The Engineer 1886/05/07
1886 May 07th PDF
- Contents, p 357.
Main Subjects
- 1886 Edinburgh International Exhibition - (No.I), p 350.
- Chubb and Sons.
- H. A. Hedley.
- Bishop and Co of London.
- D. Adamson and Co.
- Penman and Co.
- Babcock and Wilcox.
- Arthur Carey.
- George and William Bertram.
- Douglas and Grant.
- Alexander Seggie.
- W. C. Horne.
- William Collins, Sons and Co.
- George Stewart and Co Edinburgh
- John Greig and Sons Edinburgh
- Waddie and Co Edinburgh
- James Milne and Sons Edinburgh
- T. and A. Constable.
- Robert Thomson and Sons.
- Thomas Melvin.
- Thompson Brothers.
- Young Brothers.
- David Thomson.
- Joseph Baker and Sons.
- J. S. Fry and Sons.
- Daniel Rylands.
- A. and W. Smith.
- Platt Brothers.
- George Hodgson.
- Hutchinson, Hollingworth and Co.
- Thomas Kennedy of Galashiels,
- W. H. Grant.
- J. and J. S. Templeton.
- R. and J. Dick.
- Rankin Kennedy.
- Crossley Brothers.
- John Cochrane.
- Schrader, Mitchell and Weir.
- Arrol Brothers.
- Thomas McCulloch and Sons.
- James Black.
- S. Pollock and Sons.
- John Binnie.
- Alley and MacLellan.
- Duncan Stewart and Co.
- Greenwood and Batley.
- Forrest and Welsh.
- Glen and Ross.
- J. Copeland and Co.
- Richard Smith.
- Robey and Co.
- Davis and Primrose.
- Singer Sewing Machine Co.
- Accident on London and North Western Railway, p 359.
- Construction and Testing of Air-Locks and Shaft-Tubes - L. Brennecke, p 354.
- Darcy's Experiments on Flow in Pipes - William Cawthorne Unwin, p 359.
- Diagram from a Slurry Pump, p 352.
- Editorial,p 357.
- HMS Collingwood - Bursting of 43 Ton Gun.
- 1886 Indian and Colonial Exhibition.
- The Pay and Position of Draughtsmen.
- The Safety of Well-Decked Steamers.
- The Railway Accident in Australia.
- Launches and Trial Trips, p 363.
- Letters to the Editor, p 351 and 362.
- London Sewage - Alfred S. Jones.
- Heating Feed-Water at Sea - G. and J. Weir.
- 40 Knot Speed Ships - James C. Paulson.
- Effect of Frost on Roads.
- The Problem of Flight - I. Lancaster.
- Stresses in Braced Girders.
- Educational Parasitism.
- Blackpool Electric Tramway.
- The Hawkesbury Bridge.
- Locomotive - Hungarian State Railways, p 352. (Illustrated).
- New Companies, p 365.
- New Cross Railway Accident - East London Railway, p 359.
- New Seed, Corn and Manure Drill, p 353. (Illustrated).
- Patent Journal, p 365.
- Preservation of Timber - Octave Chanute, p 362.
- Schonheyder and Madinnis' Improved Drawing Paper Clips, p 352.
- SS Great Eastern - (No.II), p 349.
- Temperature of The Moon, p 363.
- Thomas Russell Crampton's New Design for Locomotive Engines, p 353. (Illustrated).
- Trial of Herr Gruson's Turret at Spezia, (No. II), p 360. (Illustrated).