Engineering 1949 Jan-Jun: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1949 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1949 Jan-Jun Volume
Accidents :
- Accident Prevention by Use of Full-Load Earth Continuity Tester, 364
Aeronautics :
- Aerial Survey Exhibition, 130
- Aeronautical Research Scene, Lecture on. 67, 196
- Air Safety, All-Day Discussion on, 95
- Awards by Royal Aeronautical Society, 552
- “ Balliol ” Trainer Aircraft, 464
- Bristol Aero Engine, Egyptian Repair Base for, 210
- British European Airways Services, London to Dusseldorf Route, 306
- Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 425
- Charter Scholarship of Royal Aeronautical Society, 584
- de Havilland Aeronautical Technical School, 21st Anniversary of, 586 ; “ Chipmunk,” Use by RA.F. for Training of Pilots, 271
- Drift Indicator for Aircraft (Catalogue), 119
- Alloys. See Mining and Metallurgy
- Appointments, Awards and Honours :
- Aeronautical Society, Royal, Awards of Medals and Prizes by, 552
- Albert Medal, Royal Society of Arts, Award of, 538
- Engineers, Society of, President’s Gold Medal, Award of, 329
- Hele-Shaw Prize and Medal, Award of, 310
- Lincoln, J. F., Arc-Welding Foundation, Competition Award of, 557
- Owens, J. S., Prize, Royal Sanitary Institute, Award of, 294
- Platinum Medal, Institute of Metals, Award of, 148
- Prestressed Concrete Development Group, Officers of, 248
- Readership in Telecommunications at Imperial College, 532
- Royal Society, Appointment of Foreign Members, 508
Associations :
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’, 390
- British Iron and Steel Research, 306 Cement and Concrete, 248, 543 Gauge and Tool Makers’, 558
- Reinforced Concrete, 231
- Short Circuit Testing Authorities, 558 Supervisors’, 425
- Used Machine Tool Merchants, British, 557
- Automobiles. See Motor Cars, Etc.
- Boilers. See Engines and Boilers
Bridges :
- Bailey Bridge, Whiteadder Water, Erratum, 209
Buildings and Building Construction :
- Buildings, Aluminium-Alloy (Catalogue), 48 Building and Engineering Exhibition, 36 Electrical-Instrument Factory, Houghton- le-Spring, 162
- Factory, Asbestos, Turner Brothers Asbestos Co., Ltd., Erection of, 31
- Factory Decoration (Catalogue), 48
- Fawley Petroleum Refinery, Construction of, 552
- Fractionating Tower, Construction of, 162 Heating of Buildings by Warm-Air Circulation, 442
- Laboratories, Research, of General Electric Co., Ltd., Extension to, 538
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Removal of Works of, 152
- Oil Refinery at Antwerp, 126
- Scunthorpe Steelworks, Extensions to, 436 Southampton Docks, New Terminal Building at, 152
- Tower, 200-ft., for Radio Communication,
- 455
- Transmitting Station, Radio, Brighton, Replacement of, 36
- Viaduct, Brick, Repair of, 127
Canals :
- Ashby-de-la-Zouche Canal, Tramroads Connecting, Errata, 596
- Mittelland Canal, Minden Viaduct Carrying^ Re-opening of, 248
Catalogues :
- 48, 96,119,168, 192, 240, 264, 312, 336, 360, 408, 432, 456, 480
- Acheson Colloids, Ltd., 408
- Aero Research, Ltd., 312
- Alexander, G. H., Machinery, Ltd., 240 Almin, Ltd., 48
- Anglo-Swiss Screw Co., Ltd., 96
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co. (Ironfounders), Ltd., 168
- Associated British Oil Engines, Ltd., 168
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Co., Ltd., 480 (2)
- Barnet Instruments, Ltd., 336
- B. I.P. Tools, Ltd., 408
- Brailey Electroplaters, Ltd., 312
- British Industrial Plastics, Ltd., 408
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables, Ltd.,
- 456 (3), 480 (2)
- British Jeffrey-Diamond, Ltd., 408
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., 336
- British Ropes, Ltd., 168
- Catalogues—continued.
- British Timken, Ltd., 336
- Brittain Engineering Co., Ltd., 480
- Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., 480
- Brown, D., and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., 192
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., 360
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 119
- Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 336 Compoflex Co., Ltd., 96
- Cowans, Sheldon and Co., Ltd., 336
- Croda, Ltd., 264
- Crosfield, J., and Sons, Ltd., 312
- Dallow Lambert. and Co., Ltd., 96
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., 48
- Dendix Brushes, Ltd., 408
- Dowding and Doll, Ltd., 432
- Drynamels, Ltd., 48
- Dunlop Special Products, Ltd. (Engineering
- Components), 432
- Edwards, F. J., Ltd., 48
- Edwards, W., and Co. (London), Ltd., 48, 96, 119
- Electrical Power Engineering Co. (Birmingham), Ltd., 360
- Electro Methods, Ltd., 48
- E.M.I. Factories, Ltd., 336
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 168
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., 119, 264
- Fenner, J. H., and Co., Ltd., 48
- Ferranti, Ltd., 119, 264 (2)
- Firth Brown Tools, Ltd., 192
- Fraser and Fraser, Ltd., 432
- Fry’s (London), Ltd., 312
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 264, 360 (3),
- 456 (2), 480 (2)
- Goodman’s Industries, Ltd., 456
- Gordon, J., and Co., Ltd., 96
- Griffiths Brothers and Co., Ltd., 168
- Gurley, W. and L. E., 119 Hamworthy Engineering Co., Ltd., 192 Harland Engineering Co., Ltd., 96
- Heat Economy, Ltd., 456
- Helvetia Abrasives Co., Ltd., 408
- Henley’s, W. T., Telegraph Works Co., Ltd.,
- 408
- High Duty Alloys, Ltd., 48, 360, 432 Hilger and Watts, Ltd., 408
- Holden, A., and Sons, Ltd., 48, 336
- Ingersoll-Rand Co., Ltd., 96 (3) International Exporters and Importers,
- Ltd., 480
- Johnson, Matthey and Co., Ltd., 168
- Jones, A. A., and Shipman, Ltd., 408
- Lincoln Electric Co., Ltd., 360, 480
- Lockers (Engineers), Ltd., 96
- Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 264, 480
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 240, 360
- Muirhead and Co., Ltd., 96,119, 456
- Murex Ltd., 408
- Negretti and Zambra, Ltd., 168, 264
- Neill, J., and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., 336
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., 168
- Nu-Way Heating Plants, Ltd., 96
- Nuway Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 168, 408 Olding, J., and Co., Ltd., 168,192 Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., 48 Phillips, J. W. and C. J., Ltd., 240 Plessey Co., Ltd., 119,192
- Power-Gas Corporation, Ltd., 312
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., 336 Quasl-Arc Co., Ltd., 456 Radiovisor Parent, Ltd., 480 Ray Engineering Co., Ltd., 240 Rediffusion, Ltd., 240 Renfrew Foundries, Ltd., 312 Robertson, W. H. A., and Co., Ltd., 48 Runbaken Electrical Products, 456 Ryan, C., and Co., 432
- Sargrove Electronics, Ltd., 360
- Simmonds Aerocessories, Ltd., 408
- Speaking Signals, Ltd., 336
- Standard and Pochin Brothers, Ltd., 48
- Steels Engineering Products, Ltd., 192 Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., 312 , Stordy Engineering, Ltd., 312
- Structural and Mechanical Development
- Engineers, Ltd., 48
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 119, 168, 240, 456
- Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920), Ltd., 264
- Trist, R„ and Co., Ltd., 432
- Visco Engineering Co., Ltd., 119
- Wakefield, C. C., and Co., Ltd., 432 (2)
- Warren, Morrison, Ltd., 408
- Wembley Electrical Appliances, Ltd., 168,
- 192
- Whitfield, W., Ltd., 432
- Wiggin, H., and Co., Ltd., 48
- Wiseman and Co., Ltd., 168
- Wright and Weaire, Ltd., 48
Cement and Concrete :
- Concrete, Pre-Cast, Moulds for (Catalogue),
- 432
- Concrete, Prestressed, Exhibition of, 226;
- Congress on, 543
- Prestressed Concrete Development Group,
- Formation of, 248 ; Paris Congress, 543
- Thermic Drilling of Concrete and Stone, 114
- Chemistry. See Physics and Chemistry
- Allocation to European Countries, 418
- Car, Coal-Mine, Drop-Bottom, 147
- Cardiff, 11, 35, 59,83,107,131,155,179, 203, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587
- Consumption for Public Lighting, 291
- Production in Ruhr, 136
- Coal—continued.
- Production in Scotland During 1948, 272
- Scottish, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 203, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587
- Sheffield, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 203, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587
- Colleges. See Education
Companies :
- Aero Research, Ltd., Glue for Foundry Patterns, 274
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Erratum, 11
- Boulton Paul Aircraft, Ltd., “ Balliol ” Trainer Aircraft, 464
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., “ Argonarc ” Welding Equipment, 460
- British Timken, Ltd., Roller-Bearing Manufacture, 393
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 70th Anniversary of, 528
- Colchester Lathe Co., Ltd., Losses by Death, 418
- Crypto Electrical Co., Jubilee of, 293
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., Oil Engines, 55
- de Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., Use of “ Chipmunk ” Aircraft as Pilot Trainers, 271; 21st Anniversary of Aeronautical School, 586
- Everett, Edgcumbe and Co., Ltd., New Factory, 162
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Extension to Research Laboratories of, 538
- Hayward-Tyler and Co., Ltd., Open House at Works of, 490
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Ltd., Jubilee of, 293
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Removal of Works, 152; Delivery of Omnibuses to Isle of Man, 209
- Mullard Electronics Products, Ltd., Double Triode Valve, 267 ; Cold-Cathode Thyratron for Electrical Equipment, 583
- Power-Gas Corporation, Ltd., Endowment of Scholarship by, 379
- Rose, Downs and Thompson, Ltd., History of, 563
- Simon Engineering Group of Companies, Engineering Exhibition of, 443
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Chart of Radio-Frequency Allocations, 259
- Tretol, Ltd., Patent Jointing Mastic, 171
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., Brochures Illustrating Firm’s Range of Work, 557
- Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
Contracts :
- 10, 34, 58, 82, 130, 151, 154, 178, 202, 250, 268, 274, 298, 322, 346, 370, 394, 418, 467, 491, 515, 539, 562, 587
- Aberdare Cables, Ltd., 82
- Accles and Pollock, Ltd., 298
- A.E.C., Ltd., 370
- Arrol, Sir W., and Co., Ltd., 515
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co., Ltd., 58, 268
- Associated British Oil Engines, Ltd., 58,154, 178, 202, 250, 274, 322, 346, 394, 418, 467, 587
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 515
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd., 10
- Balfour, Beatty and Co., Ltd., 178, 418, 515
- Barclay, Curie and Co., Ltd., 154
- Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., 298
- Booth, J., and Sons (Bolton), Ltd., 58 Braithwaite and Co. (Structural), Ltd., 82 Brand, C., and Son, Ltd., 82
- British Polar Engines, Ltd., 346
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 202, 298, 346
- Brown, J., and Co., Ltd., 394, 587
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., 346
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 10, 418, 467
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., 491
- Dawnays, Ltd., 418
- Decca Navigator Co., Ltd., 250
- Denny, W., and Frothers, Ltd., 539
- Dorman, Long (Africa); Ltd., 268
- Electroplant Co., 418
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 250
- Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., 418
- Fram Reinforced Concrete Co., Ltd., 418
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, 202
- Freyn Engineering Co., 58
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 202, 298, 346, 370
- Gerrard, J., and Sons, Ltd., 418
- Gleeson, M. J., Ltd., 418
- Glover, W. T., and Co., Ltd., 202
- Hackbridge and Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., 202, 298
- Halcrow, Sir W., and Partners, 178
- Hallaway Brothers (London), Ltd., 418
- Harland Engineering Co., Ltd., 491
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 418
- Holloway Brothers (London), Ltd., 298
- Howell and Co., Ltd., 82
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., 491, 515, 539, 562
- Hymatlc Engineering Co., Ltd., 491.
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 58
- International Combustion Ltd., 298, 418
- Lind, P., and Co., Ltd., 202, 418
- Magnetic Equipment Co., 467
- Marconi’s Wireless. Telegraph Co., Ltd., 515, 539, 562, 587
- McAlpine, Sir R. (Scotland), Ltd., 130
- Metropolitan-Cammel Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd. 58
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 151, 154, 202, 298
- Morris, J., and Co. (Gosport), Ltd., 322
- Mowlem, J., and Co,, Ltd., 82
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., 274
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., 202
- Petters, Ltd., 491
- Power-Gas Corporation, Ltd., 274
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., 515
- Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd., 82,
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., 154, 394, 491
- Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 394
- Sterne, L., and Co., Ltd., 178
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 515
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., 298
- Strachan and Henshaw, 298
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 298
- Taylor Woodrow, Ltd., 515
- Taylor Woodrow Construction, Ltd., 298
- Taylor Woodrow (East Africa), Ltd., 515
- Tube Investments, Ltd., 82
- Tubes, Ltd., 82
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., 34
- Wood, E., and Sons, Ltd., 58
Cranes, Conveyors, Etc. :
- Cranes, Dockside, Radio Control of, 186
- Cranes, Traversers and Capstans (Catalogue), 336
- Docks. See Harbours, Docks and Piers
Education :
- Artificer Apprentices in Royal Navy, 161 Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 425 Chemical Society, Research Funds of, 403 Competitions, Royal Sanitary Institute, 219 Conferences, Drying, 10 ; Heat and Power Supplies, 24; Engineering Hydraulics, 200; A.S.L.I.B., 297; Cupola and Converter Refractories, 306 ; Combined Heat and Power Supplies, 324 ; Water Supplies in Austria, 419 ; Duties of Supervisors, 425
- Congress on Pre-Stressed Concrete, 543; Mechanical Engineering, 555
- de Havilland Aeronautical School, 21st Anniversary of, 586
- Douglas Hay Medal, 424
- Essay Competition, Institution of Works Managers, 34
- Examinations, Royal Aeronautical Society, 11; Certificated Studentship in Mining and Mechanical Engineering, 147 ; Institution of Metallurgists, 304
- Foundry College, National, Diploma Courses at, 514
- J. S. Owens Prize, Royal Sanitary Institute,
- 294
- Lectures, Nuclear Power Problems, 40; Faraday, 42 ; Atomic Nuclei, 51; Wilbur Wright, 67, 196 ; Polarography, .78 ; Use of Models in Hydraulics, 227 ; Foremanship, 513
- Mond Nickel Fellowships, 306
- Nuffield Fellowship in Extraction Metallurgy, 143
- Readership in Telecommunications, Imperial College, Appointment to, 532
- Scholarships, Drewry Merchant Navy, 283 ; Manchester College of Technology, 352; Power-Gas Corporation, Ltd., at Durham University, 379; Application of Light Alloys to Shipbuilding, 403 ; Royal Aeronautical Society Charter, 584
- Sir John Cass Technical Institute, 51, 78
- Summer Schools, Electron Microscopy, 509 ; for Managerial Staff, 515
- Training Courses, on Metrology, Post- Graduate, 304; for Foundry Foremen, 343 ; on Timber, 534 ; on Road Research, 587
Electricity :
- Amplifiers for Sound Reproduction (Catalogue), 360
- Alternator-Stator, Road Transport of, 403 Batteries and Torches (Catalogue), 360 Battery Filler, Non-Flooding, 475 Cables for Television Sets (Catalogue), 480 Cables and Wires, Electric (Catalogue), 480 Canadian Market for Electrical Goods, 390 Capacitors, Electrolytic (Catalogue), 119 Circuit Breakers, Earth-Leakage (Catalogue), 408
- Continuity Tester, Earth, Full-Load, 364 Control Unit, Consumers’, 200 Earth-Testing Unit, Terra-Tertia (Catalogue), 48
- Electrical Apparatus, Short-Circuit Testing of, 558
- Electrical Engineering Companies, Jubilee of, 293
- Electrical-Engineering Equipment (Catalogue), 360
- Electricity Boards, Area, Retail Trading by,
- 295
- Electricity-Supply Equipment, Standardisation of, 480
- Electrodes, Platinum (Catalogue), 168
- Electrodes, Welding (Catalogue), 456 Electrodeposition of Metals (Catalogue), 312 Electrolytic Capacitors for Motor Starting, 24 Electron Microscopy, Cambridge Summer School in, 509
- Electronic-Control Apparatus (Catalogue), 360
- Factory, Electrical-Instrument, at Hough- ton-le-Spring, 162
- Fault Finder, Portable (Catalogue), 456
- Electric ity—continued.
- Filler, Non-Flooding, for Secondary Bat terles, 475
- Fused T-Boxes (Catalogue), 456
- Generation Returns, Great Britain, 122, 312, 403
- Generator, Arc-Welding (Catalogue), 480
- Household Appliances, Electric (Catalogue), 456
- Hydro-Electric Schemes, Tidal Models for, 475, 547
- Indian Hydro-Electric Power Scheme, 403 Insulation Testers, “Megger” (Catalogue),
- “ Isofuse ” Fuse-Switch (Catalogue), 480
- Joint Box, Electric, for Mines (Catalogue), 456
- Laboratories, Electrical Research, Extension to, 538
- Lamps, Electric (Catalogue), 240
- Lantern, Street-Lighting (Catalogue), 360
- Light Alloys for Electrical and Wireless
- Components (Catalogue), 360
- Lighting, Electric, Coal Consumption for, 29
- Lighting, Fluorescent, Units (Catalogue), 192
- Measuring Instruments, Electrical (Catalogue), 119
- Meters, Direct-Current Ampere-Hour (Catalogue), 264
- Meter, pH (Catalogue), 119
- Mobile Demonstration Van for Electrical Accessories, 514
- Motors, Electric, Direct-Current (Catalogue), 360
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Investigation of Scottish Mineral Resources, 379
- Overhead Electricity Lines, Equipment for (Catalogue), 168
- Overhead Electricity Lines in Lake District, 112
- Photo-Electric Equipment, Industrial (Catalogue), 480
- Pliers, Electrically-Heated, 192
- Pointers for “ Magslip ” Transmission System (Catalogue), 456
- Pumps, Submersible, Electrically-Driven, 490
- Radar on Cross-Channel Ships, 92
- Radar, Marine, Equipment, Installation and Operation of, 27
- Radio-Communication Equipment (Catalogue), 480
- Radio-Frequency Allocations, Chart of, 259
- Radio-Receiving Sets (Catalogue), 480
- Radio Telephony in Steelworks, 186
- Radio Wavelengths, International Allocation of, 400
- Resistances and Bridges, Electric (Catalogue), 119
- Road-Traffic Signals, Electro-matic (Catalogue), 480
- Rod, Earth, Copper (Catalogue), 480
- Servo-Motor, Alternating-Current, Kollsman Instrument Division of Square D Co., 340
- Soil-Warming Equipment, Electric (Catalogue), 264
- Sterilising Equipment for Dairies, Electric (Catalogue), 456
- Switch, Fuse, Triple-Pole (Catalogue), 480
- Switchboards, Motor-Control (Catalogue), 480
- Switchgear, Metal-Clad (Catalogue), 168
- Tariffs, Differential, for Domestic Users, 177, 297, 390
- Tariffs, Domestic, in Scotland, 548
- Telecommunications, Readership in, Appointment to, 532
- Telephone Exchange, Automatic (Catalogue), 480
- Telephone Lines, Shared, Privacy of, 460
- Telephone-Line Testing Equipment (Catalogue), 480
- Television Aerial, Sutton Coldfield, Tests on, 587
- Television, Faraday Lecture on, 42
- Television Sets, Cables for (Catalogue), 480
- Thyratron, Cold-Cathode, for Electrical
- Equipment, 563
- Torches and Batteries (Catalogue), 360
- Tower, 200-ft., for Radio Communication, 455
- Transformer, 100-MVA, for Netherlands, 151
- Transmitter, Radio, Short-Wave (Catalogue), 240
- Transmitting Station, Brighton, Replacement of, 36
- Turbo-Alternators, Ranges of (Catalogue), 48
- Valve, Double-Triode, for Industrial-Electronic Equipment, 267
- Valve, Electronic and Photocell, Long Life of, 240
- Valves, Radio-Transmitting (Catalogue), 264
- Valves, Thermionic (Catalogue), 360
- Winder, Mine, Electric, for Johannesburg, 125
- Wires and Cables, Electric (Catalogue), 480
- Wiring Systems, Electric, for Farms (Catalogue), 456
Engines and Boilers :
- Automatic Boiler Control, Hagan System of (Catalogue), 96
- Buckingham Palace, Heating Boilers for, 274
- Cartridge Starters for Internal-Combustion
- Engines (Catalogue), 192
- Road Transportation of 85-ton Boiler, 138
- Sealing Plastic for Boiler Brickwork (Catalogue), 480
- “ Ultranomic ” Boilers (Catalogue), 48
- Water-Tube Boilers (Catalogue), 432
Errata and Addenda :
- Bailey Bridge Over Whiteadder Water, Erratum, 209
- Brakes, Hydraulic, Vacuum-Assisted, Erratum, 11
- Dimensional Analysis, Review of, Erratum, 587
- “ Gas Journal,” Centenary of, KmiZiwn, 562 Metric System, KrroZa?n, 496
- Railways, Early, in Derbyshire, Errata, 596
- Thermic Drilling of Concrete and Stone, Addendum, 114
- Water, Circulating, Cooling of, Erratum, 55
Exhibitions :
- Aerial Survey, 130
- Antwerp Fair, 408
- Bicycle and Motor-Cycle, International, 168 Building and Engineering, 36, 452
- Camera in Industry, 567
- Canadian International Trade Fair, 127
- Electronics, 467
- Engineering and Marine, 257
- Kelvin Instruments, 162
- Lidge International Fair, 306
- Mining Machinery, 24
- Packaging, National, 539
- Paris International Trade Fair, 295
- Pre-Stressed Concrete, 226
- Railway Models, 370
- Simon Engineering Group, 443
- Swiss Industries Fair, 321
- Ferro-Concrete. See CemenZ and Concrete
- Flying Machines. See Aeronautics
Gas :
- Gas Act, Vesting Date of, 114
- “ Gas Journal,” Centenary of, Erratum, 562 Gasholder, 3,000,000-cub. ft., at Johannesburg, 268
- Lighting, Gas, Coal Consumption by, 291 Water-Gas, Carburetted, Plant for (Catalogue), 312
Gas and Oil Engines :
- Diesel Engines, Superscavenge, Petter (Catalogue), 168
- Oil Engines, Davey Paxman, Instruction Booklet for, 55
Harbours, Docks and Piers :
- Dockside Cranes, Radio Control of, 186
- Dry Dock, Passage Through Panama Canal, 404
- Jetties, Erection at Port of Chittagong' Pakistan, 418
- Southampton Docks, New Terminal Building at, 152
Hydraulics :
- Brakes, Hydraulic, Vacuum-Assisted, for Commercial Vehicles, jErraZunt, 11
- Engineering Hydraulics, Conference on, 200 Models in Hydraulics, Lecture on, 227 Research Station, Hydraulic, Site for, 475
Industries and Commerce :
- Asbestos Factory Building, Turner Brothers Asbestos Co., Ltd., 31
- Board of Trade, Amalgamation of Departments of, 27
- Camera in Industry Exhibition, 567
- Copper, Price of, 455
- Electrical Goods, Canadian Markets for, 390 Iron Ore, Swedish, German Imports of, 172 Lead, Increased Price of, 31
- Paper Manufacture in Canada, 164, 299 Railway-Wagon Building in Royal Ordnance Factories, 3
- Repair Base in Egypt for Aero Engines, 210 Rubber, World Output of, 6
- Steel, Canadian Output of, 152, 379
- Swansea Steel-Sheet Industry, 35, 59,83,107, 131, 155, 179, 203, 251, 275, 299, 347, 371, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587
- Internal-Combustion Engines. See Gas and Oil Engines
- Institutions. See Technical Societies; and Associations
Iron and Steel:
- Blast-Furnace Design in United States, 161 Canadian Output of Steel, 152, 379 Cleveland Basic Iron, 11, 35, 59,83,107,131,
- 155,179, 203, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587
- Cleveland Iron Markets, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155,179, 203, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587
- Cleveland Manufactured Iron and Steel, 11, 35, 59, 83,107,131,155,179, 203, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587
- Cupola and Converter Refractories, Conference on, 306
- German Imports of Swedish Ore, 172
- Hematite and Low-Phosphorus Iron, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 203, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587
- Iron and Steel Production in United Kingdom, 248
- Middlesbrough Scrap, 11, 35, 59, 83,107,131,
- 155,179, 203, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 539, 563, 587
- Scottish Iron and Steel Trade, 35, 59,83,107, 131, 155, 179, 203, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587
- Sheffield Iron and Steel Trade, 11, 35, 59,83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 203, 227, 251, 275, 299, 323, 347, 371, 395, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, 563, 587
- Steel, Veneered, Use for Motor-Car Dashboards, 570
- Steelworks, Radio Telephony in, 186
- Steelworks at Scunthorpe, Extensions to, 436 Swansea Steel-Sheet Industry, 35,59,83,107, 131, 155,179, 203, 251, 275, 299, 347, 371, 419, 443, 467, 491, 515, 539, '563, 587
- Labour Questions. See Trade Societies
Legal and Legislation :
- Engineering-Legal Society, Formation of, 112
- Gas Act, Vesting Date for, 114
- Lift, Factory, Failure of, Appeal Court Decision, 67
- Lighting. See Electricity ; and Gas
- Literature. See LITERATURE INDEX
- Locomotives. See Railways and Locomotives
Machine and Other Tools :
- Government Sales of Machine Tools, 451 Grinding Machines, Centreless (Catalogue), 336
- Grinding Machines, Cutter- and Tool- (Catalogue), 408
- Measurement in Machine Tools and Engineering Products, Post-Graduate Course in, 304
- Ministry of Supply, Disposal of Machine Tools by, 283
- Plate-Bending Machine (Catalogue), 48
- Polishing and Buffing Machines (Catalogue), 432
- Screw Jack with Micrometer Attachment for Machine-Tool Bed, 168
- Screwing Dies and Other Machine-Tool Accessories (Catalogue), 48
- Sintered Carbide Tips and Tools (Catalogue), 192
- Vice, Bench (Catalogue), 48
- Used Machine Tools Merchants; British Association of, Aims of, 557
- Marine Engineering. See Engines and Boilers ; and Ships and Shipbuilding
Mining and Metallurgy :
- Aluminium-Alloy Buildings (Catalogue), 48 Aluminium-Casting Alloys (Catalogue), 312 Asbestos Factory for Turner Brothers As- * bestos Co., Ltd., 31
- Copper Prices, Reductions in, 455 Earth-Moving Equipment (Catalogue), 192 Exhibition of Mining Machinery, 24 Extraction Metallurgy, Nuffield Fellowship in, 143
- Flame Spraying of Metals and Plastics, 418
- Hiduminium-Alloy Components for Textile Industry (Catalogue), 48
- Joint Box, Electric, for Mines (Catalogue), 456
- Lead Prices, Increase in, 31
- Light-Alloy Components (Catalogue), 360
- Light Alloys, Use in Shipbuilding, Scholarship for Research in, 403
- Lubricantsfor Mining Machinery (Catalogue), 408
- Metals and Alloys (Catalogue), 408
- Metals, Electrodeposition of (Catalogue), 312
- Metrology, Post-Graduate Course In, 304
- Mine Car, Drop-Bottom, Standard, 147
- Mine Cars, Roller Bearings for (Catalogue), 336
- Mineral Resources of Scottish Highlands, 379
- Mond Nickel Fellowships, Regulations of, 306
- Nickel Alloys, Uses of (Catalogue), 48
- Platinum Medal, Institute of Metals, Award of, 148
- Rock-Drilling Machines (Catalogue), 96
- “ Sifbronze ” Copper-Zinc Alloy, Use in Welding (Catalogue), 264
- Stone and Concrete, Thermic Drilling of, 114
- Studentship Examinations in Mining, 147 Welding Equipment, “ Argonarc,” 460 Winding Plant, Mine, for Johannesburg, 125
Miscellaneous :
- Adhesives, Synthetic-Resin (Catalogue), 312 “ Aeronautical Quarterly,” First Issue of, 360, 507
- Air-Conditioning Plant (Catalogue), 456 Almanacs, Calendars, etc., 11, 42, 91,201, 347 “ Argonarc ” Welding Equipment, 460 Bakelite, Laminated, Machinery for, 352 Belts (Catalogue), 48
- Belt, Conveyor, 130-Mile, Goodyear, 282
- Belt Drives, Dunlop, Brochure on, 384
- Belt Drives, V-, Computer for, 379
- Bicycle and Motorcycle Exhibition, International, 168
- Birmingham, Map and Hotel Guide, 106
- Board of Trade, Amalgamation of Departments, 27
- Blowpipes, Oxygen-Cutting (Catalogue), 336
- Brushes for Power Drive and Hand Use (Catalogue), 408
- Buckingham Palace, Boilers for, 274
- Bushes, “ Wrapped,” Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., 548
- Camera in Industry Exhibition, 567
- “ Canada: Her Electrical Developments and Market Potentialities,” Brochure on, 390
- Chittagong, Port of, Developments at, 418
- Communication System (Catalogue), 336 “Compoflex” Flexible Tubing (Catalogue), 96
- Compressors and Pumps (Catalogue), 192 Computer for V-Belt Drives, 379
- Coolers, Water and Oil (Catalogue), 119
- Dairy Equipment, Electric (Catalogue), 456
- Decoration for Factories (Catalogue), 48
- Dies, Screwing, and Machine Accessories (Catalogue), 48
- “Dimensional Analysis, Review of," Erratum,^!
- Drilling, Thermic, of Concrete and Stone, 115
- Dunlop Transmission Belting, Brochure on, 384
- Dust-Control Equipment (Catalogue), 96,168
- Dust, Flue, Removal Plant for (Catalogue), 456
- “ Eclipse ” Small Tools (Catalogue), 336 Ejectors, Steam-Jet (Catalogue), 96 Electron Microscopy, Summer School in, 509 Electronics Exhibition, 467
- “ Engineering Hydraulics,” Publication of, 200
- “ Enox ” Hole Cutter and Tube Cutter (Catalogue), 312
- Face Shield, Plastic, for Welders (Catalogue) 360
- Fans, Centrifugal (Catalogue), 48
- Farms, Electric Wiring System for (Catalogue), 456
- Feeder, Vibrating, Electric (Catalogue), 96 Film of Fractionating Tower, 162 Film, Marine Radar in Service, 27
- Miscellaneous—conZinwed.
- Film on “ Nature of Plastics," 332 Foremanship, Lectures on, 513 “ Gas Journal,” Centenary of, Erratum, 562 “ Gatty ” Drift Indicator for Aircraft (Catalogue), 119
- Gauges, Pressure (Catalogue), 336
- Gauge, Strain, Acoustic (Catalogue), 96
- Glue for Foundry Patterns, 274
- Greenwich Observatory, Royal, American Gifts to, 490 ; Transfer of instruments to Herstmonceux, 534
- Grinding Discs (Catalogue), 408
- Hadfield, Sir R., Commemorative Plaque, 288 Hole Cutter, “ Enox ” (Catalogue), 312 Honing Equipment (Catalogue), 240 Kelvin Instruments, Exhibition of, 162 Lift, Factory, Failure of, 67
- “ Locker-Traylor ” Vibrating Feeders (Catalogue), 96
- Loudspeaker, Dustproof (Catalogue), 456
- Lubricants, Colloidal-Graphite (Catalogue), 408
- Lubricants for Mining Machines (Catalogue), 408
- Lubrication for Machine Tools (Catalogue), 432
- “ Machinery Market,” 70th Anniversary of, 304
- “ Magslip ” Transmission System (Catalogue), 456
- Managerial Institutes, Merger Between, 569
- Managerial Staff, Summer School for, 515
- Mastic Jointing and Sealing, 171
- Matting, Nu-Way (Catalogue), 168, 408
- Measuring Instruments (Catalogue), 408
- Mechanical Engineering Congress, International, 555
- “ Megger,” Insulation Testers (Catalogue), 119
- Metric System, BrraZwjn, 496
- Micrometer Jack Packing Piece, 168
- Minden Aqueduct, Germany, Re-opening of, 248
- Mobile Demonstration Van, 514
- Moulds for Plastics (Catalogue), 408
- Moulds for Pre-cast Concrete (Catalogue), 432
- Nuts for Rapid Fastening (Catalogue), 408 Oils, Cutting (Catalogue), 432
- Oil Refinery at Antwerp, 126
- Oil Seals, “ Seatrist ” (Catalogue), 432 Ovens and Drying Plant (Catalogue), 312 Packing Piece with Micrometer, 168
- Paints, Enamels and Varnishes (Catalogue), 48
- Paint, Metal-Protective (Catalogue), 168
- Paints, Oil-Proof (Catalogue), 336
- Paper Manufacture in Canada, 164, 299
- Particles, Fine, Separator for (Catalogue), 240
- Pattern-Shop Equipment (Catalogue), 240
- Petroleum Refinery, Fawley, Construction of, 552
- Plastic Handwheels, Handles and Knobs (Catalogue), 240
- Plastic Protective Coatings (Catalogue), 264
- Plastic, Sealing, for Boiler Brickwork (Catalogue), 480
- Plastics and Metals, Flame Spraying of, 418
- Pliers, Electrically-Heated, 192
- Polarography, Lectures on, 78
- Power-Factor Correction, Condensers for (Catalogue), 264
- Production Efficiency, Congress on, 555
- Pumps (Catalogue), 408
- Pumps and Compressors (Catalogue), 192
- Pumps, Gwynnes, 100 Years of, 573
- Pumps, High-Vacuum (Catalogue), 119
- Pumps, Hydraulic (Catalogue), 96
- Pumps, Oil, Diffusion (Catalogue), 96 Pumps for Oil Refineries (Catalogue), 336 Pumps, Submersible, Electrically-Driven, 490 “ Quarrymaster ” Rock-Drilling Machines (Catalogue), 96
- Retail Trading by Area Electricity Boards, 295
- Road Research, Lecture Course on, 587
- Road-Traffic Signals (Catalogue), 480
- Road Transportation of Alternator-Stator, 403
- Road Transportation of 85-ton Boiler, 138
- Rolls, Back-Up, for Four-High Rolling Mills (Catalogue), 168
- Roller Bearings for Mine Cars (Catalogue), 336
- Roller Bearing, Taper, Long Life of, 36
- Roller Bearing, Tapered, British Timken, Ltd., 393
- Ropes, Nylon (Catalogue), 168
- Rubber, World Output of, 6
- Saw, Metal-Cutting (Catalogue), 432
- Science Museum Handbook on Road Vehicles, 522
- Scientific Instruments (Catalogue), 119,168
- “ Seatrist ” Oil Seals (Catalogue), 432
- Separator for Fine Particles (Catalogue), 240 Severn Barrage, Tidal Model of, 475 Silica Gel, Use in Drying (Catalogue), 312 Small Tools, Engineers' (Catalogue), 336 Smoke Equipment, Electronic Valve and Photocell for, 240
- “ Sorbsil” Silica Gel (Catalogue), 312
- “ Speaking Signals ” Communication System (Catalogue), 336
- “ Speedlvac ” High-Vacuum Pumps (Catalogue), 119
- " Spiroglide ” Hydraulic Pumps (Catalogue), 96
- Standardisation of Electricity-Supply Equipment, 480
- Stokers, Automatic, Nu-Way (Catalogue), 96 “ Story of Atomic Energy ” Publication in Book Form, 472
- Sulphur, Ground, Price Reduction of, 595
- Supervisors, Duties of, Conference on, 425
- Tail of Two Centuries, At the, History of Rose, Downs and Thompson, Ltd., 563
- Telescopes, Removal from Greenwich to Herstmonceux, 534
- Textile Machinery, Light-Alloy Components for (Catalogue), 48
- Thermometers, Mercury-in-Steel (Catalogue), 264
- Tidal Models for Hydro-Electric Schemes, 475,547
- Miscellaneo us—continued.
- Timber, Training Courses in, 534
- Trucks, Industrial (Catalogue), 192
- Tube Cutter, “ Enox ” (Catalogue), 312
- Tubing, Flexible, “ Compoflex ” (Catalogue), 96
- Tubing, Scaffold, Aluminium (Catalogue), 168
- Turned Metal Parts (Catalogue), 96
- “ Ultranomlc ” Boilers (Catalogue), 48
- Valves (Catalogue), 408
- “ Variform ” Centrifugal Fans (Catalogue), 48
- Veneered-Steel Motor-Car Dashboard, 570
- Viaduct, Brick, Repair of, 127
- Warm-Air Circulation, Domestic Heating by, 442
- Water, Circulating, Cooling of, Erratum, 55
- Welders’ Plastic Face Shield (Catalogue), 360 Welding Electrodes (Catalogue), 456 Welding, Low-Temperature (Catalogue), 264 Welding, Use of “ Sifbronze ” in (Catalogue), 264
- Wood Refuse, Pneumatic Collection of (Catalogue), 119
- Wrenches, Impact (Catalogue), 96
Motor Cars, Etc. :
- Commercial Motor Vehicles, Hydraulic Brakes for, Erratwwi, 11
- Dashboard, Motor-Car, of Veneered Steel, 570 Ferry for Motor Cars, 581
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Removal of Works, 152
- Motor Van, Mobile, for Demonstration of Uses of Electrical Accessories, 514
- Omnibuses, Wider, for London Transport Executive, 139
- Plastic Motor-Car Handwheels, Handles and Knobs (Catalogue), 240
- Road Vehicles, Science Museum Handbook on, 522
- Transmission Components for Motor Vehicles (Catalogue), 192
- Artificer Apprentices in Royal Navy, 161
- Dry Dock, Naval, Passage Through Panama Canal, 4L>4.
- Rudder Indicators (Catalogue), 264
- Short-Service Commissions in Royal Navy, 268
- Naval. See also Aeronautics
- Obituary. See GENERAL INDEX
- Oil Engines. See Gas and Oil Engines
Physics and Chemistry :
- Atomic Nuclei, Lectures on, 51
- Cold-Cathode Ionisation Gauge (Catalogue), 48
- Drying, Conference on, 10
- Heat and Power Supplies, Conference on, 24 Nuclear Power, Lecture on, 40
- “ Story of Atomic Energy,” Publication in Book Form, 473
- Power Plants. See Electricity
Railways and Locomotives :
- Air Conditioning of Railway Carriages (Catalogue), 312
- Axlebox, Taper-Roller Bearing for, Long Life of, 36
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Earnings of, 163, 322 ; Last Steam Locomotive of, 394
- Carriage and Wagon Construction, Statistics of, 127
- Coaches, Railway, All-Steel Welded, 356
- Derbyshire Railways, Early, Errata, 596
- Hallade Track-Alignment Recording Machine, 42
- Exhibition of Railway Models, 370
- Level-Crossings on London Transport System, Replacement by Bridges, 442
- Locomotive Building in United States, 136 Northern Ireland Railway, Acquisition of, 359
- Permanent Way, Watford, Renewal of, 185 Permanent Way, Work in 1948, 42
- Rails, Flat-Bottom, on British Railways, 563
- Signalling on London Transport Branch Line, Modernisation of, 563
- Snow Ploughs, Railway, 72
- Trolley, Train-Water, Improved, 336
- Viaduct, Railway, near Market Harborough, 127
- Wagons, Railway, Building in Royal Ordnance Factories, 3
- Wagons, Railway, Glass-Carrying, 274
- Reinforced Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
- Schools. See Education
Ships and Shipbuilding :
- “ Car Ferry,” M.S.,for Conveyance of Motor Cars to Continent, 581
- “ Dunnottar Castle,” M.S., Return to Service, 143
- Lloyd’s Register Wreck Returns, 332 Merchant Navy Scholarships, Drewry, 283 “ Queen of Bermuda,” S.S., Return to Service, 122
- Radar on Cross-Channel Ships, 92
- Radar, Marine, Equipment, Installation and Operation of, 27
- Rudder Indicators (Catalogue), 264
- Ship Used to Deliver Motor Omnibuses, 209 Ships Using Southampton Docks, Increased Size of, 152
- Shipbuilding, Application of Light Alloys to, Scholarship for Research in, 403
- Shipbuilding, Flame Spraying of Metals and Plastics in, 418
- Yarrow and Co'., Ltd., Ship Construction by, 557
- Societies. See Technical Societies ; and Trade Societies
- Strikes. See Trade Societies
Technical Societies :
- Aeronautical Society, Royal, 11, 67, 95,196, 258, 259, 332, 360, 507, 552, 584
- Arts, Royal Society of, 538
- A.S.L.I.B., 297
- Bradford Engineering Society, 473
- British Association, 79, 329
- British Foundrymen, Institute of, 343 Cement and Concrete Association, 248 Chemical Engineers, Institution of, 10 Chemical Industry, Society of, 581 Chemical Society, 403
- Chemists and Engineers, West Cumberland Society of, 161
- Civil Engineers, Danish, Institution of, 178 Danish Shipbuilders, Federation of, 178 Electrical Engineers, Institution of, 42, 243, 418, 432, 442
- Electronics, Institution of, 467’ Engineers-in-Charge, Institution of, 447 Engineers’ Guild, 348, 489, 568
- Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Institution of, 418
- Engineers, Society of, 329
- Engineering-Legal Society, 112
- Fuel, Institute of, 24, 324
- Gauge and Tool Makers’ Association, 558 Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Institution of, 489
- Industrial Administration, Institute of, 515, 569
- Iron and Steel Institute, 161 Management, British Institute of, 569 Marine Engineers, Institute of, 323 Metals, Institute of, 148, 215 Metallurgists, Institution of, 304 Mining Engineers, Institution of, 424 Mining and Mechanical Engineers, North of England Institute of, 147
- Mining and Metallurgy, Institution of, 143 Model and Experimental Engineers, Society of, 370
- Model Railway Club, 370
- Naval Architects, Institution of, 178, 403
- Old Centralians, 327, 395
- Prestressed Concrete Development Group, 248
- Reinforced Concrete Association, 231
- Royal Society, 508
- Sanitary Institute, Royal, 219, 294 Short-Circuit Testing Authorities, Association of, 558
- Supervisors, Industrial, Institute of, 491, 513 Transport, Institute of, 515
- Welding, Institute of, 322
- Works Managers, Institution of, 34
- Telegraphy. See Electricity
- Telephony. See Etectricfty
- Tools. See Machine and Other Tools
- Trade. See Coal; Industries; Iron and Steel; Electricity ; and Ships and Shipbuilding
Trade Societies :
- Absenteeism In Coal-Mining Industry, 20, 44, 68
- AD gio-Amer lean Council on Productivity, Visits of Productivity Teanas to United States, 116, 212, 260 ; Formation of Private Company, 164; Second Session of, 284; Views of Transport and General Workers’ UnioD on, 476
- Apprentices, Engineering, Wages of, 404 Apprentices for Metal Patternmaking, 188 Arbitration Tribunal, National, on Railway Wage Claims, 68, 212, 284, 404
- Attlee, C. R., on Government Wage Policy, 428 Balfour, Lord, on Closure of Scottish Collieries, 116
- Barnes, G., on Earnings of British Shipping industry, 116
- Bates, F. A., on Effects of Foreign Competition on Shipping Industry, ’452
- Bedwas Colliery, Strike at, 20
- Boilermakers and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders, United Society of, Views on Proposed Nationalisation of Shipbuilding Industry, 44, 68, 380
- British Electricity Authority, Recognition of Trade Unions by, 572
- British Employers’ Confederation, Restrictive Practices in Industry, 116, 428; Anglo-American Productivity Council, 284
- British Iron and Steel Federation, on Need for Recruitment of Youths, 284
- British Railways, Loss of Earnings in 1948, 20 ; Possible Staff Reductions by, 20 ; Wage Claims for 12s. 6d. Weekly Against, 20, 68, 212, 284, 332, 404; Wage Claims for 10s. Weekly Against, 428,452, 500, 524, 548, 596 ; Traffic Receipts of, 68,188, 260, 380, 452, 548; Lodging Turns Dispute, 524, 548. See also Railwaymen, National Union of
- British Transport Commission, New Year Message, 20 ; Views Sought on Railwaymen’s Wage Claims, 20 ; Traffic Receipts of, 68, 188, 260, 380, 452, 548 ; Declining Receipts and Rising Costs, Statement on, 308; Increase in Numbers of Higher- Salaried Staff, 476
- Bulk Buying, Dangers of, 452
- Canadian Seamen, Strike of, 572
- Census of Production, Orders in-Council, 20 ; Disclosure of Information, 140
- Chemical Workers’ Union, Suggested Nationalisation of Chemical Industry, 356
- Civil-Engineering Labourers’ Wage Claims, 164
- Civilian Staffs Employed in Government Departments, Statistics of, 236, 596
- Coal-Mining Industry, Coal Output Statistics, 20, 44, 68; Coal Output of East Midlands Division, 20, 68 ; Absenteeism, 20, 44, 68; Closure of Tareni Colliery, 20; Strike at Bedwas Colliery, 20 ; Production of Deep-Mined Coal, 20, 44 ; Production of Opencast Coal, 20 ; Grimethorpe Colliery Dispute, 44; Requirements of Marshall
- Trade Societies—continued.
- Plan, 44; Output and Cost Committee of National Coal Board, 44; Miners’Charter, 44,188 ; Collection of Union Membership Dues, 44; Reorganisation of Man-Power in Scottish Coalfield, 68 ; Closure of Scottish Collieries, 116 ; Cost-of-Living Bonus, 188, 236, 332; Claims for Concessionary Coal, 188, 236, 260, 404, 452, 476, 524; Holidays with Pay, 188, 404; National Coal Board’s Annual Accounts, 188 ; Wage Structure of Industry, 188; Claims of Winding Enginemen, 212, 236, 284 ; Extended Working Week, 236, 332, 356; Low Production Costs in South Africa, 332; Effects of Control of Engagement Order, 596
- Colliery Winders’ Federation of Great Britain, Claims of, 212, 236, 284
- Concessionary Coal, Claims for, 188,236, 260, 404, 452, 476, 524
- Control of Engagement Order, Effects of, 596 Cost-of-Living Bonus in Mining Industry 188, 236, 332
- Cripps, Sir S., on Britain’s Economic Position, 548
- Development Areas, Needs of, 380
- Differentials Between Skilled and Unskilled
- Grades, 308
- Docks and Inland Waterways Executive, Wage Claims for 12s. 6d. Weekly Against, 20, 68, 212, 284, 332, 404; Wage Claims for 10s. Weekly Against, 428, 452, 500, 524, 548, 596 ; Traffic Receipts of, 68, 188
- Dock Labour Board, National, London Dock Strike, 356, 380 ; Labour Fluctuations in Docks Industry, .428 ; Avonmout-h Dock Strike, 572
- “ Economic Survey,” 164, 284
- Electricity Supply Industry, National Joint Industrial Councilfor, Wage Agreement by, 572
- Employment of Elderly Men, 452
- Engineering and Allied Employers’ National Federation, Agreement for Employment of Apprentices, 188
- Engineering Industries Association, Views on Census of Production, 140 ; Management’s Need for Incentives, 356; Hidden Unemployment, 404
- Engineering Industry, Wage Structure in, 260, 308, 476, 500 ; Sections of Industry for Nationalisation, 500
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, Appointment of Officials, 308, 380 ; Negotiating Machinery for Engineering Industry, 308; Wages for Apprentices, 404; Need to Restrain Wage Claims, 596
- Fairchild, M., on Equal Pay to Women fcr Equal Work, 212
- Federation of British Industries, Anglo- American Productivity Council, 116, 284
- Foundry Industry, Statistics of, 572
- Foundry Workers, Amalgamated Union of,
- Progress of, 5.48, 572
- General and Municipal Workers, National Union of, Growth of, 404; Condemnation of Unofficial Strikes, 596
- Germany as Competitor in World Markets, 92 Government Expenditure, Views of National
- Union of Manufacturers on, 92 Grimethorpe Colliery Dispute, 44 Hill, E. J., on Proposed Nationalisation of
- Shipping Industry, 68
- Holidays with Pay for Miners, 188,404 ; for Winding Enginemen, 212, 236
- Hotels Executive, Wage Claims for 12s. 6d. Weekly Against, 20, 68, 212, 284, 332, 404 ; Wage Claims for 10s. Weekly Against, 428, 452, 500, 524, 548, 596; Traffic Receipts of, 68
- Houldsworth, Sir H., on Coal Output of East Midlands Division, 68
- Hours of Work, Changes in, 44,260, 332 Hurcomb, Sir C., New Year’s Message of, 20;
- on Railway Receipts and Costs, 308 Hyndley, Lord, on Coal Target for 1949, 44 Imperial Chemical Industries, Suggested
- Nationalisation of ,356
- Incentives, Need of Management for, 356 Index of Industrial Production, 44, 92, 332, 524
- Index of Rates of Wages, 44, 140, 260, 332, 428, 524
- Index of Retail Prices, 44,140,260, 332, 428, 524
- Industrial Disputes. See Strikes
- Iron and Steel Board, Termination of Appointment of, 332
- Iron and Steel Committee, National Joint Trade-Union Craftsmen’s, Formation of, 236
- Iron and Steel Industry, Recruitment for, 284 Iron and Steel Trades Employers’ Association, Consideration of Wage Claims by, 236
- Japan as Competitor in World Markets, 92
- Labour Party, Economic Programme of, 44, 68; Pamphlet on “ We Believe in Britain,” 380
- Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, Associated Society of, Wage Claims by, 284, 524, 548, 596 ; Dispute on Lodging Turns, 524, 548
- Lodging Turns, Dispute Regarding 524, 548 London Transport Executive, Railwaymen’s
- Claims for 12s. 6d. Weekly Against, 20, 68, 212, 284, 332, 404; Railwaymen’s Claims for 10s. Weekly Against, 428, 452, 500, 524, 548, 596 ; Traffic Receipts of, 62,188, 380, 452, 548 ; One-Day Strike of Maintenance Men, 524
- Man-Power Targets in Industry, 164
- Mansion House Association, Sir C. Hurcomb on Railway Receipts and ©Osts, 308
- Manual Employees, Average Weekly Wages of, 332
- Manufacturers, National Union of, Views on Government Expenditure, 92
- Merchant Navy, Unemployment Benefits In, 188
- Metal Patternmaking, Apprentices for, 188
- Mineworkers, National Union of, 20 44, 68, 188, 236, 284, 356, 404, 452; 476, 528, 596; See also CoaZ-AfjnwigZndwstry
- Trade Societies—continued.
- National Arbitration Tribunal, 140
- National Coal Board. See Goal-Mining Industry
- National Joint Advisory Council, Views on Restrictive Practices in Industry, 116
- Non-Manual Employees, Need for Closer Association, 476
- Northern Ireland, Industrial Undertakings in, 308
- Patternmakers’ Association, United, Home Production and Foreign Competition, 92 ; Apprentices to Metal Pattemmaking, 188 ; Wage Structure in Engineering Industry, 308; Differentials Between Skilled and Unskilled Grades, 308; Negotiating Machinery, 308 ; Proposed Nationalisation of Shipbuilding Industry, 380 ; Brochure on Union’s 75-Years’ History, 452 ; Value of Real Wages, 500
- Personal Incomes, Costs and Prices, White Paper on, 92, 212, 284
- Port Transport Industry, National Joint Council for, 356
- Post Office Engineering Union, Claims for Wage Increases, 92, 596
- Post Office Workers, Union of, 260
- Professional Workers, National Federation of, on Needs of Non-Manual Employees, 476
- Profit Margins, Reduction of, 548
- Purchase Tax, Reduction of, 548
- “ Queen Mary ” and “ Queen Elizabeth,” S.SS., Unofficial Strikes on, 316
- Railway Clerks’ Association, Wage Claims of, 284, 548
- Railway Executive. See British Railways
- Railway Shopmen’s National Council, Consideration of Wage Claims by, 548
- Railway Staff National Tribunal, Consideration of Wage Claims by, 212, 284, 404
- Railwaymen, National Union of, Claims for Wage Increase of 12s. 6<Z. Weekly, 20, 68, 212, 284, 332, 404; Claims for Increase of 10s. Weekly, 428, 452, 500, 524, 548, 596 ; Claims of Railway Shopmen, 140, 164; Increase in Numbers of Higher-Salaried Staff, 476 ; Sunday Strikes Over Lodging Turns, 524, 548
- Restrictive Practices in Industry, 116, 428
- Road Passenger Transport Industry, National Joint Industrial Council for, Consideration of Wage Claims by, 212
- Road-Transport Employees, Wage Claims by, 20, 68, 212
- Road-Transport Industry, Negotiating Machinery for Wage Claims in, 164
- Rubber Industry, Proposed Nationalisation of, 356
- Seamen, National Union of, Views on Unofficial Strikes, 116
- Shipbuilding Employers’ Federation, Wages in Shipbuilding Industry, 476
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, Confederation of, Proposed Nationalisation of Shipbuilding Industry, 44, 476 ; Efforts to Stimulate Production, 116; Size of Group Council, 116; Discussion of Labour Problems, 116 ; Agreement on Employment of Apprentices, 188 ; Wage Structure for Engineering Industry, 260, 476, 500; Differentials Between Skilled and Unskilled Grades, 308
- Shipbuilldng, Increased Costs of, 92 Shipbuildingindustry, Proposed Nationalisation of, 44, 68, 380, 476, 500 ; Wages in, 164, 476
- Shipbuilding and Ship-Repairing Employees, Wage Claims by, 164
- Shipping Industry, British, Effects of Foreign Competition on, 452 ; Earnings of, 116
- South Africa, Coal-Production Costs in, 332 Steel, Inadequate Allocation to Shipyards, 92 Stephenson, Sir J., on Nationalisation of Shipbuilding Industry, 500
- Stevedores’ and Dockers’ Union, Amalgamated, London Dock Strike, 356, 380
- Strikes, London Road Transport, 20 ; Unofficial on S.SS. “Queen Mary” and “ Queen Elizabeth,” 116 ; Colliery Winding Enginemen Give Strike Notices, 212 ; Docks, 356, 380, 572; Lancashire Coalfield, Over Concessionary Coal, 452, 476; Railway, Over Lodging Turns, 524, 548
- Strike Statistics, 44,140, 260, 332, 428, 524 Strikes, Unofficial, Condemned by National
- Union of General and Municipal Workers, 596
- Supervisory Staffs, Executives and Technicians, Recognition of, 572
- Supply, Ministry of, Termination of Iron and Steel Board, 332
- Tareni Colliery, Closure of, 20
- Trades Union Congress, Proposed Nationalisation of Shipbuilding Industry, 44, 476 ; Restrictive Practices in Industry, 116, 428; Anglo-American Council on Productivity, 116,284; Efforts to Stimulate Production, 116 ; Administration of Nationalised Industries, 212 ; Wage Structure in Engineering Industry, 476 ; Need to Restrain Wage Claims, 500
- Transport and General Workers’ Union, Wage Claims of London Road Transport Staffs, 20, 212; Discussion of Labour Problems, 116 ; Progress in 1948, 164 ; Negotiating Machinery for Road-Transport Employees, 164 ; Wage Structure in Engineering Industry, 260 ; Five-Day Week In Shipbuilding Industry, 260 ; Labourers’ Wage Claims, 260; London Dock Strike, 356, 380; Proposed Nationalisation of Shipbuilding Industry, 476; Views on Anglo-American Council on Productivity, 476
- Unemployment, Statistics of, 164, 47.6; in Merchant Navy, Supplementary Benefits for, 188 ; Hidden, 404
- Unemployment in United States, 527
- United Rubber Workers of Great Britain, Suggested Nationalisation of Rubber Industry, 356
- Wages, Alterations in, Ministry of Labour Statistics of, 44, 140, 260; 332, 428, 524
- Trade Societies—continued.
- 'Vf&ge Claims, Need to Restrain, 500, 596
- Wages of Railwaymen, 20, 68,140, 212, 284, 332, 404, 428, 452, 500, 524, 548, 596 ; Road Transport Employees, 20, 68, 212; Women Engineers in Government Service, 44; Admiralty Dockyard Employees, 44; Royal Ordnance Factory Employees, 44; Post Office Employees, 92,260, 596 ; Railway Shopmen, 140,164; Engineering and Metal-Trades Employees, 164; Shipbuilding and Ship-Repairing Industry, 164, 260, 476; Civil-Engineering Labourers, 164; Colliery Winding Enginemen, 212,
- Trade Societies—continued.
- 236, 284; Iron and Steel Industry Maintenance Men, 236; Engineering Industry, 260, 308, 476, 500; Manual Workers, Average Weekly Wages of, 332 ; Engineering Apprentices, 404; Electricity-Supply Industry, 572
- Wages, Real, Value of, 500
- Wales, Idle Factories in, 452
- Watermen, Lightermen, Tugmen and Bargemen’s Union, London Dock Strike, 380
- Weeks, Lleut.-Gen. Sir R., on Shipbuilding Costs, 92
- Trade Societies—continued.
- White Paper on Personal Incomes, Costs and Prices 92 212 284
- Whitehouse, H. W. S., on Shipbuilding Costs, 92
- Women Engineers in Government Service, Wages of, 44
- Women in Industry, Employment of, 164;
- Equal Pay for Equal Work by, 212
- Working Population, Statistics of, 68, 164
- Works Managers, Institution of, Views on Output, 236
- Turbines. See Engines and Boilers
- Universities. See Education
- Vehicles. See Motor Cars ; and Railways and Locomotives
- Warships. See WaraZ
- Waterworks and Power Schemes, Austrian Conference on, 419
See Also
Sources of Information