Bell Brothers
of Cleveland
1836 Furnace built at Wylam
1844 Company established by Isaac Lowthian Bell and his brothers Thomas Bell and John Bell to lease the furnace at Wylam from Christopher Blackett
1852 Acquired a lease, from the Ward-Jackson family, of important ore supplies at Normanby. One of the conditions of the lease was that they should locate their furnaces at Port Clarence, or somewhere on the West Hartlepool Harbour and Railway Company's railway.
1854 Started their Clarence works, with three blast furnaces, on the north bank of the Tees opposite Middlesbrough.
1854 Three furnaces and made 12,536 tons of pig-iron.
1858 The Skelton extension of the Cleveland Railway enabled the Bell Brothers to obtain an important tract of ironstone on the Skelton estate. Limestone quarries were also acquired in Weardale, until ultimately the firm owned all the supplies of raw material required for their Clarence works.
Mid-60s Isaac and John Bell expanded Isaac's chemical interests when they developed a large salt working near the ironworks.
1863 The original Wylam furnace was finally blown out.
1866 See 1866 Cleveland Blast Furnaces for detail of furnaces.
1873 Converted to a private company.
1877 Despite the depression, Mr Bell was working at Clarence on improving the process for manufacturing iron and steel[1]
1883 Building a plant to make soda using the ammonia process from the salt from the deposit at Port Clarence that was being developed by Newcastle Chemical Works Co[2].
1889 Open hearth furnaces were erected at Clarence; steel was first made there in January 1889.
1891 Negotiated with Dorman, Long and Co to supply steel for girders.
1897 Brunner, Mond and Co induced Bell Brothers to cease alkali production at Port Clarence. Brunners subsequently bought the plant and demolished it soon after 1900.
1899 Became a public company in order to raise funds for building the new steel works[3]. According to the prospectus 'produced during the past three years an annual average of pig-iron, 320,000 tons; coal, 715,000 tons; coke, 305,000 tons; ironstone, 40,000,000 tons; and limestone, 1,165,000 tons.' The company was registered on 24 January, to take over the business of iron masters and colliery owners of a private company of the same name. [4]
1899 Joint venture with Dorman Long; built steel works at Clarence, adjacent to the blast furnaces, to make steel from Cleveland pig iron[5].
1902 Dorman, Long and Co took over Bell Brothers[6], acquiring the other half of the shares[7]
1914 Ironmasters, colliery and ironstone mine owners. Specialities: pig iron manufacturing, coals, coke, ironstone, limestone etc. Employees 6,000. [8]
1923 There were 11 blast furnaces at Clarence Works, 9 open hearth steel furnaces, a rolling mill and a sintering plant. Bell Brothers also owned considerable collieries and ironstone quarries. Dorman Long's subsidiary companies were liquidated and the assets transferred to the parent[9].
1927 See Aberconway for information on the company and its history.
See Also
- 1862 London Exhibition: Catalogue: Class I.: Bell Brothers
- 1866 Cleveland Blast Furnaces
- 1866 Directory of Leeds
- 1872 Iron and Steel Institute: Statistics
- 1877 Iron and Steel Institute: Visits to Works
- 1881 Rylands Directory: Blast Furnaces
- 1887 Royal Jubilee Exhibition Manchester
- 1893 Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Visits to Works
- 1905 Motor Show (SMMT November): Petrol Cars
- 1908 Iron and Steel Institute: Visits to Works
- 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Iron, Coal and Steel: B
- 1909 Motor Show
- 1913/11/07 Motor Show
- 1914 Motor Car Red Book: Companies 1
- 1914 Whitakers Red Book: C
- 1914 Whitakers Red Book: I
- 1914 Whitakers Red Book: M
- 1914 Who's Who in Business: Company B
- 1915 Autocar Buyers Guide
- 1916 Motor, Marine and Aircraft Red Book: Companies
- 1918 Directory of Manufacturers in Engineering and Allied Trades: Company B
- 1922 Colliery Undertakings
- Albert Hussener
- Alexander Sowerby Hay
- Andrew Farmer
- Anthony Reginald Welsh
- Arthur John Dorman
- Brunner, Mond and Co
- Charles Lowthian Bell
- Christopher Blackett (II)
- David Greig
- Diamond Rock Boring Co
- Dorman, Long and Co
- Edward Robson
- Engineering 1908 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index
- Ernest Henry Saniter
- Greville Jones
- Herbert John Trump
- Hugh Bell
- Isaac Lowthian Bell
- John Bell (1818-1888)
- John George Swan
- John Jameson (1830-1904)
- John Pattinson
- John William Wailes
- Mark Halliday
- Robert Stoddart
- The Basic Industries of Great Britain by Aberconway: Chapter XIII
- The Engineer 1861/04/05
- The Engineer 1868/04/03
- The Engineer 1873/08/29
- The Engineer 1874/12/25
- The Engineer 1879/10/10
- The Engineer 1881/04/22
- The Engineer 1883/03/16
- The Engineer 1883/09/07
- The Engineer 1883/09/21
- The Engineer 1883/09/28
- The Engineer 1886/09/10
- The Engineer 1887/05/13
- The Engineer 1891/08/21
- The Engineer 1893/08/11
- The Engineer 1893/09/15
- The Engineer 1897/04/02
- The Engineer 1899/11/24
- The Engineer 1899 Jan-Jun: Index: Miscellaneous
- The Engineer 1900/03/23
- The Engineer 1901/05/31
- The Engineer 1919/01/03
- Thomas Bell (1817-1894)
- Thomas Bell (1846-1884)
- Thomas James (d.1889)
- Walter Johnson
Sources of Information
- Isaac Lowthian Bell [1]