Engineering 1953 Jan-Jun: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1953 Jan-Jun: Index
Accidents and Safety Precautions :
- Air-Sea Rescue, Radio Beacon for, 727
- Ardrossan Bridge, Failure of, 612
- Birmingham Safety Centre, Establishment of, 302
- Carron Ironworks, Fire at, 526
- Colliery Explosion in North Staffordshire, 206
- Collisions at Sea, Prevention of, 42
- Derwenthaugh Coal Staiths, Fire at, 14
- Electric Traction Portal Structure, Damage to, 352
- Fatal Accident at Slag Tip, 398
- Fires Caused by Use of Welding and Riveting Equipment, Prevention of, 392
- Flooding at Coryton Oil Refinery, 266
- Industrial Safety, Conference on, 718
- Kerry’s (Great Britain), Ltd., Fire at Works of, 302
- Mines, Safety Precautions in, 142
- Pipe, Steam, Flexible-Copper, Explosion of, 726
- “ Princess Victoria,” M.S., Inquiry into Loss of, 203, 287, 313, 334
- Rescue Unit, Mobile, for Collieries, 142
- Rope Works, Fire at, 750
- Safety Control Unit, 121
- Stop Valves, Explosion of, 704
- Underground Fires in Staffordshire, 334
- Works Safety Suggestions, Awards for, 558
Aeronautics :
- Acoustics, Aeronautical, Symposium on, 580
- Adhesives for Aircraft Construction, 363
- “ Aero Research Technical Notes ” (Trade Publication), 32
- Aeronautical Society, Royal, Lectures of, 196
- Air-Sea Rescue, Radio Beacon for, 727
- Aircraft (Trade Publication), 160
- Aircraft Engines (Trade Publication), 704 Airlifts for Motorists, 622
- Apprenticeships with British Airways Corporations, 724
- Aviation Display in Paris, 708
- Boldon Airport, Sunderland, 622
- Bonding in Aircraft (Trade Publication), 32
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Factory at Sunderland, 494
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., .Ltd., Improvements at Pallion Works of, 14
- Bristol “ Superfreighter ” Car Ferry, 768
- “ Britannia ” Aircraft, Larger Versions of, 525
- “ Comet ” Completes 10,000 Hours Flying Time, 231
- Commonwealth Air Transport Council, Meeting of, 767
- Cradle, Test, for Aircraft Jet Engines, 725
- Durham County, Air Facilities in, 194
- Dust Collector, Aerodynamic (Trade Publication), 384
- Elmdon Airport, Birmingham, Developments at, 206
- Exports of Aeronautical Industry, 171, 728
- Glasgow, Air Terminus for, 686
- Greatham, Proposed Airport at, 174, 654
- Information, Aeronautical, Conference on, 91 International Civil-Aviation Organisation, Meeting of, 726
- Jet Engines, Test Beds for, 86
- London Terminus for British European Airways Corporation, 681
- “ Marathon ” Navigation-Training Aircraft, 427
- “ Meteor ” Aircraft Bartered for Cotton, 231 Militarv-Transport Aircraft, Jet-Propelled, 179
- Newcastle to London Air Service, 654
- “ Olympus Canberra ” Aircraft, Performance by, 511
- Pengam Moors Airport Site, Use for Industrial Purposes, 782
- Production Engineers, Needs of Aircraft Industry for, 334
- Propellers (Trade Publication), 160
- Renfrew Airport, Terminal Building for, 302
- Rhoose Airport, Improvements at, 366, 430
- Rhoose Airport, Recognition as State Airport, 110
- Rolls-Royce Jet Engine, Production in Sweden, 5
- Runway, Aircraft, at Chesterfield, 46
- “ Short ” Bomber Aircraft, 635
- Sunderland, Aeroplane Factory at, 206
- “ Superfreighter ” Car Ferry, 768
- “ Super mating ” Aircraft, Production of, 373
- Survey, Aerial, of Railway Tracks, 168
- “ Swordfish ” Aircraft Supplied to Royal Navy, 490
- Test Beds for Jet Engines, 86
- Test Cradle for Aircraft Jet Engines, 725
- Traffic of British European Airways Corporation, 486
- Wind Tunnel for Aircraft Research, 40
Agriculture :
- Birmingham Airport, Use by Larger Aircraft, 334
- Bracken Crushing to Make Grazing Land, 782
- Compressed-Air Farm Equipment (Trade Publication), 815
- Diplomas in Agricultural Engineering, 253
- “ Farm Mechanization,” Scholarship in, 315
- Grazing Land, Formation of, 782
- Irish Cuts in Agricultural-Tool Imports, 654
- Ploughs for Use in Undeveloped Countries, 700
- Power Farming Congress, National, 800
- Royal Agricultural Show, 1954, 319
- Sugar Beet, Thinning Machines for, 718 Tractors, Construction in Newcastle, 718
- Alloys. See Mining and Metallurgy
Appointments, Awards and Honours :
- Adams, Lord, Made Freeman of Whitehaven, 526
- British Productivity Council, Appointments to, 380
- Cardiff Chamber of Commerce, Appointments to, 558
- Chemical Society, Awards by, 397
- Electriciens, Societe Fran^aise des, Award by, 427
- Fuel Efficiency Panel, Appointments to, 526
- Glasgow Productivity Committee, Formation of, 686
- Long Service Awards, by Birmingham Firms, 494 ; by Sheffield Firms, 526 ; at Eiland, 782
- Metals, Institute of, Awards by, 288
- Nuffield, Lord, Made Freeman of White- , haven, 526
- Premiums for Technical Writing on Radio, 5
- Royal Society, Election of Officers, 8
- Welding, Institute of, Awards by, 473
Associations, Etc. :
- Aircraft Research Association, 40 Aluminium Development Association, 170 Anglo-American Council on Productivity, 95 Aslib, 91, 216
- Association of Underwriters and Insurance Brokers in Glasgow, 302
- Australian and New Zealand Association for Advancement of Science, 253
- Australian Road Federation, 93
- Bewdley Civic Society, 416
- Brierley Hill (Staffordshire) Manufacturers and Traders Association, 334
- British Association, 53, 214, 663
- British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education, 674
- British Constructional Steelworks Association, 121, 252
- British Electrical and Allied Industries Manufacturers’ Association, 483
- British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association, 119
- British Iron and Steel Federation, 324
- British Iron and Steel Research Association, 174, 628
- British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association, 352
- British Occupational Hygiene Society, 651
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, 86,231
- British Plastics Federation, 158
- British Productivity Council, 158, 380
- British Rheological Society, 250
- British Welding Research Association, 256 Coal Utilisation Council, 296
- Combustion Engineering Association, 141, 749
- Commission Permanente Internationale de 1’Acetylene, 467
- Electrical and Radio Federation of Victoria, 832
- Electricity Consultative Council, 302
- Engineer Buyers’ and Representatives’ Association, 196
- Fan Makers’ Association, 702
- Film Institute, 797
- Fire Protection Association, 392
- Gauge and Tool Makers’ Association, 160
- Glass and Asbestos Fibre Reinforced Plastics Technical Committee, 40
- Home Timber Merchants Association of Scotland, 462
- Industrial Accident Prevention Council, 558
- Industrial Association of Wales and Monmouthshire, 430
- Industrial Co-Partnership Association, 40
- Industrial Design, Coqjicil of, 266
- Industrial! Metallurgic! Meccanici Affini, 250
- International Road Federation, 475
- International Scientific Film Association ,797 Iron and Steel Trades Confederation, 590 Mechanical Handling Engineers’ Association 296
- Midland Scrap Iron, Steel and Metals Association, 366
- Model Engineering Trade Association of Great Britain, 381
- National Association of Colliery Managers, 430
- National Smoke Abatement Society, 718
- National Union of Manufacturers, 78, 142, 238, 302, 366, 430, 750
- National Union of Students, 629
- North East Development Association, 686
- North of England Brick Makers’ Association, 206
- Old Centralians, 60
- Petroleum Information Bureau, 448
- Radio Industry Council, 5, 395
- Rheology, Joint Commission on, 250
- River Tees Liner Agents’ Association, 366
- Royal' Agricultural Society, 319
- School Broadcasting Council, 480
- Scientific Film Association, 706, 797
- Scientific Unions, International Council of, 250
- Scottish Co-Operative Transport Association, 366
- Scottish Motor Trades Association, 41
- Sheffield Cutlery Manufacturers’ Association, 206
- Sheffield Tramways Development Association, 526
- Shell Photographic Unit, 388
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors,728
- Automobiles. See Motor Gms, Etc.
- Boilers. See Engines and Boilers
Bridges and Viaducts :
- Aberdeen, Aluminium Bridge for, 750
- Ardrossan Bridge, Failure of, 612
- Auckland Harbour Bridge, 352
- Bewdley Bridge Tool House, Preservation of, 416
- Glasgow-Gourock Railway Bridge, 174
- Glasgow-Greenock Bridge, Scheme for Widening, 430
- Glasgow, Inspection of Albert Bridge at, 782
- Lancashire Bridge, Proposals for, 270 Prestressed-Concrete Bridges 398
- Scottish Rivers, Bridges over, 686
- Severn, Road Bridge Across, 78
- Sidbury Road Bridge, Condition of, 78
- Tamar River, Road Bridge Across, 654
Buildings and Building Construction :
- Aluminium-AUoy Buildings (Trade Publication), 815
- Australia, Assembly Factory for, 430
- Australia, Branch Factory in, 206
- Australian Road Federation, Report of, 93
- Barmouth, Sea-Defence Works at, 238
- Birmingham, Development Plan for, 46
- Bricks, Perforated Clay, 653
- Brickwork, Drillfor (Trade Publication), 480
- Brickworks, Reopening of, 590
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Factory at Sunderland, 494
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Improvements at Pallion Works of, 14
- Building By-Laws, London County Council, 93
- Building Plant Exhibition, 601
- Burnley Development Plan, Approval of, 430
- Charing Cross Hotel, Reconstruction of, 660 . Constructional Steelwork, Film on, 121
- Crushers, Stone (Trade Publication), 160
- Death-Watch Beetle, Combating, 607
- Ebbw Vale Steelworks, Extensions to, 334
- Electrical Factory in Northern Ireland, 668
- Excavator and Grader, Motor (Trade Publication), 288
- Flats, Steel for Construction of, 398
- Flooring, Terrazzo (Trade Publication), 255
- Four Ashes Chemical Works, Construction at, 686
- Frame of Composite Prestressed Concrete, 377
- Gateshead, Works Extensions at, 238
- Grangemouth Docks, Public Works at, 398
- Greenock, Development Plan and Industries in, 654
- Hebburn Shipyard, Extensions to, 590
- Indian Five-Year Road Plan, 663
- Industrial Premises, Extensions to, 110
- Iron-Ore Quay at Tyne Dock, 398
- Kiln, Tunnel, Oil-Fired, Operation of, 686
- Land Development Equipment, 238
- London County Council, Building By-Laws of, 93
- London Terminus for British Overseas Airways Corporation, 681
- Machine-Tool Factory at Thornliebank, 654
- Mansion for Use as Offices, 430
- Monckton Coke Works, Extensions to, 814
- Newhouse Industrial Estate, Progress of, 14 ' North-Eastern Trading Estates, Development of, 398
- Renfrew Airport, TerminalTBuilding for, 302
- Renfrew, New Factories at, 142
- Rhoose Aerodrome, Improvements at, 366, 430
- Road, By-Pass, Construction at Neath, 558
- Road, By-Pass, in Lancashire, Proposals for, 270
- Road Communication in Wales, 334, 430
- Road Construction in Middlesbrough Dock Area, 814
- Road Construction at Swansea, 814
- Road Maintenance, Grahts to Counties for, 558
- Road, Motor, for South Wales, 526
- Roof Trusses Built from Old Rails, 185
- Sea-Defence Works at Barmouth, 238
- Sheet Steelfor House-Building Purposes, 398
- Sheffield University, New Engineering Block at, 814
- Shipbuilding Berths, Extensions to, 398
- Sites for Industrial Use in Midlands, 142
- South Shields, Dry Dock Extensions at, 142
- Spring Works, Construction at, 526
- Standard Motor Co., Ltd., New Factory for, 270
- Steel Building Structures, Welding in, 252
- Steelworks Opened by Duke of Edinburgh, 262
- Stone Crushers (Trade Publication), 160
- Structural Steelworks at Rutherglen, Extensions to, 750
- Sunderland, Extensions to Aeroplane Factory at, 206
- Sunderland Works, Extensions at, 78
- Team Valley Trading Estate, Extensions to, 270, 302
- Terrazzo Flooring (Trade Publication), 255
- Tile Making at Consett, 526
- Town Planning, Effect on Industry, 142 •Tubular Steel, Factory for Construction of, 366
- Tyne Dock, Iron-Ore Quay at, 398
- Velindre Cold-Reduction Works, 238
- Wales, Road Communications in, 430
- Whiteinch-Linthouse Traffic Tunnel, Construction of, 750
- Wolverhampton, Factory Extensions in, 206
Canals and Waterworks :
- Birmingham, Consumption of Water in, 686
- Blithfield Reservoir, Progress at, 334
- Brynmawr, Water Supply at, 814
- Cardiff Port, Erosion and Silting in, 206
- Cardiff, Reservoir for, 366
- Cardiff, Water Supplies of, 142, 686, 782
- Claerwen Dam, Public Access to, 142
- Coal from River Beds, 174
- Coventry, New Waterworks at, 14, 600
- De-Salting of Brakish Water, Methods of, 525
- Doon Valley, Water Supply to, 590
- Flood Control, Departmental Committee on, 607
- Glasgow, Water Supplies of, 654
- Greenock, Water Supplies for, 462
- Kirkcaldy, Water Supplies for, 462
- Linlithgow, Boring for Water in, 430
- Metropolitan Water Board, Jubilee of, Erratum, 500
- Midland Canal Branches, Proposed Closure of, 238
- Midlands, Increase in Water Consumption in, 110
- Rhymney Valley, Water-Supply Scheme for, 718
- River Pollution, Problems of, 110
- River Severn, Landslip on, 270
- River Taff, Silting of, 110
- River Taff, Training of, 174
- River Tamar, Bridge over, 654
- River Tyne, Laid-Up Tonnage in, 270
- River Welland, Improvement Scheme on, 718
- Scottish Rivers, Bridges over, 686
- Steel Pipes, Discharge of Water from, 404
- Sunderland, Water Supplies in, 430
- Valves, Water-Supply, Installation in Glasgow, 462
- Water Level Gauges (Trade Publication), 704
- Water Supplies, Shortage of, 366
- Worcestershire, South, Water Supplies of, 494
- Catalogues. See Trade Publications
Cement and Concrete :
- Bridge, Prestressed-Concrete, 398
- Builders’ Levels (Trade Publication), 480
- Chemically-Resistant Cement (Trade Publication), 800
- Frame, Composite Prestressed-Concrete, 377
- Production of Cement, 126
- South Wales, Cement Shortage in, 686
- Wire for Prestressed Concrete (Trade Publication), 480
- Chemistry. See Physics and Chemistry
Coal :
- Aberdare Valley Pits, Saturday Working at, 398
- Accident at Slag Tip, 398
- Amalgamation of Various Companies, 302, 334
- Anthracite Colliery Sinking in Carmarthenshire, 750
- Anthracite Imports from Eire, 558, 590 Beautifying of Coal Tip, 782
- British Railways, Coal Transported by, 572 Brown Coal, Erratum, 342
- Brynmawr, Opencast Coal Prospecting at, 814
- Campaign to Stimulate Output, 270, 302 Cannock Chase, Coalfield at, 654 Christmas, Output Prior to, 14
- Coke-Oven Battery for Beighton, 814
- Coke-Oven Battery at Consett Iron Works, 782
- Coke, Unsuitable, Used for Forgings, 622 Collieries, Efficiency Committees for, 590 Collieries, Post-Holiday Conditions at, 78 Derwenthaugh Coal Staiths, Repairs After Fire at, 14
- Domestic Use of Solid Fuel, 296
- Drift Mines to be Opened in Durham, 654
- Drift Mine at Tymawr Colliery, 686
- Durham Collieries, Developments at, 14
- Europe, Coal and Iron Plan for, 270
- Explosion at North Staffordshire Colliery, 206
- Exports of Coal, 302, 334
- Fire-Fighting Practice in Collieries, 590
- Fires, Underground, in Staffordshire, 334
- Flooded Collieries, Reopening of, 174
- Fuel Bills, Increases in, 238
- Fuel Efficiency, Measures for Obtaining, 238
- Fuel Technology Research at Sheffield University, 814
- Gas Alarm Lamp for Collieries, 494
- Gas Coke, Stocks of, 142
- Gasification, Underground, of Coal, 590
- Glasgow, Coal Discovery Near, 430
- Gypsies Green, Construction of Sidings at, 622
- Industry, Coal Position in, 206
- Loss Owing to Labour Disputes, 654
- Marshalling Yard/ Proposed, for South Shields, 14
- Midlands, Coal-Mining Developments in, 430 Mine Roof Bar Carrier, 415
- Monckton Coke Works, Extensions to, 814 Nantgarw, Horizontal Mining at, 398 Newport, Coal Shipments from, 622 Northumberland and Cumberland, Colliery Developments in, 46
- Nottingham, Mining Developments Near, 142
- Coal—continued.
- Opencast Sites near Sheffield, 462
- Pit-Head Baths, Opening of, 686
- Portugal, Coal Exports to, 782
- Prices of Coal, 270
- Productivity, Need for Increasing, 302 Record Outputs in South Yorkshire, 462 Recorder for Gauging Mine Shafts, 829 Rescue Unit for Collieries, 142
- River Beds, Coal from, 174
- Rufford Colliery, Extensions at, 46
- Safety Precautions in Mines, 142
- Salaries of Colliery Managers, 206
- Sampler for Coal (Trade Publication), 255
- Saturday Working in Collieries, 398, 590
- Scotland, Coal Exports by, 174
- Scotland, Future of Colliery Industry in, 590
- Scotland, Production in, 334, 462
- Scotland, Stocks in, 46
- Sea, Disposal of Colliery Waste in, 782
- Shallow Coal and Clay Workings in Midlands, 174
- Sheffield, Coal Position in, 46
- Shotts Collieries, Approaching Exhaustion of, 206
- Skip Winding, Automatic, 378
- Slack, Wetting of, to Assist Combustion, 180
- South Wales Coalfield, Prospects of, 14
- South-Western Division, Annual Report of, 654
- Southwestern Division, Mining Losses of, 46 Spoil Heaps, Colliery, at Bly th, 398
- Tyne, Coal and Coke Shipments from, 46
- Underground Stowing at Durham Colliery, 41
- Wales, Coal Trade of, 110, 174
- Wales, Output in, 686
- Wales, West, Colliery Developments in, 270
- Washing Plant at Wardley, 270
- Wear, Coal Shipments from, 46 Wolverhampton, Boring for Coal at, 622 Yorkshire, Lowering of Stocks in, 782 Yorkshire, Production in, 558, 686, *750 Yorkshire, South, Colliery Improvement Scheme for, 686
- Colleges. See Education
Companies :
- Abelson and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 522
- Aero Research, Ltd., 363
- African Explosives and Chemical Industries, Ltd., 695
- Aircraft Research Association, Ltd., 40
- Aiton and Co., Ltd., 78
- Aktiebolaget Atlas Diesel, 13
- Albion Motors, Ltd., 238
- Albright and Wilson, Ltd., 365
- Alexander, W., and Co., 14
- Allied Brick'and Tile Co., Ltd., 686
- Allweather Paints, Ltd., 354
- Aluminium Co. of Australia, 814
- Andersons (Newton Mearns), Ltd., 654
- Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co., Ltd., 815 Anthony Hoists, Ltd., 776
- Appleby-Frodingham Steelworks, 14
- Armstrong Cork Co., Ltd., 270
- Armstrong, SirW. G., Whitworth (Aircraft), Ltd., 301
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 334
- Arnott Young and Co., Ltd., 494
- Arrol, Sir W., and Co., Ltd., 782
- Associated Motor Cycles, Ltd., 302
- Astley Brook and Co., 791
- Atlas Diesel Co., Ltd., 13
- Austin, J., and Sons (Dewsbury), Ltd., 791
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 31, 526, 622
- Austin, S. P., and Son, Ltd., 46
- Bailey Bros, and Swinfen, Ltd., 93
- Bailey, C. H., Ltd., 46
- Baldwin Instrument Co., Ltd., 772, 791 1
- Beardmore, W., and Co., Ltd., 814
- Berk, F. W., and Co., Ltd., 678
- Blyth Dry Docks and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 750
- Blythswood Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 270, 622
- Bolckow, H., and Co., Ltd., 782
- Booth, J., and Co., Ltd., 494
- Bosch, Ltd., 490, 653
- Bosch, R., G.m.b.H., 653
- Bowden (Engineers), Ltd., 744
- Bowser, Monks and Whitehouse, Ltd., 342
- Brades and Nash-Tyzack Industries, Ltd., 366
- Brims and Co., Ltd., 622
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., 14, 334, 494, 511, 525, 768
- British Insulated Callender’s Construction Co., Ltd., 352
- British Tanker Co., Ltd., 622
- British Telecommunications, Ltd-, 732
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 413, 416, 558, .596, 668
- Briton Ferry Steel Co., Ltd., 526, 654
- B.S.A. Cycles, Ltd., 654
- Butler, G., and Co. (Cutlers), Ltd., 174
- Butler, S., and Co., Ltd., 142
- Cable and Wireless, Ltd., 510
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 622
- Canadian Pacific Railway Co., 687
- Cape Asbestos Co., Ltd., 462
- Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Ltd., 206
- Carron Iron Co., Ltd., 526
- Chance Brothers, Ltd., 174
- Chance Brothers and Co., Ltd., 366, 622
- Chantiers et Ateliers de Province, 158
- Clan Line, Ltd., 206
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., 238
- Clarkson (Engineers), Ltd., 214
- Clayton and Davie, Ltd., 430
- Clayton-Wright, H., Ltd., 429
- Clyde Alloy Steel Co., Ltd., 78
- Clyde Paper Co., Ltd., 14
- Clyde Valley Electrical Power Co., Ltd., 142 Cochrans (Middlesbro’) Foundry, Ltd., 46 Colvilles, Ltd., 78, 398, 622
- Concrete Development Co., Ltd., 377 Conveyancer Fork Trucks, Ltd., 412 Cravens Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., 270, 750
- D’Arcy Exploration Co., 398, 430
- Dillow Motors, Ltd., 14
- Companies—continued.
- Dempster, R., and Sons, Ltd. 782
- Denny, W., and Brothers, Ltd., 334
- Dorman Long and Co., Ltd., 110,142, 206, 398
- Doxford, W., and Sons, Ltd., 158, 398, 526
- D. S. Plugs, Ltd., 324
- Ductile Steels, Ltd., 558
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 21
- Eaglescliffe Chemical Co., Ltd., 334
- Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., 493
- Editorial Services, Ltd., 483
- E. M.I. Engineering Development, Ltd., 69 Engineering Centre, Ltd., 494
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 526
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., 110, 430
- Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd., 430
- Evershed and Vignolles, Ltd., 355
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., 490
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 814
- Fearnehough, W., Ltd., 288
- Fiddes, W., and Son, Ltd., 704
- Firth Cleveland Group of Companies, 567
- Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels, Ltd., 334
- Fleming and Ferguson, Ltd., 270
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., 170, 470
- Foundry Services, Ltd., 78
- Fowler, J., and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 473
- Fox, S., and Co., Ltd., 78, 334
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, 503
- Furnival Steel Co., Ltd., 622
- Fusarc, Ltd., 270
- Gamma-Rays, Ltd., 302
- Gas Chambers and Coke Ovens, Ltd., 814
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 199, 362, 503, 571, 695, 718, 740, 792, 809
- General Motors Corporation, 216
- General Refractories, Ltd., 14
- Girling, Ltd., 334
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., 462, 590
- Gloster Aircraft Co., Ltd., 231
- Glover, W.ebb and Liversedge, Ltd,, 644
- Greenock Dockyard Co. Ltd., 654
- Greenock Ropeworks, Ltd., 750
- Greenwell, T. W., and Co., Ltd., 46
- Guest, Keen and Baldwins Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., 270, 558
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., 46
- Habershon, J. J., and Sons, Ltd., 654
- Hadfields, Ltd., 142, 302, 494
- Haffenden, W. W., Ltd., 831
- Handley Page (Reading), Ltd., 427
- Harman’s Engineering Co., 384
- Harper, J., and Co., Ltd., 46, 782
- Harrison and Co. (Lincoln), Ltd., 366 Hawthorn, R. and W., Leslie and Co., Ltd., 590 Hayes, R. S., Ltd., 366
- Head, Wrightson Aluminium, Ltd., 750
- Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., 238
- Head Wrightson Stampings, Ltd., 238
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., 86, 462, 725
- Herbert, A., Ltd., 121, 366
- Higgs Motors, Ltd., 355
- Hobson, H. M., Ltd., 46
- Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 327
- Holland and Hannen and Cubitts, Ltd., 377
- Hoover (Washing Machines), Ltd., 182 Howells, T. F., Ltd., 86
- Hughes Bolckow Shipbreaking Co., Ltd., 558, 622
- Hunting Aero Surveys, Ltd., 168
- Hunting Air Transport, Ltd., 654
- Huwood Mining Machinery, Ltd., 782
- Hyland, Ltd., 14
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 14,40,46 Infilco Incorporated, 216
- Ingham, J. and J., and Co., Ltd., 686
- Interlock Metal Hose Co., Ltd., 726
- International Combustion, Ltd., 750
- International Nickel Co., Ltd., 99
- Jaguar Cars, Ltd., 302
- Jennings Winch and Foundry Co., Ltd., 743
- Jute Industries, Ltd., 46
- Kenyon, W., and Sons, Ltd., 462
- Kerry’s (Great Britain), Ltd., 302
- Kidde, W., and Co., Ltd., 86
- Kincaid, J. G„ and Co., Ltd., 46, 270, 612, 718
- Kjobenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab, 187
- K. and L. Steel Founders and Engineers, Ltd., 612
- Kodak, Ltd., 388
- Lawson Batey Tugs, Ltd., 430
- Laystall Engineering Co., Ltd., 206
- Leverton, H., and Co., Ltd., 270
- Ley’s Malleable Castings Co., Ltd., 334.
- Lithgows, Ltd., 750
- Londex, Ltd., 759
- Lucas, J., Ltd., 334
- Main, R. A., Ltd., 644-
- Marchon Products, Ltd., 142
- Marconi’s Wireless Telegrapn Co., Ltd., 494
- Marley Tile Co., Ltd., 526
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., 334
- Marton Air Equipment, Ltd., 800
- Matisa Equipment, Ltd., 831
- McFadden, A. G., and Co., Ltd., 750
- Melvin, Ltd., 256
- Metal Box Co., Ltd., 494
- Metal Industries, Ltd., 398, 430
- Middle Docks and Engineering Co., Ltd., 142, 622
- Midland Silicones,Ltd., 365
- Midland Tar Distillers, Ltd., 686
- Millspaugh, Ltd., 494
- Ming Ware, Ltd., 46
- Mirrlees Watson and Co., Ltd., 750
- Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., 99, 237
- Mowlem, J., and Co., Ltd., 726
- Mullard, Ltd., 116, 205, 544, 654
- Multitone Electric Co., Ltd., 719
- Murex Welding Process, Ltd., 640
- Nash, I. (Belbroughton), Ltd., 366
- Neill, J., and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., 366, 826 New Hudson, Ltd., 334
- Newton, Chambers and Co., Ltd., 302, 558 Nisbet, G., and Co. (Glasgow), Ltd., 590 Nisbet Shipping Co., Ltd., 590
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., 362
- North Eastern Trading Estates, Ltd., 206, 302, 398
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., 42,107, 268, 776
- Norton Motors, Ltd., 302
- Companies—continued.
- Palmer (Hebburn) Co., Ltd., 366, 750
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., 78, 334. 750
- Pendeford Engineering Co., Ltd., 700
- Pickersgill, W., and Sons, Ltd., 110
- Pilkington Brothers, Ltd., 174
- Powder Metallurgy, Ltd., 678
- Power Gas Corporation, Ltd., 282
- Poxon, H. G., Engineering Co., 139
- Premier Brick Co., Ltd., 590
- Puman, Bell and Co., Ltd., 483
- Pyrotenax Co., Ltd., 526
- Quasi-Arc Co., Ltd., 668
- Readhead, J., and Sons, Ltd., 398
- Renishaw Ivon Co., Ltd., 686
- Riley, A. J., and Son, 791
- Robertson, W. H. A., and Co., Ltd., 558, 746
- Rockwell Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 462 Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 5, 750
- R'owan, D., and Co., Ltd., 750
- Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd., 78
- Salter, G., and Co., Ltd., 526, 558
- Scottish Industrial Estates, Ltd., 654
- Servomex Controls, Ltd-., 691
- Sheepbridge Co., Ltd., 14
- Sheffield Forge and Rolling Mills Co., Ltd., 270, 526
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., 430, 494, 718, 814
- Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 494, 757
- Shelley, R. T., Ltd., 302
- Short Brothers and Harland, Ltd., 635
- Silver City Airways, Ltd., 768
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., 814
- Simon Handling Engineers, Ltd., 398
- Smith, A. and W., and Co., Ltd., 526
- Smith and M’Lean, Ltd., 398
- Solus-Schall (Non-Destructive Testing), Ltd., 238
- Solway Chemicals, Ltd., 142
- South Durham Steel and Iron Co., Ltd., 270, 302, 654
- South Staffordshire Waterworks Co., Ltd., 334
- Square Grip Reinforcement Co., Ltd., 270
- Standard Motor Co.. Ltd., 270, 302, 398, 462, 588, 718
- Stanley, W. F., and Co., Ltd., 826
- Steel Co., of Scotland, Ltd., 206
- Steel Co. of Wales, Ltd., 110, 142, 206, 238, 270, 302, 430, 494, 590
- Steels Engineering Products, Ltd., 483
- Stenor, Ltd., 99
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 270, 404
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., 398
- Straits Air Freight Express, Ltd., 512
- Summer, J., and Sons, Ltd., 262
- Sunderland and South Shields Water Co., Ltd., 430
- Svenska Flygmotor A.B., 5
- Swan, C. S., and Hunter, Ltd., 814
- Swan, Hunter, and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 366, 494, 718, 814
- Tate and Lyle, Ltd., 526
- Tawse, W., Ltd., 110
- Taylor Woodrow Construction, Ltd., 366
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd., 187
- Thomas, R., and Baldwins, Ltd., 78, 302, 334, 462, 622
- Trier Brothers, Ltd., 776
- Tubewrights, Ltd., 366
- Ultra Electric, Ltd., 727
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., 14, 490, 494, 814
- Vactric, Ltd., 14-
- Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., 86, 266, 494, 654
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., 14, 54, 179, 366, 373, 590, 718, 750
- Victor Products, Ltd., 110
- Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd., 526
- Vokes, Ltd., 750
- Ward, T. W., Ltd., 14
- Weatherhead, W., and Sons, Ltd., 142
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., 302
- West, A., and Co., Ltd., 781
- West Cumberland Industrial Development * Co., Ltd., 462
- White, J. and J., Ltd., 334
- Whitehead Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., 430
- Wigham Richardson and Co., Ltd., 814
- Wilkes, J., Sons and Mappiebeck, Ltd., 494
- Wilkins and Mitchell, Ltd., 206, 430
- Willys Overland Motors, Inc., 302
- Wood, H., and Co., Ltd., 270
- Workington Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., 238
- Yorkshire Engine Co., Ltd., 494
- Yorkshire Hennebique Contracting Co., Ltd., 398
- Young, T., and Sons (Shipbreakers), Ltd., 782
- Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
- Contracts :
- 23, 96, 120, 156, 224, 253, 416, 446, 479, 512, 672, 702, 736, 751, 783
- A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., 479
- Aiton and Co., Ltd., 702
- Ashmore, Benson Pease and Co., Ltd., 446
- Austin, S. P., and Son, Ltd., 702
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Co., Ltd., 156
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 23 (2), 416 (2)
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd., 751
- Balfour Beatty and Co., Ltd., 702
- Beirrum and Partners, Ltd., 120
- Bennis Combustion, Ltd., 783
- Berry, H., and Co., Ltd.,156
- Blackwood, J., Hodge and Co., Ltd., 736, 783
- Blakeborough, J., and Sons, Ltd., 23
- Brand, C., and Son, Ltd., 783
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables, Ltd., 23,120, 783
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 120. 416, 702, 736, 783
- Brown,. J., and Co., Ltd., 224
- Brown, J., and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., 783
- Brush Bagnall Traction, Ltd., 751
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 23, 96, 224, 416, 672, 783
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 512
- B.V.C. Industrial Constructions, Ltd., 23 Cement-Gun Co., Ltd., 156
- Chemical Engineering Wiltons, Ltd., 156
- Cowans, Sheldon and Co., Ltd., 479
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., 702
- Davenport Engineering, Ltd., 702
- Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., 224
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., 416
- Drake and Gorham (Contractors), Ltd., 702
- Drewry Car Co., Ltd., 672
- Enfield Cables, Ltd., 702
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 120 (2), 224, 253. 416 (2), 702 (2)
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., 702
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., 120, 479, 751
- Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., 23
- Field Aircraftl Services, Ltd., 253
- Film Cooling Towers (1925), Ltd., 23
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, 783
- Gammon, G. C. (England), Ltd., 736
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 23,120, 224, 253, 416, 702, 736, 751, 783
- Gilkes, G., and Gordon, Ltd., 702
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., 156
- Glover, W. T., and Co., Ltd., 120
- Grangemouth Dockyard Co., Ltd., 479
- Guy Motors, Ltd., 253, 446
- Hall, Russell and Co., Ltd., 512
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 479
- Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., 253
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., 224, 416, 512
- Henley’s, W. T., Telegraph Works, Ltd., 736-, 783 (2)
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., 120, 416
- Holland, Hannen and Cubitts, Ltd., 702
- Holloway Bros. (London), Ltd., 783
- Holst and Co., Ltd., 783
- Humber Graving Dock and Engineering Co., Ltd., 156
- Hydraulic Engineering Co., Ltd., 156
- Industrial Engineering, Ltd., 156
- International Combustion, Ltd., 416
- International Nickel Co. of Canada, Ltd., 751 I.T.D., Ltd., 253
- Kincaid, J. G., and Co., Ltd., 479
- Kinnear, Moodie and Co., Ltd., 156, 253
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., 512
- Lind, P., and Co., Ltd., 120
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., 751
- Lucas Furnaces, Ltd., 156
- Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 96. 120, 479
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., 23
- McAlpine, Sir A., and Son, Ltd., 23
- McAlpine, Sir R., and Sons (Midlands), Ltd., 783
- McAlpine, Sir R., and Sons (Newcastle-upon- Tyne), Ltd., 23
- McCalls Macalloy, Ltd., 96
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 416, 702
- Miller, J., and Partners, Ltd., 156
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., 120, 224
- Mirrlees Watson Co., Ltd., 416
- Mitchell Construction Co., 23
- Mitchell, F., and Son, Ltd., 416
- Morgan, J. (London), Ltd., 783
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., 120, 416, 672
- Newton, Chambers and Co., Ltd., 479
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., 672
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., 783
- Penarth Pontoon, Slipway and Slip Repairing Co., Ltd., 224
- Pirelli-General Cable Works, Ltd., 416
- Redheugh Iron and Steel Co. (1936), Ltd., 446
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., 23,120,416 (2), 783
- Richardson, P. C., and Co. (Middlesbrough), Ltd., 702
- Riley and Neate, Ltd., 23, 783
- Salter, G., and Co., Ltd., 479
- Siemens and General Electric Railway Signal Co., Ltd., 120
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., 416, 672, 783
- Simon Engineering Group, 156
- Staveley Iron and Chemical Co., Ltd., 156
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 23, 156
- Strachen and Henshaw, Ltd., 416 (2)
- Sulzer Bros. (London), Ltd., 446
- Taylor Woodrow Construction, Ltd., 224 Tersons, Ltd., 96
- Theaker, D., and Co., Ltd., 120
- Thompson Water Tube Boilers, Ltd., 416 (2>
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., 120
- Vaughan Crane Co., Ltd., 416
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., 672
- Venner, Ltd., 253
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., 253, 702, 736
- Watsham’s, Ltd., 23, 120
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd. 512, 783
- Westland Aircraft, Ltd., 512
- Wimpey, G., and Co., Ltd., 512
- Wood, E., and Co., Ltd., 702
- Worthington-Simpson, Ltd., 23
- Yorkshire Hennebique Contracting Co., Ltd., 783
Cranes and Conveyors :
- Belt Conveyor, Sectional (Trade' Publication), 384
- Belt-Lacing Equipment (Trade Publication), 768
- Belting, Conveyor (Trade Publication), 480
- Belting, Conveyor, Rubber (Trade Publication), 800
- Belting, Nylon (Trade Publication), 61
- Bushes, Taper-Lock (Trade Publication), 576;
- Conveyors, Film on, 296
- Cranes, Mobile (Trade Publication), 576
- Fork Trucks, Reversing of, 412
- Hoists, Air (Trade Publication), 815
- Hoist, Pneumatic, 800
- Mechanical-Handling Equipment (Trade- Publication), 160
- Mechanical Handling in Timber Industry (Trade Publication), 288
- Mechanised Coal Handling at Collieries, 253
- Pulleys (Trade Publication), 576
- Sampler, Coal, for Conveyor Belting (Trade- Publication), 255
- Cranes and Conveyors—continued.
- Scraper Chain Conveyors (Trade Publication), 32
- Timber Imports, Mechanised Handling of. 483
- V-Belts (Trade Publication), 320 Vulcaniser, Belt, 99
Education :
- Apprentices, Lectures for, 674 Apprentices in Welding Industry, 14 Apprenticeships with Airways Corporations, 724
- Birmingham College of Technology, Progress of, 750
- Birmingham University, Developments at, 174
- Boys in Skilled Trades, Openings for, 238 Broadcast Receiving Apparatus for Schools, 480
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., Visits to, 622
- Competitions, Dow Prize, 157 ; Applications of Oxy-Acetylene Flame, 467
- Conferences^ Hydro-Electric, 9 ; Hydraulic Servo-Mechanisms, 69 ; Grands Rdseaux Electriques it Haute Tension, 84 ; Deep Drawing of Metals and Continuous Casting of Ingots, 87 ; Aeronautical Information, 91 ; Brittle Fracture in Steel, 158 ; Engineering in Australia, 231; Dust Technology, 252; Institution of Production Engineers, 543 ; Heat-Treatment Practice, 628 ; Nobel Prize Winners, 655, 789 ; Plastic Deformation of Metals, 678 ; Industrial Applications of Statistics, 685 ; Industrial Safety, 718; International Civil-Aviation Organisation, 726 ; Firing of Solid Fuel in Smokeless Zones, 749 ; Power Farming, 800
- Congresses, International Mechanical Engineering, 250 Rheology, 250 ; Forestry and Timber Industry. 664; Scientific Films, 706
- Conventions, Universal Copyright, 218; British Electrical Power, 218
- Courses on Electronics, 237 ; for Works and Plant Engineers, 245 ; on Work Study, 397 ; on Fuel Efficiency, 526 ; on Utilisation of Liquid Fuels, 726
- Craftsmen, Exhibition of Work of, 718 Diplomas in Agricultural Engineering, 253 Engineering Bureau, North-East, Report of, 270
- Engineering Centre in Midlands, Establishment of, 238, 270
- Examinations, Institution of Metallurgists, 88 ; Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 708
- Fan Engineering Industry, Employment in, 702
- Founding, Fellowship in, 778 Graduates, Engineering, in Industry, 199 Home Study in Technical Subjects, 69 King’s College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Appeal for Funds, 654
- King’s College Stephenson Engineering Society, 302
- Lectures, Refrigeration, 11 ; Faraday, 77, 302; Surge Phenomena, 119; Royal Aeronautical Society, 196 ; Rutherford, 256 ; Electric Strain Gauges, 350 ; Institution of Chemical Engineers, 644 ; for Apprentices, 674
- Modern Engineering, Need for Specialists in, 718
- Mond Nickel Fellowships, Appointments to, 237
- Norwegian Employees, Visit to England by, 590
- Oxford Mathematical Institute, Formation of, 252'
- Arents’ Day at Works of British Thomson- Houston Co., Ltd., 558
- Prizes for Navigation, 685 Robert Warner Fellowship, 778 Salesmen, Training of, 334
- Scholarships, “ Farm Mechanization,” 315 ; Maudslay, 511; British Electricity, 632 ; Salters’ Company, 744 ; Birmingham College of Technology, 750
- Schools, Summer, Solid State and Heterogeneous Catalysis, 194 ; Relaxation Methods, 240 ; Welding, 256 ; Plastic Deformation of Metals, 284, 678 ; Harwell Isotopes, 487
- Sheffield University, New Engineering Block at, 814 ; Fuel Technology Research at, 814 Steam Utilisation, Education in, 110 Steelworks Employees, Education Schemes for, 462
- Stokers, Need for Knowledge of Smoke Abatement, 718
- Students’ Monographs, Institute of Physics, 681
- Symposiums on Effluent Disposal, 569; Aeronautical Acoustics, 580
- Technical Subjects, Home Study in, 69 Technical Writing on Radio, Premiums for, 5 Universities and Industry, Relations Between, 718
- Vacation Work for Students, 629
- Walsall Technical College, Model of, 494 Wigan Mining and Technical College, Work of, 430
- Wolverhampton College, Studies in Radio Chemistry at, 174
Electricity :
- Alarm System, Self-Contained (Trade Publication), 608
- Alternating Current System, Change to, in Dudley, 270
- Alternator, Radio-Frequency (Trade Publication), 160
- AmpGre Medal, Award of, 427 Ash from Power Stations, Nuisance of, 110 Bankside “ B ” Power Station, 140 Batteries, Stationary (Trade Publication), 480
- Belfast, Electric Power Stations in, 666
- Electricity—continued.
- Bexhill, Broadcasting Station at, 787 Blaydon-Carlisle Transmission Line, 238 Blyth, Proposed Power Station at, 174 Box, Flameproof Barrier, 792
- Boxes, Joint and Service (Trade Publication), 255
- Boxes, Socket-Outlet (Trade Publication), 704
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Association, 483
- British Electrical Power Convention, 218
- British Electricity Authority, Scholarships of, 632
- Broadcast Receiving Apparatus in Schools, 480
- Cable Coupler, Weatherproof, 831
- Cable-Making Firm, Opening of Canadian Branch by, 526
- Cable, Submarine, Singapore Factory for Making, 510
- Cables, Telecommunication (Trade Publication), 320
- Cables, Telephone, Plastic, 187
- Cable Trunking, Fused-Tapped, 571
- Capacitors, High-Voltage (Trade Publication), 735
- Carlisle-Blaydon Transmission Line, 238
- Cathode-Ray Tubes, Factory for Construction of, 654
- Channel, Power-Station, Formed by Explosives, 86
- Charges in Midlands, Rise in, 14, 430
- Circuit-Breakers, Air-Break (Trade Publication), 384
- Circuit-Breaker Mechanism. Pneumo-Hy- draulic (Trade Publication), 255
- Circuit-Breaker, Outdoor (Trade Publication), 480
- Coils, Electric, Design of (Trade Publication)^ 255
- Compressor, Combined Electric and Gas Driven, 695
- Consumers’ Service Units (Trade Publication), 815
- Control Gear, Motor (Trade Publication), 735
- Coupler, Cable, Weatherproof, 831
- Cowal Hydro-Electric Scheme, Extension to, 282
- Deaf Aid, Germanium Transistor as, 719
- Display Lighting Equipment (Trade Publication), 32
- Electrical Equipment for Overseas Markets (Trade Publication), 96
- Electrical Insulating Materials, Erratum, 508
- Electrical Machinery Output from Parsons Works, 78
- Electrical and Radio Exposition, Victoria, 832
- Electricity Consultative Council, Membership of, 302
- Electrodes for Electric-Arc Welding, 640
- Electronic Control Equipment (Trade Publication), 96
- Electronic Equipment, Exhibition of, 313
- Electronic Repeaters (Trade Publication), 288
- Electronics, Course at Harwell on, 237
- Engineering Centre as Electricity Board’s Offices, 558
- Ferrybridge, Power Station at, 590
- Fuel Reserves at Power Stations, 78
- Gaur Hydro-Electric Station, Opening of, 755
- Generation Statistics, British, 64, 158, 383, 395, 640, 719
- German Radio and Television Exhibition, 96 Glasgow, Electricity Supply in, 142
- Grands R6seaux Electriques it Haute Tension, 84
- Head Phones, Moving-Coil (Trade Publication');, 96
- Heat Storage, Electrical, Devices for, 288
- Heaters, Water, Electric (Trade Publications), 255, 384
- Hydro-Electric Conference, 9
- Hydro-Electric Plant in New Zealand (Trade Publication), 384
- Induction Motors (Trade Publication), 512
- Industrial Electrical Products (Trade Publication), 32
- Infra-Red Plant Heating (Trade Publication), 480
- Infra-Red Projectors (Trade Publication), 640
- Instruments, Measuring, Electrical (Trade Publications), 480, 735
- Insulation Tests, High-Voltage (Trade Publication), 191
- Integrator, Electro-Mechanical (Trade Publication), 480
- Joint and Service Boxes (Trade Publication), 255
- Kintyre, Electricity Supply in, 238
- Lamp, Flash, for Surgical Work, 416
- Lamps, Signal (Trade Publication), 704
- Lamps, Tungsten and Mercury, Fittings for (Trade Publications), 32
- Light, Electric, Fittings for (Trade Publication), 288
- Light, Spot, 75-Watt Reflector, 596
- Lighting in Cinemas, 191
- Lighting, Display, Equipment (Trade Publication), 32
- Lighting Equipment, Emergency (Trade Publication), 768
- Lighting, Fluorescent, Fittings for (Trade
- Publication), 768
- Lighting Problems (Trade Publication), 320 Load-Spreading, Scheme for, 238 Magnimeter Projection Meter, 791
- Measuring Instruments, Electrical (Trade
- Publications), 480, 735
- Mecca, Light Fittings for, 718
- Motors, Electric, 355
- Motors, Electric (Trade Publications), 480 608, 768
- Motors, Fractional Horse-Power (Trade Publication), 768
- Newcastle, Manufacture of Heavy Electrical Plant at, 750
- Northern Ireland, Electrical Factory in, 668
- Electricity—continued.
- Nottingham Electrical Club, Formation of, 558
- Overseas Markets, Electrical Equipment for (Trade Publication), 96
- Plugs, Fused, Standard, 324
- Power Station at Macher, Consent Refused, 654
- Power Stations in Madlands, Alterations to, 686
- Queensland, Electricity Supply in, 381
- Radio Beacon for Air-Sea Rescue Work, 727
- Radio Chemistry at Wolverhampton College, 174
- Radio Equipment (Trade Publication), 32
- Radio, Premium for Technical Writing on, 5 Radio Valves, Films on, 205
- Rectifier, Mobile, for Locomotive Testing, 362
- Rectifiers, Selenium (Trade Publications), 384, 735
- Relays, Timing (Trade Publication), 704
- Repeaters, Electronic (Trade Publication), 288
- Resistors, Standard, Specification for, 395 Rising-Main System, Double-Duct, 740 Rural Electrification in North East, 558 Safety Control for Electrical Machinery, 121 Scotland, Electricity Supply in, 373, 789 Sheffield, Extended Telephone Services in, 78 Shetlands, Electricity Supply in, 654 Silicones in Electrical Industry, 365 Sockets, Fused, Standard, 324
- Spinning Industry, Use of Electricity in (Trade Publication)^ 640
- Stabiliser, High-Performance, 116
- Starters, Contactor, Flameproof (Trade Publication), 768
- Starters, Electrical Push-On (Trade Publication), 735
- Starters, Push-On, for Electric Motors, 781
- Surge Phenomena, Lectures on, 119
- Switches (Trade Publication), 704
- Switch, Foot-Operated, 139
- Switch Relay, Mercury, 759
- Switches, Short-Break Alternating-Current (Trade Publication), 640
- Switchgear, Air-Break (Trade Publication), 735
- Switchgear, Metalclad (Trade Publication), 480
- Switchgear Testing, Large-Scale, 220
- Tariffs, Increases in, 302
- Telecommunication Cables (Trade Publication), 320
- Telecommunications Researchin Britain, 732 Telephones, Mine (Trade Publication), 320 Telephones, Wiring Specification for (Trade Publication), 255
- Television, Cathode-Ray Tube for, 544
- Television in North-East Scotland, 718 Television Reception on Isle of Mull, 750 Television Stations, Low-Power, Temporary, 569, 732
- Television Transmitters, Medium-Power, Stand-By, 494
- Television Tubes, Films on, 205
- Television, Underwater, Use of, 302
- Test Equipment, Electrical (Trade Publication), 32
- Testing Set, Low-Resistance (Trade Publication}, 320
- Timing Relays (Trade Publication), 704
- Transformer Station, Erection at Penrith, 558
- Transformer and Switch Oils (Trade Publication), 288
- Transmission-Line Equipment (Trade Publication), 384
- Transformers (Trade Publication), 32
- Turbine, Heavy, Shop, at Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, 503
- “ Varley Coil Designer’s Handbook ” (Trade Publication), 255
- Vibrating Units, Electro-Magnetic (Trade Publication), 704
- Voltage Stabiliser, Automatic, 691
- Voltmeter, Valve, Direct-Current, 772
- Water Heaters, Electric (Trade Publications)', 255, 384
- Wires, Connecting (Trade Publication), 800
- Wiring Specification for Telephones (Trade Publication), 255
- Wiring System, All-Insulated (Trade Publication), 640
- X-Ray Accessories (Trade Publication), 32
- X-Ray Films, Processing of (Trade Publication), 191
Engines and Boilers :
- Aircraft Engines (Trade Publication), 704 Boiler-Feed Heaters (Trade Publication), 768 Boiler Firing, Automatic (Trade Publica- tion), 288
- Boiler Plates, Shortage of, 718
- Combustion Control for Boilers (Trade
- Publication), 815
- Kiln, Tunnel, Oil-Fired, 686
- Petrol Engines (Trade Publication), 640
- Steam Economy in Industry, 141
- Steam Power Plant Auxiliaries (Trade Publication), 768
- Stokers, Spreader (Trade Publication), 384
- Stokers, Travelling-Grate (Trade Publication), 640
- Stokers, Water-Sealed (Trade Publication), 128
- Stop-Valve Chests for Boiler Plants, Explosions of, 704
Errata and Addenda :
- Aden Oil Refinery, 608
- Bankside “ B ” Bower Station, 140
- Bar and Angle Shearing Machine, 288
- Brake Pressure Warning Indicator, 653 Brown Coal, 342
- Cast-Iron Heating Pipes for Oil Tankers, 743 Creep Properties of Steels for Power Plants, 190
- Effluent-Treatment Plant for Tank Factory,
- 216
- Errata and Addenda—continued.
- Electric Locomotives for French National Railways, 730
- Electrical Insulating Materials, Development of, 508
- Fractures in Mild-Steel Plates, 151
- Institution of Naval Architects, 813
- Iron and Steel Institute, 759
- Metropolitan Water Board, Jubilee of, 500
- Old Machine Tools at Birmingham, 389
- Scale Formation in Sea-Water Distilling Plants and Its Prevention,'250
- Storm and After, 203
Exhibitions :
- Brierley Hill, 334
- British Industries Fair, 78,110, 142
- British Institute of Photographers, 567
- Building Plant, 601
- Craftsmen’s Work, 718
- Electrical and Radio Exposition, Victoria, 832
- Electronic Equipment, 313
- Film, 13
- Filters and Silencers, 750
- Gauge and Tool, 1954, 160
- German Radio and Television, 96
- Machine Tools, Old, at Birmingham, 389 Milan Fair, 490
- Model Engineering, 532
- Oil Exhibition for Museums, 494
- Oil, Shell-Mex and B.P., 718
- Old Machine Tools, 142, 389
- Paris Aviation Display, 708
- Paris International Chemistry, 706 Photography in Oil Industry, 388 Powder Metallurgy, 678
- Royal Agricultural Show, 1954, 319
- Rugby Engineering Society, 814
- Scottish Motor Show, 41
- “ Shell and the Gas Turbine,” 757
- Silicones in Electrical Industry, 365 Stockton-on-Tees, 366
- Tyneside, Goods Made on, 174
- Explosions. See Accidents
- Explosives. See Guns and Explosives
Gas and Gasworks :
- Alarm Lamp, Gas, for Collieries, 494
- Berwick-on-Tweed, Gas Plant at, 814
- Coke, Gas, Stocks of, 142
- Compressor, Combined Gas and Electric Driven, 695
- Cutting Machine, Gas (Trade Publication), 735
- Fuel Reserves at Gasworks, 78
- Furnaces and Producers, Gas-Fired (Trade Publication), 815
- Gas Extraction from Crude Oil, 558
- Gas, Prices of, 206, 238, 430
- Gasification, Underground, of Coal, 590
- Hyde Gasworks, Rapid Emptying of Retort at, 526
- Methane for Domestic Use, 93
- Midlands Gas Supplies, Break in, 46
- Natural Gas, Search for, 732
- Poppet Exhaust Valves, Theory of Sudden Enlargements Applied to, 698
- Scrubbers, Gas, Pease Anthony, 282
Gas and Oil Engines :
- Bicycle Engine, Power-Assisted, 654
- Diesel Engines, Stationary (Trade Publication), 608
- Doxford Oil Engines, Manufacture in France, 158
- Gas Turbine, Model of, 815
- Loader and Dumper, Diesel-Driven (Trade Publication), 255
- Lubrication of Oil Engines (Trade Publication), 96
- “ Shell and Gas Turbine ” Exhibition, 757
- Turbines, Gas (Trade Publication), 668
- Vans, Road, Diesel Engines for, 366
Guns and Explosives :
- Channel Formed by Explosive Charge, 86 Guided-Missile Trial Station, Australia, 301
Harbours, Docks and Piers :
- Aberdeen Harbour, New Jetty at, 110
- Auckland Harbour Bridge, 352
- Blyth Shipbuilding Docks, Enlargement of, 750
- Cardiff Docks, Silting at, 238
- Glasgow, Port of, Additional Facilities at, 782
- Grangemouth Docks, Public Works at, 398 Greenock, Harbour Facilities at, 14
- James Watt Dock to Become Tidal, Temporarily, 46
- Leith, Dock Improvements at, 46
- Middlesbrough Docks, Road Construction at, 814
- Middlesbrough Docks, Turn Round of Shipping at, 366
- Pembroke Dock, Ship Repairing Work at, 366
- Rothesay Dock, Clydebank, Improvements at, 206
- South Wales Ports, Trade at, 110,206, 494
- Tilbury Docks, Improvements at, 691
- Tyne Dock, Improvements at, 14, 782
- Tyne Dock, Iron-Ore Quay at, 398 Wear, River, Trade on, 78
- Worcester, Development as Inland Port, 462
Industries and Commerce :
- Aircraft Industry, Need for Production Engineers in, 334
- Anglo-Argentine Trade Agreement, Signature of, 46
- Anthracite, Imports from Ireland, 558, .590
- Industries and Commerce—continued.
- Australian Factory Opened by Wolverhampton Firm, 526
- Australian Import Restrictions, Easing of, 110
- Birmingham Industry, Re-Siting of, 590
- “ B.N.F. Service to Industry,” Pamphlet on, 352
- Boys in Skilled Trades, Openings for, 238
- British Industries Fair, Proposal to Hold Biennially, 78
- British Productivity Council, Work of, 380 Canada, Industrial Opportunities in, 687 Canadian Branch Opened by Hebburn Cable-Making Firm, 526
- Canadian Market, Assistance~for Exporters to, 430
- Capital for Industry, 40
- Cardiff Cha,mber of Commerce, Appointments to, 558
- Cement, Production of, 126
- ?Cpttqn, “ Meteor ” Aircraft Bartered for, 231 Cumberland, Industrial Changes in, 462 Cutlery Firm, Sheffield, Sale of,174 Cutlery, Imports of, 430
- Cutlery Trade, Handicap to, 206
- Death Duties Cause Engineering Works to Close, 686
- Defence Contracts for Coventry, 238
- Durham, North-West, Industrial Future of, 686
- Engineer Buyers’ and Representatives’ Association, Luncheon of, 196
- Engineering Centre at Birmingham, Proposal for, 238, 270
- Engineering Centre, Glasgow, Closure of, 494, 558
- Exports of Aeronautical Industry in 1952, 171 ,
- Export's, Coal, 302, 334
- Export, Co-Operation for, 750
- Export Prospects, Need to Improve, 366
- Export Trade, Co-Operation in, 398
- Export Trades, Problems of, 462
- Exporters to Canadian Markets, Assistance for, 430
- French Steelworkers, Visit to Wales, 558
- Fuel Efficiency Panel in Wolverhampton, Establishment of, 526
- Glass-Making Firms, Merger of, 174
- Greenock, Development Plan and Industries in, 654
- Head, Wrightson and Co.., Ltd., Long Service with, 238.
- Holland, Trade with, 718
- Imports of Cutlery, Permission for, 430
- Irish Cuts in Agricultural-Tool Imports, 654
- Iron and Steel Production, United Kingdom, 203, 342
- Jute Machinery for Pakistan, 142
- Jute Manufacture in Dundee, 46
- Kilsyth, New Industries for, 686
- Machine Tools, Loss of Orders for, 366
- Machinery, Duty-Free Entry of, 512
- Machinery, Imports of, 686
- Manufacturing Costs, Effect on Exports, 558
- Mecca, Light Fittings for, 718
- Midlands, Industrial Progress in, 1952, 14
- Motor-Cycle Firms, Amalgamation of, 302 Norwegian Employees, Visit to England, 590 Oil Tanker, Cancellation of Order for, 750 Pacific. Trade with Cardiff, 718
- Packaging for Export; 558
- Pengam Moors Airport .Site, Use for Industrial Purposes, 782
- Pneumatic Tools, Increased Production of, 334
- Portugal, Coal Exports to,. 782
- Prices of Coal and Steel in Midlands, 270
- Price Control of Metals 5
- Prices of Gas, 206, 238, 430
- Price of Nickel, 99
- Prices of Nuts and Bolts, Decontrol of,. 405
- Production in Northern England, 334
- Productivity Committees, Establishment of, 558, 686, 750
- Productivity in-Industry, 174
- Purchase Tax, Concessions in, 558
- Salesmen, Training of, 334
- Sheffield, Industrial Outlook for, 7.50, 782, 814 .
- Sheffield, Need for South American Trade with, 622
- Showroom, Machine-Tool, in Birmingham^ 462
- Showroom for Overseas Visitors, 462
- Sites for Industry in Midlands, 142
- Small Engineering Firms, Export Prospects of, 78
- Small Firms, Resources of, 238
- South Wales Ports, Trade of, 110, 206, 494, 622, 750
- Spring-Works, Construction at, 526
- Sugar Machinery Works, Transfer of Interest in, 526
- Swansea, Oil Trade in, 622
- Team Valley Trading Estate, Activities on, 782
- Tees-Side Chamber of- Commerce, Report of, 462
- Tees-Side, Transport on, 430
- Tees, Trade Statistics of, 750
- Tendering, Need for Competitive Prices in, 686
- Tin-Plates, Large Order for, 494
- Trade Marks, German, 140
- Tyne, Trade of, 270, 590, 718
- Tyneside, Exhibition of Goods Made on, 174
- United States Consulate in Sheffield, Plea for, 78
- W ales, Industrial Progress of, 494
- Wear, River, Trade on, 78,110, 526
- Welsh Ports, Industrial Progress of, 718, 750
- Welsh Steel, Exports to United States, 590
- Works Safety Suggestions, Awards for, 558
- Institutions. See Technical Societies
- Internal-Combustion Engines. See Gas and Oil Engines
Iron and Steel :
- B.I.S.R.A. Centre, Sheffield, 462
- Blacksmith in Rural Areas, 78
- Boiler Plates, Shortage of, 718
- Boron in Steel, Discussion on, 183
- Brittle Fracture in Steel, Conference on, Errata, 158
- Casting, Steel, 200-ton, 110
- Castings, Steel, Six 210-ton, 814
- Colvilles, Ltd., Production by, 78
- Creep Properties of Steels for Power Plants, Errata, 190
- Cutlery Industry, Order Forbidding Use of Nickel by, 206
- Die Blocks, Tool Steel for, 342
- Dorman Long Steelworks, Progress at, 110 Ebbw Vale Steelworks, Extensions to, 334 Ebbw Vale Works, Record Output at; 78 Europe, Coal and Iron Plan for, 270 Flats,. Steel for Usein, 398
- Foremen, Steelworks, Need for, 366 Forgings, Stainless-Steel, 302
- Foundry Developments of Millspaugh, Ltd., 494
- Foundry . Visits by Worshipful Company of Founders, 622
- Furnace, Blast, Construction at Renishaw, 686
- Guest Keen Baldwins, Cardiff Works of, 270 Hadfield, Sir R., Memorial to, 590
- Heat-Treatment Practice, Conference on, 628 House Building, Steel Sheet for Use in, 398 Iron Foundries, Less Work for, 334 Iron-Ore Quay for Tyne Dock, 398 Iron Ore, Rapid' Discharge of, 462
- Israel, Steelworks in, 302
- Lanarkshire, Possible New Steelworks in, 174 Lincolnshire Steelworks, North-East Men Employed in, 398
- Middlesbrough, Iron-Ore Imports at, 142 Midlands, High Steel Output in, 814. North-East Coast, Production on, 14, 590 Pipes, Steel, Discharge of Water from, 404 Pipes, Steel, for Flooded Areas, 270, 302 Prices of Steel, 270
- Production in United Kingdom, 203,342,532 Prospects of Iron and Steel Industry, 558 Record Blast-Furnace Output, 398
- Record Iron Output, 170
- Record Rolling-Mill Production, 622
- Record Steel Output, 334
- Rolling Mill, Hot-Strip, 558
- Rolling Millfor Research Work, 174
- Rutherglen Steelworks, Extensions to, 750 Scotland, Iron and Steel Production in, 366, 526, 814
- Scotland, Pig-Iron Production in, 270 Sheffield, Steel-Making Records at, 110 Sheffield Steel Production in, 78, 238, 526 Sheffield Steelworks, Modernisation of, 142, 270
- Shipbuilders, Steel Allocations to,. 398 South Wales, Steel Production in, 142 South Wales, Tin-Plate Industry in, 142 Stainless-Steel Forgings, 302
- Steel Plates, Industrial Needs for, 366 Steel-Plate Output, Measures to Increase, 206
- Steel Plates, Shortages of, 270
- Steelworks Developments at West Hartlepool, 654
- Steelworks Employees, Education. Schemes for, 462
- Tin-Plate Industry in South Wales, 142 Tin-Plate Mills, Redundancy at, 110, 238, 334, 462
- Tin-Plate Works, Reopening of, 430 ?Tubular Steel, Factory for Construction of, 366
- Velindre Cold-Reduction Works, 238
- Wales, West, Redundancy in Steel Trade of, 526
- Welsh Steel Exports to United States, 590 Welsh Steel Industry, Developments in, 174, 270
- Wilienhall Foundry, Baths at, 782 Workington, Steel Exports from, 238
- Labour Questions. See Trade Societies, Etc.
- Lighting. See Electricity and Gas
- Literature. See LITERATURE INDEX
- Locomotives. See Railways and Locomotives
Machine and Other Tools :
- Agricultural-Tool Imports, Irish Cuts in, 654 Chuck, Magnetic, for Lathes, 826
- Drill for Brickwork (Trade Publication), 480 Drills, Multi-Spindle (Trade Publication), 480
- Drilling Machine, Radial (Trade Publication), 735
- Drilling and Sawing Machines (Trade Publication), 32
- Exhibition of Old Machine Tools, 142
- Firth Cleveland Group of Companies, London Showroom of, 567
- Hack-Saw Blades, Standardisation of, 46 Jig, Tool and Gauge Production in Scotland, 270
- Lathes, Copying (Trade Publication), 608
- Lathes; Milling and Grinding Machines, (Trade Publication), 32
- Machine Tools (Trade Publications), 96, 288 Machine-Tool Factory at Thornliebank, 654 Machine Tools, Loss of Orders for, 366 Metal, Working Machine Tools, 600
- Old Machine Tools at Birmingham, Errata, 389
- Permanent-Way Tools, Standardisation of, 493
- Pneumatic Tools (Trade Publication), 255
- Pneumatic Tools, Increased Production of, 334
- Saw Adaptor for Electric Drills (Trade Publication), 480
- Saws for Wood (Trade Publication),. 735
- Sawing and Drilling Machines (Trade Publication), 32
- Machine and Other Tools—continwetZ.
- Scythe-Making Firm, Centenary of, 366
- Shaping Machines (Trade Publication), 576
- Shearing Machine, Bar and Angle, Errata, 288
- Sheffield Tool Makers, Complaints of
- Increased Competition from Abroad, 334
- Showroom, Machine-Tool, in Birmingham, 462
- Wrench, Chain, “ Griptai,” 256
- Marine Engineering. See Engines and
- Boilers; and Ships and Shipbuilding
- Mining and Metallurgy ;
- Alloy, Casting (Trade Publication), 61
- “ Aluminium, About” (Trade Publication), 32
- Aluminium-Alloy Buildings (Trade Publication), 815
- Aluminium Alloy, Structural Girders in, 142
- Aluminium-Bronze Die Castings (Trade Publication), 512
- Aluminium Casting Alloys (Trade Publication), 61
- Aluminium Development Association, List of Members, 170
- Aluminium Die-Casting Productivity, 95
- Aluminium Equipment for Mines (Trade Publication), 160
- Aluminium Industry, Short-Time Working in, 42
- Aluminium Paste Pigments (Trade Publications), 320, 384
- Aluminium Tipping Lorry, Welded, Con- i struction of, 776
- Breathing Apparatus for Mines (Trade | Publication), 384
- Casting verus Forging, 174
- Clay and Coal Workings in Midlands, 174 Deep Drawing of Metals, Conference on, 87 Dolomite for Plastics Production, 185 Fluorspar Mine at Weardale, 494
- Forging verus Casting, 174
- Founding, Fellowship in, 778
- Foundrymen, Long-Service, 46
- Furnaces, Blast, Films on, 324
- Furnace, Blast, Record Output of, 398
- Furnace, Blast, at Sheffield, Scrapping of, 14 Furnaces, Crucible (Trade Publication), 255 Furnaces, Gas Fired (Trade Publication), 815 Furnaces, Industrial, Electric (Trade Publications), 128, 512
- Graphite, Colloidal (Trade Publication), 768
- Heat-Insulating Fibres, Made from Natural Rock, 462
- .Heat-Treatment Practice, Conference on, 628
- Ingots, Continuous Casting of, Conference on, 87
- Lead Mining in Shropshire, 622
- Light-Alloy Rolling Stock, 157
- Light-Alloy Vehicle Bodies, 107
- .Magnesium Casting Alloys (Trade Publication), 61
- Meehanite Metal (Trade Publication), 512
- Metal Detectors (Trade Publication), 160
- Metals, Price Control of, 5
- Metal-Working Machine Tools, 600
- Mild-Steel Plates, Fractures in, 151
- Mines, Aluminium Equipment for (Trade Publication), 160
- Mine Telephones and Signalling Equipment (Trade Publication), 320
- Nickel, Price of, 99
- Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association, ' British, Pamphlet on Service to Industry, 352
- Phosphate Plant for Whitehaven, 142
- Plastic Deformation of Metals, Conference i on, 284, 678
- Potash Mining at Whitby, 14,142
- Powder Metallurgy Exhibition, 678
- Quarrying Extensions in Northumberland, 142
- Re-Casting Machine (Trade Publication), 61
- Recorder for Gauging Mine Shafts, 829
- . Refractories, Demand for, 14
- Rolling Mills (Trade Publication), 576
- Roofs, Mine, Bar Carrier for, 415
- Scrap Metal, Collection of, 366
- Shafts, Mine, Recorder for Gauging, 829 Sheepbridge Blast Furnace, Blowing of, 14 Shovels, Rock-Loading (Trade Publication), 608
- Stokers, Spreader (Trade Publication), 384
- Stokers, Travelling-Grate (Trade Publication), 640
- Stokers, Water-Sealed (Trade Publication), 128
- Thorncliffe, Sheffield, Mechanised Foundry for, 558
- Tin-Plates, Large Order for, 494
- Tin-Plate Mills, Redundancy at, 110,- 238, 462
- Tin-Plate Position in West Wales, 334
- Tin?Plate Works, Closure of. 302, 590, 622
- Tin-Plate Works, Re-opening of, 430
- Tubes, Copper (Trade Publication), 320
- Underground Stowing at Durham Colliery, ; 41
- “ Zinc Bulletin ” (Trade Publication), 512
- Zinc Casting Alloy's (Trade Publication), 61
- Zinc Die-Casting Productivity, 95
Miscellaneous :
- “ About Aluminium,” Trade Publication), 32
- Adhesives for Aircraft Construction, 363
- “ Aero Research Technical Notes ” (Trade Publication), 32
- Arc Welding Cables (Trade Publication)., 255
- Ash from Power Stations, Dumping Qf, 110
- Atmospheric Pollution in England and Wales, 163
- Atmospheric Pollution at Kidderminster, 590
- Autolec ” Thermal-Storage Systems (Trade i Publication), 668
- Automatic Controllers (Trade Publication), 96
- Ball and Roller Bearings, Lubrication of, 327
- Bars, Length, Combination (Trade Publication), 480 - ?
- Bearing Lubrication (Trade Publication), 735
- Miscellaneous—continued.'
- Bearings, Roller (Trade Publication), 32 Billingham Works, Staff Changes at, 46 Blacksmiths in Rural Areas, 78
- Bonding in Aircraft (Trade Publication), 32
- Breathing Apparatus (Trade Publication), 384
- Bricks, Refractory (Trade Publication), 128 Calipers (Trade Publication), 768
- Centenary, J. Austin and Sons (Dewsbury), Ltd., 791
- Centenary of Scythe-Making Firm, 366 Centenary, W. F. Stanley and Co., Ltd., 826 “ Central Gun-Fill Lubricator,” 776
- Chain Makers, Glass Screen for, 398
- Chain Wheels (Trade Publications), 255, 576
- Chemical Firms, Amalgamation of, 334
- Chimney Cowls (Trade Publication), .96
- Cinemas, Lighting in, 191
- ?Circle-Cutting Machine, Universal, 384
- Circlips (Trade Publication), 704
- Compressed-Air Equipment (Trade Publication), 255
- Compressed-Air Farm Equipment (Trade Publication), 815
- Compressor, Air (Trade Publication), 815 Controllers, Automatic (Trade Publication), 96
- Coolers, Rotary (Trade Publication), 608 Copyright, Law of, 216, 218
- Copyright, Universal Convention on, 218
- Corrosion-Resistant Material (Trade Publication), 61 .
- Coryton Refinery, Flooding at, 26,6
- Couplings, Flexible, 429
- Couplings, Flexible (Trade Publications), 96, 255
- Couplings, Fluid (Trade Publication), 704 “ Cowley ” Automatic Level (Trade Publication), 480
- Death Watch Beetle, Means of Combating, 607
- Dictionaries, Technical, 93
- Dolomite for Plastics Production, 185
- Dyers, Rotary (Trade Publication), 608
- Drying Equipment (Trade Publication), 61 “ Ducter ” Testing Set (Trade' Publication), 320
- Dust-Collecting Plant (Trade Publication), 544
- Dust Collector, Aerodynamic (Trade Publication), 384
- Dust Collectors, Industrial (Trade Publication), 288
- Dust Technology, Conference on, 252
- Employment of W.R.A.C. Officers, 652 Engineering Centre, Glasgow, Closure of, 494, 558
- “ Evershed News,” Publication.of, 355
- Factory Tour by Minister of Supply, 46
- Fan Engineering Industry, Employment in, 702
- Fan Units, Bifurcated (Trade Publication), 96
- Feeders, Vibrating (Trade Publication), 96
- “ Fennaplast ” Conveyor Belting (Trade Publication), 480
- “ Fifty Years of Oil ” (Trade Publication), 160
- Films on Blast-Furnace Operations, 324
- Films, Constructional Engineering, 121
- Film on Conveyors, 296
- Films, Documentary (Trade Publication), 815
- Film on Elderly Workers’ Problems, 302
- Film Exhibition, 13 Q
- Films in Industry (Trade Publication), 668
- Films on .Mechanised Coal-Handling Plant, 253
- ’Film Projectors, Interlinked, Control of, 791 Film Projection Meter, 791
- Films on Radio Valves, 205
- Films, Scientific Centenary Congress on, 706
- Films, Scientific, Review of, -797
- Films on Television Tubes, 205
- Films, X-Ray, Processing of (Trade Publication), 191
- Flooded Areas, Steel Pipes for, 270, .302
- Flue-Dust Precipitators (Trade Publication), 768
- Fluid Couplings (Trade Publication), 704
- Fluids, Cutting (Trade Publication), 255 Forestry, Congress on, 664
- Fuel Efficiency, 180
- Fuel, Solid, Domestic Use of, 296
- Gas Cutting Machine (Trade Publication), 735
- Gauge, Gap, Blanks (Trade Publication), 735
- Gauges, Thread, Calliper (Trade Publication), 608
- Gauges, Water-Level (Trade Publication), 704
- Gear Lubrication (Trade Publication), 544
- Girling, Ltd., 21st Anniversary of, 334
- Glass and Asbestos Fibre Reinforced Plastics Committee, 40
- Glass, Magnifying, for Precision Work (Trade Publication), 800
- Glass-Making Firms, Merger of, 174
- Glass Screen for Chain Makers, 398 Glass-Tube Plant, Re-Opening of, 366 ?
- Goggles (Trade Publication), 61
- Grease Lubricator, Automatic, 776
- Greenwich Meridian, Marking of, 719
- “ Griptai ” Chain Wrench, 256
- 'Hadfield, Sir R., Memorial to, 590
- Handwheels and Handles (Trade Publication), 191
- Heat-Insulating Fibres Made from Natural Rock, 462
- Heating Plant, Infra-Red (Trade Publication), 480
- Hose Units, High-Pressure, End Fittings for, 744
- “ Hydrum ” Stacking and Loading Equipment (Trade Publication), 160
- Indicator, pH (Trade Publication), 800
- Indicator, Warning, for Motor Cars, 490, 653
- Industrial Design, Council of, Annual Report of, 266
- Insulation Tester, High-Voltage (Trade Publication), 191'
- “ Isolex ” Insulation Tester (Trade Publication), 191
- Miscellaneous—continued.
- Isometric Projector, 429
- Joints, Expansion (Trade Publication), 96
- Jubilee of H. M- Hobson, Ltd., 46
- Jubilee of K and L Steel Founders and Engineers, Ltd., 612
- Jubilee, of Swan, Hunter, and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 814
- Jubilee of Whitehead Iron and Steel Co., 430
- Jute Machinery for Pakistan, 142
- Jute Manufacture in Dundee, 46
- Land Development Equipment, 238
- Law of Copyright, 216, 218
- Lighthouse at Corregidor, 622
- Lime Hydrating (Trade Publication), 735
- Lubricants, Molybdenised (Trade Publication), 61
- Lubrication of Ball and Roller Bearings, 327
- Lubrication, Bearing (Trade Publication), 735
- Lubrication for Gears (Trade Publication), 544
- Lubrication of Oil Engines (Trade Publication), 96
- Lubricator, Grease, 776
- Machinery, Duty-Free Entry of, 612
- “ Magnimeter ” Projection Meter, 791
- Matting, Industrial (Trade Publication), 480 “ Maxigrip ” Tool (Trade Publication), 704 “ Metal Detection ” (Trade Publication), 160 Milling Operations, Ready Reckoner for, 214 Model of British Atomic Pile, 490 Models, Display (Trade Publication), 815 Model of Gas Turbine for Science Museum, 815
- Models Supplied to South Africa, 381
- Model of Walsall Technical College, 494
- .Motor Cycle Firms, Amalgamation of, 302
- Museum, Oil Exhibition for, 494
- Museum, Steam Roller for, 494, 782
- Name Plates (Trade Publication), 608
- “ Noral Alpaste ” Aluminium Pigments (Trade Publication), 384
- North-East Engineering Bureau, Annual Report of, 270
- Nylon Belting (Trade Publication), 61
- Office-Machinery Industry, Growth of, 110 Oil Depot at Sunderland, 494.
- Oil Exhibition Designed for Museums, 494
- Oil, Extraction of Gas from, 558
- Oil, Fuel, Additives (Trade Publication), 288
- Oil Hulk to be Broken Up, 430
- Oil Industry, Photography in, Exhibition of, 388
- Oil in Nottinghamshire, Search for, 718
- Oil Products (Trade Publication), 61
- Oil, Prospecting for, 398
- Oil Refinery at Aden, Erratum, 608
- Oil, Shell-Mex and B.P., Exhibition on, 718 Oil-Storage Installation at Lackenby, 814 Oil Storage Installation at Sunderland, 654 Oil Trade in Swansea, 622
- Oil, Transformer and Switch (Trade Publication), 288
- Optical Work, Portable Electromagnet for, 413
- O-Rings (Trade Publication), 320
- Oxy-Acetylene Flame, Competitions on Applications of, 467
- Packaging for Export, 558
- Packaging Materials for United States Defence, 522
- Paints, Chlorinated-Rubber, 354
- Paints, Emulsion, 140
- Pametrada-Muirhead Waveform Analyser (Trade Publication), 668
- Paper, Polythene-Coated, Made in Glasgow, .14
- Petroleum, Information Bureau on, 448
- Phosphate plant for Whitehaven, 142
- Photography in Oil Industry, Exhibition of, 388
- Pigments, Aluminium-Paste (Trade Publications), 320, 384
- Pipes, Cast-Iron Heating, for Oil Tankers, Addendum, 743
- Pipes, Steam, Expansion Joints for (Trade Publication), 96
- Pipes, Steel, for Flooded Areas, 270, 302
- Pipework (Trade Publication), 704
- “ Planteco Preshaftex ” Flexible Tubing, (Trade Publication), 128
- Plastic Telephone Cables, 187
- Plastics, Dolomite for, 185
- Plastics, Low-Pressure Reinforced, 40
- Plastics Moulding (Trade Publication), 480
- Plastics Moulding, Productivity Report on, 158
- Projector, Isometric, 429
- Projection Meter, “ Magnimeter,” 791
- Pumps, Portable (Trade Publication), 128 Ready Reckoner for Milling Operations, 214 Ready Reckoner for Screw Threads, 746 “ Redux ” Bonding in Aircraft (Trade Publication), 32
- Refrigeration, Lectures on, 11
- River Severn, Landship on, 270
- “ Rocksil ” Heat-Resisting Fibres, 462
- Ropes, Wire, Splicing (Trade Publication),
- . 544
- Rubber, Chlorinated, Painted, 354
- Rubber Goods (Trade Publication), 384
- Rubber, Silicone (Trade Publication), 191
- Rust-Removing and Pasivating Agent (Trade Publication), 512
- Safety Equipment (Trade Publication), 61
- Saw Adaptor for Electric Drills (Trade Publication), 480
- “ Science Abstracts ” on Index Cards, 608
- Science Museum, Model of Gas Turbine for, 815
- Science Museum, Austin Seven for, 666
- Scientific Instruments, King George III
- Collection of, 503
- Scrap, Collection of, 366
- Scraper, Earth (Trade Publication), 32
- Screw Threads, Ready Reckoner for," 746
- Screwing Dies and Chasers (Trade Publication), 768
- “SenTerCel” Rectifier Stacks (Trade Publication), 384
- Shell Moulding Process, Bibliography on, 299
- Silicones in Electrical Industry, 365 .
- -r J |
- Miscellaneous—continued-
- “ Sillmax ” Refractory Bricks (Trade Publication), 128
- “ Simlift ” Air Hoists (Trade Exhibition), 815
- Smokeless Zones, Firing of Solid Fuel in, 749 Smokeless Zones in Scotland, 558
- Soot Removers (Trade Publication), 288 Specifications, Standard, for Resistors, 395 “ Stabilag ” Heating Jackets (Trade Publication), 480
- Stanhay ” Cranes (Trade Publication), 576 “ Starsaw ” Adaptor (Trade Publication!, 480
- Stokers, Need for Knowledge' of Smoke Abatement, 718
- Sugar Beet, Thinning Machines for, 718
- Sugar Machinery Works, Transfer of, 526 Surgical Work, Flash Lamp for, 416 Technical Books (Trade Publication), 32 Technical Dictionaries,. 93
- Telephone Services in Sheffield, 78
- “ Terrabond ” Strip for Flooring (Trade Publication), -255
- Thermal Storage Systems (Trade Publication), 668
- Timber Imports, Mechanical Handling of, 483
- Timber Industry, Congress on, 664
- Timber, Scottish Wind-Blown, Purchases of, 462
- Timber, Storing, Handling and Using of, 157 Transport Inquiry in Sheffield, 526
- Tubes, Copper (Trade Publication), 320
- Tubes and Tubular Goods (Trade Publication), 544
- Tubing, Flexible (Trade Publication), .128 Variable-Speed Drives (Trade Publication), 815
- Variable Speed Gear, Hydraulic (Trade Publication), 255
- V-Belts (Trade Publication), 320
- Vibrating Feeders (Trade Publication), 96
- Vibrating Units, Electro-Magnetic (Trade Publication), 704
- Vibration, Anti-, Mountings (Trade Publication), 768
- Vibration Insulators (Trade Publication), 288 Vision, Research on, 14
- Vulcaniser, Belt, 99
- Waveform Analyser (Trade Publication), 668 Welding Design, Brochure on, 668
- Welding, Electric-Arc, Electrodes for, 640 Welding Industry, Apprentices in, 14
- Welding- and Riveting Equipment, Prevention of Fifes Caused by, 392
- Welding in Steel Building Structures, 252 Welding, Summer School of, 256 “ Wharco Threadata Slide Gauge,” 746 Wheels, Chain (Trade Publications), 255, 576 Wheelbarrow with Rubber Body, 21
- Wire for Concrete (Trade Publication), 480
- Wires, Connecting, Electric (Trade Publication), 800
- Wire Ropes, Splicing (Trade Publication), 544
- Wires, Winding, Enamelled (Trade Publication), 815
- Wiring Systems, Industrial (Trade Publication), 640
- Wood, Saws for (Trade Publication), 735
- Zebra Crossings, New Type of, 110
Motor Gars, Tractors, Etc. :
- Austin Motor-Car Factory for South Africa, 78
- Austin Personnel Carrier, Tests of, 31
- Austin Seven Motor Car for Science Museum, 66.6
- British Racing Motors, Car for, 78
- Components, Motor-Car, Manufacture of, 622
- Continental Rallies, Special Car for, 14
- Earth Scrapers (Trade Publication), 32
- Excavator and Grader, Motor (Trade Publication), 288
- Ferguson Tractors Exported to Denmark, 462 ; Increased Production of, 558
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Record Output of, 470
- Fork Trucks, Reversing of, 412
- Glasgow, Trolley-’Bus Service in, 782
- Grader and Excavator, Motor (Trade Publication), 288
- Jaguar Cars, Developments in, 302
- Loader and Dumper, Diesel-Driven (Trade Publication), 255
- Lorries for Bulk Transport, 644
- Lorry, Tipping, Welded Aluminium, 776
- Motor-Cycle Firms, Amalgamation of, 302
- Motor Road in South Wales, 526
- Motorists, Demonstration Airlift for, 622
- Newcastle, Tractor Construction in, 718
- Omnibus, Single-Deck, Trials in Glasgow of, 14
- Production of Cars, Increase in, 782
- Scottish Old Motor-Car Run, 814
- Short Time in Motor Trade, 366
- Steam Roller, Old, for Museum, 494, 782
- Z‘ Superfreighter ” Car Ferry, 768
- Tractor, Crawler, Diesel (Trade Publication), 768
- Tractor, Heavy, Equipment (Trade Publication), 32
- Triumph Sports Car, New, Introduction of, 718
- Turkey, Motor Road Transport in, 475
- Vans, Road, Diesel Engines for, 366
- Vehicle Bodies, Light Alloy, 107, 268
- Vehicle Production at Coventry, 398
- Warning Indicator for Motor Cars, 490, 653
Naval :
- Admiralty Tanker to be Scrapped, 558
- Aircraft Carrier to be Broken up, 654
- Aircraft Carrier, Fitting Out of, 718
- Destroyers, Reclassification of, 653
- “ MaillS BrSzS,” Removal of Wreck of, 782, 814
- Naval Construction on Tyne, 366
- Reserve Fleet Ships Berthed at Barrow, 366 ' .Sea-Air., Rescue Service Work, Radio •Beacon for, 727
- Warship Building on Wear, .782
- * " 1
- Naval Aeronautics. See- Aeronautics
- Obituary. See GENERAL INDEX
- Oil. See' Miscellaneous
- Oil Engines. See Gas and Oil Engines
Physics and Chemistry :
- Atomic Energy, Developments in, 302
- Atomic Pile, British, Model of, 490
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., Visits to, 622
- Chemical Firms, Amalgamation of, 334
- Chemical and Food Plant (Trade Publication), ’288
- Chemical Society, Awards of, 397
- Chlorinated-Rubber Paints, 354
- Feed Rollers, Prevention of Sticking by, 493
- Four Ashes Chemical.Works, Construction at, 6.86
- Gamma-Ray Apparatus, Construction in United Statqs, 302
- Guided Missile Trial Station, Australia, 301
- Harwell Isotope School, Course at, 487
- Laboratories for Hoover (Washing Machines) Ltd., 182
- Laboratories, Swinden, for United Steel Companies, Ltd., 490
- Laboratory Centrifuge (Trade Publication), 191
- Nobel Prize Winners in Physics, Conference of, 655, 789 .
- Nuclear Physics,, Instruments for, Course on, 237
- Oxford University Mathematical Institute, Formation of, 252
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Research Department of, 334
- Phosphate Plant for Whitehaven, 142
- Quantum Theory, Effect on Vision, 14
- Radio Chemistry at Wolverhampton College, 174
- Relaxation Methods, Easter School on, 240
- Rheology, Second International Congress on, 250
- Rolling Mill for Research Work, 174
- Rust-Removing and Passivity Agent (Trade Publication), 512
- Scientific Instruments, King George III Collection of, 543
- Solid State and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Summer School on, 194
- Spectro chemical Analysis, Direct-Reading Equipment for, 574
- Temperature-Control Apparatus (Trade Publication), 384
- Torsion Springs, Small Helical, Investigation of, 684
- Power Plants. See Electricity
- Prestressed Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
Railways and Locomotives :
- Abbeydore-Dorstone Line, Closure of, -206 Banbury, Railway Station at, 654
- Branch Lines, Closure of, 206, 398
- Coach Building at York, 174
- Coal Transported by British Railways, 572 Doncaster, Diesel Locomotives for Use at, 142
- Durham County, Rail Facilities in, 194
- Electric-Traction Portal Structure, Damage to, 352
- Experimental Diesel Train, 814
- Express Services, Restoration of, 398
- French National Railways, Locomotive for, 730
- Loads, Exceptional, 128
- Locomotives, Oil-Fired, for New Zealand, 21 Lynmouth-Woodhorn Mineral Railway, Route of, 814
- Marshalling Yard for Gypsies Green, 366
- Models of Transport Equipment for South Africa, 381
- Parkeston Quay, Locomotives for, 574 Permanent-Way Tools, Standardisation of, 493
- Peru, Rolling Stock for, 270
- Rectifier, Mobile, for Locomotive Testing, 362
- Refrigerator Wagon Destined for Africa, 750 Reorganisation Scheme for Railways, 558 Rolling Stock, Freight (Trade Publication), 96
- Rolling Stock, Light-Alloy, 157
- Roof Trusses Built from Old Rails, 185 Sheffield, Public Transport Inquiry in, 526 Sleeping-Car Service, London-Glasgow, 14 Suburban Passenger Transport, 366 Surveys, Aerial, of Railway Tracks, 168 Talyllyn Railway Locomotives for, 522 Talyllyn Rahway, Track Laying for, 750 Timber, Wind-Blown, Purchase' for Railway Use, 462
- Track. Railway, Maintenance.of, 831
- Transport Plan for Rail Passengers, 462
- Transport Services in Northern Ireland, 246 Wath-Penistone Line, Electrification of, 206 Yorkshire Engine Co., Ltd., Locomotive Orders of; 494
- Reinforced Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
- Schools. See Education
Sewerage and Drainage :
- Doon Valley, Drainage Scheme at, 782
- Effluent Disposal, Symposium on, 569
- Effluent-Treatment Plant for Tank Factory, Errata, 216
- River Pollution, Problems of, 110
- Stourbridge, Sewer Diversion at, 110
Ships and Shipbuilding :
- “ Auris,” M.S., Model of Gas Turbine of, 815
- Berwick, Closure of Boat Yard at, 142
- Berwick, Shipbuilding at, 622
- “ Blairnevis,” Collision of, Settlement of Claims from, 590
- Blyth, Shipbreaking Activities at, 622
- Blyth Shipbuilding Docks, Enlargement of, 750
- Boiler Plates, Shortage of, 718
- Burmese Government, Ships for, 270
- Cardiff Shipping Industry, Progress of, 462 “ Clan Macquarrie,” Salvage of; 206, 398 Clyde, Launchings on, 622
- Collisions at Sea, Prevention of, 42
- “ Devonshire,” M.S., Overhaul of, 494 Disposal of Old Ships, 622
- Doxford Oil Engines, Built in France, 158 Dredgers, Grab (Trade Publication), 800 Dual-Purpose Ships on the Clyde, 526 “ Duke of York,” New Fore-End for, 750 Glasgow, Shipbuilding at, 526
- Greenock, Shipbuilding- Activities at, 622 Hebburn shipyard, Extensions to, 590 Hyland, Ltd., Ships’ Equipment Made by, 14 Iron Ore, Rapid Discharge of, 462 Kincaid, J. G., Ltd., New Works of, 46 “ Llandovery Castle,” to be Brokem Up, 14 “ Margareta,” S.S., Salvage of, 46
- Marine Engineering, Corrosion-Resistant Materials in (Trade Publication), 61
- Navigation, Prizes for Encouragement of, 685
- Newport, Proposed Shipyard at, 46
- Oil Hulk to be Broken Up, 430
- Oil Tanker, Cancellation of Order for, 750
- Oil Tankers, Cast-Iron Heating Pipes for, 743 Old Ships to be Broken Up, 430
- Pembroke Dock, Ship-Repairing Work at, 366
- P. and O. Liner to be Broken Up, 494 “ Princess Victoria,” Loss of, 203, 287, 312, 334
- Salvage of Stranded Ship, 206, 398
- Ships Engaged in Pacific Trade, 718 Shipbuilding Industry, Competition in, 206 Shipbuilding, Scarcity of Orders for, 494 Shipbuilders, Steel Allocations to, 398 Shipyard Office, Wallsend, Demolition of, 366 Sunderland Shipbuilding Berths, Extensions to, 398
- Sunderland, Ship-Repairing Activity at, 46 Sunderland shipyard, Extensions to, 526 Swan, Hunter, and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Jubilee of, 814
- Tanks in Oil Tanker, Renewal of, 622
- Television, Underwater, for- Ship-Repair Work, 302
- Tunnel-Type Hulls, 623
- Turbines, Output by Parsons Works, 78 Tyne River, Laid-up Tonnage in, 270 Tyne, Shipbuilding on, .590, 750
- Uskside Shipyard, Proposals for, 142 Walker-on-Tyne, Shipbuilding Progress at, 54
- Wallsend-on-Tyne, Shipbuilding at, 494
- Wear, Ships for Breaking Up on, 782
- Societies. See Technical Societies ; and Trade Societies, Etc.
- Strikes. See Trade Societies, Etc.
Technical Societies :
- Aeronautical Society, Royal, 196, 389, 580 Agricultural Engineering; National Institute of, 718
- Arts, Royal Society of, 685
- Aslib, 91, 216
- Birmingham Society of Model Engineers, 532 British Agricultural Engineers, Institution of, 253, 315
- British Association, 53, 214, 663
- British Foundrymen, Institute of, 686
- British Photographers, Institute of, 567 Chemical Engineers, Institution of, 569, 644 Chemical Society, 397
- Cleveland Institution of Engineers, 206
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of, 77, 191, 220, 302
- Electriciens, Societd Fran^aise des, 427 Electronics, Institute of, 313
- Engineers, Australia, Institution of, 231
- Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Institution of, 174, 623
- Fuel, Institute of, 526
- Illuminating Engineering Society, 157
- Iron and Steel Institute, 183, 759
- Iron and Steel Institute, West of Scotland, 158
- Junior Institution of Engineers, 511
- Marine Engineers, Institute of, 61, 476, 649 Mechanical Engineers; Institution of, 14, 60, 69, 250, 684, 698, 708
- Metallurgists, Institution of, 88
- Metals, Institute of, 288
- Mining Institute of Scotland, 430'
- Naval Architects, Institution of, 649, 703 813
- North-East Metallurgical Society,' 537
- Occupational Hygiene Society, 651
- Old Centralians, 60
- Physical Society, 580
- Physics, Institute of, 574, 681
- Production Engineers, Institution of, 169, 270, 543
- Royal Society, 8, 256
- Rugby Engineering Society, 814
- Standards Institution, British, 191
- Statistical Society, Royal, 685
- Structural Engineers, Institution of, 718 Transport, Institute of, 334
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 252
- Welding, Institute of, 473, 686
- Works Managers, Institution of, 110
- Telegraphy. See Electricity
- Telephony. See Electricity
- Tools. See Machine and Other Tools
- Trade. See Coal; Electricity ; Industries and Commerce ; Iron and Steel; and Ships and Shipbuilding
Trade Publications :
- 32, 61, 96, 128, 160, 191, 255, 288, 320, 384, 480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640, 668, 704, 735, 768, 800, 815
- Accles and Pollock, Ltd., 544
- Acheson Colloids, Ltd., 768
- Adam and Harvey (Rapid-Hammer), Ltd., 480
- Aero Research Ltd., 32
- Aga Standard Ltd., 191
- Anderton Springs, Ltd., 704
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd., 160
- Arcoelectric Switches Ltd., 704
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co. (Ironfounders), Ltd., 160
- Aryan Drawing Mills, Ltd., 320
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co., Ltd., 61
- Atlas Diesel Co., Ltd., 255
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Co., Ltd., 32, 320, 384
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 640
- Bailey Meters and Cpntrols, Ltd., 384, 815
- Basol Ltd., 512
- Belmos, Ltd., 384, 735, 768
- B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., 255, 815
- Benjamin Electric Ltd., 32
- Birmingham Aluminium Casting (1903) Co., Ltd., 61
- Blackburn and General Aircraft, Ltd., 668, 704
- Blaw Knox, Ltd., 288
- Boydell, E., and Co., Ltd., 255
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 320
- British Engraving and Nameplate Manufacturing Co. (London), Ltd., 608
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables, Ltd., 255, 640, 800, 815 (2)
- British Jeffrey-Diamond, Ltd., 32, 384
- British Optical and Precision Engineers, Ltd., 668
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., 735
- British Ropes, Ltd., 544
- British Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., 288
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 255, 480 (2), 512
- B.S.A. Tools, Ltd., 96
- Buck and Hickman, Ltd., 480 (2)
- Burmeister and Wain, Ltd., 608
- Burton, Griffiths and Co., Ltd., 96
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 735, 800 Carter Gears, Ltd., 255, 815
- Cole, H. A., Ltd., 320
- Colt, W. H., (London), Ltd., 96
- Communication Systems, Ltd., 255
- Copperad Auto Burners, Ltd., 288
- Corbett, R. H., and Co., Ltd., 160
- Coventry Victor, Ltd., 640
- Croydon Precision Instrument Co., 480
- Dallow Lambert and Co., Ltd., 288
- de Havilland Enterprise, 160
- Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd., 800
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 191, 800
- Dunlop Special Products, Ltd., 768
- Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., 255, 768 Edwards, E. J., Ltd., 288
- Eimco Corporation, 608
- Eimco (Great Britain), Ltd., 608
- Elcontrol Ltd., 96
- Electrical Remote Control Co., Ltd., 704
- Electronic Instruments, Ltd., 480
- Engineers Tool and Supply Co. (Wholesale), Ltd.. 576
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 384
- Evershed and Vignoles Ltd., 288, 320
- Eenner, J. H., and Co., Ltd., 480,. 576
- Eischer Bearings Co., Ltd., 32
- Eoster Brothers, Ltd., 96
- Foster Transformers Ltd., 32
- Fowler, J;, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 768
- Fry's Diecastings Ltd., 512
- Eunditor Ltd., 128, 512
- Gandy Ltd., 61
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 32, 96, 320
- General Refractories Ltd., 128
- Goodenough Contractors’ Machinery, Ltd., 128
- Goring Kerr, Ltd., 160
- G. W.B. Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 384, 668
- Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., 96
- H. E.B. Machine Tools, Ltd., 608
- Higgs Motors, Ltd., 480
- Holman Brothers Ltd., 815
- Hoover, Ltd., 768
- Hotpoint Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., 255
- Howard Clayton-Wright, Ltd., 255, 320
- Hunting Aerosurveys, Ltd., 815
- Hydraulic Coupling Patents, Ltd., 704
- Hyster Co., 32
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 255
- Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd., 815
- Industrial Guarding Equipment, Ltd., 61
- Instron Engineering Corporation, 480
- International Combustion, Ltd., 255
- International Meehanite Metal Co., Ltd., 512
- Jenkins, R., and Co., Ltd., 288
- Johnson, R., and Nephew, Ltd., 480
- Keith Blackman, Ltd., 96
- Klinger, R., Ltd., 704
- Korting Bros. (1917), Ltd., 768
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Ltd., 608
- London Fan and Motor Co., Ltd., 800
- Manchester Metal Works, Ltd., 735
- Mastabar Belt Fastener Co., Ltd., 768
- Meddings, W. J., Ltd., 32, 480, 735
- Metalmacs, Ltd., 815
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 640 (2)
- Milestone Rubber Co., Ltd., 384
- MK Electric, Ltd., 704
- Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., 61
- Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd., 255
- Muirhead and Co., Ltd., 668
- Musgrave and Co., Ltd., 384
- Negretti and Zambra, Ltd., 96
- Newman Industries, Ltd., 768
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., 32, 160, 384
- Nucleonic and Radiological Developments Ltd., 191
- Nu-Way Heating Plants, Ltd., 128
- Nuway Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 480
- Oliver Pell Control, Ltd., 255
- Petroleum Films Bureau, 815
- Phillips Electrical Ltd., 32
- Pipework and Engineering, Ltd., 704
- Pitter Gauge and Precision Tool Co., Ltd., 480
- Plant Engineering Co., Ltd., 128
- Podmores, Ltd., 96
- Podmores (Engineers), Ltd., 704
- Porter Electrical Products, Ltd., 61
- Precision Components (Barnet), Ltd., 480 Priestman Brothers, Ltd., 800
- Publishers’ Circular, Ltd., 32
- Ragosine Oil Co., Ltd., 61
- Ray Engineering Co., Ltd., 191
- Regent Oil Co., Ltd., 255
- Renold and Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., 96, 255
- Robertson, W. H. A., and Co., Ltd., 576
- Rockwell Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 32
- Rogers, J. A., 800
- Sanderson Brothers and Newbould, Ltd., 735
- Sharpies Centrifuges, Ltd., 191
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., 96
- Siebe, Gorman and Co., Ltd., 384
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., 768
- Simon Handling Engineers, Ltd., 160
- Simplex Electric Co., Ltd., 640
- Solus-Schall Ltd., 32
- Stabilag Co., Ltd., 480
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., 96,160, 384, 608, 735 (2)
- Stanhay (Ashford), Ltd., 576
- Steels Engineering Products, Ltd., 288
- Structural and Mechanical Development Engineers, Ltd., 815
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 61, 608, 735
- Sunvic Controls, Ltd., 384
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co;, Ltd., 320
- Tolomit Gauges Ltd., 608
- Tudor Accumulator Co., Ltd., 480, 768
- Vacuum Oil Co., Lid., 544, 735
- Vaughan, E., and Co., Ltd., 61
- Wakefield, C. C., and Co., Ltd., 288
- Wardle Engineering Co., Ltd., 288
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., 768
- West, A., and Co., Ltd., 735
- Winn, C., and Co., Ltd., 768
- Xzit (G.B.) Ltd., 288
- Yuille (Metal Works), Ltd., 544
- Zinc Development Association, 512
Trade Societies, Etc. :
- Aberdare Valley Pits, Saturday Working at, 398
- Admiralty Industrial Council, 536
- Aldenliam, Lord, on Stabilisation of Pound Sterling, 152
- Anglo-American Council on Productivity, Work of, 88
- Apprentice Patternmakers, Selection and Training of, 312
- Astor, Col. J. J., on Employment of Ex- Servicemen, 632
- Attlee, C. R., on Go-Slow Policy in Industry, 408
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Strike at Works of, 248, 280, 312, 376, 408, 430, 440, 472, 504, 536, 664
- Beard, W. B., Views on Current Problems, 120, 312 ; Appointment to Iron and Steel Board, 728
- Birmingham Aluminium Casting (1903).Co., Ltd., Views on Coming of Automatic Factory, 504
- Bishop Auckland, Employment at, 430
- Blastfurnacemen, National Union of, 558
- Boilermakers, Shipbuilders and Structural
- Workers, United Society of, 344, 792
- British Association of Colliery Management, 206
- British Households, Spending Habits of, 152
- British Institute of Management, Address on Coming of Automatic Factory, 504
- British Motor Corporation, Employment at Factories of, 56, 88 ; Strike Activities Connected with, 440
- British Productivity Council, Work of, 88, 760
- British Railways, Traffic Statistics of, 504
- British Steel Founders’ Association, 440
- British Transport Commission, 376
- Brown, J., and Co., Ltd., Strike of Platers’ Helpers at Works of, 344; Strike of Sheet-Metal Operatives, 792, 824
- Budget, Possible Effects of, 248, 600
- Census of Industrial Production in Northern Ireland, 568
- Chemical Employees, Skilled Status for, 536
- Chemical Workers’ Union, Difficulties
- Facing British Chemical Industry, 56
- City and Guilds of London Institute,
- Opening Ceremony at, 152
- City and Guilds of London Institute,
- Granting of Skilled Status to Chemical and Plastics Employees, 536
- Civil Servants, Equal Pay for, 536
- Civil Servants, Society of, 184, 280
- Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal, 568, 600
- Civil Service Clerical Association, 280, '568
- Civil Service Clerks, Pay Increase for, 568
- Civil Service National Whitley Council, 24, 280, 440
- Civil Service Unions, Increased Membership of, 440
- Civil Service, Wage Increases in, 24, 184, 280, 568, 760
- Collieries, After-Holiday Conditions at, 78
- Colliery Managers, Salaries of, 206
- Coronation, Holidays During, 184, 312, 504 Court of Inquiry into Strike at Works of
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 472, 504, 536, 664 Craftsmanship, Effects of Education on, 152 Cutlery Trade, Unemployment in, 206 Daimler Motor Co., Ltd., Redundancy at
- Works of, 120
- Delivery Dates, Failure of British Firms to
- Keep, 120
- Trade Societies, Etc.—continued.
- Demarcation Disputes, 792, 824
- Disputes Procedure in Engineering Industry, 216
- Dock Employees, Release Scheme for, 88, 120 ; 504, 536
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., Strike at Works of, 344, 408
- Double Shifts in Engineering Industry, 302 Draughtsmen, Wage Claims of, 24
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Effect of Strike at Works of Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 312 Edinburgh, Duke of, Speech at Opening Ceremony at City and Guilds of London Institute, 152
- Education Trends, Effects on Craftsmanship, 152
- Elderly Persons, Employment of, 302, 376, 536
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of, Presidential Address to, 152
- Employees and Managements, Co-operation Between, 110
- Employment at Birmingham Cycle Firm, 24 ; ait Morris Engine Factory, Coventry, 56, 88 ; of Dock Employees, 88 ; in Iron and Steel Industry, 120, 248 ; on Tees- Side, 142; of Juveniles, 184, 654; in Cutlery Trade, 206 ; at Rogerstone, 206 ; in Sheffield, 238, 654, 782 ; of Elderly Persons, 302, 376,536; in Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 312; in Ironfoundries, 334 ; at Scunthorpe Steelworks, 344; at Bishop Auckland, 430; in Midlands, 526, 718 ; in Northern Ireland, 568 ; in Wales, 590, 782 ; of Ex-Servicemen, 632.
- Employment of Elderly Persons, 302, 376,
- 536
- Employment of Regular Sailors,1 Soldiers and Airmen, National Association for, 632 Engineering and Allied Employers’ National
- Federation, Wage Claims Against, 24, 248, 472, 600, 696 ; Conditions at Works of Federated Firms, 120 ; Dispute Procedure in Engineering Industry, 216; Resignation of Sir A. Ramsay, 600
- Engineering and Allied Trades Shop
- Stewards’ National Council, 248 Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen,
- Association of, 24, 472
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, Employment Difficulties at Coventry Motor Works, 56, 88 ; Need for Drive to Increase Productivity, 88; Wage Increases for Women Engineers, 88, 664; Wage
- Increases for Railway Workshop Employees, 504; Annual Conference, 600, 696 ; Wage Claims of Engineering and Shipbuilding Employees, 632, 696;
- Reduction of Working Week, 632; Demands for Three Days’ Paid Holiday, 632 ; Use of Stopwatches, 664
- Engineering, Working of Double Shifts in, 302
- Equal Pay for Civil Servants, 536
- Evans, Sir L., on Road Ahead, 120 ; on Appointments to Iron and v Steel Board, 792
- Ex-Servicemen, Employment of, 632 Fabian Society, Go-Slow Policy in Industry, 408
- Factory, Automatic, Establishment in Near Future, 504
- Federation of British Industries, Views on Current Problems, 120, 184
- “ Federation News,” Views on Current Problems, 152
- Film on Employment of Elderly Persons 302, 376
- First Division Civil Servants, Association of, 184, 280, 760
- Foremen, Steelworks, Need for, 366 Foremen’s Wages, Claims for Increase in, 760, Foundry Workers, Amalgamated Union of,
- Staggering of Annual Leave for Admiralty Employees, 536 ; Annual Delegate Meeting, 696, 728 ; Increase of Unemployment Among Foundry Employees, 728; New Wage Structure for Foundry Employees, 728; Attitude to Iron and Steel Board, 792
- Fuel and Power, Ministry of, Coal Production Statistics, 312
- General Federation of Trade Unions, 152 General and Municipal Workers, National
- Union of, 248, 344, 696, 792, 824
- Go-Slow Policy in Industry, Condemnation of, 408
- Hercules Cycle and Motor Co., Ltd., Four-Day Working Week at, 24
- Holiday Concessions in Mining Industry, 334 Holiday Conditions in Collieries, 78 Holidays, Paid, Move to Increase, 632 Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Wage
- Increases to Employees of, 120 Independent Labour Party, 472 Index of Retail Prices, 152, 376, 536 Index of Wage Rates, 152, 280 Industrial Code, Need for, 280 Industrial Disputes Tribunal, 216, 248, 568, 760
- Insurance Advisory Committee, National,
- 216
- International Labour Conference, Geneva, 824
- Iron and Steel Board, Establishment of, 728, 760, 792, 824
- Iron and Steel Industry, Employment in, 120, 248
- Iron and Steel Trades Confederation, 120, 792
- Ironfoundries, Less Work for, 334 Joint Consultation in Industry, Need for, 824 Juvenile Employees, Training of, 568 Kipping, Sir N., on Failure of British Firms to Keep Delivery Dates, 120
- Labour, Skilled, Shortage of, 110
- Lawther, Sir W., on Running of Coal
- Industry, 152
- Leeson, Col. B. H., Presidential Address to
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, 152 Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, Associated Society of, 728
- Trade Societies, Etc-—continued.
- London County Council, Report on Employment of Juveniles, 184
- London Docks, Strike at, 504
- Lucas, J., Ltd., Short-Time Working at Factory of, 376
- “ Man and Metal,” Views on Current Problems, 120, 792
- Managements and Employees, Co-operation Between, 110
- Manufacturing Firms, Size of, 24 Metal-Finishing Industry, Wage Claims of, 216
- Metal Mechanics, National Society of, 56 Midlands Short-Time Working in, 270, 376;
- Employment in, 526, 718
- Mining Industry, Wage Claims in, 24, 78, 216, 248, 760 ; Production Statistics, 24, 312; Sir H. Houldsworth on Coal Industry’s Prospects, 56 ; After-Holiday Conditions in Collieries, 78 ; Working of Saturday Shifts, 152, 398, 590 ; Coronation Day as Paid Holiday, 184 ; Wages of Colliery Managers, 206 ; Wages of Undermanagers, 280; Efficiency in Coal Industry, 280 ; Working Parties at Problem Collieries, 280, 408; Need for Increased Production of Coal, 302, 430 ; Strike at Wombwell Main Colliery, 312 ; Holiday Concessions, 334 ; Inquiry into Colliery Outputs, 430 ; Election of Union Officials, 526; Annual Conference of Scottish Miners, 760
- Mineworkers, National Union of, Wage Claims by, 24, 78, 216, 248, 760 ; Working of Saturday Shifts, 152 ; Coronation Day as Holiday, 184; Efficiency of Coal Industry, 280; Working Parties at Problem Pits, 280, 408; Need for
- Increased Productivity, 302, 430 ; Elections for Union Officials, 526; Annual Conference of Scottish Area, 760
- Monckton, Sir W., on Need for Industrial Efficiency, 568; on Need for Joint Consultation in Industry, 824
- Morris Engine Factory, Coventry, Employment Situation at, 56, 88
- Naesmith, A., Appointment to Iron and Steel Board, 728, 760
- National Coal Board, 24, 56, 152, 184, 216, 248, 280, 312, 408
- National Dock Board, Release Scheme of, 88, 120
- National Joint Advisory Council, 280 National Reference Tribunal, 280 Nationalised Industries, Indifferent Manage1- ment of, 472
- Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Employment at, 312 Newton, Chambers and Co., Ltd., Training of Juveniles by, 568
- North-East Development Association, 312 Northern Ireland, Census of Industrial Production in, 568
- O’Brien, T., on Go-Slow Policy in Industry, 408
- Owen, J., Resignation from Secretaryship of National Union of Blastfurnacemen, 792 Patternmakers’ Association, United, Engineers’ Wage Claims, 120, 696 ; Selection and Training of Apprentices, 312 ; Appointment of W. B. Beard to Iron and Steel Board, 728
- Pensions for Railwaymen, Increase in, 376 Plastics Employees, Skilled Status for, 536 Platers’ Helpers, Strike of, 344
- Post Office Engineering Union, 600 ; Retiring Arrangements in Postal Service, 824
- Pound Sterling, Need for Stabilisation of, 152 Pressed Steel Co., Ltd., Effect of Strike at
- Works of Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 312 Professional Civil Servants, Institution of, 280
- Purchase Tax, Pleas for Reduction of, 440 Railway Executive, Wage Claims Against, 504
- Railway Workshops, Wage Claims of Women and Juvenile Employees in, 504 Railwaymen, Increase in Pensions for, 376 Ramsay, Sir A., Resignation from Engineering and Allied Employers’ National Federation, 600
- Redundancy at Birmingham Cycle Firm, 34 ; at Morris Engine Factory, Coventry, 56, 88 ; in Tin-plate Industry, 56, 110, 238, 334, 462; at Works of Daimler Motor Co., Ltd., 120 ; in Midlands, 334 ; in Shipbuilding Industry, 376; in West Wales Steel Trade, 526
- Road Ahead, Views of Sir L. Evans on, 120 Rogerstone, Employment at, 206
- Saturday Working in Coal-Mining Industry, 152, 398, 590
- Scientific and Technical Staffs, Wage Increases for, 24, 568
- Scientific Workers, Association of, 24 Scottish Affairs, Royal Commission on, 184 Scunthorpe Steelworks, Employment at, 344 Secret Ballot, Demand for, 312
- Sheffield, Employment at, 238, 654, 782 Shipbuilding Employers’ Federation, Wage
- Claims Against, 600, 696
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, Confederation of, Wages of Shipbuilding and Engineering Employees, 248,472,600, 632, 696; Strike at Works of Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 280 ; Strike of Sheet- Metal Trade Employees, 792
- Shipbuilding, Steel Shortages in, 376
- Short Brothers, Ltd., Views on Steel Shortages, 376
- Short-Time Working in Aluminium Works, 42 ; in Wood-Screw Industry, 46 ; in East Wales, 206 ; in Tin-plate Works, 238 ; Increase in, 270, 302 ; in Midlands, 270, 376 ; in Motor Trade, 366
- Skilled Labour, Shortage of, 110 Southampton Docks, Strike at, 536, 600 Spending Habits of British Households, 152 Statistics of Ministry of Fuel and Power, 24 Statistics of Trade Act, Size of Manufacturing Firms, 24
- Steel Shortages in Shipbuilding Industry, 376'
- Trade Societies, Etc.—continued.
- Strikes in Metal-Finishing Industry, 88; at Tostre Works, 110 ; at Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 248, 280, 312, 376, 408, 430, 440 , 472, 504, 536, 664; at Wombwell Main Colliery, 312; of Platers’ Helpers, 344 ; at Works of Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., 344, 408 ; a.t London Docks, 504 ; at Southampton Docks, 536, 600; at Works of G. and J. Weir, Ltd., 696; at Shipyard of J. Brown and Co., Ltd., 792, 824
- Strike Statistics, Ministry of Labour, 184, 440
- Strikes Due io Union Demarcation Difficulties, 792, 824
- Stopwatches, Objections to Use of, 664 Supervisory Staffs, Executives and Technicians, Association of, 760
- Tanner, J., on Unrealistic Wage Claims, 632 Taxation, Views on, 184
- “ Teenagers,” Employment of, 184, 654 Tees-Side, Employment on, 142
- Time Study, Effects of, 46
- Tin-Plate Industry, Redundancy in, 56, 110, 238, 334, 462
- Tin-Plate Works, Closure of, 56, 302, 654 Trades Union Congress, Views on Budget, 248
- Traffic Statistics of British Railways. 504
- Trade Societies, Etc.—continued.
- Transport and General Workers’ Union, Employment Difficulties at Coventry Motor Works, 56, 88; Views on Works Discipline, 88; Wage Claims in Metal- Finishing Industry, 88, 216; Disputes Procedure in Engineering Industry, 216 ; Strike of Platers* Helpers, 344; Wage Claims of Women and Juveniles in Railway Workshops, 504; Docks Strike, 504; Skilled Status for Chemical Employees, 536; Tugmens’ Wage Claims, 536, 600 ; Effect of Budget on Wage Claims, 600
- Tyne and Blyth Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions. 312
- Unemployment Benefit, Prospects of Increase in, 216
- Vehicle Builders, National Union of, 248, 280, 312, 376, 408, 430, 440, 472, 504, 536, 664
- Vickers, Ltd., Views on Employment of Ex-Servicemen, 632
- Victimisation, Alleged, of Trade Unionists, 472
- Wage Claims, Coal Miners, 24, 78, 216, 248, 760; Engineering Draughtsmen, 24, 248 ; Scientific and Technical Staffs, 24, 568; Civil Servants, 24, 184, 280, 568,
- Trade Societies, Etc.—continued.
- 760 ; Women Engineers, 88, 504, 664; Metal-Finishing Employees, 88, 216; Patternmakers, 120; Employees of Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 120 ; Engineering and Shipbuilding Employees, 248, 472, 600, 632, 696; Undermanagers in Coal-Mining Industry, 280 ; Foundrymen, 408, 728; Welsh Engineering
- Employees, 408: Juveniles in Railway Workshops, 504 ; Southampton Tugmen, 536, 600 ; Post Office Employees, 600
- Wage Claims, Extravagant, Dangers of, 728 Wage Statistics, Ministry of Labour, 184, 440, 728
- Wales, East, Short-Time Working in, 206 Wales, Employment in, 590, 782
- Wales, West, Steel Trade, Redundancy in, 526
- Weavers’ Union, Amalgamated, 760
- Weeks, Sir R., on Employment of Ex- Servicemen, 632
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Strike at Works of, 696
- Welsh Board for Industry, Concern at Redundancy in Wales, 56
- Welsh Engineers’ and Founders’ Conciliation Board, 408
- Westminster Bank, Ltd., Chairman’s Speech on Stabilisation of Pound, 152
- Trade Societies, Etc.—continued.
- Wombwell Main Colliery, Strike at, 312
- Women Civil Servants, National Association of, 536
- Women Engineering Employees, Wage Claims of, 88, 504, 664
- Wood-Screw Industry, Short-Time Working in, 46
- Working Parties at Problem Pits, 280, 408
- Working Population, Ministry of Labour •Statistics, 216, 312, 344, 536
- Working Week, Four-Day, at Birmingham Cycle Firm, 24
- Working Week, Move to Reduce Hours in 632
Tramways :
- Birmingham Tramways, Running of Last Caron, 750
- Glasgow Tramways, New Cars for, 718
- Tramway Cars, Obsolescent, 718
- Turbines. See Engines and Boilers
- Universities. See Education
- Vehicles. See Motor Cars, Etc:; and Railways and Locomotives
See Also
Sources of Information