1955 British Industries Fair: Company T

Note: This is a sub-section of the British Industries Fair
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- TANDRA HOSIERY Co. Ltd. Stand J 45. 3 Mill Street, London, W.l. Tel.: Mayfair 4785-6. Cables: “Tandra, London.”—Manufacturers of Fully Fashioned and Circular Nylon Stockings in all Gauges and Deniers. Registered brand “ Tandra.”
- TAYLER, D. F., and Company, Ltd. Stand N109. Brearley Street, Summer Lane, Birmingham 19. Tel.: Birmingham, Aston Cross 0151-6. Cables: “ Pelican, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers of Pins, Safety Pins, Needles, Gramophone Needles, Knitting Pins. 17-18 Basinghall Street, E.C.2. (See advertisement on page 311)
- TAYLOR, LAW and Co., Ltd. Stand N 40. Cables: “Tala, Stourbridge.”—Manufacturers of Metal Articles in High Quality Japanned Finish and of Plastic Articles for the Houseware, Stationers’ and Chemists’ Trades.
- TAYLOR TOYS (L. C. TAYLOR) Ltd. Stand S 58. Wellington Works, Knighton Lane, Leicester. Tel.: Leicester 32381. Cables : “ Taylor Toys, Leicester.”—Manufacturers of Desks and Chairs, Boards and Easels, Wood Workers Benches, Sledges, Wheel Barrows, Model Garages and Forts, Pencil Boxes, Educational and Kindergarten Toys of superior quality.
- TAYLOR-WOODS HOSIERY Ltd. Stand J 45. Enniskillen, Northern Ireland. Tel.: Enniskillen 2341. Cables : “ Higage, Enniskillen.”—Manufacturers of Ladies’ 54,66 and 75 Gauge Fully Fashioned Nylon Hosiery. London Office: 81 Piccadilly, W.l. Tel.; Grosvenor 7237.
- TEDSON, THORNLEY and Co., Ltd. Stand N16. Robert Street Mills, Rochdale. Tel.: Rochdale 3682. Cables : “ Tedson, Rochdale.”—Manufacturers of Gloves for Household, Garden and Garage use. Trade Mark, “ Andy.” See the new Plastic Covered Gloves, oil, water and acid proof, all sizes.
- TEMPLE PIANOFORTE Co. Stand D 11. 107-111 Matthias Road, Newington Green, London, N.I6. Tel.: Clissold 4020 and 6019. Cables : “ Tempeano, London.”—Manufacturers of Pianos. Piano Keys, Piano Strung Backs, Piano Soundboards.
- TENNANT, C., Sons and Co., Ltd. Stand C 5. 4 Copthall Avenue, London, E.C.2. Tel.: National 0661. Cables: “ Tennants, Stock, London.”—Sole Agents for “ Apis ” Liquid Filling, Handling and Dispensing Machinery. Ampoule Sealing and Vial Capping Machines. Consultants for Mechanisation of Industrial Processes. “ Pene- trascope ” and “ Indentometer ” Hardness Testers.
- TERYLENE COUNCIL. See IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. (See advertisement on page 52). Stands J 2 and J 7. Stand E5.
- THERMOS (1925) Ltd. Seymour Road, Leyton, London, E.IO. Tel.; Leytonstone 4061-5. Cables: “ Thermos, London.”—Manufacturers of “ Thermos,” “ Thervac ” Vacuum Flasks, Jugs, Jars, Picnic Cases, Travelling Requisites, Liquid Dispensers, Specialities for Aircraft, Railways, Steamships, Hospitals, Hotels, Liquid Air Vessels for Laboratories. (See advertisement on page 176)
- “ THREE COOKS ” Ltd. Worcester House, Reading, Berkshire. Tel.: Reading 3245-6.—Manufacturers of Quality Food Products in Catering Packs saving time, reducing costs. Soup, Sweetened Cake Mixture, Custard Powder, Table Jelly Crystals. Retail Packs available for export.
- THURGAR BOLLE (Successors) Ltd. Stand N 3. Orient House, Church Way, Wellingborough, Northants. Tel.: Wellingborough 2415-6.—Manufacturers of “ Thurgar ” Sunglasses, Toilet Combs, “ Duchesse ” Hair Wear, Fancy Jewellery, Buttons, Fancy Goods and Household Wares.
- TINTOMETER Ltd. (The) Stand C 8. The Colour Laboratory, Waterloo Road, Salisbury, Wilts. Tel.: Salisbury 2837. Cables : “ Tintometer, Salisbury.”—Manufacturers of Lovibond Comparators and Tintometers for the Colour Measurement of all Industrial Products. Colour Standardisation. Colorimetric Chemical Analytical Apparatus for Foodstuffs, Engineering, Water and Medical Purposes.
- TIPDEX Limited Stand F 13. Martin’s Chambers, 28 Martin Lane, London, E.C.4. Tel.: Mansion House 6231. Cables: “ Tipdex, London.”—Manufacturers of Filing Cabinets.
- TODD, D. G., and Co., Ltd. (See COWAN, J. (DOLLS) LTD.) Grosvenor Works, Tulketh Street, Southport, Lancs. Teleph, : Southport 56871—4. Cables: “ Todco, Southport. ”—Manufacturers of Plastic Dolls, Dressed Dolls, Novelty Dolls, Toys, Beakers, Money-boxes, Novelty Toys, etc.
- TOILET GOODS MANUFACTURING Co., Ltd. Stand N 25. 182 Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne 4. Tel. : Newcastle 22253.— Manufacturers of Kiddies Bags, Animal Shaped Bags, Pencil Wallets, School Satchels, Shopping Ba^gs, Knitting Bags, Purses, and other Novelty Lines.
- TOKALON Limited Stand E 10. 450 Basingstoke Road, Reading, Berks. Tel. Reading 81266. Cables : “ Tokalon, Reading.”—Manufacturers of Tokalon Beauty Preparations, New Formulae, Perfumes, Presentations, Face Powder, Vanishing Cream, Rose Skin Food, Cleansing Cream, Lipsticks, Rouge, Film Foundation (tinted). Cake Make-up.
- TOPLIS, SIMPSON and Co. Ltd. Stand C 11. Sunleigh Works, Surdeigh Road, Wembley, Middlesex. Tel. : Wembley 7044.—Manufacturers of Kappa Moisture Meters for use in a wide variety of industries. Accurate determination of Moisture Content by Sample or in Bulk. Demonstration on the Stand. (See advertisement on page 347)
- “ TOY TRADER and EXPORTER, The ” (W. B. Tattersail, Ltd.) Stand S92 15 Cursitor Street, London, E.C.4. Tel.: Chancery 4001. Cables: “Unitrader, London.”—Publishers of the Trade Journal for the Toy and Allied Trades. Advertising Rates on Application. Subscription 17s. 6d. per annum, post free. Service Department available.
- TOYS (1946) Ltd. Stand S 84a. 373 High Road, WUlesden, London, N.W.IO. Tel.: Willesden 1573.— Manufacturers of Toys.
- TRESCO PLASTICS Limited {See G. GOODFELLOW) Earls Barton, Northants. Tel. : Earls Barton 376.—Manufacturers of the conprehensive range of “ Alpha-Beta-Set ” Educational Toys, including Word, Sum and Time Teaching, Word and Picture Printing and Colouring^Sets, Water Toys and Novelties.
- TUCK, Raphael, and Sons Ltd. Stand O 7. Raphael House, Stanhope Gate, Park Lane, London, W.I. Tel. : Grosvenor 6393. Cables : “ Palette, Audley, London.”—Manufacturers and Publishers of Christmas, Birthday, Valentine, Easter, Wedding and other Greeting Cards, Calendars, Children’s Novelty Books, Painting, Panoramas, Scrap, Transfer, etc.. Postcards, Table Stationery, Painting by Numbers.
- TURNER, Luke, and Co., Ltd. Stand J 18. Deacon Street, Leicester. Tel. : Leicester 22967--9. Cables: “ Luke, Leicester.”—Manufacturers of Braids, Loom, Brace, Suspender, Binding, Shoe, Trunk Top Elastics, “ Leno ” and 2-way Corset Elastics, Petershams, Shock Absorber Cords and Rings, Underwear, Boxed Suspenders. (See advertisement on page 96)
- TWINCO, Ltd. Stand N 59. Warstock Road, Birmingham 14. Teh: Birmingham, Maypole 2252-4.— Manufacturers of ‘‘ Twinco ” largest range of British Sunglasses, Flexible Beakers, Picnic-ware, Kitchen Canisters, Coathangers, Blouse-hangers, Tablemats, Wool-holders, Knitting-pin Boxes, Plastic Glove-dryers, Gift Sets, Combs, Hair Slides. (See advertisements on pages 314 and 315)
See Also
Sources of Information