The Engineer 1895/01/25
Main Subjects
- American Pumps, p075 (Illustrated).
- Brandt's Rock Drills, p074 (Illustrated).
- Catalogues, p077.
- James Archdale and Co
- Carrick and Ritchie
- Easton and Bessemer
- Alfred Herbert
- Charles Churchill and Co
- Bamford and Sons
- Rushworth and Co
- R. G. Morton
- W. B. Haigh and Co
- Brown and May
- Laing, Wharton and Down
- Linde British Refrigeration Co
- C. D. Jermyn
- Thomas Parker
- E. R. and F. Turner
- Nobels Explosives Co.
- Contracts Open - Indian State Railways, p082, p083 (Illustrated).
- Editorial, p079.
- Modern Electricity
- Coal Mining in Great Britain
- Making of the Clyde
- Professor on Horse Power
- Machinery Imports into China.
- French Battleships Magenta and Hoche, p070, p078 (Illustrated).
- Harbours and Waterways, p070.
- Letters to the Editor, p071, p084.
- Parallel Tube Expander, p077 (Illustrated).
- Progress of Underground Works at Glasgow, p083.
- Royal Institution, p077.
- Shipbuilding in the United States, p084.
- Simplon Tunnel, (No. IV), p069.