with Insurance, 598
- Malaga, Gymkhana at, 330
- Man, A, and his Methods, Interview with Mr. Leland, 344
- Manchester A.C.i 267
- — Crippled Children’s Run, 65
- — M.C., 267, 457
- Manton, J. A. (letter), 454
- Maori Family on Ariel Car (illustration), 311
- M. D. (letter), 873
- Mead-Robins, Geo. (letter), 131
- Meads, William (letter), 355
- “ Mechanical Breakdown,” Insurance falls, 429, 520, 540, 750
- — Electric Transmission, Thomas System, 439
- Mechanic (letters), 452, 455
- Mechanic’s Badge, R.A.C., 451
- Medical Men’s Motors, 814, 873
- Medicann Body, Daimler Chassis and (illustrations), 219
- — — on Ford Chassis (illustration), 952
- - Metallurgique Chassis (illustration), 600
- — Napier Chassis (illustrations), 386
- Medico (letter), 785
- Medicus (letter), 383
- Meeting Cars, Room for, 324, 381, 422, 453, ™ 484, 522» 603
- Meggery, Max (letter), 197
- Melbourne, Australia, Proposed Show at, 64
- Memorial to Late Hon. C. S. Rolls, 270
- — — Prince Francis of Teck, 893
- Mercedes Cars and Czar’s Cup, 153
- — 15-20 h.p. Car (illustration), 156 1910
- - Car, Description of, 115
- — 45-50 h.p. Chain-driven Car (illustration), 681
- — Mr, George Watney’s, 510, 515, 516
- — Knight Engine (illustration), 913
- — Oil Pump, Particulars of, 806
- — Patents, 778
- Merioneth Police, 262, 322
- Merionethshire, Police Traps in, 353, 422
- Metallurgique 18 h.p. Car for Calcutta (illustration), 312
- — 26 h.p. Car (illustrations), 385
- —- 1910 Model (illustration), 120
- — 12-14 h.p. (illustration), 637‘
- with Medicann Body (illustration , 6C0
- Metallurgique, Now Method*, 507
- Radiator, 523
- Metric (letter). 908
- Mot ropolit an Traffic. 7 78
- Water Board’s Charges, 59, 96, 102
- M.I.C.E. (lettor), 291
- Michelin Bolt Valve, 4 58
- — Postcard, 669
- Middlesex County A.C., 100, 424
- Midland A.C.. 31, 66
- - Open Hill-climb at Shelsley
- — Motorists’ Inter-club Hill-climb at
- - Oakamoor, 65
- — Valve Seater, 441
- Midlands to North of Scotland, Impressions of Journey, 501
- Midlothian, Speed of Cars in, 64 •-
- Mileage Recorder for Antarctic Expedition, A 30
- Miles and Hours (letter), 162
- Military Automobilists, Paris, 878
- — Highway, Campaign for Widening of,
- Mills Fuel Economiser, 193
- Milne, J. (letters), 601, 784, 815, 927
- Miltoun, Francis, The Pyrenees en Auto.
- Minerva 18 h.p. with t rations), 502
- Minerva-Knight 26 h.p. Car in Bohemian Manoeuvres (illustration), 7 70
- Mira Magnetolite Car Lighting System, 222
- - Official Tests and Report, 794
- Misapplied Activity, 676
- Misapprehension with Regard to Car Insurance, 203
- Misfiring, Strange Cause of, 532
- Missing lank between Car and Motor Cycle, 358
- Moor, George (letter), 522
- Moore, Henry (letter), 487
- Morgan, A. E. (letter), 848
- — and Wood’s Carburetter, Description of, 553
- — R.A.C. Trial, 476
- — W., Criticism of Solidified Petrol, by. 960
- Mors 12-15 h.p. Car (illustration), 309
- — 15.8 h.p. Car, 884
- — 15-20 h.p. Phaeton (illustration), 378
- Mosse, H. H. (Miss), (letter), 161
- Motocyke (letter), 196
- Motor Accidents, So-called, 520
- — and Horse Vehicles, 683
- — Carriages and Chassis at Olympia, 701
- — Club, 100
- — Cycles and How to Manage Them, 822
- — Cycling Club, 32, 491
- — Guide (letter), 291
- — Spirit Import Trade, 22, 364 ?.
- - Low Grade, 205, 265
- - Price of, Cause of Advance, 176
- — Trapper Trapped, 6
- — Union and Automobile Association,
- - Amalgamation of, 793, 893, 908, 925, 972
- — — Farewell to late Secretary, 121
- — Notes, 19, 52, 75, 110, 143, 177, 209, 241, 275, 307, 335, 365, 395, 432, 465i 503, 571, 588, 671, 692, 707, 798, 830, 860, 902, 923, 951
- — Vehicles,” Foreign Dictionary (review’), 822
- - Statistics of, 512
- Motoring in the Crimea and Caucasus, 479
- Motorist and the “ Magpie,” Chequered Buildings in Cheshire, 748
- Motorists’ Difficulties, by, J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 761
- Motorist (letters), 226, 418, 676
- M.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. (letter), 200
- Mulcted (letter), 265
- Mulliner Coupe Body (illustration), 84 5
- Murison, Samuel (letter), 230
- Mustard Bath, 849
- Myers, C. H. (letter), 294
- Napier Carburetter, 565
- — Car Drivers’ Competition, 250, 672
- - for Delagoa Bay (illustration), 526
- - with Medicann Body (illustrations), 386
- — Cars, Brussels Exhibition Grand Prix (illustration), 802
- — Clutch Coupling, 317
- — Colonial Cars, 878
- Napier Chassis with Convertible Body (illustration), 98
- - 59.9 Car. R.A.C. Trial of, 151. 599
- - Motor Coach. London-Brighton (illustration). 29
- - Prizes for Chauffeurs. 417
- - Smoothness in Running. Tests of, 924
- - 15 h.p.. Back Axle Design of, 150
- - Car. Charles Jarrott at Wheel (illustration), 682
- - Chassis, Description of. 471
- — with Vincent Convertible Body (illustrations). 961
- - — in Brussels Fire (illustrations), 362
- - with Cann Body (illustration), 506
- — — — Limousine Body (illustration), 190
- — 40 h.p. Six-cylinder Car at Hyderbad (illustration), 63
- — 45 h.p. Car, Mr. Thomas Inch’s (illustration). 953
- — 65 h.p. Six-cylinder Car for California (illustration). 430
- — Top Gear Run on, London- Edinburgh, 83, 134
- Nash, E. M. (letters), 575, 786
- National Insurance against Accidents, 483
- N.B. Fuel Pressure Valve, Description of, 517
- N.E. (letter), 92 «
- N.E.A.A. Road Sings of, 286, 297
- Neame, Gerald T. (letter), 604
- N.E.C. Two-stroke Engine, 956, 959
- N.E.C. Car, 30 h.p. Flush-sided Car (illustrations), 50, 51
- Negligence of Driver, Liability for, Hired Motor Cars, 934
- Nelson-Blakely Spring, 194
- Nesbitt. W. P., Petrol Valve and Filler, 493
- Nettleton, Ed. (letter), 28
- New Car, Buying, 763
- — Engine (Motor) Co., Ltd. (letters), 93, 356
- — Forest, Motor Cars in, 264, 292
- — Taxes and Steam Cars, 26
- — York State, A Test Run in, 661
- — Zealand Motor Trials, 136
- — — Wolseley Car in, 59
- Newton-Bennett Shock Absorber, Harper Patent, 312
- Nias, H. R. (letter), 422
- Nightmare, The (illustration), 932
- Night Motor Mail Drivers, Godalming Police and, 22, 119, 137
- — Travelling, Warning to Motorists, 768
- — Visible Warning Signs, 60
- N O 23 (letter), 25
- Noah (letters), 162, 263
- Noblett Detachable Tube Corset (illustration), 811
- Noise in Gear Boxes, Plea for Experimental Laboratory, 180
- Noises, Body, 362. 497, 536, 757
- Non-puncture Inner Case, Atlas Description of, 803
- Non-skid Chains and Tyres, 417, 422
- — — Parsons, 417
- Non-skids and the Small Car, 519
- Norfolk, Watering and Other Places in, 245
- Norman Cross, 161, 197
- Norris, C. Leslie (letter), 676
- Northam Non-skid Tyre, 594
- Northamptonshire Roads, 327
- North Berks A.C., 234, 267, 299, 329, 388, 424, 457, 491
- — British Deflation Alarm Valve, 24
- North-eastern A.A. Members, Continental Tour, 123
- North Staffordshire A.C., 65
- — Wales A.C., 66
- — — Roads in, 97 4
- Norway, Motoring in, 419
- Not a Spider, 263
- Nottinghamshire A.C., 31, 202
- Nought, E. W. (letter), 908
- Novel Car and Turntable, 324
- Novice (letter), 677
- Numbers, Motor Car, Children and, 132, 220
- Nunn, Francis (letters), 572, 758
- Nut, Stubborn, To Remove, 916
- Oakamoor, Inter-club Hill-climb at, 65
- O. B. (letter), 198
- O’Brien, IL E. (letter), 678 Obstructed (letter), 352
- Obstruction, Convictions for, 63,
- - on the Road, 325
- Obstructive Carters, 926
- - Tactics, Suppression of, 290
- — q raffle, 952
- O. C. (letter), 129 , „ t .
- October Meeting, Brook lands. Entries for, 440
- O'Ferrall, Ambrose, Engine Knocks, their Cause and Remedy, by, 627, 691
- H R. M. (letter), 787
- Official Consideration. Renewal of Licences, 529, 604, 753
- Oildag Graphite Lubrication, 437
- Oil Side Lamps, 458,.494
- — Section at. Olympia, 747
- Oldham-Huddersfield Road, 352
- Old Covers, Utilising, 295, 352, 378, 381, 418, 454, 578, 974
- Olympia, A General Survey of, 628
- — and the Show there, by Owen John, 768, 87 1
- — Carriage Work at, 684, 735
- — Commissariat at, 814, 850
- — Exhibition. 315, 369, 689
- — Show, Illustrated Review, 698
- — — Record Attendance at, 7 78
- — — Statistics, by II. Hewitt Griffin, 695 Suggested Extension, 874, 925
- — Small Car Musings at, by “ Run- • 'about,” 7 79
- - Some Accessories at, 531, 542
- Olympic Vision, by Owen John, 643
- One Law for the Motorist, 311
- — of the S.A.M.D. (letter), 455
- — Shilling (letter), 926
- On the Road, bv Owen John, 23, 45, 80, 108, 141, 178, 215, 245, 289, 313, 347 377, 407, 429, 475, 501, 540, 585, 636, 750, 768, 808, 842, 871, 952
- — — Track, by H. C. Lafone, 57, 87, 113, 155, 185, 212, 257, 280, 310, 351, 385, 507, 569, 590, 642 O 4526 (letter), 264 O 2050 (letter), 753
- Orange River Colony, Motoring in, 861
- Orno Horn, 234
- Oscillating Sleeve Valve Engine, Taylor’s Invention, 472
- Ostend Second Meeting. 342, 387 Our Roads, Then and Now, 219
- Overhauling 10-12 h.p. Humber, 427
- Overhauls, Uniform Charges for, 235, 264. 295
- Overland 25 h.p. Four-cylinder Car, Description of, 641
- Overloaded, 292
- Overloading Chassis, 497
- Owen, John (letter), 129
- — William (letter), 353
- Owner-driver (letter), 324
- Oxford Speed Limit, 475
- Packard Gear Box on Back Axle (illustration), 345
- “ Page,” Corrosion of Ball -Bearings* by, 950
- — Deposit Removal, by, 857
- — (letters), 58, 160, 161, 197
- — Retention of Efficiency, by, 857, 887
- — The Care of Accumulators, by, 333
- Paid Chauffeur (letter), 675
- Palais, The, and its Visitors, by Owen John (and Co.), 932
- Panel Shield on Calthorpe Car (illustration), 363
- — Shields, 407, 419
- Panhard and Levassor New Model, 30
- - Chassis (illustration), 669
- — 1*2 h.p. Four-cylinder Chassis (illustration), 853
- — 25 h.p. Four-cylinder Valveless Car,
- Particulars of, 112
- Panhards and the Knight Engine, 421, 487
- Paradox Piston Ring, 529
- Parallel Motion between Frame and Back Axle, 849
- Paris and the Paris Show, by Owen John. 888
- — Military Automobilists at, 878
- — Railway Strike, How the Show De
- Dions came, 633
- — Salon, 896, 948, 976
- - for 1910, 98
- — — General and Critical Survey of, 863
- — View of (illustration), 889
- - (illustrations), 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 895, 913
- Parsons Chains, 852
- — Non-skid Chains, 417, 422
- Passing by on the other side, 520
- Pateley Bridge Hill-climb (illustration), 411
- Report of, 415
- Patents, Mercedes, 778
- — Recent, by Eric W. Walford, 142
- — Resuscitation of, 584
- Paton, Marcus (letters), 419, 523, 786
- Pattinson, C. R. (letter), 786
- Pazolt, Arthur N. (letter), 487
- P. C. S. (letter), 873
- Pearson-Cox Steam Car, Description of, 416
- Pedestrians and Lanterns, 856,
- Pembrokeshire A.C., 32
- Penetration of Fog, 461, 521
- Penman, A. C. (letter), 927
- ” Perfect ” Distance Recorder, 831
- Perfecta Wind Screen, Hinge of, 510
- Perks Non-skid and Puncture-proof Tyre, 317
- Persia, Motoring in (illustration), 526
- Peter Union Puncture-proof Band, 158
- Peterefield and Sheet Traps, 76
- Petition for Consolidation of Motorists’ Interests, 836, 885, 908, 925, 952
- Petrol at the Severn Tunnel, 850, 912
- — Can Opener, 831
- — Consumption, 200, 360
- — Cost of, 265, 342, 422
- — Drums, Short Measure in, 324 ' ’
- — Level, Varying, 205
- — Price of, and Standard Oil Trust, 817
- — Prices, Advance in, 17, 176
- - The War in, 285
- — Rebate for Veterinary Surgeons, 902
- — .Solidified, 845, 899, 913, 960
- — — Criticisms by Prof. W. Morgan, 960
- ——Report of Tests, by R. W. A. Brewer, 899
- — Supply and Demand. 286
- — Tax, Against the, Commercial Motor
- - Markers’ and Users’ Meeting, 835
- — Valve and Filler, W. P. Nesbitt’s, 493
- Petroleum Spirit, Import Trade, 22, 99
- Pettifer, A. S. (letter), 324
- Peugeot 16 h.p. with Cann Body (illustration), 506 „
- — 16-20 h.p. with Victoria Body for Madrid (illustration), 820
- Phanomobile 8 h.p., 458
- P. H. (letter), 60
- Phillips, A. (letter), 603
- — W. D. (letter), 94
- Philpot, J. M. (letter), 753
- Phoenix Car, 914
- — — in Assam (illustration), 191
- — 10-12’h.p, Car (illustration), 665
- Photographs of Interest (illustrations), 111
- Picnic Baskets, 296
- Pigs by Day and Night, 675
- — — Night, 522, 573
- Pike Engine, Description of, 666
- — E. W. (letter), 291
- Pilain Engine Seizure, Vagaries of French Patent Law, 896
- Pinde (letter), 680
- pi quart, J. (letters), 325, 354, 455
- Pirelli Tyres, 246, 494
- Piston Valve Engine, Hewitt, Description of, 511, 852
- Pitman G'uilbert (letter), 25
- Pit or Pulleys, 268
- Pivotal Steering, The Necessity for, by G.
- , . Hubert Woods, 846
- Plug Adjustments, Bosch, 3
- Pneumatically-operated Valves, 915, 917, 954
- Pobble, Austin Car, 280
- Police Activity, 788
- — at Aberdovey, 322
- — Cases,<22, 25, 30, 63, 92, 93, 98, 99 138, 149', 201, 256, 297, 298, 305, 327, 328, 358, 374, 394, 411, 413, 423, 456, 470, 488, 525, 565, 607, 682. 751, 752, 820, 843, 879, 895, 956
- — Courtesy, 873, 883
- — Evidence, Unreliable, Scotland, 38
- — Methods at Arundel, 14
- - Croydon (illustrated), 72
- — Persecution at Guildford, 350
- — -— in Lancashire, Effect of, 591
- — Timing, Ludicrousness of, 161
- - v. Speedometer, 483
- — Traps and Traffic Regulations, 25
- - at Grantham, 117
- - Carlisle, 957
- - Giving Warning of, 196
- - in Merionethshire, 353, 422
- - List of, 104
- - Map of, 105
- — Berkshire, 49
- - Petersfield and Sheet, 76
- - Senseless, 676
- — :— Short Distance, 192
- — Trapping at Trentham, 435
- - Unprofitableness of, 483
- Policeman, To a, 265
- Policemen, Inaccurate, Speed Limit Case at Woking, 399
- Pontypridd (letter), 199
- Poppet and Slide Valves, a Disclaimer, 625
- — Valves and Slide Valves, by Claude Johnson, 652
- - Editorial Summary, 579
- — v. Sleeve Valve, 601, 625, 678, 695, 755, 787, 814, 851, 875, 909, 976
- Powell, K. M. (letter), 162
- P 102 (letter), 354
- F. (letter), 28
- Preferential Treatment, 261, 322, 418
- Prejudice against Motorists Fostering, 813
- Presentation to Mr. W. M. Letts, 774, 821
- President Taft in White Steam Car (illustration), 165
- Pressures, Tyre, 199
- Prettiest Village in England, 291
- Price Classification of Cars at Olympia, 628
- — of Motor Spirit, Cause of Advance, 176
- Prince Francis of Teck, 581
- — Memorial, 893
- — Henry of Prussia on Benz Car (illustration), 456
- Prince Henry Tour (1911), 07. 89. 108. 166. 339, 446
- Trophy Competition Car Engine (illustration^), 918
- Principles of English Justice, 470
- Protection of the Public, 751
- Provence Meet, Thirteenth, 273
- Pugh. John V. (letters), 852, 928
- Punch, The Autopar in, 935
- Puncture-proof Hand, Peter Union, 158
- Pyrenees on Auto, by Francis Miltoun, 223
- Qcarrad (letter). 97 2
- Queries and Replies, 32, 268, 300, 360, 458, 494, 884, 914, 980
- Queen Mother’s 50 h.p. Wolseley Car, 272, 273, 390
- Queensland Government, Talbot Car for, 201
- Quick-lifting Jack, 493
- R.A.C. and German Imperial A.C. Tour, 979
- — Hampshire A.C., 135
- — — Motor Car Taxation, 495
- — at Chester, 4
- — Building, Statuary Group (illustration), 496
- — Carburetter Trial, “ Limit,” 931
- — Dust and Ductless Roads Committee, 29, 824
- — Examiners, 783
- — General Committee Meeting, 526
- — Journal, 886
- — Legal Dept., 806
- — (letter), 227
- — Mechanic’s Badge, 451
- — Monthly and Other Trials, 599
- — M.U., and A. A. Suggestion for Amalgamation, 836, 885, 908, 925
- — The Chairmail ship of the, 660
- — Trial, Captain Detachable Rim, 491
- — Enfield Cat, 491, 525
- — Morgan and Wood’s Carburetter, 476
- — — “ Rapidin •” Motor Fuel, 651
- — — Searle Unbfirstable Inner Tube v.
- — All-rubber Inner Tube, 490
- — Trials, Beldam Tyres, 778, 854, 897, 965 127, 151, 250, 339, 569, 651, 897, 965
- Race for Light Cars, France, 872
- — in Isle of Man, Possibilities of, 270, 318, 332
- Races and Competition, 269
- — for Stock Chassis in United States, 375, 466
- — Small Car, Some Suggestions for, 775
- Racing and Other Matters, 507
- — Car, Freak (illustration), 310
- — in France, 217, 674
- Radiator, Metallurgique, 523
- Radiators, Leaky, 26
- Rail and Road, Estimated Travelling Costs, 266, 326
- Raja Gudwal of Hyderabad in White Steam Car (illustration), 178
- R.A.M.C. (letter), 25
- Ramsgate County Bench, Brake Driver Fined, 290
- Ransome, G. C. (letter), 485
- “ Rapidin ” Motor Fuel, R.A.C. Trial, 651
- Rapidin Sparking Plug at Paris Show, 889
- R. B. J. (letter), 814
- R. C. and E. L. (letter), 876
- Reader, Adletters), 487, 604
- Readily Convertible Car, Twombly Motors Co., 392
- Real Efficiency (letter), 196
- Rear Lights on All Vehicles, Surrey County Council, 803
- Recent Patents, by Eric W. Walford, 142
- Recommended Hotels, 160, 169, 382, 418
- Record Attendance at the Show, 778
- Records at-Brooklands, 590, 667, 778
- — Forthcoming Attempts at, 569
- Recumbent Driving, 130
- Recurring Idiots, by Owen John, 941
- Red Confetti, 196, 227
- Redhill Cross Roads, Traffic at, 506
- Redress of Grievances, 520, 603
- - The Way to Obtain, 389
- Reed, Barras R. (letter), 354
- Re-engining Old Cars, 421, 454, 521
- Reeves, A. W. (letters), 61, 524
- Refilling Oil Tanks, etc., 237
- Reflections on a Lamp Back, 238
- Reflex Rear Light, 54
- Reformer (letter), 1 64 Reg. No. 22,220, 95
- Registration of Cars, Number for October, 953
- - Convertible Car, 820, 850
- Heid, K. (letters), 265, 850
- Reid-Ramray Express Locomotive, 116
- Reigate-Dorking Road, 292
- Reinforced Tubes, Repair of, 60
- — elic, Motor Car, 4 68
- Removing a Stubborn Nut. 916
- — Dangerous Corners, 650
- — Valves, 3 ,
- Renault Chassis with Sedan Coupe Body (illustration), 274
- — Sleeve Valve Engine, 159
- — 12-Kh.p. Car, 383 (illustration), 639
- — 14-20 h.p. Car (illustration), 872
- — — Chassis with Louis XIV. Body (illustration), 946
- — 20-3Uh.p. Car for President of Brazil (illustration), 149
- — 55 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illustrations), 118
- Renovation of Leather Seats, 32
- R.E.P. Five-cylinder Engine, 2
- Replacing Obstinate Covers, 795
- Repair, Temporary, 532
- Repairers, 27, 58, 129, 161, 184, 294, 323, 418, 605
- — Officially Appointed, 169, 226
- — Ilotefe, and Police, 323
- Research, The Need for, 689
- Resilient Wheels, Trial of, 101, 425
- Retreaded Covers, 264, 295
- Retirement, Famous Cars in, 832
- Reviews, 22, 84, 107, 168, 234, 266, 304, 822 963
- Rex Mundi (letter), 382
- Rhine Country, Holland, the Ardennes, and, Tour through, 123
- Rhodesia, Maudslay Cars for, 222
- Ricardo, Harry R. (letter), 788
- Riches and Co.’s Security Gaiter (illustration); 693
- — G. T., and Co. (letter), 265
- Richmond and Surbiton Motor Club, 979
- Ries, Paul (letter), 754
- Rigidity and Elasticity, Compromise between, 362
- Riley 1911 Cars, 645
- — 12-18 h.p. Car, 268
- Twelve Months’ Experience, 438
- — 12 h.p. Tips, 69
- Rim Carrier, Dunlop, 493
- — Detachable, “ Captain,” 158, 817
- — New, C. Lee’s Invention, 158
- — Detachable, 268, 300
- — Facility, 980
- — Sectional Dimensions of, 130, 196, 230
- R. N. (letter), 754
- Road, Application for Closing, 879
- — Board, Conditions for Grants, 802
- - The Work of the 101,118,441,599, 603
- — Books, Contour, 291
- — Congress, International, L.I.A.T. and, 247
- —- Congresses, 681
- — Maintenance, Decreased, Motor Cars and, 352
- - Surrey, 208
- — Manners, 128, 291
- — Map of the British Isles (review), 822
- — Obstructions, 454, 926
- — Reforms at Small Cost, 650
- — Repairing, 260, 263, 266, 358, 381, 418, 452, 476, 576, 603, 786
- — Resistances, 379
- — Signals, Misleading (letter), 322
- — Signs of the N.E.A.A., 286, 297
- - To-morrow, by Runabout, 244
- — Tarring and Repairing, 476
- — Test, Severe, 130
- — Warnings, 100, 104, 168, 202, 262, 267, 299, 322, 330, 359, 388, 457
- — Widening Campaign, 147
- Roads, British. High Speed Records on, 418, 521
- — By-pass, 270
- — Cattle on the, 675
- — Colonel Crompton on, 6
- — Common sense about, 3??
- — Dorset 27
- — freight Trains on, 162, 229, 263
- — Improved, for Cheshire, at Smaller Cost, 288
- — - Improvement Association, 859
- - Statement of Future Policy, 120
- — in New Forest, 292
- — North WJIIP^ Q74
- — Old, of England and Wales, 455, 485, 522
- — Our, Then and Now, 219
- — Storms and, 326
- — Tarred, 485, 605
- — to Blackpool, 344
- — Unsuitability for Movement of Troops, 377
- — Warwickshire and Leicestershire, A Contrast, 172
- Roadside Advertisements, 60, 94, 161, 191, 261, 382, 421, 444, 454, 485, 489, 968
- — Courtesies, 95, 128, 228
- Robertson, Page (letter), 873
- Robins, Geo. Mead (letter), 96
- Roebuck, J. W. (letter), 293 Roehampton Lane Speed Limit, 265
- Rolland Pi lain Engine (illustrations), 895
- Roller Bearings, Timken, 364
- Rolling and Three-point Suspension, 4«>8
- Rolls, Hon. C. S., in Bordeaux to Biarritz Race (illustration), 170
- - Memorial to, 270
- - The Death of, 85, 134
- - Late. 355
- Rolls-Royce Car after Accident (illustration), 29 ,tl
- - Mrs. Assheton Harbord’s (illustration), 769
- — Chassis with Landaulet Body (illustration), 351 . v .on
- — Special Body (illustrations), 42.)
- — 40-50 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 88 t
- - with Hewer Cabriolet Body (illustrations), 141 ,
- — Limousine Body (illustration), 659
- — Ltd. (letter), 354
- - Paris Depot, 834
- — Lubrication Prize, 1910, 949
- Rooke, Arthur E. (letter), 131
- Room when Meeting Cars, 324, 381, 422, 453, 484,. 522, 603 Ropes for Driving on Grass, 163
- Rose, John G. (letter), 96
- Rotary and Poppet Valve, Combined, 287, 326, 356, 380
- — Valve Engine, Lieut. W. H. Blood’s Invention, 406
- Rothschild et Fils Limousine (illustrations), 192
- — J. et Fils, Ltd. (letter), 757
- Roussillon Covers, Trial of, 30
- — lyres, R.A.C. Trial of, 151, 263, 295
- Route, London to Brighton, 90
- — to Avoid London, Section JI., 251
- - the North, 316
- Rover (letter), 381
- — Car for Doctor’s Use (illustrations), 664
- — Cars at Sawarung, Java (illustration), 279
- — 12 h p. Car, 360
- - Dr. Mackay’s (illustration), 350
- — — Two-cylinder Car (illustration), 660
- —- Slide and Poppet Valve Cars, 570
- - Silent-Knight 12 h.p. Car, 159
- Rowland, W. M. (letter), 262
- Roxburghshire, Inconsiderate Driving .in, 94
- Royal Automobile Club, New (illustration), 794
- — Swedish A.C. Winter Trials, 806, 931
- R. P. C. (letter). 974
- R. S. (letter), 291
- R. T. (letter), 421
- Ruddin, F. Henry (letter), 680
- Rudge-Whitworth Detachable Wheels, 35. 452
- — Hub for Spare Wheel (illustration), 259
- — Inner Hubs (illustration), 811
- — Ltd. (letters), 196, 452, 758, 851, 910
- — Spare Wheels, Lock for, 290
- — Wire Wheels, 980
- Batch of (illustration), 633 Rule of the Road (letter), 422, 484
- — — Scottish Legal Decision, 2
- Rules of the Road. 26, 354, 483, 574, 675, 785
- Runabout, Road Signs of To-morrow, by, 244
- — Small Car Musings at Olympia, by, 779
- - Talk, by, 184, 218, 274, 316, 438, 473, 519, ^64
- — The Starting of Small Engines by, 348
- Running Costs, 193, 199, 786, 849
- — Experiences, 522, 753
- - of 28 h.p. Lanchester, 187
- Russell, Edgar (letter), 422
- — G. S. (letter), 454
- — (letter.), 263, 420, 927 Russia, Motoring in, 479
- Russian Officers Motoring (illustration), 204
- — Reliability Trial (illustrations), 111 Trials, 122, 255
- — Trials Trophy, Austin Co.’s (illustration), 488
- R. W. (letter), 292
- Saill, H. (letter), 418
- Sale, Conditions of, 758
- Saltburn Speed Trials, Report of, 10
- Salt in Generator Tests, Driving in Fog, 776
- S.A.M.D., 136
- Sampson, Mr. J. Lyons (illustration), 121
- Sanders, John II. (letter), 295
- Sankey, Joseph, and Sons, Ltd. (letters), 819, 877
- Satisfied Driver (letter), 455
- Sauce for the Gander (letter), 483
- S.A. Valve Seater and Truer, 152
- Scales. F. Shillington (letter), 452
- S.C.A.T. Cars, New Points on, 474
- Scot.. A (letter), 677
- Scotland, Automobile Association in, 13
- — Conviction Squashed, Unreliable Police Evidence, 38
- — for the Motorist, Review, 117
- Scotland, Hotels in. Scottish A.C., 589
- — Miscarriage of Justice in, 968
- — Ton Mile Limits in (illustrations). 48
- Scott, G. II. (letter), 454
- Scottish A.C., 66. 167. 388
- - and Late Prince Francis of Teck, 667
- — Automobile Club Hill-climb, 442
- — Contrasts, Police Cases, 37 4
- — Legal Decision, Rule of the Road, 2
- — Leniency, Example of, 149
- — Six Days’ Reliability Trials, 20
- — Speed Limit Applications, 525
- — Ten Mile Limits, 47, 48, 94. 164, 165 197, 262. 321, 608
- Screens, Wind, 316
- Sculpture, The Autocar in (illustration),496
- Seabrook Autochime, 114
- — - — Electric Horns. 446
- Seabrook Solar Headlights, 53
- Searle Tyres, R.A.C. Trial of, 339, 442
- — Un burstable Inner Tube v. All-rubber Inner lube, R.A.C. Trials, 490
- - Tube, 840
- Secretary, The (letter), 422
- Sectional Dimensions of Rims, 1 30, 196, 230
- Security Bolt, Bindley, 834
- — — Improvement, G. W. Grimwade’s Invention, 158
- — Bolts, 131, 162, 354
- Sedan Coupe Body on Renault Chassis (illustration). 274
- Segment Detachable Rim, Description of, 640
- Sercombe, H. E. (letter), 96
- Severn Tunnel, Petrol at the, 850, 912
- Shamrock (letter), 200
- Shawyer, J. A. (letter), 603
- Sheffield and District A.C., 100, 359
- Sheffield-Simplex 45h.p., 980
- Car in Australia (illustration). 469
- — — — W. Rich’s (illustration), 289
- — 25 h.p. Car, Description of, 582
- — 20-30 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 327
- — 14-20 h.p. with Cann Boat Body (illustration), 933
- — Motor Works, Ltd. (letter), 62
- Sheldon, Percy J. (letter), 163
- Shelsley Walsh Open Hill-climb, 39
- Sheppee E W. (letters), 58, 161
- Shock Absorber. Dutrieux, 829
- — — (letter), 4)26
- - Newton-Bennett, 312
- Short Distance Police Traps, 192
- — Measure in Petrol Drums, 324
- Show Catalogue, 785, 814
- — Cloak Room, 784
- — Crush, 908
- Silent Gear (letter), 263
- Silent Knight Engine on Panhard Car, 11 2
- — — 12 h.p. Rover Car, 159
- Simms, F. R., Automobilism in the United States, by, 239, 318
- Simplex (letter), 131
- Singer Cars, New Pattern, Particulars of, 592
- — 16-20 h.p. Chassis (illustrations), 258
- Single-cylinder (letter), 521
- Sirron Cars, 379 .
- Six-cylinder Cars, World’s Records by, 164
- — Talbot, A Trip on, 36
- — Three-speed (letter), 161
- Sizaire-Naudin (letter), 384
- Skidding, To Prevent, 294
- Slater and Co., Wm. (letter), 454
- Sledge, Motor, for Grand Duke Cyril of Russia (illustrations), 862
- Sledges, Motor, Enquiry from Alaska, 387
- - Wolseley (illustration), 308
- Sleeve Valve Design, Single, Description of,
- — — Engine, Renault, 159
- — Taylor’s, 472
- Slide and Poppet Valve, Rover Cars, 570
- - Valve Engine, Cripps and Little 493,
- - - — _ Patent, by W. and W. C. Ward, 142
- - Reply to Criticisms, by Charles Y. Knight, 555
- - F. W. Lanchester. 656
- Slide Valve Engine, Some Criticisms of. 495, 498
- — — Engines, Internal Cleaning of, 497
- — — Patent, Early, 667
- — Valves, Poppet and, 601. 625, 678, 695, 755, 787, 814, 851
- - Valves and, Editorial Summary, 579
- Small Car (letter), 573
- - Musings at Olympia, by “ Run about,” 779
- - Races, some Suggestions, 775
- - Talk, by “Runabout,” 184, 218, 274, 316, 438, 473, 519, 964
- — Engines. Starting of, by " Runabout,” 348
- — Molder’s Autocar (illustration), 64
- Smith, B. Metcalfe (letter), 292
- So-called Motor Accidents, 520
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 565, 854
- Soldering Bit and Lamp Combined, 813
- — Cast-iron. 825
- — Outfit, Tinol, 296
- S. O. (letter), 322
- Solex Carburetter, Wolf and Co., Description of, 282
- Solidified Petrol. 845, 899. 913, 960
- — — Criticism by W. Morgan, 960
- - Report of Tests, by R. W. A. Brewer, 899
- Sonoscope, Motor, 247
- Source of the Tweed, 356
- South Africa, Daimler Car with Cole Body for (illustration), 894
- - Motor Event in, 357
- - Motoring Conditions in, 754
- - The Motor Car in, 96, 160, 842, 843
- — African Model Standard Car (illustration), 950
- — Australia, 12-16 h.p. Sunbeam Car in (illustrations), 978
- — Wexford, Motoring in, 487
- Southampton, Motor Prosecution at, 208, 294
- —- Trapping at, 196, 208
- — Unsuccessful Prosecution at, 265
- Southend Road, 96, 163
- Southern Automobiles, Ltd. (letter), 422
- — Motor Club, 32, 359. 491
- Southward from Banffshire, 585
- S.P.A. 15-20 h.p. Car, Particulars of, 428
- Spain, Motor Cars in, 327
- Spalding, A., Inspection Work in Western Australia, by, 436
- Spanner, Driving, Ukantes, 492
- — Ratchet, The Ferret, 683
- Spare Ignition, Retention of Efficiency, 887
- — Parts and Standardisation, 754
- - Delivery of, 26
- — Wheel, Carrying (illustration), 21
- Sparking Plug Holders, 795
- - Mascot, 847
- — Plugs, Cup, Result of Experiment, 84
- — — Taxi and Samson, 594
- Speed Limit Cases, New Defence in, 383 Signs, 92
- - Unauthorised, 79, 94
- - The, 575
- — Limits, Carlisle, 196
- - Ten Mile, 188, 265, 297, 596
- Suggestions for Marking, 42
- — v. Weight Lifting, 130, 165
- Speeds, Theoretical, in Relation to Bore and Stroke, 430, 431
- Speedometer, Police Timing v., 483
- Speedometers, 316
- — and Temperature Variation, 82, 121
- — Device for keeping Mechanism Clean (illustration), 182
- Spherical Valve Engine, Leedon, 320
- Sport, Motors and, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 664
- - (illustration), 690
- Springing, Novel System of, Eureka Spring Suspension, 321, 347, 387
- Spring, Nelson-Blakely, 194
- — Suspension Lever, 154
- — Tyre, Dr. Calantarient’s, 771
- Spyker New Pattern Car, Description of, 859
- Square Tread (letter), 819
- Square-treaded Tyres on Steering Wheels, 691, 819
- Squeaking when Rounding Corners, 303
- S. T., late S.. O. (letter), 753
- Staffordshire and Derbyshire A.C.’s, 167
- Standard Car, South African Model (illustration), 950
- — Class Record Board at Brooklands, 213
- — New Pattern Cars, 663
- — Oil Trust and Price of Petrol, 817
- — 12 h.p. Car (illustrations), 89, 305
- —- 20 h.p. Car for Australia (illustration), 386
- — — — Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wrench on (illustration), 179
- - Standardisation, 637
- — Notes by W. A. Brewer and F. G. Woollard, 308
- — Spare parts and, 754
- Stanley 30 h.p. Steam Car, Earl of Antrim’s (illustration), 790
- Stanley Steam Car, 458
- — R. V. (letter), 521
- Star Cars, 063
- - in the Colonies, 884
- Star Engineering Co., 512
- — 15 h.p. Car, Description of, 96G
- Starting of Small Engines, by “ Runabout,” 348
- — Quiet, 237
- Statistics, Motor and Horse Vehicles, 683
- - Car, German, 334
- — of Motor Vehicles, 512
- Statton, W. J. Edo (letter). 484
- Stay-at-home Motorist (letter), 814
- Stead, Wm. (letter), 877
- — W. Y. (letter), 130
- Steam Carriages, Seventy Years Ago, 250
- — Cars in India (illustration), 585
- - New Takes and, 26, 61, 95, 130
- — Debarring of, 23, 58
- Steele-Perkins, A. E. (letter), 129
- Steel Samples, Sheffield-Simplex, 44
- Steering Wheel Tyres, Square-treaded, 691, 819
- Stepney Wheels, Fitting, 363
- Stock Chassis, Races for, in United States, 375, 466
- Stoewer 10-15 h.p. Car, 884
- Storm Collar, Gamage, 971
- Storms and Roads, 326 Stone-throwing, Motor Union and, 387
- Stones, Unrolled, on Roads, 848, 926
- Stopping Motorists, Legal Position, 764
- Storey, H. (letter), 909 •
- Strains, Wire Wheel, 758, 818
- Straker-Squire 15 h.p., A Short Run on, 658
- - Car, Description of, 595
- - (illustration), 481
- - Week-end with, 153
- — — Four-cylinder Car (illustration), 438
- — — Improvements, 541
- - in Quicksands at Filey (illustration), 99
- Street Accidents caused by Vehicles, 193
- Strong Organisation Required, 262 Stumped (letter), 228
- Sufferer (letters). 294, 383
- Sugden, Frank (letter), 26
- Sunbeam Cars, 494
- — 16-20 h.p. Car at Cromer (illustration), 108
- - Mr. F. Sharpe’s Car (illustration), 845
- — 12-16 h.p. Car in South Australia (illustration), 978
- — 15.9 h.p. Car, Mr. Coatalen’s (illustration), 587
- — 18-22 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, Description of, 537
- Superheat (letter), 574
- Surrey County Council and Rear Lights on all Vehicles, 803
- — (letter), 483.
- — Police Rebuffed, 649
- — Road Maintenance, 208
- Sussex Downs, Across, Maps of Route, 388, 424
- - the (correspondence), 487
- — (letters), 381, 573, 603
- — M.Y.C. and R.A.C. Gymkhana at Hove, 66
- Sutton Coldfield A.C., 100, 136
- Swain, Edward L. (letter), 419
- Sweden, Motor Car Services in, 201
- Swedish Winter Motor Race, 806, 931
- Swift 10-12 h.p. Two-seater (illustration), 232
- Swivelling Head Lamps, 873, 926
- Sylverlyte Lamps, Construction of, 315
- Tail Lamp, Good, 519, 526
- Talbot Car for Queensland Government. 201
- — Clutch, 801
- — 12 h.p. Car, 914 (illustration), 762
- — 15 h.p.. Mr. J. L. Kirk on (illustration), 233
- — 20 h.p. with Flush-sided Body (illustration), 750
- — Six-cylinder, A Trip on, 36
- Tank Pressure without a Pump, 3
- Tara (letter), 420
- Tar, Excess of, 292
- — Removing, 407
- Tarred Roads, 485, 605
- Tasmania and Australia, Long Trip in, 70
- Taxation, Equitable Basis of, by C. F. Dendy Marshall, 780
- — Injustices, 33, 92, 129, 132, 425, 451, 523, 572. 677, 786, 790, 958
- — Motor Car, 823, 851, 908
- - and Motor Car Law, 572
- - Conference of Associations, 821, 965
- - R.A.C. and, 495
- — of Old Arrol-Johnstons, 834
- Taxes, Motor (W, Old to Now HogirnG, 346
- - New. and Steam Curs, 26. 61, 95. 130
- - Combined Action and. 451. 786
- - Horse-power and the. 420, 486
- Taxicab Drivers, 95
- Taxicabs. Motorists and, 269
- Taylor’s Oscillating Sleeve Valve Engine, . 472
- Technical, Side of Motoring, 178
- Tolley, Edgar (letter), 356
- Ten Mile. Limit, Proposed, for Alton, 323
- - Limits in Scotland, 48, 94, 164, 165, 197, 262, 321, 608
- — — — Wholesale Application for, 321
- — — Speed Limits, 188
- — Scottish, Description of, 47
- —— Suggestions for Marking, 42
- Testimonials, Return of, 786
- Testing a Motor Car, 759, 791
- Test Run in New York State, 661
- T. E. W. Jletter), 97
- Thames Embankment, Traffic Conditions, i 670
- - Ironworks, Shipbuilding, and Engineering Cb. (letter), 164
- Theoretical Speeds in Relation to Bore and Stroke, 430, 431
- “Thermal Efficiency of Two-cycle Engine,” Paper at Institution of Automobile Engineers, 898, 940, 959
- 'the Othei- Side (letter), 520
- — Temple (letter), 228
- — Victini’e. Husband (letter), 227
- T. H. G. [letter), 486 Thirteenth Provence Meet, 273
- Thistlethwaite, Fredk. J. (letters), 419, 814
- -— J. B. (letter), 294
- Thomas Engine, 500 Hours’ Test, 946
- — System, Mechanical Electric Transmission, 439
- Thompson, Frank S. (letter), 61
- — Geo. R. (letter), 419
- Thornycroft Car with Two-seated Body (illustration), 775
- Three-point Suspension, Rolling and. 458
- Three Speeds or Four, 28, 61, 131, 164, 199
- Timken Roller Bearings, 364
- Tinol Soldering Outfit, 296
- Tips, Useful Hints and, 3, 35, 69, 103, 139, 171, 205, 237, 271, 303, 333, 363, 391, 427, 461, 497, 532, 578, 627, 691, 765, 795, 825, 857, 887, 916, 947 Tired (letter), 130
- Tomlinson, E. (letter), 326
- Too Slow ! 227
- Top Gear Run on 65 h.p. Six-cylinder Napier, London to Edinburgh, 83
- Toronto Automobile Show, 901
- Tour in Chateau District of France, 826, 856, 880, 903, 919, 969
- Touraine, A Maid in, 826, 856, 880, 903, 919 969
- Toured Out (letter), 198
- Touring, Continental, some General Information, 781, 799
- — Hotels, 198, 326, 605, 758
- — Model, Argyll ,Car, 623
- Tourist Trophy Daimler Car, 150
- Tours around Torquay, 927
- Traction Engine Law, 603, 852
- — Engines and other Obstructions, 573, 852
- Traffic at Redhill Cross Roads, 506
- — Conditions on the Thames Embankment, 670
- — Metropolitan, 778
- — Regulations, Police Traps and, 25
- — Vagaries of, 226
- Tramway Lines, Roads Improvement Association and, 683
- Trans-Alpin6 Motoring, A View of. 468
- Trans-shipping Cars with R.W. Wire Wheels, 795
- Transvaal Automobile Club, 854
- — Motoring in the, 764
- Trapping at Southampton, 196
- Traps in Towns, Leeds, 483
- Trap Specialisation, 67
- Traver Tyre Patch, 600
- Travers Engine, 862
- Travesty of Justice, Police Methods at Croydon, 72
- Treasury Horse-power Formula, 178
- — Regulations, Harsh Working of, 441, 608, 958
- Trefoil, C. F. (letter), 522
- Trenchard, Mohun A. (letter), 199
- Trentpam Trap, .496
- Trials of a Chauffeur, 228
- Troops, Encountering. Hints to Motorists, 248
- — Movement of, Unsuitability of Roads, 377
- Trouble (letter), 758
- True Patriot (letter), 788
- - r 1304 (letters), 60, 95
- T 14 64 (letters), 421, 524
- T. T. (letters), 28. 8 17, 909
- Tube. Unburstablc, Searle, 840
- Tucker, Alex. E. (letter), 522
- Tudor, II. M. T. (letter), 925
- Tuning-up a Car, by S. Gore Brown, 391, 427
- Turner Light Car, 645
- — New Small Car, 554
- — T. C. (letter), 227
- Turin, The Exhibition of, 922
- Turntable, Novel Car and, 324
- Two-cycle Engine, Lamplugh, Description of, 812
- Thermal Efficiency of, Paper at Institution of Automobile Engineers, 898, 940, 959
- Twombly Motors Co., Readily-convertible Car by, 392
- Two-spark Magneto, U.H., 445
- Two-stroke Petrol Cycle Engine, 885, 898, 940, 959, 975
- — Engines, 473
- Tyre, Barker, Description of, 606
- — Beldam, 644
- — Cairns Stud, Particulars of, 797
- — Costs, 977
- — Experiences, 605, 680, 756
- — Jacket, Marshall, 376, 412
- — Lever, Tube, and Shield, Victor, 861
- — Lock, A. Dunhill, Ltd., 694
- —- Northam, Non-skid, 594
- — Patch, Traver, 600
- — Perks’s Non-skid and Puncture-proof 317
- — Phenomena, 131, 196
- — Pressures, 199
- — Protector Bands, Detachable, 928
- — Macintosh, 26
- — Replacements, To Facilitate, 834
- — Sectional, Margetts, 464
- — Spring, Dr. Calantarient’s, 771
- — Tester, Southall Gauge, 492
- — Trials, Beldam, 4,000 Miles, 778, 854, 897, 965
- — Valves in Wire Wheels, 916
- — Wear, Wheel Alignment and, 927
- —_ Wood -Milne, Steel-rubber, 644
- Tyres, Clincher, 95, 131
- — Cost of, and Price of Rubber, 455
- — Hall and Searle, R.A.C. Trial of, 339, 442
- — Ignorant Treatment of, 326
- — K.T., 32
- — Liners for, 494
- — Parts, and Accessories at Olympia, 738
- — Pirelli, 246, 494
- — Roussillon, R.A.C. Trials of, 151
- — Steering Wheel, Square-treaded, 691
- — The Care of, 341, 519
- Tyro (letter), 974
- U.H. Two-spark Magneto, 445
- Ukantes Driving Spanner, 492
- Umpleby, F. (letter), 261
- Unauthorised Speed Limit Signs, 79, 94
- Unbalanced Clutches, 103
- Unburstable Inner Tube, Searle, 339, 442, 840
- Unbusinesslike, 229, 294, 326, 383
- Unconventional Light Car, 573
- Uniform Charges for Overhauls, 235, 264, 295
- United States, Automobilism in, by F. R. Simms, 239, 318
- — — Races for Stock Chassis, 375, 466
- Unity, A Plea for, 639
- Step Towards, 1. 793
- Unprofitableness of Police Trapping, 483
- Unpunctuality at Brooklands, 57
- Unreliable Police Evidence, Conviction
- Squashed in Scotland, 38
- Upkeep, Costs of, 193, 199, 786, 849
- Urquhart, John (letter), 573
- Utilising Old Covers, 295, 352, 378, 381, 418, 454, 578, 974
- Valentin, Basil Wm. (letter), 196
- Valve Gear, W. McLeod’s Invention, 287, 326, 356, 380
- — Grinding on V Engines, 69
- — Operation, Indirect, Extract from Article in Horseless Age, 917, 954
- — Rotary and Poppet, Combination of, 287, 326, 356, 380
- — Seater, Midland, 441
- — Tappets, Adjusting, 578
- — Trouble, 363
- — Truing, 293, 354, 421
- Valveless Cars, 884
- — 25 h.p. Car with Mulliner Cabriolet Body (illustration), 569
- — 20 h.p. with Cann Body (illustration), 236
- — Panhard 25 h.p. Four-cylinder Car,
- — Particulars of, 112
- Valves, Discussion on, American Automobile Engineers, 249
- — Pneumatically-operated, 915, 917, 954
- — Poppet v. Slide, 601, 625, 678, 695, 755, 787, 81 1, 851. 875, 909, 976
- Valves, Removing, 3
- — Tyre, in Wire Wheels, 916
- Vanderbilt Cup Race, 68, 515, 540, 541
- — Report of, 515
- Vaniman Gear, 433 *
- Variable-stroke Engine, 573
- Vauxhall Car after Brussels Fire (illustration), 387
- — Cars for 1911 506
- — 20 h.p. Car, Prince Henry Type (illustration), 475
- — Chassis with May thorn Cabriolet Body (illustration), 460
- — Landaulet, (illustrations), 133, 134
- — 30 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, Description of, 566
- — 27 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 216
- — Motors, Ltd. (letter), 679
- Veritas (letters), 483, 675
- Viator (letters), 322, 418
- Vickers’s New Metal Duralumin, 343, 673
- Victor Tyre Lever, Tube, and Shield. 861
- Victim (letter), 486
- View of Trans-Alpine Motoring, <68
- Vinot 25 h.p. Four-cylinder Car, 5.6.5
- Voiturettes, English and French. 521
- — La Coup6 des, 429
- Voyager (letter), 383 Voyageur (letters), 161, 325
- Vulcan Car, 12 h.p. Car, 28, 348
- — 15.9 h.p. Car, Description of, 15
- V 33 (letter), 28
- Waddell, D. (letter), 229
- — W., jun. (letter), 326
- Walford, Eric W., Recent Patents, by, 142
- - Two Interesting Engines, by, 862
- Walmsley, Jas. (letter), 325
- Walters, H. E. (letter), 755
- Wandering Worm (letters), 198, 603
- War in Petrol Prices, 285
- Warland Detachable Rim, 600
- Warmed Air for the Carburetter, 221
- Warning Signs, Night, Visible at, 60
- — to Motorists who Travel by Night, 768
- Warwickshire and Leicestershire Roads, A Contrast, 172
- Water Charges for Motor Cars, Bradford, 109
- Metropolitan, 59, 96, 162
- Watering and Other Places in Norfolk, 245
- Watts, W. W. (letter), 324
- Watson, E. (letter), 295 .
- Way, Hubert A. (letter), 265
- — to Obtain Redress, 389
- W. B. (letter), 422
- W. C. A. (letter), 199
- W. D. E. (letter), 95
- Wear and Tear, Fair, 850
- Weight Lifting, Speed v., 130, 165
- — of Car Bodies, 945
- — on Hill-climbing, Effect of, 120
- Weights of Motor Car and Aero Engines, 306, 356, 453
- Well Designed Cape Cart Hood, 443
- Well Equipped Car, 12-16 h.p. Renault, 383, 421, 454, 486, 574
- Wells, R. G. (letters), 911, 976
- Welshed (letter), 322
- Western Australia, Inspection Work in, by A. Spalding, 436
- — Canada, Reliability Trial for, 821
- West Essex A.C., 299, 359
- — Riding Road Conference, 428
- — Sussex Motorist (letter), 322
- Wet Grass, Cars on, 80
- Weymouth to Exeter and Back, 347
- W. G. M. (letter), 874
- What is a Chassis ? 459
- — of this ? 263
- W. H. D. (letter), 324
- Wheel Alignment and Tyre Wear, 927
- Wheels, Driving, High, 199
- — Resilient, Trial of, 101
- White and Poppe Carburetter, 193
- — Experience, 60
- — on Aeroplanes, 924
- — Cup offered by, 476, 514, 536
- — Engine, New Type (illustration), 488
- — Engines, 607
- — City for the Show, 814
- — Petrol Car for Fire Dept, in U.S.A., 853
- — Steam Car, Bunjaree Women of
- — Hyderabad in (illustration), 298
- — Governor of Bombay and (illustration), 879
- — 40 h.p., with Cann Body (illustration), 79
- — H.H. the Raja Gudwal of Hyderabad in (illustration), 178
- — Test Run on, 475
- — 40 h.p. Steam Car, President Tuft in (illustration), 165
- — 15 h.p. Steamer in Kothiawar (illustration), 681
- Who was it I 128
- Wilkinson and Partner’s Electric Heater, 956
- Willing and Obliging Servant (letter), 262
- Willison, J. (letter),'262
- Wilson, A. J. (letter), 326
- — Frederick (letter), 451
- — K. M. (letter), 874
- Wilton. F. (letter), 94
- Windover Landaulet Body (illustration), 789
- Wind Screen, Auster, 474
- — Screens for the Winter, 964
- Winter Motor Clothing, Past and Present, 636
- — Trials, Royal Swedish A.C.; 806, 931
- Wire Wheel, Captain, Description of, 833
- — Strains, 758, 818, 850, 877, 909, 927, 975 Tips, 497, 795
- — Wheels, Detachable, with Detachable Flanges, 980
- - Tyre Valves in, 916
- Wiry (letter), 199
- Witness (letter), 484
- W. J. A. (letter), 572
- W. M. (letter), 164
- Woking, Speed Limit Case at, 399
- Wolf and Co.’s Solex Carburetter, Description of, 282
- Wolseley Car in New Zealand, 59
- Wolseley Cars for 1911, Description of, 597
- — 1911 Cars, Group of (illustration), 792
- — Chassis with Flush-sided Body (illustration), 821
- — 12-16 h.p. Car, 914
- — 16-20 h.p. Chassis, Description of, 518
- — 20-28 h.p. 1910 Chassis (illustration), 34
- — 24-30 h.p. Limousine (illustration), 423
- — 50 h.p. Six-cylinder Car for Queen Mother, 272, 273, 390
- — 18-25 h.p. with Flush-sided Body (illustration), 426
- — 18 h.p. with Private Omnibus Body (illustration), 407
- — Motor Sledges (illustration), 308
- — Sledges for Antarctic Expedition. 934
- Wolverhampton A.C. Hill-climb. 370
- Wood, J. C. (letter), 849
- Wood-Milne Steel Rubber Tyre, 644
- Woods, G. Hubert (letter), 929
- — Necessity for True Pivotal Steering, by, 846
- “ World’s Record ” Board at Brooklands, 212
- — Records by Six-cylinder Cars, 164
- Work Done (letter), 486
- Worm Gearing and Back Axle, 522, 602, 786
- - by J. Dalrymple Bell, 433, 602
- Worrall, Alfred (letter), 265
- Would-be Martyr (letter), 451
- Wreck, A, Cause of, 293
- — Humber Car after Fire, 2G2
- Wright, C. C. (letter), 229
- — W. (letter), 605
- Writer of the Article (letter), 849
- W. S. C. (letters), 27, 95, 849
- W. (letter), 197
- W. W. R. (letters), 196, 912
- X. (letters), 352, 786
- X. Y. Z. (letters), 128, 786
- Y. N. Y. S. (letter), 974
- Yorks. A.C. Cripples’ Outing, 135
- — (letter), 926
- Yorkshire A.C., 329, 415
- — Hill-climb at Pateley Bridge, 415
- — Speed. Trials at Saltburn, 10
- Yorkshireman (letter), 851
- Zedel Chassis with Cabriocann Body (illustration), 930
- — 14-16 h.p. Car (illustration), 801
- Zimmermann Radiator, 608 91R4 (letter), 756
Supplementary Index
- Abbots Bromley Horn Dance, July 2nd, 36
- Acetylene Headlights, Sept. 24th. 31
- Across the Sussex Downs, by Henry Moore, Sept. 17th, 33; Sept. 24th,. 33 ; Oct. 1st, 34
- Map of Route, Oct. 1st, 33
- — Wales, from Shrewsbury to the Coast, July 2nd, 32 ; July 9th, 32
- Aerial Flight in England, First, Sept. 10th. 35
- Aluminium Paint for Motor Bodies, Nov. 19th, 31
- — Solder, Nov. 19th. 31
- Armstrong-Whitworth Car, Oct. 15th, 35 ; Oct. 29th, 60 ; Nov. 12th, 8A ; Nov, 19th, 31
- — 25 h.p. Estate Car (illustrations), July 30th, 34
- Arrol-Johnston Brakes, Aug. 13th, 33 ; Sept. 3rd, 31 ; Sept. 24th, 31
- — 15.9 h.p. Car, Dec. 31st, 33
- Aster Engine, Carburetter for, July 9th, 31
- Austin Cars at Paris Show, Dec. 3rd, 42
- — 7 h.p. Car, Sept. 24th, 32
- Australia, Motor Cars for, July 23rd, 34
- Back Panel on Front Seats, Nov. 5th, 85
- Batteries, Frothing of, Sept. 3rd, 31 ; Dec. 31st, 33
- Belsize, 14-16 h.p. Car, Dec. 24th, 33
- Birmingham to the North, July 16th, 39 ; July 30th, 40
- Bosch Sparking Plug, Aug. 20th, 33
- Both Sides of Somerset, by M. Adeline Cooke, Dec. 17th, 34
- Brakes, Arrol-Johnston, Aug. 13th, 33 ; Sept. 3rd, 31 ; Sept. 24th, 31
- Bridge, Major-General, A Glimpse of Wales, by, Dec. 10th, 40
- — — Through the West Country, by, Dec. 31st, 36
- Brussels Exhibition, Oct. 22nd, 44
- B.S.A. Cars, Sept. 24th, 31
- Cairns Stud Tyre, Nov. 19th, 32
- Cape Colony, Openings in, Oct. 29th, 60
- Captain Detachable Rims, Oct. 29th, 63 ;
- - Nov. 26th, 39
- Carburetter, Sept. 3rd, 31
- — for Aster Engine, July 9th, 31
- - 12 h.p. Humber, Nov. 12th, 7A
- — Zenith, July 30th, 34
- Charron 12-14 h.p. Car, Oct. 15th, 35 : Nov. 12th, 8A
- Chattering Clutch, Nov. 26th, 39 ; Dec. ' ' 3rd, 37
- Choked Petrol Supply, July 30th, 34
- Clutch Trouble, Nov. 26th, 40
- Coaching Days and W'ays, July 30th, 39
- Cooke, M. Adeline, Both Sides of Somerset, by, Dec. 17th. 34
- - Motoring in County Wexford, by, July 30th, 37 ; Aug. 6th, 32
- Cornwall and Devon, Aug. 27th, 33 ; Sept. 10th, 35
- Cowey SuMpenwion, Oct. 15th, 36
- Crabtree, J. h., Breezy Runs in the bancMhlre HUI Country, by, Doc, 31st, 34
- Crossley Clutch Adjustment, Oct. 8th, 31
- — 20 h.p. Car, Nov. 5th, 90 ; Nov. 12th. 7A
- Crowdy Security Bolt, Oct. 8th, 36 Cup Detonating Plugs, Oct. 15th, 35
- Cylinders, Sioc-o, Nov. 19th, 31
- Daimler 1910 15 h.p. Car, Sept. 17th, 31 : Sept. 24th, 32
- Deasy, 25 h.p., Dec. 3rd, 38
- De Dion, Single-cylinder, Nov. 19th, 31 Deflation Alarms, Dec. 3rd, 38 : Dec. 17th, 33
- Delahaye 9-11 h.p. Car, Oct. 29th, 60 ; Nov. 12th, 7A
- Delaunay-Belleville Cars, July 30th, 33 ; Aug. 13th, 33 ; Sept. 3rd, 31
- Dennis Three-quarter Landaulet. (illustration), Nov. 5th, 86
- Detachable Rims, Sept. 3rd, 31
- - Captain, Oct. 29th, 63 ; Nov. 26th, 39
- - Dunlop. Sept. 17th, 31
- — Wire Wheels with Detachable Flanges, Dec. 24th, 33
- Devon and Cornwall, Sept. 3rd, 35
- — East, Motoring in, by Ernest C. Pulbrook, Sept. 3rd, 33
- Dinard, At, with a Motor, by Miss Mary C. Fair, Aug. 27th, 32
- Disc Wheels, Sept 17th, 31
- Double Pole Plugs, Dec. 31st, 33
- Driver’s Seat, Enclosed, Sept. 24th, 31
Driving in a Thunderstorm, Aug. 6th, 31
- Dry Batteries, Nov. Sth, 89 ; Nov. 12th, 7 A
- Dunlop Detachable Rims, Sept. 17th, 31
- East Devon, Motoring in, by Ernest C. Pulbrook, Sept. 3rd, 33
- Eisemann Magneto Co., New Terminal, Aug. 6th, 35
- — Safety Switch, Aug. 27th, 35
- — Sparking Plug, Oct. 29th, 64
- Electric Lighting of Cars, Nov. 5th, 89
- — Side and Tail Lamps, Dec. 24th, 33
- Endurance Inner Tube, Oct. 15th, 42
- English and Welsh Tour, Route for, July 23rd. 41 ; Aug. 6th, 34
- Epicyclic Gears, July 23rd, 34
- Exhaust Whistles, Sept. 3rd, 31 : Nov. 19th, 32
- Fair, Mary C., A Day’s Run in the Lake District, by, Sept. 10th, 32
- — At Dinard with a Motor, by Aug. 27th, 32
- Fenca Convertible Lamp-bracket, Aug. 20th, 33
- Ferries across Forth and Clyde, July 30th, 34
- F.I.A.T. Cars Abroad, Aug. 20th, 33
- Ford 20 h.p. Model T Car, Aug. 13th, 33 ; Sept. 3rd, 31
- Fosse Way, July 2nd. 36
- Franco and Germany, Motor Tour in, by “ X,” Oct. 22nd, 36 ; Oct. 29th, 67 ; Nov. 5thr 93; Nov. 12 th, 124
- France and Spain, Touring in, Sept. 17th 36 ; Oct. 1st, 37
- - Switzerland, A Summer Holiday in, July 16th, 32 ; July 23rd, 37
- — Bringing Car from, Aug. 27th, 33
- Front Wheels, Rocking of, Nov. 19th. 31
- Frost Bogey, Nov. 5th, 85
- Frothing of Batteries, Sept. 3rd, 31
- Garage Reference Book (review), Aug. 27th, 33
- Gear Box Puzzle, Nov. 5th, 85
- Gear?, Epicyclic, July 23rd, 34
- Generator and Headlights, July 2nd. 31
- Goldenlyte Head Lamps, Dec. 24th, 34 : Dec. 31st, 33
- Guildford, Motoring from, Oct. 8th, 32
- — to Midhurst, by Charles T. W. Hirsch. Sept. 10th, 34
- Harrogate to Towyn, July 16th, 39
- Head Lamps, Goldenlyte, Dec. 24th, 34 : * Dec. 31st, 33
- Heating Motor House, Nov. 26th, 39
- Hereford to the Coast, by John LI. Warden Page, Aug. 13t,h, 35 ; Aug. 20th, 30
- Hirsch, Charles T. W., Guildford to Midhurst, by, Sept. 10th, 34
- Horn Dance at Abbots Bromley, July 2nd. 36
- Horse-power of Steam Cars, July 30th, 34
- Humber, 12 h.p.. Carburetter for, Nov. 12th, 7A
- - 1910 Car, Sept. 3rd, 32 ; Dec. 31st. 33
- — 16 h.p. 1910 Car, Oct. 15th, 35; Nov. 12th, 8a; Nov. 26th, 39
- Incorporated Institution of Automobile Engineers, Graduates’ Section, Oct. 29th, 64
- India, Motor Cars for, July 16th, 31 ; July 23rd, 34 ; Aug. 20th, 32
- Inspection Pits, “ Luna ” Steel, Aug. 27th. 35
- Itala Automobiles, Ltd., Oct. 22nd, 44
- Kettleby Hill-climb, July 23rd, 33
- Kirkstone Pass, Nov, 26th, 39
- K.T. and Lynton Wheels, Sept. 3rd, 31
- — Tyres, July 9th, 31 ; July 30th, 33 :
- Nov. 26th, 39
- Kuvershield, by Acre Rubber Co., Aug. 6th, 35
- La Buire 15 h.p. Car, Aug. 13th, 33
- Lake District. A Day’s Run in, by Mary C. Fair, Sept. 10th, 32
- Lakes, The, July 2nd, 36
- Lamp-bracket, Convertible, Feuc&^Aug.
- Lamps, Oil Side, Oct. 15th, 36
- Lancashire Hill Country, Breezy Runs in, by J. H. Crabtree, Dee. 31st, 34
- Lancia Cars, Nov. 12th, 8A ; Dee. 24th, 33
- Lanchester, 48 h.p.. Sept, 41th. 31
- Le Gui Cars OH. iMh. 35; OH 291 h. 60
- Lever Spring Suspension, July 9th, JI . July 16th. 31 : July 23rd. 34^.1uly
- Licences. A UR. 47 th. 31
- Liners for Tyres. Oct . 15t h. 35
- Lodge Two-pole Plugs, Sept. 17th, 32
- London to StrathpetTer on a Two-seater, Deo, 24th, 36
- " Luna '* Stool Inspection Pits. Aug. 27th, 3 5
- Map Case. Nov. ‘26th. 39
- - Startini New Models. Aug. 27th, 36
- Metallurgique Cars. Nov. 26th, 39.
- Michelin Bolt Valve. July 2nd, 31 ; Sept. 17th, 31 ; Sept. 24th, 32
- Mileage, Sept. 17th, 31
- Mills Economiser, Dec. 24th, 33
- Minerva-Silent Knight, Oct. 29th, 60
- Minerva 25 h.p. 1909 Car, Nov. 19th, 32
- Model T Ford Car, 20 h.p. Aug., 13th, 33
- Moore, Henry, Across the Sussex Downs by, Sept. 17th, 33 ; Sept. 24th, 33 ; Oct. 1st, 34
- Nelson Sparking Plug, Oct. 1st, 38
- Non-skid Covers, July and, 31
- Norfolk Broads, by John LI. Warden Page,
- Nov. 19th. 33 : Nov. 26th, 41
- Northern Routes, July 16th, 32
- Oil Side Lamps, Oct. 15th, 36
- Old Covers, Utilising, Oct. 22nd, 44
- Page, John LI. Warden, Articles by, July 2nd, 32 ; July 9th, 32 ; Aug. 13th, 35 ; Aug. 20th, 30 ; Nov. 19th, 33 ; Nov. 26th, 41
- Pearson Cox Steam Car, Oct. 29th, 63
- Petrol Consumption, July 9th, 31 ; July 16th, 31 ; July 23rd, 34 ; Aug. 27th, 31; Sept. 3rd, 31: Oct. 29th, 63
- — Storage of, Oct. Sth, 35
- Phanomobile, Sept. 24th, 31
- Phoenix Car, Dec. 3rd, 37
- Pirelli Tyres, Oct. 1st, 33
- Pit or Pulleys, Aug. 13th, 34
- Poona, Sunbeam Cars in (illustration), July 2nd, 39
- Porlock Hill, Oct. 15th, 36 ; Oct. 29th, 63
- Pulbrook, Ernest C., Motoring in East Devon, by, Sept. 3rd, 33
- “ Push-on ”? Pump Connection, Oct. 15th, 42
- Queries and Replies, July 2nd, 31 ; July 9th, 31 ; July 16th, 31 ; July 23rd, 34 ; July 30th, 33 ; Aug. 6th, 31 ; Aug. 13th, 33 ; Sept. 3rd, 31 ; Sept. 17th, 31 ; Sept. 24th, 31 ; Oct. 1st, 33 ; Oct. Sth, 31 ; Oct. 15th, 35 ; Oct. 22nd, 35 ; Oct. 29th, 60 ; Nov. 5th, 89 ; Nov. 12th, 7A ; Nov. 19th, 31 ; Nov. 26th, 39 ; Dec. 3rd, 37 ; * Dec. 24th, 33
- Removing Scratches, Nov. 19t h, 31
- - Tar Stains, July 9th, 31 Reviews, Aug. 6th, 35 ; Aug. 27th, 33
- - Itiprid Motor Flap, Oct. 29th, 60 ; Nov. 26th, 40
- - Bond Warnings, July 2nd, 31 ; Oct. 29th, 64
- Rover, 15h.p.» 1,900 Milos on a, by Col. W. F. Wyley, Dee. 24th, 35
- — Four-cylinder Car, Nov. 12th, 11A
- — 8 h.p., Third Seat to, Oct. 15th, 35
- — 12 h.p., Experience, Aug. 27th, 31
- Runabout, Small Car Talk, by, Nov. 5th, 85
- Rye and Winchelsea, A Week-end at, by
- Henry Walker, Oct. 15th, 39
- Scottish Tour, Route for, July 2nd, 36 ; July 9th, 39
- Security Bolt, Crowdy, Oct. 8th, 36
- Sediment in Drums of Cheap Oil, Nov. 5th, 85
- Shrewsbury to the Coast, Across Wales, July 2nd, 32 ; July 9th, 32
- Silent-Knight Minerva, Oct. 29th, 60
- Sioco Cylinders, Nov. 19th, 31
- Sizaire-Naudin Four-cylinder Car, Oct. 29th, 60
- Slipping the Clutch, Nov. 26th, 40
- Small Car Talk, bjr Runabout, Nov. 5th, 85
- Solid Tyres, Car on, Oct. 29th, 60
- Somerset, Both Sides of, by M. Adeline Cooke, Dec. 17th, 34
- South Wales A.C. Hill-climb, July 2nd, 39
- Spanner, Quick Adjusting, July 2nd, 39
- Sparking Plug, Bosch, Aug. 20th, 33
- - Nelson, Oct. 1st, 38
- - Protector, Oct. 8th, 36
- - “ Record,” July 2nd. 39
- Special Cars for Cripples, July 23rd, 34
- Spencer-Moulton Rims, Sept. 17th, 31
- Stanley Steam Car, Dec. 24th, 33
- Steam Cars, Nov. 5th, 89
- Horse-power of, July 30th, 34
- Stoewer 10-15 h.p. Car, Dec. 17th, 33
- Storage of Motor Spirit, Oct. Sth, 35
- Strathpeffer, London to, on a Two-seater, Dec. 24th, 36
- Summer Holiday in France and Switzerland, July 16th, 32 ; July 23rd, 37
- Sunbeam Cars in Poona (illustration), July 2nd, 39
- — 12-16 h.p., July 30th, 33 : Aug. 6th, 31; Oct. 15th, 35
- Sussex Downs, Across the, by Henry Moore, Sept. 17th, 33 ; Sept 24th, 33 : Oct. 1st, 34
- - Map of Route, Oct. 1st, 33 Swift 10-12 h.p. Car, Nov. 5th, 89 ; Nov. 12th, 7 A
- — 7 h.p. Car, Sept. 17th, 31 ; Sept. 24th, 31 ; Dec. 3rd, 37
- Switzerland, France and, A Summer Holiday in, July 16th, 32 ; July 23rd, 37
- Talbot 12 h.p. Car, Dec. 24th, 33
- Tar on Varnished Panels, July 16th, 31 Taxes, Newr Car, Aug. 6th, 31
- Test Questions and Answers on Motoring
- (review), Aug. 27th, 33 Thunderstorm, Driving in, Aug. 6th, 31
- Torquay in Winter, by ” X,” Dec. 3rd, 39 ; Dec. 10th, 38
- Tour in France and Germany, by “ X,” Oct. 22nd, 36 ; Oct. 29th, 67 ; Nov. 5th, 93 ; Nov. 12th, 12A
- Touring in France and Spain, Sept. 17th, 36 ; Oct. 1st, 37 Wales, July 16th, 39; July 30th, 40 ; Aug. 13th, 39 ; Sept. 3rd, 36
- Touring Notes, Week-end and, July 2nd, 32; July 9th, 32 : July Kith. 32 ; July 23rd, 37 ; July 30th, 37 ; AUL. 6th, 32; Au«. 13th, 35; Aug. 20th. 30; Aug. 27th, 32 ; Sept. 3rd, 33 : Sept. 10th, 32 ; Sept. 17th, 33 ; Sept. 24th, 33 ; Oct. 1st, 34 ; Oct. 8th, 32 ; Oct. 15th, 39 ; Oct. 22nd, 36 ; Oct. 29th, 67 ; Nov. 5th, 93 ; Nov. 12th, 12A ; Nov. 19th, 33 ; Nov. 26th, 41 ; Dec. 3rd, 39 ; Dec. 10th, 38 ; Dec. 17th, 34 ; Dec. 24th, 35 ; Dec. 31st, 34
- — Queries and Replies, July 2nd, 36 ; July 16th, 39 ; July 23rd, 41 ; Aug 13th, 39 ; Aug. 20th, 33 ; Aug. 27th, 33 ; Sept. 3rd, 35 ; Sept. 10th, 35 ; Sept. 17th, 36 ; Sept. 24th, 35 ; Oct. 1st, 37
- Turner-Miesse Steam Car, Nov. 12th, 8A
- Twitched Tyre Tester, Oct. 29th, 64
- Tyre Fillings, Dec. 31st, 33
- — Stud, Cairns, Nov. 19th, 32
- — Tester, Twitched, Oct. 29th, 64
- — Wear, Nov. 19th, 32 ; Nov. 26th, 40 ; Dec. 24th, 34
- Tyres and Rims, Nov. 12th, 8A
- — K.T., July 9th, 31 ; July 30th, 33
- — Liners for, Oct. 15th, 35
- — Pirelli, Oct. 1st, 33
- Utilising Old Covers, Oct. 22nd, 44
- Valve Springs, Sept. 17th, 31
- Wales, A Glimpse of, by Major-General Bridge, 40
- — Touring in, July 16th, 39 ; July 30tli, 40 ; Aug. 13th, 39 ; Sept. 3rd, 36
- Walker, Henry, A Week-end at Rye and Winchelsea, by, Oct. 15th, 39
- Warmth and Sunshine, Seeking, Sept. 24th, 35 ; Oct. 1st, 37
- Water Charges on Motorists, Aug. 6th, 31
- Week-end and Touring Notes, July 2nd, 32 : July 9th, 32 ; July 16th, 32 ; July 23rd, 37 ; July 30th, 37 ; Aug. 6th, 32 ; Aug. 13th, 35 ; Aug. 20th, 30 ; Aug. 27th 32 ; Sept. 3rd, 33 ; Sept. 10th 32 ; Sept. 17th 33 ; Sept. 24th, 33 p Oct. 1st, 34 ; Oct. Sth, 32 ; Oct. 15th, 39 ; Oct. 22nd, 36 ; Oct. 29th, 67 ; Nov. 5th, 93 ; Nov. 12th, 12A ; Nov. 19th, 33 ; Nov. 26th, 41 ; Dec. 3rd, 39 ; Dec. 10th, 38 ; Dec. 17th, 34; Dec. 24th, 35; Dec. 31st, 34
- Welsh and English Tour, Route for, July 23rd, 41 ; Aug. 6th, 34
- — Roads, Aug. 13th, 39 ; Aug. 27th, 33
- — Tour, Route for, July 23rd, 41 ; Aug. 6th, 34 ; Aug. 13th, 39 ; Aug. 20th, 33
- West Country, Through the, by Major-General Bridge, Dec. 31st, 36
- Wexford County, Motoring in, July 30th, 37 ; Aug. 6th, 32
- Winter at Torquay, by “X,” Dec. 3rd, 39 ; Dec. 10th. 39
- Wolseley 12-16 h.p. Car, Dec. 3rd, 37 ; Dec. 24th, 33
- Wye Valley, Tour in, July 16th, 39 ; Aug. 6th, 34
- Wyley, Col. W. F., 1,900 Miles on a 15 h.p. Rover, by, Dec. 24th, 35
- “ X,” Torquay in Winter, by, Dec. 3rd, 39 ; Dec. 10th, 38
- Zenith Carburetter, July 30th, 34