1918 Directory of Manufacturers in Engineering and Allied Trades: Company N

Note: This is a sub-section of 1918 Directory of Manufacturers in Engineering and Allied Trades
Note: Further information is contained on the page image including number of employees, war work and pre-war work.
9311 Nalder and Nalder, Ltd., Challow Iron Works, Wantage. 1 hone: Wantage 15. T/A: Nalder, Wantage. Area No. 6.
9312 Nalder Bros. and Thompson, Ltd., Lane Works, 97a, Dalston Lane and Kingsland Green, Dalston, London, E.8. Phone: Dalston 2365 (2 lines). T/A: Occlude, Kinland, Lon- don. Area No. 7.
9313 Nanson, Barker and Co., Esholt, near Shipley. Phone: Shipley 557. T/A: Barker, Esholt. Area No. 3.
9314 Napier and Miller, Ltd., Old Kil- patrick, Glasgow. Phone: Bowling 44 and 45. T/A: Napier, Old Kilpatrick. Area No. 9. (A.)
9315 Napier Bros., Ltd., 130, Hyde Park Street, Glasgow. Phone: 6714 Central. T/A: Windlass. Area No. 9. (A.)
9316 Napier, D. and Son, Ltd., 211, Acton Vale, London, W.3. Phone Chiswick 1220. T/A: Moneyer, Acton, London. Area No. 7.
9317 Napper and Davenport. 7-11, St. George’s Place, Birmingham. Phone: Central 3489. T/A: Area No. 4.
9318 Nash (Belbroughton), Isaac, Ltd., Belbroughton, near Stourbridge. Phone: Hagley 1x3. T/A: Nash, Belbroughton. Area No. 4.
9319 Nash, Isaac and Sons, Ltd., Wollaston Mills, Stourbridge. Phone: 43. T/A: Nash. Area No. 4.
9321 Nasmith, J. W., Griffin Works, Richard Street, Stockport. Phone: 80 Heaton Moor. T/A: Stitchers, Stockport. Area No. 2.
9322 Nasmyth, Wilson and Co., Ltd., Bridgewater Foundry, Patricroft, Manchester. Phone: 5 Eccles. T/A: Nasmyth, Patricroft. Area No. 2.
9324 National Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 15, Drummond Crescent, Seymour Street, Euston, London, and at Weybridge. Phone: Museum 3373. T/A: Area No. 7.
9325 National Alloys, Ltd. Works, , Altior Foundry, 38, High Road, Ilford, London, E. ] Phone: Ilford 240. T/A: Altior, Ilford. Registered Office: Dock House, Billiter Street, London, E.C.3. Phone: Avenue 5463 (5 lines). T/A: Gramercy, London. Area No. 7.
9326 National Galvanizers, Ltd., Pallion New Road, Sunderland. Phone: 1030 Natgal, Sunder- land. T/A: Area No. 1. (A.)
9327 National Gas Engine Co., Ltd., Ashton-under-Lyne. Phone: 425. T/A: National, Ashton-under-Lyne. Area No. 2.
9328 National Motor Cab Co., The, 134, King Street, Hammersmith, London, W.6. Phone: Hammersmith 940. T/A: Natmokab, Hammer, London. Area No. 7.
9329 National Radiator Co., Ltd., Ideal Works, Hull, Yorks. Phone: Central 4220. T/A: Radiators. London Office and Showrooms: 439-441, Oxford Street, London, W.l. Phone: 2153, 2154 Mayfair. Area No. 1.
9330 National Steam Car Co., Ltd., The, Moulsham Works, Chelmsford. Phone: 31. T./A: National, Chelmsford. Area No. 7.
9331 National Steel Foundry (1914), Ltd., The, Kirkland Works, Leven, Fife. Phone: 93 (2 lines). T/A: Castings, Leven. Area No. 8.
9332 National Time Recorder Co., Ltd., 5, Blackfriars Road, London, S.E.l. Phone: Hop 918. T/A: Natrecord. Area No. 7.
9333 National Rail and Tramway Appliances Co., Ltd., 12/16, Taylor Street, Liverpool. Phone: Royal 1198. T/A: Brakeblock. Liverpool. ..Area No. 2. Naval Construction Co., Church Passage, 180, Tower Bridge Road, London, S.E.l.
9334 Nayler and Co., Ltd., Friar Street, < Hereford. Phone: 1138. T/A: Nayler, Hereford. Area No. 6.
Naylor Battery Co., 1, Lamraer-moor Road, Balham, London, S. W.12.
9336 Naylor Brothers, Ltd., Golborne Iron Works, Golborne, Lancs. Phone: 26 and 27. T/A: Naylor Bros. Area No. 2.
9337 Naylor, J. H., Ltd., Central Brass Works, Wigan, Lancs. Phone: 376. T/A: Naylor Wiend, Wigan. Area No. 2. I
9338 Naylor, J. S. and Sons, Hanover Street, Keighley. Phone: 91 Keighley. T/A: j Area No. 3.
9339 Naylor Screw Co., Croxted Works, F 288, Croxted Road, Herne Hill, London. S.E. Phone: Brixton 2095. T/A: Nalascruco, Herne, London. Area No. 7.
Neal and Hughes, Liverpool.
9340 Neal, E. T. and Co., Ltd., Water Street, Kettering, Northamptonshire. Phone: 106. T/A: Neal, Engineers, Kettering. Area No. 4. 9341 Neal, Ralph, 19, 48, 49, and 50, Percival Street, Clerkenwell, London, E.C.l. Phone: Central 4948. T/A: ] Area No. 7.
9342 Neal, James and Sons, Ltd., 68, Graham Street, Birmingham. Phone: 1508. T/A: Neal, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
9343 Neath Steel Sheet and Galvanizing Co., Ltd., Galvanizing Works, Neath, Glamorgan. Phone: Neath 2. T/A: Galvan, Neath. Area No. 5.
9344 Needham Bros. and Brown, Ltd., Borough Foundry,Pontefract Road, Barnsley. Phone: 24 Barnsley. T/A: Clutch, Barnsley. Area No. 3.
9345 Needham, G., Ltd.. Jones Street, Salford. Phone: Central 5496. T/A: Area No. 2.
9346 Needham, J. and Sons, Ltd., Milligate, Stockport. Phone: 186. T/A: Needham’s, Ironfounders, Stockport. Area No. 2.
9347 Needham, Veall and Tyzack, Ltd., Eyewitness Works, Milton Street; Glamorgan Works, Pond Street; and Talbot Works, Reed Street, Sheffield. Phone: Central 4428 and 4249. T/A: Eyewitness, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
Neepsend Rolling Mills, Ltd., Sheffield (late Sheffield Steel Rolling and Manufacturing Co.).
9348 Negretti and Zambra, Half Moon Works, Barnsbury, London, N.l. Phone: 3288 North. T/A . Negretti, Cent, London. ] Chief Office: 38, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C.l. Area No. 7.
9349 Neil, C. and Co., Bridge Street, Campbell Works, Sheffield. Phone: 4488 Central. T/A: Rapidity, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
9350 Neill, W. and Son, Ltd., Bold Iron Works, St. Helens Junction, Lancs. Phone: 20 St. Helens. T/A: Neill, St. Helens. Area No. 2.
9351 Neill, James and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., Composite Steel Works, Napier Street, Sheffield. Phone: 1879. T/A: Composite. Area No. 3.
9352 Neilson Engineering Co., 5, Balti- more Street, Liverpool. Phone: Royal 3285. T/A: Area No. 2.
9353 Neilson, James and Son, Ltd.,Alma D Boiler Works, St. Marnock ] Street, Glasgow. Phone: Bridgeton 6. T/A: Fireboxes, Glasgow. Area No. 9. (A.)
9354 Nelson Tool Co., Ltd., Rocking- ham Street, Sheffield. Phone: T/A: Area No. 3.
9355 Nero Engine Co., Gwydyr Works, . Foleshill, Coventry. Phone: 1251. T/A: Nero, Coventry. Area No. 4.
Nesbitt, John, Manchester. J 9356 Nether wood, G. and Co.,Tumbridge, C Huddersfield. Phone: 647. ] T/A: Area No. 3.
9357 Nevill, Druce and Co., Copper E Works, Llanelly. Phone: 272, Llanelly. T/A: Nevill. Area No. 5.
9359 Nevill, R. and Co., Ltd., Wern Steel I and Iron Works, Llanelly. Phone: 318. And at Gowerton Foundry, Gowerton, Glam. Phone: 20. T/A.: Richard Nevill. Area No. 5. I
9360 Neville, T. C. and Sons, Hatherton S Street Foundry, Walsall. I Phone: Walsall 327. T/A: Area No. 4. New Britain Engineering Co., / Manchester.
9361 New British Electric Supply Co., Ltd., The, Rochester Works, 43, Stoke Newington Road, London, N.16. I Phone: Dalston 388. T/A: Arcazon. Registered Office: Stevenage House, 40 /44, Holbom Viaduct, London, E.C.l. Phone: 1150 and 1151 Holborn. Area No. 7.
9362 New Conveyer Co., Ltd., The, C Smethwick. Phone: 50. j T/A: Aptitude, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
9363 New Cransley Iron and Steel Co., I Pho„de: U3. Kelteriag- 1 T/A: Cransley Furnace, Ketter- ing. Area No. 4.
9364 New Delaville Spelter Co.. Ltd., » The, Spring Hill, Birming- E ham. Phone: Central 3290. T/A: Delaville, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
New Destructor Co., Walter « House, Bedford Street, London, W.C.2.
9365 New Engine Co., Ltd., Junction / Works, Hythe Road. Willesden Junction, London. N.W.10. Phone: 1180 Willesden. T/A: 1180 Willesden. E Area No. 7.
New Era Joinery Co., Willesden, < London.
New Era Tools and Stampings, S Ltd., Besley Street, Streatham, London, S.W.16.
New Fortuna Machine Co., Ltd., Bristol (late Fortuna Machine Co., Leicester).
9367 New Garter Foundry Co., Ltd., I The, Grovelands Road, Tip- I ton. Phone: 33. T/A: Garter, Tipton. Area No. 4.
9368 New Gutta-Percha Co., Ltd., T Crooms Hill, London, S.E.10. Phone: Greenwich 559. ] T/A: Area No. 7.
9369 New Hudson Cycle Co., Ltd., The, 1 Armstrong Works, 132, Ick-nield Street Birmingham. I Phone: T/A: And at Pope Street, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
9371 New Imperial Cycles, Ltd., Imperial Works, Princip Street, Birmingham. E Phone: Central 7051. T/A: Peerage, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
9372 New Inverted Incandescent Gas Lamp Co., Ltd., The, Roscar Works, Summer Rill Road, Birmingham. Phone: 7514 and 7515 E Central. T/A: Progress. Area No. 4.
9374 New Lowca Engineering Co., Ltd., L Lowca Engine Works, near Whitehaven. Phone: 88. T/A: Lowca, Whitehaven. Area No. 2. E New Merlin Cycle Co., Birmingham. Se
9375 New Pelapone Engine Co., Ltd., Wellington Chambers, Leeds. (Works at Dewsbury.) Phone: Leeds 22235. T/A: Telapone, Leeds. Area No. 3.
9376 New Peto and Radford Accumulator Co., Ltd., Victoria Works, Ashtead, Surrey. Phone: Epsom 634. T/A: Peto, Radford. Area No. 7.
9377 New Rover Cycle Co., Ltd., Coventry. Phone: 381 Coventry. T/A: Meteor, Coventry. Area No. 4.
9378 New Ryder Motor Cycle Co., Ltd., Birmingham. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
9379 New Switchgear Construction Co., Ltd., Wellseley Road, Sutton, Surrey. Phone: Sutton 773. T/A: Vehaiche, Sutton. Area No. 7.
Newall Engineering Co., Black-horse Lane, Walthamstow, London, E.17.
9380 Newall, R. S. and Son, Ltd., Linacre Wire Rope Works, Liverpool. Phone: Bootle 923 and 924. T/A: Original, Liverpool. Area No. 2. (A.)
9381 Newby and Son, Phoenix Foundry, Loveday Street, West Bromwich. Phone: 21. T/A: Newby’s, West Bromwich. Area No. 4.
9382 Newcastle-on-Tyne Motor Co., Ltd., South Benwell Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Phone: Central 1869. T/A: " Nuts,” Newcastle. Area No. 1.
9383 Newell, E. and Co., Ltd., Misterton, Gainsborough. Phone: 11 Misterton. T/A: Newells, Misterton, Gainsboro. Area No. 4.
9384 Newey Bros., Ltd., 105, Brearley Street, Summer Lane, Birmingham. Phone: Central 1814. T/A: Pelican, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
9385 Newey, G. and Co., 36, Lower Love- day, Street, Birmingham. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
9386 Newey's Motor and Munitions Co., Ltd., 77, Bristol Street, Birmingham. Phone: 1472 Midland. T/A: Stars. Area No. 4.
9388 Newlands, Alex. and Sons, St. Magdalene Engine Works, Linlithgow. Phone: 58. T/A: Newlands, Linlithgow. Area No. 8.
9389 Newman and Guardia, Ltd., 17 and 18, Rathbone Place, Oxford street, London, W.l. Phone: Museum 1081. T/A: Goniometer, Ox., London. Area No. 7.
9390 Newman and Sinclair, Ltd., 2, Salisbury Road, Highgate Hill, London, N.6. Phone: 1003 Hornsey. T/A: Newincla, London. Area No. 7.
9391 Newman, F. and Co., Ltd., Lever Street, Wolverhampton. Phone: 721. T/A: Newman, Lever Street, Wolverhampton. Area No. 4.
Newman, George and C°" London'
9392 Newman, R. and Sons, Hamworthy; Poole, Dorset. Phone: T/A: Area No. 6. (A.)
9393 Newman, S. A., Ltd., 49, Lich- field Road, Portland Street, Aston, Birmingham. Phone: East 416. T/A: Ivy, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
9394 Newman, W. and Sons, Ltd., Reliance Works, Hospital Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 6745. T/A: Checks. Area No. 4.
Newport Foundry Co., Newport.
9395 Newport Rivet Co., Ltd., The, Lliswerry, Newport, Monmouth. Phone: 3762. T iA: Rivets, Newport, Mon. Area No. 5.
9396 Newsome, Askham and Co., Bradford Road, Batley. Phone: 178 Dewsbury. T/A: Area No. 3.
9397 Newton and Bennett, William Street, Salford. Phone: Central 7122. T/A: Garage, Manufacturer. Area No. 2.
9398 Newton-Harper, Lomax Street, Rochdale and Manchester. Phone: 424 Rochdale and 111 Trafford Park, Manchester. Area No. 2.
9399 Newton and Nicholson, Ltd., Tyne 1 Dock Corrugated Packing Works, South Shields. Phone: 431. ] T/A: Corrugate, South Shields. Area No. 1. (A.)
9400 Newton and Pycroft, Ltd., Alfred i Street Mills, Ashforth Street, Nottingham. Phone: 771. T/A: Pycroft, Nottingham. Area No. 4. 1
9401 Newton and Wright, Ltd., 72, Wig- S more Street, London, W.l. E Factory: Newton Works, 471-477, Hornsey Road, London, N.19. Phone: North 1047, Hornsey 1283. T/A: Area No. 7.
9402 Newton, Bean and Mitchell, Dawson 1Z Lane, Tong Street, Dudley Hill, Bradford. Phone: Dudley Hill 125. E T/A: “ Adroit, Dudley Hill.” Area No. 3.
9403 Newton Bros. (Derby), Ltd., L (Works) Alfreton Road, Derby. Phone: 207. Offices: Market Place, Derby. E Phone: 1315 and 1316. T/A: Dynamo, Derby. Area No. 4.
9404 Newton, Chambers and Co., Ltd., l! Thorncliffe Iron Works and E Collieries, near Sheffield. Phone: Iron Works 2200, Central; Collieries 2151 Sheffield. T/A: Newton, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
Newton, G. and Co., Ltd., Academy I: Street, Warrington.
9407 Newton, H. Knights and Co. Ast- 3- bury Road, Peckham, London, S.E.15. I Phone: New X 134. T/A: Acetidine, London. London Offices: 19, St. Dunstan’s Hill, London, E.C.3. Phone: Avenue 296 and 3539. Area No. 7.
Newton, Ltd., Northampton. 5
9408 Newton, L. H. and Co., Thimble I Hill Lane, Birmingham. E Phone: East 472. , T/A: Bolanut. Area No. 4.
9409 Newton, R. and Sons, 134, Dock S Street, Fleetwood. Phone: E T/A: Area No. 2. (A.)
9410 Newton, Samuel and Sons, Nine S Locks Iron Works, Brierley E Hill. Phone: 24. T/A: Newtons, Brierley Hill. Area No. 4.
9411 Newton, Shakespeare Co., Ltd., S Garrison Lane, Birmingham. Phone: 195 and 196 Victoria. T/A: Garrison, Birmingham. I Area No. 4.
9412 Newton, W. H. and Co., Albion 3M Foundry, Miles Platting, Manchester. I Phone: City 2629. T/A: Area No. 2.
9413 Newtons, Ltd., Taunton. ] Phone: 9. T/A: Arc, Taunton. I Area No. 6.
9414 Newtown Co., The, Bradley Heath. F Phone: T/A: Newtown Co., Cradley I Heath. Area No. 4.
9415 Nice, Thomas H. and Co., 21, S Abbeygate Street, Bury St. Edmunds. ] Phone: 29. T/A: Nice, Garage, Bury St. Edmunds. Area No. 7.
9416 Nicholl, J. A. and Co., 13, Waterloo I Road, London, S.E.l. Phone: Hop 4296. I Area No. 7.
Nicholls and James, High Wycombe.
9417 Nicholls and Lewis, Ltd., 16, Prin- I cip Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 7188. 1 /A: Colpressed, Birmingham. ] Area No. 4.
9418 Nicholls and Son, St. Mary’s Square, Bedford. Phone: 19. T/A: Area No. 7.
9419 Nichols, Joseph and Son, Ltd., 162, 5 Cheapside, Birmingham. Phone: 500 Midland (2 lines). T/A: Wirework, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
9420 Nichols Pump and Engineering ] Co., Ltd., Northallerton, Yorks. Phone: 57 Northallerton. ) T/A: Nichols, Northallerton. Area No. 1.
9421 Nicholson and Fieldsend, Resilient Works, Tinsley Park Road, ] Attercliffe, Sheffield. Phone: Attercliffe 124. T/A: Resilient, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
9422 Nicholson and Sons, Glasson Dock, 1 Lancaster. Phone: T/A: Area No. 2. (A.)
9423 Nicholson Bros., Ltd., Nibromo 3 Works, Roberts Street, Grimsby. Phone: 388. . T/A: Nibromo. Area No. 1. (A.)
9424 Nicholson, F. R., Myrtle Street i Works, Bolton Lane, Bolton. Phone: 1281. T/A: Area No. 2.
9425 Nicholson, John andSons(Sheffield), C Ltd., Mowbray Steel Works, 1 Sheffield. Phone: 416 and 1535 Central. T/A: Nicholson, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
9426 Nicholson Tool Co., City Road: Tool Works, Newcastle-on- Tyne. Phone: Newcastle Central J 1532 and 2434. T/A: " Machinery,” Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Area No. 1.
9427 Nicholson, W. N., and Sons, Trent Iron Works, Newark-on- Trent, Notts. Phone: T/A • Nicholsons, Newark. Area No. 4.
9428 Nickel Co., The, Holly Lane, Erdington, Birmingham. Phone: Erdington 150. T/A: Nickel Co., Erdington. Area No. 4.
9429 Nickel Co., The, Canal Bank, Kirkintilloch, Scotland. Phone: 3 Kirkintilloch. T/A: Nickel, Kirkintilloch. Area No. 9.
9430 Nicklin, E. and Co., Field Street, Willenhall, Wolverhampton. Phone: Willenhall 98. T/A: Nicklin, Engineer, Wil- lenhall. Area No- 4.
9431 Nicklin, J. and Co.. Ltd., 166, Great Charles Street, Birmingham. Phone: 1389 Central. T/A: Nicknacks. Area No. 4.
9432 Nicole, Nielson and Co., Ltd., (now (North and Sons, Ltd.;, The Watford Speedometer Works, Whippendell Road, Watford, Herts. Phone: 622/3. T/A: Aeromags, Watford. Area No. 7.
9433 Nieuport and General Aircraft Co., Ltd., Langton Road, Cricklewood. ] Phone: Willesden 2455. T/A: " Nieuscout,” Crickle, London. Area No. 7.
9434 Nightingale and Co., 16, Brighton i Road, Crawley. Phone: 41. T/A: Nightingale Works. 3 Area No. 7.
9437 Noakes and Holborow, 14 and 14a, Old Road, Bethnal Green, London, E.l. Phone: Avenue 3819. T/A: Area No. 7.
9438 Noakes, B. and Co., Ltd., 142, Spa / Road, Bermondsey, London, I S.E.16. Phone: Hop 1040. T/A: Noakes, Southpark. London. Area No. 7.
9439 Noakes, T. and Sons, 16, White- chapel Road, London, E.l. Phone: Avenue 4339. T/A: Cockbrass, Edo, Lon- don. Area No. 7.
9440 Nobel's Explosives Co., Ltd., Westquarter, Polmont, Stirlingshire. Phone: Polmont 15. T/A: Nobel, Polmont. Area No. 3.
9441 Nobel's Explosives Co., Ltd., Waltham Factory, Farm Hill, Waltham Abbey, Essex. Phone: Waltham Cross 4 and 21. T/A: Nobel’s, Waltham Abbey Area No. 7.
9443 Noble and Lund, Ltd., Northern Machine Works, Brewery Lane, Felling-on-Tyne, Durham. Phone: Gateshead 23, Felling T/A: Lathes, Felling. Area No. 1.
9445 Noble Engineering Co., 44-56, Hercules Road, Lambeth, London, S.E.l. Phone: Hop 2080. T/A: Area No. 7.
9446 Non-Ferrous Castings Co., 56, Broad Street, Birmingham. Phone: Mid. 2716 and 2717. T/A: Mangbronz. Area No. 4.
9448 Norman, Thompson Flight Co., Ltd., The, Middleton. Bognor. Phone: 48 Bognor. T/A: Soaring, Bognor. Area No. 7
9449 Normand and Thomson, Chalmers’ Street, Dunfermline, Fife. Phone: 188. T/A: Normand, Dunfermline. Area No. 8.
9450 Normansell, R., Exeter Street, Birmingham. Phone: Midland 1754. T/A: Area No. 4.
9451 Normington Bros., Ltd., Birming- ham Works, Keighley. Phone: 9. T/A: Area No. 3.
9452 Norris, F. A. and Co., 11 and 12, St. Andrew’s Hill, Queen Victoria Street, London, Phone City 106, 631. T/A: “ Steelwork,” London. Works: Old Kent Road. Phone: Hop 756. Area No. 7.
9453 Norris, James, 51, Sherbourne Road, Birmingham. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4. North and Sons (late Nicole, Nielsen and Co., Ltd.), Watford.
9455 North British Diesel Engine Works, Ltd., South Street, Whiteinch, Glasgow. Phone: Western 3620. T/A: Fordomount, Glasgow. Area No. 9.
9456 North British Electric Welding Co., 2, Finnieston Quay, Glasgow. Phone: Central 2679. ’ T/A: “ Welders,” Glasgow. Area No. 9.
9457 North British Eyelet Co., The, Merefield, Rochdale. Phone: 378 Rochdale. T/A: British. Area No. 2.
9458 North British Lifting and Moving Appliance Co., Ltd., 77, Robertson Street, Glasgow. Phone: Central 7480. T/A: " Runaway.” Area No. 9.
9459 North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., Administration Buildings, 110, Flemington Street, Springburn, Glasgow. Phone: Bell 1121. T/A: “ Loco Glasgow.” London Office: 17, Victoria Street, Westminster, London. T/A: “ Hypar, London.” Hyde Park Works, Springburn, Glasgow. Phone: Central 2503. Queen’s Park Works, Polmadie. Glasgow. Phone: Queen’s Park 1060. Atlas Works, Springburn, Glasgow. Phone: Bell 1004. Mons Shell Factory. Phone: Bell 1172 and 1775.
9462 North British Steel Foundry Ltd., The, Balbardie Steel Works, Bathgate, Linlithgow. Phone: 23. T/A: Castings, Bathgate. Area No. 8. North Central Wagon Co.
9467 North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co., Ltd., Wallsend-on-Tyne. Phone: 26, 27 and 28 City. 104 and 105 Newcastle. T/A: News, Wallsend. And at Sunderland. Area No. 1. (A.)
9470 North-Eastern Steel Co., Ltd. The, Middlesbrough. Phone: 1054. T/A: Basic, Middlesbrough. Area No- 1.
9471 North Lincolnshire Iron Co., Ltd., The, Scunthorpe, Lines. Phone: 7 Scunthorpe. T/A: Allmine, Scunthorpe. Are<* No. 4.
North London Engineering Co., Ltd. (late Godwin, Wright and Co.), London, N W.10.
9472 North London Garage, 1 /8, Corsica . Street, London, N. Phone: North 1520. T/A: Tractarian, London. Aiea No. 7.
9473 North Lonsdale Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., The, Iron and Steel Works and Foundry, Ulverston, Lancs. • Phone: T/A: Area No. 2.
9474 North, S., 34, Selhurst Road, E South Norwood, London. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
9475 North Steam Drifter Engineering Co., Ltd., 4, Balaclava, Fraserburgh. Phone: 29 and 02. T/A: Northern Engineering. Area No. 8. and . 5
9476 North-West Rivet, Bolt, and Nut Factory, Ltd., Hogg Street, Airdrie. Phone: 46. T/A: Northwest. Area No. 9.
9477 Northampton Machinery Co., Ltd., The, St. Michael's Road, Northampton. Phone: 305. T/A: Area No. 4.
9478 Northern Automatic Machine Co., Byre Lane, 422, High West Street, Gateshead. Phone: 407. T/A: Clown, Gateshead. Area No. 1.
9479 Northern Electrical Co., The, 6, Williamson Square, Liverpool. Phone: Royal 4364. T/A: “ Surchase.” Area No. 2.
9480 Northern Engineering Co., King’s Cross, Exmoor Street, Halifax. Phone: 239. T/A: Neco, Halifax. Area No. 3.
9481 Northern Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Co., 1, Blackett Street, Newca3tle-on-Tyne. Phone: Central 1323. T/A: Chronology. Area No. 1. (A.)
9482 Northern Machine Screws, Ltd., . Vulcan Works, Shafton Lane, Holbeck, Leeds. Phone: Central 25660. T/A: Vulcan. Area No. 3.
Northern Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Albion Works, Gainsborough.
9483 Northern Press and Engineering Co., Ltd., The, Barrington Street, South Shields. Phone: Nat. 312. T/A: Norpress, South Shields. Area No. 1.
9485 Northern Sheet Metal Co., Aberdeen. Phone: Central 2370. T/A: Vigorous, Aberdeen. Area No. 8.
9486 N. S. C. Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd., Ennesee Works, Parkgate, Darlington. Phone: 2101 Darlington. T/A: Ennesee, Darlington. Area No. 1.
9487 Northern Spring Co., Works: Walsall Street, West Bromwich. Phone: 398. T/A: Area No. 4.
9488 Northern Tin Canister Works, The, 6, Mersey Street, Liverpool. Phone: Bank 3433. T/A: Canisters, Liverpool. Area No. 2.
9439 Northgate Iron Works Co., The (Proprietors: R. Boby, Ltd.), Northgate Railway Sidings, Bury St. Edmunds. Phone: 3. T/A: Castings, Bury St. Edmunds. Area No. 7.
9491 Northumberland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.. Willington Quay, R. S.O., Wallsend-on-Tyne. Phone: 106 (3 lines). T/A: Garboard, Newcastle-on-Tyne. And at Howden-on-Tyne. London Qffice: West India House, 96/98, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C.3. Phone: Avenue 6318. T/A: Avanuero, London. Area No. 1. (A.)
Norton and Gregory, Ltd., London,
9492 Norton Brothers and Co., Uphall Road, Ilford. Phone: 563 East Ham. T/A Area No. 7.
9494 Norton Harty Engineering Co., 1 The, Great Bridge, Tipton. Staffs. Phone: West Bromwich 186. T/A: Heapstead, Tipton. Area No. 4.
9495 Norton Motors, Ltd., Phillips i Street, Aston, Birmingham. Phone: East 830. T/A: Nortomo. ] Area No. 4.
9496 Norton, T. and Co., 28, Carver Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 5917. T/A: Area No. 4.
9497 Norton’s (Tividale), Ltd., Hecla ( Works, Tividale, Tipton, Staffs. Phone: Tipton 59. T/A: Screening, Tipton. Area No. 4.
9498 Norwich Components, Ltd., ' Foundry Bridge Works, Norwich. Phone: 1177. T/A: Components, Norwich. Area No. 7.
Notable Electric Co., Ltd., London, S. W.19.
9500 Nott, J. K. and Sons.VincentWorks, Picton Place, Swansea. Phone: 142 Central. T/A: Nott, Swansea. Area No. 5.
9501 Notting, William and Co., 18/19, 3 Bowling Green Lane, Far-ringdon Road,London,E.C.l. Phone: 10383 Central. T/A: Rounce, Isling, London. Area No. 7.
Nottingham Electric Plating Co., Nottingham.
9502 Nottingham Engineering Co., Eagle Works, Popham Street, Nottingham. Phone: 5697. T/A: Area No. 4.
9503 Nowill, John and Sons, Scotland Street, Sheffield. Phone: 1394 Central. T/A: No-will’s, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
9504 Nuneaton Engineering Co., Ltd., ' Tuttle Hill, Nuneaton. Phone: 53. T/A: Engineering, Nuneaton. Area No. 4. •7 '•: x r .
9505 Nunwick and Co., Wharfe Works, Ben Rhydding, Leeds. Phone: Ilkley 314 (Bradford Area). T/A: Area No. 3.
9506 Nuttall, Henry, Castle Works, Bridge Street, Rochdale. Phone: T/A: Area No. 2.
9507 Nuttall, James, Spring Works, Castleton, near Manchester. Phone: 926 Rochdale. T/A: Spring Works, Castle- ton, Manchester. Area No. 2.
9508 Nuts and Bolts (Darlaston), Ltd., Foster Street, Darlaston. Phone: 63. T/A: Nuts, Darlaston. Area No. 4.
9509 Nottingham Electro Plating Co., Ltd., The, 98, Sherwood Street, Nottingham. Phone: 1277. T/A: Plating, Nottingham, 1277. Area No. 4.
9510 New Fortuna Machine Co., Ltd., Southmead, Bristol. Phone: 188 Westbury-on- Trym. T/A: Skiving, Westbury-on Trym. Area No. 6.
9511 Nesbitt, John, 42, Market Street, Manchester. Phone: City 2284. T/A: Nestor. Area No. 2.
9512 North London Engineering Co., Ltd., Works: White Hart Lane. Office: 109, Cobbold Road, Willesden, London, N.W.10. Phone: Willesden 640. T/A: Area No. 7.
9513 Neepsend Rolling Mills, Ltd., Neepsend, Sheffield. Phone: 51 and 52 Central. T/A: Sheets, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
9514 New Britain Engineering Co., Central Works, Manchester. Phone: T/A: Area No. 2.
9515 New Merlin Cycle Co., Balsall Heath, Birmingham. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
9518 New Era Joinery Co., Dog Lane, Willesden, London, N.W. Phone: Willesden 806. T/A: Area No. 7.
9520 Newman, George and Co., 307, Euston Road, London, N.W. Phone: Museum 1568. T/A: Area No. 7.
9521 Nicholls and James, St. Mary Street, High Wycombe, Bucks. Phone: High Wycombe 157. T/A: Area No. 7.
9522 Norton and Gregory, Ltd., 1, Rucklidge Avenue, Harlesden, London, N.W.10., and London, S.W.l. Phone ; Victoria 8329. T/A: Nortazo, Sowest, London. Area No. 7.
9524 Notable Electric Co., Ltd., 138, Kingston Road, Merton Park, London, S.W.19. Phone: Wimbledon 172. T/A: Notable, Wimbledon. Area No. 7.
9525 Newport Foundry Co., Mill Parade, Newport, Mon. Phone: 3606. T/A: Area No. 5.
See Also
Sources of Information