1906 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar 1906 Jul-Dec Index - Volume 17
- A 6 h.p. Car (letter), 245
- Abbott, R. Dunbar (letter), 537
- Abell, W. Price (letter), 479
- A. B. K. (query), 106
- A B 24 (letters), 97, 852
- Academy T.T. Car, 366 (illustration), 400
- A. C. B. (letter), 137
- Accelerometer, Lanchester, 840, 862, 872
- Accessibility, Clement-Talbot Cars, 266
- — Napier Cars, 52
- — Points for, 240
- Accessories, Fitting to a Car, 39
- — Paris Motor Show, 920
- Accident, Morals from an, 100
- — to Duke of Connaught, 231
- — T. H. Woollen’s, 353
- Accidents and Lighting of Vehicles, 419, 420
- — Horse. Tramway, and Motor, 119, 463
- — Motor Car, 454, 455, 486, 518, 562, 730, 789, 969
- — Motoring v. Boating, a Comparison, 207
- Steering Gears, 175, 244, 276, 347, 418, 554
- Accumulator, Castle Hydrometer, 933
- Accumulators, Apparently Exhausted, 75
- — Charging, 603, 641, 942
- — Dry Batteries and Rejuvenating, 3
- — To Clean, 105
- A.C. Drivers’ Examinations, 420
- Acetylene Gas Generator, Ross Patent, 610
- Acetylene Lamp, Sun, 47
- — Lamps, Copper in, 254
- — Searchlight, Hella, 968
- A.C.G.B.I. and Steam Rollers, 851
- — Constitution of, 23, 98, 133, 633
- — Fees for Long Distance Trials, 185
- — Founder Members’ Dinner, 941
- — Offer to Manxland Declined, 861, 957
- A. C. L. C. (reply), 288
- A. C. of France and Speed Events, 48
- — Rating for Petrol Engines, 714
- — Mechanical Proficiency Certificate, 312, 346, 379, 479, 520, 958
- Active Parachute (letter), 100
- Adam, John (letter), 279
- Adams, A. H. (letter), 814
- — Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (letter), 381
- Adams-Hewitt Car, 454, 543
- — Dr. Brodcriff’s (illustration), 620
- — 10 h.p. (illustration), 56
- — CoupS, 10 h.n. (illustration), 318
- — Landaulet (illustration), 157
- Ader, M., Claims to Aerial Flight. 445
- Adjustable Joints for Screens, 967
- Advertisements, Speed on the Road and, 92, 174, 208, 241
- Advertising Medium, Motor Vehicle as, 634
- Aerial Association, Proposed, 793, 796, 813, 832
- — Flight, French Military Airship (illustration), 953
- Aero Club, 790
- — Gordon-Bennett Race, 492, 493
- — (letter), 812
- — Motocyclette, M. Archdeacon’s, 408
- Aeromoter (letter), 813
- Aeronautical Notes, by E. Caesar Hawkins. 22, 58, 89, 125, 177
- — Society of Great Britain, 901
- Aeronautics, 100
- Aeroplane, M. Bellamy’s Experiments with, 941
- A. G. (query), 529
- Agriculture, Alcohol and. 37, 97
- Agricultural Motors, Ivel, 675
- A. H. E. (reply), 426
- A. H. H. R. (letter). 344
- AH 290 (query), 902
- Aid to Easy Access, 161
- Air-cooling in the Antipodes, 450
- — Petrol Engines, 343, 379, 418, 450, 554
- - Problem of, 292, 340, 374. 411
- Air Pine to Carburetter, Water in, 223
- — Tubes, 146
- Airship, M. Deutsch de la Meurthe’s (illustration). 622
- Albert Brown Trophy (illustration), 180
- Albion 24 h.p. Car. 201
- — Run on, I 78
- — Cars in Scottish Reliability Trials (illustration), 47
- Alcohol and Agriculture, 37, 97
- — War, 73
- Alcohol as Fuel, United States, 255
- — Motor Fuel, 346, 592, 717
- — Industrial, Report of Committee, 296, 324
- — (letter), 346
- — Research, Proposed Society of, 310
- A 7103 (letter), 98
- A. (letter), 312
- Algeria, Touring in, 195
- Allan, Sir Montagu, on Napier Car, 254
- Alldays Car, 10 h.p., A Run on, 125
- — 10 h.p. Car (illustration), 134
- Allen Steering Control, 845
- A. L. (letter), 852
- Also an Old Motorist (letter), 312
- Aluminium, Cement for, 814
- Amateur and Second-hand Car, 908
- — Inventors, 971
- — (letter), 279
- — Mechanic (letter), 892
- Ambulance, Motor, for Glasgow, 333
- Amenity (letter), 479
- American (query), 641
- America, Run Across, L. L. Whitman’s, 618, 808
- — Winter Motoring in, 935
- A. M. (letter), 173
- Amperage, 641, 937
- Andalucia, Motoring in, 728
- Anniversary—Ten Years, and After, 715
- Anon (letter), 624
- Another (letter), 312
- — Physician (letter), 626
- A N 409 (reply), 530
- Antipodes, Air-cooling in the, 450
- Anti-taxation Petitions to Parliament, 394, 427, 461, 495, 499, 514
- Antoinette 35-40 h.p. Engine, 720
- — Motor Boat Engine, 24-cylinder (illustration), 899
- “ Antoinette VI.,” French Racing Boat (illustration) 338*’
- An Unfortunate (letters), 381. 718
- A O 449 (reply), 792
- A P 985 (letter), 853
- Appeal Cases, 823
- A. (query), 322
- Ardennes Circuit, 28, 48, 163, 310
- — (illustrations), 267, 282, 283
- — Race, Report of, 233
- — Race, Tyres in the (illustrations), 265
- A 128 (reply), 902
- Argentine Driving Licenses, 547
- Argyll Ambulance Waggon, 333
- — Car in New Zealand (illustration), 593
- — Cars (illustrations), 353, 525
- — 26 h.p., H. G. Watney’s(illustration), 420
- — Motor Cab, Drive of, 214, 230
- — Motors, Ltd. (letter), 309
- — Tourist Trophy Car. 335
- — Works, Opening of (illustrations), 16, 17
- Argylls and Stirling Commercial Motors, Ltd, 455
- Ariel-Simplex Cars (illustration), 5
- Army Motor Reserve, 226, 561, 562
- Arnott, Ernest (letters), 172, 173
- Arrol-Johnston T.T. Car, 404
- — Round the Course on, 399
- — Cars, 460
- — 12-15 h.p. Car (illustration), 318
- — Car (illustration), 823
- Arundel, Hubert (letter), 175
- Ash, Alf. E. (letter), 207
- As Others See Us, 90, 145, 212, 246. 297, 350, 525, 931
- Assault Case at Oxford, 864
- Aston Hill-climb, 27, 62, 103, 174, 21J (illustrations), 27, 28
- Atchley, E. H. (letters), 715, 812
- Atkey, A. R. (letter), 277
- Attention to Details, 895, 958
- Austin Car, from Le Mans to Dieppe. 14
- — Cars, Description of, 661
- — 25 h.p. Car (illustrations), 181, 905]
- — 25-30 h.p. Gear-driven Car, 617 |
- — Stanley (query), 220 Australia A.C., 527
- — Motoring in, 924
- Australian Reliability Contests, 185
- Austrian A.C. Hill-climb, Schottwien-Semmering. 94
- “ Autocar Handbook,” Review, 602
- ” Autocar; The,” Map for Motorists, 849
- Autocars and Dust Raising, 120
- — of 1907, 567,
- — and Sup. to Nov. 17th’1
- — Record of Motor Vehicles, 645, 685, 711
- — “ Auto ” Cup, 351
- Automobile Association Badge, 938
- — Car (illustration), 250
- — Christmas Arrangements, 926
- — Cyclist Patrols, 179, 181, 250
- — Press Demonstration, 67
- — Usefulness of, 732
- — Mechanic-drivers, Society of, 79
- “ Automobile Calendar and Pocket Book,” Review, 728
- Automobilists in Competition and at Play (illustrations), 19
- Autumn Continental Trials, 510
- Auvergne Cup, 272, 306, 372
- Auxiliary Air Inlet, Bowden Patent, 929
- A. V. R. (query), 641
- Ayton Contact Maker, Description of, 206
- — R. W. (letters), 516, 586
- Baby Friswell Car (illustration), 140
- Back Axle Strains, 146
- Bailey, H. C. (letter), 587
- Baily, Fredk. W. (letter), 59
- Ballance Tyre Cut Stretcher, 305
- Ball Bearings, 277, 322
- — — with Distance Springs, 241, 626
- Balloting for the Paris Salon, 622
- Bank Holiday Traffic, 187
- Bankmanager (letter), 243
- Barker, T. (letter), 175
- Barna Hill (letter), 278
- Barreto (letter), 133
- Barr, Robt. L. (letter), 814
- Barry, David J. (letter), 310
- Bartley, Stanhone (letter), 277
- Barton, Claude (letter), 135
- Bath, Motor Union Meeting at, 70, 117, 321
- Battery Troubles, 359
- Beeston Humber Car, with Stepney Spare
- Wheels (illustration), 455
- Belgian A.C. and International Cup, 127, 162
- — Reliability Trials (illustration), 126, 162, 163
- Bellamy, M., Experiments with Aeroplane, 941
- Bell Combined Starting Handle and Tyre Pump, 184
- Belsize Cars at Scarborough (illustration). 436
- Thermo-syuhon Cooling of, 675
- — 60 h.p. Six-cylinder (illustration), 935
- Benzolene, Running on, 717
- Bennett, J. G. (letter), 683
- — J. W. (letter). 447
- Bennis. Alfred W. (letter), 449
- Bentall Cars, Description of, 856
- Benwell Tyre, 564
- Berkshire A.C., 251
- Berliet T.T. Car, 364
- B. G. B. (letter), 447 B H 584 (query), 603
- Bianchi Cars, Details of the, 954
- — 30-40 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 970
- Bickford, J. S. V. (letter), 814
- Bill of Parliament, Proposed, Taxation of Cars, 330, 357, 377, 381, 393, 463, 495 Binks, C. (letter), 926
- Bioscope, Motor Car for, 934
- Birdlip Hill-climb (illustrations). 35
- Birmingham Motor Car Procession, 38. 51
- Bishop, H. L. (letter)- 926
- — L. T. (letter), 60
- B J 72 (reulv), 902 BK 216 (letter), 20"
- B K 21 (reply), 460 Blackburn, A. (renly), 220
- Blackheath A.C., 70, 143
- Blackpool Race Meeting, 487, 501, 533. 555, 596
- — (illustration), 595
- Blaud, H. (letter), 451
- Blount, Bertram (letters), 211. 310
- Blue Peter (reply), 254
- B. M. H. (query), 460
- Board of Trade Returns, Automobiles and Boat, Motor, New Form of. 331
- — Trial. Long Distance, 282
- Boats, Motor, 307
- Boating, Motor, in Rough Sea. 261
- Bodies, Paris Show, 919
- Body Length, Wheelbase and. 332
- — Novel Typo of (illustrations). 71f»
- Bolton, Francis A. (letter), 733
- Boots (reply). 220
- Border Motorists, 514
- Boron Cells. 14 6, 220. 603, 792
- Boulogno-sur-Mer Meeting, 126
- Bourdon, Marcus W., Hints and Tips, by, 1 15, 149. 189, 291, 532, 569, 607, 669. 687, 723, 868
- Bournemouth A.C., 34
- Bowden Auxiliary Air Inlet, 929
- — Harold (letter), 309
- Bradford A.C., 143
- — William H., Article by, 441
- Brakenridge, H. P. G. (letter), 448'
- Brake Trials in Germany, 846
- Brakes, Expanding, 795
- - Front Wheel, 253, 440, 515
- — Paris Salon, 888
- Brasier Car in Circuit des Ardennes, 272
- Brescia Circuit, 127
- Brett, C. W. (letter), 627
- Brewer, Robt. W. A. (letters), 243, 344, 893, 938
- Bristol and Gloucester A.C., 34, 70
- Britannicus (letters), 589, 923
- British and Foreign Motor Trade, 816, 855
- French Cars, 921 ^5
- — Cars, 589, 626, 715, 815, 923
- — in the Coupe du Matin Race, 338
- — v. Foreign Cars, 957
- — Motor Boat Club, 71. 107, 217, 321, 355, 392, 424, 494, 638, 828, 972
- — — SDirit, 319 ’
- Brook, E. J. (letter), 346
- Brooke Motor Boats (illustration), 352^
- Brooklands Automobile Racing Club, 916
- Brotherhood Car (illustration), 562
- Brown, A. (letter), 312
- Brown Car, F. P. Stewart’s (illustration),*353
- — George T. A. (letter), 957
- — Harold H. (letter), 241
- — 40 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, Description of. 542
- Browning, Herbert B. (letter), 379
- Bruce, Harold (letter), 379
- Bruce-Porter, H. E. (letter), 585^ '
- Brunner, Max A. R., Articles by, 292, 340, 374. 411
- — (letter), 554 R
- Building Act, Motor Car Houses and the, 415, 447
- Buist, H. Massac, Articles by, 232, 262, r 326, 383
- — (letter), 25, 211
- Burberry’s Motor Puttee Slip-on, 3761'
- Burnham-on-Crouch, Panoramic Vmw of, 410
- Burns, Robert (letter), 4177
- Business Methods, Peculiar, 555^
- ’Bus, Motor, and Unreasoning Panic, 96
- Butler, B. (reply), 792 ?
- B W 250, Surrey (reply), 937, 938
- Cab Drive, Long. 230’’
- Cadillac 30 h.p. Car, 453
- — 26-30 h.p. Car, 800’
- — 9-10 h.n. (illustration), 29
- Cairns, T. Munro (letters), 623, 624 h
- Camberley (replv). 220
- Campbell, David (letter), 518
- — .T. C. L. (query), 254
- — Lloyd (letter), 344 |
- — Von Laurenty, S. E. (reply), 322
- Canning. Hon. Leopold, Tour by, 370, 442. 484
- — Leopold (query), 105 .
- Canterbury Cricket Week, Cars at,w239
- Cape Cart Hoods, 37
- — Hoods on Light Cars, 426
- Carbonic Acid Gas, Effect on Tyres, 896, 690
- Carburetter, Adapting the, 16
- — Altering a, 105 ’
- — Experiments, 519, 625, 893, 926
- — Fitting New, 106
- — for a Decauville Car, 792, 938
- — c alii a Surface, 460
- — Mercedes. Description of, 639
- — Ouerv, 1061
- — Trouble, 288
- — White and Poppe, Description of, 810
- — Xenio, 937
- Carburetters—Pari« Salon. 88O’*
- Cardan and Proneller-shaft Drive, 904
- Cardboard Models, Daimler Co., 250
- Cardiff M.C., 143. 424
- Carr. Isaac (nnerv), 937
- Cartoon – J. W. Orde, 456
- Castle Goggles, 102
- — Hydrometer Accumulator, 933
- Cawkwell Hill-climb. 108
- C', I). L. (letters). 207, 927
- C T) 158 (renlv), 460
- C, K. S, (letter). 136. 555
- Cement for Aluminium. 814
- C/*n • ComT»arafivp. of Paris Show, 95 6J
- — of Motor Cars, 83
- London Traffic, 82, 84
- Certificate, Automobile Club’s, 312, 346, 379, 479, 520
- Chain Bolt for Panhard Car, 196
- — Drive (query), 146 (letters), 627, 853, 960
- Chains, Care of, 325
- Chambre Syndicale de 1’Automobile and Racing, 584
- Change of Address, Notifying, 105)
- — Speed Gear, Johnston-Buddicom, Description of, 844
- — Gears at Paris Show, 917
- Charging Accumulators, 603, 641
- Charley, C. L. (letter), 483
- Chassis—Paris Show, 917
- Chauffeur (letter), 174 •
- Chauffeurs’ Commissions, 853
- — Status, 298, 344
- Chenard-Walcker 16-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 708’
- — Run on, 640
- — Car, Tests of, 849
- Cheshire Police, 207
- Children on the Roads, 518
- C. H. K. (reply), 603
- C. H. (letter), 208
- Choice of Reliable Car, 254, 3221
- — H. O. (letter), 815
- Christmas Number of “ The Autocar,” 643, 903
- Churchill, J. R. (letter), 61’
- C. I. C. (query), 529 -4^.
- Circuit des Ardennes, 28, 48, 232, 310' (illustrations), 282, 283 0
- Race, Report of, 232
- — de la Sarthe, Echoes of (illustrated), 46
- — du Littoral, 127
- — European, Postponement of, 210, 272 |
- Clarkson. A. (reply), 426
- Clay, Arthur J. (letter), 243
- Cleaning Motor Clothing, 220i
- Clement, 30-40 h.p. (letter). 65
- — T.T. Car. 405
- Clement-Bayard Six-cylmaer Racer, 373
- Clement-Talbot 15 h.D. Car. 702
- — 8 h.p. Car, J. E. Wills’s (illustration), 92
- — Cars in Hill-climbs, 373
- — Mr. Courtis’s (illustration), 428
- Clifford, Miss Camille, on Darracq Car (illustration), 863
- — T— (query), 460
- Climax Adjustable Universal Joint, 629
- — Metal to Metal Clutch, 577 Clincher Tyre Non-skid, 637
- — Tyres after Scottish Trials, 248 Club Competitions, 23, 59
- — Doings, 32, 70, 107, 142/182/217/251, 286, 320. 355. 389, 422, 458. 494. 526. 600, 638, 790, 828, 866. 936, 972
- Clutch Leathers, Material and Treatment, 968
- — (letter). 814 "" 3
- — Pedal Footrest, 376
- Clutches—Paris Salon, 887
- C. M. R. (query), 603
- C. M. F. (letter), 207
- Coachbuilder’s Awakening, 843^
- Cochrane, W. (letters), 628, 855^
- Cohen, A. E. (letter), 924
- Coil Testing, Hints on. 291
- Coleman, Frederic (letters), 628, 71
- Collier Tyres, 214"
- Wear of, 318
- Collin, C. (auerv). 146
- Collins. H. B. (letter), 136
- — H. (renly). 792
- Collings, H. H. (letter), 100
- Colonial (querv). 9021
- Combustion of Hydrocarbons. 685
- Commissions, Illicit. 483
- Competition Results, 625, 683, 715/733, 811
- Competitions, Unfairness in, 323, 381, 417. 451, 482, 518
- Complaint against Motor ’Buses, 684
- Connaught. Duke of. Accident to, 231
- Consideration for Motorists. 346
- Consistent, v of Punning, Daimler Cars, 377
- Constitution of the A.C.G.B.I., 23, 98, 133
- Contact Maker,. “ Avton,” Description of. 206
- Continental Managers for our Hotels, 633
- — Notes and News. 8, 48, 93, 126, 162, 199, 232, 272, 306, 337, 372, 406, 444, 492, 509, 549, 582, 621, 664, 707. 805. ” 846. 921
- — Races and Trials, 483
- — Road Obstrucion. 148
- — Roads. Good Run on. 176
- Contours of Car Bodies. 946
- Control of Motor Vehicles, 379
- — Paris Show, 917
- Cooke. Radford (letters), 311. 717
- — Stenson (letters), 174, 433, 926 in 15 h.p.
- — Darracq (illustration), 387
- Cook. IT. R. (letter). 732’
- — M. (letter). 25
- Cpop^ Frank (letter^ 893
- Cooper, C. H. (letter), 815
- — R. A. (letter), 382
- Copper in Acetylene Lamp, 254
- Corbit, B. D. (letter), 556
- Corner, Hawley (letter), 854
- Corners, Motorists and, 290, 325, 343
- Cornering (query), 529
- Corre Car, Compte d’Hespel’s (illustration), 248
- Correspondence, 23, 59, 97, 133, 17K 207, 241, 275. 309, 343, 379, 415,447, 479, 515,552,585,623, 682, 715, 731,811, RSI RQ2 057
- Corseted Tyre, McConechy’s, 483’, 556,’ 624, 734, 814, 958
- Cost of Upkeep, 242, 347, 381, 449, 718, 734, 814, 937, 941
- Courthope, F. (letter), 276 Cracked Plugs, 532
- Crippled Children’s Outing at Manchester. 2 33 71
- Crystal Palace A.C., 494, 527, 600
- Critchley, J. S., Article by, 6971 (letter), 717
- Crittall, V. G. (letter), 276 ^8
- Crombie, John O., Article by, 198
- Cross, J. L. (reply), 288
- Crossley Chassis (illustration), 720
- — Landaulet for Chili (illustration), 487
- Crump, Basil (letter), 589
- C. S. B. Car 4,000 Miles Trial, 544, 598' ’
- Customs Deposit and Insurance, 641’ '*
- Coventry Humber Car at Kingston-on-Thames (illustration), 104
- — Driving of, 603, 792, 865
- — Round T.T. Course on, 400, 401
- — 15 h.p. Car (illustration), 822
- — T.T. Car (illustration), 216
- — M.C., 33, 107, 1421
- C. W. F. S. (reply), 220
- C. W. W. (letter), 450
- Cyclists’ Touring Club, Policy, 419, 970
- Cylinder Encrustation. To Stop, 831
- Cylinders, Battle of, Club Certificate, 100. 138
- — Cleansing, 497
- — Cooling, by the Exhaust Gases, 228
- “ Daily News ” and Motorists, 134
- Daimler 28-36 h.p., 529
- — Car, with Simms Buffers (illustration), 139
- — Cars, Consistency of Running. 377 cf 1337 and 1907 (illustrations), 159
- — 28 h.p., Hill-climbing Feat, 387
- — Models at Olympia Show, 900
- — Motor Co. (letters), 628, 718
- — v. London Daimler, 112, 129
- — New Cars, 705
- — Steering Arrangement and Engine (illustration), 719
- Danger Signals, 310
- — to Motorists, New, 98
- Danish North Pole Exhibition Car (illustration), 31
- Dare, Zena, on Coventry Humber Car (illustration), 636
- Darracq, 20-32 h.p., 426
- — Car. Wagner’s (illustration), 604
- — Miss Camille Clifford on (illustration), 863
- — Cars, 26
- — T.T. Cars. 435
- — 200 h.p. Eight-cylinder, A. Lee Guinness’s (illustration), 93^
- — Experiences, 426
- — 10 h.p., Tour on, 870
- — Voiturette (illustration), 199^
- Davenport, P. (letter), 417
- Davies Bros, (letter), 448
- — J. M. (letter), 923
- Davis, Cyril G. (letter), 346
- Dawe, C. H. (letter), 587
- Dean, J. Percy (letters), 516, 552
- Deane, P. T. (letter), 894
- Deasy Car, Accident to (illustration), 486
- — (illustration), 273
- — Some Features of the, 546. 680
- — H. H. P. (letters), 481. 553. 586
- — T.T. Car 335
- Decauville Car, Carburetter for. 792, 933*
- — 12-16 h.n., Descrintion of. 76
- — Landaulet. Miss Connie Ediss’s (illustration), 388
- De Dietrich Ardennes Team (illustration). 319
- — Car. H. Lyndhurst Bruce’s (illustration). 354
- — Dion-Bouton Cars, Five (illustration). 283
- — Team in La Coupe du Matin (illustration), 188
- De Dion Car in Paris Show Trial (illustration), 881
- — Gear, 210
- — 24 h.p. Limousine Car (illustration), 931
- De Dietrich Motors, Particulars of, 257
- — Petrol Level Adjustment, 257|
- — Dions, Second-nano, 426, 4o0, 530
- — Freville, G. r. H. (letters), 8y2, 926
- — La Buire 15-20 h.p. Car (illustration), 179
- — 35-50 h.p. Car (illustration), 454
- Defries, Colin (letter), 556
- Delaunay-Belleville Car for Russia, 562, 596
- — (illustrations), 199, 863
- “ Demerara Argosy ' ana Motor Cars, 90
- Democratic Praise, 212
- Genial of a Rumour, 628
- Denny, A. (letter), 896
- Derby A.C. Hill-climb (illustration), 153
- — and District A.C., 70, 109, 183, 252, 494, 828
- Des Barres, A.~J. (letter), 417
- Design, Car Body, 946
- — in Car Bodies (illustrations), 203, 246
- — of Car Bodies, 481
- Radiators, 626
- Detachable Non-skids, 146, 220
- — Rims and Flanges, 2, 9, 13, 98, 175, 201, 240, 276, 513, 732
- — Grand Prix Race, 9, 13, 69
- — Spare Wheel, Stevenson, 240
- — Tyres-, 62, 133, 663, 865, 902, 937
- Detail in Napier Cars, 31
- Devon and Cornwall on 6 h.p. Car, 370, 442, 484
- Devonshire Hills, 480
- De Wilton, Ernest (letter), 347j 4
- Diagnosing Faults, Hints on, 532, 569, 607, ^669, 687, 723, 868
- — Solution of Problem, 868
- Differential Gears, 220j
- Direct Drive, 624, 734, 853, 926
- Disgusted (letters), 277, 450
- —- Trader (letter), 483
- Distance Springs, Ball Bearings ?with, 241
- Dixon, Sydney s. (letters), 380, 518
- Dixon's Metal to Metal Clutch, 577
- D 2432 (letters), 207, 310
- D 821 (letter), 814
- D. M. (letter), 97
- Doctors, Motor Cars for, 136, 586, 626, 812
- Dog Nuisance, 415
- Doncaster, Autocars at (illustration), 486
- Donkey Bridges and Inconsiderate Driving, 133
- Doolittle, Dr., Removable Rim, 668, 703
- D. O. (query), 254
- Dorset A.C., 34
- Double Landau, 50
- Dourdan Meeting, 582
- Dragoon (letter), 811
- Drake, B. M. (letter), 815
- Drew, W. Newton (letters), 554, 627
- Driver of K 1369 (letter), 893
- Drivers’ Certificates, Automobile Club, 139 —- Motor, 440
- Car, Education of, 838
- — Names, Demanding, 106
- — Training of, 99, 176, 309, 344, 379, 483, 554, 668
- — Uniform for, 587
- Driving and Water Circulation, 105, 146
- — Car Minus Back Wheel, 851
- — Cost for 23,400 Miles, 941
- — Inconsiderate, 97, 133, 207, 347, 450
- — Licenses, Argentine Republic, 547
- — Round Curves, 290, 325 .
- Dry Batteries and Accumulators, Rejuvenating, 3
- Duccelier Generator (1907), 932
- Duchemin, A. J. (letter), 923
- Duckham, A. (letters), 245, 588 (reply), 641 ? .
- Duke of Connaught’s Accident, 219
- Dumbell, J. Burns (letter), 482
- Duncan, H. O., Article by, 502
- Duncuff Non-skid Attachment, 965
- Dunhill’s Acetylene Headlight for Repair (illustration), 155
- Dunlop Balloon at Tourist Trophy Race, 510
- — Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd. (letter), 482
- — Tyres, 529, 603
- Dunn, Thomas (letter), 816
- Duplex Acetylene Headlight, 598
- Du Pre Challenge Cup, 183, 321
- Durandal Non-skids, 288, 322
- Duryea Motor Co., 636
- Dust at the Olympia Show, 814
- — Nuisance, Roads and, 250, 290, 378, 380, 416, 479
- — Preventive, New, 378 .
- — Question, Discussion at Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 56o
- — Raising, Autocars and, 120, 220, 24 7, 309, 482, 515
- — Screen, Novel, 26
- Dustier, Roads Association, 215, 278, 313, 380, 416
- Dustroy, Ltd. (Jotter), 380
- Dynamo Troubles, 4 26, 4 60, 630
- Eagleton, JL. O. (letter)J382
- Eastmead, Frederic (letters), 852, 924, 957
- East Surrey A.C., 828
- E. C. (letter), 450
- Edge, S. F. (letters), 23, 60, 101, 176, 244, 381, 624, 683, 812, 814, 853, 924, 958, 960
- Edinburgh Motoring Club Hill-climb, 107
- Edmunds, Henry, Hill-climb, 88
A. * I.C. High Tension Distributer, 5i ' B. * Eisemann High Tension Magneto, 254, 288
- E. J. E. (letter), 479
- “ Elastes ” for Pneumatic Tyres, 59»
- — Trial of, 916, 969 '
- Electric Ignition, 209, 242, 278
- — Motor Horn, Wagner, 378
- — Tramways, Dangerous, 354
- — Wire Explosion, 489. 497
- E. (letter), 624
- Elopement, Motor Car and, 215
- Elwes, H. J. (query), 254
- Emancipation Day, Celebration of, 279, 285, 496, 559, 644 Nov. 14th, 1896, 694, 700
- E. M. S. (letter), 625
- End to End and Back Again, Sunbeam
- Enfield 15 h.p. Car, 545
- — 20-30 h.p. Car (illustration), 134
- Engine, Noises in, 497
- — Otto Cycle, Converted, 962
- — Paraffin, Parsons Motor Co., 566J
- — Rating, 308
- — Running Backwards, 603
- — Starting without the Handle, 420
- — Timing, Napier, 898 y
- — Two-cylinder Swift, 334
- — Vibration, Records of, 513 I
- Engines at Paris Salon, 882
- Engineer (letter), 682
- Enquirer (queries), 288, 937
- Entering the Motor Car Industry, 428, 567, 570, 623, 684, 717, 731, 851 Industry, Manufacturers’
- — Opinions, 567, 570
- Entwistle, P. (letter), 244
- Essex County A.C., 34, 107, 355, 423, 526, 828
- European Circuit, Postponement of, 210, 272
- Evian Motor Boat Meeting, 306
- Evidence against Motorists, 207
- E W 135 (query), 426 s’
- Exhaust Gases for Cooling Cylinders, 228
- — Suppression of, 95
- Exhibition Building, New, 829 ' ?
- Experiences of Drivers, Tourist Trophy Race, 474, 504
- Experiments in Road Improvements, 4o9
- Explosion in Carburetter, 938
- Extraordinary Epistle, 95
- Eyre, G. F. (letter), 447 ' '
- (query), 460
- Fair, A. E. B. (letters), 448, 482
- Fairplay (letters), 3$2, 449, 518
- Farnell, Albert (letter), 138
- Farrer, J. A. (letter), 98
- Fawcett, E. D. (letter), ,176
- F. C. L. (query), 529 ,
- Fens, Motoring in the, 439
- Fenton, F. G. (letter), 211
- — John (reply), 288
- Ferber, Capt., Aero Motor Car, 446
- Ferguson and Co., J. B. (replies), 792, 865
- Ferrier, J. C., Tyre Manipulator, 351
- Ferry, Car Crossing (illustration), 520
- Fiat Racer, Valve Gearing, 56
- Fielding, A. (letter), 515
- Fierce Clutch, To Cure, 429
- Fire at Humber Factory, Sup., Dec, 29th
- — in Holborn Viaduct, 421
- — Result of, 145
- Fishing Boats, Motor, 339
- Fletcher, Henry M. (reply), 288 ->•
- Flints, 255
- Florio Cup, 49, 128, 163
- Flying, “ Daily Mail ” Prize for, 721
- — Machines, 128, 445
- — Problem, Progress of the, 346, 812, 894
- — Secret of, 515, 628
- — Society to Promote, 793, 796, 813, 832, 855,870,905
- F. M. S. (letter), 960
- F.N. 14 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 969
- — (letter),. 625
- F N 25 (query), 641
- Footrest, Clutch Pedal, 376
- Force and Power, Some Notes on, 197
- Fordham, E. Wilfrid (letter), 105
- Forester, F. (letter), 24, 98
- Forman, P. B. (reply), 146
- Foster, A. (letter), 813 ? » •
- Foul Exhaust (letter), 276
- Fouling Radiators, 429
- Founder Members’ Dinner, A.C.G.B.I., 941
- Four-cylinder Cars, Cheap, 664
- Four v. Six-cylinder Match, 31^
- France and Belgium, Taking Carl to, 958
- — Condition of Roads in, 249
- — Future Races in, 94
- — Taking a Car to, 105, 452J
- — Voiturette Trials in, 133 . . .
- French Actress’s Car (illustration)., 970
- — Automobile Trade, 407
- — Chalk, To Test, 325
- — Firms and Speed Contests, 509, 622
- — Flying Kilometre Record, 583
- — Military Airship (illustration), 953
- — Outlook, 921
- — View of English Market, 820
- Frenchy (letter), 895 _ ,
- F 177 (reply), 530
- Frick 8-12 h.p. Car, Run on,1635
- Friswell, C. (letter), 101
- Friswell’s, Ltd., 109
- Froid (letters), 343, 418
- Front Screens, 815, 855
- — Wheel Brakes, 253, 440, 515'j
- Frost, Precautions against, 880
- F. R. S. (query), 865
- Fuel Consumption in the Test Shop, 114
- — Motor, Alcohol as, 592
- — Naphtha as, 555, 589, 624, 641, 811
- — National, Alcohol as, 346
- — United States, 255
- — Paraffin as, 220, 254, 288, 409, 554
- — Question, 512, 585, 627, 850 A Suggestion, 512
- Fuller High Tension Magneto, Description of, 616
- Fulton’s Revised Springing System, 955
- Furneaux, W. E. (letter), 138
- Future Motorist (letters), 586, 684
- F. W. S. (letter), 176
- Gaillon Hill-climb, 621
- Gallia Surface Carburetter, 460
- Galloway, W., and Co. (letter), 684
- Garage Charges, 815
- — Opening a, 245
- — Proprietors, Liability of, 106
- Garages, Handbooks for, 448
- Garchey Spring Wheel (illustration), 200
- Garrood, J. R. (query), 288
- G. , Bath (reply), 641
- G. B. (query), 938
- G. C. K. (query), 603
- Gear Changing and Petrol Consumption on Panhards, 97, 210
- — Wheel Test from National Car, 15
- Gears, 520
- — Differential, 220 .
- Gearless Plug, 486, 518
- Generalities, by Rutulan, 239
- Generator, Ducellier, 932
- Genese, H. (letter), 277
- George, A. T. (letter), 418
- Germain, 14-22 h.p., 603, 641
- — Cars, 675, 865, 902
- — Chainless Car (illustrations), 112
- German Emporer’s Cup (1907), 805 ,
- — Motor Tax, 410
- Germany, Brake Trials in, 846
- — International Touring Trip, 339
- — Motor Car Taxes in, 94
- — Touring in, 116, 453, 554, 589
- G. F. A. (reply), 641
- G. F. H. (letter), 174
- G. H. W. (reply), 792
- Gibbons, R. E. (reply), 530
- Gladiator Limousine (illustration), 407
- — T.T. Car, 365
- Glasgow, Motor Ambulance for, 333
- Glasier^ W. H., Hints and Tips, by, 942
- G. L. B. (letter), 4.80
- Glentworth, C. A. (letter), 683
- Glidden, Chas. J., Tour by, 675, 940
- — Touring Contest, 66
- — Trophy, 285
- Gloucestershire, Bristol and, A.C., 34, 70
- G. L. P. (query), 529
- Gobron-Brillie, To the East Coast on, 268
- Goggles, 322
- Golden Mean (letter), 175
- Goodbody, J. Ellis (letter), 278
- Good Cash Customer (letter), 734 ‘
- — List of Cars, 382
- Goode, E. C. (query), 937 1 H
- — Ernest C. (letter). 449 M r "
- Gordon-Bennett Balloon Race, 492, 493
- — Race, 8
- Gore-Browne, S. (letter), 416
- Gossip, Occasional, by “The Autocrat." 269,511
- Gough, M. (query), 60.3
- Government. Officials in Argyll Car (illustration), 4 85
- Governor Improvement, 4 in
- G. P. A., M.B. (query), 220
- Gradients, 146
- Grand Prix A.C.F., Notes on the Event, 10
- — Comparisons, 42
- — Detachable Rim in, 9, 13, 69
- — Petrol Allowance, 847
- — Race, 8, 10, 22, 42, 43
- - —_— A Trip to see, 43
- — —~— (illustrations), 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 22, 28, 43, 44, 46, 47
- Grant. Geo. T. (letter), 628
- ‘ Graphic ” Trophy, 436
- — Contest, Report of, 491
- — Starting Point (illustration), 487
- Grease Injection, 3
- Green, Fred. M. (letter), 136
- — G. W. (letter), 515
- — Hand (query), 426
- Gregoire 14 h.p. Four-cylinder Chassis (illustration), 969
- G 470 (reply), 460
- Griffin, H. Hewitt, Exhibition Statistics, by, 801
- Census of Paris Show, 956
- Grimwade, E. Norton (letter), 380
- Grogan, Quentin O. (letter), 245
- G. R. S. (reply), 937
- G. S. (query), 146
- G. T. G. (query); 220
- Guthrie Non-skid Device, 932
- — Wilson (letter), 556
- Gutmann, Walter (letter), 627
- G. W. (letter), 415
- G. W. D. (query), 460
- H. A. E. (query), 426
- Hallamshire Landaulet, 12 h.p. (illustration), 85
- Hamilton, Alexander (letter), 958
- Handbooks for Garages, 448
- Handcross Hill, 479, 586
- Hand Screen, G. F. Twist’s (illustration), 644
- Hands, To Clean, 3
- Harden, R. Jopp (letter), 734
- Hardman Tourist Trophy Car, 336
- — Wm. Lawrence, 278
- Harold, Chas, (letter), 344
- Harris, H. (letter), 684
- Harrison, Jno. (reply), 792
- Harrop, J. (reply), 792
- Hauling a Car, 3
- Hawkins, E. Caesar, Aeronautical Notes, by, 22, 58, 89, 125, 177, 832, 870, 905 (letter), 733
- H. B. (letters), 278, 343
- — (query), 426
- H. C. F. (query), 937
- H. C. L., Articles by, 54
- — (letters), 173, 209
- H. C. (letter), 382
- Heath, F. P. (reply), 460
- — G. F. (letters), 416, 480
- — W. H. (letter), 415
- Heating Motor Houses, 590, 682, 792, 913, 938
- — Stove, 641
- Hedges at Dangerous Corners, 852
- Helensburgh (letter), 210
- Hele-Shaw Clutch, 146, 220
- Hella Acetylene Searchlight, 968
- Henderson, J. Blacklock, Article by, 877
- — Thomas (letter), 100
- Henley Again, by H. C. L., 54
- Henry Edmunds Hill-climb, 88
- Hepper, E. II. (letter), 173
- Herkomer Cup, 164, 308, 493
- — Trophy Course, 848
- Mrs. Manville’s Position, 24
- Hertfordshire County and Kensington A.C., 108, 286, 458, 494
- Hess, Henry (letters), 242, 626
- H. E. W., Lancs, (query), 603
- H. F. (letter), 343
- H. G. M. C. (query), 146
- High-handed Action, 382, 447, 558
- High Tension Distributer, 57, 146, 254, 288
- Hill-climb, Aston, 27, 62, 103, 174
- — at Longleat, Motor Union Meet, 117
- Formulae, 59, 85, 100, 113, 135, 148, 171, 176, 208, 243, 279, 345, 380
- — Gaillon, 621
- — Henry Edmunds Trophy, 88
- — (letter), 59
- — Mont Cenis, 49
- — Origny-St. Benoite, 664
- — Over the Hills to a. 121
- — 6 h.p. Rover Car, 634
- Hill-climbing Competitions, 173
- — Formula, by Chas. Wheeler, 521
- — J. W. Roebuck. 85 (Illustrations), 298, 299
- — Powers of De Dion, 529
- — Tests, Beeston Humber Car. 318
- — Hill climbs, Forthcoming, 69, 110
- — Timing of, 61, 73, 99, 175
- — Usefulness of, 59
- Hill Gradients, 937
- — J. D. (letter), 896
- Hillsdon, C. O. (reply), 530, 603
- Hinder, F. F. Crutchley (letter), 450
- Hints and Tips, Useful, 3, 39, 75, 1J5, 149, 189, 223, 257, 291, 325>&59, 3Q5, 429, 489, 497, 532, 569, 607„ 669, 687, 723. 79a, 831, 904. 942
- — (letter), 717
- — London (query), 937
- H. M. R. (letters), 309, 417, 554
- Holcroft, Bertram H. (query), 865
- Holland, E. K. (letter), 480
- — for Motorists, by Owen John, 122
- Holloway, C. W. (letter), 959
- Holmes, Sherlock (letter), 530
- Holt. P. Henry (letter), 210
- Homesick, Strasburg (letter), 733
- Hood for Motor Car, B. M. Drake’s Patent, 815, 855
- — New, Major Samuel’s Protector Screen, 667
- Hoods, Steel Frames for, 164
- Hope, J. H. (letter), 210
- Horse Accidents, 334, 342 <
- — Tramway and Motor Accidents, 119, 463
- — Training, to Respect Motor Car (illustration), 558
- Horses, Restive, Motor Cars and, 136, 244
- Horse-power and Formulae, 61
- — of Cars at Blackpool, 603
- — Stated, 136, 175, 211, 309
- — Tax Abandoned, 722
- — Understated, 854, 923, 957
- Horizontal (query), 105
- Horn, Electric, Wagner, 378 '
- Horns, Silent, To Remedy, 429
- Hotchkiss Car in Vanderbilt Race, 556
- — 30 h.p. Limousine (illustration), 454
- — Wire Wheels, 141
- Hotel Charges, Motor Touring and, 814
- — Garage Charges, 244
- Hotels, 138, 176, 279, 347, 633, 814
- — Continental Managers for, 633
- — Country, and the Road Club, 21
- — Sanitary, 220
- House of Commons and Motor Cars, 51, 83, 129, 635, 662, 791, 827, 891, 907
- Houses, Motor Car, and Building Act, 415, 447
- Howell, G. LI. H. (letter); *717
- H.P. as a matter of Taste,.59, 312fe
- — of Petrol Engines, 877, 896, 9$gV
- — Rating, by Automobile Club, '82,0
- H. R. (reply), 529 W
- H. S. (reply), 238
- H. S. S. (reply), 254
- Humber 20-30 h.p. Car, Description of, 670
- — Car, Mr. Napier Paterson’s, 350
- — Factory, Fire at, Sup., Dee. 29th
- — Ltd. (reply), 322
- — (reply), 792
- — Tubular Frame after Accident, 36
- Hunter, Fred. C. (query), 002
- — S. (letter), 733
- Hurst, H. (renly), 40#**1**
- Hutchinson, F. W. B. (letter), 855
- Hutton, J. E., Ltd. (letter), 589
- H. W. B. (query), 529
- H. W. M. (letter), 894
- Hydrocarbons, Combustion of, 685
- Hydra High Tension Magneto, Description of, 806
- Hydroplane, Levavasseur. 331
- Hyland, John (query), 792
- Identification Plates, Old and New (illustration). 152
- Ignition by Accumulators or Dry Batteries, Hints on. 395
- — Electric, 209, 242, 278, 723
- — Timing, Valve Setting and, 115. 149, 189
- — Troubles, an Unusual Incident, 489
- Ignoramus (letter), 136
- Illumination of Road Signs, 811
- India, Cost of Running in, 322
- — Letter from, 29
- — Motoring in, 137. 244, 869. 972
- — Rover Co.’s Representative in, 271
- — Vauxhall Car for. 899
- Indian Automobilist in England (illustration), 353
- — Motor Union Trial. Madras, 65
- — Reliability Trial, 391
- — Service, British Cars for (illustration), 418
- — Tour by a Lady, 807
- Industrial Alcohol, Report of Committee, 296
- Industrious Prejudice, 642
- Industry. French. Position of the, 664
- Inflator (letter), 587
- Inlet Valve Experience, 529, 603
- Inquirer (query), 865
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 634
- Instone, E. M. C. (letters), 625, 715
- insurance Claim, Proper Settlement of, 380, 451
- — Motor Car, 617, 717
- Inter-club Meet, Bulwell Hall (illustration), 177
- Interested (letter), 210
- — (queries), 603, 885
- International Cup and Belgian A.C., 127, 162
- — Motor Boat Race, Eliminating Trials
- — for, 219
- — Report of, 238 ?
- — Touring Trip in Germany, 339
- Inter-Parliamentary Conference (illustration), 151
- Inventors, Amateur, 971
- Ipswich and East Suffolk A.C., 35, 321, 423, 936
- Ireland, Touring in, 248, 312, 329, 345, 415
- Irish A.C., 108, 142, 184, 217, 251, 355
- — and Roads, 70
- — Hill-climb, Plan and Section of Hill, 128
- — Trials, 25, 35, 128
- — Automobile Meet at Clara (illustration), 96 –
- — Motor Show, 451
- Iris Six-cylinder 40 h.p. Car, Description of, 859
- Isle of Man and Club Steam Roller, 861, 957
- — Sabbath Motoring, 68 Course, 30
- — Driving Round, 399 Notes from, 399
- Itala Car, Queen of Italy’s (illustration), 503
- Italian Mechanical Engineer (letter), 277
- Italy and the Motor Industry, 277
- — Touring in, 288, 322
- Ivel Agricultural Motors, 675
- Jack (query), 426
- — Substitute for a, 795
- — with Wheels, 723
- Jackson Resilient Hub, 237
- J. A. F. (letter), 277
- James and Browne Car for Town Carriage Competition (illustration), 524
- — Ltd. (letter), 553
- — T.T. Car, 434
- — (illustration), 404
- J. A. M. (query), 426
- Jan (letter), 958
- Japan, Touring in, 65, 109, 130
- J. A. P. (letter), 895
- Jarrott, Chas, (letters), 60, 279. 310, 381. 451, 482, 816, 895
- Jay Wye (letter), 275
- J. B. (letters), 449, 518
- J. and B. Vertex Car, 30-40 h.p., Description of, 712
- J. D. B. (replies), 460, 937
- J. D. W. (query), 426
- Jefferson, R. L., Trio to India, 271
- Jeffreys, W. Rees (letter), 851
- J. E. L. (reply), 529, 530
- Jeune, Evan B. (letter), 854
- J. H. D. (reply), 254
- J. H. K. (query), 529
- J. H. L. (letter), 682
- J. J. P. (query). 220
- J. M. H. (query), 220
- John, Owen (letter). 209
- — On the Boad, 21, 92, 227, 261 298 439. 490. 507. 633, 729, 843, 874, 952
- Johnson. Basil, Article by, 547
- — Claude (letter), 136
- — Frank (letter), 279
- Johnston-Buddicom Change Speed Gear, Description of. 844
- J. O. H. (query). 106
- J.P.’s and the Royal Commission on Motor Car Traffic, 124
- J 661 (queries), 254, 426
- J. R. H. P. (query), 146
- — (renlv), 322
- J. S. C. D. (letter), 811
- J. S. (query), 792
- Justice. A Travesty of, 343
- — (letter), 683
- Juvisy. Motor Boat Regatta at, 407
- J. W. W. (letters), 556, 625, 926
- Kav (letter). 176
- Kelly, T. D. (letter). 380
- Kenilworth Urban District Council, 485
- Kennedy, Rankin. Article by. 512
- Kent A.C.. 33, 109. 182, 252, 286, 356, 423
- — Roads in. 419
- Keresley Motorist (letter), 99
- Ker. R. M. (letter). 483
- Kettleby Hill-climb. 356, 422
- Kindness on the Road, 312
- King Edward VIA. and the Kaiser (illustration), 256
- — (illustration), 324
- — passing through Jtserxnampstead (illustration), 40
- Kirx 'Trophy (letter), 133
- Knight, Charles (reply), 220
- — jonn Henry, Article by, 557J — (letter), 279
- Knocking, Unaccountable, 25, 174
- K. T. C. (query), 105
- Lacre Co.’s Doctor’s CoUpS (illustration), 296
- Ladies’ A.C., 71, 183, 526
- — — Gymxhana, 32
- at Kanelagh (illustrations), 21, 32, 35
- Lady Automobilist (illustration), 825
- Lake District, Police in, a Warning, 135
- Lambert Hydroplane (illustration), 631
- Lamb, P. K. (letter), 24
- Lamp, Acetylene, Sun Dry, 47
- — Covers 257 312
- Lancashire, North-east, A.C., 33, 72, 108, 182, 320, 321, 392, 494
- Lanchester Accelerometer, 840, 862, 872
- — in Midland A.C. Trial, 451
- — Solid Tyres on, 792
- — Engine Co.’s Foremen’s Outing, 103
- — F. W. (letter), 816
- — Motor Co. (letter), 451
- — Six-cylinder Car, 196
- - Touring Car (illustration), 676 Landaulet, The, 939
- Langridge, G. T. (letter), 855 Langton, A. R., 278
- Lapius, S. Q. (letter), 242
- Lattey, W. Chas, (reply), 938
- Launch, Motor (illustrations), 29, 306
- L C 5388 (letter), 554
- L C 9964 (letter), 851
- Leaks, Stopping, Hints for, 223
- Leaky Radiators, Repairing, 325
- — Water Jacket, 146
- Le Blond, A., and Panhard Car (illustration), 114
- Lectures for Motorists, Edinburgh, 523
- Lederlin Cup and Peugeot Prize, 200
- Lees, Clement (reply), 792
- Legal Liabilities for Side-slip, 605
- — Limit (letter), 482
- Legislative Conference, 815
- Legros and Knowles, Ltd. (letter), 343
- Leicestershire A.C., '34, 107
- Leigh, Victor (letters), 241, 244
- Le Mans to Dieppe on Austin Car, 14
- Leng, C. D. (letter), 134
- Les Sports, Challenge to, 820
- Lester, J. H. (letter), 585
- Letts, Norman A. (letter), 451
- — W. M. (letter), 208
- Levavasseur Hydroplane, 331
- Levitt, Dorothy (letter), 138
- Lewin, F. Guy, 960
- Lewis, S. (letter), 853
- L. H. D. (letter), 447
- Licensing of Motor ’Buses, 827
- Liddell, Buckham W. (letter), 448
- Liedekerke Cup, 235, 285
- Life of Chains, 426
- Light Car Contest, Rovigo, 510'’
- Lights without Matches, 75
- Lighting of Vehicles, 211, 242, 419, 420
- Limerick M.C., 866
- Lincolnshire A.C., 34, 184, 218, 286, 423, 494, 790
- — Level Crossing, 524
- — (query), 603
- Lister, W. J. (reply), 902
- Lithanode Cells, Composition for Mending, 937
- Little, W. G. (query), 146
- Littoral, Cricuit du, 127
- Lloyd, Mrs., Tour in India, 807
- Locality, Effect on Cars, 212
- Locke, Ivo (letter), 61
- Lockwood, O. B. (letter), 585
- Loder, George E. (reDly), 530
- Londoner (letters), 731, 734
- London, North, A.C., 35, 70
- — to Chester, 482
- — Traffic, Census of, 82, 84
- Longleat Park, Hill-Climb, Motor Union Meet, 117
- Longueruare 1907 Carburetter, Description of, 508
- Lord Mayor's Show, 1896 (illustration), ( 98
- LOHH of Power, Causes of, 223
- Lover of Pair Play (letter), 482
- Low Tension Magnetos, Core of.83J,926 L K HM.U-.r), 208 1/ 708 (query), 105
- Lubrication of Cars, 588, 603
- — by H. O. Duncan. 502
- Lubrication of Petrol Engines, 857, 897
- — Paris Salon, 886
- Lubricators for Spring Shackles, 429
- Lucas Two-stage Pump, 72
- Lucy, Arthur j. (letter), 25
- Luncheon of the Pioneers, Emancipation Day, 700
- Lynton Hill, 480
- Mablethorpe Motor Races Abandoned, 107
- — Speed Trials, 852
- Macaulay, S. B. (letter), 733
- MacUonechy's Tyre Covers, 483, 556, 624, 734, 814, 958
- Macdonald, J. H. A. (letter), 927
- Magisterial Severity, 637
- Magistrates, Bleatings and Hissings of, 310
- Magneto, Eiseman High Tension, 254, 288
- — Hydra High Tension, Description of, 806
- Magnetos, 831, 865, 902, 926
- M. A. H. (query), 938
- Maidenhead to Henley, Alternative Route, 309
- Malay, Motor Car Race in, 7
- — States, Motors in, 959
- Manchester A.C., 182, 321, 389, 638, 936
- — M.C., 936
- — Motor Car Drive for Crippled Children, 2, 33, 71
- Manipulation of Tyre Covers, 831
- Manufacturers’ Opinions, Entering Motor Industry, 567, 570
- Manville, E. (letter), 855
- Manx Highway Board and Steam Roller, 861, 957
- — People and Sabbath Motoring, 68
- Map for Motorists, “ The Autocar,” 849
- Marine (letter), 100
- Martini 40 n.p. Car arranged as Ambulance, 45
- Masui, T. (letter), 556
- Mason, George (letter), 960
- Materials, Motor Car, 812, 830, 855, 871, 896, 925
- “ Matin ” Cup, 49, 127, 199, 235, 273, 308, 337
- Maudslay Cars, Description of, 906
- Mawton-Goodman (letter), 175
- Maxwell Car, 8 h.p., Description of, 632
- — Cars for Vanderbilt Trials, 353
- McConechy, Jas. (letter), 624
- M. C. C. (query), 529
- McDonald, John (letter), 853
- McGrath, Geo. Blake (letter), 555
- McKengie, G. (letter), 625
- McKinney, A. J., Articles by, 592, 966
- M. and Co. (letter), 555
- M. D. (letter), 812
- Meares, G. M. (query), 865
- Mechanical and Animal H.P. Compared, 966
- — Lubricator, Pope-Tribune, 305
- — Proficiency Certificate, A.C.’s, 312, 346, 379, 479
- Mechanic Drivers, 137
- — (letter), 520
- Medal, S. F. Edge’s, Motor Yacht Club (illustration), 634
- Medical Men and Taxation of Motor Cars, 585
- Motors for, 136, 586, 626
- Medicos, Motoring (illustration), 116
- Medicus (letter), 851
- Mell, L. P. (letter), 896
- Member of Notts A.C. (letter), 416
- Mercedes 28-32 h.p., 146
- — Carburetter, New, Description of, 639
- — Petrol-electric Car, Description of, 833
- Metal in Motor Cars, 377, 406
- Metallurgique 60-80 h.p. Car, Description
- — of, 614
- — Cars (letter), 517
- — 16-20 h.p. Landaulet (illustration), 104
- — T.T. Car, 363
- Metal to Metal Clutch, Dixon’s Patent, 577
- M. I. C. E. (letter), 555
- Michelin Non-skids, 254, 426
- — Record, Good, 555
- — Tyre Co., Ltd. (letter), 175
- — Inflator, 964
- — Tester, 821
- Middleton Pneumatic Hub, Effect on Engine, 288, 426
- Midland A.C., 43, 219, 252, 320, 866
- Miles (reply), 460
- Military Car, French (illustration), 419
- — Motor Ambulance, 94
- Milne, J. A. (letter), 894
- M. I. N. A. (reply). 460
- Minerva, 22 h.p., 460, 530, 603
- — Brougham Design, 559
- - T.T. Cars, 366
- — 40 h.p. Six-cylinder Cur, Description of. 599
- Misfiring at Low Speeds, 831
- — of One Cylinder, 223
- — under Load, 532
- M 1149 (letters), 480, 589
- M.M.C. Cars, 61, 279, 345
- — User (letter), 346
- M.M. and E. Co. (letter), 25
- Moffat, E. (letter), 288
- Mont Cenis Hill-climb, 49
- — Ventoux Hill-climb, 373
- Moore-Brabazon, J. T. C. (letter), 25
- Moore, Henry (letters), 278, 481, 523, 587 (reply), 937
- — Lewis J. (query), 105
- Morden, G. S. (reply), 146
- Morrison, Stuart (letter), 480
- Moseley, David, and Co. (letter), 346
- — Perfect Tyres, 220, 254, 288
- — Test of, 140, 278, 309, 346, 481
- Motor Boating, Ulysses’ First and Last Trip, 326
- — ’Bus and Unreasoning Panic, 96
- — ’Buses, Complaint against, 684
- — Car Census, 83
- — Cars and the Public, 927
- — Cyclist (letters), 380, 451
- — Houses, Heating, 590
- — Industry, Entering, Manufacturers’
- — Opinions, 567, 570
- — — the, 428, 567, 570, 623, 684, 717, 731
- — Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (letter), 62
- — Propelled Carriages at Olympia Show, 738
- — Sweating Shops, 733, 813, 892
- — Union Appeal, 139
- — — at Scarborough, 304, 437
- — Conference, 524
- — Dinner, 826 . - . .
- — General Meeting, 638
- — Investigations, Petrol Supply, 930, 961
- — Meeting, 961
- — at Bath, 70, 117
- — Stone-throwing Children, 369
- — Victoria, A. Gaal and Co/s (illustration), 140
- — Yacht Club, 36, 70, 107, 108, 144, 190, 236, 251, 320, 355, 390, 424, 494, 600, 790
- — S. F. Edge’s Medal (illustration), 634
- — Trials, Entries for, 144
- — Trials, Report of, 190
- “ Motor Finance,” Review, 970
- Motoria (letter), 174
- Motors and Motor Driving, Review, 109
- Motoring in Andalusia, 728
- — Might-have-beens, 262, 326, 383
- — v. Boating Accident*, a Comparison, 207
- Motorist Convictions, 173
- — (query), 146
- — (reply), 902
- Mountaineering on a Sunbeam, 55
- Mowing, Motoring and, 277
- M. P. C. (letter), 379
- Mudguard Design, Example of (illustration), 945
- Multum in Parvo (letter), 133
- Murray, F. B. (letter), 62
- Mutti, Antoine (letter), 515
- Nagant-Hobson Car, Trial of, 900
- Nails amongst Car Machinery (illustration), 198
- Nainby, C. M. (letter), 275
- Naphtha as Motor Fuel, 555; 589, 624, 641, 811
- Napier 40 h.p. Cars, 821
- — Car, Non-stop Run of, 336
- — Cars and Accessibility, 52
- — 24 h.p. Car, with Vieo Wheels (illustration), 205
- — Six-cylinder, Arthur Brown’s (illustration), 139
- — — for Australia (illustration), 524
- — Six-cylinder, Pamphlet on, 953
- — 150 h.p. Six-cylinder, Prince Chimay’s (illustration), 93
- — Henry M. (letter), 811
- — 40 h.p. in Australia (illustration), 64
- — J. M. (letters), 893, 926
- — John S. (letters), 553, 855
- — Driver (letter), 733
- — Timing of Engine, 898
- ” Napier Major’s ” Record, 594
- Natal A.C., 458
- Neale Screen Joint, 967
- N.E.C. Cars, Description of, 677, 797
- New Engine Co. (letter), 481
- — Forest and Bournemouth A.C., 34
- — Loader Care, 937
- — Makers’ Syndicate, France* 492
- — York Automobile Exhibition, 972
- — Zealand, Argyll Car in (illustration). 596
- — — Prices of Motor Cai's in, 242, 813
- Night Traffic. Unlighted, 276
- Non-skid Attachment, DuncuflT. 965
- — Baud. Durandal, 288, 322
- — Clincher Tyre, 637
- — Device, The Guthrie, 932
- — Parsons, New Type of, 336
- — (query), 220
- Non-skids, Detachable, 146, 220
- — Pullman, 220, 254
- Non-stoppers or Trials of the Scottish Trials, 20
- Non-stop Run, Thirty-six Hours’, 336
- Norman, A. (reply), 530
- North Devon, Improvement in, 853
- North-Eastern Automobile Association, 71
- — Year Book, 35
- North-east Lancashire A.C., 33, 72, 10 8 J 182, 320, 321, 392, 494
- North London A.C., 35, 70
- — O. D. (letter), 101
- — Sea, Championship of, 144
- — Wales A.C., 600
- Norwood District A.C., 145
- Notable Record, 733
- Notes on Force and Power, 197
- Notts A.C., 144, 182, 286, 321, 355
- Novice (letter), 175
- — The, by A. E. S. Craig, 377
- Numbering, Necessity for Care in, 811
- O’Brien, E. L. (letter), 312
- — (query), 322
- Obstructing Road, Horse Driver, 276, 388
- O. H. B. (letters), 449, 519, 589
- Old Motorist (letter), 276
- — Rubber, Dealers in, 640
- Oldsmobile, 9 h.p., 641
- Oliver, C. Bryham (reply), 902
- Olympia, Holding Capacity of, 864
- — Motor Clothing at, 827
- — Show, Dust at the, 814
- — Impressions of, 729
- — Report of, 735
- - Statistics, 791
- Once Bitten Twice Shy (letter), 133
- One More Disgusted (letter), 278 j
- One of the Many (letter), 623
- One Who Knows (letters), 556, 892
- One Who Was Had (letter), 480
- One of the Unemployed, 684
- On the Road, by Owen John,. 21, 92, 227-/-, 261, 298, 439, 490, 507, 633, 729, 843,' 874 95'2 ’
- O 1339 (query), 105
- Orcadian (query), 322
- Orde, J. W.— Cartoon, 456
- Origny-St. Benoite Hill-climb, 664
- Ostend Week, 93, 219, 306
- Otto Cycle Engine, Converted, 962 J
- Overhead Valve Motions, 429
- Overheating, 532
- Over the Hills to a Hill-climb, 121
- Overton, J. (letters), 734, 926
- Owen John, On the Road, 21, 92, 227, 261, 298, 439, 490, 507, 633, 729, 843, 874, 952 •
- — Morgan (query), 641
- Packing Car for Shipment (illustration), 91& '
- — Cars for Shipment, 276, 312j
- Pagolt, Arthur N. (letter), 587.4
- Palmer Cord Tyres, 426, 460, 529
- — Reduction in Pride, 726, 871
- — Flange Fixing Cord Tyre, 68
- Panhard Car, Aubrey le Blond’s (illustration), 114
- Paraffin as a Motor Fuel, 220, 254, 288, 409
- — Burner to White Steamer, 529
- — Carburetters, 903
- — Engine Trials, 49, 446
- — for Firing White Steam Cars, 587, 625, 627, 684, 716
- — Marine Engine, Parsons Motor Co., 566
- Paris-Biarritz Trial, 510
- Paris Motor Show, Review of, 882, 917
- — Parade of Old Cars, 509
- — Salon, 48, 93, 128, 307, 551
- — Balloting for the, 622
- — Chassis, Trial of (illustrations), 88E 890
- — Show Cars (illustrations), 912, 913
- — Comparative Census of, 956
- — to Monte Carlo and Back, 805, 848
- Parliament and Motor Cars, 51, 83, 129>" 635, 662, 791, 827, 864, 891, 907
- — Anti-taxation Petitions to, 394, 427, 461, 495, 499, 514, 531, 604
- Parsons Grippa Chains, 603
- Motor Co., Paraffin Marine Engine, 566
- — New Non-skid, 929
- — >5OJJ- kui, New Type, 333
- Parts and Accessories at Olympia Show, 780
- Patent Protection, Olympia Show, 684
- Paton, Geo. W. (letter), 309
- Patriotism, Influence of, 852, 892, 960
- Pellant, A. (letter), 853
- Pemberton, Max, and his 20-28 h.p. Spyker Car (illustration), 222
- Pennant, P. C. (letter), 812
- Perfect Speed Indicator, Testing, 110
- Performance, Good, by an Old Car, 244
- Periodic Attentions, 105
- Peterborough and Counties A.C., 219
- Peters, H. D. (letter), 516
- Petitions to Parliament, Anti-taxation, 394, 427, 461, 495, 499, 514, 531, 604
- Petrol Allowance, Grand Prix, 847
- — Consumption, 254, 288
- — Do we Waste it ? 25, 241, 279
- — Engines, A.C. Hating for, 714
- — Air-cooling; 292, 340, 343, 374, 379, 411, 418, 450, 554
- — — H.P. of, 877, 947
- — Lubrication of, 897
- — Leaks, 904
- — Level Adjustment in De Dion Carburetters, 257
- — Pipe Choked, 938.
- — Pipes, Fractured, To Prevent, 429
- — Price of, 187, 245, 256, 276, 312, 353
- — Scenting, 75
- — Specific Gravity of, 529, 641
- — Supply, 29, 187
- — Motor Union Investigations, 930, 961
- — Tanks, Repairing, 223
- — Tourist Trophy, 688
- — v. Steam, 212
- Peugeot Car, Tourist Trophy, 314
- — Pill Box (illustration), 821
- — 8 h.p. Single-cylinder, 146
- P. H. (letters), 278, 517
- Physician (letters), 518, 587
- Pioneer Public Service Vehicle, 864
- Platinum Points, Tuning up, 792
- Pneumatic Tyres, Notes on, 131
- Pockley, F. A. (letter), 925
- Police and A.A. Scout, 483
- — Charges, 30, 38, 65, 101, 102, 10^, 141, 213, 215, 283, 343, 463, 480, 514, 561, 595, 634, 663, 720
- — Court Treatment, 927
- — Evidence and Baldness, 90
- — in Lake District, a Warning, 135
- - Motor Car, 388
- — Magistrate and Motorist, 101
- — Motorists and the, 556
- — Timing, 350
- — Trap, Unfair, 207
- — Warnings not Illegal, 663
- — Traps Doomed, 247
- — Maps of, 110, 186
- — Trouble with, 245
- Pope-Tribune Mechanical Lubricator, 305
- Porlock Hill, 106
- Porter, Arthur (reply), 220
- Potter, G. T. (letter), 27G
- Power Failure, Obscure Cause of, 904
- Practical Experiences, 815, 893
- “ Practical Motor Car Repairing,” Review, 104
- Prangnell, L. (reply), 937
- Precautions against Frost, 880
- Premier Motor Co.^ Ltd. (letter), 99
- Prendergast, J. A. (letter), 589
- Pretherick, Jabez (reply), 322
- Pretty, W. T. (letter), 451
- Prevention (letter), 133
- Prices of Motor Cars in New Zealand, 242
- Princess Christian’s Car, 517
- Programme for 1907, Continental Events, 549
- Proposed Motor Race Course, 281
- Prospective Buyer (query), 641
- Protector Screen, Major Samuel’s Invention, 667
- Proud, E. P. (letters), 98, 813
- Provence Meeting, 444
- Provis, Charles (letters), 243, 279, 312, 379k 530, 958
- Pugh, John V., Article bv, 910
- — Wire and Wood Wheels, by, 948
- Pullman Non-skids, 220, 254
- Puncture Fiend. 99 Putting-on Tool, 795
- Pyke, A. (letter), 815
- Quadrant Cross Roller Gear. 631. 675
- Queries and Replies, 105, 146. 220, 254, 288, 322, 426, 460, 529, 603. 641. 792. 865, 902, 937
- Race Course, Motor. Proposed, 281, 290
- — French, in 1907, 622
- Racing and Improvement of Cars, 550
- — Decline of, 549
- Racing, Future of, 550
- — Motor, New Phase of, 916
- — Regulations, 8
- Radiator, Improved, 208 •
- — Joints, 426, 529
- Radiators, Design of, 626 •
- — Fouling, 429
- — Paris Salon, 887
- — Repairing, 359
- Rails, Motor Car on (illustration), 940
- Railway Charges for Motor Caps, 63
- Ranger, Robert, 627
- Rapid Car, Tourist Trophy, 313
- Rating of Petrol Engines, 87 7, 947
- Rawdon, G. Stanley (letter), 207
- Real Protectors of the Highways,^851
- Records of Engine Vibration, 513
- Regatta, Motor Boat, at Juvisy, 407
- Regent Car, 18 h.p. Four-cylinder, Description of, 258
- — 18 h.p. Car (illustration), 823
- — Trial of, 946
- Registration, 146
- — Statistics, 86
- Regular Subscriber (query), 105
- Reigate, November, 1896 (illustration), 696
- Reliability Contests, Australia, 185
- — Record of, 790
- — Trial, Straker-Squire C.B.S. 25 h.p. Car, 544
- — Trials, Prices in, 239
- — Scottish Report of, 165
- Reliable Car, Choice of, 254
- Reminiscences, by a Practical Pioneer, 697
- Removable Rim, Dr. Doolittle’s, 6Q8, 703
- W. Starley’s, 933
- Renault 20-30 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 249
- Renouf, P. L., Article by, 563
- : (letters), 516, 628
- Repairers and Car Owners, Tools for, 130
- — Ignorant, 277, 312
- Repairing Broken Petrol Pipes, $31
- — Cracked Water Jackets, 795 ?
- — Leaky Radiators, 325
- Repairs, 138, 279, 382, 451
- — Manufacturers and, 133
- — Promptitude in, 518
- Replacements, Charges for, 451
- Representative Motorists’ Views on Royal Commission Report, 154, 202, 222, 238
- Resilient Hub, Jackson, 237
- — Wheel, Vieo, Description of, 280
- Retiming Ignition, Notes on, 189
- Reviews, 104, 109, 252, 862, 866, 901, 970. 972
- R. F. G. (query), 288
- R. F. H. W. (query), 254
- Richard-Brasier 15-24 h.p. Car, Run an. 4M
- Richardson, Percy, 100
- Riddle to Rede, A, 382
- Riley, E. A. (reply), 937
- Rims and Flanges, Detachable, 2, 9,*13,19 8, 175, 201, 240, 276, 513, 732, 932-
- Road Closed to Motorists, 185
- — Club and Country Hotels, 21
- — Hog, Obstructive, 275
- — Hogs, Two Types of, 92
- — Improvements, Experiments in, 459
- — Obstruction, Continental, 148
- — Queries, 220, 426, 460, 530
- — Signs, Illumination of, 893
- — Watering, Excessive, 207, 310
- — Wheels, Paris Salon, 890j .
- —: — Shrinkage of, 395 ’ 5' >
- Roads and Bridges in Time of War, 279 V
- — Dust Nuisance, 250, 284, 378, 380,'
- — ?ilO Tyres, 428
- — Children on the, 518
- Roadside Courtesy (letter), 37c
- — Tyre Repairs, 417
- Roberts, C. A. (query), 105
- Robinson, Norman (letter), 26 •
- — Ward F. (letter), 242
- Rochet-Schneider 35 h.p. Car, Beerbohm
- — Tree’s (illustration), 354
- Roe, A. V. (letter), 895
- Roebuck, J. W., Article by, 85
- Rolls, C. S., and Co. (letters), 138, 552
- Rolls-Royce 40-50 h.p. Engine, Description of, 875
- — Tourist Trophy Cars (illustration), 141
- — T.T. Car, an Appreciation, 839
- — in United States, 858
- Romance and the Motor Car, 297
- Roots, J. D. (letters), 479, 716, 813
- Ross Inter-club Meet, 392
- — Patent Acetylene Gas Generator, 610
- Route to Avoid Lancastrian Black Country, 852, 892. 924
- Rover Car, Trip to India, 271
- — 16-20 h.p., 105, 322
- — — T,T. Car, Description of, 274
- — 8 h.p., 865
- — Car, Novice’s Experiences, 6791
- — T.T. Car, Round the Course on, 401
- Rover. 6 h.p. Car, Tour through Devon and Cornwall, 370
- — Expet'ieucos of, 530
- Royal Commission, J.P.’s and the, 124
- — on Motor Car Traffic, 129, 289
- — Cars, Report of, 147, 150, 202,
- — and Sup., July 28th
- — Witnesses’ Sentiments, 316, 348, 386
- Report, Motorists’ Views, 154, 202, 222, 238, 275, 425, 457
- Royce, F. H., Portrait of, 900
- Rubber Tube Clips, 963
- Rules for Getting Best Work Out of Motor, 257
- Running on Benzoline, 717
- Russell, Earl, Resignation of. from A.C.G;S.I. Committee, 523
- — (letters), 24, 101, 133, 135, 174, 175
- Rusting of Rims and Tyre Rot, 220
- Rutulan, Generalities, by, 239
- Rye, Dangers at, Warning to Automobilists, 356
- Ryknield Motor Co. (letter), 586
- Sabarini Cleaning Brush, 922
- S. a C. (query), 529
- Salvationists on Tour, 239
- Samuel, Major, Protector (Cromwell) Screen, 667
- Samways, D..W. (letters), 731, 894
- Sandown Park Meeting, Motors at (illustration),. 41
- Sangster, Chas (letters), 715, 923
- Santos Dumbnt’s Success, 733
- Sarthe Circuit, Echoes of, 46 (illustrations), 46
- Satisfied (replies), 460, 902, 938
- S. B. (replyk 603
- Scarborough^ Motor Union at, 304, 437
- S.C.A.R. Car, Tourist Trophy, 313
- Scarf, F. (letter), 515
- Searth, Leveson (letter), 310
- SceDtic (query), 529
- Scobell, Walter B. (letter), 923
- Scotland, Automobile Movement in, 178
- — Touring in, 426, 448, 482, 520, 589
- Scott. D. Hill (query), 288
- Scottish A.C., 355, 423, 458, 494, 638
- — Court, Motorists in a, 216, 245, 246
- — Reliability Trials. 215, 216
- — Report, 165
- — Trials, Cars in (illustrations), 213, 214, 215
- — Inconsistencies in, 278, 312, 343
- “ Scout IV.” Motor Launch (illustration), 291
- — Tourist Trophy Car, 335
- Screen, Dust, Novel, 26’
- Screens, Adjustable Joint for, 967
- Scrimgeour, Alex. C. (letter), 518
- S. C. T. (query), 641
- S. D. (query), 865
- Seabrook, L. M. (letter), 59
- Second-class Man (letter), 137 J
- Second-hand De Dions, 426, 460
- Seeker (letters), 854, 957
- Selenium Accumulator Co (reply), 220
- Semmering Hill-climb, 493
- Serpollet Burner System, 902
- Shao Route, 555
- Sharp, F. Conwav (letter), 447
- Shaw, W. P. (letter). 174
- S. H. B. (querv), 254
- Sheffield and District A.C., 600
- — Gymkhana, 72
- — Blade (letter), 589
- “ Sheffield Daily Telegraph ” and Yorkshire A.C.. 74, 172
- Sheffield-Simplex Motor Works, Ltd. (letter), 718
- Sheppee, E. W. (letter), 894
- Sherrin, Geo. C. (letter), 347
- Shipment, Packing Car for (illustration), 915
- — Cars for, 276. 312
- Shock Absorbers, 254. 288, 581
- Shooting, Motors and, 914
- Short Circuits, Unexpected, 39
- Showing Smoke. 895
- Show Notes, 817
- — Olympia, Report of, 735
- Shrapnel, Arthur (letter), 172
- S. H. (reply), 603
- Shrinkage of Road Wheels, 395
- Shropshire. A.C., for, 219
- Siddeley 32 h.n., Andrew Carnegie’s (illustration). 74
- — Car, Description of, f
- — Run on, 358
- — Car for La 'Coupe^du Matin (illustration),*179’ J
- — r15 h.n., Decorated Car, 102
- — Shooting Brake (illustration), 420
- — 1907 Cars. 620’ 1
- — T.T. Car (illustration), 394 - Cars,*403
- Side-slip, 853, 864
- — Legal Aspect of, 605, 862, 864
- Sider Spring Cushion Tyre, 967
- Sigma (queries), 426, 603
- Signposts, Danger, 517
- — (illustration), 490
- Signs, Road, Illumination of, 811
- Silencers, 426, 603, 792
- Silent Cars, 855
- — Horns, To Remedy, 429
- — Traffic, 643
- Simms Car, Col. Cody’s (illustration), 562
- — Safety Buffers in Action, 40
- Simplon Pass Opened to Motorists, 224
- Simnson, Laurence (letter), 483
- Sinclair, E. G. (letter), 244
- Singer Cars, 717
- — New, Description of, 608
- — Small Car (illustration), 560
- Six-cylinder Cars, 625, 732, 814, 895, 923, 960
- Sizaire Naudin Car (illustration), 969
- Skegness Speed Trials, 182, 352, 368, 380,
- 416, 449, 480, 518, 556
- Skidding Experiences, 927
- Skinner, Hilton (replies), 937, 938
- S. L. C. (querv), 902
- S. (letter), 382
- Small Cars, 261
- — Multi v. Single-cylinder, 854, 895
- — Car Trials, 133, 372
- — Steam Car, 794, 894
- Smee and Bochert’s Motor Boat, 936
- Smell from Cars, 3
- Smith, A. C. Godwin (letter), 276
- — G. (letter), 171
- — W. Gordon (letter), 173
- Smoke Nuisance, Manufacturers and, 276
- Society of Alcohol Research, Proposed, 310
- — Motor Manufacturers and Traders,
- Discussion on Dust Question, 565
- Soldiers as Chauffeurs, 415
- Soleil Spring Wheel (illustration), 200
- Solid Tyres, 529, 603
- — on Lanchester Car, 792
- — 6 h.p. (letter), 792
- Somerset A.C., 33
- South Africa, Motor Cars in, 789
- — Harting Accident, 138
- — Indian Motor Union. 790
- — Wales and Monmouth A.C., 33, 142
- Southall Tyre Gauge, 41
- Southampton - Havre, Taking Car to France, 452
- Southern M.C., 35, 423, 526
- Spare Tubes, Carrying. Hints on, 223
- Sparking Plugs, Examination of, 325
- — Fitting, 359
- Sparks, Geo. (query), 106
- S. P. D. (query), 426
- Spectator (letter), 733
- Speed Changing and Petrol Consumption on Panhards, 173
- — Gear Box; Leaky, 105
- — Indicator and Distance Recorder, Life
- of, 288
- “Perfect,” Testing of, 110
- — Limit at Newmarket, 863
- in Retford, 456
- — on the Road and Advertisements, 92, 174. 208. 241
- — Trials. Yorkshire A.C., Report of, 80
- Speedwell Car, 25 h.p., Chassis (illustration), 687
- Spencer, Sanders (letter). 97
- Sport and Commercialism, 525
- Sprags, 175
- — (letter), 24
- S P 4 (reply), 105
- Spring Cushion Tyre, Sider, 967
- — Shackles. Lubricators for, 429
- Springs. Paris Salon, 889
- — Squeaky, 75
- Springing System, Revised, 955
- Squeaking Noises, Mysterious, 359
- S. R. (letter), 245
- Steam Roller Offer to Manx Highway Board, 861, 957
- Standard Car, Tourist Trophy, 260
- with Landau Body, 50
- — 50 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, Description of, 300
- Stanley-Popplewell (letter), 684
- Stanley Show, Motor Cars at the. 824
- Stapylton, M. F. (letters), 417, 481
- Star Car. 10 h.p. Four-cylinder (illustration). 63 "
- — Six-cylinder Car, 629
- — T.T. Car 363
- Starley, W.. Removable Rim, 933 Starling Car, 642
- Starting Engine without the Handle, 429
- — for a Length v Run, Hints on, 39^
- — Handle and Tvre Pumn, 184
- Statistics, Motor Car Exhibition, 801^
- — of Olympia Show, 791
- Registration, 86
- Steam Carriage of 1868, 557
- Steam Car, Plea for the, 727
- — Cars, 902, 937
- — and Dust Raising, 482
- — Yorkshire A.C. Race, 74, 17'
- - in Competitions, 101, 138
- — Paris Motor Show, 920
- Steel for Motor Cars, 589, 718, 926
- Steering Gekrs. Accidents and, 175, 244, 276, 347, 418, 554
- — of Automobiles, Notes on, 563, 628
- — Paris Salbn, 889
- Stephenson Detachable Spare Wheel, 240
- Stepney Spare Wheels, 102, 417, 448, 455, 480, 587
- — Wheels, Welsh A.C. Trials, 62
- Stolen Darracq, Finding of, 285
- Stone-throwing Children, 29, 369, 415
- “ Stormy Petrels, The,” 101, 138, 176
- Sforr, Noel (letter), 896
- Straker-Squire 25 h.p. Car, 4,000
- — Reliability Trial, 544, 598, 635
- Stratford-on-Avon Gymkhana, 248, 321
- Strenuous Times, Some Reminiscences, 699
- Strode, George S. S. (letter), 586
- Sturgess, Geo. (letters), 520, 583, 895
- Sturrock, T. Leng (letter), 520
- Sufferer (letter), 451
- Sulphated Terminals, Loosening, 75
- Summer Speed in Autumn, 605
- Sunbeam 16-20 h.p. Car (illustrations), 103
- — Car after 23,000 Miles, 508-
- — End to End and Back again, 4 on End to End Run (illustration), 18, 64
- — Cars, Description of, 672, 701
- — Mountaineering on, 55 Sunbeam 234 (letter), 718
- Sun Dry Acetylene Lamp, 47 Sunlight (query), 146
- >' Tourist Trophy Race Report, Sept. 29th Humber, Fire, Dec. 29th
- Royal Commission Report, July 28th Tourist Trophy Regulations 1907, Dec. 29th
- Supporter of Automobilism, Aldi J. Scott Foster'(illustration), 358
- Surrey A.C., 71 Motorist (letter), 242
- Sussex County A.C., 109, 144
- Swayne, J. L. (letter), 587, 7161
- Swift 9-10 h.p. Landaulet (illustration), 152
- — T.T. Car, 435
- — Two-cylinder Engine, 334
- Sword, R. S. S. (letters), 136, 854, 896
- Sydney (N.S.W.), De Dion Car in (illustration), 125
- Synthetical Diagnosis, 532 •
- Tail Lamp Troubles, To Eliminate, 795
- Talbot 12-16 h.p. Car in Competitions, 81
- — 15 h.p. Car, Description of, 834
- Tanner, Spencer (reply),-792 Tara (query), 322
- Targa Florio (1907), 848
- Tafyed Roads and Effect on Tyres, 382
- Tarring Roads, 180
- Tai’ Spreading Competition, 825, 891
- Taxation of Cars Contemplated, 330, 357, 377, 381, 393, 463, 483, 495, 630, 631. 722
- Motor Cars—Correspondence, 447, 518
- Medical Men and, 585
- Tas op Foreign Motorists, France, 847
- — £1 per Horse-power Proposal, 330, 357.
- 377, 381, 393, 463, 483, 495, 630, 722. 931
- Taylor, E. G. (letter), 173
- T. C. D. (reply), 254
- TelLtale Accumulator. 933
- Ten Years Ago, 643, 689, 724, 732, 813
- Testing a Coil, Hints on, 291
- - Car, by Makers, 606, 789
- T. F. 0. (query), 937
- T. F. W. (letter), 626
- T. G. (query), 603
- Thomson, Edward J. (letter), 415
- Thornycroft Boat. 212
- — 24 h.p. Chassis (illustrations), 635
- — J. I., and Co. (letter), 518
- — Rifle Club, Opening of, 36
- — Shallow Draught Boat, 90
- — Tom (letters), 62, 517
- —r T.T. Car, 365, 403
- Three Miles Motor Course at Weybridge, 944
- Tftree Years a Motorist (letter), 312
- Throwing at Motorists, 176, 250
- Tripe Recorder, Special Watch, 595
- “ Times ” Correspondence Columns, 227
- Timing of Hill-climbs, 61, 73, 99, 175
- TlDfl, Useful Hints and, 3, 39, 75, 115, 149, 189, 223, 257, 291, 325, 369, 395, 429, 489, 497, 532, 569, 607, 669, 687. 723, 793, 831, 904, 942
- Tired of Tyroa (query). 603
- T. Better). 731
- T. M. C. (query). 641
- Toilet. The Cai* and the. 239
- To Let (letter). 855
- Tolls on Motor Cars, 180
- Tomlinson. M. (reply). 792
- Tools for Repairers an Car Owners, 130
- Torpedo Craft, Motor, 21, 229, 284
- Touring Car Trial. 49
- — in Algeria, 195
- — Germany, 116, 453, 554, 589
- — Ireland, 248. 312, 329, 345, 415
- — Italy, 288. 322
- — Scotland, 426. 448, 482, 520, 589
- — Mot-or. and Hotel Charges, 814
- — on New Car, Owen John. 490, 507
- — -1— the Riviera (illustration), 250
- Tourist Trophy Cara, 1905 and 1906
- — patterns, 362
- — Details of, 260. 274, 313, 335, 360, 403, 434
- — — Course, Map and Contour, 396
- — Gossip, 511
- — Letters re, 278, 312, 520. 586, 625
- — Notes and Impressions before the Race, 430
- — Petrol. 688
- — 1905 Race, 436
- — Race, 357, 417, 430, 461, 464, 474, 481, 516, 552
- — Alteration of Course, 237, 270, 309, 315
- — (illustrations), et seq., 462, 464, 496, 560
- — Next Year’s, 594
- — Report of, Sup., Sept. 29th
- — —- — 1907, Sup., Dec. 29th
- — — — Wire Wheels in, 488 504
- — Racer’s Experiences, 474
- — Rule 29, 559
- — 1906 Rules Explained, 398
- Tour of the Cols on a Voiturette, 175
- Town Carriage Competition (illustrations), 559, 594, 597 .
- — Six-cylinder Cars and, 732
- — Motor Carriage Competition, 321, 528, - 540, 589, 611, 684, 732
- Track, Motor Racing,. Weybridge Course, 498
- Tracks, Motor, 281, 290, 498
- Tramp’s Tactics, 415
- Transmission, Paris Salon, 888
- Transporting a Car (illustration), 523|
- Transvaal A.C., 252, 391, 828
- Trapping, Motor, 297
- Traps, Police, Man of, 111
- Trembler Blade, Makeshift, 395
- Trials, Forthcoming, in France, 847
- Troubles of a Tyro. 91
- Trust Milestone, 452
- T. S. H. (letter), 734’’
- Tubular v. Pressed Steel Frames, 98, 448
- Turcat, L. (letter), 345
- Turner-Miesse Cars, 319
- — Experience of. 885, 902
- — 16 h.p. (letter), 520
- — Steam Car for South Africa (illustration). 381
- Turner’s Motor Manufacturing Co. (letter). 716
- Turning to Right or Left, 641, 937
- Turrell, Chas. McRobie, Article by, 689, 724 (letters). 732, 279
- Twin Lap Motor Coat. 936
- Twist, G. F., Hand Screen (illustration), 644
- Two-cylinder (auery), 460
- Treye Brushes. 795
- — Covers. Manipulation of, 831
- — McConechy’s, 483, 556, 624, 734, 814, 958
- — Experience, Curious. 529
- — Experiences, 254, 288, 309, 349. 382, 460, 923
- — Gauge, Southall, 41
- — Inflation, Easy. 513
- — Inflator, Michelin, 964
- — Gaiters. 221. 277. 279. 312, 381’
- — Lever, Mr. Jesson’s. ,640
- — Manipulator, J. C. Ferrier’s, 351
- — Manufacturers, 971
- — Pressure Recorder. 642
- — Protectors. 133. 207, 220
- — Repairs. Balance Stretcher,r305
- — Roadside, 417
- — Vulcanised. 409
- — Size and Treatment, 587
- Tests to Destruction, 1
- The Benwell. 564
- Tins, 497. 523
- Treads. Spurious. 482
- — Troubles, 25/278, 312, 343, 603
- Tyres, 957
- — and Non-skids, Paris Salon, 890
- — Armoured, 428
- — Bursting Inwards. 625, 894
- — Effect of Carbonic Acid Gas on, 896
- — Extracts from, 480
- — in “ Autocars of 1907,” 816
- — the Ardennes Race (illustrations), 265
- — Scottish Trials, 26, 62
- — Large Diameter, 324, 529
- — Moseley “Perfect,” Test of, 140, 278, 309, 346, 481
- — Perishing of, 98
- — Pneumatic, Notes on, 131
- — Substance for Filling, 597
- — Pressure of, 587
- — Roads and, 428
- Tyred (letter), 137
- Ulster Hill-climb, 458
- — Motoring in, 321
- Understated Horse-power, 854, 923, 957
- Unfairness in Competitions, 323, 381, 417, 451, 482, 518
- Uniform for Drivers, 587
- Unionist (letter), 815
- Universal Joint, Adjustable, 629
- — Joints, Squeaking, 937
- Unsatisfactory Dealing, 344
- Upkeep, Cost of, 242, 347, 381, 449, 718, 734, 814, 937, 94i
- Utility of Advanced Papers, 686
- Utterly Disgusted (letter), 927
- Vagaries of Different Engines, 627
- Valentine, A. (letter), 554
- Valves for Tyres, 146
- Valve Gear, Fiat Racer, 56
- — Motions, Overhead, 429
- — Setting and Ignition Timing, 115, 1*9, 189
- — Spring Remover, 39
- — Stem, Lengthening, 75
- Vanderbilt Cun Eliminating Trials, 441
- — French Team for, 28
- Race (illustrated), 495, 500, 509, 581, 591, 593, 595, 635
- — Impressions of the, 682
- Vaughan, Chas. F. (letters), 278, 344, 380, 416
- Vauxhall and West Hydraulic Engineering Co.’s Landaulet (illustration), 181
- Vauzhall 12-16 h.p. Car, Description of, 665, 799
- — Car for India (illustration), 899
- — 18 h.p. Landaulet for Egypt (illustration), 907
- Vertex Car, 30-40 h.p., Description of, 712
- Veteran Automobilist (illustration), 249
- — (letter), 926
- Viator (letter), 625
- Vici Car, Tourist Trophy, 314, 347, 387, 405
- Vieo Resilient Wheel, Description of, 280
- — Wheel, Speed of the, 671 Trial. 602
- — Wheels, Napier Car fitted with, 205
- — on Daimler Car (illustration), 297
- Views of Motorists on Royal Commission Report. 154
- “ Ville de Paris,” de la Meurthe’s Airship (illustration). 622
- Visitors to Shows, 867
- Vitesse (reply), 902
- Voiturette Cup (1906), 510
- — Trials in France, 133, 372, 707
- Volunteer Corps, Motor, 214, 226, 829, 892, 926
- Vosper, H. E. (letter), 684
- Vulcanised Tyre Repairs, 40V
- Wadsworth, S. A. (letter), 518
- Wagner Electric Motor Horn, 378
- Wait, G. H. (letter), 98
- Walford. Eric (letters), 171, 555
- — E. W.. Article by, 880
- Walker, F. Geo. (letter), 26
- Wallis, E. Whishaw (letter), 309
- Wallwork’s Non-skids, 322, 426
- Ward. H. P. (query), 254
- Warming Arrangement. Simple, 904
- Warning Triangle (illustration), 454
- Wason. Cathcart, M.P., 663
- W. A. T. (letters), 379, 483
- Weigel, D. M. (letters), 812, 896
- — 40rh.p. Gear-driven Car, Description of,
- Welsh A.C., 72, 108, 145, 184, 866
- — Roads, Trials on, 25, 174
- West Car for Birmingham Corporation (illustration), 419
- India (illustration), 909
- West Cars, 641, 937
- — G. Cornwallis (letter), 382
- — Surrey (query), 529
- Westcliff-on-Sea Regatta, 355
- Westcliff Yacht Club, 321
- Weybridge Motor Racing Track, 498
- — Three Miles Motor Course at, 944
- What is Under the Paint ? 721
- — was it ? 460, 530
- Wheelbase and Body Length, 332
- Wheel, Detachable, Stevenson, 240
- — Vieo Resilient, Description of, 280
- Wheeler, Chas., Article by, 521
- W. H. H. (letter), 732
- White and Poppe Carburetter, Description of, 810
- — E. (letter), 343
- — Lion Hotel, Cobham, Old Engraving, 54
- — Steam Car, Augustus Post’s (illustration), 216
- — Thomas Edison’s (illustration). 318
- — Cars, Firing with Paraffin, 587, 625, 627, 684, 716
- — Chassis (illustration), 48
- Whitman, L. L., Run Across America by, 618, 808
- Whittaker, C. E. (letter), 552
- Wick Carburetters, 556, 589, 734
- Wight, R., jun. (reply), 938
- Wild, John (letter), 684
- Wilkinson, F. (letters), 449, 480
- Willis, G. Bright (letter), 347
- Wilson, Edgar E. (letter), 347
- — J. Veitch, Article by, 857, 897
- Windham Patent Body (illustration), 132
- — Sliding Detachable Body, 637
- Wind Screens, 902, 937
- Winning a CUD under Difficulties, 277
- Winter Motoring in America, 935
- — Touring, 874
- Winton Car, 105
- — Single Landaulet, 25 h.p. (illustration), 189
- Wife Wheels and Dust, 587
- — Hotchkiss, 141
- — in Tourist Trophy Race, 488
- Wire and Wood Wheels, 910
- — — by John V. Pugh, 948
- W. J. M. (query), 106
- W. L. (reply), 105
- W. N. D. (reply), 603
- Woakes, Ernest R., Article by, 728
- W 6 (letter), 448
- Wolseley Car in New Zealand (illustration), 156
- — Cars, Types of (illustration), 688
- — Co., Checking Test Cars (illustration), 561
- — Submarine Engine, 636
- — Works, Extensions’^, 304
- Wolverhampton A.C., 71, 72
- Woman and the Motor Car, Review. 252
- Woollen, T. H. (letters), 135, 174, 417, 518 715
- Worried (letter), 415
- Worthington, W. W. (letter), 174
- W. O. S. (letter), 896
- W. P. (letter), 958Wright, E. T. (letter), 811
- Wyvern (query), 426
- Xenia Carburetter, 937
- X. (reply), 530
- Yacht Club, Motor, 36, 70, 107, 190, 236, 251, 287, 320, 355,
- Trials, Entries for, 144
- — Report of, 190, 2365
- Yellow Peril (query), 146
- Y 35 (letter), 244
- — and “ Sheffield Telegraph ” Trophy. 74, 172
- — Speed Trials, Report of, 80
- — (letter), 923
- Yzelen, D. (letter), 815
- Zeta (letter), 138