The Engineer 1876/05/26
1876 May 26th PDF
Main Subjects
- 1876 Centennial Exhibition, p391
- John Welsh
- Joseph R. Hawley
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- Institution of Civil Engineers
- Isaac Lowthian Bell
- Professor Odling FRS
- Dr Forbes Watson
- Henry Mitchell of Bradford
- Major W. H. Noble
- D. MacHardy of Aberdeen
- Sir Charles Reed MP, chairman of the London School Board
- Peter Graham
- John Anderson
- W. W. Hulse C.E. of Manchester
- Frederick Paget
- W. H. Barlow
- John Hawkshaw
- Colonel F. H. Rich RE
- John Coleman
- Marcus Ward and Co
- Howard and Bullough of Accrington
- Newton, Wilson and Co
- Kimball and Morton of Glasgow
- Appleby Brothers
- Thomas Stevens
- Gimson and Coltman
- Mr Sanson
- J. and H. Gwynne
- Lawson and Sons
- Fairbairn, Kennedy and Naylor
- Westhay, Copeland and Co
- B. and S. Massey
- Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen, p401.
- Chameroy's Weighing Machine, p401.
- Chemical Society - Dr. Gilbert, p393.
- Editorial, p399.
- Centennial Exhibition
- Steam Tram Cars
- The Whitworth Gun
- Coal Exploration in Lincolnshire
- Continuous Brakes
- Tram Car Accidents
- Liability of Employers
- Machinery and Foreign Competition
- Patent Office
- Conversazione of the Institution of Civil Engineers
- F. W. Crohn - Patent Unison Expansion Gear, p394.
- Knight's Steam Power Digging Machine, p394 (Illustrated).
- J. H. Knight of Farnham
- John Haswell - Express Passenger Engine, Royal Hungarian State Railways, p398, p401 (Illustrated).
- Loan Collection of Scientific Instruments - History of the Steam Engine, p389 (II).
- Meteorological Society, p401
- Output of Cleveland Iron Mines, p401.
- Patents for Inventions Bill, 1876, p396.
- Society of Engineers, p401.
- Stockwell's Tubular Life-Saving Vessel, p395 (Illustrated).
- Removal of a Wrought Iron Railway Bridge at Stepney, p390