Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1908 Stanley Show: Cycles

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1908 Stanley Show

Extracted from the Cycle and Motor Trades Review

Alldays & Onions, Ltd.
Small Heath, Birmingham. Stand No. 113.
At this stand, attention is at once attracted by the red G.P.O. bicycle, which is one of many hundreds the firm have constructed. A somewhat similar machine is built for tradesmen's use. Too carrier tricycles are also exhibited, and these are of the rear-driven type. One of them is a new introduction, and is called the "Junior," being of somewhat, smaller dimensions than the other model. It retails at £13. Both have very strong frames. Among the ordinary bicycles we noticed the Royal Matchless Light Roadster, with coaster hub, doping top tube. 26in. wheels, and Dunlop tyres. It is finished in any desired colour, and is sold at £7 7s., and weighs about 26 lbs. The highest grade model is the Imperial. This has Roman Rims, gear case, is lined in two colours, and the handle-bar is covered with celluloid. The price is £10 10s., and with a three-speed gear, 30s. extra.

Bradbury & Co., Ltd.
Wellington Works, Oldham. Stand No. 78.
This old firm of Government contractors have a very tasteful display of bicycles, amongst which we noticed a very practical tradesman's bicycle, with the basket receptacle in front of the head, and the front fork strengthened by detachable stays, extending from the front axle to the top of the head. A stand is fitted to the rear wheel, and puts itself out of action almost automatically when required. The ordinary pleasure machines are on popular lines, and cover a good range of prices. Two and three-speed models are exhibited, and the ladies' machines have light, celluloid chain guards. The higher quality machines are lined in gold and one colour. A new departure for the firm consists in the introduction of juvenile bicycles. These are practically on the same lines as the adults' machines, and have free-wheel, two brakes, etc.

Coventry Works, Ltd.
Arthur Street, Small Heath, Birmingham. Stand No. 103.
This is a trade house, their machines being sold exclusively to agents, amongst whom they have a very large connection; they also cater largely for the agents' own transfer trade, and supply machines with distinctive features, so that traders in the same locality will not find their goods clashing with each other. The standard roadster has very neat brake fittings, a flat stud for the clips being brazed to the handlebar, thus leaving the bar itself very free.

Two new frames are shown, one having an additional tube from the bottom head lug to the tube, and thence to the chain stay bridge; and the other, a frame of very distinctive design, has an additional tube from the bottom head lug to the seat pillar lug, and an additional pair of back forks from a point half way up the diagonal to the centre of back wheel. Now that there is such a demand for frames of distinctive type, agents should bear these specialities in mind. The Coventry Works show a very neat front rim brake, in which the stirrup is made all in one piece, the ends being continued past the shoes, through the guide clips on the front forks.

Centaur Cycle Co., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 133.
Of course, the new "diagonal" frame is the attraction here. It is designed to give all the strength of the old Centaur frame while minimising vertical vibration. Other novelties are the Centaur spring-forks and spring seat-pillar, which agents should make a point of seeing, and recommending to customers who feel vibration. A remarkable machine is the new road racer at £6 10s., weighing, without guards, 27 lbs. On the best quality Centaurs it will be noticed that there are no clips for the pump pegs and brake fittings, these being brazed to the forks and main down tube. The light-weight roadster is a superbly-finished mount, scaling only 2E4 lbs., with guards complete.

The Centaur Company are showing a magnificent specimen of road racer. This has a 3.75in. tread, steel rims and detachable tyres, a front rim brake, fixed wheel, straight (duplex) chain stay, and comes out at 20.5bs., selling at £10 10s. retail. This machine should appeal to agents who have a speedy clientele, and it is supplied with either a horizontal or a sloping down top tube.

For 1909 every Centaur at £7 10s. and over will be fitted with Dunlop tyres. Mr. W. J. Welch, the firm's London manager, told us that he was expecting a very interesting machine from the works, but up to the time of our visit it had not arrived. This is an "all weather" bicycle, enamelled all over, except for a small plated disc on the extreme rear end of the back mudguard, the object of which is to reflect the light from the head-lamps of an overtaking motor car, and indicate the position of the cyclist. This extremely ingenious device is the idea of the rider to whose order this particular machine is built, and who is an active member of one of the hard-riding London clubs. The Centaur Co. do not seem to have lost ground during the three or four years they have been absent from the Show; their designs, finish, and prices are right up-to-date. and agents and public alike are pleased to see the famous old Coventry house again in evidence at the Agricultural Hall.

Calcott Bros., Ltd.
X.L. Cycle Works, Coventry. Stand No. 92.
This firm make a good display of their well-known X.L. cycles which include two racing machines, one for the road and the other for the track. There are also roadsters in various grades for the use of both sexes. The firm's cross frame model should meet the demand for a departure from the ordinary diamond frame. It is on the lines first introduced by the Raleigh Cycle Company. The exhibit is completed by samples of the firm's juvenile cycles for boy* and girls. All are nicely-finished, strong machines.

The scheme which was outlined in our columns by "Bizzibee," as far back as May last., embodying the suggestion that the trade should combine to market a machine of distinctive design, has been brought to a practical issue by Mr. W. H. Halliwell, of the Cycle and Allied Trades Association.

The Association have acquired the controlling rights in a machine which has been invented by Mr. William Starley, and a full description of which is given below. The design is registered and patented; the inventor will issue licenses to manufacturers who are members of the Association, and who will may both the inventor and the Association a small royalty. The manufacturers undertake to supply the machine only to agents who are members, at a fixed price, and these in turn agree not to retail the machine at less than 10 guineas; neither may the machine be sold on the easy payment system. No parts of the machine may be sold by the manufacturers who hold licenses. Of course, every manufacturer will embody his own specialities and peculiarities, so that although all the machines will be of the same pattern, they will have enough distinctive features to make them sufficiently unlike each other. The Rover, Rudge-Whitworth, and Swift Companies, are making samples machines for exhibition; that made by the Rover is now on view at the Stanley Show.

The machine has an ordinary diamond frame, with a very short diagonal tube, and what one would in the ordinary way describe as an unduly long head. The seat pillar proper is a plain, straight length of tribe, with no cross-piece, and on to the top of this is bolted an Arab Cradle coil spring, of the type so intimately associated with the name of Mr. John Harrington, twenty years or more ago. On the top of this cradle spring the saddle is fitted, and from the saddle clip two plated tubes run forward to the top head lug, where they are hinged by a bolt and nut; these tubes are practically parallel with the ground. The action is obvious; it is simply that the very flexible cradle spring allows the saddle a great amount of vertical movement, but the movement in a backward and forward direction, and sideways, is controlled by the duplex rods referred to above. This frame should be very comfortable, except, of course, that it does not intercept any of the vibration from the front wheel.

A noticeable feature is that there is a complete rigid frame for the conveyance of the change speed wire, and the anti-vibratory part of the frame does not interfere with either of the brakes. At a casual glance the machine resembles in outline the Rover "Cob," with the addition of the cradle spring appliance.

Colonial Cycle Co.
Coventry. Stand No. 236.
This firm, whose wares are rapidly coming to the front, have a nice exhibit of ladies', men's, and juvenile cycles, including the " Fiscal," " Success," and " Goodwill." These - machines are very well finished, and the reports we have heard of them, prove that they are soundly built, so that agents who contemplate doing business with the Colonial Cycle Co. may be quite certain of getting good value for their money. There are no distinctive features, freaks, or fads about their machines.

Dursley Pedersen Cycle Co.
Dursley, Glos. Stand No. 111.
A Dursley-Pedersen machine is shown here scaling only 111bs., and it is no freak, for it has been ridden by the inventor quite a number of years. It is exhibited on a scale to demonstrate its weight. Even the full roadster machines only weigh some 28 to 30 lbs., and though it seems impossible to reduce weight below the figures mentioned, prices are a good deal lower than they were. One of these cantilever-framed bicycles is priced at ten guineas only. The diamond-framed machines are also on view to meet the taste of those who prefer something less out of the common than the cantilever. The Pedersen three-speed gear has been improved in several respects; both the spoke flanges are now round. The case covering in the gear is hinged at one end so that it cannot be lost. The teeth are stronger, and a cone adjustment is provided for the coaster shaft. The ratios are the same as before. A buffer spring has been introduced into the connections to prevent accidental breakings of the wire. The full roadster bicycles are provided with either fixed or adjustable handlebars at option, and the saddles are also adjustable. The roadsters are fitted with oil-bath gear-cases.

Dingley Bros.
Coventry. Stand No. 278.
The good old name of " Starley " is kept in the forefront by this firm, who show half-a-dozen machines bearing the time-honoured title. " Starleys" range from 5 guineas to 10 guineas, and are fitted with Cambridge and Dunlop tyres; they can also be had for sale with agents' own transfers. No new features are shown on the 1909 machines, which are, however, remarkably well finished.

Chas. H. Day Manufacturing Co.
Great Eastern Street, London, E.C. Stand No. 75.
Here we find some of the very lowest priced machines to be found in the Show. A very taking model, complete with free-wheel, two rim brakes, plated rims, Durex tyres (guaranteed for six months), nicely finished and lined, sells at £2 16s., complete to the trade, either with the Dayton name or for the agents' own transfer. This firm practically confines its trade to the wholesale department, and supplies machines to agents either to sell with their own transfer or under the maker's name, "Dayton." A new model is the " Excello'" at £6 17s. 6d. retail; this has a frame of original design.

Elswick Cycles and Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Walker Gate, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Stand No. 91.
The familiar Elswick green and Elswick truss frames are here in all their glory, and for nothing is the Elswick perhaps mere noted than for its high finish. The exhibit contains perhaps more features of interest than any other in the Hall, and indeed it were hopeless to attempt to describe some of their latest designs in frames without the aid of illustrations. One or two, however, may be mentioned. Thus, the Diamond Girder is made to the usual diamond pattern, but with a tube starting from the bottom of the head and running straight through the diagonal to the bridge. This should stiffen the frame where it is most needed, and it further fulfils the call for a machine of extra long wheelbase. It is very completely equipped, and retails at £9 9s. A similar machine of this frame design is turned out in black at £2 2s. less.

We are pleased to notice that on almost all the Elswick bicycles the chain stays run direct from the back axle to the bottom bracket without bends. Another good feature found on the best models is a round section crank which is stiffened by giving it a half twist in manufacture like the Southard crank of some years ago. The Elswick solid fork crown is retained, as is also a pin and ring locking device for the crank axle bearings. There is a very attractive track racing bicycle at £10 10s., which scales about 18 lbs. The highest grade machines have been reduced in price from 20 guineas to 17 guineas, and three-speed gears are fitted to them without extra charge. Another popular model is the standard truss frame, selling at £12 12s., with a slip-on gear-case; also the Royal, finished in black with red lines, and fitted with tyres made by the Palmer Tyre Co. This retails at £7 7s. It will thus be seen that the Elswick cycles offer a very good assortment to customers who are prepared to pay a fair price for an excellent article. The Company are open to appoint further agents and to give them good discounts; moreover, they are prepared to conduct business on the easy payment system.

Excelsior. Bayliss, Thomas and Co.
Excelsior Works, Coventry. Stand No. 89.
It is many years since the above name first appeared at a Stanley Show, and we hope the firm will be at least as long lived under the new regime. The machines displayed look well adapted to hold their own under present- trade conditions, and include a very sensible contribution to the contest for new frames. The Excelsior trussed frame has a pair of light stays running straight from the bottom of the head to the rear fork ends. The stays are tied to the diagonal, and cannot fail to stiffen the lower part of the frame, which is the part where extra stiffness is most required. The design was registered some three years ago, and other firms are using it by arrangement. To ensure the machines maintaining their appearance, the frames are treated to a non-corrosive process before enamelling, and the insides of the rims of the best machines are enamelled to prevent rust. Some of the ladies' machines have a modified design of frame, and straight upper and lower hack stays are typical of this exhibit.

A very cheap model is the Renown at 7 guineas, complete with three-speed gear. The 6 guinea road racer has Warwick sprint tyres, 26in. wheels, and North Road handle-bar. All the machines are guaranteed for five years, and are sent out with tubeless inflators and rustless spokes. The machines shown include some for the agents' "own transfer " trade."

Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd.
Redditch. Stand No. 112.
The Enfield Cycle Co. have a large and handsome exhibit of their well-known bicycles. There are nearly 30 different models, ranging in price from £6 10s. to 15 guineas. Attention is directed to the duplex girder frame. The single girder is well known with its- extra tube from the lower head lug to the diagonal and a strut thereto to the bridge. In the duplex there are two struts running to the ends of the bridge, and the whole construction should ensure a very rigid bottom bracket. The roller lever brakes are without the usual journals. This neat result is secured by fitting the tubular levers over the ends of a rod which is supported at its centre only. The yokes of the rim brakes work in slots in the inner faces of their guides, and by pinching them inwards they are readily released and expanded to give clearance for the removal of the air tube from the cover and rim in tyre repairing. Another good detail consists in slotting out the ends of the front fork. This greatly simplifies the removal of the wheel and should be common practice. It is impossible to describe all the different models here, but mention may be made of the speedman's Enfield with three-speed gear, two brakes, and very short head. It retails at just under £8. The road racer, with light pull-up brake, comes out at £6 10s. The children are not forgotten, and the girl's machine is complete with gear-case and dress-guard. Some of the models are fitted with three-speed gears as standard, either the Sturmey-Archer or B.S.A. being fitted. In closing, we may mention that the Enfield open centre detachable oil-bath gear-case has been considerably improved for the coming season.

Edlin-Sinclair, Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 253.
The names of R. W. Edlin and Finlay Sinclair should be well enough known in the trade to be a guarantee of quality. Edlin-Sinclair tyres are still being extensively sold; the quality is better than ever, and the price slightly lower. The Edlin-Sinclair cycles- are known as medium- priced machines, showing a good profit. A couple of novel- ties are the lamp bracket for fitting to handlebars which have forward extensions, and the new detachable fork end. This is fitted to the left hand chain stay of the machine, and the whole of the jaw in which the chain adjusting bolts are situated, comes away by undoing a couple of small bolts, thus leaving an opening through which the tyre can be removed or replaced. It may appear that this is a refinement only of interest to the rider, but the agent should bear in mind that if this idea came into general use it would save a great deal of his time when he is fitting new covers or new tubes to old machines.

Gloria Cycle Co., Ltd.
Much Park Street, Coventry. Stand No. 82.
The Gloria Cycle Co., have always turned out a very good class of machine at a very moderate price. Their highest figure is that of the Models Riche, which, complete with Sturmey Archer 3-speed gear and oil-bath gear-case, is £12 12s. 6d., and without these specialities about £3 less. The corresponding lady's machine is listed at £10 10s., but this includes a metal gear-case. The Royals sell at £8 5s. and £8 8s., and are fitted with Brooks' saddles and Dunlop tyres. The "Club" model comes out at about £1 ls. less, and in the road racing form has an extra dropped top tube, Eadie coaster hub and Reflex Clipper tyres on 26 in, wheels. The "Popular" sells at £6 10s., and is built both as a roadster and as a road racer. A specimen is shown with oil-bath, detachable gear-case and three-speed gear, bringing the price to £8 17s. 6d. A strong bicycle is introduced for tradesman's use, and has the carrier fixed to the front fork and axle. Globe.

Messrs. Clarks, Cluley and Co.
Well Street, Coventry. Stand No. 80.
This firm is one of those that recognise that there is always room on the top, and they depend rather upon quality than upon lowness of price to attract the trade, and there is no doubt that trade attracted in this manner is retained when once it is secured. They are making no attempt to cater for the very cheap class of work, but concentrate their efforts on giving excellent value for the moderate prices which they charge. Thus, the solid parts of the machines are constructed of stampings, no press work being employed, neither do they employ women in their works nor pay less than the union rate of wages. '['hey aim at retaining the satisfaction of the customer not only by building the machine well, but by paying special attention to the plating and the enamel, and agents should remember these points because the excellent reputation of the firm becomes the reputation of the agent, and an agent who sells goods that last is the agent who will ultimately succeed. It must not be thought, however, that the firm's prices are extravagant, as this is far from being the case. Take, for instance, the "Royal," which retails at £10 10s. This is fitted complete with oil-bath gear-case, roller brakes, and other modern fitments, and is finished in green. The new imperial loop frame lady's bicycle has a graceful frame, and some of the other patterns differ somewhat from the common bow and straight tube types. The highest priced machines are fitted complete with Micrometer or other three-speed gears, and they can be fitted with others at a reasonable extra charge.

F. Hopper & Co., Ltd.
Barton-on-Humber. Stand No. 125.
This very enterprising firm make a good show with 23 of their machines. Several frames of unusual designs are shown; one is a lady's machine with duplex tubes from the. top of the head lug to a point on the lower main tube about 6in, from the bracket. Here the duplex tubes enter a lug, and another pair of shorter duplex tubes run at right angles and join the diagonal about eight inches above the bracket; this makes a strong frame and gives ample dress clearance. The gent's. machine has double tubes from the top of the head lug to the bracket, and duplex tubes from the seat pillar lug to the bottom of head. The finish on all these machines is good, and the prices are most reasonable.

The Walter Hewitt Cycle Co., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 88.
This stand is replete with special models for 1909. A fine seven guinea machine with Clipper Reflex tyres, Armstrong three-speed gear, lined in two colours, leaves good profit to the agent. A more expensive model is the "Superbe," three-speed, selling at £8 15s., with Dunlop tyres and gear case. The three-speed gear is in all cases the Armstrong. On this model, very neat brazed lugs are on the handlebar to carry the brake levers, almost appearing part of the handlebar itself. Mr. Walter Hewitt showed us a frame treated with an anti-rust process, which they have been using for three years past with satisfactory results. It has a reddish bronzed appearance, and on this three coats of enamel are put. Other models include a gentleman's, selling at £5 15s., lined in two colours, Clipper Reflex tyres, the same as the £7 7s, machine without the three-speed gear. A "Special" lady's machine has a very neat dropped frame with a novel curve in the tube, which appears to be very strong. The firm experience a good demand for tradesmen's cycles, with basket and name-plate, and a fair example of this is shown. The Company are also making machines fitted with genuine B.S.A. parts throughout, to retail at nine guineas. Another fine model for 1909 has Dunlop tyres, and sells to agents at £4 5s. 6d., and at this price is good value.

Humber, Ltd. Coventry. Stand No. 100. Although the Humber factories are now concentrated at Coventry, the highest grade models are still distinguished by the name "Beeston." We regret to hear, however, that the manufacture of the aluminium Humber has been discontinued, but the demand for it was somewhat, limited, and these are not the days when manufacturers can afford to study the wishes of a small number of customers. It is another case of the greatest good for the greatest number.

We were pleased to notice at one end of the stand a tricycle, and this was fitted with enclosed back axle and pyramid frame.

Turning to the bicycles, the "Popular" pattern is the cheapest, has roller brakes, Warwick tyres, steering lock, and is lined, from which it will be seen that it is excellent value for £6 6s. The "Standard" is now priced at £7 7s., and this includes Dunlop tyres, metal gear- case, and special front forks tapered from oval at the top to round at the axle. The "Special Standard" has a little oil-bath gear-case, and is finished in green with genuine gold lines. It should be inspected by all on the lookout for a really high-grade machine at a moderate price.

The Beeston models run up to £14 in the highest grade, and are constructed as light roadsters for gents. and also for ladies, the latter having the firm's special duplex frame and front fork. The cheaper Beeston-Humbers are turned out at 30s. less. The Humber three-speed gear is, of course, a leading feature on this stand. The whole exhibit shows that the firm are marching well with the times.

Hazlewood's, Ltd.
Albion Mills, Coventry. Stand No. 96.
There are few firms in the cycle trade who can date back further than the exhibitors whose machines we find on this stand, and one of their names, at any rate, the "Rival," carries us back to very early days in cycle history. The first machine shown to us, however, was the "Superbe." This is their highest grade, and is fitted complete with Roman rims, oil-bath gear-case, Renold chain, Armstrong three-speed gear, with top tube control and extension front mudguard. It is finished in black with double gold line, and is excellent value at the retail price of £12 12s. Next is the "Imperial," also fitted with three-speed gear, gear-case, roller brakes, Dunlop tyres, extension guard, and sells at £10 10s. The next model is the "Royal." This has a Revod chain guard, and extended front mudguard, while the lady's machine has the all-metal gear-case.

The "No. 1 Tourist" caters for those who favour something different from the ordinary diamond frame. It is built with a second horizontal tube running back from the bottom of the head to the diagonal. It is turned out with metal gear-case, rear luggage carrier, and Eadie coaster hub. The "Royalist" is shown as a road racer, with a similar hub, dropped or raised handles, Clipper speed tyres, wood rims, weight 24 lbs., and the price is £7, and a similar machine in racing trim scales just under 20 lbs.

The " Grande" models, with Brooks saddle, Dunlop tyres, and finished in green with bronze lines, or black with red and green lines, should sell well at £7 7s. retail. The "Albion" has Cambridge tyres, and comes out at £1 ls. less. It is built as a roadster, light roadster and lady's machine; the light roadster has sloping top tube and 26in. wheels. The "Albion No. 1 " is a somewhat similar machine, but has a coaster hub, while the "Rival" has Dunlop tyres and Brooks B75 saddle, and is a superior machine, costing £8 8s. (lady's), and 5s. less for the man's.

Iliffe & Sons, Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 136.
Specimens of transfers in gold, and in gold and colours, as used by the leading firms in the cycle and motor trades, are to be seen here. These transfers are guaranteed to be the best obtainable, and every effort is made to meet the wishes of customers, whether the order be large or small. On receiving the wording required, and instructions as to whether the transfer is to be in gold or gold and colours, the firm will send, along with the quotation, an original design, free of cost. The quality of these transfers is the best, yet the prices are moderate.

James Cycle Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 110.
This is one of the most interesting exhibits the firm has ever made, and that is saying a good deal. We are pleased to notice that on their best models their direct system of tangent spoking and the fluted chain-stays are retained. A very attractive little path racer having these specialities, and finished in brown, is exhibited at a weight of about 20 lbs. It has wood rims and sprint tyres, and looks quite capable of maintaining the James' reputation for racing bicycles. Next, our attention is drawn to a case displaying the parts of the firm's variable crank-shaft gear. This is now made to provide three speeds, and the two-speed gear on similar lines is, of course, still provided. In the centre of the stand is a most elaborately finished lady's bicycle. It is not only all plated, but the parts that are usually black are silvered, and those that are usually nickelled are gold-plated. Further, some parts are etched. The machine was exhibited at the Franco-British Exhibition, and was awarded a silver medal.

Next to this is one of the firm's fully equipped juvenile bicycles, and close by is the new bicycle for tradesmen. This has quite a novelty in fork construction. The head lies between two cross bars which are fixed to tubes diverging upwards from the front axle, and carrying separate adjustable handle bars at the top. A strong carrier frame is built up integrally to receive the basket or other impedimenta. The idea is applicable to all pedal bicycles, and is worthy of careful consideration. The James Co. have also introduced a new truss frame, and it embodies the excellent feature of running stays direct from the bottom of the head to the back axle. The top tube is bowed downwards, and this doubtless reduces vibration. A lady's machine and a tandem bicycle are constructed on somewhat similar lines. The design of the handle bars and brakes on the best quality machines is particularly neat, and these models are also fitted with detachable oil-bath gear-cases. In addition to the James highest quality there are also the cheaper models under the names of "Samson," "Mercury," and "Comet." This is one of the few firms who make a speciality of tricycles, and they are this year introducing two patterns, one at £12 12s., and the other at £15 15s.

Kynoch, Ltd.
Lion Works, Birmingham. Stand 66.
Kynoch cycles from £5 10s. to £11 5s. retail; these machines are made and finished in faultless style. The range includes a tradesman's carrier bicycle at £7 7s. retail, complete with carrier, but without basket. A back carrier can be supplied instead of the front one, at the same price. Messrs. Kynochs make a point of recommending good quality tyres to their customers, pointing out that low grade tyres cannot be expected to stand the hard wear like tyres of better quality. No distinctive patterns are displayed on this stand, but the machines look a very workmanlike lot, and should be easily saleable at the prices mentioned.

W. A. Lloyd.
Clyde Works, Birmingham. Stand No. 118.
On this stand will be found the smart path racer which we described and illustrated in The Review some weeks ago. This machine scales only 18 lbs., and has neat lines which should appeal to the class of riders for which it is intended. Two new frames are, of course, also to be found here. These are the twin man's, and the twin ladies'. In the man's twin tubes run from the top of the head to the bracket, and from the top of the seat column to the bottom of the head. In the ladies' they run from the top of the head to a lug about 6 inches above the bracket on the down tube. Two short struts run from this lug to a point slightly higher up on the seat tube. Both are attractive-looking machines. The usual range of Lloyd cycles are also shown, including the carrier.

Lea and Francis, Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 70.
After being absent from the Show for a couple of years, Mr. Francis told us he was glad to be back again, particularly as he has some striking novelties to bring before the trade and public. Perhaps the most prominent of these is the Lea-Francis pedal, which has already attracted a deal of attention; this has an aluminium frame, in which circular rubber studs are inserted. It is very light, and of course, rustless. Another ingenious idea is the tail lamp" (?) which is not a lamp at all ! It is a convex lens, behind which is a red glass, backed by a reflector; the rays of the acetylene lamp on an overtaking motor car, are reflected to such an extent that it. really appears as if the cyclist was carrying a red tail lamp. This contrivance retails at 4s. 6d., which may possibly hinder its sale in large quantities. The Lea-Francis machine is notable for its superb finish, and every little detail is considered; for instance, there are tiny sockets brazed on the rear forks, to accommodate the supports of a luggage carrier. Similar sockets take the ends of the mudguard stays. The roller levers of the brakes are carried inside the handlebar, and the rod to the front brake inside the steering tube; to take up the front brake, a spring cap, covering the top of the handlebar stem, is lifted, and the adjustment disclosed.

A. R. Macbeth, Ltd.
286 Holloway Road, London, N.
The name "Macbeth" has been before the public for a couple of decades, and the man who makes these popular machines, and whose name they bear still looks hale and hearty as he did when we first knew him as a successful racing man on the good old ordinary. He caters, to a large extent, for the clubman, and shows a wide range of patterns, built of B.S.A. and Eadie fittings and embodying the specialities of these two firms. One fine little ladies' machine only weighs 27.4 lbs. Mr. Macbeth has a very neat chain guard, particularly suitable for road-racing machines; this is designed to prevent mud thrown by the back wheel from getting on to the chain.

Coventry. Stand No. 6.
This firm, who used to be known as the trailer specialists, now tell us that the trailer—which they were instrumental in introducing some ten or twelve years ago—is practically dead, as also is the fore-carriage. The passenger vehicle for attachment to a motor-cycle is now the side-carriage, and Mills-Fulford show this in various patterns, including the original fixed wheel type, the castor wheel, and a new pattern with the side wheel fitted in a complete tubular frame and supported on coiled springs working in cylinders, one on each side of the wheel; this should make an extremely comfortable carriage. Messrs. Mills-Fulford make side-carriages not only for the conveyance of a human freight, but for the delivery of goods, so that it is well worth agents' while to push the sale of side-cars amongst their local trades people. In bicycles, Mills-Fulford continue to do a very large trade, selling practically all their bicycles through agents; they make good quality machines, at medium and low prices, including two very nice juvenile patterns.

F. & H. Melen.
Birmingham. Stand No. 104.
This exhibit is naturally chiefly composed of the well-known Melen carrier tricycles, though a couple of bicycles, with the handy front carrier, are also shown. The tricycles are so familiar to our readers that there is no necessity for us to say much concerning their good quality. The vital parts of these machines are all extra strong. The steering head is claimed to be unbreakable, and the front axle is solid steel, not tubular. Messrs. Melen have recently added to their staff an expert body finisher in the person of an experienced coach painter, and the carrier boxes are therefore now finished in the very best style, as well as a motor body, in fact.

Minstrel and Rea Cycle Co., Ltd.
Barn Street, Birmingham. Stand No. 63.
This firm's machines for 1909 are well finished, and there are several new models. It is well known that these machines show a good profit to the agent, and the firm are still making a speciality of the no-name machines for traders' own transfer business. The Fiscal machine for 1909 is now enamelled green without extra charge. The firm are also showing the new Girder Frame with the short truss between the down-tube and the cross-piece between the chain stays, popularised for some years on the Royal Enfield machines. We understand that the registration of this machine, originally designed by Renouf, has run out, and it is now open to the trade. The model shown is termed the "Minstrel Girder" frame, and it is a very good-class machine at a very moderate price. Another great speciality of the firm is the Dux model; the lady's Dux for next year is fitted with celluloid chain cover of very neat and attractive design, and Bowden brake, both included in the specification. There is a very smart road-racer with wide dropped bars, wood rims, Eadie coaster hub, enamelled green. Another light road- racing model, called the "Scorcher," is a wonderfully cheap line, as it can be sold by the agent from £4 10s. to £5, and show a big profit. It has butt-ended tubes and fixed wheel, and is a very attractive-looking machine. The 'firm also make a speciality of juvenile cycles. All the models for 1909 are attractively finished, and they will be known by the following names:—Dux, Fiscal. Rex, and Minstrel.

Neall Bros., Ltd.
Daventry. Stand No. 252.
Here are shown cycles, wholesale and for export, made by the firm at Daventry. A speciality are the frames of X and truss patterns. These are built on latest improved design. with Renolds or Accles and Pollock's double butted tubes, Williams' cranks and chain-wheels, improved bracket-axle and bearing-cups. These machines are finished in best style, and are lined in 22-carat burnished gold leaf. They are sold at a very low price. The machines are attractive in* appearance, and up-to-date in design; and are shown with Sturmey-Archer three-speed gear. This firm also make a speciality in juvenile machines at low prices, both boys' and girls' patterns. Whey also specialise in wheels, fittings, frames, etc.

New Hudson Cycle Co., Ltd.
Summerhill Street, Birmingham. Stand No. 99.
The New Hudson Co. are exhibiting no less than 25 different models on their stand. These range in price from £6 7s. 6d. to £14 14s., and the..agent or rider who cannot find what he wants on this .stand must be hard to please. The cheapest machines are fitted with Warwick tyres, and the better ones with New Hudson tyres made by the Dunlop Co., while on the most expensive a choice is given between New Hudsons and genuine Dunlops. The cheapest models are named the "Standard," and even these have roller brakes, and are lined.

The gear-case on the leading machines has celluloid panels. The "Populars " are similar to the "Standards," but are fitted with three-speed gears. The "J.O.G." and "Green" road racers are similar, except that the latter are finished in the colour mentioned, which is naturally more expensive than black. These machines have special speed tyres and inverted brake levers. The "Tourists'," at £7 7s., have steering locks and metal gear-cases; and the "De Luxe" machines, at £1 is. extra, are of the same general description, but have a better equipment. The "Elite " is a three-speed machine selling at £8 8s. and has a mudguard over the front portion of the chain. 8s., "Royal " has a three-speed gear included in the price, which is £10 10s. It has Brooks saddle, Dunlop tyres, steering lock, roller brakes, and is lined. The highest grade is the "Superbe." This machine has aluminium rims, three-speed gear, oil-bath gear-case, and is generally equipped in a very liberal manner, and should please the most fastidious.

Referee Cycle Co., Ltd.
332 High Holborn, W.C. Stand No. 94.
Eighteen years ago the Referee was a popular mount with the racing fraternity; in those days its designer and maker was a great racing man. Now that he has developed—by a natural process of evolution—into a tourist and potterer, his machines are of the sober roadster type, leavened with a sprinkling of " Club-man's models." These machines are very moderate in price. Features on the Referee Stand are drawings of two of Mr. G. L. Morris's new frame designs; these are a. lady's and man's, both of which are very striking and original. To any maker on the look out for something really special in the way of frames, these designs should appeal.

Robin Hood Cycle Co.
Nottingham. Stand No. 83.
This concern does no business with the public direct, but supplies the agent with machines to sell either with his own transfer, or under the Robin Hood name. Prices are slightly up for 1909, but when it is remembered that Brooks' saddles, Dunlop tyres, and rustless spokes are fitted to all models, it will be seen that 'there is good reason for this. The range of models include patterns to retail from about £6 to ten guineas, according to the margin of profit with which the agent is satisfied.

Premier Cycle Co., Ltd.
Read Street, Coventry. Stand No. 79.
The Premier bicycles are constructed with weldless and helical tube frames, the Latter being confined to the more expensive patterns. The lowest priced machines are wonderfully complete for the money, retailing at £5 5s. for the man's, and £5 15.s. for the lady's. They have roller brakes with fixed clips on the handle-bar, expanding handle-bar adjustment, and the lady's machine is provided with a metal chain cover. The tourist models have detachable gear cases, front guard extensions, Dunlop tyres, and Brooks' saddle, and are retailed at £9 9s. The best grade is known as the Royal Premier, and embodies the helical tubing, as already indicated. It is provided with an oil bath gear case, Sturmey-Archer three-speed gear, brazed pump clips, steering lock and other refinements. This model has a strut from the saddle pillar lug to the bottom of the head, and this is included in other gent's machines of 28in. and over. It is quite evident from the exhibit that the Company are living up to their name.

Rover Co., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand 102.
The Rover stand is invariably one of the most interesting exhibits and it is always elaborately decorated with a splendid array of cups and other prizes that have been won on Rover racing bicycles, and this year is no exception in that respect. The Rover Co. have ever been distinguished for the very high quality of their goods, and of recent years they have also shown their capability of turning out as good a low- priced machine as anybody. As an instance, we may mention the new "Popular" Rover, lined in red, equipped with Rover tyres, free-wheel and two brakes at £6 10s. The path racer, too, has been reduced in price no less than 4 guineas, and at 8 guineas retail it should have a bigger sale than ever, The new "Special," at 8 guineas, includes an Armstrong three-speed gear, and should have a tremendous run at the price. The tyres are made by the Dunlop Co., and the brakes are of the popular roller pattern.

The ladies' machine is not charged any extra for, though it is fitted with a celluloid panelled gear-case. The "Imperial" road racer is a very fine model, and one of the most expensive this firm turn out. It is fitted with a very readily detachable brake yoke for the rear wheel. The "Imperial" ladies' has a double curved frame. An extra light ladies' pattern is introduced this year with straight lower and curved upper tubes as distinct from the double curved of the ordinary model. It has a celluloid chain cover. The "Royal" is another very good model at 10 guineas, and this is equipped with Dunlop tyres. The "Special Popular" road racer, with wood rims, Clipper speed tyres, and coaster hub, is priced at 7 guineas, but a fixed wheel can be supplied to order. There is an even cheaper road racer at £6 10s., with 26 in. wheels and 22 in. frame. With such an array of models we can confidently predict a very large output for the firm during the coming season.

Raleigh Cycle Co.
Lenton, Notts. Stand No. 119.
At one end of this stand we found a road racer with Warwick speed tyres, wood rims, and coaster hub, pump and tools, and fully guaranteed at £5 19s. 6d. retail. We need say nothing further than this to prove the Raleigh Company's ability to compete in price and value with any other firm. We may add, however, that all machines of £7 19s. 6d. and over have Dunlop tyres and Brooks' saddles. Agents should remember, too, that this is one of the first-class firms that has not forgotten what first-class plating and enamelling are hence the beauty of the machines when sold may be depended upon to remain a joy for ever. The 11 guineas model, with three-speed gear and oil-bath gear-case, extended front mudguard and the Raleigh crown, leaves very little to be desired by the most fastidious. The 8 guineas line is another popular one. It is finished in Raleigh green, with lines of a lighter shade; roller brakes are fitted, and twisting of rear connections is avoided by a double looped bell crank at the bottom of the head. The Nos. 8 and 9 at £8 19s. 6d. include three-speed gear, and always meet with a ready sale.

The new feather weights, scaling 25.1 lbs.. and selling at £7 19s. 6d., with sloping top tube, should go well in every sense of the term. The "Popular," with Warwick tyres is another good pattern. It is fitted with 'listless spokes, as are all Raleigh machines for next year. The highest grade model shown is the "Superbe," and has the celebrated Raleigh cross frame, oil-bath gear-case and Sturmey-Archer three-speed gear. It is certainly very good value for 15 guineas. The firm's special construction, with pressed steel lugs, is well displayed by a bicycle shown ready for enamelling, and also by a separate display of several pressings. We are glad to know the firm still manufacture tandems, tricycles, and juveniles, though room has not been found for them on the stand. The Raleigh agency must be a particularly satisfactory one to hold.

Star Cycle Co., Ltd.
Wolverhampton. Stand No. 101.
There can be few, if any, members of the trade who are not familiar with the name "Star." The Star cycles have now been on the market for many years, and have always been remarkable for the way in which they have met the popular taste. It is not extraordinary, therefore, that this year shows but little change in the specifications of the machines. They are constructed in four grades, A, B, C and D, and, in addition, there are special lines for tradesmen and juveniles. We are pleased to note that both the chain stays are straight in all models; this gives a smart appearance to the machine, and is undoubtedly correct mechanically. Both the front and rear forks of the chain stays are of D section. All machines for 1909 will be fitted with rustless spokes, and the chain wheels are flanged or shrouded. The model D retails at £6 6s., and is lined on either black or coloured enamel. They are fitted with the new Cambridge tyres, and a choice is given between roller and inverted brake levers. The Stanley two and three-speed gears can be fitted to all models. The model A, complete with Star free-wheel, Stanley three-speed gear, oil-bath gear case, Dunlop tyres, Brooks' saddle and Bowden brakes with the improved levers, comes out at only £12 12s., and if the purchaser prefers it he can have Clincher or Palmer tyres instead of Dunlops. Sunbeam.

John Marston, Ltd.
Wolverhampton. Stand No. 93.
This firm continues to confines itself exclusively to high-grade machines. Whereas £12 12s. is the highest price asked at a good many stands, it is the lowest figure for a "Sunbeam," and more expensive ones may be had up to £19 19s. Several improvements have been introduced for the coming season. A number of the smaller parts, brakes, etc., are enamelled black instead of being plated, and thus require less attention to keep up to the mark. The firm manufacture their own two and three-speed gears and apply them to both the crank bracket and the driving hub. When used in combination they produce four and even six-speeds if required. The Roman rims have been adopted as the standard for 1909. thus overcoming the rusting difficulty. In connection with the two-speed crank bracket gear, an additional ring of balls has been introduced to decrease the friction when the low speed is in action, and at the same time, the size of the crank shaft bearing at the chain wheel end has been increased. When single speed hubs are fitted the wheel axle is divided to facilitate the removal of the tyre without taking the wheel out of the frame. The "Sunbeam" back-pedalling brake will be remembered by our readers. The brake blocks are fitted at the saddle stays, and are operated through the rod rising to a lever at the crank bracket. A catch is now provided to prevent the brake coming into operation when the machine is wheeled backwards.

No reference to the "Sunbeam" would be complete without mention of the little oil-bath g,ear-case, a fitting which is now very generally appreciated both by the trade and the rider. We congratulate the firm on maintaining their stand when others are dropping their higher-grade machines. The "Sunbeam" has worked up quite to the top of the tree, and further fruitful seasons should be the result.

Singer and Co., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 120.
We are glad to find Messrs. Singer and Co. again among the exhibitors at the Stanley Show, and have little doubt that their present display will encourage them to take part in the future exhibitions held by the club. They have quite a long range of patterns at 6, 7, 8, 10 and 14 guineas in bicycles, and 18 and 20 guineas in tricycles, while juvenile machines are shown at 5 guineas for boys and £5 10s. for girls. The 6 guinea "Royal" is fitted with Cambridge tyres, roller brakes, and is finished with lining on the enamel. The next higher price includes Dunlop tyres and Brooks' saddle. The 8 guinea model is finished in green, and there is a "Special Speed" model at this price, with wood rims, cemented-on tyres, and celluloid covered handlebars. It weighs about 20 lbs., and those who are familiar with the model will recognise that the price has been considerably reduced for the coming season. The 10 guinea type is an excellent machine. It is finished in black and gold, and has oil-bath gear-case and extended front mudguard. Only one guinea extra is charged for either a two or three-speed gear on this model. The Grand also has an oil-bath gear-case, and is finished in either the well-known Singer chocolate or in black, with gold lines. The back and front rim brakes are provided with enclosed springs, and present a neat appearance. The tricycle has the well-constructed Singer back axle, and is made in two grades, as already intimated. It is built in patterns suitable for use by ladies and gentlemen respectively, and a free-wheel can be fitted at an extra charge of two guineas.

Sparkbrook Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Payne's Lane, Coventry. Stand No. 131.
The Sparkbrook is one of the oldest safety bicycles on the market, in fact, one agent has acted for the firm continuously for 25 years, and so far from this completing his period, it may be noted that he sold more machines this season than in any before. The Sparkbrook Grands are this year finished in an attractive shade of brown, and have an elegant but strong form of solid fork crown. The head adjustment is also worth studying. The clip is screwed on to the top of the fork stein, and is screwed externally to receive a ring nut, which locks the adjusting cone to the head. It will thus be apparent that the head can be adjusted without disturbing the grip of the clip, and consequently the handlebar is not released when the head is adjusted. The Roadster, complete with three-speed gear, oil-bath gear case, Lea and Francis pedals, sells at £16 15s. 0d. retail.

A similar class of machine is built as a light roadster with 26in. wheels, and will take a lot of beating. A new model is the R.I.C., which is a very strong machine, with diagonal strut in the frame, special Dunlop back tyre, Resold chain, and a suitable saddle, for heavy work. It retails at £10 10s., and should be a thoroughly serviceable mount. The Nationals for next year sell at the price just mentioned, and will be fitted with Renold chain. They 'are enamelled green as hitherto, as are also a new line called the " Sceptre." The Sparkbrook Populars will be fitted with Dunlop tyres in future.

The Company are turning their attention to the production of a tradesmen's bicycle, and show one complete with name-plate, carrier, etc., at £7 10s. It has Reflex tyres, and is enamelled green all over, plated parts being avoided. The Company sell all their machines through sole agents, of whom they appoint one for each town. They have given up selling to the public for some years past. They were one of the first firms to join the Agents' Association, and once they appoint an agent they very seldom give him up, and do not find their confidence abused.

Triumph Cycle Co., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 121.
It was the excellent quality and finish of the Triumph bicycles that led one to anticipate great things from their motor-cycleS, a hope which has been thoroughly fulfilled. For the conning season the pedal machines will be built in four classes, namely, " Standards," "Specials," "Royals," and " Imperials," the first. being the lowest priced, and the last s..114., highest priced. One good feature is common to all, the Company's disc adjustment hubs, are fitted throughout. The Standard full roadster has Triumphs roller brakes, the rear brake being located below the chain stays. The ladies' machine has a celluloid disc in the gear case, and both models are provided with steering locks. The light roadster Standard is made with 26in. wheels, sloping top tube and inverted brake levers, and is retailed at the same price as the roadster, namely, £6 15s., at which it is very excellent value. The "Specials" have Brooks' saddles, Dunlop tyres, and roller brakes, and the ladies' machine has now a complete metal gear case.

The light "Specials" are very attractive. First there is a light roadster with 26in. wheels, sloping top tube, and North Road handlebar. The next is an extra light roadster, having a particularly well-designed frame, both the chain stays being straight from end to end. It bits the "Triumph" resilient fork, Renold chain, Dunlop road racing tyres, steel rims, Eadie coaster hub, front rim brake, and sells at the very moderate price of £8 15s., while the weight is about 22 lbs. There is also a path racer, finished in green, with wood rims, and scaling about 19 lbs. The "Royal " and "Imperial" models have inverted brake levers, eccentric bottom brackets, and the light roadster "Royal" has a 4.5in. tread. The "Imperials " have the Triumph resilient forks, eccentric bottom brackets, compensating front rim brakes, Triumph band brakes to the rear wheels, and the man's machine is built either with or without clearance for a gear-case. The corresponding ladies' machine has a metal and celluloid case.

A fine example of the Imperial roadster is shown with a fixed oil-bath gear-case and a three-speed Sturmey-Archer gear. This machine retails at £15 12s. The Triumph Cycle Co. adhere rigidly to their policy of one agent for one town, and all orders received are referred to the agent for the district. The Company's cycle agents have the option of taking up the agency for the motor cycles also, but if the option is not accepted; another agent is appointed. We should imagine that very few agents who feel strong enough to handle so popular a line as the Triumph motor bicycle will be foolish enough to refuse it.

Charles B. Timperley.
Export Agent, Birmingham. Stand No. 242.
The whole of this Annexe is taken up by Mr. Timperley's exhibit, which comprises the goods dealt with below, and for which he is the sole export agent. Mr. Timperley's own exhibit is contained in two offices or showrooms, devoted to fittings, with showcases outside and a stand in the centre, devoted to Saltley cycles, which have a reputation extending over many years. These machines have been thoroughly brought up to date in various details. A very neat steel pressed fork crown, of a most distinctive design is notable. The Saltley cycles are shown in various models, as supplied to the trade, and for export. At the side of one office are the Seabrook Specialities, consisting of spanners, bells, oil-cans of all descriptions, cycle locks, supports, etc.

On another stand is the Saltley cycle carrier, with long wheelbase, containing a large box for goods between two wheels, which is priced at 12 guineas, and which should meet all the requirements of small tradesmen. This is one of the novelties of the show, as the handlebar is placed at the rear of the carrier box, the machine being steered by a neat arrangement of chain and bridle steering. Outside another office are shown examples of Williams' celebrated chain wheels and cranks. Great ingenuity has been shown in arriving at a variety of designs in these, to make distinctive machines for traders to create their own goodwill. Williams' diamond frames and girder frames for cycles, and some neat bottom brackets, back fork bridges, and back fork ends, etc., are also shown, as are the Albion drop forgings for motor cars, and Wearwell accessories and parts in great variety. In addition to his own stand, Mr. Timperley has exhibits of a number of other firms on view, particulars of which will be found in their alphabetical order.

Thornhill Cycle Co.
408 Liverpool Road. London, N. Stand No. 86.
Samples of the Stanley machines from £3 19s. 6d. A machine on this stand has a double top tube, but the tube from the bottom head lug to the bracket is dispensed with; it has the merit of originality.

Unique and Unity Cycle Co., Ltd.
Birmingham. Stand No. 95.
The Unity cycles have one or two features which make them distinctive; these include a built-up rear fork end instead of the, usual trapped tube. The front forks are rein- forced on the outside by extensions from the crown; these being plated, show up rather well. The expanding stem method is used for adjusting the handle-bar, but the stem is expanded by means of a parallel plug an inch deep, having a wedge-shaped step on its side; this wedge slides in an opening cut in the side of the stem, which is expanded for a considerable part of its length, an exceptionally firm grill being obtained. Agents who have a particularly fanciful lady customer will be interested in the Unity lady's machine. which has a handle-bar best described as "wavy," as there are several undulations in it which we are informed make it particularly acceptable to feminine customers in Holland, and other Continental countries, where the Unique and Unity Co. do a large business.

Victoria Motor and Cycle Co., Ltd.
Dennistoun, Glasgow. Stand No. 273.
This firm are manufacturers of cycles for wholesale houses and the export trade. They make three grades, known as the "Victoria," "Windsor," and the "Osborne," each being suitable for a particular class of business. They also supply frames and various components separately, but to wholesale houses only. The machines shown on the stand are distinctly attractive in appearance, for not only. is the finish excellent, but the design is neat.

Wearwell Cycle Co., Ltd.
Wolverhampton. Stand No. 57.
This stand is devoted to the Wearwell pedal bicycles. There is little change in these from last year, though all have been improved in detail, and are thoroughly up-to-date. One of the leading lines of the firm is the "Standard " Gent's Roadster, for agents to sell at £5 15s. cash, the buyer's price being £3 7s. 6d.; ladies' model in both instances being 5s. more. They have also a new "Modele Superbe " roadster at £7. It is fitted with every up-to-date and best fitment, and is well finished throughout.

The firm also show examples of cross frames, rims, various parts, etc., for the trade. The Company conduct their business through agents, and are open to appoint others where they are not at present represented. Full particulars may be obtained on application.

The Wincycle Trading Co., Ltd.
106 Great Saffron Hill, London, E.C. Stand No. 77.
This firm is in its old position, showing Wincycle bicycles, which are sold in large quantities through agents all over the country; they also show their special bookcase writing desk, and a great novelty in the form of a bed and library table; this is fitted with is side telescopic table, which can be raised, lowered, or put in any position. It is made of weld- less steel tubing, and retails at from 22s. 6d. to 32s. 6d., according to type and finish, and is a side line which agents should be able to handle with great advantage to themselves. This firm will be remembered as the makers of the Childs-mobile Tricycle, which we illustrated a couple of years ago, and which, although not in great demand commercially, turned out such a practical success; it is an exact replica of a tri-car, but built on very light lines, and is propelled by the rider through a three-speed gear. A very comfortable little fore-carriage seat is provided for the child between the two front wheels. This is a line which agents should enquire about, as, properly pushed, it should make a very good all-the-year-round side-line.

See Also


Sources of Information