1955 British Industries Fair: Company V

Note: This is a sub-section of the British Industries Fair
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- VEEDER-ROOT, Ltd. Stand C 12. Kilspindie Road, Dundee, Scotland. Tel.: Dundee 85218. Cables : “ Veedermeta, Dundee.” London Office : 20 Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey. Tel. : Thornton Heath 3477-8.—Manufacturers of Counting and Computing Mechanisms both Mechanically and Electrically Operated for all branches of industry.
- VELLEMAN, D. H., and Co. Stand S 88. 125a Earls Court Road, London, S.W.5. Tel. : Fremantle 7171. Cables : “ Velman, London.”—Manufacturers of Jokes, Tricks, Novelties, Wooden Toys, Fishing Nets, Kites, Bows and Arrows, Spades, Indian Head-dresses, Fivestones, Pram Sets, Mosaics, Blackboards and Easels, Dolls Houses, Forts, Farms, Animals.
- VERTEX KNITWEAR DE LUXE Stand J 47. 100 George Street, London, W.l. Tel.: Welbeck 9661.—Manufacturers of Knitted Jumpers, Cardigans and Dresses. Original models by continental designers.
- VICKERS-ARMSTRONGS Limited Stand F 19. Powder Mill Lane, Dartford, Kent. Tel.; Dartford 2241. Cables; “ Vicastrong, Dartford.”—Manufacturers of Metal Office Furniture, Vertical Filing Cabinets, Card Index Cabinets, Single and Double Pedestal Desks, Cupboards, Shelving Units, Wardrobes, Waste Paper Tubs, Letter Racks, Trays.
- VICTORY INDUSTRIES (Surrey) Ltd. Stand S 19. Barfax Works, Worplesdon Road, Guildford, Surrey. Tel.: Guildford 5276. Cables : “ Toogood, Guildford.”—Manufacturers of Official Working Scale Electric Model Replicas for Industry in General and the British Motor Trade in Particular, Miniature Electric Motors “ Mighty Midget ” and “ Micro.”
- VOGEL, P. H., and Co., Ltd. Stand M 407. 622-5 Ulster Chambers, 168 Regent Street, London, W.l. Tel.: Regent 6564. Cables : “ Vogemalph, Piccy, London.” Works: Birmingham and London. —Manufacturers of Private Bar Accessories in Silver, E.P.N.S., Pewter, Mounted Glassware, Vacuum Ice Buckets, Travelling Cocktail Sets, Gifts, Sporting Novelties, Shagreen Goods and Desk Sets.
- VOGUE VANITIES Limited Stand N 56. Soho Hill, Handsworth, Birmingham 19. Tel.: Birmingham, Northern 1334. Cables : “ Vovan, Birmingham.”—London Office : 26 Holbom Viaduct, E.C.l. Tel.: Central 6454.—Manufacturers of Vanity Cases, Powder Boxes, Lipstick Cases and Cigarette Boxes.
- [[Ernest Vokes|VOKES, Ernst], Scientific Surgical Appliances, Ltd. Stand C 6. Henley Park, Guildford, Surrey. Tel.: Guildford 62861. Cables: “ Vokesacess, Guildford.”—Manufacturers of Light Alloy Artificial Legs to suit all amputations, average weight 3J-4i lb. only, embodying Special Knee and Ankle Mechanisms. Also makers of Orthopaedic Appliances.
See Also
Sources of Information