1955 British Industries Fair: Company E

Note: This is a sub-section of the British Industries Fair
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- EASIWORK Limited Stand K4. Gillingham, Kent. Tel.: Rainham, Kent 81764. Cables: “ Easiwork, Gillingham, Kent.”—Manufacturers of Easiwork Pressure Cookers, provide inexpensive steam pressure facilities equal for quality production to the most costly installation. Capacity 9-50 litres. Also Autoclaves and Sterilizers.
- EASTERN WORLD (Foreign Correspondents) Ltd. Stand A 32. 58 Paddington Street, London, W. 1. Tel.: Welbeck 7439. Cables : “ Tadico, London.”—Publishers of “ Eastern World,” Asian affairs monthly magazine “Asian Annual,” reference handbook for businessmen, “Asia Report,” Asian trade monthly newsletter, “ East-West Commerce, ” Eastern Europe newsletter.
- EAVESTAFF, W. G., and SONS Ltd, Stand D 1 Stamford Hill of Pianos and Stools showing Symphony 7 octave and Miniroyal Minipianos, Prelude Minuet and concert Overstrung Uprights and Broadcast Grand, Special Grand in makore and Minipiano in olive ash.
- EBBELS Ltd. Stand N. 91. 41 Knightsbridge, London, S.W.l. Tel.: Sloane 1505.—Manufacturers of exclusive Tablemats, Glass, Lacquer Base Trays which are heat and alcohol resisting and washable. Extensive Library of Prints for buyers’ selection of these world-renowned products.
- ECONASIGN Co., Ltd. (The) Stand 017. 92 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l. Tel.: Victoria 5662. Cables : “ Econa- sign, London.”—Manufacturers and producers of the “ Econasign ” Stencil Outfits for the production of Showcards, Price Tickets, Notices, Posters, etc. Artistic Showcard Blanks in various sizes and colours. (See advertisement on page 336)
- EDGWARE CUTLERY MANUFACTURERS, Ltd. Stand M 215. Humber Road, Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. Tel.: Gladstone 4902 and 3454. Cables : “ Hanedge, Crickle, London.”—Manufacturers of Scissors, Forged Steel, Hardened and Tempered, wide range. Specialities include “ Edgware ” Multi-purpose Kitchen Scissors, Bathroom, Garden, “ Dextro ” Scissors, Stainless Surgical Scissors, Light Drop Forgings.
- EDWARDS, C. Stand M 307c. 8 Northampton Square, London, E.C.l. Tel. : Clerkenwell 2490.—Manufacturers of Silver Teasets, Tankards, Cups, Dishes, Serviette Rings, Porringers, Child’s Cans, Cigarette Boxes, Electro Plate Holloware.
- ELDU PRODUCTS, Limited Benlow Works, Silverdale Road, Hayes, Middlesex. Cables : “ Benlow, Hayes.”—Manufacturers of Gloves in fancy packing. (See advertisement on page 330)
- ELITE OPTICS, Ltd. Stand C 4. 316 Frogmoor, High Wycombe, Bucks. Tel. : High Wycombe 792.— Manufacturers of H.J. 300 Projector, H.J. 750 Projector, Episcopes, 750/1000 Epidiascope and Accessories, including Micro, Automatic Slide and Film Projectors, Achro-Aplanat Magnifiers, Condensers, Objectives, Optical Flats and Precision Spherical Work.
- ELLIOTT, F. W., Ltd. Stands M 414 and M501. 105 Hatton Garden, London, E.C.l. Tel.: Holborn 5141. Cables : “ Elclocks, Cent.”—Manufacturers of all types of High Grade Clocks. A comprehensive range of both modern and antique designs in fine quality cases.
- ELLIOTT and SPEAR, Ltd. Stand N 18. Oakhill, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent. Tel.: Hildenborough 3376-7. Cables : “ Verichic, Hildenborough.” London Showrooms : 9 Cavendish Square, W.l. Tel.: Langham 4123.—Manufacturers of Table Lamps, Lampshades, Table Mats, Waste Paper Drums, Bookends, Trays, Art Pottery, Alabaster Gifts and Novelties.
- ELLISON, J. Parker, Limited Stand S57. “Pelso” Works, Bradshawgate, Bolton, Lancashire. Tel.: Bolton 3950-1. Cables : ‘‘ Pelso, Bolton.”—Manufacturers of Rugs, Canopies, Pram and Cot Quilts, Pillows and Mattresses, Pelso Karri-Kots, Baby Carriers, patent 4-way Kiddie Seats, Doll Folding Cots, Foot Muffs, Motor Rugs.
- ELWIN, Henry, Limited Stand D 19. Plumptre Street, Nottingham. Tel.: Nottingham 42595-6. Cables : “ Elwin, Nottingham.”—Manufacturers of “ Winel ” Gramophone Record Carrying Cases (including Long Playing), Cabinets, Albums, Protective Cardboard Covers, also Carrier and Counter Bags in various colours, qualities and styles.
- EMERSON MILL, Ltd. Stand J 13. Emerson Road, Preston. Tel.: Preston 84271. Cables: “ Emersonia, Preston.”—Manufacturers of Curtain, Casement, Corset and Slipper Cloths, Linings, Tablecovers, Huckaback Towels, Tickings. Cloths for making-up offered to making-up factories. Curtain Fabrics direct to retail stores.
- EMMOTT, Hayward, Ltd. Stand J 38. 133-135 Borough High Street, London, S.E.l. Tel.: Hop 1839. Cables : “ Floyce, London.”—Manufacturers of “ Floyce,” “ Dagonet ” and “ Centurion ” Umbrellas for ladies and gentlemen, Umbrellas and Sunshades for all climates, also Golf Umbrellas and Walking Sticks, Covers and Components.
- EMPIRE PORCELAIN Co. Stand L 8. Empire Works, Stoke-on-Trent. Tel.: Stoke-on-Trent 48543. Cables: “ Utilware, Stoke-on-Trent.” London Office : Winton House, 11 St. Andrew Street, E.C.4. Tel.: Central 0066. Cables: “ Utilware, London.”— Manufacturers of high grade Earthenware, Tea and Dinner Ware, Coffee, Fruit and Sandwich Sets, Fancies, Jugs, Wall Vases, etc.
- NFIELD CLOCK Co. (London) Ltd. Stands M 310 and M 402. Seetric House, Waterloo Road, London, N.W.2. Tel.: Gladstone 6464. Cables : “ Rightime, Telex, London.”—Manufacturers of Striking and Chiming Mantel Clocks, Grandfather Clocks, Grandmother Clocks, Kitchen Pendulum Clocks, 8-day, 30-hour Timepieces, Strike and Chime and 8-day Movements.
- ENGLISH CLOCK SYSTEMS Limited. Stands M 310 and M 402. 179 Great Portland Street, London, W.l. Tel.: Langham 7226. Cables : “ Industime, Wesdo, London.”—Manufacturers of Electric and Springwound Clocks for industrial use. Time Recorders, Process Timers, Tower Clocks, Bell Controls, etc.
- ENGLISH NUMBERING MACHINES Limited Stand C 5. Queensway, Enfield, Middlesex. Tel.: Howard 2611. Cables : “ Numgravco, Enfield.”—Manufacturers of Precision Counting Devices, Engine Running Hours Recorders, Automatic Numbering and Dating Machines, Type High Numbering Boxes, Plastic and Tin Number Wheels and Pinions. (See advertisement on page 347)
- ESSEX AERO, Ltd. Stand P 6. The Airport, Gravesend, Kent. Tel.: Gravesend 4261. Cables : “ Magne- might, Gravesend.”—Manufacturers of “ Magchairs ” Upholstered, Stackable Metal Framed Chairs, Armchairs and Folding Armchairs, the frames being manufactured of light and ultra light alloys. (See advertisement on opposite page)
- EVANS COMPONENTS Co., Ltd. Stand N 42. “Paragon Works,” Hockley Hill, Birmingham 18. Tel.: Birmingham, Northern 4581-3. Cables: “ Evansco, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers of Powder Compacts, Presentation Gift Sets, Bracelet Compacts, “ Six-in-One ” Vanity Cases, Fancy Jewellery, Combs in Metal Cases, “ LeRage ” regd. trade mark. Fancy Metal Novelties, etc. (See advertisement on page 318)
- EXPORT CREDITS GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT Stand A 31. P.O. Box No. 272, 9 Clements Lane, Lombard Street, London, E.C.4. Tel.: Mansion House 8771. Cables : “Exportcred, Cannon, London.”—Insures U.K. Exporters of Capital and Consumer Goods against Major Risks of Exporting, including Sterling Transfer Delays. £500m. worth of insurance transacted annually.
Late entry
- EMBASSA, Ltd. Display Window, Jewellery Section 4 D’Arblay Street, Wardour Street, London, W.l. Tel.: Gerrard 4664.— Manufacturers of Imitation Jewellery, Metal and Glass, Necklets, Earrings, etc., exclusive.
See Also
Sources of Information