1929 Royal Warrants (02)
LIST of Tradesmen who hold Warrants of Appointment to The Queen, from the Lord Chamberlain to the Queen, with authority to use Her Majesty's Arms. These Warrants do not carry the right to fly Her Majesty's Standard, or to use of the word "Royal" :—
Pages 23-25
- Aitchison, James
- Allan, James, and Son
- Amor, Albert
- Angrave
- Ashton and Mitchell
- J. and E. Atkinson
- Atkinson, Richard, and Co
- W. Barrett and Son
- Barringer, Wallis and Manners
- Bassano
- Benzie, Simpson
- O. Blackford
- C. H. Brannam
- Braun, Kate
- Brigg and Sons
- Broadwood, John, and Sons
- Cadbury Brothers
- A. J. Caley and Son
- I. W. Caley and Co
- W. Callaghan and Co
- Carrington and Co
- Catchpole and Williams
- Cauldon Potteries
- Chancellor and Son
- Chand, Manick
- Chapple and Mantell
- Chutton, Lal, and Brothers
- Clark, Alfred
- Collingwood (Jewellers)
- Crichton Brothers
- A. Debenham
- Debenham and Freebody
- F. G. de Faye
- E. Dent and Co
- Dickins and Jones
- W. and D. Downey
- Dreyfous
- J. Duvelleroy
- Eastman and Son
- Ede and Ravenscroft
- Edmonds-Orr and Co
- Edward, Mrs.
- Edwards and Sons
- Elkington and Co
- S. and P. Erard
- C. W. Faulkner and Co
- Fine Art Society
- Forrest and Sons
- Foster and Co
- Fowler, Mrs.
- French Cleaning and Dyeing Co
- Frodsham, Charles and Co
- J. S. Fry and Sons
- Gale and Polden
- A. W. Gamage
- Ganeshi Lall and Son
- Garrard and Co
- Gerard
- Girdhar Das Jagmohan Das
- Girdhar Das, Hari Das, Raghunath Das
- Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Co
- Goode, Thos., and Co (London)
- Gorringe, Frederick
- Gramophone Co
- Graves, Henry, and Co
- Grout and Co
- P. and J. Haggart
- Harman and Co
- M. Harris and Sons
- Harrods
- Harvey, Nichols and Co
- Hatchard and Co
- W. Hayford and Sons
- Herzog and Higgins
- Hook, Knowles and Co
- Hooper and Co (Coachbuilders)
- Mackay and Chisholm
- Macmichaels
- Mallett and Son
- J. Manley
- Maple and Co
- Marks, Lionel
- Marshall and Snelgrove
- W. Moorcroft
- Mortlocks
- H. J. Mulliner and Co
- J. Parkes
- Partridge, Frank
- Pascall, James
- Patterson, Sons and Marr Wood
- A. and F. Pears
- Phillips, Albert
- Phillips's
- Power, W. M.
- Pryce Jones
- Raffaele Shoe Galleries, (Weaver and Weaver)
- Reville (1926)
- Revillon Freres (London)
- Robinson and Cleaver
- Romanes and Paterson
- Rowe, William, and Co
- Rowntree and Co
- Royal Irish Industries Association
- Runting, Ernest G. V.
- Russell and Sons
- Sage, Frederick, and Co
- Scott Adie
- Singer Sewing Machine Co
- Skinner and Co
- S. Smith and Son
- Smith, Tom, and Co
- Soldiers and Sailors Help Society (Incorporated)
- Sparks, John
- Steinway and Sons
- W. S. Stuart
- Sturrock and Sons
- Sundar Lall and Son
- D. F. Tayler and Co
- Taylor and Henderson
- J. N. Thomson
- Threshers
- Tredegars (1923)
- Tuck, Raphael, and Sons
- Ward, John
- D. and J. Wellby
- White, Allom and Co
- White Heather Laundry (London)
- Whittome, D. Knights
- Wilkinson and Son
- Wills and Segar
- C. Winlove-Smith
- Winsor and Newton
See Also
Sources of Information