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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name N

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

NADEJDE, H., M.Sc., M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Bucharest, Rumania (97. Viitorului). London: 8, The Sanctuary, S.W. I, T. A.: " Rebritman, London." T. N.: London, Victoria 5575. b. 1889. Ed. Birmingham University. The Callender's Cable and Construction Co.; English Electric Co., Ltd. Hon. B.Sc., Birmingham; M.Sc., Birmingham; Bowen Scholar. Consulting Engineer in Bucharest, Rumania; Technical Manager to Associated British Manufacturers (N.E.), Ltd.; and Resident Engineer in Bucharest to British firms. War Services.—Held special commission from the Rumanian State Railways for the Ranitaillment during the war.

NALDER, Francis Henry, M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer and Instrument Manufacturer; Chairman, and Managing Director, Nalder Brothers and Thompson, Ltd., 97A, Dalston Lane, London, E.8. T. A.: " Ocelude, London." T. N.: Dalston 2365. b. 1859; m. 1894. Ed. Private schools in England and Germany, and at the School of Elec. Engineering and Telegraphy, Hanover Square, and Finsbury Tech. College Has been Associate Member of the Council of Institution of Electrical Engineers; is a Member of Council of the British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, and a Past Chairman; is a Governor of Battersea Polytechnic, and also of Hackney Technical Institute and the Devas Institute. Member of Foxgrove Golf Club. War Services.—Special constable, and managing director of a controlled firm engaged in manufacture of war material.

NAPIER, Henry M., Man. Dir. of Napier and Miller, Ltd., Shipbuilders, Old Kilpatrick; b. 1854 s. of James R. Napier, F.R.S. Ed. Glasgow High. Sch. and Glasgow University. Training: R. Napier and Sons; and Caledonian Railway. Co., Locomotive Shops. Clubs: New, Glasgow; Constitutional, London. Address: Milton House, Bowling, N.B. T. A.: "Napier, Milton, Bowling." T. N.: Bowling 4.

NARBETH, John Harper, M.V.O., Naval Arch. Ed. H.M. Dockyard, Pembroke Dock; Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Constructor to the Admiralty since 1901, employed chiefly on battleship designs; received thanks of Bd. of Admiralty for share in production of Dreadnought, 1906. Address: Ferndale, Grove Road, Sutton, Surrey.

NARIMAN, R. K., M.Inst.C.E., Associate I.E.E., Civil, Hydraulic and Irrigation Engineer, Public Works Service, Lahore, India. T. A.: "Nariman, Lyallpur." b. 1877; s. of Lieut.-Colonel K. S. Nariman, I.M.S.; brother of Major J. K. Nariman, 1.M. S.; m. d. of Lieut.-Colonel Reporter, I.M.S. Trained at the R.I.E. College, Coopers Hill. Employed on weir across the Jehlum at Rosul, on remodelling the channels of the West jamna Canal, in constructing defences against river encroachment at Dera Ghazi Khan, in diverting the Mailsi Canal with a discharge of 2,000 ,cubic feet per second, for a length of five miles, and training the Chenab and Sutlej rivers. Present Position: Superintending Engineer in the Punjab. Member of the Chenab Club.

NASH, Clifford Woolcott, A.S.M.B., M.I. and S.I., M. Aus. Chem. Inst., Cons. Metallurgist; b. 1882; s. of Francis Wm. Nash, Barrister-at-Law. Ed. Cumloden College, Melbourne. Training: Ballarat Sch. of Mines (3+ years' course); Freiberg Sch. of Mines (Kelm Sachs. Bergakademie), 2 years. Asst. Chem., Sulphide Corpn., N.S.W.; Asst. Mngr., Murchison River Silver Mines, Tasmania; Mngr., Wolfram and Molybdenite Mines, Wolfram Camp, 'Queensland; Chief Metallurgist, Sunshine Harvester Works, Vic. Chief Work: Erection of Concentrating and Floating Plant for Wolfram and Molybdenite Ores, Wolfram; Development of Copper and Brass Tube Industry at Sunshine (the first plant in Australia supplying the Admiralty with Condenser Tubes during the War). Numerous Papers on Metallurgy before the Local Scientific Socs.; numerous 21 Articles in Local Scientific Journals on Microscopic Metallurgy, etc. Address: Tavistock House, 383, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Vic.

NASH, George Howard, C.B.E., M.I.E.E., F.A.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Western Electric Co., Ltd., Norfolk House Embankment. T. A.: " Relay, London." T. N.: City 3400. b. 1881. Ed. Grocers Company's School. Technical Training at the Northampton Polytechnic and London University. Apprenticed to the late National Telephone Co., Ltd., then with various engineering firms till 1905, when joined Engineering staff of Western Electric Co., Ltd.; Chief Engineer to the company since 1911. War Services.—Worked on many inventions and appliances, for instance: Western Electric Mining Detector, Western Electric Hydrophone Equipment (better known as Nash Fish Hydrophone), Western Electric Screening Set, etc. Was appointed Technical Adviser, Admiralty Experimental Station, Portland, in April, 1918.

NASH, H. B., P.-Pres. Midland Inst. of Min., Civil and Mech. Engrs., Fairlawn, Southlands Grove, Bickley, Kent.

NASH, Sir Philip Arthur Manley, K.C.M.G., C.B., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.T., Mechanical Engineer, 1, Cranley Gardens, S.W.7; b. 1875; s. of late Reverend William Nash; m. Louisa Constance, eldest d. of late Gerard Torrens, M.Inst. C.E. Ed. Radley College (Scholar). Premium apprenticeship, R. Hornsby and Sons, Grantham. Locomotive Department, Great Northern Railway; Locomotive Department, East Indian Railway; General Manager's Department, East Indian Railway; Director-General of Traffic in Ministry of Transport (appointed August 16, 1919). Member of the Reform Club. War Services.—Director of National Filling Factories, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-16; Director-General of Transportation, B.E.F.. 1916-17; Inspector General of Transportation to British Armies on Western Front, 1918-19.

NAYLER, G. F., Elec. Engr., Nelson Corpn. (Lighting and Light Railways.). Address: Corpn. Electricity Works, Nelson, Lancs.

NEALE, R. E., B.Sc. Lond. (1st Hons. Eng.), A.C.G.I., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, I c, Shaa Road, Acton, London, W.3. T. N.: Chiswick 1308. b. 1889. Ed. William Ellis Endowed School; City and Guilds (Engineering) College, South Kensington; David Salomon's Scholar, Siemens Medallist. Assistant in 1908-9 to late W. Duddell, F.R.S., subsequently engaged in consulting work, including the preparation of special reports on new works, plants processes, etc. Wide experience in literary work in engineering and scientific fields. Part author, with J.W. Meares, Electrical Adviser to the Government of India, of " Electrical Engineering Practice." Editor of " Whittaker's Electrical Engineer's Pocket Book " (fourth edition); author of " Electricity: Its Production and Applications." Editor of Pitman's Technical Primers. War Services.—Installed and operated large electroplating plant for munitions work in East Anglia. Technical Officer, Aircraft Production, Ministry of Munitions.

NEEDHAM, Cyril Armitage, A.M.I.Mech.E., M.J.Inst.E., Water Supply Engineer, Water Engineer's Office, 52, Balls Road, Birkenhead. T. N.: Birkenhead 71. b. 1882. Ed. Wallasey Grammar School, Cheshire. Pupil of J. N. Shoolbred, M.Inst. C.E., Westminster. With W. A. Richardson, M.Inst. C.E., in 1900 as draughtsman on waterworks construction, and later acted as General Engineering Assistant on construction works for 4 years; Chief Draughtsman and General Assistant in the Corporation Waterworks, Birkenhead, with J. W. M. Richardson, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., the Engineer, 1906. Principal Assistant to the Water Engineer, 1909, and since 1913, Deputy Water Engineer to the Birkenhead Corporation. Chief Works: Birkenhead Corporation Electricity Supply, construction of works; construction of two pumping stations for Birkenhead Water Supply and reconstruction of service reservoir and high level tanks for the same authority. Promotion of Bill in Parliament for the Alwen Water Supply from the county of Denbighshire. Member of Council of Liverpool Engineering Society. Member of West Cheshire Sailing Club and Bidston Golf Club.

NEELANDS, Ernest Victor, B.A.(Sc.), M. Inst.M.M., M.Can.Inst.M.M., Cons. Min. Engr.; b. 1878; s. of J. Neelands. Ed. Lindsay Collegiate Inst. and Toronto University. Training: Toronto University. Fellowship Eng. Geologist, Ontario Bureau of Mines; Manager, Black Queen Mine, Colorado; Manager, Hargrave Mine and Drummond Mine, Cobalt; General Manager, British Guiana Gold Concessions Co.; Manager, Flin-Flon Exploration, Manitoba; Cons. Min. Engr., Toronto; examinations and investigations of mines in various parts of N. and S. Amer. Clubs:. Engrs., Toronto; University. Address: 92, Farnham Ave., Toronto, Canada. T. A.: "Toronto." T. N.: N3711.

NEELE, Charles Woodward, M.I.E.E., Chief Elcc. Engr., Great Central Railway. Co. Address: "Rheola," Copthorne Road, Rickmansworth, Herts.

NEGUS, William, J.P., M.I. and S., Chairman, Bickle Eng. Co., Mar. Engrs., Disintegrators, Plymouth; Director—A. Reyrolle and Co., Elec. Engrs., Hebburn-on-Tyne; Davis and Timmins, Ltd., Wood Green, London, N.; Porthywaen Lime Co., Ltd.; and other Cos. Club: Law. Addresses: The Lawn, Walton-on-Thames; 36, Bloomsbury Square, W.C.I.

NEILL, Robert, M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.Gas E., Cons. Engr. (Gas and Elec.); b. 1885; s. of John C. Neill, of Lytham. Ed. Sch. of Technology and Owens College, Manchester. First Class Eng. Training: R. and J. Dempster, Ltd., Manchester. Has rebuilt many Gasworks; the lay-out of several Elec. Schemes. Address: 72, Surrey Street, Sheffield. T. N.: 3519 Central, Sheffield.

NEILLY, Balmer, B.A.(Sc.), M.Inst.M.M., Vice-Pres. (1918-20), Can.Inst.M.M., Sec. Ontario Min. Assoc. since 1920; b. 1883; s. of Andrew Neilly. Ed. Bradford, Ontario. Training: Toronto. Montigue Prize. 1908—Supt. Greater Canada Min. Co., Crystal, Colo., U.S.A.; 1909-11— Manager, Black Mines Consolidated Wyandoh Silver Mines, Cobalt, Ontario; 1912-19—Manager, Penn-Canadian Mines, Cobalt, Ontario. Club: Engineers', Toronto. Address: 120, Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. T. N.: Adelaide 1585.

NEILSON, W. H., O.B.E., M.A., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Amer.Soc.C.E., Civil Engineer, Chief Engineer, Karachi Port Trust, Karachi. T. A.: "Cheng, Karachi." T. N. 607 Karachi. b. 1875; s. of H. C. Neilson, solicitor, Dublin; m. Ethel Maud, only d. of F. Phillips, Plymouth. Ed. Strangway's School, Dublin; graduated at Trinity College, Dublin. Assistant Engineer, Drumcondra Link Line,' Dublin; Assistant Engineer, Keyham Dockyard Extension; Assistant Engineer, Calcutta Port Commissioners; Port Engineer, Chittagong Port Commissioners; Chief Engineer, Karachi Port Trust. Member of Council Inst.E. (India). Public Positions: Scientific Referee, under the Merchant;Shipping Acts; President, Sind Boiler Commission; Member of Board of Examiners under the Bombay Boiler Inspection Act. Clubs: Oriental London; Sind, Country, Karachi. War Services.—Controller of Munitions, Karachi Circle, 1917; Member of Priority Committee, Indian Munitions Board, 1917-18. Mentioned in dispatches of Govt. of India, Aug. 4th, /917. Capt., 23rd Sind Battn. I.D.F.

NELSON, George Horatio, M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 7 7, Inverness Terrace, Lancaster Gate, London, W.2; b. 1887; eldest s. of George and Emily Nelson; in. 1913, Florence Mabel, only d. of Henry Howe, J.P. of Leicestershire. Ed. Privately and City of London. Technical Training at City and Guilds Technical College, London; awarded Diploma and in addition awarded Mitchel Exhibition and Brush Exhibition. Engineering Training: Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Loughborough, Leicestershire; Chief Outside Engineer, Brush Electrical Engineering Co., 19c8-I I; Chief Outside Engineer, British Westinghouse Co. (now Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Co.), 1911-13; Assistant Superintendent, Electrical Machines Department, 1913-15; Superintendent, Electrical Department, 1915-18; Managing Director, Spenser, Ltd., 53, South Molton Street, London, W.2, 1918 to date. Chief Works: Responsible for installation of steam turbine and high-speed engine power units, electric generators, switchboard, etc., for dealing with 200,000 H.P., while in charge of outside work and as Superintendent of Electrical Department at Westinghouse; responsible for manufacture of motors and generator units from H.P. to 35,000 H.P. Publications: Papers read before the Institution of Electrical Engineers on " Train Lighting "; articles in the technical press: " Works Organization," " Trade After the War," " High Efficiency Fan Motors."

NELSON, Robert, M.I.E.E., M.I.Min.E., Cons. Engr. with Merz and McLellan, Westminster, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Director of Min. and Industrial Power Section of the firm; b. 1874. Ed. Liverpool Inst. and Liverpool University. Training: Cochran and Co., Birkenhead; and Harland and Wolff, Belfast. Has devoted attention to the practical applications of electricity in works and coal mines; member of Home Office Committee on Electricity in Mines, 1910, and for io years H.M. Elec. Inspector of Mines; Member B.E.S.A. Committees, 1912-14; Member of B.O.T. Committee on Explosions in Street Mains, 1914; Papers on " Electricity in. Mines," Inst. of Min. Engrs., 1909-1912-13; and other Papers on similar subjects. Address: 32, Victoria Street, S.W.I. T. A.: " Amberkraft, London." T.N.: Victoria 4656.

NESS, George, M.I.Mech.E., Chief Engr., Scottish Boiler Insurance and Engine Inspection Co., 82, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow.

NEWBERRY, W. G., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 37, Glenlea Road, Eltham, Kent; b. 188r. Ed. Grammar School, Huntingdon; New College, Eastbourne. Apprenticeship with E. R. and F. Turner, Ltd., Ipswich. Seven years on staff of Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., Charlton, Kent; ten years on staff of Ferranti, Ltd., Hollinwood, Lancs, and London. Now Manager, London Office, Ferranti, Ltd.

NEWBERY, James Wilfrid Trevor, Major (late R.F.A.), M.C., O.B.E., M.Inst.M.M., Min. Engr. to Burma Finance and Min. Co., Ltd.; b. 1876; s. of James Cosmo Newbery, C.M.G., B.Sc., LL.D. Ed. Queen's College University. Trained: Privately. Managing Engr., Kaiping Coal Mines of North China, and Bandwin Mines of Burma Corpn.; General Manager and Cons. Engr., Toquah, Abosso and Ancobra Mines, Ltd., of West Af. Club: Bath. Address: 34, Dover Street, London, W.

NEWBURY, A. D., Captain,R.A.F.,A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical, Electrical and Electro-Chemical Engineer, R.A.F. Airship Base, Howden, E. Yorks. Ed. London University. Professional Training in Electricity Departments, Stepney Borough, and West Ham Corporation, under H. H. Cousens, M.I.E.E., Technical Assistant, Charing Cross, West End and City Electricity Supply Co., 1911-14; Works Superintendent, Knowles Oxygen Co., Bromborough Port, Cheshire, 1914-16. Chief Works: Design of various plant and machinery in connection with manufacture, etc., of hydrogen and other gases; construction of special hydrogen installations in ships. War Services.—Lieutenant, R. N. V. R., 1916-18; Captain, R.A.F., 1918.

NEWEY, F., A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Swindon Corpn. Tramways and Lighting, Corpn. Street, Swindon.

NEWITT, Leonard, O.B.E., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham. T. A.: " Electrical, Chatham." T. N.: Chatham 380. b. 1865; s. of late Edward Newitt of Westbury, Bucks; m. Ethel Scott, 1897. Ed. Magdalen College School, ir years; 3 years as pupil in Engineering. Fifteen years at Sir W. A. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co.'s Elswick Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne, as Assistant and Chief Electrical Engineer; 16 years at H.M. Dockyard, Chatham, as Electrical Engineer. Club: Naval and Marine Messes.

NEWLANDS, Alexander, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., F.R.S.A., J,P. for County of Inverness,, Highland Railway., Inverness; b. 1870; s. of A. Newlands, Elgin. Ed. Elgin West End Sch., and privately. App. for 6 years, and joined Highland Railway., 1892; engaged on many preliminary and Parliamentary Surveys for Railways. in North of Scotland; Res. Engr. on Kyle Extension Railway. and Deep Water Pier, Kyle, and on widening of line, Blair-Atholl to Dalwhinnie; laid out and supervised construction of Dornoch, and Wick and Lybster Light Railways.; Asst. Chief Engr., Highland Railway., 1899; Chief Engr., 1914; Member of B.O.T. Water Power Resources Committee; and of Conjoint 27 Bd. of Scientific Socs. of R.S. Contributed Papers on " Highland Water Power " to British Assoc. (Dundee meeting), Royal Soc. of Arts, Royal Philosophical Soc., Glasgow, and others. Addresses: Highland Railway., Inverness; and (private) Caol—Ka, Inverness. T. A.: "Newlands Railway., Inverness." T. N.: 262 Inverness.

NEWMAN, Arthur Joseph, M.I.E.E., (Chairman, Western Centre, 1920-21), Deputy City Electrical Engineer, Bristol Corporation Electricity Department. T. A.: "Faraday, Bristol." T. N.: 4600 Bristol. b. 1877. Ed. High School, Dublin; J. Newman, Dublin; Merchant Venturers' Technical College, Bristol, and Corporation Electrical Department. Mains Engineer, Distribution Engineer, Deputy City Electrical Engineer in Bristol Corporation Electrical Department. Chief Works: Layout, erection, running and maintenance of all plant and general administrative work for the Bristol Corporation. Member of Constitutional Club, Bristol; University and Literary Club, Bristol.

NEWMAN, Charles Percy, M.Inst.Met., Joint Man. Dir., United Brassfounders and Engrs., Ltd.; Chairman Directors, Anglo-Chinese Engrs. Assoc., Ltd., London and China; Director, S. Smith and Sons (M.A.), Ltd., London; H. W. Smith and Co., Ltd., Lydbrook, Glos.; Engineering Supplies, Ltd., Johannesburg; S. Smith and Sons (Siam), Ltd., Bangkok, etc.; b. 1875; s. of Samuel John Newman. Address The Knoll, Amberley, Glos. T. A.: " Newman, Woodchester." T. N.: 66 Nailsworth.

NEWSOME, Geo. A., A.M.I.E.E., Engr. and General Manager, Corpn. Tramways, Darwen.

NEWTON, Charles Butterworth, M.Inst. C.E., Pres. I.Water E., Water Engr., Guildhall, Hull.

NEWTON, Henry (Capt.), C.B.E., D.S.O., Director, Newton Brothers, Ltd., Elec. Engrs., Derby; b. 1880; s. of Thos. Newton. Ed. Derby Sch. Inventor of the " Newton Pippin " Rifle and Hand Grenades; Nos. 107 and i io " Newton " Fuses (the first wire-cutting fuses used by British Troops); the " Newton " 6 in. Trench Mortar,which made obsolete the Woolwich 50-pound Trench Mortar; and became standard for American and other Govt. War Depts.; the " Ring Charge," which, applied to the Stokes 3 in. Mortar, increased the range from approximately 300 to 800 yards, and reduced " prematures " to reasonable proportions, adopted by all the Allies; the " Newton " Universal Tractor, among many other and various devices during the War; Commanded Infantry Co., 1912-15, in 5th Notts and Derby Regt. T.F.; seconded R.E., 1915-17; attached R.A., 1917-18, as Lt.-Col.; Member of the Trench Warfare Committee, 1917; DeputyController Trench Warfare Dept., and Chief of Design, Mech. Traction Dept., 1918. Awarded D.S.O., C.B.E., and mentioned in Dispatches. Clubs: St. Stephen's; Derbyshire Conservative. Address: Derby. T. A.: " Dynamo, Derby." T. N.: Derby 1315, 1316, 207.

NEWTON, William Henry, Lt. R.E., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., Borough and Water Engr., Bacup; b. 1886; s. of Walter Newton, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Ashton-under-Lyne. Ed. Stamford Academy, Ashton-under-Lyne; Pembroke House Sch., Lytham. Training: Tech. Sch., Manchester. App. with Hinnell and Murphy, Manchester; Eng. Asst., Derwent Valley Water Scheme, Manchester Corpn., and Leeds Corpn.; Res. Engr., Leeds Main Drainage Outfall Sewer. Address: Borough Engr.'s Office, Bacup.

NEWTON-HOWES, Robert William, Civil and Railway. Engr.; District Engr., F.M.S. Railways.; b. 1879; s. of Robert John Newton-Howes. Ed. Private and Public Schs., East London, S. Af.; Grey Public Sch., Port Elizabeth (Scholarship); Private Tutor, Vryburg. Training: S. Af.; Private; H. H. Myburgh, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., 1894-8. Career: With Pauling and Co., Ltd., Contractors, Victoria Street, Westminster, 1895-1908; joined as Junior Asst. Engr. and rose to District Engr. and Sub-Agent, Surveys and Construction of AshtownSwellendam Railway.; Mafeking-Bulawayo Railway.; Swellendam-Riversdale Railway.; Bulawayo-Gwanda Railway.; Riversdale-Mossel Bay Railway.; BulawayoGwelo Railway.; Stuartstown Railway.; Bulawayo-Victoria Falls Railway.; Caledon-Sir Lowry Pass Railway.; with S. Nigerian Govt. Railways., IlorinJebba Extension, 1908-9; Br. Honduras, Supt. Engr. and Mangr., Staun Creek Railway., 1910-14; Fed. Malay States, Asst. Engr., 1914-17; Dist. Engr. since 1917; Member British Fire Prevention Committee, Amer. S.C.E., Amer. Soc. of Sanitary Engrs., Amer. Assoc. of Engrs., and E. Assoc. Malayo. Club: Primrose, Park Place, St. James's, London. Address: Kuala Krau, Pahang.

NICE, Pearce Savell, M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Casilla 4109; Valparaiso, Chile. T. A.: " Plomo, Valparaiso." T. N.: 1599 Valparaiso b. 1875; s. of George Nice of Carlton Hall, near Newmarket, Cambridgeshire, and Barley, near Royston, Herts; m. Beth, d. of T. Moxom Edwards of Llanarth. Monmouth, and Glannantyglan, Llanfoist, Monmouth. Ed. Hereford Grammar School and Sheffield Technical College. Eleven years with Vickers Sons and Maxim, at Sheffield, Barrow and Erith, as apprentice, Draughtsman, Leading Mechanic and Shop Foreman; I year, seagoing Engineer, •British and African Steamship Co.; 3 years, Chief of artillery workshops, Seccion Armas de Guerra, Valparaiso, for Chilian Navy; 4 years, Chief Engineer to the Vifia del Mar Sugar Refinery, carrying out complete reconstruction after earthquake in 1 906; I year, 1910—ii, visiting and studying Engineering and other works in Europe. In 1911, brought out complete machinery and plant for installation of a factory for the manufacture of lead and composition pipe and accessories, none at the time existing in Chile. The working of this factory and also valuations of machinery, settlement of insurance claims, representations and consulting engineering work constitute occupation from that date to present time. Chief Works: Reconstruction of sugar refinery at Vifia del Mar, at same time increasing production from 8o to 15o tons refined sugar daily. The installation of electric power plant for entire drive of factory and lighting the town of Vifia del Mar. The establishment and working of his present factory. Member of English Club, Valparaiso.

NICHOL, John O., B.Sc., M.S.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 405, Stretford Road, Manchester; b. 1878. Ed. B.Sc. (Eng.), Manchester University. Apprenticeship, Locomotive Shops, Great Central Railway, ANL Gorton, Manchester; Royce, Ltd., electrical and mechanical engineers, Trafford Park, Manchester; British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. Assistant Locomotive Superintendent, Burma Railways, Insein, Burma; Consulting Engineer, Manchester; Electrical and Mechanical Engineer to Binny and Co., Madras; Assistant Engineer to the Amir of Afghanistan on hydro-electric scheme for power and light. Publications: Articles in Indian Press. War Services.—Four years and four months; total military service about 16 years. Lieutenant, R.N. V.R., Admiralty Seaplane and Aeroplane Inspection Staff; Captain, Royal Air Fbrce, Administrative and Technical. Demobilized, September, 1919.

NICHOLS, Harry Bertram, M.Inst.C.E., M.R.San.I., b. 1859; s. of George Benjamin Nichols, C.E., of Birmingham. Ed. Shipston-onStour. Training: Mason Sc. College, Birmingham (now Birmingham University). Carried out, amongst other works: Sewerage for Bexhill-on-Sea, Newmarket, Chertsey, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Devizes, Bovey Tracey, Ditchling, Baildon and Morecambe Bay; Waterworks for Redruth, Honiton, Braunton, Bedworth, Hanslope, Seaton, Beaminster and Gower; Waterworks and Sewerage for Leighton Buzzard, Kempston; and works abroad at Lourenco Marques (Delagoa Bay) Water Supply Works; Campos Water Supply and Sewerage (Brazil); Engr. and Secretary to the Co. Manaos Water Supply and Sewerage (Brazil); and carried out several Sewerage Disposal Schemes for Government Works during the War. Address: I I, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. N.. Vic. 3291.

NICHOLSON, A. D., Inspector of Mines, Lancashire, North Wales and Ireland Division, Astley, Manchester. T. A.: " Inspecting, Astley, Lancs." T. N.: Atherton 76.

NICHOLSON, C. H., A.M.I.E.E., M.A.Min. E.E., Electrical Engineer, Electrical Department, Alexandra Docks, Hull and Barnsley Railway. Private Address: I1, Maple Grove, Garden Village. Hull. T.A.:" Electrical, Deepdock, Hull." T. N.: 2970 Central, and 318 Corporation. b. 1889. Ed. Hull Technical College. Pupilage, S. Pearson and Sons, Ltd., Admiralty contractors. 1908-Io— Assistant Technical Adviser, Hull Corporation Electricity Undertaking. 1910-16-Assistant Electrical Engineer to the Hull and Barnsley Railway; since 1916, Electrical Engineer to the Hull and Barnsley Railway, and Evening Lecturer on Electrical Engineering at the Hull Technical College. Chief Works: Erection of complete railway and dock plant for the Hull and Barnsley Railway (3,000 k.w.); Consulting Engineer for J. H. Fenner and Co., Ltd. (electrification of factory).

NICHOLSON, Frank, Capt. (8th West York Regt. and R.A.F.), M.C., M.I. and S.I., Metallurgist. Manager, Heat Treating and Testing Dept.; b. 1891. Ed. Leeds Church Middle Class Sch.; Leeds Tech. Sch.; Birmingham Tech. Sch. Training: Monk Bridge Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Leeds. Career: Monk Bridge Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Leeds; Siddeley-Deasy Motor Car Co., Coventry; Wm. Jessop and Son, Ltd., Sheffield; Air Ministry, Tech. Dept.; Member Birmingham Metallurgical Soc.; Sheffield Assoc. of Metallurgists and Metallurgical Chemists; ,/7A Amer. Soc. for Steel Treating. Address: Totley Rise, Sheffield.

NICHOLSON, Sir John Rumney, Kt., C.M.G M.Inst.0.E M. I.Mech.E., Late Chairman and Chief Engr., Singapore Harbour Bd. and Penang Harbour Bd. Address: zo, Nevern Mansions, S.W.5.

NICOL, Edward Watson Lundie, Assoc. I.E.E., M.I.Mar.E., Engr. and Fuel Expert to the London Coke Committee; b. 1878; s. of Henry M. Nicol, of Arbroath, N.B. Ed. Morgan Academy, Dundee. Training: Glasgow and W. of Scotland Tech. College B.O.T. Cert. Inventor of the Sandwich System of Fuel Blending. Pamphlets on Fuel Blending, etc. Club: National Liberal. Private Address: Peak View, Canonbie Road, Honor Oak, S.E.23. Business Address: 84, Horseferry Road, S.W.I. T. N.: Vic. 8100. Extension 65.

NICOL, George, M.I.N.A., M.I.E.S., Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping since 1902; ,b. 1870; s. of George Nicol. Ed. London and Glasgow. Training: Glasgow University, and Royal Tech. College, Glasgow. App. with Chas. Connell and Co., Glasgow; at different periods Member of Tech. Staffs of Wm. Denny and Brothers, Dumbarton, the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd., Swan and Hunter, Wallsend-on-Tyne; Indoor Manager, Northumberland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 1899-1902. Author of " Ship Construction and Calculations." Contributed Papers to I.E.S., and many articles to Tech. Magazines. Address: 42, Falkland Mansions, Hvndlanrl, Glasgow.

NICOL, George A., M.I.N.A., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Mar.E., Marine Engineer, c/o British Corporation for the Survey and Registry of Shipping, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Buildings, Victoria Square, Hull. T. A.: " Seaworthy, Hull." T. N.: 'Central 1731, Hull. b. 1869. Ed. Aberdeen Grammar School and Robert Gordon's College, Aberdeen. Trained at works of Wm. McKinnon and Co., engineers, Aberdeen. Marine Engineer in the service of the 'Clan Line of Glasgow, 1891-6; Assistant Superintendent Engineer, Cayzer, Irvine and Co., Ltd., Glasgow, 1896-9, in charge of new vessels building at Vickers, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness. 1899-1904—Ship and Engineer Surveyor to the British Corporation for the Survey and Registry of Shipping, Glasgow. 1904 to date—Principal Surveyor in charge of Hull District for British Corporation for Survey and Registry of Shipping, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Buildings, Victoria Square, Hull. Past Vice-President of Institute of Marine Engineers. War Services.—In the service of the British Corporation surveying construction of various auxiliary craft for Admiralty and Ministry of Shipping, and also standard ships, etc.

NIELSON, John Frederick, M.I.E.E., E.S., A.I.N.A., Electrical Engineer, c/o John Brown and Co., Ltd., Clydebank, N.B. T. A.: " Shipyard, Clydebank." T. N.: 120 Clydebank. b. 1874. Ed. Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow; Tubingen University, Wurttemberg, and Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Practical Training: With North British Locomotive Co. and Faraday Electrical Engineering Co. With Chamberlain and Hookham, Ltd., Birmingham. Since 1901, Chief Electrical Engineer with John Brown and Co., Ltd., Clydebank, 2'; engineers and shipbuilders; Member of Council Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1918-20; Chairman, Scottish Territorial Centre, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1918-19. Joint Editor of Institution of Electrical Engineers' Regulations for Electrical Equipment of Ships.

NIMMO, Sir Adam, K.B.E., Vice-Pres. Min. Assoc. of Great Britain, Man. Dir., Jas. Nimmo and Co., Ltd.; Director, Fife Coal Co., Ltd.; Scottish Boiler Insurance and Engine Inspection Co., Ltd.; Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd. Address: 21, Bothwell Street, Glasgow.

NIMMO, Henry, M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.A.I.E.E., M.I.E. (India). Electrical Engineer, Government of Burma, P.W.D., Secretariat, Rangoon, Burma; b. 1885. Ed. Airdrie Academy, Coatbridge Technical School and private tutor. Five years' apprenticeship as Mechanical Engineer; 1 year Electrical Improver with Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd. 1906-7-14 months, Erecting Engineer on British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co.'s staff, 1907-9-16 months, Electrical Engineer to the Oakbank Oil Co., Ltd., of Glasgow (system: 2,30o volt 3 ph., transforming to 440 A.C. for power, 55o D.C. for railway and II° D.C. for lighting). 1909-12— Electrical Engineer to the Irrawaddy Flotilla Co., Ltd., of Rangoon (system: 220 volt D.C. for power and lighting, also steamer installations). 1912-14—Assistant Engineer to the Rangoon Electric Tramway and Supply Co., Ltd. (system: 2,30o volt 3 ph.: Curtis turbine station). 1914-15-14 months, Officiating Electrical Engineer and Inspector to the Government of Burma for 9 months, on special electrical engineering duty, 5 months. January, 1920—Rejoined Government of Burma P.W.D. as Electrical Engineer. Clubs: Sports, St. James's Square, S.W.i; Indian Empire, 5, Nevern Square, S.W.5; Rangoon Gymkhana; Maymyo, Burma. War Services.-1916-19—Three and a half years in Army; commissioned in London Electrical Engineers, Royal Engineers (T.), 20 June, 1916, in charge of searchlights and height-finders. District Education Officer for io months. Captain, Royal Engineers (T.).

NISBETT, George Hinde, J.P., M.I.E.E., Chief Engr., British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Ltd., Huyton Hey House, Huyton, Liverpool.

NISSEN, Peter Norman, Lt.-Col. (late R.E.), D.S.O., M.Inst.M.M.; b. 1871; s. of George Hermon Nissen. Ed. and Training: Trinity College, North Carolina, U.S.A.; Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. Manager of Gold Mines for Lake Superior Power Co., Ontario, Canada; Inventor of " Nissen " Stamp Mill; practised privately in Los Angeles, California; Inventor of " The Nissen " Hut, " Nissen " Steel Tent, etc. Publ.: " Notes on Heavy Duty Stamp Mills." Clubs: Min. and Metallurgy. Addresses: " Deepdale," Westerham, Kent; New Broad Street House. T. A.: " Nissenutt." T. N.: Central 6989.

NOBLE, Ernest Charles, M.I.Mech.E., M.I. Loco.E., Chief Mech. Engr., Ferro Carriles, De Entre Rios; b. 1874. Ed. Swindon, Wilts, England. Trained: G.W. Railway. Works, Swindon, England. Career: Royal Navy; Soudan Military Railways.; N.E. Uruguay and the Entre Rios Railways. Member of Council, S. Amer. Branch Inst. Loco. E. Address: F.C.E.R., Parana, Entre Rios, R. Argentine.

NOBLE, Sir William, Chevalier de la Croix Belgique, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 13, Park Drive, Hampstead, N.W.3, and General Post Office. T. A.: " Engchief, Cent, London." T. N.: i000 Central. b. 1861; m. widow of J. Galloway Weir, M.P. Ed. Public school, Mechanics Institute, and Gordon's College, Aberdeen. P.O. Engineer, Aberdeen; Technical Officer and Staff Engineer, G.P.O., London; Superintending Engineer, Central London District; Assistant Engineer-in-Chief and now Engineer-inChief, General Post Office, London. Chief Works: Telephoning of London by the Post Office; Member of Committees on Post Office Factories; underground railway for mails; and transfer of National Telephone Co. to the State. President of Institute of Post Office Electrical Engineers. Member of the National Liberal Club.

NORMAN, Sq.-Ldr. G. H., R.A.F., B.Sc., A.R.S.M., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.M.E., Chief Experimental Officer (Engines), Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough.

NORMAND, James Normand, M.Inst.M.M., Min. Engr.; Manager Central Mines, Transvaal G.M. Estates, Ltd.; b. 1872. Ed. Fettes College, Edinburgh. Mech. Training: Dundee, Scotland. Min. since 1896. Manager for 9 years, Surprise G.M. Co., Rhodesia; 2 years Matabele Queen's Mine, Rhodesia. Member Chemical Met. and Min. Soc., S. Af. Address: Pilgrims Rest, Transvaal.

NORRIE, Charles Matthew, D.S.O., B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., F.R.0.S., Waterworks, Hydroelectric, Canal and Harbour Engineer, 12, Vicar. age Gardens, Kensington, W.8. T. N.: Park 5201. b. 1881. Ed. Dundee High School and St. Andrew's University. Articled to D. and C. Stevenson, Edinburgh, 1901. Resident Engineer, Skipton Waterworks, 1904; Resident Engineer, Huddersfield Waterworks, 1906; Chief Assistant to G. H. Hill and Sons, Westminster, 1910; Chief Engineer, Gopeng Consolidated Hydraulic Installation, Malay, 1912. Now Hydro-electric Engineer, Vickers, Ltd., Westminster. Publications: Various articles in technical press. Member of Royal Societies Club, St. James's Street, S.W. War Services.-1915-I9—In Gallipoli and Mesopotamia, where he was Assistant Director of Works (Lieut.-Colonel) NORRIS, Richard Norman Bond, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, c/o The Harland Engineering Co., 66, Carrick Street, Glasgow. T. A.: " Harland, Glasgow." T. N.: 9442 Central, Glasgow. b. 1884. Ed. Bolton Technical College. Apprentice, Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Bolton, and Dick, Kerr and Co., Preston. Three years Assistant Engineer, Outside Erection Staff, Dick, Kerr and Co., Preston; 6 years Manager for Scotland, Harland Engineering Co. Now Director, Harland Engineering Co., Ltd. Clubs: Scottish Automobile, and Scottish Constitutional, Glasgow. War Services.—Various contracts for plant for Office of Works, War Office and Ministry of Munitions, and managing shell component works.

NORTH, John Dudley, F.R.Ae. S., F.R.Met.S., Chief Aeronautical Engr. and Designer to Boulton and Paul, Ltd., Norwich; M. Tech. Committee of the 2' Soc. of British Aircraft Constructors; M. Aerodynamics and Materials and Chemistry Sub-Committees of the Aeronautical Research Committee. Ed. Bedford Sch. Career: Engaged in Mar. Eng.; private Aircraft Experimental Work commenced in 1910; later with the Aeronautical Syndicate, Ltd.; 1912-16—Chief Engr. and Works Manager, GrahameWhite Aviation Co., Ltd.; designed the " G—W." 5-seater Biplane (winner of the British Empire Michelin Trophy, and for many years holder of official World Records for passenger carrying); also the 5o H.P. " G—W." Tractor Biplane, the first British aeroplane to loop; 1916-17—Manager, Aeroplane Dept., Austin Motor Co., Ltd.; 1917 to date—Chief Engr., Boulton and Paul, Ltd.; designed the " Bourges " series of twin-engined aeroplanes, and specialized in development of light steel construction for aircraft. Article on " Aircraft Undercarriages," Aeronautical Journal. Clubs: The Royal Aero; The Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht. Address: 3, The Close, Norwich. T. N.: Norwich 1532.

NORTH, Marjoribanks Keppel, Eng. Inspector, L.G.B., 1900 to date; b. 1865; second s. of Charles North, of Rougham Hall, Norfolk. Ed. Marlborough, and Freiburg, in Germany. App. with Edward Easton and Co., M.'s Inst.C.E., of Westminster; Student Inst.C.E., 1884; Asst. on the Hastings, Brighton, Herts and Essex, and on other Water and Sewage Works; also on Drainage and Irrigation Works in Norfolk and Lincs.; Asst. Engr., Santa Fe and Cordoba, G.S. Railway., Argentine; 1890—Engr. for contractors main line extension, Central Argentine Railway. to Peyrano, including the construction of bridges over Rivers Pavon, Sauce, and Saladillio; 1892—Asst. Colonial Civil Engr. of British Guiana; 1893-6 and 1900—Acting Colonial Civil Engr., B.G.; also Member of the Court of Policy (Legislative Assembly), B.G.; and Chairman of Polder Canals Commissioners; Government Inspector of Railways., B.G., 1900; Lt. and Capt. R.E., 1914-18. Address: Local Government Bd., Whitehall, S.W.I.

NORTHOVER, Roland, B.Sc.( Lond.), M.Inst. Met., A.I.C., Chief Metallurgist to The Manganese Bronze and Brass Co., Ltd., etc.; b. 1892. Ed. Cranleigh; University College, London; Royal Sch. of Mines. Training: Shops of Manganese Bronze and Brass Co., Ltd. Career: With Manganese Bronze and Brass Co. Ltd., 2 years; and Adviser to War Office on Water Problems, 2 years. Late Capt. 4th Lancs. Fusiliers; Temp.-Capt. R.A.F.; 1914 Star. Club: Junior Army and Navy. Address: Bolton House, 141, Church Street, Chelsea. T. N.: 2944 Kensington.

NORTON, Arthur, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., Steel Manufacturer, Brown, Bayley's Steel Works, Ltd., and 32, Broomhall Place, Sheffield. T. A.: "Bayley, Sheffield." T. N.: 82 Sheffield. b. 1869; youngest s. of the late Eardley Blois Norton of Southwold, Suffolk; m. in 1896, Ethel, second d. of the late General Edward Nugent Norton, Madras Staff Corps. Was educated privately, and at the Manchester Grammar School and the Manchester Technical School. Served apprenticeship with the Ashbury Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., and Neilson and Co. (locomotive builders), Hyde Park Works, Glasgow. Inspecting Engineer to the late Sir A. M. Rendel, K.C.I.E.; Works Manager, York Engineering Co.; Representative of Brown, Bayley's Steel Works, Ltd., and now acting as one of the Commercial Managers to the same firm with special reference to tramway material and all kinds of laminated springs.

NORTON, William John, B.A. (Cantab.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer, c/o Sir James Farmer and Sons, Ltd., Ade1phi Ironworks, Salford, Manchester. T. A.: " Agricola, Manchester." T. N.: 8613-4-5 City. b. 1887; S. of G. P. Norton, Highroyd, Honley, Yorks. Ed. Shrewsbury School and Caius College, Cambridge. Joint Managing Director of Sir James Farmer and Sons, Ltd., Salford.

NORTON-GRIFFITHS, Lt.-Col. Sir John, K.C.B., D.S.O.; M.P.(C.),Wednesbury, 1910-18; Wandsworth Central since 1918, M.I.Min.E., M.Inst.M.M., Governing Director, Norton-Griffiths and Co., Ltd., P.W. Contractors; b. 1871; s. of late John Griffiths; m. 1901, Gwladys, d. of late Thomas Wood, of Browning, Wood and Fox, Engr. and Public Works Contractor. In Command of Scouts in Matabele War, 1896-7; then S. African Field Force, Brabant's (2nd Division), and afterwards Capt. and Adjutant, Lord Roberts's Bodyguard, H.Q. Staff (Dispatches thrice, 2 Medals and Clasps); authority to raise 2nd King Edward's Horse, European War, 1914; subsequently attached to Staff of Engr.-inChief, G.H.Q., to organize and initiate Tunnelling Cos., R.E. (Dispatches thrice, D.S.O.); G.S.O., 1st Grade, on special mission in connection with corn and oil stores in Roumania, 1916 (made Commander Grand Star of Roumania, Officer Legion of Honour, Order of St. Vladimir, K.C.B.). Clubs: Carlton, Junior Carlton, Bath, Ranelagh. Addresses: 3, Central Bdgs., Westminster, S.W.I.; Wonham Manor, Betchworth, Surrey. T. A.: " Jonorgrif." T. N.: Vic. 9128 and 7542; Betchworth 3.

NOTT, Harry Augustus, M.B.E., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, H.M. Naval Yard, Hong Kong; b. 1882; s. of the late A. H. Nott; m. Lilian, d. of H. A. A. D'Ombrain of Chilchester Lodge, Beckenham. Ed. Cheltenham, and articled to Hamilton Kilgour, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E. Held various posts under municipal authorities in Scotland and London, and afterwards in the service of the Colonial Government and the Admiralty at Gibraltar, from which he was transferred to Portsmouth in March, 1914. Appointed to Hong-Kong, 1920. War Services.—As Electrical Engineer at the Royal Naval Dockyard, Portsmouth, where about 2,000 hands are employed on electrical work, he has been intimately connected with the work of the Fleet. He has also represented the Dockyard on the Local War Pensions Committee, and on the sub-committees dealing with the training, etc., of disabled soldiers and sailors.

See Also


Sources of Information