1955 British Industries Fair: Company H

Note: This is a sub-section of the British Industries Fair
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- H. and N. PRODUCTS, Ltd. Stand L 11. 17 Heatherset Gardens, Norbury, London, S.W.16. Tel.: Pollards 4797. Cables : “ Artnor, London.”—Manufacturers of the “ Disc ” Plate Hanger. No unsightly hooks or wires. Completely invisible when in use. Holds plate flat against the wall. Decorative Glass and Earthenware.
- HALL, Edwin, and Co. Stand S 7. 67 Besley Street, Streatham, London, S.W.16. Tel. : Streatham 5623.— Manufacturers of Coin Operated Kiddies Rides and Amusement Equipment of all kinds.
- HARBUTT’S PLASTICINE, Ltd. Stand S 51. Bathampton, Bath, Somerset. Tel.: Bath 88209. Cables: “Plasticine, Bath.”—Manufacturers of “ Plasticine ” Home Modelling Outfits. Also in bulk for School and industrial purposes. “ Plastone ” Self Hardening Modelling Material, Chalks, Crayons, Sealing Wax for all purposes. (See advertisement on opposite page)
- HARDURA Limited Stand P 18. St. Lawrence Mill, Great Harwood, Lancashire. Tel. : Great Harwood 3121-2.—Manufacturers of Plastic Coated Felts and Tufted Carpet for the Motor Vehicle, Aircraft and Shipping Industries and Domestic Furnishing Trades, for Flooring, Insulation, Trimming, Sound Absorption. (See advertisement on page 184)
- HARLOW DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Stand A 39. Terlings, Gilston, Harlow, Essex. Tel. : Harlow 24292. Harlow New Town provides and develops sites for Industry, Shops, Housing and all the amenities of urban life.
- HARPER, D., and Co., Ltd. Stand O 9. 258-262 Holloway Road, London, N.7. Tel. : North 3822. Cables : “ Pertaining, Holway, London.”—Manufacturers of Diaries for Desk and Pocket, Albums for Stamps, Photographs and Autographs, Calendars, Blotters, Children’s Books, Telephone Indexes, Writing Cases, Address Books, Birthday Books. (See advertisement on page 336)
- HARRINGTON, T. J., and Son, Ltd. Stand R 3. Magda Works, Molesey Road, Hersham Trading Estate, Hersham, Surrey. Tel. : Kingston 5567.—Manufacturers of Fishing Reels, Air Pistols, Throwing Darts, Odds-on Tops, Catapults, Air Gun Darts, Automatic for the Electrical, Radio, Automobile and Aircraft Industries. (See advertisement on page 350)
- HART, E. 455 Hackney Road, London, E.2. Tel: Shoreditch 8379. Telegrams : “ Eharbeds, Beth, London.”—Manufacturers of Upholstered Furniture and Chairs. Branded “ Beamster ” and ” HartcraA.”
- HEALTHGUARD KNITWEAR, Ltd. Stand J 45. Woodbridge Road, Leicester. Tel.: Leicester 61851. Cables: “Helth- gard, Leicester.” London Address: 37 Cheapside, E.C.3. Tel.: City 5534.—Manufacturers of Knitted Outerwear, Underwear, Beachwear, Sportswear.
- HEATH, Ronald D., Ltd. Stand J 38. 133-135 Borough High Street, London, S.E.l. Tel.: Hop 0023. Cables : “ Floyce, London.”—Manufacturers of “ Floyce,” “ Dagonet ” and “ Centurion ” Umbrellas for Ladies and Gentlemen. Umbrellas and Sunshades for all climates. Also Golf Umbrellas and Walking Sticks, Covers and Components.
- HEATON, WALLACE, Ltd. Stand A 43. 127 New Bond Street, London, W.l. Tel.: Mayfair 7511. Cables: “ Heatonia, Wesdo, London.”—Producers of Photographs of Exhibition Stands, Commercial and Fashion Photographs, Three Dimensional Colour Photo^aphs, Showcards and Catalogues, Photographs of Goods for Export. Anything photographic.
- HEDLEY, Thomas, and Co., Ltd. Stand E 9. Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 3. Tel. : Gosforth 57141.—Manufacturers of Soaps, Detergents and Allied Household and Industrial Products.
- HELENA PRODUCTS, Ltd. Stand E 23. Helena Building, 86-92 High Road, New Southgate, London, N.ll. Tel. : Enterprise 5801-3.—Manufacturers of Toilet Bags, Toilet Holdalls, Sponge Bags, Baby Pants, Hot Water Bottle Covers, Powder Puffs of Swansdown, Lambskin and Velour, Sifters for all makes of Compacts.
- HERALD MODELS, Ltd. Stand S 69. 184-186 Kings Cross Road, London, W.C.l. Tel.: Terminus 0327-9. —Manufacturers of Unbreakable Models, Soldiers, Cowboys, Indians, Farm Animals, Ballet Dancers, etc. Export Sales dealt with by Britains Ltd. at our stand and Sutherland Road, London, E.17.
- HERRBURGER BROOKS, Ltd. Stand D 7. 31 Lyme Street, Camden Town, London, N.W.l. Tel.: Gulliver 1061. Cables : “ Lymbrook, Norwest, London.” And Shenstone Works, Meadow Lane, Long Eaton, Nr. Nottingham.—Manufacturers of Pianoforte Actions, Keys and Hammers, Organ Keys. Sole Manufacturers of “ Schwander ” Pianoforte Actions, “ Ivoette ” Keys, Ivory Cutters, Plastic Moulders.
- HERVEY and GOODMAN Limited Stand F 10. 93-97 Regent Street, London, W.l. Tel. : Mayfair 9901-7. Cables: “Empfilms, Piccy, London.”—Manufacturers of Illuminated Signs, Point of Sale Advertising Displays, Merchandising Stands, Counter Dispensers and Animated Eye-Catching Attractions, designed and produced to suit advertisers’ individual requirements.
- HINCKLEY KNITTING Company Ltd. (The) Stand J 45. Hawley Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire. Tel.: Hinckley 113. Cables: “ Hownite, Hinckley.”—Manufacturers of Veldt Knitwear, Ladies’ Fully Fashioned, Patterned and Styled, Men’s Light and Heavy Fancy Knitted. Rayon, Nylon, Knitted Lingerie and Jersey Fabrics, including Striped Doeskin.
- HINDERS Limited Stand E 12. 174-192 Estcourt Road, London, S.W.6. Tel. : Fulham 6187 (6 lines). Cables : “ Hinders, London.”—Manufacturers of D.X. Vaporisers for Excessive Foot Perspiration, “ Radiaray ” Infra-red Lamps, Chiropody Dressings and Equipment, Foot Appliances, First Aid Dressings, Hose Savers and Heel Grips. (See advertisement on page 336)
- HITCHINS, W. (1932) Ltd. Stand N 8. 51-57 High Street South, East Ham, London, E.6. Tel. : Grangewood 0111-2. Cables: “ Frubox, Forgate, London.”—Manufacturers of “Sheraton” Distinctive Woodware in Walnut, Sycamore, Birch, Biscuit Barrels, Candy Boxes, Tidies, Preserve Holders, Spills, Bookends, Veneer Containers, Table Mats, Trays in Pastel Shades.
- HOBBIES, Ltd. Stand S 55. Dereham, Norfolk. Tel. : Dereham 444. Cables : “ Hobbies, Dereham.” —Manufacturers of Fretwork Outfits, Tools, Fretmachines, Fretsaw Inlay (Marquetry) Kits, Model Galleon Kits, etc. Publishers of “ Hobbies Weekly”, “ Hobbies Handbook ”, Patterns for Models, Fretwork, Toys, etc.
- HOLLANDS and BLAIR, Ltd. (Typewriter Division) Stand S 22. 98 Cherry Orchard Road, East Croydon, Surrey. Tel. : Croydon 2549.— Manufacturers of the “ Lilliput ” Typewriter designed for Home Users, Students and Older Children. Three Bank Machine with Standard Keyboard and all main features of a standard typewriter.
- HOLLOWAY, E. R., Ltd. Stand N 36. 17 Bessemer Road, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. Tel.: Welwyn Garden 4444. Cables : “ Allkombs, Welwyn Garden City.”—Manufacturers of the “ Barnet ” Range of Haircombs packed in attractive Counter Dispensers, or Display Cards. Carded Sunglasses and Seaside Gifts in quicksale cabinets at Competitive prices. (See advertisement on opposite page)
- HOMERIC, Limited Stand M202a. Chambers Lane, Grimesthorpe, Sheffield 4. Tel. : Sheffield 36861-2.— Manufacturers of Scissors, Tweezers, Nail Files Manicure Instruments and Manicure Sets by modem methods.
- HONG KONG (Official Exhibit) Commonwealth Section. Hong Kong Government Office, Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C.2. Tel. : Whitehall 1648. Cables: “ Hongaid, London.”—Manufacturers of Rubber Footwear, Plastics, Leatherware, Cotton and Woollen Yams, Garments, Piecegoods, Torches. Other Light Industrial Products. Banking, Insurance, Shipping and Shipbuilding, Cargo Handling, Advertising Facilities.
- HOPKINSON, F. E. and J. R., Ltd. Stand M 203. Trimils Works, 87 London Road, Sheffield 2. Tel.: Sheffield 27486.— Manufacturers of Table Cutlery, Hunting Knives, Spoons, Forks, Pen Knives, Scissors, Hunting and Sheath Knives.
- HORTON, J. (London) Ltd. See BROWN’S CLIPPER CO. (1939) LTD.
- HOSIERY and KNITWEAR EXPORT GROUP Stand J 45. 32 Savile Row, London, W.l. Tel.: Regent 6277.—Bureau providing Information Concerning the Production of Hosiery and Knitwear Manufacturers generally, a Range of whose Products will be on Display in the Court.
- HOUNSFIELD Ltd. Stand R 6. 81 Morland Road, Croydon, Surrey. Tel.: Addiscombe 2205-6. Cables : “ Hounsfield, London.”—Manufacturers of “ Hounsfield ” Safari Camp Bed, Mosquito Net, Frame and Net.
- HUBER, J. J., Ltd. Stand F 11. " Hubex Works, Villiers Road, Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. Tel.: Willesden 6511. Cables: “Hubexsons, London.”—Manufacturers and Sole Agents for “ Hubex ” Photo-Litho Equipment, Printing Frames, Horizontal and Vertical Cameras, Arc-Lamps, Whirlers, Vacuum Boxes, Non-Oxidising Aluminium, Zinc and Paper Plates for Rotaprint, Multilith, Davidson Machines.
- HUGHES, Wm., Ltd. Stand D 17. 79-83 Castle Road, Kentish Town, London, N.W.l. Tel.: Gulliver 3186 and 1024.—Manufacturers of Pianoforte Strings and Pressure Bars. Sole * Agents for Webster and Horsfall’s “Ancor” Brand Piano Wire. Manufacturers of Wire Springs for all industries.
- HUNTER MORDANT Ltd. Stand Ell 10 Gospel Oak Grove, London, N.W.5. Tel.: Gulliver 3828.—Manufacturers of Nevatame, product designed to prevent Tarnishing and Corrosion of Metal Surfaces, especially Silver, Brass and Copper. Can be used outdoors as well as indoors.
- HURST, S. M., Ltd. Stand J 46. 85 Avenue Road Extension, Leicester. Tel.: Leicester 77056.—Manufacturers of Knitted Woollen Piece Goods, Jerseyware including Dresses, Skirts, Jumpers, Cardigans for Women and Girls, Cotton Interlock Underwear for Boys and Girls. (See advertisement on page 156)
- HYDERS, Ltd. Stand N20. 10 Fitzroy Street, London, W.l. Tel.: Langham 6192. Cables : “ Hyders, Plaxtol, London ”—Manufacturers of fine quality Wrought Ironwork, Table Lamps, Floor Standards, Lanterns, Chandeliers and Wall Brackets, Firescreens, Umbrella Stands, Tables, Flower Holders, Jardinieres and other attractive gifts.
Late entry
- HARMAN Brothers Limited Display Window, Jewellery Section 115-118 Vyse Street, Birmingham 18. Tel. : Birmingham, Central 7821-2-3. Cables : “ Aristocrat, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers of “ Aristocrat ” and “ Har-Bro ” Cigarette Cases, Cigarette Boxes and Ashtrays in Silver, EPNS and Chromium Plate, Cigarette Cases in “ Goldtone,” Silver and EPNS, Napkin Rings.
See Also
Sources of Information