1955 British Industries Fair: Company P

Note: This is a sub-section of the British Industries Fair
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- “ PACKAGING ” (Proprietors : The Tudor Press Ltd.) Stand H 6. Tudor House, 75 Carter Lane, London, E.C.4. Tel.: City 3001-3. Cables : “ Tudapress, Cent, London.”—Publishers of “ Packaging ” and “ Packaging Annual Catalogue ” (with Directories). Journals devoted to every aspect of Packaging and Handling of Manufactured Goods. Technical Advisory Service.
- PADGETT and BRAHAM Ltd, 48-50 Broadwick Street, Golden Square, London, W.l. Tel. : Gerrard 4451-2. Cables : “ Goldsilva, Piccy, London.”—Manufacturers of Cigarette Boxes and Cases, Gold and Silver Dressing Table Sets, Silver and Enamel Photograph Frames, Civic Regalia and Insignia Calendars and Desk Sets with Onyx.
- PAGALDA Limited Stand E 15. Twyford, Berkshire. Tel.: Twyford 231. Cables: “ Pagalda, Twyford, Berks.”—Manufacturers of Toilet and Hair Preparations, Brilliantines, Shampoos, Hair Cream, Talcum and Baby Powders, Cosmetics, Dentifrices, Perfumery, Skin Creams, Industrial and Cosmetic Detergents, Bazaar Trade Specialities.
- PAGE, Charles G., Ltd. Stand S Ila. Shaftesbury Road, Edmonton, London, N.I8. Tel. : Edmonton 5128. Cables : “ Colorvox, London.”—Manufacturers of Water Colours, Artists, Students and Toy Paint Boxes suitable for all countries. Artists’ and Soft Hair Brushes for Cosmetic, Medical and other Trades. Metal Printers.
- PAGE, William, and Partners Ltd. Stand M201. 117 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l. Tel. : Tate Gallery 8296-7-8.— Manufacturers of Cutlery and Jewellery.
- PAINE, C. H., and Co., Ltd. Stand N 62. Paico Works, Rodney Road, Portsmouth. TeL : Portsmouth 33542. Cables : “ Portsmouth 33542.”—Manufacturers of Cuckoo and Novelty Wall Clocks sold under the name of “ Paico Now manufacturing a new line in Miniature Clocks. Sole Agent: Romney Export Ltd., 102 Easterly Road, Leeds.
- PALMER, John, Ltd. Stand B 4. Victory House, Somers Road North, Portsmouth, Hants. Tel. : Portsmouth 74025 (5 lines). Cables: “ Brushes, Portsmouth.”—Manufacturers of “ Victory ” Household, Farm, Dairy, Dog, Industrial and all types of Brushes. “ Kleensweep ” Brushes, Paint and Decorators’ Bnishes. “ Victory Decoroller ”, the new tool for Decorating.
- PARTRIDGE and LOVE, Ltd. Stand O 8. Wick, Nr. Bristol. Tel.: Bristol 73135. Cables: “ Publicity, Bristol.”— Producers of Lithographic and Letterpress Colour Printing, Specialising in Window Display Material and Technical Publications for the Engineering Trades. London Office and Studios : 118, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2.
- PATENT OFFICE (The) Stand A 5. 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. Tel. : Holborn 8721. Cables: “Patent Office, London.”—H.M. Government Office for Patents, Trade Marks, Designs, Copyright. International Arrangements for the Protection of Industrial Property. Patent and Trade Mark Publications. Public Library. (See advertisement on opposite page)
- PATENT PULP MANUFACTURING Co., Ltd. (The) Stand N 75. Thetford, Norfolk. Tel. Thetford 3209. Cables : “ Pulpco, Thetford.”— Manufacturers of “ Thetford ” Pulpware, Nurseryware—Baby’s Baths, Bath Sets, Chambers, Kitchenware, Washing-up Bowls, Pails, Fancy Goods, Trays Bulb Bowls, Protective Equipment, Crash Helmets, Miners’ Helmets.
- PATHESCOPE, Ltd. Stand C 7. North Circular Road, London, N.W.2. Tel. : Gladstone 6544—Manufacturers of Home Cinema Apparatus and Films. Laboratory Services. (See advertisement on page 350)
- PATRICIAN ART PRODUCTS Limited Stand N 70. Broad Street, Ramsgate, Kent. Tel. : Thanet 51995.—Manufacturers of exclusive Hand Decorated Goods, including “ Thetford ” Papier Mache Trays, Lamp Bases, Shades, Scarves, Assorted Brushes, Novelty Goods and a special range of Label Trays.
- PATTERSON EDWARDS, Ltd. Stand S 62. Manor Works, Lewisham, London, S.E.13. Tel. : Lee Green 4484-7. Cables : “ Juveniland, Souphone, London.”—Manufacturers of “ Leeway ” Baby Carriages, Bedfolders, Sunchairs, Invalid Chairs, Garden Furniture Wood and Metal Wheeled Toys. Sole Overseas Distributors ; Patterson Edwards Export Limited, 19 Manor Park Parade, Lewisham, S.E.13.
- PEARLMAN, B., and Co., Ltd. Stand N 52. 88-90 Crawford Street, London, W.l. Tel. : Ambassador 3161. Cables : “ Pearlempy, London.”—“ Polo ” Lighters, “ Polo ” Cigarette Cases, “Polo” Lightercases, “ Polo ” Table Lighters, “ Polo ” Leather Cigarette Cases.
- PEARSON, J., and Co., Ltd. Stand N 17. Peerart Works, Colne, Lancashire. Tel. : Colne 223. Cables : “ Pearson Colne 223 ”—Manufacturers of Mirrors all types. Convex, Triple, Barbola, Period and Contemporary, Framed Prints and Originals, Picture and Mirror Frames, Oval, Circle or Rectangle, Firescreens, Plaques, Trays.
- PEARSON-PAGE-JEWSBURY Co., Ltd. Stand N 68. Westwood Works, Westwood Road, Witton, Birmingham 6. Tel. : Birmingham, East 1462-4. Cables : “ Olbras, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers of “ Peerage ’’ Reproduction Furnishing Gift and Souvenir Brassware, including Ashtrays, Bells, Jardinidres, Jugs, Planters, Plaques, Coal Boxes, Companion Sets, Electrical Fittings, Cabinet Handles and Fitments.
- PECK, H. T. H., Ltd. Stand J 45. West Bridge, Leicester. Tel. : Leicester, Granby 770. Cables : “ Peck, Granby 770, Leicester.”—Manufacturers of Children’s Socks, i Hose and Chubby Socks, Men’s Half Hose, Ladies’ Ankle Socks and Fully Fashioned Stockings.
- PECK, John, and Company, Ltd. Stand J 39. “Pexwear” Factory, Edge Lane, Liverpool 13. Tel. : Liverpool, Stoney- croft 2717. Cables : “ Washable, Liverpool 13.”—Manufacturers of Washable Industrial Protective Overalls for all trades and professions, Men and Women, Proofed and Un-proofed Leisure Wear and Sports Wear for Adults and Teenagers. (See advertisement on opposite page)
- PEETER REETER PRODUCTIONS, Ltd. Stand P 12. 24 Barboume Road, Worcester. Tel. : Worcester 5717. Cables : “ Doo- Stay, Worcester.”—Manufacturers, Designers, Inventors, World Patent Right Holders of the “ Doo-Stay ” Convertible Table Bed. Nursery, Adult, Single and Double Models available. Export or manufactured under licence.
- PELHAM PUPPETS, Ltd, Stand S 77. Marlborough, Wiltshire. Tel. : Marlborough 442.—Manufacturers of handmade, beautifully dressed Wooden Puppets of individual design in a large range including popular television and film characters. Stages, Puppet Accessories, Professional Puppets.
- PENCILS Limited Stand OH West Road, Tottenham, London, N.17. Tel. : Tottenham 3701. Cables : “ Smoothryta, Southtot, London.”—Manufacturers of Blacklead, Coloured and Copying Ink Pencils, also Coloured Crayon Sets, Advertising and Cosmetic Pencils, registered under the trademark name “ Master.”
- PEPPER, Arthur J., and Co., Ltd. Stand M 109. 5 Great Hampton Street, Birmingham 18. Tel. : Birmingham, Central 5953. Cables : “ Pimpernel, Birmin^am.”—Manufacturers of “ Apex ” Silver Plate, “ Crusader ” Stainless Plate, Hollow and Flat Ware, Sports Cups, Novelties, Mounted China and Glass suitable for all markets. Hotel Plate a speciality.
- PERIHEL, Ltd. Stand C 2. 27-29 Rabbit Row, London, W.8. Tel. : Park 7870. Cables : “ Peri- helray, Kens, London.”—Manufacturers of Electro-Medical Appliances, “ Perihal ” Ultra-Violet and Infra Red Apparatus, Quartz, Mercury, Vapour, Arc and Discharge Tubes, Ultra-Violet Air Sterilisation Equipment, Fluorescent Lighting Tubes, Fluorescent Desk Lamps.
- PERIODICAL PROPRIETORS ASSOICIATION Ltd. Stand A 11. Tel. : Temple Bar 9204. Weneppa, Estrand, London.”—Combined Exhibit of British Industrial and Specialised Journals, organised by Council of the Trade and Technical Press. Particulars with Subscription and Advertisement Rates available.
- PERRY, BEVAN and Co. Ltd. Stand M 204. Priory Road, Aston, iSirmingham 6. Tel. : Birmingham, East 0656. Cables : “ Enchant, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers of the Patent “ Ever- Hot ” Tea and Coffee Sets, “ Priory ” Chromeware, including Candlesticks, Fruit Stands, Smokers’ Stands and Table Lamps, also Stove Enamelled Ware. (See advertisement on page 310)
- PHILLIPS, J. R., and Co., Ltd. Stand Q. 18-19 Nelson Street, Bristol 1. Tel. : Bristol 20623. Cables : “Phillips, Bristol.”—“ Phillips of Bristol ” have been Wine Importers and Manufacturers since befors 1789. Their Bristol Milk, Gins, Whiskies, Alcoholic Cordials and Liqueurs are widely exported. (See advertisement on page 178)
- PHOENIX STRAPS Limited Stand M 410. De Barri Street, Rhydyfelin, Pontypridd, Glamorgan. Tel : Pontypridd 2482. Cables : “ Phoenstrap, Pontypridd.”—Manufacturers of First Class Quality Watchstraps of every description. Silk, Leather and a large selection of other Fancy Cordettes, Alberts, Watchbags, Fobs, etc.
- PHOENIX TINSEL PRODUCTS, Ltd. Stand S 1. Phoenix Works, The Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W.9. Tel. : Colindale 7243. Cables : “ Tinslfenix, London.”—Manufacturers of Tinsel Garlands, Stars, Icicles, Christmas Trees, Hanked, Spooled and Carded Tinsel Ribbons and Cords, Coloured Display Chenilles, Lametta, Jack Frost and Glitter Powders.
- PIFCO, Ltd. Stand E 6. Watling Street, Manchester, 4. Tel. : Manchester, Deansgate 3331 (4 lines). Cables : “ Provencal, Manchester.”—Manufacturers of Electro-Medical Appliances for the Home, Hairdryers, Shavers, Domestic Electrical Appliances, Torches and Night Lamps. (See advertisement on opposite page)
- PINKING SHEAR Company Limited (The). Australian Works, 36 Malinda Street, Sheffield 3, Yorkshire. 29269.—Manufacturers of High Precision Pinking Shears, Scissors made from best forged high carbon steel. Trade Mark : Precision, Sandkaulen.
- PLAYCRAFT TOYS Limited Stand S 80. Finsbury Pavement House, 120 Moorgate, London, E.C.2. Tel. : Monarch 0440.—Manufacturers of Toys.
- POND’S EXTRACT Company, Ltd. Stand E 10. Perivale, Greenford, Middlesex. Tel. : Perivale 4484-5-6-7. Cables : “ Astringent, Greenford.”—Manufacturers of Vanishing Cream, Cold Cream, Liquefying Cream, Dry Skin Cream, Face Powder, “ Angel Face,” Lipsticks, Talcum Powder, Skin Freshener, Freshener Pads, Tissue Hankies, Pond’s Extract.
- POTTERS (London) Ltd. 97-99 St. John Street, Clerkenwell, London, E.C.l. Tel.: Clerkenwell 2171-2.— Manufacturers and Sole Agents for Jewellery Cases, Boxes and Sundries for the Jeweller. Showcases, Shopfittings, Display Stands in Metal, Wood, Perspex, Glass, etc. Shop Sundries for all Trades. Showcards, Price Tickets, Pelmets, Posters, Silk Screen Printing.
- PREMIER PRODUCTIONS Stand N 85. 1-3 Westmoreland Mews, Westbourne Park Road, London, W.2. Tel. : Bayswater 4819. Cables: “ Premlight, London.”—Manufacturers of Electric Table Lamps, conscientiously and skilfully produced Models of Yachts, Galleons, etc., with eye-catching detail and a finish worthy of the centre of attraction.
- PREMO RUBBER Company Limited Stand S 98. Petersfield, Hants. Tel. : Petersfield 346. Cables : “ Premo, Petersfield.”— Manufacturers of “ Minibrix ” All-Rubber Constructional Interlocking Building Bricks, Recreational and Educational. “ Premo ” All-Rubber Complexion Brushes, Hand, Nail, Bath, Suede and Dog Brushes. Inbath and Table Mats. (See advertisement on opposite page)
- PRESCOTT CLOCK Co., Ltd. Stand M 503. Bath House, Holbom Viaduct, London, E.C.l. Tel. : Central 2973. Cables : “ Feldtyme, Cent, London.”—Manufacturers of Eight-Day and 30-hour Timepieces, Watch Straps, Travelling Clock Cases.
- PRESGRIP SIGN Company Stand F33. 55a Eastgate Street, Winchester. Tel. : Winchester 3483.—Manufacturers of Interchangeable Plastic Letters for attaching to special self adhesive backgrounds for making Showcards, etc., also Cine Titling Outfits for the Amateur Cinematographer.
- PRESTON, H. S. and W., Ltd. Stand J 45. Milson Works, Colne, Lancs. Tel. : Colne 966-7.—Manufacturers of Infants’ and Children’s Knitted Outerware, Hand Embroidery a Speciality. Pleated Kilts and Jumpers, Pram and Breechette Sets, “ V ” Neck and Lumber Cardigans, Novelty Headgear, Scarves.
- PRIEST, MARIANS and Co., Ltd. Stand N 77. 56 St. Mary Axe, London, E.C.3. Tel. : Avenue 5912. Cables : “ Kynlim, Stock, London.”—Producers of and Sole Agents for Table Mats, Waste Paper Drums and Baskets, Art Metal Goods, Arts and Crafts, Wattisfield Decorated Pottery, Trays, Novelties, Furnishing Accessories.
- PRINCESS UMBRELLA Co. Stand J 38. 857-9 Romford Road, Manor Park, London, E.12. Tel. : Ilford 0942.— Manufacturers of Ladies, Gents’ and Children’s Umbrellas, Home and Export Markets. Covers and Component Parts supplied.
- PULLARS INSTRUMENT Co. Stands M310 and M402. Crowhurst Road, Brighton 6. Tel.: Brighton 56881.—Manufacturers of Barometers, Industrial Second and Minute Timers, “ Pinger ” Timers, Timing Switches for building into industrial and domestic apparatus, Minute Timers for Domestic Cookers.
Late entry
- PRESTA JEWELLERY PRODUCTS, Ltd. Stand M 401. 136 Clarendon Road, London, W.l. Tel. : Park 4750 and Bayswater 5558.— Manufacturers of Imitation Jewellery and Raw Materials.
See Also
Sources of Information