The Engineer 1897/05/28
1897 May 28th PDF
Main Subjects
- 1897 Bath and West of England Agricultural Show, p 548.
- Ruston, Proctor and Co.
- Wallis and Steevens
- Richard Garrett and Sons
- William Tasker and Sons
- E. Humphries and Co
- Charles Burrell and Sons
- Robinson and Auden
- Clayton and Shuttleworth
- Aveling and Porter.
- Blackstone and Co.
- Richard Hornsby and Sons
- James and Frederick Howard
- Tangyes
- Crossley Brothers.
- Campbell Gas Engine Co.
- Fielding and Platt.
- Harrison, McGregor and Co.
- Bristol Wagon and Carriage Works Co.
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies.
- Aluminium; Its Present and Future, (No. IV), p 529.
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers, p 532.
- British Mines and Quarries, p 552.
- Circum-Etna Railway - Travelling Crane and Giarre Station, p 530 and 531. (Illustrated).
- Craiglea Slate Quarry, p 530.
- Death - John Ramsbottom, p 545.
- Dock Pumping Machinery - Gwynne and Co, p 544. (Illustrated).
- Editorial, p 545.
- Per Mare Per Terras - John Wolfe Barry.
- Aldersgate Street Explosion.
- Ethereal Telegraphy.
- The Lock Out in the Mining Trades.
- Import Dues.
- Stiffneckedness.
- Lima Exhibition.
- French Railways in 1896, p 532.
- German railway Working 1895-1896, p 530.
- HMS Ernest and HMS Griffon, p 550.
- Independent Surface Condenser, p 552. (Illustrated).
- Institution of Civil Engineers, p 533.
- Benjamin Baker.
- F. W. Webb.
- John Kyle.
- William Henry Preece.
- A. E. Carey.
- Edward Bayzand Ellington.
- John Hopkinson.
- George Forbes.
- Henry Davey.
- William Thomas (of Camborne).
- Bryan Donkin.
- John Aspinall.
- Arthur Cadlick Pain.
- R. Elliott Cooper.
- Charles Algernon Parsons - Torpedo Boat Turbina. (Illustrated).
- A. E. Seaton.
- Corbet Woodall.
- George Thomas Livesey.
- Joseph Emerson Dowson.
- J. P. Swinburne.
- Conversazione, p 550.
- Launches and Trial Trips, p 559.
- Letters to the Editor, p 555.
- W. H. Moss - Belleville Boiler at Sea.
- Charles L. Smith.
- William Silver Hall.
- Clement E. Stretton.
- Locomotive Improvement, p 553.
- Obituary - John Ramsbottom (1814-1897), p 549.
- Paris Water Supply, p 552.
- Spanish Mining Industries, p 532.
- St. Lawrence Hydraulic Power Scheme, p 553. (Illustrated).
- Swedish Iron and Steel Industries in 1896, p 532.
- Traction Engine - Ruston, Proctor and Co, p 548. (Illustrated).
- Traffic on the Great Lakes of North America, p 543.