1955 British Industries Fair: Company G

Note: This is a sub-section of the British Industries Fair
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- “ GAMES and TOYS ” (H. Richard Simmons, Ltd.) Stand S 66. 30-31 Knightrider Street, London, E.C.4. Tel. : Central 0681-4. Cables : “ Appressolo, Cent, London.”—Publishers of “ Games and Toys ” Trade Journal. Circulates amongst toy dealers, shippers, wholesalers, stores, manufacturers. “ Games and Toys ” Year Book and “ British Playthings ” Quarterly Export Review.
- GEE and HOLMES, Ltd. Stand M 302. 61 Eyre Lane, Sheffield 1. Tel.: Sheffield 23852. Cables: “Inherit, Sheffield.”—Manufacturers of Canteens and Cabinets of Cutlery, Cased Goods, Spoons and Forks in “ Heritage ” Plate, “ Silvaseal,” etc.. Table Cutlery, Steak Knives, Carving Sets, for all markets.
- GENERAL ACCIDENT, FIRE and LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, Ltd. General Buildings, Perth, Scotland. Tel. : Perth 2211. Cables : “ Gaflac, Perth, Perthshire.”—London Chief Office : General Buildings, Aldwych, W.C.2. A world wide Insurance Service for Business, Home and Personal Needs.
- GENERAL SIGNAL and TIME SYSTEMS, Ltd. Stand M 413. Autophone House, 73 Great Peter Street, London, S.W.l. Tel. : Abbey 5588. Cables : “ Gensigns, Sowest, London.”—Manufacturers of Electric Clocks, Time Recorders, Public Address Equipment, Staff Locating Equipment and Electric Signs.
- GILDER, B., Ltd. Stand N 39. 203-205 Brick Lane, London, E.2. Tel. : Bishopsgate 2291 and 1703. Cables : “ Bettatrays, London.”—Manufacturers of “ Durobound ” Plastic Bound Glass Top Trays, Trolleys, Server Screens, Cakestands, Coffee Tables, Fire Screens, Plain and Decorated Pictures, “ Gilmet ” Anodised Metal Trays, Chrome Trays.
- GILL, A. C., and CLEAVER, Ltd. Stand N 99. Marquise Factory, Fletcher Gate, Nottingham. Tel. : Nottingham 40260. Cables : “ Marquise, Nottingham.”—Manufacturers of Marquise Hair Nets, Elastics, Boot and Shoe Laces, Denman Brushes and Cleaver Colour Combs, Powdapacts Hair Grips. (See advertisement on opposite page)
- GLOVER, J., and Sons Ltd. Stand A 23. Groton Road, Earlsfield, London, S.W.18. Tel.: Battersea 6511. Cables : “ Stormor, London.”—Manufacturers of “ Compactus-Ingold ” Auto-Mobile Storage System, “ Stormor ” Mobile Storage System, “ Stormor ” Fixed Shelving, “ Foldaway ” Folding Tables and Forms, “ Hexagon ” Slotted Angle, Office and Works Equipment.
- GOLDERSTAT Stand A 20. 25 Downham Road, London, N.I. Tel.: Clissold 6713-4 and 4386.—“NoBlock ” Printers of Leaflets, Brochures, Catalogues, Process Section for users of Small Offset Machines. Photographic Section includes taking of Stands, Exhibits and Quantity Reproduction.
- GOLDSMITHS OF THE CITY OF LONDON, Stands M 210. THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF & M 307. Goldsmiths’ Hall, Foster Lane, London, E.C.2. Tel. Monarch 1668.—City Livery Company or Guild. Statutory Hall-Marking Authority. Patrons and World Exhibitors of Gold, Silver and Jewellery Craftsmanship. Interested in Trade Welfare and Education.
- GOODACRE, Wm., and Sons, Ltd. Stand P 9. Ceylon Mills, Russell Road, Custom House, London, E.16. Tel.: Albert Dock 3371. Cables : “ Goodacre, London.”—Manufacturers of “ Orissa ” Spool Axminsters, “ Kendal ” Spool Axminsters, “ Kent ” Chenille Ax- minsters, “ Bedford ” Reversible Carpeting, “ Oxford ” Reversible Carpeting, “ Marlow ” Sisal Carpeting, “ Windsor ” Coir Mats and Mattings.
- GOODFELLOW, G. Stand S 85. 44 Tottenham Court Road, London, W.l. Tel.: Museum 1811.—Sole Agents for Tresco Plastics “ Alpha-Beta-Set ” range of Educational Toys and Printing Sets, “ Sunny Smile ” comprehensive range of Baby Rattles, Brush Sets, Soft Toys and Feeding Sets.
- GORDON FRASER GALLERY (The) Stand O 13. Eascotts Road, Bedford. Tel.: Bedford 3761.—Publishers of Christmas, Birthday and General Greeting Cards.
- GOSHAWK SHIPYARDS Ltd. Stand K1. Trinity Road, East Cowes, Isle of Wight. Tel.: Cowes 314.—Manufacturers of the Porpoise 4-ton Sailing Yacht in three Standard Versions, Fast Mono- hedron Arro Launches, Polyester Glass Fibre Channel Marker Buoys.
- GRAHAM, Walter (Jewellery) Ltd. Stand M 103. 27 Princes Street, Regent Street, London, W.l. Tel.: Mayfair 5747 and2829. Cables : “ Waltgra, Wesdo.”—Manufacturers of Rosita Range of Costume Jewellery, Simulated Pearl Necklets, Bahamaian Shell Jewellery.
- GRAIN, E. L. (Sewing Machines) Ltd. . Stand S58. High Cross Street, Nottingham. Tel.: Nottingham 45638. Cables : “ Grain, Nottingham 45638.”—Manufacturers of Toy Model Sewing Machines. The “ Standard ”, “ Travelling ” and “ De Luxe ” Models are all precision made and guaranteed.
- GRANT, Harry, and Sons, Ltd. Stand M106. Watcombe Marble Works, Torquay, South Devon. Tel.: Torquay 88479 and 87301. Cables : “ Grant, Torquay 88479.”—Manufacturers of high grade Goods in Onyx, Malachite, Lapis Lazuli and all Semi-Precious Stones including Presentation Articles, Writing Sets, Smokers’ Requisites, Distinctive Clock Cases. London Office : 48 Brewer Street, W.l.
- GRANTA FOLDING BOATS Stand K 3. Granta Works, Cottenham, Cambridge. Tel. : Cottenham 241. Cables : “ Cavender, Cottenham.”—Manufacturers of Granta Folding Canoes, Nesting Punts, Oars, Paddles and Sails, Surfboards and Floats, Foldflat Dinghies and Accessories, Fibreglass Boats.
- GREEN (Fancy Papers) Ltd. Stand O 3. Polyfoil Works, Packington Road, Acton, London, W.3. Tel.: Acorn 3287-9. Cables: “ Fancipaper, London.”—Manufacturers of Polyfoil Aluminium Display and Decoration Novelties, Aluminium Gummed Tapes, Labels, Gift Wraps, Carnival Masks, Streamers, “ Polyfoil-Wrap,” Aluminium Foil Lined Papers, Boards for Converters, Crepe Papers.
- GRIMSHAW, BAXTER and J. J. ELLIOTT, Ltd. Stands M 310 and M 402 29-37 Goswell Road, London, E.C.l. Tel.: Clerkenwell 4936.—Agents for Smiths “ Sectric ” and Spring Driven Clocks, Wrist and Pocket Watches, Wall Clocks, Electric and Spring Driven Alarm Clocks and all forms of Commercial Timekeeping.
- GRIST PLASTICS, Ltd. (see Dohm, Ltd.). Stands E 1 and E 8. 82-84 Brighton Road, Surbiton, Surrey. Tel.: Elmbridge 4214. Cables: “ Grist, Surbiton.”—Manufacturers of Thermo Plastic Moulding Powders and Materials.
- GROSSMITH, J., and Son, Ltd. Stand E 10. 45 Piccadilly, London, W.l. Tel.: Regent 6817. Cables : “ Grossmith, London.”—Manufacturers of Old Cottage Lavender, Phul-Nana, White Fire, Golden StiU Eau de Cologne, Perfume, Toilet Soaps and Bath Preparations, Men’s Toiletries, Cosmetics.
See Also
Sources of Information