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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name F

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

FABER, Oscar, O.B.E., D.Sc. (Eng.), Cons. Engr. (Constructional Steel, Reinforced Concrete); b. 1886; s. of Harold Faber, F.C.S. Ed. St. Dunstan's. Training: City and Guilds (Eng.) College, S. Kensington. Career: Head of Eng. Side of Architectural Assoc. School; Cons. Engr. for many City Bdgs.; and works in Reinforced Concrete; Consulting Engineer, Trollope and Colls; Cons. Engr. to H.M. Office of Works; Lecturer at University College on Reinforced Concrete; Civil Engr. to Calico Printers' Assoc. Publ.: " Reinforced Concrete Design," Vols. I and II. Address: Valhalla, Farthing Down, Coulsdon, Surrey. T. N.: Purley 657.

FADDEN, J. B. M.I.Mar.E., Senior Engr. Surveyor, Marine Board Offices, Melbourne, Australia.

FAGE, Arthur, A.R.0.5., D.0 F.R.Ae.S., Aeronautical Engr. (Research); Senior Asst., Aero33 dynamics Dept., N.P.L., Teddington; b. 1890; s. of William John Fage. Ed. Portsmouth Dockyard School; Imperial College of Sc. and Tech., S. Kensington. Distinctions: Royal Ex.; (Mechanics). (1909); Governor's Scholarship (1911) ; Research Scholarship, Imperial College of Sc. and Tech. (1912-14) Aeronautics Diploma. Career: Engaged on Aerodynamic Researches, N.P.L.; responsible for the Airscrew Researches at the Aerodynamics Dept.; reports of numerous Aerodynamic Researches published by the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics from 1912. Publ.: " The Aeroplane," 5th edition, published by Charles Griffin and Co., Ltd.; " Airscrews, In Theory and Experiment," published by Constable and Co., Ltd. Address: Aerodynamics Dept., National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex.

FAINE, Charles George Gordon, A.M.I.E.E., Chairman of Directors, Electric Construction Co. of Australia, Ltd.; b. 1886; s. of William Francis Faine. Ed. Normal School, Brisbane. Training: Brisbane Tech. College Career: Design and Construction of Electric Power Plant and Traction line Pinkenbah to Luggage Point, mouth of Brisbane River; Electric Pumping Plant for the City Water Supply of Townsville, and Toowoomba, Queensland; Design and Construction of Electric Light and Power Undertaking, towns of Barcaldine and Southport, Queensland. Clubs: Stock Exchange, Brisbane; C.T.A., Brisbane. Address: E.S. and A. Bank Chambers. Brisbane. T. A.: "Faine, Brisbane." T. N.: 1161 Cent.

FAIRBAIRN, John Morrice, M.Inst.C.E., M.Amer.S.C.E., Pres. E.I.C., Director of Amer. Railway. Eng. Assoc., Chief' Engr., C.P. Railway.; b. 1873. Ed. Privately, and High School, Peterborough. Training: C.E. School of Practical Sc., Toronto. Career: With the late George W. Ranney, C.E., on Surveys and Plans for the Construction of the Irondale, Bancroft and Ottawa Railway.; Leveller and Topographer on Surveys for the Peterborough, Parry Sound and Sault Ste. Marie Railway., under the late W. A. Ramsay, Chief Engr.; Principal Asst. to Fred. W. Wilkins, Dominion Topographical Surveyor on Surveys in Alberta, and later with the Department of Railway. and Canals, Draughting; With the Dept. of Militia and Defence as Principal Asst. to Fred. W. White, Chief Engr. of the Dept.; Principal Asst. to Fred. W. Wilkins, D.T.S. on trail location Surveys in Southern Alberta; With the Dept. of Railways. and Canals as Transitman on Contour Surveys of Balsam Lake, under R. B. Rogers, M.E.I.C., Supt. Engr.; Engr. in charge Construction of Lachine and St. Laurent lines of the Montreal Park and Island Railway.; Principal Asst. to Chas. A. Stoess, on Mining Claim and Land Grant Surveys in the Slocan District, B.C.; engaged in Surface and Underground Surveys of various Min. Properties,, during which time he acted as City Engr. of Kalso, B.C.; then in private practice as Civil and Min. Engr. and Provincial Land Surveyor at Kalso, B.C., and Greenwood, B.C.; Joined the Construction Dept. of the C.P.R. as Leveller on Grade Reduction Surveys between Winnipeg and Fort William, under W. F. Tye, M.E.I.C., Chief Engr. of Construction; With the Dept. of Railways and Canals as Engr. in charge of Section 3, Simcoe-Balsam Lake Division, Trent Canal, under R. B. Rogers, M.E.I.C., Supt. Engr.; With the C.P. Railway. since August, 1901, as Principal Asst. to D. McPherson, Division Engr., Montreal;• Res. Engr. at Ottawa; Asst. Engr. 11.4 in Chief Engr.'s Office, Montreal; Acting Division Engr., E. Division; Division Engr., Ontario and Toronto; Division Engr., E. Division at Montreal; Appointed Principal Asst. Engr. i90 8; Engr.,Maintenance of Way, 1910; Chief Engr., C.P. Railway., July, 1918. Clubs: University, Montreal and Toronto; Royal Canadian Yacht; Kanawaki Golf; and Hermitage Country, Lake Memphremagog. Address: C.P. Railway, Montreal.

FAIRBANK and Son, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Water E., M.Cons.E., Lendal Chambers, York. Established i780. Consulting Engineers, Water Supply, Sewerage and Sewage Disposal, Sea Walls, Land Drainage, etc.; Engineers to Selby Dam Drainage, Wilberfoss and Thornton Drainage, Bishopsoil Drainage.

FAIRBURN, Charles Edward, Major, R.A.F., M.A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Electrical Engineer, Queen's House, Kingsway. " T. A. " Enelectico." T. N.: 83o Holborn. b. 1887; m. 1914. Ed. Oxford University, first classes in Honours School of Mathematics (moderations and finals) and Engineering (finals). Chief Mechanical Engineer's Department, Midland Railway, Derby; Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works, Ltd.; English Electric Co., Ltd. Chief Works: Electrification, Newport to Sheldon, on North Eastern Railway. War Services.—R.F.C. and R.A.F.; Experimental Officer in charge of Bombs, Bombdropping and Cloud Flying.

FAIRCLOUGH, Richard Dawson, M.I.E.E., Man. Dir., Wilson, Hartnell and Co., Ltd., Elec. Engrs.; b. 1887. Ed. Oswestry and Bradford Grammar School Prizeman B.Sc. Course, 1895-6. Training: J. D. Morton and Co. Career: District Engr. and later Operation Engr. to the Yorkshire Electric Power Co., Ltd.; Mains Engr., The Lancashire Electric Poiver Co., Ltd. Offices held: Director, Hale, Pearn and Co., Ltd., Manchester; Advisory Engr. to Whiteacre Weaving Co., Ltd. Address: Swiss Cottage, Park Road, Dewsbury. T. N.: 788 Dewsbury.

FAIREY, Charles Richard, M.B.E., A.F.R. Ae.S., Chairman and Man. Dir. of The Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd.; Director, Gilstone Eng. Co., Ltd., and York Foundry Co., Ltd.; Chairman and Joint Man. Dir. of Fairey and Charles, Ltd.; b. 1887; s. of Richard Fairey, of St. Neots, Hunts. Ed. Merchant Taylors and Ardingly College Training: Finsbury Tech. College 1st Class Hons., City and Guilds Elec. Eng. Manager Blair Athol Aeroplane Syndicate, 1912-13; Chief Engr. to Short Brothers, East-church, 1913-15. Clubs: Royal London Yacht,. Royal Aero. Address: Grove Cottage, Iver, Bucks.. T. N.: 10 Iver.

FAIRHOLME, Frederick Charles, Assoc.M.. Inst.0.E., M.I.and S.I., Man. Dir., Thomas Firth and Sons, Ltd., Norfolk Works, Sheffield.

FAIRLEY, William, M.Inst.C.E., Parliament Mansions, Westminster, London,, S. W.1. T. N.: Victoria 1501. Ed. Edinburgh University and Heriot-Watt College. Engineer to the Richmond Main Sewerage Board; a Consulting Engineer to the Crown Agents for the Colonies. Engaged as Consulting Engineer on Water Supply, Sewerage, Sewage Disposal, Municipal Undertakings, Power and Pumping plants. Institution of Civil Engineers awarded Telford Premium. The Society of Arts (Scotland) awarded Keith Medal. Club: St. Stephen's. Member of Local Government Board (Tudor Walters) Housing Committee; Member of Building Materials Committee, H.M. Department of Research.

FALCKE, Cecil Douglas, A.M.I.E.E., Chairman and Managing Director of The B.E. Co. (London and Birmingham), Ltd., Hendon House, 5 7, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Ubbecolita, Cannon, London." T. N.: City 4047 (2 lines). Ed. Kensington Grammar School. Apprenticed in 1893 to a Birmingham firm of Electrical Engineers and under Dr. Sumpner at the Birmingham Technical School. Commenced business in 1896 as the Birmingham Electric Fittings Co., the forerunner of the above business. T 905-6—Responsible for the Electric Lighting and Power Supply to Stratford-on-Avon; continued as Engineer and Manager to the Company until August, 1912. Clubs: New City, Walbrook, London, E.C.; Aero. War Services.—Volunteer in Engineering Institutions Company.

FARRAR, Fred, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer and Surveyor, 78, Charles Road, Small Heath, Birmingham. T. N.: Central 5657, Birmingham. b. 1885. Ed. Higher Primary School and School of Science, Blackburn; Municipal Technical College, Blackburn. 1902—Laboratory Assistant in Physics Department, Blackburn Technical College. 1906—Demonstrator in Electrical Engineering Department, Blackburn Technical College. 1911—Chief Assistant, Electrical Testing Department, Mather and Platt, Ltd., Engineers, Manchester. 1914—Chief of Pump Testing Department, Mather and Platt, Ltd. 1914 to date—Engineer Surveyor in charge of Midlands area for British Engine Boiler and Electrical Insurance Co., Ltd., Manchester. Also Lecturer in " Alternating Currents," Municipal Institute, Walsall; Lecturer in " Wiring " at Handsworth Technical School, Birmingham. Assisted the author of " Laboratory Work in Electrical Engineering " at Blackburn Technical College. War Services.—Instructor in electrical engineering to Warwickshire Royal Engineers (V.), 1916-9.

FARRELL, Charles Arthur Richards, B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Municipal Engineer, Town Hall, Port of Spain, Trinidad; b. 1870. Ed. Boys' Model School and Queen's Royal College, Trinidad (Winner of an Island Scholarship, 1887); Edinburgh University, 1889-92; graduated B.Sc. in Engineering, 1892; First Certificate and Prize in Surveying, University College, London, July, 1892. Admitted to practise as a Sworn Surveyor in the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago, November, 1892, and was engaged on Government and private surveys till June, 1896. In June, 180, Assistant Surveyor on survey of Port of Spain, Trinidad, for proposed Water and Sewerage Works. In 1898, Assistant to Engineer-in-Charge, Waterworks Extension, and afterwards as Assistant Engineer and Chief Draughtsman, Water and Sewerage Works. In 1904, Town Superintendent of Port of Spain under Board of Town Commissioners. On the amalgamation of this Board with the Water and Sewerage Authority in 1907 was First Assistant Engineer under the new Town Board; City Engineer on several occasions, and appointed City Engineer, January, 1918. Now City Engineer and Engineer of Water and Sewerage Works, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies.

FARRER, M., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Electricity Works, Twickenham. T. A.: " Electricity Works, Twickenham." T. N.: Richmond 1515. b. 1877. Ed. University College School; University College, London. Engineering Training at Bellis and Morcom, Ltd., Birmingham. Assistant Engineer, Westminster Electric Supply Co., Ltd., 1901-2; Assistant Engineer, Twickenham and Teddington Electric Supply Co., Ltd., 1902-4; Engineer and Manager, Ramsgate and District Electric Supply Co., Ltd., 1904-8; Engineer and Manager, Twickenham and Teddington Electric Supply Co., Ltd., 1908 to date. War Services.—Electricity Supply to Munition Works, etc. Special Constable.

FARROW, Alfred E., A.M.I.E.E., Gen. Manager, Slough and Datchet Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; Windsor Electric Installation Co., Ltd. Address: Electric Light Works, Plascod Street, Windsor.

FAWCETT, Edmund Alderson Sandford, C.B., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr. to the Ministry of Health, Whitehall, S.W.I.

FAWCUS, George Henry, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Steam Engineer, " Greyshott," Hill Top, Hale, Cheshire. T. A.: " Fawcus, Altrincham." T. N.: Altrincham 269. b. 1879; s. of William Fawcus, late of Northumberland and Singapore. Training with Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., Woolwich. Experience in Electric Tramways, Railway and Power Station work. Nov Chief Engineer and Manager, Altrincham Electric Supply, Ltd. Chief Works Waterloo and City Railway; Blackburn Tramways; Blackpool, St. Annes and Lytham Tramways; Bath Tramways. Many large plants in Power Stations. Clubs: Royal Aero, London; Royal Automobile, London; Engineers, Manchester; Engineers, London. War Services.—For Ministry of Mun'tions and Controller of Coal Mines.

FAWNS, Sydney, F.G.S., M.Inst.M.M., M.A. I.M. and M.E., etc., Cons. Engr. and Director of 1\Iin. Cos. Engaged in Practical Tin and Copper Min. in Australia and Tasmania; studied at Ballarat School of Mines, Australia, and Royal School of Mines, London; managed and reported on Mines in Australia, Malay Peninsula, North America and Cornwall; Author of " Tin Deposits of the World," 3 Editions; " Radium; its Production and Uses," and several Tech. Papers read before various Institutes. Addresses: 316-7, Moorgate Station Chambers, London, E.C.2; and 71, Onslow Square, S.W.7.

FAWSSETT, E. , Electrical Engineer, Overdene, Riding Mill, Northumberland. T. A.: "Supply, Newcastle-on-Tyne." T. N.: 2400 Central. b. 1879; younger s. of Lieut.-Colonel Fredk. Fawssett, M.D., of Louth, Lincolnshire; 1910, Dora G. O. Alston, youngest d. of Surgeon Major Alston of Sandgate, Kent. Ed. King Edward VI School, Louth, and City Guilds Engineering College, South Kensington. Technical Assistant, Croydon Corporation Electricity Works, 1901; Chief Engineer, Testing Department, Newcastle-on-Tyne Electric Supply Co., Ltd., and associated companies on North-Eastern Coast from 1903 to date. War Services.—Retained by Newcastle Electric Supply Co., Ltd., in their service in connection with. munition and shipbuilding supplies.

FEARNLEY, Arthur Robinson, M.I.A.E., General Manager, Sheffield Corporation Tramways and Motors; h. 1871; s. of Rev. J. Fearnley. Ed. Silcoates, Wakefield. Training: Tech. College, Bradford; Leeds University. Appointments: Previously Gen. Manager, Birkenhead Corporation Tramways, Bradford Steam Tramways Co. Address: Division Street, Sheffield. T. A.: "Tramways, Sheffield." T. N.: 4600 Central.

FEARNSIDES, William George, M.A. (Cantab.), F.G.S., M.I.Min.E., Sorby Prof. of Geology, University of Sheffield; h. 1879; s. of Joshua Fearnsides. Ed. Wheelwright Grammar School, Dewsbury, and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Harkness School, University of Cambridge; Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. University Demonstrator in Petrology, Cambridge, 1907-13; Taylor Lecturer, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, 1909-13; Sorby Prof., University of Sheffield, 1913; Cons. Geologist dealing with Supplies and the Valuation of Raw Material (Coal, Iron Ore, Limestone, Sand, Dolomite, Nickel Chromium, Manganese Tungsten, Minerals, .etc.), and especially with Refractory Materials required by the Iron and Steel Industries since 1913. Address: to, Silver Birch Avenue, Fulwood, Sheffield. T. A.: "University, Sheffield." T. N.: 4705 Central, Sheffield.

FEDDEN, Alfred Hubert Roy, M.B.E., M .A.E., A.F.A.E., Chief Engr., Aero Engine Dept., Bristol Aeroplane Co.; b. 1885; s. of H. Fedden, J.P. Ed. Clifton College Career: 1903-7— Pupil, Bristol Motor Co. (Daimler Depot); 1907-9— Drawing Offices, 1909-12—Works Mangr., 1915-17— Tech. Dir., Brazil Straker, Fishponds, Bristol; 191720—Tech. Dir., Cosmos Eng. Co.; since 1920—as .above; responsible for the design of 15 H.P. Straker-Squire Car 1908-1914; 1914 Tourist Trophy Straker-Squire Car; 1920 Six-cylinder Straker-Squire Car; Bristol 400 H.P. Jupiter and zoo H.P. Lucifer Radial Air-cooled Engines. Clubs: R. Aero, R.A.C. Address: 37, Royal York Crescent, Clifton.

FEDDEN, S. E., M.lnst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Gen. Manager and Engr., Sheffield Corporation Electric Supply Dept., Commercial Street, Sheffield.

FELDTMANN, William Robert, M.Inst. M.M. (Member of Council), Member of the firm of Feldtmann and Sargent, Min. Engrs. T. A.: " Feltrello." T. N.: Central 9223.

FELL, Aubrey Llewellyn Coventry, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Gen. Manager, L.C.C. Tramways; b. 1869; s. of the late S. G. Fell, of Ickham Hall, Ickham, Canterbury. Ed. Christ's College, Finchley. Training: School of Elec. Eng., Hanover Square, London, and app. at Laing, Wharton and Down. Career: Elec. Engr., and later Gen. Manager, Sheffield Corporation Tramways; installed a complete Elec. Equipment of Tramways 1903; .Gen. Manager of L.C.C. Tramways; completed Electrification of L.C.C. Tramway System; responsible for the Construction of the Greenwich Power Station and the Central Car Repair Depot at Charlton; P. Pres. of the Municipal Tramways Assoc. and Member of the Council Tramways and Light Railways. Assoc. Papers on " Brakes for Tramcars, Tramway Corrugation, Mixed Systems of Traction, etc. Clubs: Sports. Address: 23, Belvedere Road, Lambeth, S.E.I. T. A.: " Lotram, Watloo." T. N.: Hop 3150.

FELL, George Noble, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.S.E., S.Ing.Civils de France, Railway Engineer, 17, Victoria Street, London, S.W.'. T. N.: 402 7 Victoria. Ed. Rossall Public School, Chester Technical College. Apprenticeship with his father. Consulting Engineer to Mountain Railways, Ltd. Engaged principally with Light Railways. Specialized in Mountain Railways, having designed Electric Mountain locomotives for working on the Fell Centre Rail System for use on steep inclines. The first line that was constructed on this principle was across the Mont Cenis Pass.of the Alps. Other examples are the Rimutaka Government Railway, New Zealand; the Canta Gallo Railway, Brazil, and the Snaefell Mountain Railway, Isle of Man. Chief Works: Mont Cenis Summit Railway, Rimutaka Railway, Snaefell Mountain Railway, Marland Light Railway, Pentewan Railway, Parkhouse Light Railway, Aldershot Camp Railway.

FELLOWS, Arthur Cecil, M.Inst.C.E., M.E. I.C., Civil Engineer (Railway and Harbour), Harbour Commissioner's Office, Quebec, Canada; b. 1870. Ed. Westminster and Cambridge University. ArtiCled in 1893 to John Wilson, Chief Engineer, Great Eastern Railway. 1893-6—Blackwall Railway widening and construction of Lancashire, Derbyshire and East Coast Railway. 1897-8--Central London Railway construction. 899-I 903—Resident Engineer, Yarmouth to Lowestoft Railway construction. 1904-6—Lowestoft Harbour extensions. 1907-II—Resident Engineer, Parkeston Quay extension (Harwich). 1911-3—Foundations and substructure of Quebec Bridge. 1913 to date— Assistant Engineer, Quebec Harbour improvements.

FELLOWS, Henry Manning, M.I.N.A., Shipbuilder; b. 1858. Ed. Edinburgh. App. Glasgow. Man. Dir., Fellows and Co., Ltd., Great Yarmouth.

FENWICK, William Oliver, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 4, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Ageekay, Cent, London." T. N.: City 997 and Central 4425. b. 1893. Ed. Victoria College, Alexandria, Egypt; Faraday House Engineering College, London; Fielding and Platt, Ltd., Gloucester; Corporation Electricity Department, Bristol. Assistant Engineer, Corporation Electricity Department, Bristol; Assistant Plant Superintendent, Ailsa Craig National Projectile Factory, Chiswick. Now Assistant Technical Editor, " Electrical Review," London. Club: Engineers', London. War Services.—Munition work and Equipment Officer, Royal Air Force.

FERGUSON, David, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer and Surveyor, 93, Warrender Park Road, Edinburgh. T. N.: Central 357. b. 1882. Ed. Royal Technical College, Glasgow, etc. Apprenticeship with Gilbert Thomson, M.Inst.C.E.; Assistant to Gilbert Thomson, M.Inst.C.E.; Assistant Engineer to Chas. Brand and Son, Grangemouth Dock extension; Engineer and Manager, Twywell Iron Ore Mines, Northants. Chief Works: River and wharf work for several public bodies, also water supplies and surveys; drainage schemes for Crieff, Maybole, Dalkeith, etc., burghs, and Fife County Council, etc.; several large works extensions near Glasgow. War Services.—Along with a large office staff, joined forces, 1914. Fought as Captain, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, for about 14 months; thereafter controlling large bodies of labour. Lieut.-Colonel commanding 46th Labour Group, etc.

FERGUSON, John Henderson, Engr.-Lieut.Commander R.N. (Special Reserve), M.I.N.A., A.M.I.Mech.E., Engr. and Ship Surveyor to the B.O.T.; b. 1883; s. of John Henderson Ferguson. Ed. Higher Grade School, Leeds and London. Training: Glasgow Tech. College App. Barclay, Curle and Co., Glasgow; Draughtsman, Clarkson and Beckitt, Maryhill; Mercantile Mar., 1905-9; Engr.-Officer Chilian Navy, 1909-12; Representative of J. S. White and Co., in Chilian Destroyer Leader " Althirante Lynch," 1914; Engr.-Officer, Royal Navy, 1915-19: H.M.S. " Dominion," H.M.S. " Agamemnon," H.M. T.B.D. " Thanet." Address: B.O.T. Offices, Regent Quay, Aberdeen.

FERGUSON, Russell Forrester, M.I.M.E., Borough Elec. Engr., Hastings Corporation, Electricity Works, Earl Street, Hastings.

FERGUSON, Samuel Pringle, C.B.E., M.I.N.A., Chief Engr., H.M. Dockyard, Hong-Kong; b. 1871. Entered R.N.E. College, Keyham, and was later at Greenwich, passed out 2nd, then 3 years at Greenwich; served on one of H.M. Ships as Prob. Asst. Engr., rose to position of Engr.-Capt.

FERMOR, Lewis Leigh, O.B.E., D.Sc., A.R.S.M F.G.S., M.Inst.M.M., Geologist; Supt., Geological Survey of India; b. 188o; s. of Lewis Fermor. Ed. Wilson's Grammar School, Camberwell. Training: R.S.M. and Royal College of Sc. Murchison Medal for Geology; D.Sc. Geology, London University; Bigsby Medal, Geological Society of London, 1921. Career: 1902 to date, with Geological Survey of India; 1917-18—Attached to the Indian Munitions Board; 1919—Pres., Geological Section of Indian Sc. Congress; 1918-19—Vice-Pres., Min. and Geological Inst. of India; 1921—Vice-Pres., Asiatic Soc. of Bengal. Publ.: " Manganese-Ore Deposits of India," Mem. Geol. Surv., India, XXXVII (1909), and numerous papers on Mineralogy, OreDeposits and Petrology; also paper on " Electro-Chemical Industries: Some Considerations affecting their Establishment in India," before the Inst. of Engrs. (India). Club: Bengal United Service, Calcutta. Address: Geological Survey of India, Calcutta.

FERRANTI, Sebastian Z. de, M.I.E.E., M.I. Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., Director of Ferranti, Ltd. Address: Baslow, Derbyshire.

FERRIER, Prof. Robert Muir, M.Sc., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Prof. of Civil Engr., The University, Bristol.

FETHERSTONHAUGH, Edward Phillips (Major), M.C., B.Sc., M.E.I.C., Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Prof. of Elec. Eng., University of Manitoba; b. 1879; s. of E. C. B. Fetherstonhaugh. Ed. McGill University. Career: 1899—Graduated from McGill, B.Sc. (Elec. Eng.); 1900-1904—Manager, Ottawa Office, Fetherstonhaugh and Co., Patent Solicitors; 1905-7—Lecturer McGill University in Elec. Eng.; 1907-9—Engr., Winnipeg Office, Can. Westinghouse Co.; 1909present—Prof. of Elec. Eng., University of Manitoba, and Private Practice as Cons. Engr.; 1921—Dean of Faculty of Eng., University of Manitoba; Chairman, Winnipeg branch Eng. Inst. of Canada. As Cons. Elec. Engr. has made numerous Reports, Investigations, Plans, etc. in connection with Eng. Works and Problems for Municipal and other public bodies, including Dominion Govt. Dept. of Public TI Works, Manitoba Public Utilities Commission, City of Winipeg, City of Brandon, City of Regina, Municipality of Fort Garry, Town of Kenora, etc.; with Canadian Engrs. in France, 1916-19; awarded Military Cross; mentioned in Dispatches. Club: University, Montreal. Address: University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. T. N.: Sherbrooke 4736.

FFRENCH, F., Elec. Engr., Horsham U.D.C. Electricity Works, Horsham.

FIDLER, Alfred, M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engr., Northampton.

FIDLER, Douglas Charles, M.S.E. (Member of Council), U.D.C. Offices, Hayes, Middlesex.

FIELD, Allan Bertram, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., F.Am.I.E.E., Mem.Am.S.M.E.; b. 1875. Ed. St. John's College, Camb.; M.A. (Camb.); B.Sc. (Lond.). Cons. Eng., Prof. of Mech. Eng., Mem. Senate of Manchester Univ., 1914-17; Tech. Dir. of the Admiralty Experimental Station, Shandon, 1918; Cons. Engr. to Metropolitan-Vickers Elec. Co., Ltd., 1921. Address: Kingslea, Marple, Cheshire. T. A.: " Allan Field, Marple." T. N.: Marple 35.

FIELD, Michael Birt, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Gen. Manager, Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, Ltd., Nancekuke, Bearsden, Glasgow.

FIELD, Samuel, A.R.C.S., F.C.S., M.Inst. Met., Head Tech. Chem. Dept., Northampton Polytechnic Inst., Clerkenwell; b. 1875; s. of Edward Field. Training: Birmingham Municipal Tech. School, and R.C.S., London. Career: Lecturer in Eng., Chemistry, Metallurgy, and Electro-Chemistry at Northampton Eng. College, since 1897; ElectroMetallurgist to The Metals Extraction Corporation in development of new process for Electrolytic Recovery of Zinc. Publ.: " Principles of Electro-deposition " (Longmans, Green and Co.); Electro-deposition Article in " Thorpe's Dictionary of Chemistry," etc.; also Papers before the Faraday Society. Address: 7, Huron Road, Balham, S.W.17. T. N.: Holborn 1194 and 3072.

FIELDING, B. P., Chief Supt. Engr., Atlantic Transport Line, 38, Leadenhall Street, E.C. Private Address: 4, Cavendish Gardens, Ilford, E.

FIFE, William, O.B.E., J.P., M.I.N.A., M.I.E.S., Head of Firm, William Fife and Son, Naval Architects and Yacht Builders, Fairlie; b. 1857. Clubs: R.A.C., Roy. Thames Yacht, Roy. Clyde Yacht, Roy. Northern Yacht, Roy. Ulster Yacht, Mudhook Yacht, and others. Address: The Place, Fairlie, Ayrshire. T. A.: "Fife, Fairlie." T. N. No. 3 Fairlie.

FINCH, Ernest Edward, M.Inst.C.E., M.R. San.I., Civil Engr.; City Engr., Corporation of City of London; b. 1875; s. of J. B. Finch. Career: Engaged in Engr.'s Depts. of the Boroughs of Chelsea and Bermondsey; Engr. to the Borough of Bethnal Green; Engr. to the City of London since 1914 Special Work Central Suspended Lighting of the City of London; construction of Depot, Buildings, Stables, Electric Light Station; widening of Fleet Street, Bishopsgate and Leadenhall Street. Address: Guildhall, E.C. T. N.: London Wall 6400.

FINDLAY, Alexander, Head of Alex. Findlay and Co., Ltd., Parkneuk Steel and Roof Works, Mother" well; b. 1844. App. at Patternmaking and Eng.; trained as Draughtsman in America; founded above firm, 1888; Provost of Motherwell, 1901-4. Address: Belfield House, Motherwell, N.B. T. A.: " Findlay, Motherwell." T. N.: 8o Motherwell.

FINDLAY, Cuyler Whittle, M.Inst.Met., Man. Dir., The Glacier Metal Co., Ltd.; b. 1867; s. of C. D. Findlay. Ed. Mercer University, Macon, Ga., U.S.A. Training: Findlay's Iron Works, U.S.A. Career: Has specialized in Bearings and Bearing Alloys and Die Casting under Pressure; founded The Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., in 1899. Clubs: American, Automobile. Address: Waldo Road, Willesden Junction, T. A.: "Beaucoup, Kensal, London." T. N.: Willesden 1882.

FISHER, J. A., M.I.N.A., Naval Arch. to Booth Steamship Co., Ltd., Cunard Bldgs., Liverpool. Address: Maybank, Mersey Road, Liverpool.

FISHER, Reginald John, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Internal Combustion Engine Expert, Dreftway, Epsom, Surrey. T. A.: "Dreftway, Epsom." b. 1890. Ed. The Northampton Institute, Clerkenwell. Apprenticeship with Capel and Co., Dalston. Two years with Parsons, Ltd., Southampton; r year with Petters, Ltd., Yeovil; 3 years with Vickers, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness; 31 years with Cammell, Laird and Co., Ltd.; Birkenhead. Assistant Section Director of Design, Engine Section, Tank Supply Department, Ministry of Munitions. Publications: "Bonus Payments to Labour as a Factor in Engineering Production," Liverpool Engineering Society's Transactions, 1918, and other work on Internal Combustion Engines. Club: Magazine Yachting, New Brighton. War Services.—I 914-17—Submarine Technical Service. 1918-19—Mechanical Warfare Department (Tank Supply).

FITHIAN, Arthur William, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 51, St. James's Road, London, S.W.I7; b. 1877; s. of Sir Edward W. Fithian, K.B., J.P. Ed. King's College School, London; Central Technical College, South Kensington, London. For many years Manager and Engineer for the North of England for The Tudor Accumulator Co., Ltd.; now Engineer to E. G. Lind and Co., Westminster, S.W.'.

FITZGERALD, Maurice F., D.Sc., Prof. of Civil Eng., Queen's College, Belfast, 1884-1910; Prof. Emeritus since 1910. Ed. Trinity College, Dublin. Address: Queen's University, Belfast.

FITZMAURICE, Sir Maurice, Kt., cr. 1912; C.M.G. 1902, F.R.S. 1919, Consulting Engineer, 9, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.; 54, Onslow Square, S.W.7. T.N.: Victoria 47; Kensington 6241. Member of the firm of Coode, Matthews, Fitzmaurice and Wilson, Consulting Engineers for Harbours to the Crown Agents for the Colonies; Consulting Engineers for Harbours and Docks at Singapore, Colombo, Lagos, and other ports; Chief Engineers of the National Harbours at Dover and Peterhead. b. May II, 1861; m. 1911, Ida, d. of Colonel Edward Dickinson, R.E., of West Lavington Hill, Midhurst, Surrey. Ed. Trinity College, Dublin; M.A., M.Eng. (Dublin), LL.D. (Birmingham). Apprenticed to late Sir Benjamin Baker, K.C.B. Chief Engineer to the London County Council, 1901-12; President, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1916-7; Member of 3 Institution of Mechanical Engineers; Hon. Fellow Society of Engineers; Member, Canadian Society of Engineers; Vice-Chairman, Engineering Standards Committee; Member of Advisory Council on Scientific and Industrial Research; Chairman, Canal Control Committee (Board of Trade), 1917-9; Chairman, Nile Projects Committee (Foreign Office), 1918; 9; Member of Advisory Council Science Museum; Lieut.-Colonel, Engineer and Railway Staff Corps; Engineer of the Rotherhithe Tunnel, New Vauxhall Bridge, Kingsway and Tramway's Subway below street, the Electric Tramways in London, and the duplication and extension of the London Main Drainage System at a cost of bt,000,000; visited Australia in 1913 at request of Commonwealth Government to advise on Naval Harbours and Works; also engaged on Forth Bridge, railways and docks in Canada, the Blackwall Tunnel and Nile Reservoir Dam, Assuan, Egypt. Order of Mejidieh, Second Class, 1901; Telford and Watt Gold Medals of Institution of Civil Engineers. Publications-: " Plate Girder Railway Bridges "; " The Thames and Lea "; " London County Bridges "; " Main Drainage of London "; and many papers. Recreations: Shooting, fishing. Club: Reform. War Services.—Chairman of Admiralty Advisory Committee on Naval Works, 1912-8; Chairman of Committee dealing with Civilian Labour London Defences (War Office), 1914-9; Member of War Office Committee on Hutted Camps; visited British Front in Flanders in 1915 and 1918 at request of War Office to advise on questions of drainage.

FITZPAYNE, Frederick Andrew, M.I.E.E., Deputy Tramsways Manager, City of Edinburgh. Ed. All Saints' School, Bloxham. Training: Faraday House. Asst. Elec. and Tramways Engr., Gt. Yarmouth Corporation; Supt. and Constn. Engr., Leith Corporation Tramways; for 14 years Gen. Manager of the Leith Corporation Tramways. Address: 5, Smith's Place, Leith.

FLANNERY, Harold Fortescue, M.B.E., B.A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Marine Consulting Engineer, 9, Fenchurch Street, E.C. T. A.: " Drafting, Grace, London." T. N.: Avenue 338. b. 1883. Ed. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Pupil with Humphrys and Tennant, 1901-6; studied Engineering at Cambridge, 1906-10; B.A. Cantab., 1910. Assistant, Flannery, Baggallay and Johnson, Ltd., 1910; Director, Flannery, Baggallay and Johnson, Ltd., Marine Consulting Engineers and Naval Architects, who hold appointments under the principal steamship lines and underwriting associations, 1912. Club: Union. War Services.—Regimental duty, 1914-15; Proof Officer, Canada, 1915-17; Headquarter Staff, Ministry of Munitions, 1917-19.

FLANNERY, Sir James Fortescue, Bart., D.L., J.P., M.Inst.C.E., Pres. Soc. of Cons. Engrs. and Ship Surveyors, P. Pres. I.Mar.E., M.I.N.A., Chairman of Flannery, Baggallay and Johnson, Ltd.; b. 1851; s. of Capt. John Flannery. Ed. Liverpool School of Sc. (now Liverpool University). Training: Britannia Works, Birkenhead. Derby Prizeman, Liverpool. Career: Designed and suptd. construction of many Ships for War Service, Passenger and Cargo Services, and Colonial River Services. Papers before the Inst.C.E., the Inst.N.A. M.P., Shipley Division, 1895-1906; M.P., Maldon Divison, 1910-21. Clubs: Carlton, Reform, Savage. Address: 9, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.3. T. A.: " Drafting, London." T. N.: 338 Avenue.

FLATHER, David, Automobile and General Metallurgical Engineer, Whiston Grange, near Rotherham. T. A.: "Flather, Sheffield." T. N.: Rotherham 598. b. 1864; elder s. of the late W. T. Flather; m. 1896. Ed. Sheffield Collegiate School and Firth College. Four years in Steel and Blast Furnaces Laboratory of John Brown and Co., Ltd., Sheffield; was the Pioneer of modern Casehardening practice, and has read papers on the subject before the Institute of Automobile Engineers and other kindred societies. Director and Chairman of W. T. Flather, Ltd., Standard Steel Works, Sheffield; President, Sheffield Gas Consumers' Association; Member of Cutlers' Company of Hallamshire; Diocesan Reader. Publications: Numerous papers on Metallurgy and Casehardening; also papers on Masonic Archaeology. Clubs: " Sheffield," Authors' and Russian, London. War Services.—Hon. Treasurer, Sheffield Committee on Munitions of War.

FLEET, Herbert Alexander, A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical, Marine and Electrical Engineer, The Gables, Hillmorton Road, Rugby; b. 1876. Ed. North Eastern County School, Barnard Castle; Rutherford College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1891-6— Articled pupil with The Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company, Wallsend-on-Tyne. 1896-1900—Mercantile Marine Service. I900-3—Engineering Staff of the Newcastle Electric Supply Company. 1903-4 —Superintendent Engineer on the Electrification of the Mersey Tunnel Railway. 1904-13—Superintendent Engineer with the Yorkshire Electric Power Company. 1913-5—Superintendent Engineer on the Electrification of the London and South Western Railway. I915-6—Engaged on the Technical Staff of Sir Alexander B. Kennedy. 1916-9—Consulting Engineer in Tong Shan, China, advising the British Colonial Government Office, the Chinese Government Railways and other Public Authorities on electrical questions. Chief Works: Electrification of a group of Coal Mines in North China, over fifty miles of 30,000 volt transmission lines, expenditure over 81,500,000, output over four million tons a year. Publications: Articles in technical journals. Club: Overseas.

FLEMING, Arthur Percy Morris, C.B.E., M.Sc. (Tech.), M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, West Gables, Hale Road, Hale, Cheshire. T. A.: "West Gables, Hale." T. N.: 719 Altrincham. b. 1881; s. of Frank Fleming, late of Marvel, Isle of Wight; In. 1905, Mary, d. of William Ash, late of Newport, Isle of Wight. Training: Finsbury Technical College, London, E.C.; London Electric Supply Co., Deptford; Elliott 'Bros., Lewisham; and the Westinghouse Co., Pittsburg, U.S.A. With the British Westinghouse Co., Trafford Park, Manchester, from 1902 to date, as Insulation Expert, Chief Transformer Designer, Superintendent Transformer, and Insulation and Winding Manufacture; in charge also of the firm's educational work; Manager of Research and Education Department. Special Lecturer, Manchester University, on Industrial Management; has lectured extensively on Industrial Education and Research and various other technical subjects. Designed and superintended manufacture of upwards of three million kilowatts capacity of transformers of all types and sizes; organized the British Westinghouse Works School in 1913; designed and built extensive Research laboratories at Trafford Park. Past Chairman, Institution of Electrical Engineers (North-Western Centre). Publications: Joint Author of " Insulation and Design of Electrical Windings," " Engineering as a Profession," " Principles of Apprenticeship Training "; also " Industrial Research in the U.S.A."; also four papers before the Institution of Electrical Engineers, and about twenty before various other associations and scientific bodies. Engineers' Club, Manchester. War Services.—Research and manufacturing work in connection with war munitions. In Igr 7 organized the Lancashire Anti-Submarine Committee, at the request of the Admiralty, which consisted of a body of scientists, engineers and manufacturers. This Committee conducted extensive researches and produced various submarine detecting devices; also set up a selecting and training centre for submarine " listeners " at the Naval Department, Crystal Palace, London.

FLEMING, John Ambrose, D.Sc. (Lond.), M.A. (Cantab.), M.R.I., F.R.S., M.I.E.E., University Prof. of Elec. Eng., University of London; b. 1849; s. of Rev. James Fleming, D.D. Ed. University College School and University College, London, and St. John's College, Cambridge. Training: Royal College of Sc., London. Honours: Albert Medallist of the Royal Soc. of Arts; Hughes Gold Medallist of the Royal Soc.; Silver Medallist of Royal Soc. of Arts; twice awarded Premium of the Inst. of Elec. Engrs., also the Bernay's Prize from Soc. of Engrs. Career: Closely connected with the introduction of the Telephone, Electric Lighting and Wireless Telegraphy into Great Britain; Scientific Adviser to the Edison Telephone Co. of London at its inception; electrician to the Edison Electric Lighting Co., Lon.; on amalgamation with the Swan, became Adviser to the United Co.; for some time Adviser to the London Electric Supply Corporation, and to the City of London Electric Lighting Cos.; advised the Corpns. of Exeter, Taunton, Peterborough and Douglas (Isle a Man) on their Electric Lighting Undertakings; appointed the first Prof. of Elec. Eng., University College, Lon., 1885, which position he has held for 35 years; Adviser to the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co., and assisted in designing the first Transatlantic Wireless Station at Poldhu, in Cornwall; original inventor of the Thermionic Value, which in its latest form has revolutionized Wireless Telegraphy and made Wireless Telephony possible. Author of some 16 Textbooks on Elec. Subjects, including " Alternate Current Transformer," " Principles of Electric Wave Telegraphy," and " Thermionic Valve." Author of some 8o or more Scientific Papers in the Transactions of various learned Socs., and of about 20 papers. published in co-operation with Sir James Dewar, on the Properties of Matter at Low Temperatures. Paper on " The Necessity for a National Standardizing Laboratory for Elec. Test Instruments," read to the Inst. E.E., 1885, gave first impulse to movement which resulted in establishment of B.O.T. Elec. Lab. and the National Physical Lab. Given 4g Lectures at Roy. Inst. of Gt. Britain and 7 courses, or 28 Cautor Lectures, at Roy. Soc. of Arts, and many public scientific discourses at other Insts. Fellow of St. John's College, Cam.; Fellow of University College, Lon.; Fellow of the Roy. Soc. of Lon.; Hon. Mem. of the Inst. of R.E., Chatham. Address: University College, Gower Street, London.

FLETCHER, Capt. Clement, T.D., M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), The Hindles, Atherton, Manchester.

FLETCHER, F. M., Elec. Engr., Darwen Corporation Lighting, Lancs.

FLETCHER, Harold Clarkson, M.I.Mech.E., M.S.Af.I.E., Partner, Johnson and Fletcher, Engrs., Bulawayo; b. 1869; s. of Robert H. Fletcher, Erdington, Birmingham. Ed. King Edward's High School, Birmingham. Training: Mason College, Birmingham. Articled to Belliss and Morcom; on Eng. Staff of various Rand Groups; started Eng. business, Bulawayo, 1897; since then engaged in the design and erection of various important min. plants in Rhodesia; Cons. Mech. Engr. to Ayrshire Gold Mine and Railway. Co., 1899-1903. Clubs: Bulawayo, Salisbury. Address: P.O. Box 224, Bulawayo, S. Rhodesia. T. A.: "Motor." T. N.: 242.

FLETCHER, James Young, A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr.; Director of General Electric Co., Ltd.; b. 1876; s. of W. H. Fletcher. Ed. Bury St. Edmund's, and St. Mark's, Chelsea. Training: Finsbury. Tech. College Hons. in Electricity and Magnetism, South Kensington, on Examinations, at St. Mark's. Clubs: Constitutional and R.A.C. Address: 21, De Vere Gardens, Kensington.

FLETCHER, Mark Noble, M.J.Inst.E. (Member of Council, North-Eastern Section), 2, Lovaine Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

FLETCHER, Stephen Baldwin, M.I.Mech.E., F.R.S.A., Eng. Manager to the Lewis and Harris Welfare and Development Co., Ltd.; Manager to the Stornoway Fish Products and Ice Co., Ltd.; b. 1882; s. of late Thomas Fletcher, of Holborough, near Rochester, Kent. Ed. Sir Joseph Williamson's Math. School, Rochester, Kent. App. Aveling Porter, Ltd.; Factory Engr. and Draughtsman, Assd. Portland Cement Co., Ltd.; Draughtsman, Tattersalls, Mark Lane; Factory Engr. and Asst. Works Man., Roneo Co., Ltd.; Chief Apparatus Draughtsman and Head of Various Departments, Western Electric Co., Ltd., N. Woolwich; District Engr., Lever Brothers, Ltd., in the Belgian Congo, 1917-19; Appointed Eng. Man. in Isle of Lewis by Lord Leverhulme, Aug. 1919, and Manager to the Stornoway Fish Products and Ice Co., Ltd., and The Lewis Island Preserved Specialities Co., Ltd., in Oct. 1919. Councillor of the Borough of Stornoway. Address: "Dunvvich," Matheson Road, Stornoway, Scotland. T.A.: "Machinery, Stornoway." T.N.: .4 Stornoway (no trunk service available); and Dunwich, Saxmundham, Suffolk.

FLIGHT, William Stanley, A.M.I.E.E., M.Amer.I.E.E., Technical Electrical Engineer, 20, Castlebar Park, Ealing, W.5; b. 1890. General -education at Peter Symond's School, Winchester. 'Technical education, Liverpool University. Three years' apprenticeship with Metro-Vickers Electric ; two years in charge of experimental investigations and application of raw materials used in the manufacture of electrical machinery at the MetroVickers Electric Co.; two years in charge of insulation investigations for high voltage apparatus and the manufacturing processes relating to the • same at the Metro-Vickers Electric Co.; two years in charge of the Insulation section of the Research Department at the Metro-Vickers Electric Co.; now General Works Manager of Larival Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Southall. 1914—Secretary for Manchester Students' Section, Inst. of Elec. Engrs. 1915—ViceChairman for Manchester Students' Section, Institution of Electrical Engineers. Awarded Student's Premium, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1913, IA paper, " Laws of Dielectrics." Author of articles on Transformers, Transformer Oil, Insulation Materials, " Spark Over Voltages Through Air," etc., in the technical press.

FLINT, A., Pres. of Assoc. of. Min., Elec. Engis. (Yorkshire Branch). Address: 151, West Park Parade, Far Headingly, Leeds.

FLOCKTON, Benjamin Percy, M.I.Mech.E., Manager, Oil Mill Department (Manlove, Alliott and Co., Ltd., Nottingham) since 1910; b. 1872; s. of Joseph Flockton, Leeds. Ed. Sutton School and Yorkshire College, Leeds. Training: Yorkshire College, Leeds. App. Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., Leeds; later Chief Draughtsman (Oil Mill Dept.); Manager and Contracting Engr., Thomas Bradford and Co., Manchester; Manager (Departmental), Ashwell and Nesbit, Ltd., Leicester. Lectures to various Socs. on " Vegetable Oil Production and Refining "; Contributor to Tech. Journals. Address: 81, Forest Road, Nottingham. T. A.: " c/o Manloves, Nottingham." T. N.: 274 Nottingham.

FLOWER, C. A., M.I.Mar.E., Supt. Mar. Engr., Houlder Brothers and Co., Ltd., 146, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C.

FLOWERDEW, Arthur Harry, M.Inst.M.M., F.G.S., Cons. Min. Engr.; b. 1875; s. of A. J. B. Flowerdew. Ed. Framlingham College, Suffolk. Training: School of Mines, Camborne, Cornwall. 1st Class Diploma, School of Mines; Silver Medallist, City and Guilds Exam. Career: Gen. Man., Gurum River (Nigeria) Tin Co., Ltd., 1912-14, and Tronoh South, Ltd., F.M.S., 1914-18; Member of Council Eng. Assoc., Malaya. Club: Royal Societies, London. Address: Kuala Lumpur, F.M.S.

FOLLAND, Henry Phillip, M.B.E., F.R.Ae.S., M.I.A.E. (Hons.), Chief Engr. and Designer, The Nieuport Aircraft Co., Ltd. Career: Automobile Eng., 1902-12, with Lanchester Motor Co., Wolseley Motor Co., Swift Motors and Daimlers, Coventry; Aeronautical experience: March, 1912, to Oct., 1917, Asst. Chief Designer, Royal Aircraft Factory; Oct., 1917, to date, Chief Engr. and Designer, The Nieuport Aircraft Co., Ltd. Address: Seddlescombe, Dollis Hill Lane, N.W.2.

FORBES, George C., M.I.Mech.E., Locomotive Engineer, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States; b. 1869. Ed. Repton School. Apprenticeship, 1886-92, with Neilson. and Co.., Hyde Park Locomotive Works, Glasgow; subsequently Great Eastern Railway Running Department, and Inspection under Sir George B. Bruce. South Indian Railway Locomotive Department, 1898-1903; Locomotive Superintendent, Federated Malay States Railways, 1903 to date.

FORD, Graham, Man. Dir., Coghlan Steel and Iron Co., Ltd., Hunslet Forge, Leeds. Private Address: Stanley Lodge, Street Lane, Roundhay, Leeds.

FORD, James, M.I.Min.E., F.G.S., Civil and Mining Engr., Geologist and Oil Boring Technologist, 19, Regent Square, Doncaster. Consulting Engineer, Oilfields of England, Ltd., London; Consulting Engineer, Coal and Iron Development Syndicate; Mining Engineer, Retford Coal Syndicate, London; Advising :AO Engineer on Coal and Carbon Distillation and Shale Oil Production; Min. Research. War Services.—Inspector of Steel and Munitions.

FORD, Mark, Min. Engr., Washington Colliery, Washington Station, Co. Durham.

FORD, Stanley Horace, A.R.S.M., M.Inst. M.M., Tech. Adviser, Fanti Consolidated Mines, Ltd.; Director, Abboutiakoon Mines, Ltd., Prestea Block A, Ltd.; b. 187o; s. of T. G. Ford. Ed. Merchant Venturers School, Bristol. Training: Royal School of Mines. Career: Manager of various mines on the Witwatersrand; 1909-13, Asst. Supt. Engr.; I913-19—Supting. Engr. in W. Af. of group of Mines controlled by the Fanti Consolidated Mines, Ltd. Club: Royal Societies. Address: 19, St. Swithin's Lane, London.

FORGIE, James T., Member of Council I.Min.E., Min. Engr., Mosspark, Bothwell, Glasgow.

FORSTER, A. Lindsay, c/o Chance Brothers and Co., Ltd., Glasgow. T. A: " c/o Brogan, Glasgow." T. N.: Maryhill 98 and 99. Chief Engineer and Glasgow Director to Chance Brothers and Co., Ltd., Glass Manufacturers, Smethwick and Glasgow.

FORSTER, J. H. B., Min. Engr., Whitworth House, Spennymoor.

FORSTER, John Percival, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Westerton, near Bishop Auckland; b. 1887. Ed. St. Bees School; Armstrong College; Durham University. Scott and Mountain, Ltd., Gateshead-on-Tyne. Chief Electrical and Commercial Engineer, Bolckow, Vaughan and Co.'s Collieries and By-Product Coke Ovens Plant.

FORSTER, T. E., Min. Engr., 3, Eldon Square, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

FORTESCUE, Cecil L., Professor, O.B.E., M.I.E.E., Electrical and Wireless Engineer, Royal Naval College, Greenwich; b. 1881; s. of Lewis Fortescue, Barnack, Northants. Ed. Oundle and Cambridge. First Class Honours, Mechanical Science Tripos, 1903. Practical training with Siemens Dynamo Works, Ltd. Career: Siemens Dynamo Works, Ltd.; Admiralty. Publications: " Wireless Telegraphy," Cambridge University Press, and various papers. War Services.—Experimental wireless telegraphical Work in H.M.S. Vernon and at H.M. Signal School, Portsmouth.

FORWELL, William McLaren, M.I.Mar.E., Chief Engr., Eagle Oil Transport Co., Ltd.; -b. 1890; s. of Manson Forwell. Ed. Stranraer High School and Glasgow High School Training: Glasgow Tech College; Greenock Watt Memorial College App. G. and J. Weirs; joined Barclay, Curle and Co., Glasgow; at sea in Anchor Line with P. Henderson and Co., Glasgow; 1914—Joined Eagle Oil Transport Co., Ltd., as 3rd Engr.; now Chief Engr. Address:.142, Roslea Drive, Dennistoun, Glasgow.

FOSBERY, Arthur Champagne Widenham, J.P. (Bombay), M.Inst.C.E., M.L'pool E.Soc., Chief Engr., Bombay Port Trust; b. 1868. Ed. Ireland, private tuition. Training: Liverpool Docks (M.D.H.B.). Career: Pupil under George Fosbery Lyster, Chief Engr., M.D.H.B.; Asst. Engr. under M.D.H.B.; Asst. Engr. and Deputy Chief Engr., Bombay Port Trust; since 1919 as above. Address: Engr.'s Office, Port Trust, Ballard Road, Bombay.

FOSTER, Frederick Milburn, A.M.I.E.E., Elec.' Engr., Yorkshire.(W.R.) Tramway Co., Ltd.; b. 1800; s. of Edward Foster, of Preston, Lancashire. Ed. Moor Park Academy, Preston. Training: Victoria Tech School, Preston. Two Scholarships. Address: Yorkshire (W.R.) Tramway Co., Ltd., Belle Isle, Wakefield.

FOSTER, Henry Llewellyn Thomas, M.Inst. C.E., M.I.E.E., M.A.M.E.E., F.R.S.A., M. L'pool E. Soc., M. Soc. du Ing. CArile de France, Elec. Engr.; Chief Elec. Engr., British Engine Boiler and Elec. Insurance Co., Ltd., London and Manchester; b. 1865; s. of late Capt. W. T. Foster, Queen's Bays. Ed. All Hallows. School, Honiton, and Clifton College and Bristol University College 1st Class Eng. App. G. K. Stothert and Co., Bristol; R. E. Crompton and Co., Ltd., Chelmsford, as Improver, 1885-7; in Australia for Crompton and Co., Ltd., 1887-9; joined the Westminster Electric Supply Corporation, Ltd., in 1889 as first Elec. Engr.; then Res. Engr. at Davies Street Central Station, W., 1891-8; joined Sir Alex. Kennedy's Tech. Staff in 1898; Chief Elec. Engr. to the British Engine Boiler and Elec. Insurance Co., Ltd., since 1898. Paper on " Electrical Breakdowns," I. of E.E., Manchester Section, and Assoc. of Min. Elec. Engrs. Pres. of Manchester Branch of Assoc. of Min. Elec. Engrs. for 2+ years; Pres. of London Branch, 191920-21. M. Illuminating Soc. Club: St. Stephen's, London. Address: Home-25, Carlton Hill, N.W.8; Office—c/o B.E.B. and E.I. Co., Ltd., 56, Kingsway, W.C.2. T. N.: Home—Hampstead 5241; Office— Holborn 1230.

FOSTER, Herbert A., Colonel, T.D., J.P., General.Engineer, Littlemoor, Queensbury. T. A.: " Herbert Foster, Queensbury." T. N.: 14 Thornton. b. 1853; s. of William Foster of Harrowins, Queensbury, and Hornby Castle, Lancaster; m. 1907, d. of Lord Robert Brudenell Bruce. Managing Director, John Foster and Son, Ltd. Alderman, West Riding County Council; Chairman of Manufacturing Pollutions Committee Rivers Board; Ex-President, Bradford Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: Carlton and Royal Yacht Squadron. War Services.—Superintended making of gaine bodies, hammers, lathes, mine sinker parts, breech mechanisms, aeroplane wings, tails and elevators, engine bearers, etc.

FOSTER, W. J., M.I. and S.I.; b. 1870. Ed. High School, Barrow-in-Furness. P.-Pres. I. and S.I.; Chairman and Propr., Bradley and Foster, Ltd., Darlaston and Birmingham, and T. and. I. Bradley, Ltd., Bilston; Director, Edge Hill Light Railway. and Banbury Ironstone Co. Author of numerous papers on Chemistry, Eng., and Iron and Steel. On the Committee of the British Cast-iron Research Assoc. Address: Moorlands, Kenilworth.

FOWKE, Thomas Manning, M.Inst.C.E., Divisional Engr., L. and N.W. Railway., Western Division; I Y b. 1870; s. of Thomas Edward Fowke, of Stafford. Ed. Stafford, King Edward VI Grammar School Training: Crewe. Career: With L. and N.W. Railway. Co., Permanent Way Dept.; after training at Crewe, appointed Div. Engr., Central Division, 1898; as above since 1903. Address: Engr.'s Office, L. and N.W. Railway., Edge Hill Station, Liverpool. T. N.: Too Wavertree.

FOWLER, Sir Henry, K.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., Chief Mechanical Engineer, Midland Railway, Derby. Hon. Sec. Association of Railway Locomotive Engineers, Derwent House, Milford, Derby. T.A.: "Locomotive, Derby." T. N.: I too, Derby. b. 1870. Eldest son of Henry Fowler, of Evesham. Married 1895 Emmie Needham, only daughter of the late Philip Smith, of Horwich. Educated at Evesham, 1VIason's Science College, Birmingham. Engineering Training received at Horwich Works, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. Held various positions on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. Prominently connected with the Heavy Car Trials of the Liverpool Self-Propeller Traffic Association, 1898-1901. Joined the Midland Railway Co. in 1900, Chief Mechanical Engineer Midland Railway 1909 to present time. President University of Birmingham Eng. Society, 1912-1914; President I. Loco. E. 191213-14; Member of Council I.Mech.E.; P. President I.A.E. Papers read before Inst. of C.E., for which awarded Miller Prize, Telford Premium, Watt Medal and Webb Prize. Papers also read before Inst. of Mech.E. Acted in the capacity of reporter for the International Railway Congress. Various papers at Inst. of C.E. and Mech. E. Clubs: R. Automobile and R.A.F. War Services.—Lt.-Col. Royal Flying Corps (T.F.). Director of Production, Ministry of Munitions, 191516. Superintendent Royal Aircraft Factory, 191617. Assistant Director-Gen. Aircraft Production, 1917-18. Ministry of Munitions representative in Aircraft Mission to U.S.A. and Canada, 1918. Member of Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Chairman of Light Alloys Sub-Committee; Chairman of Aircraft Committee of Brit. Engineering Standards Association, 1918; Chairman of Conferences to form the International Aircraft Standards Commission, 1918; Chairman of first Inter-Allied Conference on Standardization of Aircraft Components, 1918; Deputy Member of Munitions Council, 1918-1919.

FOWLER, P. M., M.I.Mech.E., Cons. and Inspecting Engr.; b. 1871. Ed. East Cornwall College and privately. Training: Camborne School of Mines; articled to Cox and Co. Asst. Engr., Cape Govt. Railways., 1893; Cons. Engr. to various Gold Min. Cos., Transvaal, 1894-1903; designed and suptd. erection of Hoisting, Conveying, Crushing, Treatment and Power Plants; Cons. and Advisory Engr. to various Min. Cos., 1904-20. S. Af. Address: The Rand Club, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Eng. Address: c/o The National Provincial and Union Bank of England, Bedford Street, Plymouth, Devon.

FOX, Sir Charles Douglas, Kt., J.P., Past Pres. Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Head of Firm, Sir Douglas Fox and Partners, Cons. Engrs.; b. 1840; s. of Sir Charles Fox, Kt. Ed. Cholmondeley School, Highgate, and King's College School and King's College Fellow of King's College Has been Cons. Engr. for numerous works during a period of 60 years. Addresses: 38, Bedford Place, W.C.i, and 27, Campden House Road, Kensington, W.8.

FOX, Sir Douglas and Partners, Cons. Civil Engrs., 38, Bedford Place, Russell Square, London, W.C.I. T. A.: " Traction, West-Cent, London." T. N.: Museum 594o. Partners: Sir Douglas Fox, K.B., J.P., P. Pres. Inst. C.E., M.I.M.E., M.I.E.E., Hon. M.A.S.C.E., Hon. M.A.S.M.E.; Francis Douglas Fox, J.P., M.Inst.C.E.; Ralph Freeman, M.Inst.C.E.; Bertram Douglas Fox, M.A.I.E.E. Firm est., 1851. Cons. Engrs. to many Railway. and other Cos.:—Aluminium Corporation, Ltd. (Hydro-Electric Works in N. Wales); Beira Railway. Co., Portuguese Mozambique; Benguella Railway. Co., Portuguese Angola; British S. Af. Chartered Co.; Central Argentine Railway. Co.; Dorada Railway. Co., U.S. of Colombia; Rhodesia Railways., Ltd.; Mashonaland Railway. Co.; Southern Sao Paulo Railway. Co.; Shire Highlands Railway. Co., Nyasaland; Trans-Zambesia Railway. Co., Portuguese Mozambique, etc., etc. War Services.—The Firm were employed by the Admiralty, and by the Furness Shipbuilding Co. of Middlesbrough, on the design of Cordite Factories and of Wharves and Slips for Standard Ships.

FOX, Sir Francis, M.Inst.C.E., Hon.A. R.I.B.A., Cons. Engr.; Partner in Firm, Sir Douglas Fox and Partners; s. of late Sir Charles Fox. Appointed by the Fed. Govt. of Switzerland, on the nom. of Brit. Govt., Member of Ctee. of three Experts on Tunnelling for the Construction of the Simplon Tunnel. Publ.: " River, Road and Rail," " The Mersey Tunnel," " The Simplon Tunnel," " The Cape and Cairo Railway.," " The Saving of Winchester Cathedral," etc. Address: 38, Bedford Place, W.C.I, and Alyn Bank, The Downs, Wimbledon, S.W.f 9.

FOX, Francis Douglas, J.P. (Co. of London), M.A. (Cantab.), F.R.0 M.Inst.C.E., Cons. Civil Engr.; Partner in the Firm of Sir Douglas Fox and Partners, Cons. Civil Engrs.; b. 1868; s. of Sir (Charles) Douglas Fox, P.-Pres. Inst.C.E.; grandson of the late Sir Charles Fox, M.Inst.C.E. (designed and constructed the 1851 Exhibition Buildings in Hyde Park). Ed. Temple Grove School, Harrow; Trinity College, Cambridge. Training: Cambridge, and on Eng. Works in England and Abroad. Career: App. to Sir Douglas Fox and Sir Francis Fox, Civil Engrs., and under C. A. Rowlandson, M.Inst.C.E., Res. Engr. to the above Firm; acted as Eng. Asst. on the construction of Liverpool, St. Helens and Sth. Lancs. Railway., Mersey Tunnel Railway., Liverpool Overhead Electric Railway., Snowdon Mountain Railway.; in charge of 14o miles of surveys, Haifa-Damascus Railway., Syria; made valuation of Private Railway. in Peru, Penco to Tome, for sale to the Peruvian Govt.; reported on Railway. Schemes in Chili and California, Stockton to Los Angeles; from 1894-97 Res. Engr., Brackley Section, G.C. Railway. Extension to London; 1895 —Made a Partner in Firm of Sir Douglas Fox and Partners, engaged on Works of the Firm, including the following Railways.: Cardiff, for the Marquis of Bute; Neath, Pontadawe and Brynammon; Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Tube; Great Northern and City Tube; Cape Government; Rhodesia (Cape to Cairo Route); Beira and Mashonaland; Shire Highlands (Nyasaland); Benguella, Portuguese Angola; Trans-Zambesia, Portuguese Mozambique; Central Argentine; Chili Longitudinal; Chimbote 4 "2 Peru; has visited, on business, South Af., Rhodesia, Portuguese Mozambique, Portuguese Angola, Egypt, Algeria, Syria, Palestine, Turkey, Russia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Sicily, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway and Sweden, North and South Amer., and Jamaica. Contributed several Tech. Papers to the Inst. of Civil Engrs. Clubs: Royal Automobile, Beaconsfield Golf. Address: Office-38, Bedford Place, Russell Square, W.C.I.; Home-19, Kensington Square, W.8. T. A.: " Traction, London." T. N.: Office-594o Museum; Home-1o74 Western. FOX, William, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., Mech. Engr., Manchester Ship Canal Co., 41, Spring Gardens, Manchester.

FRANCIS, O. Francis, M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr. and Tramways Manager, Kirkcaldy Corporation Address: Burgh Electricity Works, Victoria Road, Kirkcaldy.

FRANK, R. A., Captain, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Chief Engineer, The British Cotton and Wool Dyers' Association, Ltd. Head Office, 22, Cumberland Street, Manchester. T. A.: " Capt. Frank, Cobra, Manchester." T. N.: 3884-8 Central, Manchester. Ed. at Leeds University and Yorkshire College. Career: Extending over 25 years; motor-cars, steam engines, cranes, gas, oil and petrol engines and general, at Longclose Ironworks, Leeds (Chief Tester on Test Beds); high-speed steam engines, traction engines and boiler work, J. and H. McLaren's, Leeds; direct current, alternating current, electro-mobiles (Chief Draughtsman), T. Harding Churton and Co., Leeds; electric direct-coupled sets (Designer), Siemens, Stafford; Inspecting Engineer, The Bradford Dyers' Association, Ltd.; Chief Engineer, The British Cotton and Wool Dyers' Association, Ltd., Manchester, since 1909. Club: Engineers', Albert Square, Manchester. War Services.—Four and a half years. Enlisted 1914. Was Brigade Machine Gun Officer. Volunteered Tank Corps (then H.B. Machine Gun Corps). Returned from France to civil employ, March, 1919. As Captain, Tank Corps. Retired and granted rank of Captain, April, 1921.

FRANKLAND, Percy Faraday, Ph.D., LL.D., D.Sc., C.B.E., F.R.S., J.P., Emeritus Prof. of Chemistry in the University of Birmingham; b. 1858; s. of Sir Edward Frankland, K.C.B., F.R.S. Ed. University College School, London. Training: Royal School of Mines, London, and University of Wilrzburg. Career: Prof. of Chemistry at University College, Dundee, Mason College, Birmingham, and in the University of Birmingham from its foundation in Iwo-18; P.-Pres. of the Chemical Soc. and of the Inst. of Chemistry of G.B. and I.; P. Vice-Pres. of the R.S. Numerous Papers in the Transactions of the Chemical Soc., Soc. of Chemical Industry, R.S., Inst. of C.E., S.A., etc.; The Chemistry and Bacteriology of Water Supply and Sewage Disposal. Publ.: Subjects include " Micro-organisms in Water (Longmans, 1894), etc. Address: House of Letterawe, Loch Awe, Argyll, N.B. T. A.: 4`Frankland, Loch Awe." FRANKS, Walter John Joseph, M.Inst.M.M., Partner in Daniel C. Griffith and Co., Assayers to the Bank of England, Metallurgists, Tech. Experts in Non-Ferrous Ores and Metals; b. 1872. Ed. Privately. Many years Manager to Daniel C. Griffith and Co. before becoming Partner. Address: 788, Id Victoria Avenue, Bishopsgate, E.C.2. T. A.: " Gryffydd, London." T. N.: 3000 Central, 2434 City.

FRASER, James, C.M.G., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Railway. Commissioner, Bridge Street, Sydney, N.S.W.

FRASER, James, M.Inst.C.E., M.R.San.I., Consulting Engineer (Harbour Works, Water Supply, Water Power, Sewerage, etc.), Engineer to Inverness Harbour Trustees, io6, Castle Street, Inverness. T. A.: "Fraser, C.E., Inverness." T. N.: 237, Inverness. First training with late George G. Mackay, C.E., Inverness; thereafter with the late Joseph Mitchell, M.Inst.C.E., in Railway Engineering. Was elected Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. in 1873, and elected M.Inst.C.E. in 1883. Engineer for the Inverness Harbour Trustees since 1882, and carried out various improvements in the Harbour; Consulting Engineer for the Town Council since 1882, and since then carried out improvements on the Waterworks at a cost of i 8,000. Reported to the Inverness Town Council on Water Power and other matters. Carried out various works in the Counties of Inverness, Nairn, Elgin, Ross, Cromarty, Sutherland and Caithness.

FRASER, Kenneth, M.N.E.C.Inst., M.Inst.Met., Assoc.Amer.S.N.E., Man. Dir.., The Yorkshire Copper Works, Ltd., Leeds; b. 1874. Ed: Stockton. Member British Eng. Standards Assoc. Address: " St. Hilda's," North Cliff, Scarborough. T. N.: Scarborough 58.

FRASER, Samuel Edger, M.I.Mech.E., Chief Engr., Broken Hill Associated Smelters Propy., Port Pixie, S. Australia.

FRASER, William Alexander, M.Inst.C.E., Engr.-in-Chief, N.B. Railway. Co.; b. 1875; s. of James Fraser, Inverness. Ed. Raining's School, Inverness. Training: Glasgow and West of Scotland Tech. College App. with Burgh Engr., Inverness; joined Caledonian Railway., 1897; in 1903 Asst. Engr., N.B. Railway., and Chief Asst. in charge of New Works four years later; in 1909 was promoted District Engr. in charge of the Northern Division; Engr.-in-Chief since 1911. Address: 23, Waterloo Place, Edinburgh. T. A.: "Fraser, British Railway." T. N. Central 7784.

FRAZER, Ian R., B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer (Railway), 9, Nelson Street, Edinburgh; b. 1893; s. of W. M. Frazer, A.R.S.A. Ed. Royal High School; Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh; University, Edinburgh. Assistant Engineer, Caledonian Railway., Edinburgh. War Services.—R.E., Lowland Divisional Engrs. (T.), at Gallipoli and Egypt, 1915-6; Capt. Railway. Operating Div., R.E., Egypt; District Engr., Palestine Military Railway. at Ludd, Palestine, 1917-9.

FRECH, S. Alfred, M.Inst.C.E., Cons. Civil Engr.; b. 1869. Ed. College and University of Geneva (Switzerland). Career: Pupil of Jas. M. Dobson (Hawkshaw and Dobson); ten years on Staff of Sir John Hawkshaw, Son and Hayter (later Hawkshaw, Hayter and Dobson), at Buenos Aires, on construction of Harbour; five years Res. Engr., Newport, Mon., on Construction of Tredegar Dry Dock, etc.; three years Res. Engr., Royal Victoria and Albert Docks; 1917-19—Tech. Asst. Engr. at the Admiralty (and Ministry of Shipping), in Department of the Controller-General of Merchant Shipbuilding, in charge of South-West and S. Wales District in connection with extensions to Shipyards, Dry Docks, etc. In private practice as Cons. Engr. to various Cos. in England and South Wales in connection with Docks, Dry Docks, River and Inland Navigation Works, etc. Address: Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.'. T. A.: " Salfrech, Vic., London." T. N.: Victoria 6o.

FRECHEVILLE, Robert James, A.R.S.M., M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M.M., Cons. Engr. (Min.); b. 1847; s. of R. R. Frecheville. Ed. King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia. Training: Royal School of Mines, London. Career: In various capacities at Gold Mines in Nova Scotia, 1869-71; Surveyor and Assayer, Silver Mines, Nevada, U.S., 1872-73; Min. Engr. to the Japanese Govt., 1873-77; inspected and reported on Mines in Spain, the United States and Venezuela, 1877-8o; acted as H.M. Inspector of Mines for Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, etc., 188o-86; resumed Private Practice as Cons. Engr., and has advised concerning the development and exploitation of Mines in the United States, South Af., Australia, Mexico, etc., making frequent visits to these countries. A Member of the Bd. of Directors of some important Min. and Finance Cos. Clubs: R.A.C., Ranelagh (Barnes), Min. and Metallurgical. Address: 544, Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C.2. T. A.: Sucinto, London." T. N.: Central 6968.

FRECHEVILLE, William, A.R.S.M., Cons. Min. Engr.; b. 1854. Ed. and Training: Tech. School at Berlin, and Royal School of Mines, London. P. Pres., Inst. of Min. and Met., London; Emeritus Prof. of Min. at the Royal School of Mines, South Kensington. Engaged in Min. work abroad from 1875-89; since 1889, Cons. Engr. in London, and in connection with this work has visited many foreign countries; 1912-19—occupied chair of Min., Royal School of Mines. Publ.: Several papers in the Transactions of Inst. M. and M.,' London. Club: Automobile. Address: 35, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Frecharia, London." T. N.: Central 6128.

FREEMAN, Frank Richard, Captain, B.Sc. (Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.C.G.I., Civil Engineer, 56, Moorgate Street, E.C.; b. 1890; s. of G. J. Freeman. Ed. Central Technical College, Kensington, University of London. With Sir Douglas Fox and Partners till 1916; Air Ministry (Works Department), 1916-18; Ministry of Munitions, Resident Engineer, H.M. Tank Factory, Chateauroux, France, 1918; now with Sir Douglas Fox and Partners. Club: Royal Air Force. War Services.—Joined R.N.D. as private, 1914; invalided out 1914; R.F.C., 1916-9. Rank, Captain.

FREEMAN, John Garney, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Dock and Harbour Engineer, 53, Lee Park, Blackheath, S.E.3. T. N.: Avenue 5515 Lee Green 143. b. 1879. Ed. Privately. Articled to R. E. Wilson, M.Inst.C.E., engaged on Railway, Dock, Harbour, Waterworks Schemes in drawing office and on the works. Twelve months as Assistant in electric lighting works, North London; 7 years as Assistant Engineer at Head Offices of the late London and India Dock Co., in designing and carrying out building and dock works generally; 3 years as Assistant Engineer and Acting Resident Engineer at the various docks, in charge of maintenance and new works and alterations; io years as Resident Engineer, London Docks, in charge of maintenance, new works and alterations on a large scale. Chief Works: Cold storage installations, brick and ferro-concrete sheds and warehouses, drainage works, installing swing and fixed bridges, pumps, engines, boilers, pierheads and jetties, controlling the maintenance and working of a large Dock estate.

FREEMAN, Sterry Baines, C.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E., F.C.M.S., Mem. N.E.C.Inst., Supt. Engr., Alfred Holt and Co.; b. 1875; s. of Capt. Thomas W. Freeman. Ed. Merchant Taylors School, Crosby; Gymnasie, Luneburg, Hanover. Training: Bootle Tech. Schs App. Scott and Co., Greenock, 1st Class B.O.T. cert.; Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping; Manager,, Manchester Dry Docks Co.; Supt. Engr., Ocean S.S. Co. and China Mutual Navigation Co. Member Liverpool Eng. Soc.; Member British Mar. Eng. Design and Construction Ctee.; Member B.E.S.A.; Representative of the Director of the Board of Invention and Research on the Engr.-in-Chief's Ctee., Admiralty, 1917. Address: Palm Grove, Oxton,. Cheshire, and India Buildings, Liverpool.

FRENCH, Douglas Gordon, B.A., B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.Met., Metallurgist (Non-Ferrous), Florenceville, Grove Road, Sutton, Surrey. T. A.: "Grove Road, Sutton." T. N. Sutton 90. b. 1884. Ed. Dulwich College, 189719)3, Scholar in open competition; Emmanuel. College, Cambridge, 1903-6, Scholar in Mechanical Sciences. B.A. (Cantab.), First Class Hons. in Mechanical Sciences Tripos, 1906; B.Sc. (London), Second Class Honours in Engineering Degree Examination for External Students, 1907. Took a three years' Studentship course under the Donaldson Scheme at Woolwich Arsenal, 1906-9; and one year in the Works of the Birmingham Metal and Munitions Co., Ltd., as Improver, 1909-10. Spent 18 months as Assistant Foreman and Foreman in the Cartridge Shops and Rolling Mills of the Birmingham Metal and Munitions Co., Ltd., 1911-2. From February, 1912, to June, 1914, with the Birmingham Metal and Munitions Co., Ltd., as Superintendent of Foundry and Rolling Mills; June, 1914, till May, 1917, with. same firm as Works Superintendent; May, 1917, till. May, 1918, in the employ of Eley Brothers, Ltd.,. Edmonton, in charge of their Government Cartridge Factory No. 4, until the closure of this undertaking by order of the Minister of Munitions, following the Russian collapse; with Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., as Works Manager of their Government Cartridge Factory at Birtley, Co. Durham, to the end of war. Now Consulting Engineer in Non-Ferrous Metals.

FREUND, John James, Capt., M.Inst.M.M., M. Min. and Geolog. Inst. of India, Min. Eng..; b. 1886; s. of John Freund. Ed. Nottingham. Training: Camborne School of Mines. 1st Class Cert. 1905, Bronze Medal B.O.T. City and Guilds. Career. Engr.-in-charge of various Manganese Ore Mines, Central and Southern India; Capt., Royal Engineers (Tunnelling Co.) during the War. Address: 22, Harrington Drive, Nottingham. T. N.: Soto Nottingham.

FRIPP, Steuart, M.I.Mech.E., Locomotive Construction Engineer, Tongshan, North China; also c/o A. N. Stephenson, S.S.C., Edinburgh; s. of Steuart Fripp, Clifton, Bristol. Ed. Marlborough College. Kitson and Co., Leeds. Locomotive Engineer on Barsi Light Railway, India, 1898-190o; Natal and Nova Cruz Railway, and Great Western of Brazil Railway, I90o-10; Chinese Government Railways, from 1910.

FROOD, George Edward Bell, M.Inst.M.M., Deputy Inspector of Mines, Bloemfontein, Orange River Colony.

FRY, Herbert D., Lt. R.E., A.M.I.A.E., A.I.N.A., Mech. Engr.; Chief Draughtsman, Tank Workshops; b. 1894; s. of W. H. Fry. Ed. Cirencester Grammar School; New College, Herne Bay. Training: John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.; Hartley College, Southampton. Career: Chief Instructor, Senior Officers' Mech. School, H.Q. Tank Corps, B.E.F., France; Asst. Works Manager, Tank Workshops. Address: The Cottage, East Knighton, Winfrith, Dorset.

FRY, John Horace, F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., M.Inst. Met., Metallurgist; Founder and Head of Fry's Metal Foundry, Blackfriars, branches at Manchester, Bristol, Dublin and Glasgow; b. 1876; s. of Thomas H. Fry, late of Hallett and Fry, Rotherhithe. Ed. Eastbourne College Training: Goldsmith's College and Northampton Inst. Career: Pupil, then Asst., Hallett and Fry, Antimony Smelters and Refiners, Rotherhithe, 1894-1912; Member of Metal Exchange and London Chamber of Commerce; served in South Af. Campaign in Sussex Yeomanry. Clubs: R.A.C., Public Schs. Address: 1, Clarence Terrace, Regents Park, N.W.i, and Fry's Metal Foundry, Holland Street, Blackfriars, S.E.I. T. A.: " Frymetalos, Friars, London." T. N.: Paddington 3013, Hop. 472o.

FRY, Raymond Fitzgibbon, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Greystones, Co. Wicklow; b. 1881; s. of William Storrs Fry, of Woodford, Essex; m. Amy Neville Banks, of Dublin. Ed. City and Guilds Technical Institute, London. Premium pupil of Leonard Andrews, M.I.E.E., 1898-1900. 1901 — Charge of shift in testing laboratory, Electrical Power Storage Co., Millwall; Testroom Assistant, Brockie-Pell Arc Lamp Co., Ltd., London. 1901-7 — Engineering staff of the Gilbert Arc Lamp Co., Ltd., Chingford. 1907 — Chief Assistant Engineer, Irish International Exhibition, Dublin. 1907-9 — Chief Assistant (Dublin Branch), William Coates and Son, Ltd., Dublin. 1909-18 — Chief Engineer and Secretary, Greystones Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd. 1918-9 — Pilot Officer, R.A.F. (in Air Construction Service), Electrical Officer for Ireland. Chief Works: Scheme of plant, mains and layout of undertaking for Greystones Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd. War Services — Pilot Officer, R.A.F., attached Headquarters Air Construction Service, North Eastern Area, England.

FRYAR, Mark, Min. Engr., Denby Colliery, Derby.

FULCHER, Ernest William Popplewell, M.B.E., A.M.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Municipality, Singapore; b. 1884; m. 1915. Ed. at Victoria College, Jersey, C.I. Trained at Faraday House, London; Bellis and Morcom; and Charing Cross and Strand Corporation; commence 1900. The Assistant Municipal Electrical Engineer, Singapore, from 1906 to present date; left Singapore early in 1915 to join H.M. Forces. War Services.—Commission, Norfolk Regiment, Special Reserve, June, 1915; was seconded Signal Services in August, 1915; went to France, end of 1915; thence to Egypt. Went to Mesopotamia, 1917, and was Commandant, Advanced Signal Park, Bagdad, until April, 1919. During Afghanistan Campaign, 1919, was sent to form Signal Park at Rawal Pindi, India. Was awarded Military M.B.E. for services in Mesopotamia. Left for demobilization, September, 1919.

FULLER, Arthur John, M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Fulham Borough Council, 32, Parsons Green, Fulham, London, S.W.

FULTON, Norman Osborne, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., Motor Car Engineer, Albion Motor Ca,r Co., Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow. T. A.: " Automobile, Glasgow." T. N.: Western 365o. b. 1872. Ed. Allan Glen's Institution and Andersonian College, Glasgow. Served apprenticeship to Mechanical Engineering with Kesson and Campbell, Parkhead, Glasgow. Experience in various branches of Mechanical Engineering. Has taken an active part in the development of Automobile Engineering since its introduction to this country. Has been a Managing Director with the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., since its inception. Member, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Clubs: New, Royal Scottish Automobile (Glasgow). War Services.— As Managing Director to the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., took an active part in turning out transport wagons for the War Department. Also shells for the Ministry of Munitions. These involved reorganization of the whole works and the addition of large extensions to meet the demand.

FUNNELL, Albert J., M.I.Mar.E., Supt. Mar. Engr. to the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway., Newhaven. Address: The Downs, Bishopstone, Sussex.

FURNESS, Charles, M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr. and Tramways Manager, Blackpool Corporation, Brook House, Warley Road, Blackpool.

FYFE, Charles F. A., M.I.N.A., Supt. Mar. Engr. to Booth Steamship Co., Ltd., Cunard Bldgs., Liverpool. Address: 20, Southwood Road, St. Michaels, Liverpool.

See Also


Sources of Information