1955 British Industries Fair: Company U

Note: This is a sub-section of the British Industries Fair
Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- ULBRICH, A., and Sons, Ltd. Stand N 62. 117 Bell Lane, Ackworth, Nr. Pontefract. Tel. : Ackworth 364.—Manufacturers of Glass Christmas Decorations. These decorations have first-class silvering and colouring, and are made by experts. Sole Agent : Romney Export Ltd., 102 Easterly Road, Leeds 8.
- UNIRAY (U.K.) Ltd. Stand N 28. 44 Headfort Place, Hyde Park Comer, London, S.W.l. Tel.: Sloane 5976.— Manufacturers of Toys.
- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT (Official Exhibit) Stands A7 and AIO The American Embassy, 1 Grosvenor Square, London, W. 1. Tel.: Grosvenor 9000.—General Information on United States Markets and Marketing Practices and on the Services offered to British Exporters by United States Government Agencies.
- UNITY PACK Company Limited (The) Stand S 70. Unity Works, Cambridge Road, Churchtown, Southport, Lancs. Tel.: Southport 87320. Cables : “ Unitypack, Southport.”—Manufacturers of Workboxes, Sewing Sets, School and Stencil Outfits, Embroidery, Dressmaker, Cookery, Maid Outfits, Pencil Wallets, Writing Sets, Cowboys and Red Indians, Nurse Outfits, Space Suits.
- UNIVERSAL DISPLAY FITTINGS Co., Ltd. Stand J 3. 313-4 Upper Street, Islington, London, N.I. Tel. : Canonbury 1197-8 and 3960.—Manufacturers of Quick Service Wall Units, Counters and Self Service Fittings for all trades. New Store Interiors designed. Visual Display Aids, Papier Mache, Wire Decor, etc.
See Also
Sources of Information