1915 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar Index - 1914 Jul-Dec - Volume 33.
- AA 20168 (letter), 207
- A.A. and M.U. Cork Office and St. John Ambulance Association, 130
- - Map of Roads Damaged by Military Traffic, 538
- — Police Signals, 466
- — Edinburgh Office for Recruiting Purposes, 130
- — Members and Prosecutions, 209, 235
- — Patrol, Work of, 50
- — — Organisation, Personnel of, 672
- — Scouts and Enlistment, 216, 446
- — To Members of (emergency work), 456
- A.A.W. (letter), 22
- A.-B. Accessories, Three, 115
- A.B.C. of Tyre Manufacture, 330-335
- Abnormal (Conditions Affecting Roads, 244
- A.C. (letter), 152
- AC 1973 (letter), 435
- Accessories and Replacements, 384
- Accident to Sheffield-Simplex Car near Welwyn, Herts, 130
- Accidents in Darkened London, 13, 45
- — — London, 180
- Accumulator Charging, 211, 703
- Accumulators, Charging,
- Acetol Carbon Remover, Acetylene, Bottled, 201
- — Condenser, Home-made,
- — r. Electricity, 593
- — Gas as a Motive Power,
- Achilles Carburetter, Description of, 715
- Acme Pedal Covers, 466
- AD 95 (letter), 100
- Adams, H. (letter), 129
- Adjustable Driving Seats, 151
- — Spring Suspension, Patent by O. D. North, 347
- Adjustment of Houdaille Shock Absorbers, 263
- Advanced Ignition and Backfiring, 106
- Advertisements, Biblical Quotations in, 392
- — Motor Schools and Mechanical Transport Drivers. 323, 384, 464, 493
- Advertisers' Announcements, Censorship of, 320. 361, 385
- Advice from Tyre Manufacturers, 367
- A.E.J. (letter), 103
- Aero Engine, Influence of the, 586
- A.R.T. (letter), 358 After the War, 497
- — Six Months’ Rest, 636
- Agent, An (letter), 383
- A.H. (letter), 234
- Air Devices, Extra. 36^
- — Leakage in Petrol Engines, 503
- — Valve, Extra. Patent by A. E. Garbutt, 708
- AK 9 (letter). 289
- Albion Chassis fitted up as a Bacteriological Laboratory, A 25 h.p. (illus.), 429
- Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., and T. B. Murray,
- - Patent by, Monobloc Cylinder Casting, 34?
- - - (letter), 322
- Alcohol as Fuel in War Time, 5
- — Motor Fuel Committee. 549
- Alcoholic Substitutes for Petrol, 672
- Alda 15 h.p. with Coupe Body (illus.), 217
- Alexander (letter), 361
- Alford and Alder, Four-seated Coupe Body by (illus.), 617
- Alldays Commercial Chassis, Water Cart on (illus.), 707
- Alldays and Onions. Ltd., Increased Prices, 534
- Alliance of Petrol and Steam (illus.), 146
- Allies, Motor Ambulances for the, 188
- All-weather Body, An, 403
- — on 16-20 h.p. Wolseley Chassis (illus.), 643
- Alpine Climbs in Yorkshire, 285, 361
- — Eagle Rolls-Royce, Description of, 645
- Alternating Current, Charging Batteries from, 184, 287, 292, 326
- Amateur (letter), 360
- Ambulance, Cadillac, for Royal Bucks. Hospital (illus.), 25
- — Cars, British, for French Wounded. 70
- — — Presented by City of London to Empress of Russia, 78
- — Construction Commission, Prizes for Improvements in Design. 44
- — Dennis, for London C.C. (illus.), 223
- — Drivers, Lady, 730
- — Motor Convoy for French Military Service (illus.), 174
- — — in France. Impressions of Driver, 222
- — Siddeley, for German South-West Africa (illus.), 78
- — Six-cylinder Studebaker Car (illus.), 96
- — Special, on 18 h.p. De Dion Chassis (illus.), 319
- — Sunbeam Presented by Cheshire Hunt (illus.), 70
- — Work with the French Army, 371. 542. 692
- Ambulances. Cadillac, for Australian Expeditionary Force (illus.), 168
- — in Egypt, Crossley (illus.), 422
- — Motor, for the Allies, 188
- — — from Ladies of Great Britain. 210
- — Organised by Yorkshire A.C. (illus.), 221
- America, Motor Shows in, 25
- — Why we Can’t Compete with. 65
- American and the Imperial Gallon, 289
- American Automobile Practice, Design at New York Show,
- — Car Exports, 38, 68, 592
- — Cars, Purchase of, 234, 242,
- - Vibration on, 24, 46, 76,
- - Tendencies of
- — Competition. 53
- — Fuel, New, Tests of, 16
- — Grand Prix Race, Result of, 247
- — Races for 1915, 199, 210
- — Spare Parts, 259, 288, 322, 361, 383, 436
- — Supplies Co., Ltd., 388
- — Tyre Exports, 610 A.N.A.E.C. (letter), 434
- Anderson, W, Duncombe (letter), 360
- Anglo-Norman (letter), 233
- Another Enquirer (letter), 127
- — Ford Owner (letter), 102
- Anti-Arminius (letter), 153
- Aphobos Tyre Protector, 654
- Appeal for Motor Transport Drivers, 520
- Appearance, 126
- Argo, The 10 h.p., Description of. 632
- Argyll Single-cylinder Car, A Twelve-year-old (illus.), 569
- Ariel Car, A New Light, 370
- Armoured Oar by Guy Lewin, Ltd. (illus.), 39
- - Mors (illus.), 362
- — Motor Cars Used by Belgians at Ypres (illus.), 69
- Army Service Corps Comforts, 84
- Aron, E. and H., Patent by. Improved Jack, 708
- Arrol-Johnston, Ltd., Workmen in Khaki, 684
- Arterial Roads of London, 627
- A.S.C. Special Tractor for Rough Ground (illus.), 488. 526
- — Mechanical Transport, 45, 103, 104,
- — Officers, Status of. 550
- — Private in (letter), 637
- — Recognition of the, 469, 522, 580
- Asiatic Petroleum Co., 38
- Athenaeum Club. Bianchi Ambulance presented by (illus.), 386
- Aulton, F. Percy (illus), 694
- Austin Armoured Cars in Russia. 290
- - 15 h.p. at Banshankari, India (illus.),
- — Second-Lieut. Vernon James, Death of,
- — W. R. (letter), 637
- Australia, Across, by Motor Car, Trip Francis Birtles, 99
- — Chauffeur’s Wages in, 384
- — (letter). 608
- — Price of Motor Cars in, 608
- Australian Expeditionary Force, Cadillac Ambulances for (illus.), 168
- — Fuel, Gasolette, 154
- — Imperial Force, Motor Cars, Motor Cycles, etc., for. 104
- — Motor Trade, The. 532
- Austria-Hungary, Shortage of Petrol in, 193
- Auto Blow Lamp, The, 621
- Autocar Circulation, The. 711
- Auto-Carriers, Ltd., London Address, 734
- Autoclipse Lamps, 700
- Automatic Ignition Control, Patent by F. H. Royce and Rolls-Royce, 628
- Autometer, The Warner, 360
- Automobile Co., Ltd., Bombay, 364
- — Engineer (letter). 233
- ~ Manufacturer and Die War, 218
- Automobiles and the
- Auto-trembler, The,
- Avon Tyres, 182
- AX 331 (letter), 76
- — 394 (letter), 286
- B A. (letter). 323. 553
- Baby Peugeots, Two (illus.). 50
- Back Draught on Coupe, 669
- Backfiring, Advanced Ignition and, 106
- Bacteriological Laboratory Car. 25 h p. Albion Chassis fitted up as a (illus.), 429
- — — Motor for War Office, 78, 91
- Badger (letter), 665
- Badges, by Chas. G. Harper, 421
- Bad Roads and Military Traffic, 627
- Baker, A.S.C., M.T., Pte. T. W. (letter), 637
- — Rim Co., Ltd. (letter). 731
- Balance Gear, Defects of the. 214
- Ball Bearings, British-made, 351
- — — New Departure. 405
- — — Scarcity of, 143
- — — Some Notes on, 125
- Ball. George. Ltd. (letter), 179, 233
- Banking. Industrial. 39
- Barnfather Pump. The. 485
- Barimar Domed Mudguards,
- — Ltd (letter), 102
- — Mudguards and Radiators,
- Barnes, W. (letter), 731
- Barnett, F. Gurney (letter),
- Barron Travelling Cooker with Touring Car (illus ), 236
- Barry, L. (letter). 730
- Bartleet- Albert (letters), 23. 101
- Bashford, IT. L. (letter). 493
- Bassano, Chas. W. (letters), 209. 261
- Bass. E. J (letter), 666
- Bates, A. G. (letter), 322
- Bath Road Reconstruction. 265
- Bathroom, Motor. B H.S., 344
- Batteries. (Charging from Alternating Current.
- — Noden Valve for, 184, 287, 292, 326 212, 405 630 465
- — in Germany, 689
- — Limited SuppB- of, 671
- — Use of. 731
- Berliet Car with Touring Body Converted to Cabriolet Body (illus.), 705
- — 22 h.p. 1910 Car (illus.), 244
- Berriman. .4. E., Steering Pillar Adjustment, Patent by. 628
- — — — Control Pedals. Patent by, 708
- Berwick, F. W. and Co.. Ltd.. Patent by, Self-adjusting Steering Gear, 42
- B.H.S. (letter), 49
- — Motor Bathroom, 344
- Bianchi Ambulance presented by the Athenaeum Club to French Red Cross Service (illus.), 386
- Biblical Quotations in Advertisements, 392
- Bickford. J. S. V., Air Leakage in Petrol Engines, by. 503
- Billets and Deportations, by Charles G. Harper, 250
- Bills and the Hire Purchase System, 211
- Binks, C. (letter), 635, 729
- — Three-jet Carburetter. 495. 715,
- Birtles, Francis, Trip by, Across by Motor Car, 99
- BK 788 (letter), 177
- Blacken, To, Cape Cart Hood, 181
- Black Mountain, Over the, by C. L.
- Blakeborough, J. Fairfax, Article by,
- Bleriot, Ltd. (letter). 46
- Bluebeard (letters), 77, 151
- Board of Trade Report for 1914, Traffic, 108
- Boat Body Construction, Patent by Labourdette. 430
- Bodies, Cheap Rotund, 661
- — Standard Type, 453
- Body, Convertible, Low, Description of, 280
- — Design and Construction, 403
- — Maker (letter), 151
- Bodywork Construction, Patent by G. W. Eastwood, 70S
- Boileau, Victor H. (letter), 465
- Boilerine. 528
- Roiling Water (letter). 359
- Bombay. Red Cross Car in (illus.), 369
- Bonython, John (letter). 664
- Boot. Jesse (letter). 232 _
- Bosch, R., Patent
- Breaker. 20
- Botha. General, with ruins.), 290
- Boulogne. London to. Bowden Extra Air Inlet, 727
- Bowler. P. H., Hint and Tip by. 29
- Bradford Motors, Ltd. (letter). 235
- Brake Design, Patent by, Lancia and Co., 202
- — Lining, Raybestos. 1*8
- — Wear of Light Cars. 118
- Brakes, Curing Noisy, 443
- — Exposed Rear. 489
- — Rear Axle, 65
- Bramco. Ltd. (letter). 493
- Brass. Lacquer for. 237
- — Untarnishable, 370
- Bread Lorry. Touring Car as (illus.), 104
- Brewer. Robert W. A., Paper by, Running Costs of Motor Vehicles, 249
- Bridges. How I Freed the, by Joseph Taylor (review). 180
- Briscoe Car, Description of the 15-20 h.p , 427, 468
- British-made Pall Bearings.
- British Motor Industry and
- — Officers in Paris fillus.), 324
- — Roads in 1915, 413
- ~ Supplies of Components, 490
- — Trade. Encouragement of. 550
- Briton Cars. 10-12 and 14-16, 468
- Broadfoot, Lake (letter). 465
- Broken in the War, 394
- — Men. A Fresh Start for, 389, ^34. 490
- Brolt Dynamo Lighting System, 73
- Brooklands and the War. 487
- — Race Meetings, Provisional Dates for, 193
- Brown Bros., Ltd., Australian Agency, 612
- — T. (letter), 259
- Bryan. L. S. (letter). 360
- B.T. 1313 (letter), 636
- Bucknill, J. T. (letter), 207
- Buick-Bedford Booklet, 528
- Buick 15-18 h.p. Car, Description of, 66
- Bulb Tints for Dimming Lights, Orno, 452
- Bullivant, F. (letter), 579
- “Bulls and Blunders’’ (review), 262
- Burgess, W. E. (letter), 286
- Burnett Tyres, New Offices, 556
- Burridge, Ernest C. (letter), 75
- Bushby, J. B. (letter), 579
- Business in France, 616
- Butler, G. (letter), 77
- Buttons, Cleaning Brass, 433 Buyers,
- English 'Manufacturers and Colonial. 423, 492
- Bypass Control Carburetter, 443
- Cadbury. (Earner Lorry Presented of Friends’ Relief Committee (illus.), 410
- to Society by Mr.
- Cadet System as an Equaliser. 470
- Cadillac Ambulance for Royal Bucks. Hospital (illus.), 25
- — Ambulances for Australian Expeditionary Force. 163
- — Eight-cylinder Car, Description of, 16*1 Trial of, 233
- Cafes for Motorists, 24
- Cairo, Motoring in, 439
- — Motors in, 699
- Calcott Light Car, The 10.5 h.p., 533
- Calcutta, 11.9 h.p. Phoenix Car in (illus.), 97
- Californian Road Race, Corona, 8
- Calthorpe Cars, Price of, 264
- — Lighting Theory, A, 432
- — Motor (3o., Ltd. (letter), 695
- Cam Design, 41
- Campbell, James, Lancs. A.C. (letter), 437
- Canada, Motor Industry in, 210
- Canadian Motor Fuel, Paper by Cunningham Craig, 124
- — — Transport {illus.), 13
- Can a Motor Car be Bewitched ? 574
- Caucasus, Motors in the, 693
- — Consular Report re Petrol in, 732
- Cantilever Spring, Compensated, Wolseley System, Details of, 59-64
- Cape Cart Hood, First (illus.), 192 To Blacken, 181
- Carbon Deposit, Piston Design and, 463. 523. 551, 579, 634
- Removing, 673
- — Removal. Water for, 177, 207, 259, 635
- — by Eric W. Walford, 96
- — Scraping Toots, 79
- Carbonisation, Gear Changing and, 530
- — of Engines, 607
- — More About, 518
- — Rapid, 453
- Carbotron Stoves, Fuel Carburation, 258, 287,
- — Basic Principles of.
- Carburetter Accessories, 727
- — Adjustment, 106
- — Bypass Control, 443
- — Design, Patent by Anon, des Automobiles Delaunay-Belleville, 347
- — for Flanders Car, 411, 439, 555
- Ford Car, 387, 467 1911 15 h.p. Napier, 131, 155
- — — 18 h.p. Rover. 467 12-16 h.p. Sunbeam. 155
- Humber Car, 79 Morris-Oxford Car, 181
- — The B. and B., 400
- — — Binks Three-jet, 495
- Carburetters, Detail Descriptions of Modern. 714
- — European and American, 702
- — Renault, 415
- — Zenith. 212
- Carden Engineering Co., Ltd. (letter),
- for, 80 553, 673 702
- Some
- Car Construction, Some Points in, 126
- — without a Flywheel, A. 599
- Cars for the Colonies, 667
- — in Retirement, Famous, 577
- Cartwright, R., Ambulance Work with
- French Army, by. 371, 542, 692
- — — The Motor Ambulance in France, 286. 360
- the
- by. 223 by,
- Cary. C. E.. and W. T. Case, Patent Soring Leaf Lubrication, 202
- C.A.S. (letter). 609
- Castellain, M.A.. H. G. P. (letter), 552
- Catalogues and Booklets Received, 26, 52, 326
- C.A.V. Electric Lighting and Engine-starting Sets (illus.), 518, 519
- C.C. (letter), 579
- C.E.G.H. (letter), 46
- Censorship of Advertisers’ Announcements. 320, 361. 335
- Central Gear Lever, by E.N.D., 318
- — Steering. 365
- Centre of Gravity. High v. Low, 462
- Ceylon. Annual Meeting of Auto Club, 732
- C.H. (letter), 320
- Chain, New Coventry. Silent 58
- Challenge Adjustable Heel Rest, 13
- Chance, G. R. I. {htteij. 581
- Change in the Menu, A, by Chas. G. Har’'>pr. 477 202 733
- — Speed Gear, Patent by E. W. Thomas.
- Changing Down on 12 h.p. De Dion, 527,
- Charging Accumulator. 211
- — Batteries from Alternating Current, 287. 292, 184. 326
- Chasing Rebels by Motor Car, South Africa, 110, 138
- Chauffeur-Mechanic (letter). 465
- Chauffeurs and Munition Factories, 368
- — Employment for, 49, 77
- Chauffeurs’ Wages in Australia. 384
- Cheap Fuel for Motor Cars, 635, 729
- — Imitations. 24, 49, 102, 129
- Chemistry of Petroleum and its Substitutes (review), 278
- Chicago, Motor Race Track for, 25
- Childs, W. IT. W., Patent by, Valve Cap Tool,
- C.H.R. (letter), G97
- Church Army Ambulances, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Cigarettes for British Red Cross Drivers,
- Circular Washers, Cutting, Hint on, 109
- Circumvent the Thief, To, 514
- Citroen, Lieut., Driving Mors Car on Active
- Service (illus.), 122
- Civilian National Reserve, Motor and Motor Cycle Section, 71
- Civilisation and a Suggested Antidote, 84
- Clare, F. J. (letter), 127
- Claudel-Hobson Carburetter, Extra Air for, 439
- Dedication (illus.). 692
- by 437
- — — Description of, 716
- — Throttle Stop, 559
- Cleaning Brass Buttons, 433
- — Car, Hints on, 267
- Clee, C. R. (letter), 490
- Clutch, A Chattering, 555, 699 Fierce, 703
- — Curing a Fierce, 391
- Clutches, Multiple-disc, 158
- Clyde 16 h.p. 1915 Model Car (illus.), 160
- C.M.U.A. Pocket French - English - German
- Dictionary, 46'6
- Coal Gas as Fuel for Automobiles, by J. H. Lester, 279
- Coil Clutch, A Simple, Patent by Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 628
- Cold, To Keep Out, 55
- — Weather, Engine Starting in, 241, 259, 287
- Cole, W. H. (letter), 359 Collard, George (letter), Collision, Motor Car and
- — — — — Omnibus, 104
- Colonial Buyers, English 552
- Horse Vehicle, 78
- Manufacturers and, 423
- — — Thought for, 100
- — Cars, Useful Fitting for, 215
- — Motorists* Convenience, For, 179
- — Wolseley, 16-20 h.p., for Australia
- Colonies, Cars for the, 667
- Columbia, Motoring in British, 552
- — Power Units, Description of, 282
- Combined Petrol Can and Filler, 67
- Combination Covers on Light Cars, 284
- Comedy and Tragedy, by Charles G. Harper, 35
- Comfort (letters), 24, 550
- — in the Car, 603
- Comforts, Army Service Corns, 84, 137
- — for Motor Transport Men, 409
- Commandeering Motor Factories, 293, 383
- — of Engineering Factories, Motor Manufacturers’ Opinions, 311, 345 _
- Comparative Tyre Tests, Covers, 71, 81, 153
- Comparisons. 76, 436, 464
- Compensated Cantilever System, Details of, 59,
- Competitions, Chief, of 1914, 1
- Complaints against Char-a-banc Drivers, 597
- Components, British Supplies of, 490
- Compression, Unequal, 555
- Conscientious Scruples, 216
- Construction, Body Design and, 403
- Consumption and Tyres, Fuel, 358, 407
- Continental and British Rules of the
- Cord and Canvas Snring, Wolseley 64
- Road, 704
- — Motor Touring after the War, 186
- Control Details, Plea for Universality E.N.D., 318
- — Pedals, Patent by A. E. Berriman,
- Conversion of Ford Head Lights, 263, 291
- of, by 703
- Convertible Body, Low, Description of, 280
- Conveyance of Wounded Soldiers, London District, 324
- — — Midland A.C. and, 192
- Volunteer Motor Mobilisation Corps, 236
- Conybeare, H. G. M. (letter), 580
- Cooker, Travelling, Barron, and Touring Car (illus.), 236
- Cooke, Stenson (letters), 235, 409
- Cooling, Pump v. Thermo-syphon, 286. 321, 352, 359, 382, 406. 432, 435, 463, 523
- — — by Eric W. Walford, 230, 395
- Cooper, T. B. (letter), 581
- Cord and Canvas Covers, Comparative Tyre Tests. 71, 81, 153
- Cordia Myxa, Puncture-sealing Substance, 226
- Cork Carburetter Floats, Treatment of, 215
- Corner Work. More 2\bout, 97
- Corona Road Race, California, Report
- Correspondence, 21, 46, 176, 206, 232, 258, 400, 434, 462, 490, of, 8 100, 320, 550, 664, 150, 382, 606, 126, 358, 578, 694, 729
- Corrupt Practices, 175
- Cotton, E. W., Patent by. Valve Spring Compressor, 42
- Countisbury Hill. On (illus.), 416, 417
- Country House Club, R.A.C., 354
- Coupe Bodies, Light Cars with, 21
- — The Universal (illus.), 393
- Courant d’Air (letter), 288
- Coventry Engineering Society, Paper by Arthur P. Young, The Magneto, 189
- — Motor Bodies Co., Special Body on F.I.A.T. Car, 242
- — Silent Chain, New, 58
- Cowley Car, Description of 11.3 h.p. Morris, 454
- C.P. Preston Co., The (letter), 100
- CR 1456 (letter), 697
- Craig, Cunningham, Paper on Canadian Motor Fuel. by. 124
- — W. Pitcairn (letter), 320
- Crank Case, Water in, 135
- Crawford, F. (letter), 100
- Crawler Found his Soul, Harper, 539, 565
- Creeke, W. (letter), 209
- Crichton, William (letter),
- Cripple, Helpless, Car for,
- Critical Admirer (letter), 553
- Critic, A Transatlantic, 400
- Croft, W. B. (letter), 206
- Crossley Ambulance, Accident at Station
- Russia (illus.), 116
- in Egypt, 15 h.p, (illus.), 422
- — Field Workshop (illus.), 537
- — Petrol Consumption, 325, 387
- — Touring Cars for War Office, Fleet
- (illus.), 532
- — with Special Military Body, The 20 h.p
- (illus.). 512
- Croydon Police. Protests against, 638
- C.S. (letter). 48
- Cuff Valve Engine, Patent by Crossley Motors. Ltd., and A. W. Reeves, 20
- Cumarone in Benzole, 379
- Cunard Body on 30-35
- Napier (ilhis.), 298
- Cundy, F., Patent by, A
- How, by Chas. 24 74, 232
- G.
- in
- of
- h.p. Six-cylinder
- Back Windscreen. 420 471
- Cure for Coarse Punning,
- Curing a Fierce Clutch, 391
- — Noisy Brakes, 443
- Curran-Thomas Rotary Poppet Valve, The, 604
- Curren, C. A. V. (letter), 235
- Cut-out, A Sparking Plug. 433
- Cuts in Tyres. Stopping, 385
- Cylinder Heads, Detachable, 593 Cylinders. Liners in, 263
- — Multiplying. 613. 618
- — Sooted Front, 703
- Cyprus, Government of, and Tender for Motor Mail Service, 236
- Czar of Russia and his Rolls-Royce Cai' (illus.), 493
- Daily Chronicle, Where Lighting Restrictions arc in Force, 308
- Daimler Car for Lord Mayor of Manchester, 30 h.p. (illus.). 483
- — 15 h.p, Knight-, 387
- — 20 h.t), with Special Body by Warren and Co. (illus.), 186
- — 39 h.p. Six-cylinder (illus.), 25
- — Special Six-cylinder for Maharaj Rana of Dholpur (illus.), 96
- Daimlerer (letter), 178
- Daley, Fred (letter), 434
- Danger of Speed Limit Signs. 552
- — Signs on a Tree (illus.), 368
- Dangers of Horse and Motor Traffic, The Relative, 547
- Darlington a County Borough, 410
- Darracq. 16 h.p. Car, 51
- — with Disc Wheels, Sporting 16 h.p. (illus.). 424
- Dash Fittings, Countersunk, for Light Cars, 113
- — Patent by, Carburetter Debian, 347
- Denmark, Prohibited Exports from. 124 Dennis Ambulance for London C.C. (illus.). 223
- — Car with Special Body for Greek Government, 269
- — M. J, C. (letter). 22
- Derouet. C.. and C. Parbury, Patent by. Three- speed Gear and Double Direct Drive, 42
- Descend Steep Hill Backward?. To. 23
- Design and Construction. Body. 403 of Various Makes of Tyres. 336-34,3
- — — the Rule of the Road Motor Car, 731
- — Improvements in. Ambulance Construction Commission, 44
- — What About, 529, 606. 635. 694
- Despatch Riding, Demonstration of Value for,
- Light Car versus Motor Cycle, 93
- Destroyed Roads, 319 Destruction of Roads, 578
- Detachable Wheels for Ford Cars. 387
- Details, The, The Orphans’ Brigade, by Charles G. Harper. 56
- Detroit, Car Thieves in. 438
- Deuchar, W. R. (letter), 578
- Devonshire Motor Road, A New, 449
- — Roads, 631
- Dew and Co., A. -T., 440
- — Tyre-saving Jacks, PO, 313
- De Wet, Kemp and. Pursuit of. By Special Motor Transport Corps, 110, 138, 171. 313
- D.F.P. Sporting Model, 12-15 h.p., 411, 495, 99
- — Speed Model, 12-40 h.p., 460
- — — — — with Coupe Body (illus.), 461
- Dickinson Car Washer, Variable Pressure Hose Nozzle, 118
- Differential Problem Again, 213, 260, 286, 320, 352, 359, 409, 434
- — The Wetherell Gearless, 419, 463
- Dimming of Head Lights, 46, 625
- Dr. Low’s System, 18
- — — Side Lamps, 255, 310
- — Switch, A.-B., 115
- Dirty Engines, Prime Cause of, 475, 593
- Discounts to Private Individuals, 235
- Disgusted (letter), 75
- Disintegration of Roads by War Transport, 413
- Dixie Magneto, The, 535 597
- DN 463 (letter), 385
- Dobson, L., M.I). (letter), 667
- Dodge Brothers (letter), 436 Agent for British Isles,
- — Car Representation, 25
- Domed Mudguards, Barimar,
- Dominus (letter), 635
- Donovon, Thomas B. (letter).
- Double-acting Engine, The, 697
- Dove-lock Artillery Wheel, 502
- Doyle Automatic Air Valve, The, 663
- Draco (letter), 150 Draycott (letter), 435
- Dreadnought Suspension Tyre, 376, 440
- Dressing for Hood, 467
- Drink Question, Automobiles and the, 416
- Drivers, Mechanical Transport, An opportunity for Enlistment, 45, 429
- — Urgent Need for Motor Transport,
- Driving Experience Desired, 696
- — Inconsiderate, 695
- — Seats, Adjustable, 151
- — System, A Curious, Patent by T. 734 405 232
- Oppor- 520
- Lafitte, 430 Staff at
- Duchess of Westminster and Nursing
- Le Touquet, France (illus.), 116
- Duncan, H. O., The French Motor Industry and the War, by, 353
- — — — Women Workers in French Automobile Factories, 649
- Dunkerque in War Time, by Charles G. Harper, 219
- Dunlop Rubber Co. Increased Prices, 556
- — Twin Tyre Rim, 144
- — Tyres. Features of Manufacture, 658
- Dunn, Thomas (letter), 178
- Dust Trouble, A, 527, 733
- Dutch Military Trial (illus.), 255
- Dynamo Battery and Magneto Ignitions, 203, 258
- — Lighting, The Care of the, by D. H. Ogley, 3
- — The No-cell, 647
- Dynamos, Popularity of, 400
- Early Days, Motoring
- Easter Road Hogs, 437
- Eastwood, G. W, Patent, Bodywork Construction, 708
- Easy Starting and Petrol Economy,
- — — with Magneto, 456
- Economy, Tyre, 358, 696. 730
- Edinburgh State Coach superseded 598
- by Motor. 68 290
- Edison’s Benzole Recovering Plant,
- Edwardson, E. W. (letter), 635
- E.H. (letters), 233, 637
- Eight and Twelve-cylinder Cars, 239, 618
- Eight-cylinder Cadillac Car, Description of, 161 Trial of, 283
- — Design, Problems of, 619
- — Engine, 320
- — — Ferro (illus.), 351
- — — in America, The, 404
- — — Narrower Form of, 92
- — King Oar, Chassis of (illus.), 32
- — — — Description of, 17
- — — Engine of (illus.), 38
- — Knight Engine, 621
- — Petrol Rail Coach, An, 707
- Eight- Cylinders, Advantages of, 618
- — Six Cylinders or, 622
- EL 1794 (letter), 234
- Elephants, the M.T. Section, and Discipline, by Charles G. Harper, 315
- Electrical Fittings, Standardisation of. 552
- — Petrol Tank Gauge, Patent by V. Suchanek,
- 20 Electrically-driven Tyre Pump, 263
- Electric Equipment for Small Cars. 519
- — Equipments and Petrol Consumption, 121
- — Lighting and Engine Starting, 242, 530
- — — Set, The Phonopore, 568
- Electricity and Acetylene, 593
- E.L.M. (letter), 491
- Elusive Rattle, 128
- Emergency’ Work for Motorists, 96
- Employers and Enlistment, 586
- Employment, for Chauffeurs, 49, 77
- — of Ex-soldiers. National Association for, 554
- EN 83 (letter), 579
- Endorsements on Licences of Drivers
- Front, 668
- — for Lighting Offences, 728
- E.N.D., The Central Gear Lever, by,
- English Manufacturers and Colonial at the 318
- Buyers, 423, 492
- Englishman, An (letter). 289
- Enlistment, An Opportunity’ for, Mechanical
- Transport Drivers. 45, 103, 104, 129. 134. 153. 178, 199, 233. 429, 462, 520, 574, 689
- — in the A.S.C., M.T., 586
- Engine, Cuff Valve, Patent by Crossley Motors, Ltd., and A. W. Reeves, 20
- — Eight Cylinder, 320
- — — Ferro (ilius.), 351
- — — Narrower Form of, 92
- — Harding Two-stroke, 47, 150
- Engine Knocking, 314
- — Small, Real Test of, 65
- — Starter and Dynamo, Scott, 142, 182
- — Electric, Smith, 205
- — Starting, Electric Lighting and, 242 in Cold Weather, 241, 259, 287
- — — on the Magneto, 215
- — — without Flooding Carburetter, 471
- ~ Suspension, Patent by Napier, Ltd., 628
- — Two-stroke, 100, 206
- Rotary, by G. Funck {illus.), 197
- Engines, Air Leakage in Petrol, 503_
- — Effect of Bad Benzole on, 245, 320, 409, 618 358, 464
- — Eight and Twelve-cylinder, 239,
- — Interchangeability of. 240
- — Prime Cause of Dirty, 475, 593
- — Radial and Arrow Head, 240
- Engineer, The, as an Artist, 137
- Engineers’ War, An, 256
- Engineering Factories, Commandeering
- Motor Manufacturers’ Oi)inions, 311, 345
- — Works, Men for, 436, 490
- Enquirer (letters), 103, 209, 437
- Esnouf, R. Vernon (letter), 493
- Essex County Volunteer Defence Corps, 221
- Estcourt, E. A. (letters), 551, 695
- E.T.H. (letter), 667
- Exeter to Okehampton, 669
- Exile (letter), 462
- Exley, G. A. (letter), 608
- Experienced
- Experiences (letter), 49 at the Front, of,
- A Motor Driver’s, 371
- — Practical, 694 Expciri-eiitia. Docet (letter),
- Explosion, A Battery Box
- Exposed Rear Brakes. 489
- Exports and Imports, Motor Car, 104. 324
- — Motor Car, American, 38, 68
- — — — Prohibition of. 45
- External Leakage on Sparking Plugs, 46
- Extra, Air, Throttle and, 291, 325 Devices, 363, 495. 733
- Extraordinary Damage, The Road Board and, 557
- Eye-Witness at the Front on Mechanical Transport, 362 578
- (letter), 436
- Facility Rims, 492
- Factories, Motor, Commandeering, 293, 383
- Facts about Roads, Some, 521
- Failure to Pick Up after Changing Gear, 26, 79
- Fairplay (letters), 260, 636
- Famous Cars in Retirement, 577
- Fan-at-Will (letter), 359
- Parnell System, Lubrication of Spring Leaves, 123
- Fast Car, Attraction of a, 631
- F.C.J. (letters), 287, 406
- Fed Up (letter), 260
- Fells, John (letter), 634
- Fenny Stratford Again, 58, 134
- Bench, A Rebuff for, 134
- Fenton. F. G. (letter). 664
- Ferro, Eight-cylinder Engine (illus.), 351
- F.G. (letter), 385
- FH 769 (letter), 46
- F.I.A.T., Description of 12-15 h.p., 447
- — 20-30 h.p. Car (illus.), 28
- — Motor Cab Co., Mercedes-Daimler v.. Patent Action, 229, 548
- — with Special Body by Coventry Motor Bodies Co. (illus.),
- Field of Battle, The, 242
- by Charles G. Harper, 119
- — Service Work, 48 Figgis, A. O. (letter),
- Firestone Tyre Co. Booklet, 640
- Fitting of Petrol Pipes, 391
- Fitzgerald, M. (letters), 151, 235, 288
- Flanders, Carburetter, 411, 439, 555
- Flooding the Carburetter, Engine Starting without, 471
- Floods, Light Car in the, 97, 284
- — Motor Organisations and the, 54
- — Road (illus.), 72
- Flying Services Fund, 148
- F.N. Cars, Wounded. 15
- Foot Starter, The Gemco, 573
- Forder, B. C. (letter), 127
- Ford Accessories, Some New. 576
- — Car, Self-starter for, 79, 363
- — Cars, Barimar Mudguards and Radiators for, 630
- — — Detachable Wheels for, 387
- — — for Hire Work, 669
- — — New Electric Starting-lighting System
- for, 689
- — Chassis, Red Cross Kitchen on (illus.), 180
- — Customer. A Satisfied (letter), 383
- — Engine, Slow Running on, 79
- — Farm Tractor, A, 684
- — Features, New, 633
- — Head Lights. Conversion of, 263, 291
- — Motor Go. (England), Ltd. (letters), 288,
- J61 729 128
- — Owner (E.L.G.) (letter),
- (21574) (letter), 179
- — — (F.J.) (letter), 524
- (j.j.) (letter), 103 (letter). 21
- — Owners, Hints and Tips
- — Pedal Rubbers, 689
- — Repairer (letter), 323
- — Warranty, 103, 127, 151,
- Foreign Cars, Purchase of, ..349
- — Goods Masquerading as British, 257
- — Touring after the War, The Call of South, 296
- Foreman, Works (letter), 359
- Forgetfulness. A Sea of, 385
- Foster, W. (letter). 261
- Four-seated Light Cars. 175
- Frame, A New Form of, 626
- for, 673, 729 209, 235, 288, 493
- the
- France, Motor Ambulance in, Impressions of Driver. 222
- — Possibility of Touring in, 461
- Freeston, Charles L., Where Lighting Restrictions are in Force, by, 308
- — C. I^. (letter), 409
- — — — Over the Black Mountain, 588
- French and Russian Military Motor Supplies, by Horace Wyatt, 228
- — Army, Ambulance Work with Cartwright. 371, 542, 692
- — Automobile Factories, Women by H. O. Duncan, 649
- — Military Peugeot Cars (illus.),
- the, by
- Workers 12
- R.
- in,
- O.
- — Motor Industry and the War, by H. O. Duncan, 353
- — Naval Searchlight on Delaunay-Belleville Chassis (illus.), 180
- — Red Cross, British Ambulance Cars for, 70
- — Service, Travelling Kitchen for (illus.), 222
- Fresh Start for Broken Men, A, 389, 434, 490
- Frictional Nut Lock, 404
- Friedenstein. Death of J., 700
- Front, From the, 260. 289
- — News from the, Letters from R. G. Merry, 43, 122
- — Reminiscences by Owen John, on Eve of Departure for the, 500
- Fuel, American, New, Tests of, 16
- — Australian, Gasolette, 154
- -- Canadian Motor, Paper by Cunningham Craig, 124
- — Consumption, 291
- and Tyres, 358, 407, 436 on Light Cars, 49, 76, 178
- — for Automobiles, Coal Gas as, by J. H. Lester, 279
- — — Motor Cars, Cheap, 635
- — Liquid, from Naphthalene, 176
- — Motor, from Gasworks, 200, 235, 279, 288
- — New, Natalite, 19
- — Tests of a New, 513
- Fuels for Military Motors, 45
- — Motor, Lectures by Prof. Vivian Lewes at Society of Arts, 253
- Funck, G., Two-stroke Rotary Engine by Jllirs.), 197
- Funnel, A Triple Purpose, 602
- F.W. (letter), 551
- Gallieni, General, on 40-50 h.p. Delaunay- Belleville (/ar (illus.), 210
- Gallon, American and Imperial. 239
- Gamage, A. W., Ltd. (letter), 260
- — Spare Petrol Can, 317
- — Windscreen Cleaner, 144
- Garage, A Portable, 420
- Garbutt, A. G., Patent, Extra Valve, 708
- Garner Carburetter. Description of, 717
- — Lorry, Presented by Mr. Cadbury to Friends’ Relief Committee (illus.), 410
- Garnet, Allen F. (letter), 21
- Gas as a Motive Power, Acetylene (letter) 358, 384
- Gasolette, Australian Product, 154
- Gasworks, Motor Fuel from, 200, 235, 279, 288 149 532 662
- Gate Control Patent Action,
- Gates Opened by Electricity,
- Gattrell Vacuum Brake, The,
- Gear Change, Central, 231
- — Changing and Carbonisation, 530
- — — Failing to Pick up after, 79
- — Lever, Central, by E.N.D., 313
- — Locking, Primitive Method of. 214
- — Three-speed and Double Direct Drive, Patent by C. Derouet and C. Parbury, 42
- Gearless Differential, The Wetherell, 419, 463
- Gemco Foot Starter, 573
- Gemmer Steering Gear, 602
- Genuine Shuffler (letter), 464
- Gerard, E. (letter), 667
- German Deserters and Motor Cars, 73
- — Goods in British and Colonial Markets, A Colonial View, 116
- — Spies in French Motor Ambulances, 270
- — Trade During War and /After, 74
- Germany, Lubricating Oil Stocks in,
- Germany’s Shortage of Petrol, 92
- Gift of Tongues, The, by Charles G. Harper, 623
- Glasgow and a Speed Limit, 638
- — (letter), 359
- G.L.E. (letter), 383
- G.M.T. (letter), 152
- Golder’s Green Training Corps, Cars
- Goodrich Tyres, New* Depots, 612
- Goodyear Tyres, 546
- Gordon, F. J. (letter), 729
- Goring, H. (letter), 361
- Go to Father,” 206
- Gouraud, General, 582
- Gradient (letter), 24
- Grand Prix Race, American, 247
- Grant, E, J. R. (letter), 552
- Grants, Road Board, to Highway Authorities, Seventeenth List, 68
- Eighteenth List, 425
- Grease Caps, Oil Reservoirs instead of, for, 25
- — Cups. Spanner, 514
- Gregory, Hugh H. (letter), 384
- Griff, Miss, 584
- Grinding, Poppet Valves, 587, 614
- Grindrod, E. B. (letters), 524, 578, 634
- Grips, Road Wheel, 317
- Guarantee. Mills Jet, 129
- Guayule, Possible Substitute for Guy Lorry Chassis, Three-point pension in, 572 • (illus.) 660
- Rubber, Engine
- H.A. (letter), 408
- Had Once (letter), 22
- Haley, Torn., M T.,A.S C. (letters). 493. 551 693
- Sus- 287. 553
- Half-watt Lamps, by H. M. Wyatt, 172
- Halladay Shock Absorber and Steering Wheel. 604
- Hall-Edwards, J. (letter). 320
- Hampshire Automobile Club, 246
- Hants (letter), 233
- Haphazard Purchasing, 327
- Harding, Bruce (letter), 47
- — Two-stroke Engine, 47, 150
- Hardy, E. J., Patent Universal Joint Ring, 708
- Harmer, Oscar (letter), 385
- Harmonic Evening, The, by Chas. G. Harper. 650
- Harper, Chris. G-, A Change in the 2ilenu, by. 477
- — — — A Day’s Fishing with Pinky, by, 508
- — — — A Raid on the Supplies, by, 365
- — — — A Territorial and Pinky, by, 594 Badges, by, 421
- — — — Billets and Deportations, by, 250
- — — — Comedy and Tragedy, by, 35
- — — Dunkerque in War Time, by. 219
- — — — Her Grace’s Caravan, by, 680
- — — — How Crawler found his Soul, by. 539, 565
- — — London to Boulogne, by. 397
- — — On Elephants, the M.T. Section, : Discipline, 315
- — — Pinky and the Posters, by, 374
- — — — the Lonely Man, by, 169 Poet, 457
- — — Portrait, 355
- — — Royal Naval Air Service, by, 710
- — — Seeking' Trouble, by, 194
- — — Soldiers and Sportsmen Too, by, 10
- — — Stragglers, by, 275
- The Details, the Orphans’ Brigade, by, 56
- and
- - Field of Battle, by, 119
- — — — — (lift of Tongues, by, 623
- — Harmonic Evening, by, 650
- — — — — Tichborne Dole, by, 304
- Harrison, J. V. (letters), 524, 635
- Harvey Frost Booklet, 612
- Hathaway, C. W., Triumph Cycle Co., Ltd., and, Patent by, Plate Clutch Improvement. 20
- Head Lights, Dimming of, 46
- — — — — Dr. Ix)w’s System, 18
- Heater, A Simple Radiator, 378
- — Themorad Exhaust Car, 433
- Heath, George (letter), 209
- Heeley Tyre Pump, 144
- Heel Rest, Adjustable, Challenge, 13
- Hemens, Henry A. (letter), 126
- Henley New Tyre, 73
- — R.E.’s Pontoon Bridge at (illus.), 390
- — Tyres, 106
- Her Grace’s Caravan, by Chas. G. Harper, 680
- Herschell-Spillman Eight-cylinder Engine, 364
- H.G.L. (letter), 320, 408
- H.H. (letter), 406, 523
- High V. Low Centre of Gravity, 462
- — Tension Co. (letter), 259
- Hill-Climbing in Rhodesia, A Colonial Napier (illus.), 571
- Hill-climbs in Yorkshire, 10 h.p. Singer 10 h.p. J.B.S. Cars, 285
- Hill, F. C. (letter), 361
- — J. (letter), 49
- — Miss (letter), 580 Hillman Car, A New, 488
- — W.. Patent by. Coil Clutch, 628
- Hinds, T. (letter), 695
- Hints and Tips, Useful, 135, 158, 184, 215, 367, 391, 415, 443.
- and 109, 329, 587, 3. 29, 55, 83, 241, 267, 295. 471. 499, 531, 614, 642, 673, 703
- Hire Purchase System, Bills and the, 211
- Hitchen-Blaikie, Ltd., Agents for Ferodo, 584
- Hobson Pognon ^Sparking Plugs, 210
- Hoffmann Ball Ltd., Agents for Ferodo, 584
- Bearings, Notes on, 125, 143, 584 (letter), 77
- Holland, Storey
- Hollier Car, The Eight-cylinder, Description of, 563
- Holloway, H. W. (letter), 635
- Home-made Acetylene Condenser, 135
- Homo Welding Co. (letter), 103
- Honeycomb Radiator Patents, Mercedes-Daimler V. F.I.A.T. Motor Cab Co., 229, 548
- Honorary Recruiting Agent (letter), 209
- Hood, Cape Cart, to Blacken, 181
- Hopkins, Pte. H. G. (letter), 730
- Horn, Electric, A. B., 115
- Horns, The Sparton, 448
- Horse and Motor Traffic, Relative Dangers of, 547
- — Transport Compared, Motor and, 533
- Horses, Untrained, on Highwa5' at Night,
- Motorists. 141
- Horstmann Light Car, The, Description of.
- Hose Nozzle, Variable Pressure, Dickinson Washer, 118
- and 655
- Car
- Hospital given by Belgian Workers to the Queen of the Belgian.^, Motor Field (illus.), 652
- — Military, Michelin, 92
- Hotchkiss 40 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, Transport Van in French Army (illus.), 50
- Hotel Charges. 581
- Hot Water^ Starts on Cold Mornings, 135, 215 ” Adjustment of, 263
- Soul, by Chas. G.
- Houdaille Shock Absorbers, How Crawler found Harper, 539, 565 — Motor
- his
- Car- Owners
- can
- Hoy, D.
- Humber
- - — 10
- Help their Country. 45
- (letter), 695
- Humber Car, Carburetter for. 79
- - 10 h.p. Three sealer (illus.), 698
- — Description of the New 10 h.p. 377
- — Field Kitchens for War Office (ilhis), 479
- ~ 10 h.p. Car, 105, 156, 181, 211. 325
- — 11.9 h.p. Petrol Consumption, 237, 291
- — 14 h.p. Car (i’lus). 31
- — Ltd , and J. A. Cole Patent Magneto Switch, 708
- — on Countisbury Hill, 11.9 (illus.), 416-417
- Hupmobile Car in South Africa (illus.), 78
- — Model K. 387
- Hurtu with Four-seated Body, A Standard 14 h.p. (illus.), 690
- Hutchinson, 11. W. (ictter), 409
- Hutcheson, S. J. (letters), 434, 522
- Hyland, Red Cross Ambulance, Bombay, given by Mr. A. (ilhis.), 369
- Ice, Driving over, ignitions, Magneto 41
- and Dynamo-Battery, 203, 258 697
- Ignoramus (letter), , , , Imports. Exports and, Motor Car, 104, 324
- — Petroleum, in 1914. 69
- Improved Forced Feed Lubrication, Patent by, P. A. Poppe, 20
- Improving the Breed, 585
- Impurities, Benzole and its, 379, 490
- Inconsiderate Driving, 695
- India (letter), 179
- Indian Soldiers on Rolls-Royce Car at Hove, Sussex (ilhis.), 117
- Indianapolis 500 Miles Pace, Entries Preliminary Report, 627 Pull Report, 685
- — Track Race, Sleeve Valve Car for,
- Individualities of Tyres, 336-343
- Industrial Banking, 39
- Influence of Racing, 585 the Aero Engine, 586
- Inflation of Tyres, 329, 408, 415
- Ingestre, Viscount, Death of, 70
- Inquirer (letter), 408
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, Petroleum William A. Hall works, 200
- for, 571 569 257
- by 50.
- Technologists, Paper, Motor Fuel from Gas-
- Cunningham Craig. Canadian Motor Fuel, 124
- Insufficient Illumination of Car, Summons for, 410 Plug, 482
- Insulators, Some Notes on Sparking
- Insurance, by “ Runabout," 575 •— on Mileage,' 439
- Interested (letter), 238
- Internal Combustion Turbines, 360,
- Irishmen. 22, 84
- Itala Fabbrica Automobili, Patent by, Oscillating Valve, 347
- — Models, Two New, 461
- — The New 14-20 h.p., 511 406, 463. 492
- Jack, An Improved, Patent Aron, 708
- Jacks, Tyre Saving, Dew, 80,
- James. F. C. (letter), 74
- — Talbot and Davidson, Ltd.
- J.D.M. (letter), 493
- Japanese W.O. Commission port, 668
- Jarrott, Chas, (letter), 101
- J.M Competition, The. 429
- J.B.S., 10 h.p., and 10 h.p. climbs by, 285 313 (letter), 579
- on Army Trans
- Singer Cars, Hill-
- J.C. (letters), 383. 609, 730
- J.C.R. (letter), 152
- J.C.W. (letters), 435. 609
- Jewell. Cor})l. D. T. (letter), 666
- J.D. (letter), 666
- J.D.M. (letter), 287
- J.H. (letter), 234
- J.H.G. (letter), 609
- J.H.H. (letter), 385
- J.M. Shock Absorbers, 319, 364
- Job (letter), 383
- Johnson, H. W. (letter), 153
- Johnston, H., Patent by. Starting Seat, 430
- Joining the Colours, 49, 77, 216, 233,
- Jones, W. Yarworth (letters),
- Joseph. S. (letter), 607
- J.St.L.K. (letter), 22
- J.R.P.
- Junior
- J.W.P.
- K 114
- — 6713 (letter), 288
- — (letter). 463
- K. and W. Liquid Soap, 556
- Kay, H. (letter), 103
- K.B.E. (letter), 695
- Kemp and De Wet, Pursuit
- Motor Transport Corps, 110
- — Tyre Valve, The, 433
- Kendall, Luke (letter), 76
- Kent. A. C., 199
- K.E.W. (letter). 384
- Khaki, Motor Workmen in, 684
- KT 14 (letters), 48, 128
- Kilometre Stones in Lieu of Milestones, 159
- Kimber, Cecil (letter), 258
- King Alfonso of Spain on 30 h.p. Sheffield-Simplex Car (illus.), 200
- — — Eight-cylinder, Chassis of (illcs.), 32 Description of, 17
- — — — Engine of (illus.), 38
- Kitchen, Red Cross, on Ford Chassis (illus.). 180
- — Travelling, for French Red Cross Service, 222
- of. by Special , 133, 171, 313
- K.L.G. (letter), 129
- Knaresborough Application for Speed Limit, 554
- Knight-Daimler. 15 h.p.. 387
- Knight Engine for Indianapolis Race, Porter-, 569 (illus.), 599, 600
- Kobi Tyre, The, 674
- Krebs Carburetter, Description of, 718
- K.L.G.. Sparking Plug, Patent by K. E. Lee Guinness, 202
- L 696 (letter), 208
- Labourdette, J. H., Construction, 430
- Labour for Munition
- — Problem, 157
- Patent by. Boat Body Factories, 444
- Lacquer for Brass, 79
- Lady Ambulance Drivers, 730
- — Driver (letter), 730
- — Drivers. 23, 48, 76. 552
- Lafitte, T., Patent by, A Curious Driving System, 430
- Lagonda, 11 h.p. Car, 237
- Lambert, (L (letter), 522
- Lamp, Magnetic Electric, A-B, 115
- — Position, 80
- Lamps, Half-Watt, by H. M. Wyatt, 172
- — Position of Motor, 507
- — Side, Position of, 267, 320
- Lanchester Car as Lorry (illus.), 226
- — Flexibility, Demonstration of (illus.), 444
- — F. W., Patent by. Temporary Petrol Tank, 708
- — Motor Co. (letters), 523, 551
- Lancia and Co., Patent by, Brake Design, 202
- Leaf Springs, Characteristics of, 504
- Leakage, External, on Sparking Plugs, 46
- — in Petrol Engines, Air, 503
- Leaks Caused by Bad Tappet Adjustment, 587
- Leaky Valve Guides, 29
- Leather and the War, Supplies of, 732
- Leaves from a Sportsman Officer’s Notebook. 690
- Lee-Guinness, K. E., Patent by, K.L.G. Sparking Plug, 202
- Leeper, R. I. (letter), 209
- Lefeuvre. C. G. (letter), 637
- L.E.F. (letter), 665, 697
- Leicester Motor Corps Meeting (illus.), 262
- Leicestershire Roads, 236
- Leigh, Edward (letter), 75
- Leopold of Battenberg, Rolls-Royce Car for
- H.H. Prince (illus.), 357
- Lespinas. E. (letter), 289
- Lester, J. H. (letters), 150. 151, 259
- — J. H., Coal Gas as Fuel for Automobiles, by, 279
- Lewin, Guy, Ltd., Armoured Car by (illus.), 39 Motoring in
- — Mr. Guy, Interview with, U.S.A., 312
- Lewes, Prof. Vivian, Lectures on by, 253
- L.H.H. (letter), 287 635
- L.H. (letter), 635
- Liability for Accident, 640
- Licences, Taxicab, 52
- Life Member of A.A. and 635
- Light Car, Advantages of Engines, Coyness of,
- — — Pistons, 579 Skids, 175 Steering, 41 635
- - Talk, by Runabout, 175, 201, 231, 284, 314, 432, 453, 489, 518, 575,
- Motor Fuels,
- M.U. ( a, 368 400
- (letter), 24 9. 41, 65, 97, 352, 381, 593, 631, 691, 118, 400, 661, . . 709
- - v. Motor Cycle, Value for Despatch Riding, 93, 213
- — Cars, 21, 103, 126, 150, 179, 209, 233
- — — Four-seated, 175
- Fuel Consumption on, 49, 76, 178
- — — Price of, 288
- - The Speed of, 489 * - Production of, 259, * - Tyre Pressures for, * - with Coupe Bodies, * — Dimming Regulations, * — of Various Colours, * Lights Prohibited, Coloured, 708
- — Rear, in the Metropolis, 5, 45
- Lighting Dynamo, 181
- The Care of the, by D. H. Ogley, 3
- — in War Time, by D. H. Ogley, 145
- — Outfit, Optalyte, 100
- — Restrictions, 226, 236, 255, 266, 307, 360, 366, 465, 574 Comments and Suggestions, by D, H. Ogley, 307
- — — Question of Side Lights, 255, 310
- — — Where they are in Force, 698, 308,
- — Set, C.A.V., for 12-16 h.p. Sunbeam, The Phonopore Electric, 568
- — Sets, The Voltage of, by H. M.
- Voltage of. 203
- — System. Brolt Dynamo, 73 The Westinghouse Car, 505
- Lincolnshire z\.C., 294
- Liners in Cylinders. 263
- Lion-Peugeot, The New 12 h.p., of, 677
- Linton’s Yacht Erin, Slinging Car (•’llus.), 382
- Wyatt, 409, 437 106 114, 153
- Description from Sir T.
- Liquid Fuel from Naphthalene, 176
- L.K 7632 (letter), 49
- LL 1474 (letter), 176
- Lloyd. F. N. (letter), 551
- L.M.B. (letter), 353
- Lock. A Frictional Nut. 404
- Locking Device, Positive Nut, 380
- Lodge Sparking Plug Co., Ltd. (letters), 46. 153 (illus.), 223
- London C.C., Dennis Ambulance for
- Motor Ambulance Service, 137
- — Darkened. Accidents in, 13, 45
- — Map Guide to (review), 256
- — P. (letter), 126
- — Regulations, Rear Lamps on all
- — to Boulogne, by C. G. Harper, 397
- Vehicle*, 5. 45
- London Traffic and the War, 590
- Board of Trade Report for 1914, 108
- Long Service Car, A, 664 , .
- Longuemare-Hardy Carburetter, Description of, 718
- Loss of Power on Hills, 495
- Low Convertible Body, Description of, 280
- — Generator, A Test of the, 581
- — Dr., System of Dimming Head Lights, by. 18
- L.P. (letter), 288
- L.P.II. (letter), 464
- Lubricating Oils, 206, 259
- Lubrication, 27, 75, 150
- — Importance of, 479
- — of Spring Leaves, Farnell System, 123
- — Suring Leaf, Patent by C. E. Cary and T. Case, 202
- Patent by G. S. Russell, 42 Lusitania Disaster and the A.A., 610
- Lux in Tenebris (letter), 100
- Lynton and Beggars’ Roost Hills, To Avoid (with map), 449
- M. (letters). 607, 730
- M.A. (letter), 323
- Machlachlan,, J. (letter). 553
- Madras Presidency, India, Views of “ Washout ” (illus). 19
- Magneto and Dynamo-battery Ignitions, 203. 258
- — Contact Breaker, Patent by R. Bosch, 20
- — Ignition, Engine Starting on, 215, 456
- — Spares, Tools and, 531
- — Supplies, 635
- — Switch, A Simple, Patent by Humber, Ltd., 708
- - The Dixie, 535
- — The Passing of the, by W.L.S., 591 (letters), 635, 664
- - Paper by Arthur P. Young, 189 (letters). 382, 408, 434, 491, 524, 550
- Makers’ Advice, Sound, as to Lubrication, 27
- Malglaim, (1. N. A. (letter), 550
- Mamet Shock Absorbers, 412, 418
- Manchester Proposed Motor Show, 99, 221
- Manufacture, Tyre, The A.B.C. of, 330-335
- Manufacturers and Colonial Buyers, English, 423, 492
- Manservant Licence, 734
- Map Guide to London (review), 256
- Maple, E., Pte. (letter), 666
- Marks, F.I.C., etc., Benzole and its Impurities, by Arthur, 379
- Marsh, E. A. (letter), 636
- Martin, L. J., Tools and Spares, by, 531
- Masters, Pte. S. (letter), 636
- Maxwell Car 18-22 h.p., Description of. 204
- — Cars in Indianapolis Race, Crankshafts of (illus.}, 629
- — — in Sierra Nevada (illus.}, 570
- — — for Indianapolis Race, 599
- — The 1915, 467
- Maybach’s Patent Action, Gate Control, 149
- — — — Cooling System, 548
- McNaught and Co., Worcester, Horse-drawn Field Ambulances (illus), 466
- Mercedes-Daimler Motor Co. v. Maudslay Motor Co. Patent Action, 149
- Mechanical Transport Drivers and Schools Advertisements, 323, 384, 464,
- — — — An Opportunity for Enlistment, 103, 104, 129, 134, 153. 176, 178, 233, 429, 462, 520, 574,
- — Tyre Pump, Home-made, 29
- Mechanic, Amateur (letter), 436
- — (letters). 323, 408, 524
- Medicus (letter), 731
- Meier, H. .Neville (letter). 320
- Member of the M T.A. (letter), 207
- Men for Engineering Works, 436, 490
- Mercedes Cars, Spare Parts for, 200
- Mercedes-Daimler Motor Co: v. F.I.A.T. Co., Patent Action, 229, 548
- Mercer 22 h.p. Chassis. Tyre Cradle on
- Motor 493 45, 199, 689
- Motor (illiis.). 313
- Merchandise Marks Act, Agitation for Amendment of Law, 257
- Merry, R. G., Letters from, News from the Front, 43, 122
- (letter), 127
- Messenger Tyre, 144
- Metallurgique 25 h.p. Car (illus.), 30
- Metal Turning, First Principles of, 499
- Mathews. R. B. (letters), 382, 434, 550
- Metropolis, Rear Lights in the,
- Mettam. C. E. (letter), 551
- M.F. (letter), 463
- M.G., Comfort in the Car, M.IA.E. (letter), 667
- Mica and Impurities, 484
- Michelin Military Hospital,
- — Tyre Co., 528
- Ltd. (letter), 578
- Middlesbrough, Roads near. by, 92 409 603
- of Wounded
- Midland A.C. and Conveyance Soldiers, 192
- Milanese (letter). 406
- Miles (letter), 128 Milestone in India, A (551
- Military and Overseas Requirements, 213
- — Motors, Fuels for, 4
- — Motor Supplies, French and Russian, by Horace Wyatt, 228
- — Observation Cars, 225
- — Trial. Dutch (illus.), 255
- Millennium Box Spanners, 514
- Miller Rotary Engine, Description of, 431
- Miller-Tetlow Valve Gear. The, 592
- Mills, Corpl. B. 11. E. (letter), 730
- — .Jet Guarantee, 129 Milton, L. (letter), 77
- M.Inst.Elec.E.. M.Cons.E. (letter), 208
- Mirrors for 'Buses, Driving, 610
- Misfiring on a Sunbeam, 51, 105
- Mitchell Back Axle (illus.), 37
- Mitchell, George (letter), 21
- Mitchell Car 15-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 33
- — J. B. (letters), 177, 259
- Model, 12 h.p. Rover Chassis (illus.), 44
- Moderator (letter), 553
- Modernising an Old Car, 706
- Monobloc Cylinder Casting, Patent by Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., and T. B. Murray, 347
- Moore, Chas, (letters), 607, 656
- — Trubie (letter), 232
- Moor, George (letter), 409
- Morgan, A. E. (letter), 128
- Morris-Cowley Car, Description of the 11.3 h.p., 454
- Morris-Oxford Car, Carburetter for, 181
- Mors Car on Active Service, Lieut, (htroen on (illus.), 122
- The 12-15 h.p.. 611
- — Chassis, Armoured Car
- — 12-15 h.p. Car, 79, 105
- Moseley, David, and Sons,
- — Tyres, 468
- Motor Car be Bewitched ?
- — — Design and the Rule of the Road, 731
- — Cycle Machine Gun
- - Expeditionary Force
- — Driver (letter), 666
- — Driver's Experiences
- — Drives for Wounded
- — Factories, Scottish, 402
- — Fuels, Prof. Vivian Lewes’s Lectures at Society of Arts, 253
- — Makers’ Men, A Word for, 441
- — Manufacturers’ Opinions, Commandeering
- of Engineering' Factories, 311, 345
- (on Drink and Restricted Output), 4n2
- on (illus.), 362
- Ltd. (letter), 74
- Batteries for British (illus.}, 266
- at the Front, A, 371 Soldiers, 580
- — Patents, The War and, 600
- — School Training, 384, 464, 493, 524
- — Show, An Autumn, 574
- — Taxation in S. Africa, 660
- — Traffic in Petrograd, 683
- — — Relative Dangers of Horse and, 547
- — Transport Drivers. 607, 636, 665, 689,
- — Music for, 636, 730
- — _ Service, The (letters), 383, 434, 522, 695
- — — — French Official View of,
- — Workmen in Khaki, 684
- Motors, Munitions and, 429, 641
- Motoring after Dark, 148
- — and Motors of the Early Days,
- — in Cairo, 439
- — — British Columbia, 552
- — — U.S.A., Interview with Mr. 580 268
- (Ally Lewin. 312
- — Organisations, 209
- — Road in the Rocky Mountains, Motorists who Shave, 665
- Mould. Removal of, from Wall, 105
- M.P. Insulated Suring Terminals, 247
- M.R., Paris (letter), 664
- M.T. (letter), 580
- — Man’s Sister (letter), 696
- — Question, An, 465
- Mudguards, Barimar Domed, 405
- — for Ford Cars, Barimar, 630
- Mulliner, Ltd., Snorting Body on 90 F.I.A.T. by (illus.), 603
- Multiple-disc Clutches, 158
- Multiplicity of Tyre Sizes, 107
- Multiplying Cylinders, 613, 618
- Munition Factories, Chauffeurs and, 368 Labour for. 444
- Munitions and Motors, 429, 641
- Murray, Stacey, M.A. (lett«-r.5), 360. 407
- Music for Motor Drivers at the Front, 224
- Myers on his 16 h.p. Snorting Sunbeam, Eric, 534
- Mysterious Trouble Solved, A, 525
- Naphthalene, Liquid Fuel
- Napier Ambulances Tested, Convoy of (illus.), 683
- from, 607 on Rough Ground,
- — — for New Zealand Expeditionary Force (illus.), 698
- — belonging to Prince Ouroussoff, of Russia, .30-35 Six-cylinder (illus.), 644
- — Co., Ltd., Parents by, Engine Suspension
- and Springing System, 628
- — — S.U. Carburetter Control, 708
- — — Staff Dinner, 486
- — 15 h.p., 1911, Carburetter for, 131, 155
- — 15.9 h.p.. Ambulances for Australian Expeditionary Force (illus.), 113
- LI.M. the King of Siam’s
- — 16-22 h.p.. Car,
- (illus.), 54
- with Cunard
- — in New Zealand,
- — 30-35 h.p., for -
- Java (illus.), 324
- Six-cylinder Car (illus.), 268
- with Cunard Body (illus.), 298
- — in Rhodesia, Mr. A. C. Henderson’s Colonial (illus.), 571
- — with Cunard Landaulet Body for J. Marsden, Bolton (illus.), 606
- Natalite, A New Motor Fuel, 19
- — — — Possibilities of, 671
- — and Petrol, (Comparative Tests of, 629
- — Fuel. R.A.C. Trial of, 629
- National Twelve-cylinder Car, The, 657
- Naval Air Service, Royal, by C. G. Harper, 710
- Near Side, Stronger Spring.^ on the, 667
- Need for Motor Transport Drivers, An Urgent,
- Body (illus.}, 349 20 h.p Colonial (illus.). 446 Chinese Manufacturer in
- Transport Drivers, An Urgent, 520
- Nemo (letter),
- Newall, J. H. New Departure
- — Form of Frame, A,
- — South Wales Motor Regulations in, 438.
- — Year’s Dinner at the Front, 102
- — York Show, 126
- — Tendencies of Design at, 86, 91
- — Zealand, 2! Record Drive in, 446 605 (letter). 635
- Ball Bearings, 405, 670 626
- Regulations, Altera-
- New Zealand, Motor Tax Bill in. 19
- News from the Front, Letters from R. G. Merry, 43, 122
- Newton Coupe with Special Featherweight ” Body, 12 11.p. (illus.), 445
- — 12 h.p. 1915 Car, 26
- Nicholson File Co., 412 1914, A Brief Retrospect, 1
- No-cell Dynamo, The, 647
- Noden Valve, Charging Batteries from Alternating Current, 185, 287, 292, 326
- Noisy Brakes, Curing, 443
- Non-freezing Solutions, 83
- Non-skid Covers, 201, 268
- Norris, AV. (letter), 260
- North-Eastern Automobile Association, lance presented by (illus.), 376
- North-East Ulster (letter), 525
- North, O. D., Patent by. Adjustable Suspension, 347
- — of England Motor Show 99
- — Wales, Roads in, 380, 385
- Nosilla (letter), 580
- Not over Thankful (letter), 493
- Nut Locking Device, A Positive, 380
- Oakland, The New 15-20 h.p.,
- Obituary, Viscount Ingestre, Peugeot, 165: Vernon James Oliver Stanton, 290; H. AA'.
- Obituary, 70, 165, 218, 290
- Observation Cars, Military, 225
- Obstructing the King’s Highway,
- — —? — — Sidelights on, 636
- Officers, Nephew and Son ;illus.), 37
- Off-set Cylinders. 46
- Ogley, Daniel H., Charging Alternating Current, by,
- — — — Lighting in War Time, by, 145
- — — — Lighting Restrictions. Comments and Suggestions, by, 307
- — — — Penetration of Light of Colours, by, 348
- — The Care of the Lighting by, 3
- Oilcans tor British Government, 156
- Oildag in Sleeve Valve Engine, 527 Oil Churning, 28
- — Indicator, An Illuminated, 391
- — Leakage, To Prevent, 29
- — — past Valve Tappets, 669
- — Replenishment on Light Cars, 201
- — Reservoirs instead of Grease Caps,
- Oil-spewer, Curing an, 709 Oil Tanker, The, 633
- Oils, Lubricating, 206, 259
- Oiling and Valve Grinding, 51 Old Cavalryman '’letter), 637
- — Member (letters), 360, 437
- On Active Service (letter), 462 One who is fond of Motoring in
- (letter), 383
- On the Road, by Owen John, 5, 30, 136, 159, 186, 216, 242, 268, : 368, 392, 416, 444, 472, 500, 614, 643, 544 70; Armand Austin, 218: J. Ordc, 571
- of
- J. Maiiipsdii
- Batteries from 185
- Various
- Dynamo, 493, 551
- England
- Track, 193
- Optalyte Lighting Opus (letter), 553
- Orde, D.S.C., The
- — J. W. (letters).
- Organisations, Motor, and the Floods Tint-s,
- Orphan Cars, 466
- Orphans’ Brigade, Harijer, 56
- Oscillating Valve, Automobile, 347
- Ouroussoff Seated in his Napier Cai\ Prince (illus), 644
- Overheating of Petrol Engines, 463, 699
- Overland Cars, 263
- — — Spares for, 666
- — — Creditable Performance of, 452
- Overseas Requirements, Military and, 213 2 611
- - Mountain, by C. L. Freeston. 587
- - Road, by, 5, 30, 84, 116, 216, 242, 268, "* 444, 472, 500. 614, 643, (letter), 207 (letter), 581 (letter), 579
- — (More Work for the, 9
- — Requirements of the, 581, 607. 634, 664
- — (AV.P.B.) .'letter), 23
- Owner of Several Cars (letter), 234
- Owner’s Car, How to Help their Country, 45, 554
- — Subscriptions, Oversize Tyres, Over the Black
- Outfit, 100
- Date Lil nt. 550. 695
- H. AV. J., 571 452
- Floods, 54
- The Details,
- Patent by by Charles G.
- Itala Fabbrica
- Owen John, On 136, 159, 186, 368, 392, 416,
- Owner-driver (A.W.)
- — for Nine Years
- — — Fifteen Years 296, 349, 533. 560. 675, 704
- P 6751 (letter), 24
- P 000 (letter), 731
- Packard, First Twelve-cylinder Touring Car, 653
- Paddy R. (letter), 383
- Paige, Miss M. G., 440
- Pains Hill Bridge, 362
- Palmer Tyre Gauge, 281
- Panhard Car, Sir John French in. Twelve Years Ago (illus.), 184
- Paraffin as Non-freezing Liquid, 83
- Parnacott, A. E. (letters), 150, 606, 694
- Passing of the Magneto, The, by AV.L.S., 591
- — — — — (letters), 635, 664
- Patent Action, Gate Control, Mercedes-Daimler V. Maudslay Motor Co., 149
- Patents, Recent, by Eric AV. Walford, 20, 42, 202, 347, 430, 628, 708 Patrioti.sm and Service. 462
- — in Purchases, 234, 242, 289, 323, 383, 408
- Patterson, K. H. (letter), 289
- Pearce, R. (letter), 129
- Pedal Slots, 499
- Pedestrian's Point of View, 159
- Pemberton, A. C. (letters), 77, 385
- Penetration of Light of Various Colours, by Daniel H. Ogley. 348
- Penruddock, J. P. (letter), 465
- Perverse Mentalities, 97
- Petrograd, Motor Traffic in, 683
- Petrol, Alcoholic. Substitutes for, 672
- — and Steam, The Alliance of (illus.), 146
- — Can and Filler, Combined, 67
- — — Spare, Gamage, 317
- — Comparative Tests of Natalite and, 629
- — Consumption, Crossley, 325
- - Electric Equipments and, 121
- - 12 h.p. Rover, 21
- - on a 15.6 h.p. Crossley, 387
- — — — 11.9 h.p. Humber, 237, 291
- — — — 16-20 h.p. Sunbeam, 131
- Small Cars, 22
- — Economy, Easy Starting and, 598
- — Engines, Overheating of, 463
- — Feed, Vacuum-Gravity, Stewart, 198
- — Filter, A New, 602
- — Gauge, New, 18
- — in South Africa, 76
- — Level, Adjusting the. 642
- — Pines, Fitting of, 391
- — Price of, 179, 206, 232, 260, 323, 383,
- — Red Wine for. 124
- — Regulations in Scotland, 610
- — Shortage of, Germany’s, 92
- — Splashing, To Prevent, 471
- — Substitute, South African,
- — Tank, A Temporary. Patent F. W. Lanchester, 708
- — Tanks, “ Drumming,”
- — Taxation of Cars and, 46
- — Union, A Broken, 443
- Petroleum, Chemistry of, and review), 278
- — Imports in 1914. 69
- Petrolite (letter). 465
- Peugeot Car for Prince Alexis of Serbia, 20-30 h.p. (illus.), 466
- — French Military Cars {illus.), 12
- — Monsieur Armand. Death of, 165
- — The New 12 h.p. Lion-, Description of, 677
- Peugeots. Baby, Two (illus.), 50
- Phanomobile, Two-speed. 583. 611
- Phoenix, 11.9 h.p.. Car in Calcutta {illus.), 97
- -- — Four-five-seated Car for India (illus.), 159
- — Trapping in War Time, 601
- — Traps, 324
- — View on Speed Limits, 574
- Poor Motorist (letters), 49, 151
- Poppe, P. A.. Patent by, Improved
- Feed Lubrication, 20
- Poppet Valve, A Rotary, 604
- — Valves, Grinding of, 587, 614
- Portholme (letter), 636
- Porlock Hill, Private Road Avoiding
- Porporato. Jean, Driver, 513
- Portable Garage, A, 420
- Porter-Knight Engine for
- (illus.), 599-
- Position of Motor Lamps,
- — — Side Lamps, 267, 320
- Positive Nut Locking Device, 380
- Postal Delays, 121
- Power, Acetylene Gas as a Motive
- — Units, Columbia, Description of, P.P. (letter), 234
- Practical Experiences, 261, 607, 694
- Pratt, P. (letter), 179 475
- Prendergast, Maurice (letter), 636
- Price of Motor Cars in Australia, 608
- Prime Cause of Dirty Engines, Private, A.S.C.. M.T. (letters). Production of Light Cars, 259, 636,
- Progress (letter), 126
- Prompt Supply of Spares, 384,
- Proud, E. P. (letters), 261, 321
- Pryke, A. S. (letter). 127
- Pugh, J. V. (letter), 731
- Pullman Junior, The 22 h.p.. 401
- Pump. The Barnfather. Description
- — v. Thermo-syphon Cooling. 286. 359, 382. 406, 432, 51, 79, 105, 131, 155, 291, 325, 363, 387, 527, 555, 583, 611, 639, 669
- Queries and Replies
- Quotation, A Literary
- R. 1549 (letter), 665
- R.A.C. and Naturalised Aliens, 574 the War, 488, 537 its Associates, 597
- — Country House Club, 354
- — Official Trials, 456
- — Sunday Concerts, 254, 346, 402
- — Trial of Natalite Fuel, 629
- Race Meetings, Brooklands, Provisional Dates for, 193
- Radclyffe, Mimosa Valentina (letter), 100
- Radial and Arrow Head Engines, 240
- Radiator Heater, A Simple, 378
- — of 30-93 h.p. Vauxhall Car (illus.), 307
- Raid on the Supplies, by Chas. G. Harper, 355
- Rail Coach, An Eight-cylinder Petrol, 707
- Railton, Reid A. (letters), 176, 234, 261
- Railway, The Motor as Auxiliary to or Substitute for, 14
- Raleigh, 11 h.p.. Car, Description of,
- R.A.P. (letter), 129
- Ravel, Naval Lieut, Gabriel, 229
- Raybestos Brake Lining, 18
- Rayfield Carburetter, Description of, R.C.W. (letter), 434
- Reader, Thomas (letter), 463
- Reading Motor Transport (Committee 309 719
- Real Competitor, The, 53
- Rear Axle Brakes, 65
- — Lights in the Metropolis, 5, 45
- Recognition of the A.S.C., 469, 522
- Record Drive in New Zealand on Napier, 446
- Recruiting Appeals, 30
- — by Car. 47, 100
- Recruits, Chauffeurs, and Scouts, 136
- Red Cross Ambulance in Bombay (illus.), 369 Cars within the Danger Zone at Night (illus.), 95
- Kitchen on Ford Chassis (illus.), 180
- — Rear Lights, 150, 207
- Reeves, A. W., Crossley Motors, Ltd., and. Patent by. Cuff Valve Engine, 20
- Rejax Accessories. Some New, 605
- Reid and Evans (letter), 46
- Rebels, Chasing, by Motor Car, South Africa, 110, 138, 171 20 h.p.
- Remington, Mr. O. L., 612
- Reminiscences on Eve of Departure for the Front, by Owen John, 500
- Removal of Carbon Deposits by Water, 177
- Renault Carburetters, 415
- — Cooling System, Patent by L. Renault, 430
- — 12-16 h.p.. Petrol Consumption, 527, 555
- Renova Tyre Co., Ltd. (letter), 101
- Repair Shoo, Travelling, for Use at the Front. 227
- Replacements, Accessories and, 384
- Requirements of the Owner-driver, 581, 634, 664
- Responsible Driver (letter), 552
- Resta in American Grand Prix, Dario (illus.), 386
- Restaurants, Travelling, Y.M.C.A. (illus.), 254
- Restriction of Output. 441
- Retreading of Tyres, 22, 47, 127, 665
- Retrospect, Brief, of 1914. I
- Reviews, 130, 256, 262, 278
- Rhadamanthus (letter), 607
- R.H.H. (letter), 636
- Rhodesia, Colonial Napier Hill-climbing in (illus.), 571
- Richardson, J. (letter), 635
- Riley, 17 h.p.. Car, Description of, 271
- — Wire Wheels, Increase in Price of, 292
- Rim, Twin Tyre, Dunlop, 144
- Rims, Facility, 492
- — Standardisation of, 133
- — Wrong Size, 559
- Ripault Petrol Filter, 602
- Ritz Light Car, The 10 h.p., 510
- Riviera and Motorists, 290
- R.M.C. Car, The New Seabrook, 515
- — Cars. Seabrook, 181, 237
- R.N. (letter), 729
- Road. Bath, Reconstruction of, 265
- — Board and “Extraordinary" Damage, 557 Grants to Highway Authorities, Seventeenth List, 68
- — Eighteenth List, 425
- — Conditions, 30, 274, 343, 346
- — (Conference in London, 598
- — Floods (illus.), 72
- — Guides and the War (letter),
- — Hogs, Easter, 437
- — Manners, 23
- — Motoring in Rocky
- — Patrols as Special
- — Reports, 343, 346,
- — Scouts in War Time, 444, 522, 581
- — Wheel Grips, 317
- Roads, Abnormal Conditions Affecting,
- — and Military Traffic, Bad, 627
- — Congress, National, Italian Touring
- Mountains, Constables, 456 550 224 730 244
- Club, 310
- — Damaged by Military Traffic, 538
- — — _ — _ Repair of, 616
- — Destroyed, 319
- — Destruction of, 578
- ~ Dusty. 560
- — Repair of Damaged, 616
- — from the Motorist’s Point of View.
- — Improvement Association, 244, 426,
- — in 1915. British, 413 Wales, 636
- — Leicestershire, 236
- — near Salisbury, 465, 493
- — of London. Arterial, 627
- — Some Facts about, 521
- Roberts. H. G. (letter), 666
- Robey. H. Webb (letter), 127
- Robbialac Enamel, 388
- Roche, D. L. (letter), 74
- Rock}’ Mountains, Motoring Road in, 224
- Rollinson, C. H. (letters), 76, 102, 152, 261
- Rolled Rubber Tyres, 451 731 484
- Rolling Resistance and Tractive Efficiency of Tyres, 82
- Rolls-Royce, An Alpine, Description of, €45
- — Car and Czar of Russia (illu-s.), 498
- — — Eight-cylinder, 622
- — — Indian Soldiers on (illns), 117
- — Cars in America, 279
- — Chassis with Body by Ferguson, Belfast (illus ). 622
- — 40-50 h.p. with Newton and Bennett (il’u.s.), 136
- — Ltd., Patent by. Automatic Ignition Control, 628
- — Piston, Patent by F. H. Royce, T. B. Barrington, and Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 347,
- — Sporting Two-seater (illus), 474
- — Starter, Patent by F. H. Royce and Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 42
- — Touring Car for H.H. Prince Leopold of Battenberg
- — with Body (illus.), 82
- — — Cabriolet
- — — Bod}' by R.O M. 1915 Tyre. 18
- — Tyre Co., Increased Prices, 670
- Roslington, A. W. (letter). 552
- Rotary Engine, The Miller (description of), 431
- — Poppet Valve, A, 604 Routes through Towns, 695
- Rover Car, Effect of Bad Benzole on, 245
- — 12 h.p. Model Chassis (illus.), 44
- — — Petrol Consumption. 21
- — — Two-seater (illus.), 268
- Royal Naval Air Service, Five Sizaire-Berwick
- Cars for (illus ). 353
- Royce, F. H., and Rolls-Royce. Ltd., Patent by, Rolls-Royce Starter, 42
- — — — T. B. Barrington and Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Patent by,
- Rolls-Royce Piston, 347
- R.P.S. (letter), 76
- Rubberine, 26, 313. 583
- Rubber, Guayule, Substitute for, 698
- Rule of the Road, Motor Car Design and
- Bod}- by Barker Co. (illns.), 704
- Newton and Bennett jUus.j, 296
- The, 560
- Rules of the Road, The. Continental British, 704
- Running a Car in, 352
- — Costs, 607, 665
- — — of Motor Vehicles, Robert W. A. Brewer,
- — Experiences, 102
- Russell, G. S , Patent by. Spring Lubrication. 42
- Russia, Ambulance Cars for. 78
- Russian and French Military Motor Supplies, by Horace Wyatt, 228
- Salisbury Plain, Broken-up Road on
- — — Motor Car Accident (illus.),
- — The Roads near, 465, 493
- San Diego, California, Road Race 154
- at
- Sankey Steel Wheels, 326
- Sapper (letter), 523
- Saunders Petrol Saver, The, 727
- Saxon, R. (letter), 206
- — Two-seated Car Booklet, 670
- Saxon Six-cylinder New Car, 15
- S.C.A.T., 25 h.p., with Body by Newton and Bennett (illus.), 187
- Schebler Carburetter, Description of, 720
- Sclater. A. A. (letter), 102
- Scott Engine Starter and Dynamo, 142, 182
- Scotland. Lighting Restrictions in, 574
- — Petrol Regulations in, 610
- Scottish A.C., War Activities, 366
- — — Annual Meeting, 410
- — Branch, British Red Cross
- Society, 188. 459
- — Motor Factories, 402
- Scouts in War Time, Road, 444,
- Seabrook R.M.C. Car, The New, Cars. 181, 237
- Sea of Forgetfulness, A, 335
- Searchlight, French Belleville Chassis
- Searle Unburstable (letters), 23, 101 Tubes. 22, 43,
- Sears, R. H. (letter), 492
- Secret History, 631
- Security Bolts, 665
- Seeking Trouble, by Charles G. Harper, Self-adjusting Steering Gear, Patent by F. Berwick and Co.. Ltd., 42
- Self-lighting and Self-starting Cars, 643
- Self-starter for Ford Car, 79, 363
- Sergeant-Mechanic, Pursuit of Kemp and De Wet, by, 110, 138 ’
- S.G.R. (letters), 208, 579
- Shareholder in Victor Tyre Co. (letter), 260
- Sheffield-Simplex Car, Accident near Welwyn, Herts., 130
- — 30 h.p.. King Alfonso of Spain on (illus.), 200 522, 550. 531 515
- Naval, on Delaunay- (illus.), 180
- Inner Tube Co., Ltd. 75. 101, 152 194
- Shirkers, 730
- Shock Absorbers, 65, 363, 467
- - J.M., 319 The Mamet. 418
- Sholl. W. S. (letter), 76
- Siddeley-Deasy 18-24 h.p. Car (illus.), 30
- Siddeley Motor Ambulance for German South-West Africa (illus.), 78
- Side Lamps. Dimming of, 255, 310
- — Lights, Better Illumination with, Hint and Tip, 267, 320
- Signposting, 551
- — Switch Roads, 631
- Silencing the Toolbox, 453
- Simplicitas (letter). 407
- Singer Car Spare Parts. Price List, 700
- — 10 h.p., and 10 h.p. J.B.S. Cars, Hill-climbs by, 285
- Singer 25 h.p. with All-enclosed Cabriolet Body (illus.), 216
- — 1915 Light Car, 9
- — Light Cars for Tourist Race, 1914, Three (illus.), 392
- — The 10 h.p., 432
- Sirett Sparking Ping Cut-out, 452
- Six Cylinders or Eight, 622, 664
- Sizaire-Berwick Car for Canadian Branch of British Red Cross Society, 145
- Madrid (illus.), 243
- — Cars for the R.N. Air Service, Five (Ilins.), 353 399
- — Car in Service at the Front (illus.),
- — 20-30 h.p. Cabriolet (illus.), 31
- Skefko Ball Bearing Co., 556
- Skew All-rubber Tyres, 238
- Sleeve Valve Pacing Car, A, 569
- Slow-running on Ford Engine, 79
- Small Cars, Electric Equipment for, 519
- — Engine, Real Test of, 65
- Smith Carburetter, Description of, 721
- — Electric Engine Starter, 205
- — Reginald R. (Cleveland Car Co.), 468
- Smithowen Valve Spring Lifter, 452
- Snowden, C. M. (letters), 409, 729
- Society of Arts, Lectures by Prof. Vivian Lewes on Motor Fuels. 253
- — — Automobile Mechanic Drivers and Army and Navy Reservists, 50
- - Engineers, Paper by Lieut. Robert W. Brewer, Running Costs Vehicles, 249
- Soissons, At the Battle of (illus.),
- Solderene, 433, 555, 583, 699
- Soldiers and Sportsmen Too, by Harper, 10
- Solex Carburetter, Description of,
- Solid Back Axles. 352
- Solidite, A New Electrical Insulator, 562
- Solomon, H. (letter), 48
- Sopwith Tractor Seaplane (illus.), 472
- Soup Kitchen, Motor, sent by American Volunteer Ambulance Association, 32
- South Africa, Chasing Rebels by Motor Car, 110, 138, 171, 313
- — — Hupmobile Car in (illus.), 78
- — — Motor Taxation in, 660
- — — Petrol in, 76
- — African Colonist,
- by a, 423
- Fuel, Natalite,
- — — Motor Imports,
- Home Truths expressed 19 536
- Southampton, An Appeal from, 129
- Southcombe. J. E. (letter), 206
- Southport Citizens’ Presentation Ambulances :illus), 494
- South, The Call of the. Foreign Touring after the War. 296
- Sowden, C. M., Patent by.
- Spring Leaf Opener, 202
- Space for Spares, 560
- Spanners for Grease Cups, 514
- — — Cylinder Nuts, 642
- — Millennium Box, 514
- Spare Parts, 553
- American. 259, 288, 322, 361, 383, 436
- — Petrol Can, Gamage, 317
- — Wheel and Tyre, 583, 639
- Spares. Prompt Supply of, 384,
- — Tools and, 531
- Sparking Plug Cut-out. A, 433
- — The Sirett, 452
- Hexagons, 314
- — — Holder, 135
- Insulators, Some Notes on, K.L.G., Patent by K. E. Lee-Guinness, 202
- Utility Tell-tale, 73
- - Plugs. English r. American,
- - — External Leakage on, 46
- — — for Light Cars. 729
- — — More About. 489
- — — Standard Nuts for, 103, 153
- — — Tools and Spa.res, 531
- Sparton Horns, 448
- Speed Limit at the Front, 174
- — — Applications for, 7
- — — Police View on, 574
- — — Signs, Danger of, 552
- — — Warning at Cowdenbeath, 668
- Speedometer Drives. 236
- Speedometers, Position of, 83
- Spencer-Phillips, R. J. (letter). 179
- Sphinx Manufacturing Co., 482
- Spicer, C. W., Paper by, Universal Joint Efficiency Tests, 240
- Spirit of the Lake, The (review), 362
- Splitdorf Electrical Co., 388
- Spong, T. (letter). 47
- Sporting Model, Tire. 657 D.F.P., 411. 495. 699
- — Vauxhall Car for Mr. P. Kidner, 248-249
- Spring, Compensated Cantilever, System, 59-64
- — Leaf Lubrication (Hint and Tip), 661, 729 109
- — Patent by C. E. Cary and M. T. Case, 202
- — — Opener, Patent by C. M. Sowden, 202
- — Leaves, Lubrication of, Farnell System. 123
- — Lubrication. Patent by G. S. Russell, 42
- — Suspension, Patent by Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co., and A. A. Remington, 42
- — Terminals, Insulated, M.P., 247
- Springs, Why the5' Flatten, 691
- springing of Cars, Influence of Disintegrated Roads on, 413
- — — 10-12 h.p. Belsize, 527
- — System. Patent by Napier, Ltd., 628
- Spyker 20 h.p. with Detachable Two-seater ' Body, 98
- Squeaks from Valve Caps, 241
- Staffordshire Roads, 274
- Standard Cars. Price of 212
- — 9 5 h.p. Light Car at Sao Paulo, Brazil (illus.). 350
- — Nuts for Sparking Plugs, 103, 153
- Standardisation of Electrical Fittings. 552 Tyres and Rims. 133, 152, 178, 183, 284
- Standardisation of Wheels and Tyre Measurements, 152
- St. Anne’s (letter), 178
- Stanton, Oliver, Death of, 290
- Star in S. Australia, Hazardous Trip of 15- 20 h.p. (illus.), 453
- Star 15.9 h.p. Two seated Car (iliiis.), 136
- Starter, Rolls-Royce, Patent by F. H. Royce and Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 42
- Starting and Lighting Sets, 155
- — Engine, Electric Lighting and, 242 in Cold Weather. 241, 259
- — — on Magneto, 215. 456
- — from the Seat, Patent by H. Johnston. 430
- — with Town Gas, Engine, 415
- Steatite and its Properties. 483
- Steel-studded Tyres, Beldam, 51
- Steel Studs, 48, 75, 128, 152, 207, 234
- — Wheels, 314
- Steering,
- — (Tear, wick
- — Light
- — Pillar man, .
- Stellite Cars, 292
- Stephenson, C. H. (letters), 406, 463
- Stewart-Precision Carburetter, 733
- — — Description of, 723
- Stewart Vacuum Gravity Petrol Feed, 198, 727
- Sthenos Carburetter, Description of, 724
- Stone, R. P. (letter), 464
- Stone-throwing Nuisance, The A.A. and, 50
- Stronger Springs on the Near Side, 667
- Stragglers, by Charles G. Harper, 275
- Straker-Squire 15 h.p. Car, 211, 237
- Strength of Wire Wheels, 552, 579
- Stroke-two (letter), 100
- Studebaker Car, 105,
- — 25-30 h.p. Six-cylinder Trial Run, 306
- — Six-cylinder Ambulance
- Study-Royce (letter), 493
- Subscriber (letter), 234
- S.U. Carburetter Control,., 708
- — — Description of, 724
- Suchanek, V., Patent Tank Gauge, 20
- Sunbeam Ambulance Hunt (illus.), 70
- — Car, Misfiring on,
- — — outside Calgary,
- - Central, 365
- - Self-adjusting, Patent by F. W. Bcr- and Co., Ltd., 42
- Car, 41
- Adjustment, Patent by A. E. Berii- 628 131, 155
- Car, Impressions of
- Car (illus.), 96
- Patent by Napiers,
- by, Electrical Petrol
- presented by Cheshire 51, 105
- .. Canada (Ulus.), 668
- - Cars for Indianapolis Track
- — 80x148.7 mm.. Famous Cars
- Race, 199 in Retirement, 577 (illus.), 51
- — 12’16 h.p. Car at the Prout
- — — Carbiin'tter for, 155 C.A.V. Lighting Set for,
- — — in Egypt with Australian i Zealand Army Corps (illus., 236
- — — Sporting Model Car (illus.), 85
- — 16 h.p., Improvements in Design (illus.), 166
- — — with Looker Body (illus.}, 279
- — 16-20 h.p.. Petrol Consumption on, 131
- — — with Cole Four-.<eat(d Body (illus), 345
- — Mr. Eric Myers on his 16 h.p. Sporting (illus.), 534
- — Repair, after Collision, of 25-30 h.p. 1913
- Six-cylinder (illu.<.). 501
- Sunday Concerts, R.A.C., 254, 346
- Supplies, A Raid on the, by Chas. G. Harper. 355
- Suspension, Engine, Patent by Napier, Ltd., 628
- — Interesting Design of Three-point Flexible, 574
- and New
- — Tyre, The Dreadnought, 376
- Swan, B. (letter), 385
- Swift Motor Co. Catalogue, 700
- Swindley, Harry J., 380
- Switch Roads, Signposting, 631
- Switzerland,
- S.W.W.
- T 1922
- Tail, A
- Talbot, . . -
- Taper Bonnets, 97
- — Bonnet Tip, 55
- Tapley-Saper, H. (letter), 288
- Tar, Effect on Vegetation, 154
- Tattersall, Jun., Wm. (letter),
- Taylor, E. C. (letter), 492
- — Joseph, How I Freed the
- (review), 180
- Taxation of Cars and Petrol, 46 Hackney Cars, 77 Motorists, 176
- Taxicab Licences, 52
- Teaching a Novice to Drive, 158
- Territorial and Pinky, by Chas. G. Harper, 594
- Tester (letter), 75
- Testing of Light Cars, 75
- Tests of a New Fuel, 513
- Thankful (letters), 384, 524
- Thefts of Cars, A.A. Warning, 732
- Themorad Exhaust Car Heater, 433
- Thermo-syphon Cooling, Pump 286, 321, 352, 359, 382, 395, 406, 432, 435. 463. 523. 581, 661
- — — by Eric W. Walford, 230, 395
- — or Thermo-gravity? 581
- Thief, To Circumvent the, 514
- Thomas, E. W., Patent by. Change speed Gear. 202
- — Transmission. Demonstration of the, 707
- Thompson, C. E., Patent by. Valve Manufacture, 347
- Three-point Flexible Suspension, 572 (illus.), 660
- Three-speed Gear and Double Direct Drive. Patent by C. Derouet and C. Parbury, 42
- Throttle and Extra Air, 291, 325
- — Stop, The Claudel-Hobson. 559
- Tichborne Dole, by Charles C. Harper, 304
- Tiller, H. G. (letter), 436
- Tilley, W. L. (letter), 233 (illus.), 137 408
- Bridges, by
- Tips, Useful Hints and, 415, 443. 471, 135, 158, 184, 391,
- Tollgates, the First. 521
- Tomson, Percy C. (letters),
- Toolbox Locks, 593
- Tools and Spares, by L. C.
- Top Gear Tip, A, 385, 465, 493
- Touche, J. N. D. de la (letter). 462
- Touring Car as Bread Lorry -(illus.), 104
- — — Water Tank Lorry (illus.). 130
- — Continental, After the War, 186
- — Touring in France (Possibility of). 461
- Toronto, Good Roads Convention and Exhibition at, 252
- Tracing Rattles on a Light Car, 201
- Tractor, A Ford Farm, 684
- — for A.S.C. for Rough Ground (illus.), 488. 526 103. 151
- Martin, 531
- Tracy, Cecil I. (letter), 76
- Traffic Control, 360
- — London, Board of Trade Report for 1914. 103 524
- Training, Motor School, 384, 464, 493,
- Transatlantic Critic, A, 400
- Transport Compared, Motor and Horse,
- — Drivers, Urgent Need for Motor, 520
- — Men, Comforts for Motor, 409
- — Motor, Canadian (illus.), 13
- — Service, Motor (letters). 383, 434
- Trapping of Military Motorists, 558
- Travelling Cooker, Touring Car and Barron Cooker (illus.), 236
- — Repair Shop for Use at the Front, 227
- — Restaurants. Y.M.C.A. {illus.), 254
- Trenchard, Mohun A. (letter), 322
- Trick Driving on a Tramcar, 675
- Triumph Cycle Co., Ltd., and C. W. Hathaway. Patent by, Plate Clutch Improvement, 20
- Troops on the March, Consideration for,
- Tubb, Dick (letter), 465
- Tube Repairs without Vulcanising, 559
- Tuning of Cars, Delivery, 41
- Turbines, Internal Combustion, 360, 406, 533 580 463. 492
- Turner, L. J. B. (letter), 259
- — Wm. (letter), 361
- Turning, First Principles of Metal. 499
- Twelve-cylinder Cars, Eight and, 239
- — Engine Design, 620
- — Touring Car, The First, 653
- Twelve Years Ago, Sir John French at Aldershot (illus.), 184
- Twin Tyre Rim, Dunlop, 144
- Two-seater, Special Detachable, Spyker Chassis, 98
- Two-stroke Engine, Harding, 47, The, 100, 206
- — Rotary Engine, by G. Funck Tyre Buyers’ Guide, 299-303
- on 20 h.p. 150 (illns.), 197
- — Cradle fitted to 22-70 h.p. Mercer Chassis {illus.), 313
- — Economy, 358, 696, 730
- — Efficiency. Some Thoughts on, 81, 178. 265
- — Gauge, Palmer. 281
- — Henley, New, 73
- — Inflation, 22, 82, 265, 329, 408
- — Lore. 327
- — Manufacture, The A B C of, 330-335
- — Manufacturers, Advice from, 367
- — Messenger, 144
- — Mileage, 22, 74, 100, 127, 151, 177. 208. 524. 550, 578, 609, 634
- — Pressures for Light Cars, 127
- — Problems and Future Possibilities,
- — Protector. The Aphobos, 654
- — Pump, Electrically-driven, 263
- — — Heeley, 144 Mechanical, Home-made, 29
- — Repair, A Temporary, 559
- — R.O.M., 1915 Pattern, 18
- Tyre-saving .Tacks, Dew, 80, 313
- Tyre Sizes, Multiplicity of. 107, 133,
- — Tests, Comparative, Cord and Cover, 71. 81, 153
- — The Dreadnought Suspension, 376
- — Trade Amenities, 102, 128, 152, 178 234,
- — Under-inflation, Signs of, 329, 559
- — Valve, The Kemp, 433
- — Valves, 284. 295. 358, 383 Possible Defects and the Remedies,
- — "Wear on Light Cars, 118
- Tyres and Rims, Standardisation of. 133. 173, 183, 328 1 83 Canvas 208. 260 295
- — Beldam Steel-studded, 51
- — Burst, 578
- — Fuel Consumption and. 358, 407, 436
- — Individualities of, 336-343
- — Life of, 49, 665. 697
- — "Retreading of, 22. 47, 127, 665, 697
- — Rolled Rubber, 451
- — Stopping Cuts in. 385
- — Three-ribbed, 432 152. 234
- Tyres, 329. 391. 559 des Automobiles, Patent by. Toint. 20
- Under-inflation of Unic. Soc Anon.
- New Universal
- United States. Motor Car Imports. 154. 362
- Universal Coupe. The (illus.), 393
- — Joint Efficiency, 240
- - - New, Patent by Soc. Anon, des Automobiles Unic, 20
- — — Ring, Patent by F. J. Hardy, 708
- — Tractor in S. Africa (illus.), 533
- Unprotected Level Crossing, An, 420
- Unsatisfactory after Repairs, 212
- Untarnishable Brass, 370
- U.S A., Motoring in, Interview with Mr. Guy Lewin, 312
- Utility Tell-tale Plug, 73
- Vacuum Brake,
- Vacuum-gravity Valve and Parts
- Valve Cap Tool, Patent by W. H. W. Childs, 202
- — — Washers, Tools and Spares, 531
- — Caps, Squeaks from, 241
- — Gear, The Miller-Tetlow,
- — Grinder, Warrow, 73
- — Grinding, Oiling and, 51, Tip, 344
- — Guides, Leaky, 29
- — Manufacture, Patent by 592 587
- — Spring Compressor, Patent by C. E. Thompson, 347
- - by E. W. Cotton. 42
- - Lifter, A, 415, 526
- Valves, Bolt, 639
- — Grinding Poppet, 587, 624
- — Tyre, 284, 295, 358, 383
- — — Possible Detects and the Remedies, Race, 313 412, 612 436 47 295
- — — Possible Detects and
- Vanderbilt Cup, Report of
- Vandervell and Co., C. A., Vane, H. T. fetters), 178,
- Van Hooydonk, J. (letter),
- Variable Pressure Hose Nozzle, Dickinson Washer, 118
- Vauxhall, All-weather Body on 16-20 h.p.,
- — Ambulance (illus.). 171
- — Driver in the 1913 Coupe de L’Auto (illus.). 487
- — 25 h.p., General Botha’s Car (illus.), 290
- — 30-98 h.p., Radiator (illus.), 307
- - Two-seated Car (illus.), 39
- — Motor Co. Catalogue, 528
- — — Workshop for Red Cross Society, 438
- — Sporting Car for Mr. P. C. Kidner, 248, 249
- — Supplied to War Office within 48 Hours, 35 h.p. Six-cylinder (illus.), 561
- Verb. Sap. (letter), 436
- Vibration in Eight-cylinder Engines, 619
- — of American Cars, 635
- — on American Cars, 24, 46, 76, 103,
- Car 403 Damaged by German Shell 259, 553 Re-
- Views of Manufacturers on Drink and restricted Output, 442
- Violet, C. D. (letter), 289
- Voltage of Lighting Sets, 208
- by H. M. Wyatt, 114, 153
- Volunteer Motor Mobilisation Corps, Conveyance of Wounded Soldiers, 236
- Vrilya (letter), 322
- Vulcan 10-15 h.p. Car, 132, 181
- Carburetter, 583. 669
- — Motor Co.. Week’s Output at Southport Station (illus.), 459
- Vulcanising, Tube Repairs without, 559
- W.A. (letters), 208, 607, 665
- Wade, Christopher (letter), 437
- Wakefield Screw-in Tap, 602
- Wales, A Motor Tour in, 666
- — Roads in, 636
- Walford, Eric W. (letter), 435
- — — — Easy Starting with a Magneto,
- — — — Pump V. Thermo-syphon Cooling, 230,
- - by, 456 bv. . 395
- - Some Recent Patents, by, 20, 42, 202. 347, 430. 628
- — — The Miller Rotary Engine by, 431
- — — Water for Carbon Removal, by, 96
- — R.A.C. and the, 488, 537
- — Time, Lighting in, by D. H. Ogley,
- Police Trapping in, 601
- Restrictions, 168
- Ware Carburetter, Description of, 725
- Warland Dual Rims, 555
- — — Rim Works, Fire at (illus.), 657
- Warner Autometer, The, 360 Warning, A, 288
- Warrow Valve Grinder, 73
- “ Wash-out ” in Madras Presidency, (illus.),. 19
- Water Catt, Test in Birmingham of (illus.), 707
- — Charges to Motorists, 131
- — for Carbon Removal, 177, 207, 259
- — — by Eric W. Walford, 96
- — in the Crank Case, 135
- — Tank Lorry, Touring Watford C.C., Damages neer, 78
- — Speedometers, 440
- Watkins and Doncaster, Cars, 584
- Watkinson, E. (letter), 436
- Waverley Cars, 555, 583, 611
- Weird Experience, A. 231
- Wells, F. (letter), 322
- Welsh Custom Dangerous to Motorists, 141
- Western Australia. Gift of Ambulances by, 386
- Westinghouse Car-lighting System, The, 505
- Wetherell Gearless Differential, The, 419, 463
- — R. C. (letter), 463
- Wet off the Driving Screen, To Keep, 642
- W.F.S.L. (letter), 48
- What About Design ? 529, 606, 635, 694
- Wheelbases, Longer. 518
- Wheel Jack, The, Tools and Spares, 532
- — The Dovelock Artillery, 502
- Wheels and Life of Tyres, 665, 697, 731
- — Standardisation of, 152, 184
- White and Poppe Booklet, 364
- — Carburetter, Description of, 726
- Whiting, Arthur M. (letter), 74
- Whiting Ltd., Northern Agency, 612
- Whittle Belt. 16
- Wickham, R. T. (letter), 525
- Wilding, Capt. Antony, 582
- Williams, A. Anderson (letter), 358
- — Dilwyn G. (letter). 665
- — Pte. A. (letter). 730
- Willing Getter), 129
- Willis, G, Bright (letter), 22
- Willys-Overland, Ltd. (letters), 287, 666
- — W. T. (letter). 48
- Wilson, A. J. (letter), 490
- Windscreen, A Back, Patent by F. Cundy and S. Janson, 430
- — Cleaner, Carnage, 144
- — Commonsense and the, 231 Windscreens, 261, 288
- — The Best Type of, 691
- Wintry Conditions, Motoring in Cheshire Lane (illus.), 14
- Wintering in Switzerland, 91, 153, 232
- Wire-wheeler (letter), 580
- Wire Wheels, Strength of, 552, 579
- W.L.S., article by, 591
- — (letter), 664
- Wobbling Wheels, 639, 668
- Wolseley Ambulances presented by West Australian A.C. (illus.), 513
- — Car, A 16-20 All-weather (illus.), 643
- — Compensated Cantilever Spring, Details of, 59-64
- — 16-20 h.p. Colonial Car for Australia (illus.). 84
- — Landaulet for Lady Hy. Somerset, 16-20 h.p.
- — Tool ton,
- Woman Women
- — — and Motor Drives, 675
- — and War Service, 696 Word for Motor Makers’ Men, A, 441
- Working Fitter and Turner (letter).
- Works Foreman (letters), 287, 359
- Workshop for British Red Cross Vauxhall Travelling, 438
- Worried Trader ^letters), 260, 323
- Wounded F.N. Cars, 15
- — Soldiers, Cars for, 320. 324, 346, . _
- — — Conveyance of. Midland A.C. and, 192
- — — Motor Drives "for, 580
- Wrexham Police, Protest against, 638
- Wright, W. (letters). 75. 153
- Wrigley and Co., E. C. (letter), 490
- W.T.H. (letters). 209, 260
- Wyatt, H. M.. Half-watt Lamps, by, 172
- — — — The Voltage of Lighting Sets, by. 114
- — Horace. French and Russian Military Motor Supplies, by, 228
- Xip (letter), 48
- X-ray Waggon on 5 ton Dennis Chassis, 210
- Yapp, A. K. (letter), 607
- Y.M.C.A. Service' Amongst Troops, 607
- — Travelling Restaurant (illus.), 254
- Yorkshire, Alpine Climbs in, 285, 361
- Young, Arthur P., Paper by. The Magneto, 189, 491
- Your King and Country Need You (letters). 383, 462
- Zara 40 h.p. Red Cross Ambulance (illus.), 290
- Zenith Carburetter, Patent, 628
- - Description of, 726
- — Carburetters. 212, 556, 640
- Zeppelin, Prize Offered for Bringing Down, 247