1923 Economy Cars
Details and specifications of cars from around 120 manufacturers including some images.[1] Three-Wheelers[2]
- A.B.C., A.C., Adamson, Airedale, Albert, Alvis, Amazon, Amilcar, Argyll, Ariel, Ashton-Evans, Atomette, Aston-Martin, Austin Seven, Autocrat, Autogear, A.V.
- B.A.C., Bayliss-Thomas, Baughan, Bedelia, Belsize, Benjamin, Bleriot-Whippet, Bowser, Bow V, Bramham, B.S.A., Buchet, Bugatti, Busy Bee, Buckingham
- Calcott, Calthorpe, Charron, Charron-Laycock, Citroen, Clyno, Cluley, Cooper Car Co, Corona, Coventry-Premier, Crouch, Clement-Talbot
- Dandy, Day-Leeds, Deemster, Derby, Diatto
- E.H.P., Emms, Enfield-Allday, Eric-Campbell, Eric-Longden, Euston
- Fiat
- G.B., Gibbons, G.N., Grahame-White, G.W.K., Gwynne
- Hamilton, Hampton, Hands, Harper, Horstman, Humber
- Jewel, Jowett
- L.A.D., Lagonda, La Licorne, Lecoy, Le Zebre, Little Midland, L.S.D.
- Marlborough, Marseal, M.A.S.E., Mathis, McKenzie, Meteorite, Metro-Tyler, Morgan
- New British, New Hudson
- Orpington
- Palladium, Peugeot, Phoenix, Princess
- Renault, Rhode, Richardson, Riley, Rob Roy, Roger, Rover, R.T.C.
- Salmson, Scott Sociable, Seabrook, Short-Ashby, Sigma, Singer, Stack, Standard, Stoneleigh, Straker-Squire, Surrey, Swift
- Talbot-Darracq, Tamplin, T.B., Turner
- Unit
- Vulcan
- Waverley, Webb, Wolseley, Whitlock
- Xtra
See Also
Sources of Information