1907 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar 1907 Jan-Jun Index - Volume 18
- Accessibility and. Cleanliness, 70, 86, 137. 161, 175, 201, 205, 236
- Accessories at Agricultural Hall Show, 551
- — Their Use and Repair, 401, 439, 479
- Accident at Sunrising Hill, 896
- — Fatal, to Lewis Gresse, 905
- — Racing, Death of Marius Pin, 835
- — Statistics, Motor Car, 340
- — to Mr. C. J. Glidden, 148
- Accidents, Avoidance of, 876
- — Hill, 957, 983
- — Horse and Tram, 98, 245, 652, 829
- — Motor Car, 869, 905, 907, 953, 957
- — Responsibility for, 264
- Accumulator Charging at Home, Cost of, 748
- — Leakage, 3
- — v. Magneto, 399, 410, 496, 514, 531, 558, 579, 617, 694, 857, 942
- — Tests on the Road, 531
- Acetylene Lamps, 439
- — Lamp Burners, Cleaning, 559
- A.A. Patrol’s Difficulties (illustration), 469
- A.C.G.B.I. Driving Examinations, 358
- — Lethargic State of the, 1, 21, 53, 56
- A.C. Handicapping System, 262, 311, 346, 431
- — Long Distance Trial, Straker-Squire C.S.B. Car, 31
- — Paper, by Sir J. H. A. Macdonald, 285
- Action of Magneto, Points in the, 395, 457, 768, 859
- Adams-Eight 35-40 h.p. Car, Description of, 72
- Adams-Hewitt 10 h.p., 103, 212, 248, 323
- — Car (illustration), 65
- — Mr. R. R. Smith’s (illustration), 828
- — Car, To Frome’s Hill on, 690
- Adams Mfg. Co. (letter), 202 (reply;, 248
- Adjustability of Deasy Steering, 780
- A.E.B.F. (query), 103
- A E 4 (letter), 236
- A. E. (reply), 212
- Aero Club Experiments, 295
- Aeroplane, M. Vuia’s Invention, 359
- Affiliation Questions, 204
- A. G. M. (letter), 497
- Agricultural Hall Show, 320, 543, 564, 578
- — Census of, 578
- — — — Report of, 543, 564
- A. H. M. (letter), 581
- Air-cooled Motors, 199, 273, 460
- Air Locks, Cause an df Prevention, 217
- — Supply, Hints and Tips, 289
- Airship, Engine for (illustration), 869
- A. J. D. (letter), 24
- A. Kuala Lumpur (letter), 201
- Albert Carburetter, Description of, 351
- Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd. (letter), 95
- — 24 h.p. Touring Car (illustration), 431
- Albo-Luthi Sparking Plug, 829
- Alcohol-acetylene, A Combined Fuel for Motors, 445
- Alcohol as a Fuel, 414
- — v. Petrol, Paper by Prof. Lewes, 434, 474
- — Propaganda in France, 722
- A 44 (letter), 861
- A 128 (letter), 901
- Algerian Race, 453
- Alldays 10 h.p. Car (illustration), 907
- — — Two-cylinder Car (illustration), 306
- Alloys, The Strength and Structure of, 508 555 508
- All-round Competition, 364, 423
- Alresford A.C., 435
- Abyssinia, Expedition to, on Siddeley Car, 774
- America, Automobile Club of, 34
- — Michelin Tyres in, 486
- — Motor Matters in, 194, 502
- American Automobiles, Hon. C. S. Rolls on, 315
- — Carburetter, Leinau, 512
- — Cars, French Workmen and, 123
- — Challenge, Rolls-Royce and, 345, 386, 431
- — Front Wheel Drive, Twyford Car, 713
- — Invasion, 234, 296, 342, 44 1, 494
- — Machines, Touring Car Race for, 527 J
- — Motot Export i igurei .476 ,
- — Motor Notes, 502, 527
- American 18A h.p. Reo with English-built Body (illustration), 908
- America’s Challenge Accepted, 422
- Amir of Afghanistan’s Cars, 983
- Analysis, Exhaust Gas, by W. R. Ormandy and J. H. Lester, 696
- — of Exhaust, 526, 540, 579, 595, 618, 692
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd. (letter), 236
- Anglo-Indian (query), 874
- Another M. H. (letters), 424, 496
- — Old Soldier (letter), 270
- — Owner (letter), 820
- Anthony, E. A. (letter), 618
- Anti-freezing Mixture, New, 253
- Anti-magneto (query), 632
- Anti-motor (letter), 615
- Appeal to Motorists, 500
- Appeals against Twenty Shilling Fines, 900
- A 191 (queries), 103, 534
- Arbuthnot, F. R. (query), 786
- Ardennes Circuit, Conditions of, 453
- — Meeting, 722
- Ardent Motorist (letters), 199, 309
- Argyll 12-14 h.p. Car, Baroness de Reuter’s (illustration), 246
- — 16-20 h.p. Car, Business Journey, 728, 771, 824
- — Certificates, Economical Driving, 115
- — Delivery Van (illustration), 542
- — 40-50 h.p. Four-cylinder Car (illustration), 870
- — (letter), 21
- — Motor Cab, The Old and the New
- — (illustration), 79
- — Motors, Ltd. (letters), 96, 500
- Ariel 28 h.p. Car (illustrations), 925
- — Heavy T/T. Car, 754
- — Motors, Ltd. (letter), 770
- Ariel-Simplex 35 h.p. Car for Irish and Scottish Trials, 781
- — for Heavy Touring Car Race (illustration), 626
- Arm Rest for Motor Car, 394, 423
- Army Council and Motor Car Instruction, 101
- — Motor Reserve, 95, 129, 140, 165, 199, 235, 270, 277, 308, 774, 978
- Arnott, Ernest (letter), 422
- Arrol-Johnston Cars, Hill-climbing of, 775
- — (illustrations), 663, 478, 836
- Artillery Wheels in the Tropics, 365
- Ashby-de-la-Zouch Inter-club Meet, 665
- Asiatic Market, 200
- As Others See Us, 29, 83, 408
- Assault Case, 446
- Association for the Promotion of Flight, 91
- Aster High Tension Magneto, Description of, 712
- A. T. B. (letter), 307
- Audible Warning, To Give, 651
- Austin, 18-24 h.p., A Surrey Run on, 704
- — Brakes, Push-on and Pull-on, 23
- — 25-30 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 358
- — H. (letters), 23, 25
- — Patent Collapsable Seat (illustrations), 724
- Australia, A Week’s Run in, 654
- — Motoring in, 497-
- Australian Reliability Trials, 344, 942
- Australasian 1,000 Miles Reliability Trials, 13
- Austrian Ambassador at Spanish Embassy (illustration), 733
- Authority (letter), 901
- “ Autocar, The,” Abroad, 9401
- — Map for Recording Tours, 575
- Automatic Air Inlet Valve, Extra, 436, 534
- — — Valve, R. and J. Pullman's, 17
- — Gear Change, Captain Stanley’s, 189
- — Inlet Valve Repairs, 635
- Automobile Association, 216, 241, 346, 439, 585, 586
- — Road Signs, 2
- — Club, 1, 21, 53, 133, 288, 325
- — Discussion, Number of Cylinders, 224
- — Steam v. Petrol, 305, 325, 352
- — Paper, Ignition and Power, by W. Watson, 314
- — Engineers, Paper, by Mr. Percy Martin, 396
- — Mutual Protection Association, 249, 594
- — Shows, Continental, 265
- — Standardisation Committee,l556
- Auxiliary Air Inlet, 55
- Avery and Roberts Patent Spanner, 66
- Avoiding the Apaches, 723
- A. W. (query), 911
- Axle Accident, 535, 580, 619, 691, 732, 769
- — Design, Napier Cars, 446
- Ayrshire, Police Cases in, 952
- Ayton, R. W. (letter), 273
- Backfiring, 436, 632 Baddeley, T. C. (letter), 92
- Badges, A Direct Comparison (illustration), 985
- — An Appeal to Sportsmen, 903, 939, 981
- Ballymenagh Woollen Factory, Ltd. (letter), 272
- Barnby Moor, To, on Siddeley Car, 562
- Barratt, Charles S. (letter), 496
- Bath, H. J. (letters), 128, 163, 309
- Beaufort Car, 20 h.p. Car, Description of, 646
- Bedfordshire A.C., 623, 956
- Beeston Humber Heavy Touring Car (illustration), 771
- Bellingham, M. (letter), 618
- Bell, J. Dalrymple (letters), 312, 347
- Belsize Car, 40 h.p. Car, in India (illustration) 186
- — 60 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illustrations), 431, 702
- — Mr J. Keele’s Car (illustration), 702
- — Engine Lubricator, 489
- — Motors Ltd. (letter), 54
- Benz 50 h.p. Four-cylinder Car, Description of, 922
- Benzol as Motor Fuel, 484, 731
- Bentley, B. I. F., Expedition to Abyssinia on Siddeley Car, 774 ~
- Berkshire A.C.. 623, 784
- Berliet Car, 263, 323, 860
- — Live Axle Drive Chassis (illustration). 465
- — T.T. Car, 263, 755
- Bevel Drive and Cardan Shaft v. Chain Drive, 347, 657, 695, 730, 770, 857, 902, 984
- Bexhill Meeting, Crystal Palace A.C., 772, £817, 854
- — Races, 731, 772, 860
- B H 701 (reply), 503
- Big Trip on a Small Car, 164’
- Billington, Col. (reply), 786
- Birmingham Motor Car Show, 138
- Bishop, L. F. (letter), 695
- Blackheath A.C., 398, 666, 743, 833, 910
- Blackpool, New Road to. 621, 657
- B N 250 (letter), 498
- Boam, S. F. (letter), 350
- Bodies, Motor Car, 129, 162, 202, 273, 908, 984
- Body Details, Attention to, 394, 423
- Boehm, Edgar (letter), 199
- — Sir E. C., Article by, 146
- Bolsover Steam Car, 874
- Bolton, G. H. (reply), 632
- Bombay’s First Motor Gymkhana, 427
- Borneo Spirit, 307
- Boron System, 632, 786
- Bourdon, Marcus WT., Gear Changing, 602
- Bowden Distance Recorder, 432
- — Harold (letters), 95, 860
- — (letter), 618
- Bowden’s Auxiliary Air Inlet, 626
- — Patents Synd. (letter), 55
- Box Spanners and Sparking Plugs, 877
- Bradford A.C., 213
- Brakes, 983
- — for Rear Wheels, Tests of, 507
- — Harsh and Squeaky, Curing, 597
- — Internal Expanding, To Adjust, 711
- Brasier Car for Grand Prix Race (illustration), 905
- Breech-block Plug, Description of, 777
- Brescia Circuit, 996.
- Brewer, Robert W. A. (letters), 91, 201
- Bridge Tolls, 780
- Bridges. Parliamentary Regulations as to, r 340
- Bright, H. (letter), 657
- Brighton and Back on 16 h.p. Reo, 366
- Bristol and Gloucestershire A.C., 706, 784
- Britannia Car 18-24 h.p. Car, Description of. 372
- — Car (illustrations), 102 432
- British and Foreign Motor Cars. 22, 96, 167
- — Bariquand and Marre Engines, Description of, 58
- British Bariquand and Marre Engine Co. (letter), 693
- — Cars Abroad, 618
- — for the Grand Prix, 84
- — Force Feed Lubricator, 487
- — Motor Boat Club 136, 283, 362, 435, 473, 511, 533, 577, 666, 784, 833, 866, 909
- — Fuel, 484
- Brodribb, R. H. (letter), 580
- Brooke Car 30 h.p. Car, Long Distance Trial of, 601, 663, 664
- — Car, Miss Josephine Oakey’s (illustration), 400
- — Method of Fixing Front Wings, 322
- — 30 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illustration). 209
- — Run on, 45
- Brooklands, First Meeting, Entries for, 985
- — Motor Course, Interview with Col.
- — Holden, 937
- — Racing Track (illustrations), 62, 639, 640, 641, 642, 895
- — Proposed Dust Trials at, 893
- — Racing Track, Inauguration of Course, 918
- — Track, 35, 53, 92, 125, 139, 614, 639, 915, 918, 937
- Brown, Arthur (reply), 436
- Brown Car]], 20-22 h.p. Car, Description of, 116
- — Cars in Ireland (illustration), 870
- Browning, J. (letter), 420, 458
- Brugier Cup Race, Marseilles, 471
- Bryant, Arthur (letter), 540
- Burmah, Motoring in, 560, 587
- Burning of the King’s Car, 378
- — Question, Automobile Club, 325
- Burton, Alexander, J. T. (letter), 126
- Butler, J. H. (letters), 421, 730, 900
- Cadillac Car, Hill-climb of (illustration), 360
- Cairns, T. Munro (letters), 96, 235, 308
- Cairo, Cars in, 654
- — (letter), 940
- Caledonian (query), 212
- Callendar, H. L., Paper by, 707
- Cambridge and Isle of Ely A.C., 577
- Cams and Valve Stems, Wear of, 238
- Cannes Automobile Meeting, 430“
- Canning, Leopold, J.P. (letter), 656
- Cantab, (letters), 539, 657
- Cape Cart Hoods, 323
- Capital, Need of, French Motor Industry, 429
- Cappellan, Maurice (letter), 983
- Car Axle Design, 446
- Carbon Deposits, To Prevent, 217, 365
- Carburation, Improved, 278
- Carburetter, Albert, Description of. 351
- — C.G.V. Two-jet, Description of, 645
- — Connections, 942
- — Control, Simple, 276
- — G. and R., Description, 59
- — Leinau, 512
- — Longuemare Automatic, Description of, 683
- Carburetters, Gauge in,*253, 349, 424
- — on Winning Cars, Vapour Emission
- Competition, 584
- Cardiff M.C., 173, 705, 866
- Carelessness in Repairs, 117
- Carle, F. (letter), 56
- — G. (letter), 940 1
- — L. (letters), 126, 4601
- Car and Tent, With, in Devon and France, 604, 643
- — Owner (letter), 691
- Carriage Design, 21
- Carter’s Hill-climb and Henry Edmunds Trophy, 878
- — Hill Competitions, 745, 783
- Catalogue Sizes, Inconvenient,J386
- C. B. (reply), 436 . g
- C. C. (letter), 203 1‘
- C. D. L. (letters), 96, 582
- Census of Agricultural Hall Show, 578
- Ceylon Tea Planter (query), 436
- C. G. (letter), 730
- C.G.V. Two-jet Carburetter, Description of, 645
- Chadwin, W. T. (letters), 92, 165
- Chain Case (letter), 770
- — Drive (letter), 943
- — — v. Bevel Drive and Cardan Shaft, 347, 657, 730, 770. 857, 902, 984
- — Protection and Lubrication, 56, 237
- Chainist (letter), 730
- Chains, Care of, 217
- Chairmen of Royal Automobile Club (illustrations), 411
- Challenge Accepted, Six v. Four Cylinders, 96, 130, 203, 239
- — Another, Porthos Car, 657
- — Four v. Six Cylinders, 281, 313, 423
- — Hill-climbing, 274, 313, 423
- — Steam v. Petrol, 615J
- Change Speed Gear, Wicksteed, Description of, 188
- Gears, 57, 130, 199, 271, 513 Lever, Vulcan, 734
- Changing Gears, The Art of, 602, 655, 695.
- Channel Championship at Dieppe, 649
- Charging Accumulators at Home, Cost of,
- Chatt, Joseph (letter), 943
- Chauffeur Difficulty, 384, 421, 424, o35, 557, 582, 615, 691, 729, 767, 820, 881,
- — (letters), 273, 858
- — Y. W. (letter), 615
- Chauffeurs and Their Little Ways, by Owen John, 881
- Chaytor, H. S. (letter), 982
- Chenard-Walcker Car, New Pattern (illustration), 505
- — Slow Running Test, 45
- — Cars, 830
- — Speed Gear, Description of, 892
- Cheshire A.C., 744, 994
- China and Japan, English Chauffeurs in, 273
- C. H. (letter), 984
- Christie’s Grand Prix Placer, 301
- Christie, W., Front-driving Racer, 738
- C. H. S. (letter), 130
- Cigarette Holder, Unique (illustration), 65
- Circuit des Ardennes Conditions, 453, 906
- City of Hereford Trophy and Medals (illustration), 732
- C. J. F. (letter), 271
- Clapham, C. F. (letter), 535
- Clayden, A. S. (letter), 312
- Clement, Albert, Death of, 766
- — 18-28 h.p. Car (illustration), 797
- — 14-18 h.p. Car (illustration), 988
- — Chassis, 25-35 h.p. (illustration), 542
- Clement-Talbot, Ltd. (letter), 768
- — 20-24 h.p., Run on, 291
- C. L. G. (letter), 654
- Clifford-Earp, W. T., Ltd. (letter), 695
- Climax Car, Road Driving Wheel (illustration), 575
- Clincher Studded Tyres, 3,000 Miles on, 703
- C. L. S. (letter), 164
- Club Competitions and Trials, 331, 860, 861
- — Doings, 34, 68, 104, 136, 173, 213, 250, 283, 324, 361, 398, 435, 473, 511, 533, 577, 623, 665, 705, 743, 784, 833, 866, 909, 954, 992
- — Hon. Sec. (letter), 346
- — Report, 288
- Clutches, 899, 941, 983
- — with Cork Insets, 153
- Clutch Forks, Noisy, 959
- — Leather, How to Cut, 289
- — Repair, 917
- Clyde 8-10 h.p. Car, 911
- C. N. W. (letter), 348
- Coachman (letter), 582
- Coath, W. W. (letter), 163
- Coats, Allan (letter-, 423
- Colebrook, Harold (letter), 56
- Coleman, Frederic (letters), 166, 348, 499
- Collapsable Seat, Austin Patent (illustration), 724
- Collier Tyres, 470
- Colonies, Cars for, 489
- Combined Acetylene and Paraffin Side Lamps, 167, 204
- Coming Races, Continental, 197
- Commercial Travellers’ Cars, 212
- — Vehicle Show, Features and Accessories, 379
- Commissions, Secret, and New Act, 67
- Comparative Census of the Paris Show, 30
- — Competitions, 387, 420
- — Tests, Accumulator and Magneto, 410
- Comparisons, 943
- Competition Formulae, 619
- — for Tar-spreading Machine, 68
- Conechy’s Corseted Inner Tube (illustration), 586
- Considerate Driving, A Help to, 830
- — Motorists, 821
- Constant Reader (letter), 730
- — (query), 323
- Continental Notes and News, 18, 89, 123, 197, 233, 264, 296, 341, 378, 429, 453, 493, 522, 569, 611, 648, 686, 723, 764,- 835, 855, 904, 945, 996
- Contrast, A., by Henry St. John, 763
- Cooke, F. (letter), 130
- — Radford (letters),. 55, 203
- — Stenson (letters), 346, 903, 982
- Cooper, J. (letter), 167
- Coop, F. (letter), 583
- Corbet, B. D. (letter), 583
- Corpe, H. R. (letter), 498
- Correspondence, 21, 53, 91, 125, 161, 199, 235, 269, 307, 345, 383, 419, 457, 495, 535, 579, 615, 653, 691, 729, 767, 817, 857, 899, 939, 981
- Corseted Tyres, McConechy’s Patent, 309
- Cost of Tour in France, 497, 536
- Upkeep in New Zealand, 859
- Costs of Running, 21, 95, 128, 129, 161, 163, 311, 350, 457, 579, 616, 655, 940
- Cotes, Arthur (letter), 311
- Counting Shaft Revolutions by Ear, 902
- County Councillors and Motor Law, 83
- — Councils and Motor Cars, 787, 797, 899
- Coupe de la Commission Sportive, Cars for, 490
- Coventry Humber 10-12 h.p., 212, 248, 323
- — Impressions of, 154
- — M.C., 104, 435, 705, 833, 910
- — Motor Club’s Gymkhana (illustrations), 897
- Cox, Coralie L. (letter), 204
- Cracked Cylinders, Repairing, 327
- Crankshaft for Eight-cylinder Weigel Car (illustration), 393
- — of Eight-cylinder Porthos Car (illustration), 736
- Craven Carburetter, Description of, 888
- Critchley, J. S. (letter), 166, 350
- Criterium de France, 764
- Crossley Car 40 h.p. Chain-driven Car, Description of, 737
- Cross Patent Heavy Oil Engine, Description of, 852
- Crystal Palace A.C., 361, 435, 577. 624, 666, 705, 744, 772, 834, 866
- — — — Flexibility Trial, 467
- — Automobile Club Meeting at Bexhill, 772. 860
- — Motor Show, 211
- Cudham Farm Hill, 660, 768
- Cuninghame, John (letters), 236, 346
- Cureton, Thomas (letters), 54, 96
- Curious (letter), 312
- C. W. E. P., Bengal (reply), 534
- — (letter), 902.
- Cyclists and Motor Cars, 340
- Cylinder Deposit, 595, 657
- Daimler Car at Pyramids (illustration), 330
- —- — for Kaiser Cup Race (illustration), 986
- —- — Mr. C. Wade’s (illustration), 492
- — Control, 966
- — Motor Co. (1904), Ltd. (letter), 130
- — 28 h.p., Mr. Rowland Hodge’s (illustrations), 726
- Sir Weetman Pearson’s (illustration), 101
- — H., Stern View of (illustration), 541
- — The Name of, 565, 656
- Dalrymple, Reginald (reply), 464
- Danger of the Streets, 490
- Dangers of the Road, Real, 857
- Dangerous Chauffeur, 536
- — Roads at Kingston, 861
- Danish A.C., 250
- Dargai, To, by Car, 20, 95
- Darracq 10 h.p. Cars for L.C.C. (illustration), 432
- — 40 h.p. Car, H. Bowden’s (illustration), 505
- — and Co., A. (reply), 911
- — 12 h.p. Two-cylinder, Accident to, 281
- — Withdrawal from Races, 722, 764, 780
- Dartmoor under Snow (illustrations), 124
- Davey, G. W. (reply), 464
- — J. Kingston (query), 911
- Davies, J. M. (letter), 164
- — (reply), 786
- Davis, George M. (letters), 345, 540
- D. D. B., Glasgow, Lubricants for Motors,
- — by, 425, 466
- Deasy Car (illustration), 66
- — H. H. P. (letters), 23, 237, 238, 274
- — 1,000 Miles Trial, 506, 518
- Decay of Motoring Manners, 438
- De Dietrich 60 h.p. Car, Paris to Madrid (illustration), 723
- — Testing (illustration), 507
- — Car Towing Sleighs (illustration), 697
- — 24-30 h.p. (illustration), 33
- — Racing Cars (illustration), 532
- De Dion-Bouton Back Axle, 181
- — Dion Car in New Zealand, 298
- — 8 h.p. Engine, Description of, 80
- — 24 h.p. for Scottish Reliability Trial (illustration), 908
- — Four-cylinder Engines, Description of. 501
- — Six-year-old (illustration), 597
- — 10 h.p. Two-cylinder Cars, 436
- — Vehicles, Ancient (illustrations), 41
- — Dionite (query), 911
- — Freville, G. P. H. (letters), 127. 309, 495, 583, 695
- — La Buire 24 h.p. Car, Description of, 674
- — 30-50 h.p. Car (illustration). 866
- — 15-20 h.p. Car (illustration), 869
- Defries, Colin (letters), 269, 424, 536, 819
- Delagrange Aeroplane, Successful Flight of, 494
- Delaunay-Belleville Cars, Owners of,’176
- Dennis 14 h.p. Car in New Zealand (illustration), 829
- — Car, Winner of Dewar Trophy (illustration), 989
- — 30-35 h.p., Description of, 151
- Dentist (letter), 496
- Deposit System, 325
- Derby and District A.C., 173, 213, 910, 955
- Descent of Steep Hills, 959
- Design, Details of, 60
- — Effect of Racing on, 17
- — for Car Bodies, 273, 908, 984
- — Uniform Stand Decoration, 568, 614
- — of Steering Gear Joints, 873
- Detachable Air Tubes, A Possibility, 880
- — Rims, 436, 953
- — Rim, Turquand 6
- Details of Tourist Trophy Cars, 752
- Devon and France, With Car and Tent, 604, 643
- Devonshire Tourists, A Warning to, 458
- De Walden, Lord Howard (illustration), 541
- D. H. K., 534
- Diagnosing a Misfire, 128
- Dickinson, A. E. (letter), 271
- Digby-Masters Rim Fastening, 456
- Distance Indicators, Incorrect, 729, 770, 828
- — Recorders, 464
- Dixon, Sydney S. (letters), 346. 422, 655
- D 2641 (letter), 423
- D 2432 (letter), 861
- Doctor’s Car (illustration), 664
- — Cars and Water Rates, 410, 991
- Donkin, R., X 433 (letter), 125
- Doolittle Detachable Rim, 436
- Dorset A.C., 866
- Downhill without Brakes, 103, 248
- Drew, G. H. (letter), 580
- Driver’s Liability in France, 198
- Driver (reply), 323
- Driving Chains, To Keep in Good Order, 3
- — Cooling Fans, 597
- Dublin, Automobile Show at, 61, 982
- Dubrulle Lubricator, Description of, 88
- Due d’Uzes Light Cars, 195
- Duckham, A. (letters), 22, 94. 239, 308, 457, 496, 655, 657, 982
- Dumbel), J. Burns (letter), 94
- Duncan, H. O. (letter), 458
- Dunhill’s Motor Novelties, 90
- Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. (letter), 93
- — Tyres, 1907, Pamphlet, 359
- Duped (letter), 54
- Duplex Tyre, Wilkinson, 322
- Du Pre, W. B. (letter), 22
- Durandal Non-skids, 212, 248, 323
- Dust Laying, France, 233
- Dustless Roads, 941
- Dust Prevention Competition, Report, 790
- — Trials at Brooklands, Proposed, 893
- Eagleton, L. O. (letter), 695
- Earp, W. Clifford (letter), 126
- Earthy, Chas. R. (letter), 93, 202
- Eastmead, Frederic (letters), 56, 857, 9S4
- East Surrey A.C., 577
- E. B. (query), 323
- E. B. 20 (query), 786
- E. C. H (letter), 53
- Echoes of the Show, 564
- Economical Driving, To Encourage, 115
- Edge and Jarrott, A Chat with. 64
- — S. F. (letters), 94, 239, 308, 313, 420, 461, 536, 617, 618, 731
- Edinburgh Motor Car Show, 279, 435
- Editor, “ Royal Automobile Club Journal,” (letter), 500
- Edwards-Moss, John (letter), 538
- Effrontery, 732
- E. F. (letter), 165
- Egerton, Hubert (letters), 274, 423
- E. G. H. (query), 436
- Egypt, Cars in, 460 E. H. P. (query), 212
- Eisemann Magneto, 952
- Elastes Filled4 Tyres, 323, 464, 786, 874
- — More about, 76
- Electrical Method of Engine Testing, Star Apparatus, 727
- Electric Cut-out, How to Make, 71
- — Ignition for Motor Vehicles, Review, 250
- E 255 (letter), 203
- Elford, E. S. (letter), 202
- Elwpw, H. J. (letter), 941
- Emmerson, T. (letter), 310
- E. M. H. (letter), 583
- Endorsement of Licenses, 869, 958
- Enfield Cars. Details of, 598
- — 15 h.p. Car (Illustration), 990
- Engineer (Jotter), 319
- Engine and Road Wheel Revolutions, 654
- — for Mr. Wellman’s Airship, 869
- —- Heavy Oil, Cross Patent, 852 Lx .
- — Petrol, How it Works, 27
- — Tests, by Prof. Hopkinson, 260
- — Testing, Star Electrical Apparatus, 727
- Engines, De Dion Four-cylinder, Description of, 501
- — Identification of, 437
- English Cars on the Continent, 942, 982
- — Chauffeurs in China and Japan, 273
- Enquirer (queries), 248, 436, 911
- Enterprise in the Far North (illustration), 52
- Enthusiastic Steam Car Owner (letter), 582
- Equal Power, Accumulator or Magneto, 410
- Erratic Engine, 464
- E S 255 (letter), 95
- Essex County A.C., 473, 833, 956, 994
- E. S. W. (letter), 820
- E. W. (letter).. 732
- Ex-chauffeur (letter), 422
- Ex-coachman (letter). 7 67
- Exhaust Analyses, 526, 540, 579, 595, 618, 653, 692, 858
- — Cut-outs, Sirens and, 729, 7 88, 821
- — Experiment with, 541
- — Gas Analysis, by W. R. Ormandy and J. H. Lester, 696
- Exhibitor (letter), 7 70
- Experienced Chauffeur (letter), 54
- Experiences, 579, 618, 656, 693
- — Suggestions, 238
- Experiments with Sparking Plugs, 63
- Experts, New Openings for, 975
- Exports and Imports of Motor Cars, 65, 532 925
- Ex-tester (letter), 94
- Extra Automatic Air Inlet Valve, 436
- 40 h.p. (letter). 57
- Fair Play (letters), 271, 459, 617
- Fatal Hill Accidents, 957, 983
- Fat Spark. 287, 383, 477
- Fawcett-Fowler Steam Car, Description of, 152
- Features and Accessories, Commercial Vehicle Show, 379
- Fellows, Percy W. (letter), 655
- Fennell, C. D. (letter), 983
- F F 19 (letter), 350
- Fiat (letter), 93
- — 120 h.p. Car, M. Okura’s (illustration), 894
- Fielding, A. (letter), 56
- “ Finality ” in Motor Car Design, 249 “
- Fingerpost Guide to Road Junctions,” 411
- Fitting a Float to a Tank, 3
- — Reverse to 6 h.p. De Dion, 323
- Five Years Chauffeur-mechanic (letter), 536
- F. (letter), 23
- F291 (letter), 458
- Flexibility, 940
- — Competition, 363, 419, 467, 495, 536, 582, 617, 819, 692
- Flight, Association for the Promotion of, 91
- Flip (query), 786
- Float-controlled Carburetters, New and Old, 338, 422
- Florida Meet, After the, 222
- Florio Cup, 197, 342
- Flying Machines, Model, Tests of, 592 Race of, 90
- Flynn, Leo J. (reply), 503
- F N 88 (letter), 943
- F.N. (queries), 503, 534
- Force Feed Lubricator, Winn’s, 487
- Fording a Suffolk Stream (illustration), 780
- Ford, Coates (letter), 539
- — R. Moffat (letter), 167
- Foreign Firms, Contracts with, 26, 32, 54
- Formulae, Competition, 619
- Foster, A. (letter), 859
- Fournier’s Reappearance, Kaiser Cup Race, 722
- Four v. Six-cylinders, Argyll Challenge. 122, 281, 313
- — Six-cylinder Engines, Discussion, 177, 215, 224, 239, 269
- — Thousand Miles without a Stop,
- Siddeley Car, 521
- Fractured Castings, Repairing, 443
- France, Racing in, 341
- — Tour in. Cost of, 497, 536
- — Twice Across, 7, 38
- Fraudulent Situation Agencies, 24, 54, 94
- F.R.C.S. (Eng.), (letter), 695
- French A.C. Regulations and Races in Europe, 454
- — Chalk Sprinkler, 597
- — Criterium, 493, 523
- — Defeat, Another, 946
- — - in the Isle of Mun, 855
- French Industry, Price and Quality, 596
- — Motor Industry, Export Trade, 453 Need of Capital, 429
- — Race on T.T. Lines, 172
- — Roads, 126
- — Workmen and American Cars, 123
- Friswell’s Small Car (illustration), 207
- Frome’s Hill-climb, 34, 324, 471, 664, 732, 739
- — (illustrations), 672. 687, 688, 689. 690, 696, 699, 701. 739
- — Notes of, 681 Report of, <678
- — Hill Formula, 732 , To, by Road, 690
- Front Wheel Drive,. Twyford Car, 713
- Frost and Water .Cooling, 31
- F. R. S. (query), 24 8
- Fuel Experiments, 178
- — Home-made, Testing, Trials of Petrol
- — and Benzol, 803
- — Limit (letter), 903
- — Races, 44, 78, 125, 140, 172, 251, 278, 331, 358, 634, 657, 716, 747, 750. 820
- — Isle of Man Notes, 716
- — Particulars of Cars, 756, 805
- — Naphtha as, 103
- — Question, 55, 91, 203, 272, 346. 434, 474, 484
- — Prof. Lewes’s Paper, 434, 474
- Fuller, J. C., and Son (letter), 579
- Furneaux, W. E. (letter), 212
- Future of the Horse, “ Pall Mall Gazette.” 408
- T. T. Race, by Claude Johnson, 896
- — Struggle for Business, France and, 855
- F. W. W. (query), 464
- Gaal, A. (letter), 858
- Galloway, W., and Co. (letters), 125, 273, 385
- Garage Charges, 657, 943
- —- Needed, 464
- — Proprietors, Responsibility of, 911
- Garden, F. A. (letter), 535
- Gardner, B. B. (letter), 657
- Gas Lighting Improvement Co., Ltd., 272
- Gate Control on Beeston Humber, 534, 632. 874
- Gauge for Magnetos, Cravens, Ltd., 832
- — in Carburetters, 253, 349, 424, 940
- G. B. Ballodn Race, 278
- G. B. T. (letter), 900
- Gear Changing, 602, 655, 695, 731, 769
- — by Marcus W. Bourdon, 602
- — Improved, Humphris, Description of, 898
- — Speed, Chenard-Walcker, Description of, 892
- General Manual of the Automobile Industry, Review, 250
- — Practitioner (letters), 616, 632
- Generator (letters), 24, 165, 53S
- — White 30 h.p., Description of, 621
- George, Clive K. (reply), 534
- Germain Grand Prix Car (illustration), 907
- Germany, Facilities for Visiting, 828
- — How Motorists are Hampered in, 265
- G. H. 0. (letter), 731
- Gibbons, A. C. (letter), 495
- Gibson’s, G., Patent Device, 67
- Gilchrist, W., Paper by, “ The Motor Car Considered as a Carriage,” 912 Gillet-Lehmalyi Carburetter, 338
- Gill, Jas. F. (letter), 346
- Gladiator Car for Heavy Touring Car Race (illustration), 716
- — Chain Case, 67
- — Heavy T.T. Car, 755
- Glamorgan Roads Committee and Dust Problem, 357
- “ Glasgow Evening News,” Transport of, 357
- — Motor Show, 210
- Glaser, W. H., Accumulator Charging, bv, 748
- — Hints and Tips, by, 71
- Glazed Bricks for Pits. 464
- Glen, H. F. (letter), 309
- Glidden, C. J., Accident to, 148
- — Trophy Tour, 594
- G. L. (letter), 767
- Gloucestershire, Bristol and, A C., 706, 784
- Glyn (letter), 859
- Godwin, H. (reply), 534
- Goff, Henry A. (letter), 901
- Good Roads, 981
- — Week’s Work of the Club, 133
- Goodyear, Fred, (letter), 55
- Gordon-Bennett Motor Boat. Race, 283
- — Race, A New, 835 Gordon, Colin (reply), 323
- Gossip, Occasional, by the Autocrat. 622, 658. 889
- Govan, Mr. Alex., The Late, 804
- Gradient Required, 874
- Grand Prix and English Visitors, 996
- — Sporting Commission Races,
- — American Entries, 502
- — British Cars for, 84 :
- — Cars Characteristics of, 996
- — Circuit, 233, 264, 275, 297, 384, 421, 462, 500, 650, 656
- — Conditions of the, 18, 89, 124
- — Race, Details of Cars for, 490, 536
- — Racer, Christie’s, 301 Tourist, 89
- — 80 h.p. Weigel Car, Description of, 718
- Granite Sets in London, 901, 982
- “ Graphic ” Trophy, 566, 774, 836, 871, 872
- Race, List of Competitors, 836
- Graphite as a Motor Lubricant, 978J
- G. and R. Carburetter, Description of, 59
- Greatorex, J. R. (letter), 4231
- Gregoire Cars (illustration), 100
- Grimwade, F. Norton (letter), 654
- Groom, Wilfrid (letters), 93, 200, 3xi
- G. S. (letter), 695
- G. S. M. (letter), 900
- Guadarrama Hill-climb Time, 861
- Gutmann,]Walter (letters), 23,5 126, 167, 420 H
- Hackett, J. H. (letter), 653
- Half-minute Tyre Remover, Halifax A.C., 867
- Hall, John, Inventor of a Model Aeroplane (illustration), 603
- Handicapping System, A.C., 262, 311, 346, 431
- Handy Labour-saver, F. W. Bayliss’s Arrangement, 409
- Hardman, Wm. L. (letter), 497
- Hare, F. H. (letter), 580
- Harmer, Oscar (letter), 535
- Harris, Frederic H. (letters), 383, 617, 857
- — Samuel (letter), 419
- Harrogate and District A.C., 104, 706, 784, 833, 866
- Hartley Speed Recorder, Description of, 290
- — Thos. R. (letter), 460
- Hawkins, H., Caesar (letter), ql
- H. B. B. (letters), 271, 655
- H. B. (query), 323
- H. C. D. (letter), 130
- H. C. (query), 436
- Heavy Drive by Small Car, 2b*
- — Oil Engine, Cross Patent, Description
- — of, 852
- — Petrol, 236
- — Touring Car Race. 69, 77, 140, 164, 272, 497, 748, 750, 851
- Hedge Cutting, 861, 943
- Heel of Achilles, by G. Stuart Ogilvie, 491, 519 572
- Hele-Shaw Clutch, 503
- Henry Edmunds Trophy and Carter’s Hillclimb, 601, 878
- Herefordshire Roads, 93, 167
- Herkomer Trophy, 198, 274, 313, 886, 894, 935
- — Choked Oil Pipe, 943
- — Competition, Report of, 886, 894, 935
- Heron Mechanical Tyre Pump, 504
- Hertfordshire County A.C., 213, 511, 744, 992
- Hervey, A. C. (letter), 24
- Hewer, Edward (letter), 162
- H. H. (letters), 236, 385
- Hickman, Alan A. L. (letters), 200, 384, 162, 982
- High-grade Cars, 198
- High v. Low Tension Magneto, 24, 55, 95, 126, 309
- — Tension Magneto, Aster, Description of, 712
- Highways Protection League, 244
- Hill Accidents, Fatal, 957, 983
- — Handicapping, 252', 262
- Hill-climbing, 410, 530, 625, 693, 695, 731, 739, 768, 775
- — Challenge, 274, 313, 423
- — Competitions. Steam Cars in, 940, 983
- — with Sails, 729 Hill-climbs, Open, 513, 601
- Hill-climb, Unsuccessful, 775, 858
- Hillier, G. Lacy (letter), 537
- Hillman-Coatalen Car, 304
- (illustration), 684
- Hints and Tips, Useful, 3, 37, 71, 107, 141, 179, 217, 253, 289, 327, 365, 401, 439, 479, 515, 559, 597, 635, 673, 711, 748, 789, 839, 877, 917, 959
- Hispano Suiza Car, Description of, 121
- H. J. M. (letter). 691
- H. J. (query), 874
- H 2587 (letter), 130
- H. M. P. (letter), 270
- Hoare and Sons Waterproof Motor Clothing. 337
- Hobson, Clement (letter), 129 ;
- Hodgkin, J. E. (letter), 939
- Hog Trough Hill, 497, 507, 530, 5353
- Hollands, Henrv (letters), 421, 861£
- Holman, Leslie J. (letter), 655 1
- Homan, Isabelle, M. (letter), 423
- Home-made Fuel, Trials of Petrol and Benzol, 803
- Hooded Van Dangers, 376
- Hooper Brougham Body (illustration), 280
- Hooydonk, J. Van (letter), 347
- Horch Car, 35-40 h.p. Car (illustration), 948
- Horizontal Two-cylinder Cars, 199, 238, 272, 308
- Horn Bulbs, The Repair of, 959J
- Horns, 479
- Horse and Tram Accidents, 98, 245, 652
- — Future of the, “ Pall Mall Gazette,’’ 408
- Horse-power of the Petrol Motor, 589, 629, 667
- — Rating, 21, 94, 204
- Horsed Vehicles and Motor Cars, Length of (illustration), 893
- Horses and Motors, Effect on Roads Compared, 875
- Hospitalier, M.. Death of, 430
- Hotchkiss 70 h.p., 66
- — Six-cylinder, British Tour, 651, 703, 715, 781, 908, 953 Car (illustrations), 227, 326
- — Tour de France Car, 438
- — Tour in France, 297, 354, 355, 430, 453, 524 Hotels, 23
- House, Albert (letters), 55, 349
- — of Commons and Motor Cars, 219, 278, 304, 340, 409, 532, 563, 620, 634, 836, 872, 895, 985
- H. P. L. and its Methods, 52
- H. S. B. (letter), 579
- Hughes, Hugh (letter), 691 ^7
- Hull and District A.C., 666
- Humber Car, After Ten Thousand Miles, 689
- — — 1904 Pattern (illustration), 319
- — 15 h.p., Experience, 786
- Humphris Change Speed Gear, Description of, 898
- Hunter, Fred. C. (letter), 458
- — William J. (letter), 656
- Hurmid, 40 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, 620
- H. V. H. (reply), 534
- H. W. T. (reply), 323
- Hydraulic Transmission, Pittier, Description of, 99
- Hydroplane, Novel, 296
- Hygiene, Motor, 252
- Hyland, John (letter), 200
- Hyslop, W. Campbell (letter), 21
- Identification of Engines, 437
- “ Ignition and Power,” Automobile Club, Paper by W. Watson, 314, 346, 457
- Ignition and Valves, Timing, 789, 858
- — Sparks, Power of, 308, 348, 580 Ignorant Police, 313
- Importers’ Automobile Association, Show in New York, 738
- Imports and Exports, Motor Car, 65. 532, 925
- Impressions of Spain, Interview with Mr. E. M. C. Instone, 817
- Improved Carburation, 278
- Inconsiderate Driving, 616, 729, 899, 981
- Incorrect Distance Indicators, 729, 770, 828
- — Statements, 60
- India, Autocars in (illustrations), 222, 662
- — Motoring in, Gymkhana at Bombay, 427
- — Picnicing by Motor Brake, 261
- — Steam Cars for, 125, 165, 436
- — Western, Motor Union of, 511, 828, 833
- — Trials and Exhibition, 828
- Indian Motorist (letter), 125
- Indicators, Optical, 472
- Induction Coil Testing, Notes on, 516
- Infanta Isabel of Spain in Panhard Car (illustration), 514
- Innes. S. A. (letter), 940
- Inner Tubes, Interchangeability of, 503
- Inquirer (query), 874
- Instantaneous Inflation, 614
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, Graduates Section. 576
- — Paper by H. L. Callendar, 707
- — W. Gilchrist, 912
- — F. W. Lanchester, 589, 629, 667
- — — F. L. Martineau, 86, 137,175,205
- — W, Rosenhain, 508, 555, 593
- Instone, E. M. C., Interview with, Impressions of Spain, 817
- (letter), 861 Insurance, Motor Car, 96, 130, 505, 941
- Interchangeability of Tyres, 406, 632, 786
- Inter-club Hill-climb at Kettleby, 993
- — Meet, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 665
- Interested (letter), 692
- — (queries), 103, 323
- “Internal Combustion Engines for Marine Purposes,” Paper by J. T. Milton, 17 6
- Internal Expanding Brakes, To Adjust, 711
- Inventor’s Show, 296, 433, 524
- Ipswich and East Suffolk A.C., 744, 909, 956
- Ireland (letters), 900, 983
- — Roads in, 870
- Iris Car, 40 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 703
- — 25 h.p., Two Hundred Miles on, 636, 740
- — 25-30 h.p. Car (illustration). 170
- — Cars, New Quarters for, 351 Irish A.C., 362, 398, 705
- — Automobile Club, Reliability Trials, Report, 798
- — — Show, 61
- — Dispensary M.D. (letter), 616
- — Reader (letter), 940
- — Reliability Trials, 275, 287, 388, 746, 798, 869, 871 (illustrations), 793, 796, 801, 830, 832
- — Sketch Map of. Course, 388
- — Trials Speed Test (illustration), 542
- Isaac, G. Washington (letters), 126, 770
- Isle of Man Course, T.T. Races (illustrations), 758, 760, 761, 780
- — Notes, Fuel Limit Races, 716
- — Races, Entries for, 637
- — Racing in, 209, 601, 637, 652
- Itala 40 h.p. Car (illustrations), 868, 958
- Italian Industry, 429
- Italy, Cars for, 304
- James and Browne, Ltd. (letter), 309
- James, W., Tyre Tool, 33G
- Jane, Fred. T. (reply), 874
- Japy Mechanical Carburetter, 145
- J. A. (query), 632
- Jarrott, Chas, (letters), 57, 536, 819, 861
- To the South of France, by, 528
- Java, Motoring in (illustration), 587
- — Transporting Mails in, 245
- Jefferson, R. L., The Pekin to Paris Run, by, 733
- — Robert L., Motoring in Burmah, by, 560
- Jeffreys, W. Rees (letters), 770, 900
- J. F. (letter), 237
- J. G. G. (query), 911
- J. G. L. S. (letter), 126
- J. H. C. (query), 911
- J. H. L. (letter), 422
- J. J. P. (letter), 57
- John, Owen, On the Road, by, 44, 154, 444, 638, 765, 881, 975
- Johnson, Claude, Future of T.T. Race, by, 896
- — C. (letters), 54, 419, 462, 616
- — E. (letter), 462
- Jones, G. H. (letter), 859
- Journalist (letters), 271, 385
- J. S. C. D. (reply), 248
- J. S. G. (letter), 272
- J. S. (query), 212
- Junior A.C., 435, 511, 624, 666, 705, 744, 866
- — Automobile Club, 283
- — 18-24 h.p., 28-40 h.p. Chassis, Description of, 960
- J. W. A. (letter), 271
- J. W. (query), 464
- Kaiser Cup, 18, 90, 234, 297, 430, 524, 571, 650, 686, 723, 731, 855, 894, 926
- — Conditions, 894
- — Race, Illustrations of Course, 430, 571, 574
- — Report of, 926
- — Type of Car, 342
- Kane, Frank (query), 503
- Kelly’s Duplex Motor, 248
- Kelly, Thos. D. (letter), 203
- Kenneth, Henry (letter), 383
- Kensington Borough Council, Injunction applied for by, 700
- Kent A.C., 512, 577, 666, 744, 833, 994
- Kettleby Hill-climb, 956, 993
- King Alfonso on Panhard Car (illustration), 781
- Kingston, British Motor Club’s Meet at, 909
- — Dangerous Roads at, 861
- Kinnon, John (letter), 580
- Kirton* Kate F. (letters), 582, 693
- Knight. A. (letter), 274
- Knocking in the Cylinder, 165]
- Lacoste. H.T. Magneto, Description of, 412
- Lacre Lamps, Description of, 302
- Ladies’ A.C., 174, 250, 361, 577, 866, 992
- Lady Chauffeur, 661
- Lady Motorist’s Page, 488
- Lake Coulson, 537
- — W. IL (letter), 346
- Lamont, R. (letter), 24
- Lamp, Pear Shaped, 874
- Lamps, Acetylene and Oil, 439 •
- — Lacre, Description of, 302
- Lancashire, North-east, A.C., 173, 324, 867
- — Works, New, 304
- Lanchester Carburetter, Description of, 585
- — Car, Chauffeur Accommodation (illustration), 625
- Lanchester, F. W. (letter). 821
- — Optical Indicators, by, 472
- — Paper by, 589, 629, 667
- — Motor Co. (letter), 984
- — Mr., Paper by (letters), 692, 821
- — Six-cylinder Car, Description of, 4, 42, 97
- — Chassis, 433
- — Mr. John Pugh’s (illustrations), 735
- Langridge, G. T. (letter), 939
- Langstone Bridge, Tolls at, 280, 324, 359
- Laurin and Klement 8 h.p. Car (illustration), 625
- Laurin-Klement 8-9 h.p. Cars, Tests of Reliability, 714
- Lawday, G. Curnoch (letter), 424
- Law, George H. (letters), 23, 461 ?
- — H. (letter), 95
- — versus Manners, 826, 939
- L. C.C. Methods, 3461
- LC3117 (letter), 130
- LC 9964 (letter), 821
- Leaky Tyre Valves, 597 3
- Le Fanu, H. G. P. (letter), 538
- Leicestershire A.C., 361, 955
- Leinau Carburetter, 512
- Leon Bollee Car, Trial Run on, 455 I
- Lermite, H. D. (letter), 497
- Lester, J. H. (letters), 384, 462, 540, 653
- Letombe Self-starter, Description of, 82
- Letts, Wm. (letter), 387
- Level Crossings, Motor Union and, 588
- Lewes, Prof., Paper by, Alcohol v. Petrol, 434, 474
- Lewin, F. Guy (letters), 24, 165, 235, 308
- Lewis, T. (letter), 127
- L. G. (reply), 212
- Licenses, Inspection of, Police Case, 393
- Lichfield, Speed of Cars at, 859
- Lieut.-Governor of Isle of Man (illustration), 850
- Life of a Motor Car, 459
- Light Car Trophy Race, 202
- Lightning, Motor Cars and, 874
- Lights on Vehicles Bill, 409, 431, 563, 579, 615, 620, 634, 653, 691
- Limousine or Landaulet ? 25, 93
- Lincoln Gymkhana, Officials of (illustration), 780
- — Motor Union Meet, 563, 736, 778 : Report of, 778
- Lincolnshire A.C., 213, 992 J
- Lincoln’s Inn (reply), 248
- Live Axles, 163, 269, 310^
- — Axle v. Chain Drive, 347, 657, 730, 770, 857, 902, 984
- Liverpool A.C., 174, 705, 743
- — Motor Car Show, Report of, 168
- — Show, Argyll Stand (illustration), 209
- Livesey, Edward II. (letter), 940
- L. J. M. (letters), 127, 200
- LN 1625 (letter), 982
- Lock, H. P. (letter). 694 ’ ’
- London to Monte Carlo, 455, 462, 576, 693, 697, 710, 730, 827, 872
- — Motor Co. (letter), 656
- — to Edinburgh, Motor Cycling Club
- — Run, 782
- — Runs, 258, 693, 720, 782
- — Holyhead, Test of 8-9 h.p. Laurin-Klement Cars, 714
- — Madrid by Road, 703
- — Monte Carlo, by Major C. G. Matson, 517
- — Mercedes Car (illustration), 697
- — Napier Car, 576
- London-Paris Motor Service, 698
- Longridge, C. C., Positive Locking Clutch, 206
- — Limousine on Austin Chassis (illustration), 565
- Longuemare Automatic Carburetter, Description of, 683
- Long Island Speed Road, 502
- Lound, J. Edgar (letter), 54
- Lover of Steam (letter), 581
- Low-tension Ignition,$983
- — — Trouble, 515 J
- L 708 (query), 436 |
- Lubricants for Motors, by D. D. B., 425, T ' 466
- Lubrication of Petrol Engines, 93, 128, 165, 201, 239, 350, 425, 457, 496
- Lubricator, Belsize Engine, 489
- — Mechanical, Winn’s, 487
- Lubricators, 404
- Luggage Trailer, 103, 212
- Luning, W. A. (letter), 981
- Macdonald, J. H. A., A.C. Paper by, 242, 285
- — (letter), 21
- — Sir J. H. A., 965
- Mackenzie, Douglas (letter), 655
- MacLulich, J. M. (letter), 93
- Madeley, J. C. and J. W, (letter), 692
- Madrid Automobile Show, 722, 767
- Magneto, Action of, Points in the, 395, 457, 768, 859
- — Aster High Tension, Description of, 712
- — Cut-out, Simple, 71
- — Fatigue, 479
- — Laeoste II.T., Description of, 412
- — To Protect, 789
- — v. Accumulators, 399, 410, 496, 514, 531, 558, 579, 617, 694, 857, 942
- Magnetos, Checking and Adjusting the Timing, 515, 789
- — Simms-Bosch High Tension, 190, 220. 266, 300
- Magrath, J. R. (letter), 212
- Malay States, Autocars in (illustration), 36
- M. A. (letters), 269, 459
- Manchester A.C., 13S, 174, 577, 666, 706, 744, 867, 909
- — Shows, 247, 321
- — M.C., 136, 623, 956
- Manners, II. (query), 436
- — Maketh Man (letter), 940
- Manograph, Petrol Engine Indicating, 157
- Man, S. D. (letter), 692
- Manufacturer (letter), 583
- — H. (letter), 617
- Manufacturers’ Tests, 57, 94
- Map of Police Timed Roads, 685, 721, 823. 883, 976
- Markyate Eclipsed, 160
- Marine Engine, 300 h.p. Six-cylinder (illustration), 364
- — Motor Mechanics, 232
- Marseilles, Taking Car to, 103
- Martineau, F. Leigh (letter), 656
- — F. I,., Paper by, 86, 137, 175, 205
- Martini Car 40-50 h.p. Car, Description of, 794
- — 14-20 h.p. Car (illustration), 975
- Martin, Percy, Paper by, 396
- Mass 24 h.p. Car (illustration), 739
- Master Patent, Alleged, Upset, 249
- Materials Used in Car Construction, 24, 56
- Matson, C. G. (letter), 161
- — Major C. G., London to Monte Carlo*
- — by, 517
- Matthews, A. E. (reply), 248
- Maudslay 35-45 h.p., 196
- — 20-30 h.p. Omnibus (illustration), 470
- May thorn and Son Single Landaulet (illustration), 246
- McConechy, Jas. (letter), 313
- McConechy’s Patent Tyre?, 309
- McKinney, A. J. (letter), 55
- McMurtry Wood (reply), 503
- M.D., F. R. C. P. (letters). 450, 459
- M. D. (letters), 162, 307, 424, 464
- Meares, G. M. (reply), 874
- (query), 632
- Mechanical Carburetter, Japy, 145
- — Tyre Pump, Heron Co.’s, 504
- Medical Men, Motors for, 235, 307, 385, 424, 459, 496, 580, 616, 695
- Medicus (letters), 385, 693
- Meldrum Safety Starting Handle, 625
- Member of the London Stock Exchange (letter). 540
- Memories of the Past, 444
- Mentor, Cairo (letter), 654
- Mercedes Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 393
- — Chassis, Plan of, 20
- — 75 h.p., Description of, 187
- Meredith, F. (letters), 693, 943
- Merely an Onlooker (letter), 820
- Mere Owner (letter), 767
- Meyer, Paul John (letter), 497
- M. F. (query), 103
- Mica Windows, Cleaning, 327
- Michelin Tyres in America, 486
- Middleton, C. (reply), 786 -- R. E. (letter), 310
- Midland A.C., 361, 435, 623
- “ Miesse,” The Name of, 657
- Military Motors, Registration of, 140
- — Purposes, Motor Cai’s for, 284
- Miller, Charles F. L. (letters), 161, 212
- Victor H. (letter), 96
- Milin, A. L. (letter), 821
- Milne, J. A. (letter), 346
- Minerva Cars, 911
- for Races, 587
- — 24 h.p. Four-cylinder. Run on, 358
- Mirror for Fitting to Car, a Help to Considerate Driving, 830
- Misfire, Diagnosing a. 128
- Misfiring, Unaccountable, 874
- Mitchell, P. J. (letter), 857
- M 1042 (letter), 350
- Moderation (letter), 164
- Modern Car. Ar..in Construction, 85
- Mohandiz (letter), 460
- Monaco Meeting, 233, 341, 493, 506, 522, 558, 569
- — Motor Boats at, Report, 569
- Monck, G. S. (letter), 981
- Monte Carlo and London, 455, 462, 576, 693, 697, 710, 730, 827, 872
- Mooney, Dermot (letter), 983
- Moore-Brabazon, J. T. C. (letter), 269
- Moore, Henry (letters), 200, 272
- Morgan, H. T. S. (letters). 53, 167 . -
- — W. (letter), 858
- Mors 15-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 944
- Mort, J. C. (letter), 238
- Moscow-St. Petersburg Race, 688, 904, 945
- Moseley, D., and Sons (letter), 130
- — Hill Gymkhana, 992
- — Oswald G. (letter), 656
- — Reginald (letter), 274.
- — Tyre, Description of, 159
- Moss, Cyril A. (letter), 201
- Motor as Rival to the Railway, 698, 771, 824
- — Boat Exhibition, 504
- — Show at Olympia, Report of, 389
- — Cab, 53
- — Car Act, 1903, to Continue, 20, 46
- — Bodies, 129, 162
- — — considered as a Carriage, 912
- — I am looking for, Steam or Petrol, 92, 130 161, 238,x271, 313
- — Insurance, 96, 130 • . .
- — Carnival and Battle of Flowers, Suggested, 67
- — Cars and the Public, 21
- — Carriage Bodies, Names of, 108, 110
- — :— Body Designs (illustrations), 110
- — Works, Car Bodies (illustrations), 87
- — Club, 784
- — Inaugural Dinner, 613
- — Cycle Union of Ireland, 705, 784
- — Cycling Club, 956, 994 . .
- — London-Edinburgh'Kuiv-7 82, 90 9
- — Drivers’ Employment Agency, 469
- Motoring in Burmah by Robert L. Jefferson, 560
- — Manners, Decay of, 438
- Motorist (letters), 162, 310, 616
- — No. 2 (letter), 237
- — (query), 503
- — Lubrication, 165, 201, 239, 350
- — Matters in America., 194
- — Motor Manufacturing Co (1907), 277
- — Novelties, Dunhill’s, 90
- — Reserve, 23, 56
- — Traction Show, 364
- — Union, 246, 298, 371, 394, 468, 563, 682, 701
- — Activity. 172
- — Annual Meeting, 468
- — Badge, 456, 770
- — Badger (letter). 939
- — (letter), 821
- Meet at. Lincoln, 563, 736, 778
- — of Western India, 511, 833
- — Provincial Meetings, 34, 682
- — Yacht Club, 34, 68, 136, 174, 213, 250, 283, 361, 398, 473, 577, 666, 705, 744, 784, 833, 994
- — Paper, “ Alcohol v. Petrol.’’’ 434, 474
- Motometer, Springfield, 728
- Multiple Disc Clutches, Treatment for, 911
- Munn, Walter (letter), 383
- M.U. and R.A.C. Road Signs, 734
- Murray. Blackwood (letters), 384. 457, 860
- Mutuality (letter), 820
- Mysterious Magneto, 248
- Nacke Car, 35-37 h.p. Car, 465
- Nail in Palmer Tyre (illustration), 446 Naish, P. (letter), 22
- Names of Motor Carriage Bodies, 108 Motorists, 588, 619
- Naphtha as Fuel, 103
- — Scotch Shale, Tests of, 452
- Napier Axle, 446 _ ,
- — 40 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, Mr. Edge’s (illustration), 701
- — Lord Battersea’s (illustration), 626
- Napier 40 h.p. Car, Trial, 50G
- — Car for Herkomer Trophy, 763, 868
- — Six-cylinder Car. 323, 436
- — Dashboard (illustration), 506
- — J. M. (letters), 125, 126, 204
- — Limousine (illustrations), 32, 738
- The Nizam of Hyderabad’s (illustration), 738
- — Motor Boats, Prizes Won by (illustration), 84
- -- Works, Visit to, 85
- Naval Officer (letter), 307
- N.E.C. Double Landaulet (illustration), 987
- New Car Club, Proposed, 173
- — Taking Delivery of, 327
- New Engine Co. (letters), 164, 202
- — Forest A.C., 866, 909, 956
- New Leader Cars, 103, 212
- New Orleans Six-cylinder Car, Run on, 405
- — South Wales, Motor Trade in, 67
- — York Automobile Show, 32, 160
- — Shows, Next Winter’s, 652
- — Zealand, Cost of Upkeep in, 859 De Dion Car in, 298
- — 14 h.p. Dennis Car (illustration), 829
- — Motor Mail Service in, 567
- Newcastle-on-Tyne Show, 247
- Newton, Albert E. (letter), 202
- Nice Automobile Festivities, 342, 453
- N. L. A. C. (letter), 729
- No Amateur Justice in Scotland, 192
- No. 291 (letter), 899
- Non-skidding Devices, 56
- Non-skid Trials, 259, 331, 348, 419
- Norfolk Automobile and Launch Club, 743
- Norman, W. Harold (letter), 983
- North-Eastern Automobile Association, 104, 283, 705, 743, 867, 954
- North-East Lancashire A.C., 173, 324, 867
- Northern Quarries, Ltd. (letter), 941
- North Pole, By Airship to, 494
- — Wales Roads, 203, 349
- Notes from the Course, T.T. Races, 755
- Notts A.C., 104, 174, 213, 250, 361, 398, 577, 741, 743
- — Speed Trials, 741
- — (illustrations), 741, 742, 743, 744
- Novel Competition, France, 835
- — Demonstration of Reliability, 698, 771
- — Engine Conversion (illustration), 134
- — Form of Trial, Rolls-Royce Car, 980
- Novice, Cairo (query), 436
- — (query), 436
- Number of Cylinders, 177, 215, 224, 239, 269
- — A.C. Discussion, 224
- Nunn, Fras. (letter), 349
- Nuts and bits, Tight, To Remove, 789
- Oakamoor Inter-club Meet and Hill-climb, 784, 834
- Obituary, Mr. Alex. Govan, 804
- -— Mr. H. J. Spyker, 341
- Obstructing Motor Car, 135, 907
- Obstruction. Case of, Leaving Car Unattended, 451
- Odometer, 632
- Official Repairers, 349
- Ogilvie, G. Stuart (letter), 53
- — “ Our Vile Bodies,” by, 149, 182
- — The Heel of Achilles, by, 491, 519, 572
- O’Gorman, Mervyn (letter), 387
- O’Gorman’s Motor Pocket Book, 279
- Oh I Go Gently (letter). 729
- Oil Gauge, Useful, The Oleometer, 995 .
- Oldham, A. II. (letter), 693
- Old Herefordian (letter), 164
- — Soldier (letters), 130, 200, 270
- Oleometer, Oil Gauge Device, 995
- Oliver, H. (letter), 767
- Olympia, Cars Outside (illustration), 952
- — Motor Boat Show at, Report of, 389
- — Show, 1907, 202, 568, 614, 653. 695, 729,748,770
- — Ventilation of, 2
- Once Trapped (letter), 943
- One not yet Robbed (letter), 461
- — of the Public (letter), 22
- On the Road, by Owen John, 44, *154, 444, 638, 765, 881, 975
- Open Mind (letter), 459
- Optical Indicators, 472
- Ordnance Map No. 37, 184
- Organisation, Works, Paper by Mr. Percy Martin, 396
- Oriental Pyrenees, by Sir E. C. Boehm, 146
- Originator of the Scheme (letter), 200
- Orleans Car, 22 h.p. Car in West Indies, 20
- Ormandy, W. R. (letters), 540, 653
- Ormond-Daytona Beach Races, 169, 222
- Trophy (illustration), 320
- "Our Vile Bodies,” by G. Stuart Ogilvie1. 149, 182
- Over Capitalisation, 106
- Overdoing it, Competitions, 513, 583, 617
- Overheated Engines, Adding Cooling Water, 635
- Overheating, 786, 911
- Owen, E. H. (letters), 163, 310, 858
- Owen-Lewis, A. F. (letter), 537
- Paddon, W. (letter), 349
- Paid Driver (letter!, 582
- Paint, To Save the, 37
- Pall Mall Gazette, Future of the Horse, 408
- Palmer Tyre, Ltd. (letter), 731
- Making Machine, 277
- — Tyres, Non-skidding Qualities, 295
- Panhard Ambulance Cars for French
- — War Office, 588
- — Boat for River Work (illustration), 473
- — 35 h.p. Landaulet for Duchess of
- — Sutherland (illustration), 740
- — Racing Car (illustrations), 764
- Paraffin on the Continent, 786, 874, 911
- — Taps, 711
- Paris Exhibitor’s Experience, 60
- — Salon for 1907, 123, 378, 571
- — Tombola, Winning Numbers of, 18
- — Show, Comparative Census of the, 30
- — Strike of Electric Light Co.’s Employees, 432
- — to Nice Record, 525 .
- Parliament and Motor Cars, 219, 278, 304, 340, 409, 532, 563, 620, 634, 836, 872, 895, 985
- Parr, John (query), 103
- Parsons Non-skid Co. (letter), 57
- Partridge Non-skid, 322
- Patching Cracked Cylinder Jacket, 37
- Patents, Protection of, 424
- Patin Tyres, Test of, 356
- — Tyre, Trial of, 865
- Patton, Marcus (letter), 237
- Paul, A. A. (letter), 730
- Payne, C. (reply), 103
- Pazolt, Arthur N. (letter), 57
- Pekin to Paris Ride. 198, 265, 297, 493, 571, 650, 733, 904,945
- Perfect Distance Recorder, Description of. 388
- Perle de la Mediterrande, La, 648
- Perry> Percival L. D. (letter), 619
- Petrol and Steam Engines, 271, 310
- — in Company, 699
- — by Weight, 943
- — Consumption, 179, 212, 248, 323, 436, 534, 939
- — in Fuel Limit Races, 939
- — Lowering; 179, 911
- — Engine, jjow it Works, 27
- — Indicating, 157
- — Tests, by Prof. Hopkinson, 260, 313 384
- — Engines, Lubrication of, 93, 128, 201, 239 -• Rating of, 9 4
- — Filter Patents Appeal, 321
- — Funnels, To Protect from Dirt, 711
- — Heavy, Test of, 196
- — in Spain, 835
- — Motor, Horse-power of the, 589, 629, 667
- — Pipe Breakages. 917
- — Strainers, 770
- — Tank, To Avoid Filling with Water, 28
- — Tourist Trophy Race, 46
- Pettiness (letters!, 423, 499
- Peugeot 30-40 h.p. Car, M. Leon Vint’s (illustration), 701
- — Chassis, Two-cylinder (illustration), 288
- Phillips, H. Ashley, 310
- — Robert R. (letter), 21
- Phillpott, S. W. (letter), 820
- Phoenix Motors, Ltd. (letter), 732
- P. H. (query), 534
- Picnicing by Motor Brake in India, 261
- Pilgrim Carburetter, Description of, 584
- — 25-30 h.p. Car, Description of, 606
- — Car (illustration), 987
- — Chassis (illustration), 171
- Pilkington’s Safety Glass for Screens, 698
- P I 63 (query), 436
- Piston Rings and their Treatment, 559
- Pitre Racing Boat (illustrations), 233
- Pit, Substitute for, 917
- Pittier Hydraulic Transmission, Description of, 99
- Pneumastic. Motor Tyre Filling, 876
- Police Activities on the Road. 684, 720, 822, 882
- — Case, Greenwich Court, 362
- — — Inspection of Licenses. 393
- —- — Obstructing Motor Car, 135
- — Skidding of Car, 431
- — Technical Offences, 575
- — Cases, 672
- — Courtesy by, 307
- Police Methods, 340, 615, 664, 86«
- — Timed Roads, Maps of, G85. 721, 823. 883, 976
- — Timing Arrangement, 664
- — Trap on Northwich-Manchester Road (illustration), 876
- — Traps and the Coming Summer, 634, 692, 709
- Defeating, 819, 876
- Pope-Hartford Car, 436
- Portable Vulcanisers. 212, 248
- Porthos Car for Kaiser Cup ‘illustration), 904
- — Grand Prix Car, 736
- Positive Locking Clutch, C. C. Longridge’s Device, 206
- Post Office Motor Van, 79
- Power-driven Air Pump for Tyres, 409
- Power Inflator for Tyres, 103
- — John (query), 786
- — Traction on Roads for National
- — Defence, 242
- Past and Future, 285
- Powers of Vision, Motorists’, 164. 200. 272
- P. (query), 874
- Praed, Herbert Mackworth (letter), 899
- Presentation to Tourist Trophy Winner. 906
- Prevention of Corruption Act, 171
- Price and Quality 596, 656, 693
- — of Spare Parts, 786
- — W. E. (reply), 323
- Prinsep, Lieut.-Col. (letter), 248
- Prosecution of Jarrett, by Earl Russell, 268
- Proud, E. J. (letter), 384
- Proud, E. P. (letter), 692
- Prospective Buyer, Egypt (query), 786
- Provencal Circuit, 686, 856
- Provence Hill-climbing Cars. 856
- Provincial Motor Exhibitions, 387, 422
- Pugh, John V., Article bv, 343
- — (letters), 423, 500, 535, 619
- Pullinger, T. C. (letter), 939
- Pullman Detachable Non-skids, 411
- — R. and J., Automatic Air Valve, 17
- Pyman, J. Sutcliffe (letter), 731
- Pyramid Motor Spirit, Testing of, 803
- Queries and Replies, 103, 212, 248, 323, 436, 464, 503, 534, 632, 786, 74, 911
- Quihai (letter), 307
- Races, T.T., seen from Sunbeam Car, 863
- Racing Accident, Death of Marius Pin, 835
- — Effect on Design, 17
- — Influence of, 687
- — on Brooklands Track, 92
- — The Necessity for 855
- R A C 116 (letter), 900
- R.A.C. and M.U. Road Signs. 734
- — Paper, by Earl Russell, 475
- — Driving Examinations, 358
- — Lethargic State of the,41, 21, 53, 56
- — Handicapping System, 262, 311, 346, 431
- — Long Distance Trial, Straker-Squire C.S.B. Car, 31
- — Paper, by Sir J. H. A. Macdonald, 285
- Radiator Fan Improvement, 673
- Railway Level Crossings, 214
- Rajah of Dhar’s 2S h.p. Daimler, with Special Body (illustration), 829
- Rapid Chassis, 30-40 h.p., Description of. 180
- Rawdon, G. H. Stanley (reply), 248
- R. B. G (letter), 309
- Real Dangers of the Road, 857
- Rear Spring Suspension (illustration), 170
- Recorder, Speed, Hartley, Description of, 290
- Records, Unofficial, 777, 836, 856
- Recovery of £600 Deposit, 26
- Regent Double Extra Air Inlet, 276
- Regent’s Park, Motoring in, 41
- Registration of Military Motors, 140
- Reigate Bench and Police, 240, 274
- Reliability, 460
- — Test. Laurin-Element 8-9 h.p. Car, 714
- — Trial, from an Observer’s Point of View, 631
- Rolls-Royce and White Steam Car. 699, 710, 736, 776
- Relic of the Past (illustration). 394
- Remove, To, Light Nuts and Bolts, 789. 839
- Renard Road Train (illustration), 280
- Renault 10-14 h.p. Four-cylinder Car, 323
- — Patent Amended, 486
- Reo 8 h.p. Car, 436, 461. 534
- — 16 h.p. Car, To Brighton and Back on. 366
- — Landaulet (illustration), 208
- Repair Establishment. Panhard’s. Ltd.. 232
- Repairing a Broken Sprocket, 877
- Repairing Cracked Cylinders, 327
- — Fractured Castings. 413
- — Studded Pyres. 327
- Repairs. 79. 201. 27 1. 177
- — and Alterations, 107, 111
- — Carelessness in, 117
- Resilient Wheel and Tyre Trials, 618
- — Wheels. by (7. Stuart Ogilvie, 491, 519, 672
- Responsibility of Garage Proprietors, 911
- Restoring Dry Batteries, 212 Retrospect, 1906, 10, 44
- Reviews, 250. 279, 472, 510, 670, 708, 720, 785, 914
- Ricochet (query), 911
- R I 613 (letter), 692
- Riley, M. A. (letter). 731
- Riley, Victor (letter), 768
- Rim Experience, 632
- -- Fastening, Digby Master’s Patent, 456
- — (letter), 128
- Ripolin, Address Wanted, 130
- Ritchie, James (letter), 272
- Rivett, Alfred (letter), 984
- — Screen (illustration), 471
- R. (letters), 129, 161, 618
- R 3959 (letter), 212
- Roads, Closed, round Ledbury, 53
- Road Making and Maintenance, 627
- — Materials, 102
- — Repairers at Dinner (illustration), 357
- — Surfaces and Motor Cars, 875
- — Tests, Accumulator v. Magneto, 531
- — Treatment from Angler’s Standpoint, 899
- — Warning Signs, 495, 579, 734
- Roads, Closing, to Motor Cats. 4 70
- — Disgraceful, 527, 542
- — Dustless, 941
- — for Automobiles, 23
- — Good, 981
- — Improvement Association, 530, 585. 627
- — in Ireland, 870
- — Spain, 436, 464, 503
- — on the Grand Prix Course, 384, 421, 462, 500
- Robber (letter), 57
- Robertson, John (letter), 385
- Rochet-Schneider Chassis (illustration), 208
- Rock, Thorpe, and Chatfield Better), 496
- Rolls, Chas. S. (letters), 240, 386
- — C. S.. on American Automobiles, 345
- Rolls-Royce and American Challenge, 345. 386, 431
- — 50 h.p., 565, 622
- — Car, Mrs. Assheton Harbord’s, 739
- — Novel -Trial of, 980
- — in Scotland (illustration), 738
- — Long Distance Trial, Certificate of Performance, 897
- — New Works, 483
- — Steering Connections, 223
- — T.T. Car, Run on, 995
- — and Wlute Steam Car in Company, 699, 710.736, 776,897
- Roots, J. D. (letter), 496
- Rose, C. D. (letter), 729
- — M.P., on 70 h.p. Mercedes Car (illustration), 788
- Rotenhain, Walter, Paper by, Strength and Structure of Alloys, 508, 555, 593
- Route Indicators, 740
- — to Avoid Warrington, 62
- Rover 20 h.p. Car, Description of, 949
- — Car, Round T.T. Com*se on, 850
- — 8 h.p. Car with Cape Hood (illustration), 106
- — Co. (letter). 496
- Royal Automobile Club, 363, 367, 371, 375
- — A Chat with the Secretary, 367
- — Annual General Meeting, 375
- — Competitions, 601
- Retiring and New Chairmen (illustrations), 411
- — North of Ireland Yacht Club, 706
- — Starling Car, 483
- Royalty Motoring (illustration). 700
- Roydale 18-22 h.p. Car, Description of, 292
- R 3959 (query), 436
- R. K. M. (letter), 902
- Rubbing Tyres, 253
- Rudge-Whitworth Tests of Wheels, 343
- — Wheel Detachment, 827
- — Wire Wheels, 280, 343
- Rugla (letter), 768
- Running Costs, 21, 95, 128, 129, 161, 163, 311, 350, 457, 579, 616, 655, 940
- — on Six Volts, 559
- Rush, Chas. H. E. (letter), 821
- Rushmore Headlights and Generator, 736
- Russell, Earl. Paper by, Scientific Regulation of Traffic, 475
- — (letters), 345, 654, 732, 941
- Riipsia. Armoured Cars for, 66
- Rusted up Joints, 365
- Rust Spots, To Remove, 365
- Rutter, Hnbert LI. (reply), 323
- R W. (query), 436
- Safety Glass for Screens, 698
- — -^Starting Handle, 911
- Sahara, Motoring in the, 22
- Saltburn Speed Trials, 955, 962
- Samway R, D. W. (letter), 273
- Sandy? and Co, Ltd. (query). 212
- Sanford, John L. (letter), 858
- San Giorgio Car, 56
- Sangster, Chas (letter), 902
- Sankey, R. J (letter), 579
- Satisfied (letter), 460
- Saurer Self-starter, Description of, 442
- Sayers and Co.’s Specially-designed Body for Rajah of Dhar (illustration), 829
- Scarf, F. (query), 103
- Scarth, Leveson (reply), 464
- Schneider, H, (letter), 128
- “ Scientific Regulation of Traffic,” Karl Russell’s Paper, 475
- Scotch Shale Naphtha, Tests of. 452
- Scotland, Motoring Offences in, 192, 195
- — No Amateur Justice in, 192
- Scott, Capt. Lord Herbert (illustration). 433
- Scottish A.C., 174, 291, 473, 511, 533, 665, 866, 968
- — Reliability Trials (1907), 291, 360, 467, 532, 565, 652, 682, 93S, 968
- — Particulars of Cars, 968
- — Trials Course, Drive over, 699, 710
- Screws, Awkwardly Placed, To Tighten, 559
- Sea and Motoring Trip, South of France and Italy, 109
- Searchlight (letter). 693
- S. F. C. (letter), 536
- Second-hand Car Prices, 601, 657, 731, 768
- — Cars for United States. 32
- Secret Commissions Act, 310, 345
- Security Bolts for Tyres, 15, 56, 93, 130
- Seddon, R. Dyson (letters), 272. 495, 583, 618
- Selden Patent Litigation. 738
- Self-starter, Letombe, Description of, 82
- Serpollet, M., An Appreciation, 276
- — Death of, 219
- — Steamer, 436, 534, 874
- Serpollet’s Monument, 264
- Seven Stages in Steam (illustration), 303
- Sforni, G. Rava (reply), 911
- Shaw, Alexander (letter), 457
- — Jas. S. (letter), 349
- Sheffield and District A.C., 214. 324. 705, 955, 994
- — University Automobile Classes, 469
- Sheppee, E. W. (letters), 269, 693 (query), 786
- Sherrin, Geo. (letters), 165, 769
- Shipston-on-Stour, Police Trap (illustration), 804
- Short Body on Long Chassis, Description of, 970
- Show, Agricultural Hall, Report of, 543, 564
- — of Tried Cars, 70, 105, 118.. 155, 200, 238
- Shows, Multiplicity of, in France, 494
- — Tabulated Details of Cars at, 47
- Sicilian Circuit, A Mountainous Course, 377
- — Road, Typical (illustration), 376
- Siddeley Car after Ten Thousand Miles Trial (illustration), 725
- — 40 h.p. Car. (illustration), 245
- — Trial, 428, 463, 506, 521, 562, 586, 601, 637, 682, 725, 831, 901, 984
- — J. D. (letters), 56, 313, 984
- Side-slip and Skid Prevention Competition, 19, 168, 169, 193, 235, 243, 259, 271, 310, 331, 348, 566, 616
- Signs, Road Warning, 495, 579, 734 Silent Cars, 57
- Silver Plaque, Mr. Chas. Jarrott’s (illustration), 953
- Simms-Bosch High Tension Magneto, 190, 220, 266, 300
- Simms-Welbeck Cars, 103, 248
- — 30-35 h.p. Car, Description of, 480
- Simplieitas (letter), 167
- Singer 12-14 h.p. Car, Description of, 447
- — Tricar and Trailer for Egypt (illustration), 405
- Sirens and Exhaust Cut-outs, 103, 729, 788, 821
- Six-cylinder Cars, 57
- — and Heavy Touring Car Race. 497
- — Lanchester Car, Description of 4, 42,97
- — Priority of, 46, 130
- Six in One/a Quick Change Body, 87
- — v. Four Cylinders, Challenge Accepted, 96, 130, 203, 239
- Sizaire-Naudin Cars, 534
- Sizaire and Naudin 8 h.p. Light Car, Description of, 254
- Skelton, J. H. (reply), 248
- Skidding on Dry Roads, 618, 693
- — To Prevent, 92
- Skinner, H. (letter). 615
- Slough, Motor Car Speed at, 861
- Slow Running Test Bexhill Meeting, 854
- — Chenard-Walcker Car, 45, 127. 166, 200
- Small Car, Friswell’s (illustration), 207
- — Cars, 349, 423, 424, 483
- Smith, A. Gordon (letter), 128
- — Tennyson (letter), 313
- — David J. (reply), 874
- — H. J. (letter), 540
- — J. A. (letter), 619
- — J. Thomson (letter), 55
- — Reginald R. (letters), 729, 860
- Smoke and Visible Vapour, Law Case, 670
- — Emission Trials, 100, 331, 415, 463, 470, 496, 532, 563, 583, 618, 655, 694
- — and Description of Devices, 415
- Snow, Motoring in (illustration), 9, 588 the, 16. 55, 202
- Snowstorm, Testing Car in (illustration), 65
- Soames, Edgar (letter), 272
- Societe des Embrayages Hele-Shaw, 942
- Society of Automobile Mechanic Drivers, 362,708
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 828, 916
- — and Motor Boats, 504
- South Africa, A.C. of, 68
- — Austin Car in, 219, 470
- — Motor Touring in, 246
- Star Car in (illustration), 663
- — Australian A.C., 250
- — Indian Motor Trials, Report of, 185
- — of France, To the, by Chas. Jarrott, 528
- — to North on a Small Car, by Stickit Minister, 884, 947
- — Wales and Mon. A.C., 213, 362
- — New Club for, 577
- Southern M.C., 665, 705, 972
- — Motor Club’s Open Hill climb, Report
- — of, 972
- Southward on a Six, 405
- Spain, Promising Car from, Description of, 121
- — Touring Car Race in, 908
- — Impressions of, Interview with Mr. E. M. C. Instone, 817
- — Petrol in, 835
- — Roads in, 436, 164, 503
- Spanish Automobile Meeting, 525
- Spare Coats, To Carry, 673
- — Parts, Price of, 786
- — Tyre, 436
- — Carrying Bracket (illustration), 246
- Sparking Plug Cut-out, Simple, 37
- — Record, 783
- — Plugs, Albo-Luthi. 829
- — Experiments with, 63
- Sparklet Inflators, 614
- Special Carbine Oil, 786
- Speed, Distance, and Time Recorder,
- — Hartley, Description of, 290
- — Limit in the Parks, 958, 984 .
- — Notices, Illegal, 859, 983 *?
- — Trials on Saltbum Sands, 833
- Speedwell 25 h.p. Four-cylinder Car,
- — Description of, 131
- Spencer, Geo. A. (letter), 899
- “ Splendid Isolation, A,” French A.C. Regulations, 454
- SP 335 (letter), 238
- Spray, W. B. A. (letters), 579, 653, 769, 860
- Spring Drives, 478
- — Improvements, 145
- — Wheels, De Cadignan, 436 Q!
- — Trials of, 378 £?
- Springfield Motometer, 728 **’’
- Sproston, Archibald J. (letters), 579, 654
- Sprot, J. (letters), 92, 238
- Spyker Cars, 349
- — 30-42 h.p. Chassis, Description of 142
- — H, J., Obituary, 341
- Squire, L. R. L. (letter), 56
- Stallard, A. (letter), 313
- Standard 15 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, Description of, 440
- — Trial of, 659
- — (illustration), 702
- — Car, Testing (illustration), 586
- Stanley, F. W. (letter), 769
- — Steam Car, 503 Stanton, Oliver (letter), 496
- Staplee Firth, T. W. (letter), 984
- Star Car for Gold Coast (illustrations), 906
- — Electrical Method of Engine Testing, 727
- — Tourist Trophy Cars, Description of, 745
- Starley, W. (letter), 461
- Starting a Motor on Coal Gas. 217
- — Easy, on Low Tension Magnetos, 635
- Steam Car, Fawcett Fowler, Description of, 152
- Turner-Miesse, Description of, 448
- — v. Petrol, a Challenge, 615
- — Correspondence, 458, 498. 537, 580
- Steam v. Petrol, Discussion at Automobile Club, 305, 325, 352
- — Cars, 24, 94, 125, 307, 309, 347, 384
- — and Daytona Races, 273, 309
- — for India, 125, 165 in Competitions, 163, 200, 940, 983
- Steamer (letters), 384, 499
- Steering and Brakes, Faulty, 399
- — Articulated, Early Example of (illustration), 391
- — Connections, A Study in, 223
- — Gear Accidents, To Avoid, 179J
- — Joints, Design of, 873
- — Wheels, Dangerous, 906
- Stepney Spare Wheel, 632, 786
- Motor Wheel, Ltd. (reply), 786
- Sternberg and Eason (letter), 819
- Stickit Mimster, South to North on a Small Car, by, 884, 947
- St. John, Henry, Article by, 763
- Stockholm, International Motor Exhibition at, 738
- Stocks, J. W. (letters), 387, 618
- Stone-throwing at Motorists, 201, 371, 655, 781
- — Motor Union and, 371, 781
- Stopping, Unaccountable, 503, 534
- Story, E. M. (letter), 421
- Stoves for Motor Houses, 103
- St. Petersburg Show, 856
- Straits Settlements, Motor Matters in, 665
- Straker-Squire 4,000 Miles Trial, 31
- Strength and Structure of Alloys, 508, 555 593
- Strickland, F. (letter), 770
- Studded Tyres, 3,000 Miles on, 703
- Sturgess, Geo. (letter), 199
- Sturmey Motors, Ltd. (letter), 166
- Subscriber (letter), 535
- Substitute for a Pit, 917
- Sunbeam Car, Mr. Eastmead’s (illustration), 865
- — — T.T. Races seen from a, 863
- — 234 (letter). 311
- — (query), 464
- —- Motor Car Co., Ltd. (letter), 653
- Sunrising Hill- Accident, 896
- Sussex County A.C., 398
- — Motor Boat Club, 744
- — Motorists in, Robbery of, 460
- — Police Junketings, 688
- — (query), 503
- S. W. I. (letter), 655
- Switzerland, Touring in, 270, 309
- S W 50 (letter), 731
- — (query), 103
- S W 1 (query), 212
- Sword, R. S. S. (letters), 22, 350 942
- Sykes, Herbert H. (letter), 536
- Tabulated Details of Cars at the Shows, 4 7
- Talbot 15 h.p. Car, Mr. J. W. Gordon-Stewart’s, 970
- Tangye Jack, 462
- Taplow Court, Motor Cars at (illustration),. 783
- Targa Florio (1907), 570,.611
- — Race (illustrations), 596, 612, 649
- Tar Preparation and Spreading Competitions, Report, 790
- — of, Competition, 170, 214, 272, 530, 588, 790
- — Spreading Machines, Competition for, 68, 774. 790
- Taunton, Edmund M. (letter), 57
- Taunus Course, Kaiser Cup Race, 430
- — Round the, 890
- Taximeter Cabs, 409
- Taylor, G. Simpson (letter), 616
- T. C. P. (query), 464
- Technical and Other Offences, 575
- — Institute, H.M.S. Excellent (reply), 874
- Tempest, G. (letter), 580
- Tempted by Steam (query), 436
- Ten Mile Limit in the Parks, 958, 984
- — Thousand Miles, After, Humber Car, 689
- Terek (letter), 202
- Testing Aeroplanes (illustration), 134
- — a Home-made Fuel, Trials of Petrol and Benzol, 803
- — Petrol Engines, Apparatus for, 911
- Tests of a Petrol Engine, by Prof. Hopkinson, 260, 313, 384
- — Model Flying Machines, 592
- — Wheels, Rudge-Whitworth, 343
- Thames Chassis, 40-50 h.p.. Description of, 402
- Thermal Efficiency of Motors, Paper by H. L. Callendar, 707
- Tilings not Understood, 671
- Thomas, E. R. (letter), 345
- Thomson, Edward J. (letter), 238
- Thompson, Edward J. (query), 103
- Thorburn, S, S. (letter), 272
- Thornycroft and Co., J. I. (letter), 729
- — H. C. Overturned (illustration),^ 3 6
- — Heavy T.T. Car, 754
- — Motor Boat (illustration), 7 40
- - T.T. Car, 752
- Timing Apparatus, Defective, 851
- — Ignition and Valves, 789, 858
- — of Magnetos, Checking and Adjusting, 515, 789
- Tips, Useful, Hints and, 3, 37, 71, 107, 141, 179, 217, 253, 289, 327, 365, 401, 439, 479, 515, 559, 597, 635, 673, 711, 748, 789, 839, 877, 917, 959 T 12 (letter), 272
- Tolls at Langstone Bridge, Hayling Island, 280, 324, 359
- — Bridge and Ferry, Excessive, 532
- Tomblin, James (reply), 323
- Tompson, F. J. (letter), 535
- Tongsham, N. China (query), 103
- Toolmaker (letter), 983
- Top Gear Drive, 350
- — Runs, 366, 496
- Tour in France, Cost of, 497, 536
- Touring Car,*Future of the, 123
- — Race for American Machines, 527
- — Heavy, 69, 77, 140, 164, 272, 497, 748, 750 .
- Trials, Paris to Madrid, 89
- — in Switzerland, 270, 309
- — Wales, 654, 731
- Tourist Trophy and Heavy Touring Cars, Leading Particulars of, 756, 805
- — Car Trials, Full Report. 809, 845
- — Cars, Details of, 752
- — (illustrations), 751, 753, 754, 755, 842
- — Star, Description of, 715
- — Petrol, 46
- — Race Comparisons, 85, 757
- — for Small Cars, 57
- — Future of the, 896, 915, 986 (illustrations), 833, 842, 854
- — Winning Cars (illustrations), 842, 843
- — Races, 44, 78, 125, 140. 172, 251, 278, 358, 634, 657, 747, 750, 820, 837, 902, 943
- — Illustrations of Isle of Man Course, 758, 760, 761
- — Notes from the Course, 755, 840
- — Regulations, 127, 166
- — Winner, Presentation to, 906
- T 530 (query), 323
- Trade Trespass, 861
- Transvaal A.C., 34, 173
- Trembler Blades, To Test Setting, 635
- — Fatigue, 436, 503
- Trial, Novel Form of, Rolls-Royce Car, 980
- — Siddeley 40 h.p., 428, 463, 506, 521, 562, 586, 601, 637, 682, 725, 831
- Trials of Spring Wheels, 378
- — Smoke Emission, and Description of Devices, 415
- Triangular Talk, The Future T.T. Race, 986
- Tried Cars, Show of, 70, 105, 118, 155
- T.T. Race in France, 172
- — Races seen from a Sunbeam Car, 863
- Turner-Miesse Steam Car; Description of. 448
- Turquand Detachable Rim, 6
- Twenty-four Hours against Time, How I Trained, by S. F. Edge, 979
- — at Sixty Miles per Hour, 64
- — — Drive, Existing Records, 965
- Twice Across France, Boulogne to Monte Carlo, 7, 38
- — Sold Motor Car, 136, 139, 167
- Two-cycle Engines, Trial of, 687
- Two-cylinder Peugeot Chassis (illustration), 288
- Two Hundred Miles on a 25 h.p. Iris, 636
- Two-seated Flier (illustration), 171
- Twyford Car, American Front Wheel Drive, 713
- Tyke, A. (letter), 349
- Tyre and Lamo Trial, 462, 536
- — Challenge, 656
- — Experiences, 730, 858, 984
- — Making Machine, 277
- — Manipulation, An Aid to, 336 ’
- — Pump, Heron Motor Co.'s, 504
- — Labour-saving, 911
- — — Triple, Maison Talbot, 715
- — Repairs, Hints and Tips, 479. 877
- — Vulcanised, How to Make. 332, 368
- — Security Bolts, 15, 56, 93, 130
- — Trials, 210, 245, 666
- — — Resilient Wheel and, 648
- — Valves, Leaky, 597 Leakage of, 635
- Tyres, Bursting, 911
- — Interchangeability of, 406, 632, 786
- — Record in, 33
- — To Decrease Wear, 635
- — Vulcanising of, 323, 394
- Uloola (query), 323
- Unpleasant Adventure, 462
- Unaccountable Misfiring, 874
- — Stopping,!503, 534
- Uniform Regulations, 996
- — Stand Decoration, Design for (illustration), 568
- United Motor Industries (letter), 348
- Universa1 Lights Bill, 409, 431, 563, 579, 615, 620, 634, 653, 691 * ’
- Unladen Weight ” of Cars, 345
- Unofficial Runs, R.A.C. and, 777, 836
- User of Both (letters), 499, 874
- Utility (letters), 161, 199
- Valveless Two-stroke Motor, 135
- Valve Stems, To Lengthen, 71, 179
- Valves, Removal of, Tool for (illustration), 471
- Vanderbilt Cup Contest, 728
- Vandervell, C. A., and Co. (letters), 694, 943
- Vapour Emission Competition, 100, 331, 415, 463, 470, 496, 532, 563, 583, 618. 655, 694
- — -— — Judges’ Report, 584
- — Trials and Description of Devices. 415
- Varnish to Protect Bright Parts, 365
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. (letters), 732, 983
- Vertex Car, 30-40 h.p. (illustration), 565
- Viator (letter), 497
- Vibration Test (illustration), 282
- Viceroy of India’s Six-cylinder Napier, 281
- Voiturette Races, 648
- Vuia’s, M., Aeroplane, 359
- Vulcan Car, 14 h.p., Experience, 786
- — Change Speed Lever, 734
- — 20 h.p. for Tourist Trophy Race (illustration), 716
- Vulcanised Tyre Repairs, How to make, 332, 368
- Vulcanisers, 436
- Vulcanising of Tyres, 323, 394
- Wagner Electric Horn, 651
- — Horn, New Use for, 877
- W. A. K. (query), 436
- Wales, Touring in, 654, 731
- Walford, Eric W., Article by, 63, 452 (letter), 204
- Walters, J. Hopkins (letter),' 657
- Want of Courtesy, 307
- Warming Motor Houses, 200
- Warne, of Worthing, 33
- Warning, Riding in High-speed Cars, 709
- Warwick Hood (illustration), 862
- Washing a Car, 365
- Water Cooling, Frost and, 31
- Waterproof Motor Clothing, 337
- Water Rate, Doctors’ Cars and, 410, 991
- Watford, Autocar at (illustration), 150, 274
- Watson, W., Ignition and Power, by, 314
- Watt, Disney G. (letter), 901
- Wear of Cams and Valve Stems, 238
- Webber, W. W. (letters), 237, 421
- Webb, G. A. C. (reply), 103
- Weigel and Hotchkiss Cars at Sherborne (illustration), 991
- — 40 h.p. Car (illustrations), 244, 507
- — D. M. (letters), 25, 420, 619
- — 80 h.p. Grand Prix Car, Description of, 718, 762
- — Grand Prix Racing Car Engine (illustration), 409
- — Motors, Ltd. (letter), 731
- Weight, Unladen, of Cars, 345
- Welbeck Speed Trials, Report of, 741
- Welsh A.C., 324, 706, 744, 834, 867
- West-Aster T.T. Car, 753
- West Indies, 22 h.p. Orleans Car in, 20
- Westinghouse Cars, Experience, 786
- Westmorland Automobile Club, 174
- Weybridge. The Way to, 967
- — Track, 35, 53, 92, 125, 139, 614, 639. 915, 918, 937
- — Mr. Edge and, 19, 54, 64, 92, 965
- W. H. D. (query), 632
- Wheel Detachment, Rudge-Whitworth, 827
- Wheels out of Track, 673
- Whistles, Ineffectiveness of, 422
- White Car Trial, 699, 710, 736, 776, 862
- — Company, 19
- — 30 h.p. Generator, Description of, 621
- — P. (letter), 657
- White Steam Cars (illustrations), 303
- — — Car Trial, Certificate of Performance, 862
- — T. Hyler, Hints and Tips, by, 107, 141
- — William Henry (letter), 819
- Whittaker, C. E. (letter), 313
- Wicksteed Change-speed Gear, Description of, 188
- Wilkinson Duplex Tyre. 322
- — F. (letter), 310
- Williams, Tom (letters), 768, 981
- Willing (letters), 23, 235
- Wilson, J. Veitch (letter), 128
- — R. C. (query), 786
- Winchcombe, Kenneth (letter), 942
- Windham, W. (letter), 274
- Winners of Tourist Trophy Races (illustration), 813, 814
- Winn’s Mechanical Lubricator, 487
- Winter, J. B. (letter), 581
- — Motoring by Land and Water, 218
- Wire and Wood Wheels, 55, 280, 384, 423, 461, 500, 583, 619
- — Wheels, Strength of, 456, 535
- Wirral and District A.C., 324, 623
- With Car and Tent in Devon and France, 604, 643
- W. (letter), 204
- W. M. C. (replies), 323
- Woakes, Ernest W. (letter), 767
- Wolverhampton and District A.C., 623, 665, 992
- Women Mechanics, 297
- Woodhead, R. (letter), 462
- Works Organisation, Paper by Mr. Percy Martin, 396
- World’s Reliability Record Broken, by Siddeley Car, 521
- Worm Gearing, 103, 311, 346
- Worried (query), 911
- W. O. S. (letters). 235
- W. P. (reply), 632
- W. (query), 103
- Wray, Cecil (letter), 581
- W. R. B. (query), 323
- Wright, Thos. H. (letter), 240
- — W. J. (letter), 422
- Writer of Original Note (letter), 167
- Wroe, Alfred (letter), 583
- Wye Valley, Route to, 17, 128
- X. (letter), 942
- X. Y. Z. (letter), 272
- — (query), 436
- Yacht Club, Motor, 34, 68, 136, 174, 213. 250, 283, 324, 361, 398, 473, 533. 577. 624, 666, 705, 744, 784, 833, 994
- Yarwood, J. (letter), 349
- Y 117 (letter), 161
- Yorkshire A.C.. 173, 362, 577, 665, 744. 833, 955, 962
- — Races at Saltburn Sands, Report of, 962
- Young, F. M. (letter), 92
- — our Correspondent, (letters), 421, 5(h)
- Yzelen, D. (letters), 240, 503
- Y. Z. (reply), 534
- Zust 28-40 h.p. Chassis, Description of. 328