Engineering 1943 Jul-Dec: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1943 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1943 Jul-Dec Volume
Aeronautics :
- Air Brake for Aircraft. Short Brothers (Rochester and Bedford), Ltd., and R. Me Vie, 240
- Aircraft Slipway. The Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and C. H. C. Smith, 500
- Contra-Driven Airscrew. Self-Changing Gear Co., Ltd., A. G. Wilson and A. A. Miller, 380
- Folding-Wing Aircraft. Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and H. E. Chaplin, 520
- Internal-Combustion Engine. D. Napier and Son, Ltd., F. B. Halford and A. L. Catford, 80
- Retractable Undercarriage. G. H. Dowty, 360
- Rotary-Wing Aircraft. G. and J. Weir, Ltd., and C. G. Pullin, 480
Electrical Apparatus ;
- Alternating-Current Relay. Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., S. H. Towner and W. H. D. Yule, 500
- Automatic Arc-Welding Apparatus. G. D. Peters and Co., Ltd., and B. W. Palmer, 60
- Direct-Current Generator. B. N. Brooke, 400
- Electric Clock. R. C. Graseby, 80
- Electric Phase-Converting Motor. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., and A. H. Maggs, 160
- Electricity Meter. British Insulated Cables, Ltd., and P. Eckersley, 100
- Magnetic Slip Coupling. English Electric Co., Ltd., and H. S. Carnegie, 440
- Protective Gear for Distribution Networks. E. V. C. Habgood, 320
- Pulse-Generating Circuit. J. H. Reyner and F. R. Milsom, 540
- Slip Couplings. English Electric Co., Ltd., H. S. Carnegie and W. E. M. Ayres, 360
- Slotting Commutators, Apparatus for. Hoover, Ltd., and R. J. Gilson, 20
- Testing Electrical Equipment, Apparatus for. Crypton Equipment, Ltd., and E. T. L. Helme, 300
Furnace Apparatus :
- Annealing Furnace. Gibbons Brothers, Ltd., and J. DewidelS, 20
- Gas Producer. Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and B. H. Schieldrop, 480
- Metallurgical Furnace. United Steel Companies, Ltd., and G. A. V. Russell, 160
- Metallurgical Furnace. Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., and G. H. S. Grene, 360
- Producer-Gas Generator. Humphreys and Glasgow, Ltd., and N. H. Williams, 440
- Rotary Drying Kilns. E. Newell and Co., Ltd., and P. Howden, 40
Guns and Explosives :
- Depth-Charge Thrower. J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., and Sir J. E. Thornycroft, 180
Hydraulic Apparatus :
- Cold Chamber Die-Casting Machine. T. H. and J. Daniels, Ltd., and J. L. Daniels, 140
- Pipe Couplings. British Ermeto Corporation, Ltd., A. G. B, Sutherland and W. A. G. Box, 480
Internal-Combustion Engines :
- Control of Ignition. D. Napier and Son, Ltd. F. B. Halford and A. L. Catford, 540
- Liquid-Fuel Injection. Joseph Lucas, Ltd., R. J. Ifleld and E. A. Watson, 240
- Piston Construction. London Passenger Transport Board and F. H. Clayton, 60
- Producer-Gas Plant. W. Scott, 420
- Remote Throttle Control. J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., and E. B. Walker, 220
- Surface Finishing of Piston Rings. Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd., and J. W. Howlett, 20
- Machine Tools and Machine-Shop Equipment :
- Grinding Tool-Bits. G. R. Robinson (Stoke- on-Trent), Ltd., and G. A. Robinson, 60
- Hydraulic Press. John Shaw and Sons (Salford), Ltd., and J. B. Shaw, 500
- Lathe Chuck. H. C. France, 400
- Rotary Shearing Machine. Hall Street Metal Rolling Co., Ltd., and W. J. White, 160
- Safety Jack for Forming Press. Morris Motors, Ltd., G. M. Perry and R. J. A. Essex, 540
- Strip-Cutting Machine. Sir J. F. Norton and Co., Ltd., and D. G. Norton, 340
- Vertical Boring Mill. G. Richards and Co., Ltd., and J. A. Camenzind, 80
Mining :
- Preventing Overspeed of Winding Engines. Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., A. G. Walker and J. H. Sharrock, 180
Metallurgy :
- Distillation of Metals. International Alloys, Ltd., and W. E. Prytherch, 260
Miscellaneous :
- Automatic Chain Tensioner. Renold and Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., and R. Coulson, 40
- Baker’s Oven. S. A. Rhodes, Ltd., and T. Rhodes, 520
- Filter. Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., L. P. Lee and L. Hathaway, 260
- Glass-Melting Furnace. United Glass Bottle Manufacturers, Ltd., and W. A. Moors- head, 100
- Injection Moulding Machine. E.M.B. Co., Ltd., and S. Smith, 280
- Mechanical Excavator. Priestman Brothers, Ltd., C. W. Piper and F. Goodlad, 320
- Multi-Stage Air Compressor. H. R. Ricardo, 380
- Multi-Stage Compressor. H. R. Ricardo, 300
- Piston Ring. British Piston Ring Co., Ltd., T. R. Twigger and J. A. Judd, 220
- Rock Drill Control Valve. Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Works, Ltd., R. de H. St. Stephens and G. A. McLeman, 200
- Rubber-Calender Bearing. D. Bridge and Co., Ltd., and J. Brown, 300
- Rubber Masticating Machine. David Bridge and Co., Ltd., and J. Brown, 240
Motor Vehicles :
- Axle Assembly. O. D. North, P. G. Hugh and Scammell Lorries, Ltd., 340
- Brake for Vehicles. Bendix, Ltd., and J. S. Irving, 400
- Change-Speed Gearing. David Brown Tractors, Ltd., and H. E. Merritt, 400
- Friction Clutch Plates. N. B. Newton, 140
- Geared Hub. Austin Motor Co., Ltd., and J. C. Haefeli, 200
- Internal-Expanding Brake. Kirkstall Forge, Ltd., and F. R. Cowell, 120
- Sparking Plug. Lodge Plugs, Ltd., and B. Hopps, 440
- Rotary Printing Press. Goss Printing Press Co., Ltd. 100
- Railways and Tramways :
- Electric Locomotive. Crompton Parkinson,
Ltd., and H. G. McClean, 140
Ships and Nautical Appliances :
- Variable-Pitch Marine Propeller. J. Stone and Co., Ltd., and E. C. Hatcher, 200
Steam Engines, Boilers, Etc. :
- Boiler. Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., and R. E. Zoller, 280
- Boiler-Feed System. Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., and G. Arrowsmith, 520
- Joints of Tubes and Plates. D. Adamson and Co., Ltd., and P. A. W. Parkyn, 340
- Mechanical Stoker. J. and J. Neil (Temple), Ltd., J. M. Neil and J. Welsh, 120
- Soot Blower. Diamond Blower Co., Ltd., and F. G. W. Spears, 180
- Steam Power Plant. Sir H. E. Yarrow, 40
- Steam Superheater. The Superheater Co., Ltd., and C. Adamson, 220
- Adamson, C., and others. Steam Superheater, 220
- Adamson, D., and Co., Ltd., and another. Joints of Tubes and Plates, 340
- Arrowsmith, G. and others. Boiler-Feed System, 520
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., and another. Geared Hub, 200
- Ayres, W. E. M., and others. Slip Couplings, 360
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., and another. Boiler, 280
- Bendix, Ltd., and another. Brake for Vehicles, 420
- Box, W. A. G., and others. Pipe Couplings, 480
- Bridge, D., and Co., Ltd., and another. Rubber- Calender Bearings, 300
- Bridge, D., and Co., Ltd., and another. Rubber j Masticating Machine, 240
- British Ermeto Corporation, Ltd., and others. Pipe Couplings, 480
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., and another. Electricity Meter, 100
- British Piston Ring Co., Ltd., and others. Piston Ring, 220
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., and another. Phase-Converting Motor, 160
- Brooke, B. N. Direct-Current Generator, 400
- Brown, David, Tractors, Ltd., and another. Change-Speed Gearing, 400
- Brown, J., and others. Rubber-Calender Bearing, 300
- Brown, J., and others. Rubber-Masticating Macliine, 240
- Camenzind, J. A., and others. Vertical Boring Mill, 80
- Carnegie, H. S., and others. Magnetic Slip Coupling, 440
- Carnegie, H. S., and others. Slip Couplings, 360
- Catford, A. L., and others. Control of Ignition, 540
- Catford, A. L., and others. Internal-Combustion Engine, 80
- Chaplin, H. E., and others. Folding-Wing Aircraft, 620
- Clayton, F. H., and others. Piston Construction, 60
- Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Works, Ltd., and others. Rock-Drill Control Valve, 200
- Coulson, R., and others. Automatic Chain Tensioner, 40
- Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., and others. Filter, 260
- Cowell, F. R., and others. Internal-Expanding Brake, 120
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., and another. Electric Locomotive, 140
- Crypton Equipment, Ltd., and another. Apparatus for Testing Electrical Equipment, 300
- Daniels, J. L., and others. Cold-Chamber Die- Casting Machine, 140
- Daniels, T. H. and J., Ltd., and another, Cold- Chamber Die-Casting Machine, 140
- Dewidels, J., and others. Annealing Furnace, 20
- Diamond Blower Co., Ltd., and another. Soot Blower, 180
- Dowty, G. H. Retractable Undercarriage, 360
- Eckersley, P., and others. Electricity Meter, 100
- E. M. B. Co., Ltd., and another. Injection Moulding Machine, 280
- English Electric Co., Ltd., and another. Magnetic Slip Coupling, 440
- English Electric Co., Ltd., and others. Slip Couplings, 360
- Essex, R. J. A., and others. Safety Jack for Forming Press, 640
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and another. Aircraft Slipway, 500
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and another. Folding-Wing Aircraft, 620
- France, H. C. Lathe Chuck, 400
- Gibbons Brothers, Ltd., and another. Annealing Furnace, 20
- Gilson, R. J., and others. Apparatus for Slotting Commutators, 20
- Goodlad, F., and others. Mechanical Excavator, 320
- Goss Printing Press Co., Ltd. Rotary Printing Press, 100
- Graseby, R. C. Electric Clock, 80
- Grene, G. H. S., and others. Metallurgical Furnace, 360
- Habgood, E. V. C. Protective Gear for Distribution Networks, 320
- Haefell, J. C., and others. Geared Hub, 200
- Halford, F. B., and others. Control of Ignition.’ 540
- Halford, F. B., and others. Internal-Combustion Engine, 80
- Hall Street Metal Rolling Co., Ltd., and another. Rotary Shearing Machine, 160
- Hatcher, E. C., and others. Variable-Pitch Marine Propeller, 200
- Hathaway, L., and others. Filter, 260
- Helme, E. T. L., and others. Apparatus for Testing Electrical Equipment, 300
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., and another. Boiler-Feed System, 520
- Hoover, Ltd., and another. Apparatus for Slotting Commutators, 20
- Hopps, B., and others. Sparking Plug, 440
- Howden, P., and others. Rotary Drying Kilns,
- Howlett, J. W., and others. Surface Finishing of Piston Rings, 20
- Hugh, P. G., and others. Axle Assembly, 340
- Humphreys and Glasgow, Ltd., and another Producer-Gas Generator, 440
- Ifield, R. J., and others. Liquid-Fuel Injection, 240
- International Alloys, Ltd., and another. Distillation of Metals, 260
- Irving, J. S., and others. Brake for Vehicles, 420
- Judd, J. A., and others. Piston Ring, 220
- Kirkstall Forge, Ltd., and another. Internal- Expanding Brake, 120
- Lee, L. P., and others. Filter, 260
- Lodge Plugs, Ltd., and another. Sparking Plug, 440
- London Passenger Transport Board and another. Piston Construction, 60
- Lucas, J., Ltd., and others. Liquid-Fuel Injection, 240
- Maggs, A. H., and others. Electric Phase- Converting Motor, 160
- McClean, H. G., and others. Electric Locomotive, 140
- McLeman, G. A., and others. Rock-Drill Control Valve, 200
- Me Vie, R., and others. Air Brake for Aircraft, 240
- Merritt, H. E., and others. Change-Speed Gearing, 400
- Miller, A. A., and others. Contra-Driven Airscrew, 380
- Milsom, F. R., and another. Pulse-Generating Circuit, 540
- Moorshead, W. A., and others. Glass-Melting Furnace, 100
- Morris Motors, Ltd., and others. Safety Jack for Forming Press, 640
- Napier, D., and Sons, Ltd., and others. Internal-Combustion Engine, 80
- Napier, D., and Son% Ltd., and others. Control of Ignition, 540
- Neil, J. and J. (Temple), Ltd., and others. Mechanical Stoker, 120
- Neil, J. M., and others. Mechanical Stoker, 120
- Newell, E., and Co., Ltd., and another. Rotary Drying Kilns, 40
- Newton, N. B. Friction Clutch Plates, 140
- North, O. D., and others. Axle Assembly, 340
- Norton, G. D., and others. Strip-Cutting Machine, 340
- Norton, Sir J. F., <fe Co., Ltd., and another. Strip-Cutting Machine, 340
- Palmer, B. W., and others. Automatic Arc-Welding Apparatus, 60
- Parkyn, P. A. W., and others. Joints of Tubes and Plates, 340
- Perry, G. M., and others. Safety Jack for
- Forming Press, 540
- Peters, G. D., and Co., Ltd., and another. matic Arc-Welding Apparatus, 60
- Piper, C. W., and others. Mechanical vator, 320
- Priestman Brothers, Ltd., and others.
- anical Excavator, 320
- Prytherch, W. E., and others. Distillation of Metals, 260
- Pullin, C. G., and others. Rotary-Wing Aircraft, 480
- Renold and Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., and another. Automatic Chain Tensioner, 40
- Reyner, J. H., and another. Pulse-Generating Circuit, 540
- Rhodes, S. A., Ltd., and another. Baker’s Oven, 520
- Rhodes, T., and others. Baker’s Oven, 620
- Ricardo, H. R., Multi-Stage Air Compressor’ 380
- Ricardo, H. R., Multi-Stage Compressor, 300
- Richards, G., and Co., Ltd., and another. Vertical Boring Mill, 80
- Robinson, G. A., and others. Grinding Tool- Bits, 60
- Robinson, G. R. (Stoke-on-Trent), Ltd., and another. Grinding Tool-Bits, 60
- Russell, G. A. V., and others. Furnace, 160
- Scammell Lorries, Ltd., and Assembly, 340
- Schieldrop, B. H., and others. 480
- Scott, W. Producer-Gas Plant, 420
- Self-Changing Gear Co., Ltd., and others. Contra-Driven Airscrew, 380
- Sharrock, J. BE., and others. Preventing Overspeed of Winding Engines, 180
- Shaw, J., and Sons (Salford), Ltd., and another. Hydraulic Press, 500
- Shaw, J. B., and others. Hydraulic Press, 600
- Short Brothers (Rochester and Bedford), Ltd., and another. Air Brake for Aircraft, 240
- Smith, C. H. C., and others. Aircraft Slipway, 500
- Smith, S., and others. Injection Moulding Machine, 280
- Spears, E. G. W., and others. Soot Blower, 180
- St. Stephens, R. de H., and others. Rock-Drill Control Valve, 200
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., and others. Alternating-Current Relay, 500
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., and another. Variable- Pitch Marine Propeller, 200
- Superheater Co., Ltd., and another. Steam Superheater, 220
- Sutherland, A. G. B., and others. Pipe Couplings, 480
- Twigger, T. R., and others. Piston Ring, 220
- United Glass Bottle Manufacturers, Ltd., and another. Glass-Melting Furnace, 100
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., and another. Metallurgical Furnace, 160
- Walker, A. G., and others. Preventing Overspeed of Winding Engines, 180
- Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., and others. Preventing Overspeed of Winding Engines, 180
- Walker, E. B., and others. Remote Throttle Control, 220
- Watson, E. A., and others. Liquid-Fuel Injection, 240
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., and another. Rotary-Wing Aircraft, 480
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and another. Gas Producer, 480
- Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd., and another. Surface Finishing of Piston Rings, 20
- Welsh, J., and others. Mechanical Stoker, 120
- White, W. J., and others. Rotary Shearing Machine, 160
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., and another. Metallurgical Furnace, 360
- Williams, N. H., and others. Producer-Gas Generator, 440
- Wilson, A. G., and others. Contra-Driven Airscrew, 380
- Yarrow, Sir H. E. Steam Power Plant, 40
- Yule, W. H. D., and others. Alternating Current Relay, 500
- Zoller, R. E., and others. Boiler, 260
See Also
Sources of Information