1955 British Industries Fair: Company R

Note: This is a sub-section of the British Industries Fair
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- RANDALL, J. and L., Ltd. and SIGNALLING EQUIPMENT, Ltd. Stand S93 Merit House, Potters Bar, Middlesex. Tel. : Potters Bar 2262. Cables : “ Merit, Potters Bar, England.”—Manufacturers of Boxed Games, Roy Rogers Cowboy Suits, Holsters, Tool, Fretwork, Electrical and Chemistry Sets, Projectors, Guns, Pistols, Needlework Boxes, Plastic Toys, Inflatable Playthings, Microscopes, Binoculars.
- RANK ORGANISATION, J. Arthur, Limited Stand G 1. 38 South Street, London, W.l. Tel.: Mayfair 7454. Cables : “ Jarofilm, Audley, London.”—Present a Modern Cinema with New Projection Techniques, an All-Purpose Screen and Large Screen Television. Films and Live Productions, Foyer Exhibition of Rank Group Activities. (See advertisement on opposite page)
- REES, L., and Co., Ltd. Stand S 79. 31-35 Wilson Street, London, E.C.2. Tel. : Monarch 2651-7. Cables : “Elreesonia, London.”—Manufacturers of “ Dolleries ’’Dressed Dolls, Babies Trousseaux, EUar Tea Sets, etc., “ Rosebud ” Babies, Dolls, Miniatures, Walking Dolls, “ Vulcan ” Sewing Machines, Washing Machines, Stoves, etc.
- RENTOKIL Limited Stand E20. Fetcham, Leatherhead, Surrey. Tel.: Leatherhead 4021-2. Cables ; “ Kil- rento. Leatherhead.”—Manufacturers of “Rentokil” Timber Fluids for Termite Control and Extermination of Woodboring Pests, Dry Rot Eradication, Insecticidal Furniture Cream, Mothproofer. Export Address ; 23 Bedford Square, London, W.C.l.
- RENU PLATING Company, Ltd. {See DOHM LTD.). Stands E 1 and E 8 27-31 Upper Ground, Blackfriars Bridge, London, S.E.I. Tel. : Waterloo 4565.—Manufacturers of Anodised Name-plates for Ships, Oil Companies, Machinery and Aircraft. Speciality : Instruction Plates Exposed to Seawater, Tropical and Similar Conditions. All Metal Surface Finishes.
- REYNOLDS, T. A., SON and WARDALE Ltd. Stand M 506. 40-42 Percival Street, London, E.C.l. Tel.: Clerkenwell 6127. Cables : “ Therbarome, London.”—Manufacturers of Barometers, Watch and Pocket Aneroids, Barographs, Salinometers, Thermometers, Ships Aneroids, Steam Pipe Thermometers, Rain Gauges, Scientific Instruments, etc.
- RICHARD and TUCKER NUNN Limited Stands M 310 and M 402. 108 Hatton Garden, London, E.C.I. Tel.: Holbom 6064. Cables: “ Clocks, London.”—Wholesale Distributors of Smiths “ Sectric ” and Spring-driven Clocks, Wrist and Pocket Watches, Mechanical Alarms, Enfield Chimes, Strikes, 30-hour Timepieces.
- ROBERT, Charles (Leather Goods) Stand N 79. 172 Trafalgar Road, Portslade, Sussex. Tel.: Hove 48570.—Manufacturer of Handbags in Plastic, Canvas, Zip Travel Bags, Holdalls, modem styles, competitive prices. Export specialists, 75 per cent, of output sent abroad, orders always despatched 10 days.
- ROBERTS Bros. (Gloucester) Ltd. Stands S 83/89. Glevum Works, Gloucester. Tel.: Gloucester 21174. Cables: “Games, Gloucester.”—Manufacturers of Cardboard Games and Wooden Toys, including Pull-alongs, Picture Cubes, Building Bricks and Blackboards, Games for all ages. Compendiums, Dominoes, Educational and Amusing Pastimes.
- ROBERTS, Herbert J. (Confectionery) Ltd. Stand Q 4. Walstead Road West, Walsall, Staffs. Tel.: Walsall 6573.—Manufacturers of High Grade Boiled Sweets, including Caramel, Nougat, Marzipan, Chocolate and Fruit Centres, also Hand Dipped Lines and Children’s Lollipops.
- ROBINSON PARTNERS (London) Ltd. Stand S 20. Westfield Works, Charles Street, Barnes, London, S.W.13. Tel: Prospect 9404.—Manufacturers of Coin Operated Rocking Horse and Space Ship. Specially constructed for export, also installation in appropriate sites in this country, on a share basis. (See advertisement on page 348)
- ROGARK Limited Stand S 54. “ Penholm,” Conway Old Road, Penmaenmawr, North Wales. Tel. : Penmaenmawr 185. Cables : “ Rogark, Penmaenmawr.”—Manufacturers of Character Dressed Dolls, Fancy Souvenir Goods, Injection-Moulded Plastic Novelties, Rear-Window Motorcar Mascots, Souvenir Handkerchiefs, Dancing Dolls, Christmas Tree Dolls. Trade Marks : “ Gwyneth ” and “ Rogark.”
- ROMANDUS, Ltd. Stand J 33. 32 Eastcastle Street, London, W.l. Tel.: Museum 1700 and 5292. Cables: “ Romandus, London.”—Manufacturers of Ribbons, Fabrics and Belts. (See advertisement on page 338)
- RONSON PRODUCTS Ltd. Stands M309 and M403. Ronson House, 352-353 Strand, London, W.C.2. Tel. : Temple Bar 9471-9. Cables : “ Rondelight, London.”—Manufacturers of Ronson Electric Shaver, Ronson Pocket and Home Lighters, Ronsonol Lighter Fuel, Ronson Flints, Wired Wicks, Service Outfits, Ronson Purafilt Cigarette Holder and Ronson Purafilters.
- ROSE Brothers (Gainsborough) Limited Stands H1 and H 2. Albion Works, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. Tel.: Gainsborough 2231-8. Cables : “ Rose, Gainsborough.”—Manufacturers of Automatic Wrapping, Packaging, Filling and Labelling Machinery for Bottles, Confectionery, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Cereals, Ice Cream, Bread, Soap, Razor Blades, Powders, Tea, Fibreboard, Containers, Glueing, Compressing, Carton Forming and Lining. (See advertisement on page 329)
- ROSE, S. J., and Sons Stand M 307a. 19 Ridgmount Street, London, W.C.l. Tel.: Museum 1805. Cables: “ Ridgrose, London.”—Manufacturers of Gold and Silver Cigarette Cases, Boxes, Vanity Cases, Toilet Sets, Photo Frames, Dress Suites, Links, Keychains, Charms, Propelling Pencils, Lighters, Cigar Piercers, Novelties, etc.
- ROSENTIEL'S Felix (Widow and Son) Stand N 72. 14-16 Cowcross Street, London, E.C.l. Tel.: Clerkenwell 6108. Cables : “Felrosart, London.”—Fine Art Publishers, Picture Prints for Framing, Calendars, Box-Tops, Jig-Saw Puzzles, etc. Manufacturers of Mirror and Picture Frames, Mouldings, Table Mats and Fancy Goods.
- ROTADEX SYSTEMS, Ltd, Christmas Steps, Bristol. Tel.: Bristol 21564-5-6. Cables: Bristol.”—Manufacturers of Rotary Card Index Systems.
- ROTAPRINT Limited Rotaprint House, Honeypot Lane, London, N.W.9. Tel. : 8822 (12 lines). Cables : “ Rotaprint, Norphone, London.”—Manufacturers of Rotaprint Offset Lithographic Printing and Duplicating Machines with the patented Rotafount System of Damping.
- ROWLAND (Birmingham) Limited Stand N 81. Shenstone Works, Lynn Lane, Shenstone, Nr. Lichfield, Staffs. Tel. : Shenstone 361—2.—Manufacturers of Ladies’ Dressing Table Sets, Trinket Sets, Trays, Powder Bowls, Cream Jars, Candlesticks, Calendars, Gents’ Military Hairbrushes, Clothbrushes, Travel Sets, Shaving Sets, etc.
- ROWLEY PRODUCTIONS Limited Stand N45. 12 St. Mary Abbots Terrace, Kensington High Street, London, W.14. Tel. : Western 0421.—Manufacturers of Mirrors. Original ideas for Contemporary Furnishing, New Woods and Colours, Sectional Window Mirrors, Dressing Mirrors with Built-in Lighting, Special Purpose Mirrors designed to order.
- ROYAL CROWN DERBY PORCELAIN Co., Ltd. Stands L 1, L 5 and L 6 Osmaston Road, Derby. Tel. : Derby 47051-2-3. Cables: “ China,
Derby.”—Manufacturers of Chinaware, China-Fancies, China-Handled Cutlery, etc.
- ROYAL SOVEREIGN PENCIL Co., Ltd. (The) Stand O 2. 54 Neasden Lane, London, N.W.IO. Tel. : Willesden 0171. Cables: “ Omnimodus, Norphone, London.”—Manufacturers of Blacklead, Coloured and Copying Ink Pencils of all descriptions, including “ Royal Sovereign,” Ferroprint, Spanish Graphite, Chinagraph, Washpruf, Crayonette and full range of Pencil Wallets.
See Also
Sources of Information