1955 British Industries Fair: Company C

Note: This is a sub-section of the British Industries Fair
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- CANNON RUBBER MANUFACTURERS Ltd. (The) Stand E 16. Ashley Road, Tottenham, London, N.17. Tel. : Tottenham 2184-5-6. Cables : “ Cannorubba, London.”—Manufacturers of Moulded Rubber Goods, including Hot Water Bottles, Feeding Bottle Teats, Feeders, Soothers, Teething Rings, Bathing Caps, Children’s Buckets, Spades, etc., Car and Household Mats. (See advertisement on page 321)
- CASSIDY Bros. Stand N 51. Casdon Works, Maltby Place, Newhouse Road, Marton, Blackpool. Tel. : Marton 399.—Manufacturers of Miscellaneous Plastic Mouldings (trademark “ Casdon ”). Products, Toolmakers, Diesinkers, Vacuum Metal Coaters, specialists in production of Novelty Figure Eggtimers, Original Designing, Custom Moulding undertaken.
- CASTLECRAFTS Ltd. Stand N 9. Tower House, Tower Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Tel. : Newcastle 27704. Cables : “ Castlecrafts, Newcastle.”—Manufacturers of Plastic Toilet Bags, Cosmetic Pochettes, Beach Bags, Knitting Bags and Stocking Holders in a large variety of designs and materials.
- CELLULAR CLOTHING Co., Ltd. (The) Stand J 45. 465 Oxford Street, London, W.l. Tel: Mayfair 5701. Cables : “ Cellular, Wesdo, London.”—Manufacturers of Aertex Underwear, Pyjamas, Shirts and Blouses for Men, Women and Children ; also Corsets, Sheets and Blankets.
- CELLUWARE, Ltd. Stand N 41. Fourth Avenue, Team Valley Trading Estate, Gateshead-on-Tyne 11. Tel. : Low Fell 75321.—Manufacturers of Celluware Wood and Cork Table Mats, Pimpernel Pictorial Place Mats and Pictorial Trays. London Showroom : 166 Piccadilly, W.b
- CELNIK and POWER, Celebrity Works, Llwynypia, Rhondda, Glamorgan, South Wales. Tel. : Tonypandy 3328. Cables : “ Handiware, Tonypandy.” London Office : Stannard Road, E.8. Tel. : Clissold 5000.—Martufacturers of Spoons, Forks and kindred Lines, Chromium-Plated and Aluminium, Child’s Table Sets, Combs and Kitchen Implements.
- CHAD VALLEY Co., Ltd. (The) Stands S 83 and S 89. Rose Road, Harbome, Birmingham 17. Tel. : Birmingham, Harborne 3241. Cables : “ Vallchad, Harborne. ”—Manufacturers of Boxed Cardboard Games, Mechanical and Non-mechanical Metal Toys, Rubber and Fabric Dolls, Soft Toys, Wooden Toys, Jigsaw Puzzles, Kindergarten and Educational Toys.
- CHALLEN, Chas. H., and Son, Ltd. Omega Works, Hermitage Road, Finsbury Stamford Hill 2288. Cables: “Medallists, Manufacturers of Upright and Grand Pianos, specialising in the production of Grand Pianos for broadcasting and concert use. “ Tropicalised ” instruments for exotic climates. Special designs of Casework for Ships.
- CHAMBERS, F., and Co., Ltd. Stand O 19. The Pencil Works, Stapleford, Nottingham. Tel. : Sandiacre 3329. Cables : “ Pencils, Stapleford, Notts.”—Manufacturers of Pencils of all kinds. Leads, Copying, Coloured Crayons and Cosmetic Pencils. Brands include “ Sterling,” “ Universal,” “ ScintUla,” “ Lumina,” “ Markall,” “ Raynbo.” Specialists in Advertising Pencils.
- CHAMPION, John B., and Sons (Dursley), Ltd. Stand P 4. Reliance Works, Dursley, Gloucestershire. Tel. : Dursley 2055. Cables : “ Champions, Dursley.”—Manufacturers of “ Dursley ” best quality and “ AchiUes ” Quality Reversible Wool Pile Rugs and Carpets. Wool Nursery Rugs and “ Bikini ” Bath Mats. Coir Matting.
- CHAPPELL PIANO Company Limited (The) Stand D 12. 50 New Bond Street, London, W.l. Tel.: Mayfair 7600. Cables: “ Leppahc, London.”—Manufacturers of Pianofortes for Home and Export Markets, including Concert Grands and Instruments for tropical climates. Specialists in Pianos for Schools and Steamship Lines.
- CHEETHAM, W. H., and Sons Stand S 61b. Maville Works, Beech Avenue, Basford, Nottingham. Tel. : Nottingham 79424.—Manufacturers of Toy Holster Belts, Baby Reins (embossed with Nursery Animals), School Bags, etc.. Luggage Straps, Dog Equipment, Pram Straps of every description. Miners’ Knee Pads.
- CHELLARAM, K., and Sons (London) Ltd. Stand J 20. Chellaram House, 6 Charterhouse Buildings, London, E.C.l. Tel. : Clerken- well 0676-8. Cables : “ Chellaram, London.”—Associated with “ Kishinchand Chellaram ” Organisation. Branches throughout the world. Manufacturers, importers and exporters of Indian Carpets, Rayon and Cotton Textiles, Sheets, Furnishings, Shirts, Denims, Children’s Wear.
- CHESSTOK, Edgar Stand N 110a. 132 Highlever Road, London, W.IO. Tel. : Ladbroke 1615. Cables: “ Ladbroke 1615, London.”—Manufacturer of “ Speedweve ” for Speedy Darning supplied with two looms, one for Wool Socks, the other for Silk and Linen. Complete set retails at 5s. each. (See advertisement on page 336)
- CHILTON ELECTRIC PRODUCTS, Ltd. Stand N 100. Hungerford, Berks. Tel.; Hungerford 237-8. Cables: “ Chiltonair, Hungerford.” London Office : 19 Old Queen Street, S.W.l.—Manufacturers of “ Buk ” and “ Kub” Electric Dry Shavers, Transformer Adaptors, Conversion Kits, Shaver Sockets. “ Chilton ” Electric Hair Clippers.
- CHORLEY FLORAL PRODUCTS Stand N 12. 35 The High Street, Laundry Yard, Uxbridge, Middlesex and Waterloo Road, Uxbridge. Tel.: Uxbridge 4436.—Manufacturers of Orchids and all other Flowers for Display, Dress, Millinery Presentation Boxes, Crackers, Bridal Headdresses, Floral Jewellery, Floral Baskets, Boutique Accessories, Bathing Jewellery, Hatpins, Holly.
- CINETECHNIC Limited Stand G 4. 169 Oldfield Lane, Greenford, Middlesex. Tel. : Waxlow 1011. Cables : “ Cintec, Greenford.”—Manufacturers of Debrie 16mm. Home and Professional Optical_Magnetic Arc Incandescent Film Projectors, Television Camera Printers.
- CLARKE, The Red School, West Road, Fishergate, Southwick, Sussex. Southwick 2363.—Manufacturers and Sole Agents for distinctive Lampshades, Damask, Satin, Calfskin, Plastic. Standards exclusive design. Table Lamps in Pottery, Wood, Moulded Plaster, varying colours and design. Clarke’s Travelling Lamp.
- CLEAVER, Eric C., Ltd. Stand N 99. 3, Pilcher Gate, Nottingham. Tel.: Nottingham 47917. Cables : cleaver, Nottingham.”—Manufacturers and Sole Agents for Hair Grips, Curlers, Hair Accessories, Colo-Comb, ~ “ Denman ” Brushes. (See advertisement on page 42)
- CLEWLEY, E. J., and Co., Ltd. 67-70 Vyse Street, Birmingham 18. Tel. : Birmingham, Cables : “ Clewco, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers of Clewco Jewellery (real), including Eternity Rings, Cameo Brooches, Ear-rings, Rings, Marcasite Set Watch Cases and Bracelets, Flexible Metal Watch Bracelets in all qualities.
- CLOKIE and Co., Ltd. Stand L 10. Castleford Pottery, Castleford, Yorkshire. Tel.: Castleford 2052. Cables : “Clokie, Castleford.”—Manufacturers of General Earthenware, including Tea, Dinner, Kitchen, Restaurant, Hospital Ware. Sole Export Agents : Lloyds Industries Ltd., 37 Brooke Street, Holborn, London, E.C.l. Tel. : Holborn 7101-3.
- CLOVER LEAF (Products), 1-5 Mercy Terrace, Lewisham, London, S.E.13. Tel. : Lee Green 2231 (4 lines). Cables : “ Cloverley, Lewis, London.”—Manufacturers of new. Non-warping Table Mats, “ Clovercraft ” Wood Grain Mats in presentation packs. Decorated Cork Sets, ” Old Masters ” and Pictorial Souvenir Mats, Cork Bath Mats. (See advertisement on opposite page)
- COATES BRUSHES, Ltd. Stand B 11. Nimmer Mills, Chard, Somerset. Tel. : Chard 3265. Cables : “ Coate, Chard 3265.”—Manufacturers of the finest quality Hand-drawn Toilet Brushes, Hair, Nail and Tooth. Special lines made to order. Established over 100 years.
- COHN and ROSENBERGER, Ltd. Stand M 206. Ideal House, 1 Argyll Street, London, W.l. Tel. : Gerrard 4047-8-9. Cables : “ Jewelcraft, Wesdo, London.”—Manufacturers of exclusive Costume, Novelty and Imitation Jewellery. (See advertisement on page 316)
- COLEMAN, Cecil, Limited Stand S 71. 136-146 Pentonville Road, London, N.I. Tel. : Terminus 3021 (4 lines). Cables : “ Christmassy, Phone, London.”—Manufacturers of Boats, Money and Cash Boxes, Skipping Ropes, Christmas Crackers, Non-Mechanical Toys, Toy Outfits, Educational Toys, Paper and Cardboard Toys and Games, Indoor Games, Plastic Toys, Kindergarten Toys, Puzzles, Metal Toys, and Seaside Pails and Spades.
- COMBEX Limited Stand S 82. Ganton House, Ganton Street, London, W.l. Tel. : Regent 0751-2-3. Cables : “ Fancicomb, London.”—Manufacturers of Plastic Toys, specialists in Baby Rattles, Kiddie Gift Lines and Novelties. Moulders of Plastic Brooches and Toys with Goldplated Finish. Also Kiddies Hairslides, etc.
- COMYNS, William, and Son, Ltd. Stand M 210b. Cornyns House, Tower Street, Cambridge Circus, London, W.C.2. Tel. : Temple Bar 3063. Goldsmiths and Silversmiths. Sports Trophies a speciality. (See advertisement on page 196)
- CONSTELLATION (Jewels), Ltd. Stand M 209. 31 Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C.l. Tel. : Central 3839.—Manufacturers of Sterling Silver and Metal Handset Rhodium Plated Real Marcasite Jewellery, Brooches, Double Clips, Earrings, Necklets, Bracelets, Charms, Enamel and Marcasite Jewellery.
- COOPER and ROE, Ltd. Stand J 45. Eagle Works, Carlton Road, Nottingham. Tel. : Nottingham 40566. Cables : “ Comet, Nottingham.”—Manufacturers of “ Shepherd ” Brand Full Fashioned Botany Wool Jumpers. Cardigans and Twin Sets for Ladies, also Slipovers, Pullovers and Cardigans for Men. Full range of shades. (See advertisement on page 343)
- COURTAULDS Ltd. Stands JIO and J 14. 16 St. Martin’s-le-Grand, London, E.C.l. Tel. : Monarch 8811. Cables : “ Courtaulds, Cent, London.”—Manufacturers of Rayon, Acetate, Protein and Synthetic Fibres. Woven and Knitted Fabrics, including Nylon. Trade marks include Fibro ”, “ Tenasco ”, “ Fibroceta ”, “ Fibrolane ”, “ Seraceta ”, “ Courpleta ”, “ Acetana ”, “ Courtine ”, “ Viscana (See advertisement on outside back cover)
- COW, P. B., and Co. Ltd. Stands E 2 and E 7. 12 Hay Hill, Berkeley Square, London, W.l. Tel. : Hyde Park 7401. Cables : “ Liloprod, London.”—Manufacturers of “ Li-Lo ” Products in Rubber and Plastics, including Hot Water Bottles, Rubber Sheetings, Baby Pants, Air-Beds, Beach Balls, Playballs, Household and Domestic Sundries, Rainwear, etc. (See advertisements on pages 322 and 323)
- COWAN, J. (Dolls), Ltd. Stand S 94. 18-20 Tabernacle Street, London, E.C.2. Tel. : Monarch 2953. Cables : “ Jayco Dolls, Avenue, London.”—Manufacturers of Roddy Plastic Walking Dolls, Baby Dolls, Plastic Novelties, “ Jayco ” Miniature Dressed Dolls, Toy Tea Sets.
- COX and Co. (Watford), Ltd. Stand F 8. Watford By-pass, Watford, Herts. Tel. : Watford 5631-5. Cables : “Coxanco, Watford.”—Manufacturers of Seating for Theatres, Assembly Halls and Schools. Furniture for Canteens, Hospitals, Ships and General Purposes. (See advertisement on page 326)
- CRAVATEX Ltd. Stand J 34. 47 All Saints Road, London, W.ll. Tel. : Bayswater 3120 and Park 8836. Cables : “ Maytimak, London.”—Manufacturers of Neckties, Bows, Scarves, Velour and Silk Waistcoats, Knitwear, etc.
- CRESTMONT Ltd, 114-116 Wigmore Street, London, W.l. Tel. : Welbeck 5752-4. Cables : “ Crestmont, Wigmore Street, London.”—Manufacturers and Sole Agents for Ladies Fine Gauge Stockings made of Nylon, Rayon, Silk and Lisle, both Fully Fashioned and Seamless. Registered Brand : “ Crestmont ”. Export and Wholesale.
- CROFTS and ASSINDER Ltd. Stand N 95. Standard Brass Works, Lombard Street, Birmingham 12. Tel. : Birmingham, Midland 1074. Cables : “ Croas, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers of Reproduction Brassware, Plaques, Bowls, Log Boxes, Companion Stands, Screens, Mirrors, Jugs, Lamps, Planters, Jardinieres, Umbrella Stands, Gongs, Bells, Magazine Racks, Brush Sets, Slipper Boxes.
- CULPITT, G. T., and Son, Ltd. Stand O 16. 16a Southgate Grove, Islington, London, N.I. Tel. : Clissold 6727 (4 lines). Cables : “ Weddings, London.”—Manufacturers of Cake Decorations, including Candle Holders, Frills, Holly Sprays, Figures, Wedding Cake Ornaments, Drums, Cards, Floral Sprays, Christmas Tree Ornaments, Decorated Keys and Horseshoes.
- CYPRUS GOVERNMENT (Official Exhibit) Commonwealth Section 15 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l. Tel. : Abbey 6821-3. Cables : “ Cypruscom, London.”—Manufacturers and Producers of Fruit, Vegetables, Confectionery, Tobacco, Wine, Spirits, Carobs, Gum, Oils, Hides, Buttons, Artificial Teeth, Tiles, Minerals, Earth Colours, Gypsum, Wool, Silk, Lace, Cosmetics. (See advertisement on page 339)
Late entries
- COMPTON, John, ORGAN Company Ltd. Stand A 45. Chase Road, North Acton, London, N.W.IO. Tel. : Elgar 6666-7-8.— Manufacturers of Organs, Pipe and Electronic for every purpose. (See advertisement on opposite page)
- CONLOWE, Ltd. Stand J 45. Brown Street Factory, Congleton, Cheshire. Tel. : Congleton 284. Cables : “Conlowe, Congleton.”—Manufacturers of Ladies’ Lingerie in Rayon Nylon.
- CRATHORNE, T. and H., Ltd. Display Window, Jewellery Section 51 Newhall Hill, Birmingham 1. Tel. : Birmingham, Central 1925. Cables : ‘‘Birmingham, Central 1925.”—Manufacturers of Expanding Watch Bracelets in all Metals, also Children’s Bracelets and Bangles.
- CRYSO PRODUCTS, Ltd. Stand M401. 136 Clarendon Road, London, W.l. Tel.: Park 4750 and Bayswater 5558.— Manufacturers of Jewellers Findings in Precious Metals and Handset Silver Marcasite.
See Also
Sources of Information