The Engineer 1914/03/13
1914 March 13th PDF
- Contents, p 293.
Main Subjects
- Adzing and Boring Machine for Railway Sleepers - Thomas Robinson and Son, p 296. (Illustrated).
- Automatic Drain Valve for Steam Cylinders - W. H. Bailey and Co, p 301. (Illustrated).
- Buenos Aires Water Supply, p 290.
- Butler's Boring Mill - J. Butler and Co, p 300.
- Diesel Engine-Driven Air-Lift Pumping Plant, p 287 and 289. (Illustrated).
- Eclipse of the Sun and Electric Waves, p 290.
- Editorial, p 293.
- China for British Engineers.
- The Skelmorlie Measured Mile.
- London Electricity Supply.
- Electric Driving in Workshops, p 284 and 292. (Illustrated).
- Five-Stage Centrifugal Pump , p 300. (Illustrated).
- Fleets of Great Britain and Foreign Countries,p 294.
- Freeboard by Formula - Arthur A. Liddell, p 279.
- Free-Swinging Plansifter, p 301. (Illustrated).
- Henry Simon Ltd
- Hardness Testing , p 281.
- Heavy Plain Grinding Machine - Churchill Machine Tool Co, p 298. (Illustrated).
- HMS Laverock, p 286. (Illustrated).
- Institution of Naval Architects, p 290.
- Letters to the Editor, p 299.
- The Noise of Motor Traffic - Daimler Co.
- Assuan Dam - Wilfrid Stokes.
- Laymen and Professional Men - J. Wilberforce Green.
- Schilowsky Gyroscopic Monorail System.
- Inventors and the Public - W. Hawkins.
- Feed Pump Governors - J. F. Gill.
- "Moore" By-Product Recovery Gas Producer, p 296. (Illustrated).
- Obituary - John Wykeham Jacomb-Hood, p 287.
- Patent Law, p 290.
- Portable Acetylene Welding Outfit - Acetylene Illuminating Co, p 301.
- Remarkable Boiler, p 280.
- Royal Commission on Railways - (No. VII), p 300.
- Stability of Ships' Lifeboats, p 283.
- Strength of Flat Plates, p 302.
- Telephone Engineering Economics, p 288.