Engineering 1941 Jan-Jun: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1941 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1941 Jan-Jun Volume
Aeronautics :
- Aeroplane Target. W. R. Chown and F. Hills and Sons, Ltd., 160, 220
- Aileron Control Wheel. Curtis-Wright Corporation, 200
- Aircraft,. Folding-Wing. Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and M. J. O. Lobelle, 420
- Airscrews, Contra-Rotating, Pitch Control of. Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and M. E..A. Wright, 480
- Airscrew, Variable-Pitch. De Havilland
- Aircraft Co., Ltd., and F. M. Thomas, 500 Airscrews', Variable-Pitch, Controller. Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., and E. Johnson, 180 Cabin Top, Aircraft. Reid and Sigrist, Ltd., and C. Bower, 140
- Stabilisers for Flying Boats. Saunders-Roe, Ltd., P. R. Dowden and H. Knowler, 100
- Undercarriage, Tricycle. Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., and J. Lloyd, 260
- Winch, Portable Bomb-Loading. Handley-* Page, Ltd., and C. H. K. Napier, 60
Electrical Apparatus :
- Cable Ends, Electric, Sealing. Pyrotenax, Ltd., and G. D. Clothier, 520
- Comparator, Alternating and Direct-Current.
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., G. F.
- Shotter and H. D. Hawkes, 120
- Control Panel, Diesel-Set. Blackstone and
- Co., Ltd., H. E. Hill and L. Burbage, 240 Motor, Electric. W. Scott, 480
- Rectifier, Mercury-Arc. English Electric Co.,
- Ltd., H. C. Beck and B. M. Murray, 380
- Relay, Protective, for Polyphase Circuits. A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd., H. Leyburn,
- J. A. W. Mills, A. F. B. Young and G. G. Smail, 180
- Switchgear, Duplicate ’Bus-Bar. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., H. E. Cox and A. C. Gibson, 80
- Winding, Commutating. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 200
Furnace Apparatus :
- Cupola Furnace. E. Longdon, 80
- Furnace, Steam-Generator. Bennis Com
- bustion, Ltd., and A. W. Bennis, 400
- Furnace. Stein and Atkinson, Ltd., and T. A. Booth, 320
- Furnace, Tilting, Electric-Arc. Electric
- Furnace Co., Ltd., and C. W. Presland, 460 Furnace. Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces,
- Ltd., and J. E. Oram, 60
- Gas Producer, Trailer. R. E. Hagley, T. F. Hurley and H. M. Lawrence, 440
- Ingot-Heating Furnace. Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, .Ltd., and B. H. Schieldrop, 20
- Stokers, Automatic. Feed Control in. C. Day, 120
- Stoker, Carrier-Bar. John Thomson (Wolverhampton), Ltd., and J. T. Ruddock, 40
- Stoker, Travelling-Grate. Babcock <fc Wilcox, Ltd., and C. H. G. Haywood, 380
Guns and Explosives :
- Mounting, Retractable Gun-. Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and J. Hetherington, 280
Hydraulic Apparatus :
- Control, Turbine-Rotor. ’ Cockburns, Ltd., J. Rodger, and T. Grant, 340
- Pipe Joint. Victaulic Co., Ltd., and P. G. Johnson, 420
- Internal-Combustion Engines :
- Gas or Oil-Driven Engine. Crossley Brothers, Ltd., and H. D. Carter, 260
- Layout, Cylinder Head and Valve. Scam- mell Lorries, Ltd., P. G. Hugh, O. D. North and C. Hall, 500
- Throttle-Control Gear. Alvis, Ltd., W. M. Dunn and A. A. Sykes, 460
- Valve, Inlet, Gas-Engine. H. F. P. Purday, F. E. Rebbeck and N. McCallum, 360
Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- Crane. Stringer and Son (Cradley Heath) Ltd., and J. W. Powell, 280
- Cranes, Overhead. Geo. W. King, Ltd., and D. M. King, 220
- Crane Undercarriage. R. H. Neal and Co., Ltd., and R. E. Clarke, 520
- Wagon Tippler. Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., and R. B. Wright, 160
Machine Tools and Machine-Shop Equipment :
- Dies, Tube-Drawing. Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and S.'Smith, 300
- Forging Machine, Bolt-Head. Greenwood
- and Batley, Ltd., and J. C. M. Maclagan, 60
- Lathe Tool. Darwins, Ltd., and S. G. Welbury, 520
- Routing and Boring Machine, Combined. Thomas Robinson and Son Ltd., and F. B. Robinson, 120
- Steady, Twist-Drill.. A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd., and R. F. Taylor, 340
Metallurgy :
- Pig-Iron Manufacture. H. A. Brassert and Co., Ltd., H. A. Brassert and T. P. Colclough, 40
- Shell Cases, Heat Treatment of. Projectile and Engineering Co., Ltd., and Lt.-Col'. W. Bridges, 460
- Steel Manufacture. Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., and H. A. Dickie, 20 1
Miscellaneous :
- Binoculars, Range-Finding. Barr and Stroud, Ltd., and J. W. French, 320
- Brake, Electro-Mechanical. E. R. Elliston, 401
- Burner, Incandescent Gas. William Sugg & Co., Ltd., and P. C. Sugg, 340
- Dynamometer, Torque-Reaction. Heenan & Froude, Ltd., and G. H. Walker, 380
- Feeder for Glass-Rolling Machines. Pilkington Brothers, Ltd., and J. Gaskell, 240
- Filter, Self-Cleaning Rotary. Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., and W. R. Beldam, 400
- Gas-Washing Plant. International Corporation, Ltd., and A. Ryner, 480
- Gear, Two-Speed. H. Sinclair, 160
- Link, Chain. Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., and W. McBain, 420
- Miscroscope Slides, Ball-Bearing. Cooke, Troughton and Simms, Ltd., and E. W. Taylor, 260
- Paper-Maturing Machine. Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., and M. F. Stevens, 80
- Piles, Concrete. British Steel Piling Co., Ltd., and A. Hood, 360
- Pottery, Applying Transfers to, Doulton and Co., Ltd., and C. Bailey, 300
- Refrigerator. Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 100
- Roller, Road, Aveling-Barford, Ltd., and W. H. Bramble,. 140
- Strainer for Liquids. Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., and W. R. Beldam, 200
Motor Vehicles :
- Fire Tender. A. C. (Acedes) Cars, Ltd., and E. H. Sidney, 520
- Gearbox, Magnetic." Rover Co., Ltd., and
- P. A. Scott-Iverson, 240
- « Integral Body and Chassis. Aston Martin,
- Ltd., and C. Hill, 320
- Tipping Gear, Lorry. Wood Hoists, Ltd., and R. Houldsworth, 380
- Transmission, Motor-Cycle. Scott Motors (Saltaire), Ltd., and W. Cull, 100
- Van, Battery-Driven Electric. Associated Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Ltd., and C. E. Jones, 180
- Wheel Assembly, Double. Differential Wheel
- Corporation, 440
Printing and Allied Machinery :
- Slug-Casting Machine. Linotype and Machinery, Ltd., and J. R. Cory, 400
Pumps :
- Feed Pump. G. and J. Weir, Ltd., and H.
- Hillier, 500
- Regulator, Air-Compressor. Ingersoll-Rand
- Co., 140
Railways and Tramways :
- Tippler, Wagon. Strachan and Henshaw,
- Ltd., T. Sargent and G. Grossmith, 440
Ships and Nautical Appliances :
- Motor-Boat, High-Speed, Construction. Hubert Scott-Paine and G. S. Selman, 300
- Plough, Submarine-Cable Trench. British
- Western Union, Ltd., 20
- Ship Construction. Sir W. Isherwood, 520 Torpedo-Boat, Motor. H. Scott-Paine, 360
Steam Engines, Boilers, Etc. :
- Circulator, Water, for Boilers. E. F. Joyce and E. W. S. Ventress, 200
- Regulator, Steam. Meboe, Ltd., and A. R. Craven, 280
Textile Machinery :
- Spinning Machine, Centrifugal. Prince-
- Smith, Ltd., and W. Prince-Smith, 220
- Yarn-Twisting Machine. Tanner Brothers (Greenfield), Ltd., G. Tanner and J. Winterbottom, 240
- A. C. (Acedes) Cars, Ltd., and another. Fire Tender, 520
- Alvis, Ltd., and others. Throttle-Control, 460 Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., and another. Undercarriage, 260
- Associated Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Ltd., and another. Battery-Driven Van, 180
- Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., and another. Self Cleaning Rotary Filter, 400; Strainer for Liquids, 200
- Aveling-Barford, Ltd., and another. Road Roller, 140
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., and another. Travelling-Grate Stoker, 380 ; Wagon Tippler, 160 Bailey, C., and others. Applying Transfers to Pottery, 300
- Barr and Stroud, Ltd., and another. Range-' Finding Binoculars, 320
- Beck, H. C., and others. Mercury-Arc Rectifier, 380
- Beldam, W. R., and others. Self-Cleaning Rotary Filter, 400
- Beldam, W. R., and others. Strainer for Liquids, 200
- Bennis Combustion, Ltd., and another. Steam- Generator Furnace, 400
- Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., and another; Controller for Variable-Pitch Airscrews, 180
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., and others. Diesel-Set Control Panel, 240
- Booth, T. A., and others. Furnace, 320
- Bower, C., and others. Aircraft Cabin Top, 140 Bramble, W. H., and others. Road Roller, 140
- Brassert, H. A., and Co., Ltd., and others. Pig-Iron Manufacture, 40
- Bridges, Lt.-Col. W., and others. Heat Treatment of Shell Cases,-460
- British Steel Piling Co., Ltd., and another. Concrete Piles, 360
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd. Commutating Winding, 200; Duplicate ’Bus-Bar Switchgear, 80
- British Western Union, Ltd. Submarine Cable- Trench Plough, 20
- Burbidge, L., and others. Diesel-Set Control Panel, 240
- Carter, H. D., and others. Gas or Oil-Driven Engine, 260
- Chown, W. R., and others. Target Aeroplane, 160, 220
- Clarke, R. E., and others. Crane Undercarriage, 520
- Clothier, G. D., and others. Sealing Electric Cable Ends, 520
- Cockburns, Ltd., and others. Turbine-Rotor Control, 340
- Colclough, T. P., and others. Pig-Iron Manufacture, 40
- Cooke, Troughton and Simms, Ltd., and another. Ball-Bearing Microscope Slides, 260
- Cory, J. R., and others. Slug-Casting Machine, 400
- Cox, H. E., and others. Switchgear, 80
- Craven, A. R., and others. Steam Regulator, 280
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., and another. Gas or Oil-Driven Engine, 260
- Cull, W., and others. Motor-Cycle Transmission, 100
- Curtis-Wright Corporation. Aileron Control Wheel, 200
- Darwins, Ltd., and another. Lathe Tool, 520,
- Day, C., Feed Control, Automatic Stokers, 120
- De Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., and another. Variable-Pitch Airscrew, 500
- Dickie, H. A., and others. Steel Manufacture, 20
- Differential Wheel Corporation. DoubleWheel Assembly, 440
- Doulton and Co., Ltd., and another. Applying Transfers to Pottery, 300
- Dowden, P. R., and others. Stabilisers for Flying Boats, 100
- Dunn, W. M., and others. Throttle-Control, 460
- Electric Furnace Co., Ltd., and another. Electric-Arc Tilting Furnace, 460
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., and others. Current Comparator, 120
- Elliston, E. R. Electro-Mechanical Brake, 40
- English Electric Co., Ltd., and others. Mercury-Arc Rectifier, 380
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and another. Folding-Wing Aircraft, 420; Pitch Control of Contra-Rotating Airscrews, 480; Retractable Gun Mounting, 280
- French, J. W., and others. Range-Finding Binoculars, 320
- Gaskell, J., and others. Feeder for Glass- Rolling Machines, 240
- Gibson, A. C., and others. Duplicate ’Bus-Bar Switchgear, 80
- Grant, T., and others. Turbine-Rotor Control, 340
- Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., and another. Bolt- Head Forging Machine, 60
- Grossmith, G., and others. Wagon Tippler, 440
- Hagley, R. E., and others. Trailer Gas Producer, 440
- Hall, C., and others. Cylinder Head and Valve Layout, 500
- Handley Page, Ltd., and another. Portable Bomb-Loading Winch, 60
- Hawkes, H. D., and others. Alternating and Direct-Current Comparator, 120
- Haywood, C. H. G., and others. Travelling- Grate Stoker, 380
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., and another. Torque- Reaction Dynamometer, 380
- Hetherington, J., and others... Retractable Gun Mounting, 280
- Hill, C., and others. Integral Body and Chassis, 320
- Hill, H. E., and others. Diesel-Set 'Control Panel, 240
- Hillier, H., and others. Feed Pump, 500
- Hills, F., and Sons, Ltd., and another. Target Aeroplane, 160, 220
- Hood, A., and others. Concrete Piles, 360
- Houldsworth, R., and others. Lorry Tipping Gear, 380
- Hugh, P. G., and others. Cylinder Head and Valve Layout, 500
- Hurley, T. F., and others. Trailer Gas Producer, 440
- Ingersoll-Rand Company. Air-Compressor Regulator, 140
- Isherwood, Sir W. Ship Construction, 520
- International Corporation, Ltd., and another. Gas-Washing Plant, 480
- Jones, C. E., and others. Battery-Driven Van, 180
- Johnson, E., and others. Controller for Variable-Pitch Airscrews, 180
- Johnson, P. G., and others. Pipe Joint, 420
- Joyce, E. F., and another. Water Circulator for Boilers, 200
- King, Geo. W., Ltd., and another. Overhead Cranes, 220
- Knowler, H., and others. ‘Stabilisers ‘for Flying Boats, 100
- Lawrence, H. M., and others. Trailer Gas Producer, 440
- Leyburn, H., and others. Protective Belay, 180
- Linotype and Machinery, Ltd., and another. Slug-Casting Machine, 400
- Lloyd, J., and others. Tricycle Undercarriage, 260
- Lobelle, M. J. O., and others. Folding-Wing Aircraft, 420
- Longdon, E. Cupola Furnace, 80
- Maclagan, J. C. M., and others. Bolt-Head Forging Machine, 60
- Martin, Aston, Ltd., and another. Integral Body and Chassis, 320
- McBain, W., and others. Chain Link, 420 ?
- McCallum, N., and others. Gas-Engine Inlet Valve, 360
- Meboe, Ltd., and another. Steam Regulator, 280
- Mills, J. A. W., and others. Protective Relay,180
- Murray, B. M., and others. Mercury-Arc Rectifier, 380
- Napier, C. H. K., and.others. Portable Bomb- Loading Winch, 60
- Neal, R. H., and Co., Ltd., and another. Crane Undercarriage, 520
- North, O. D., and others. Cylinder Head and Valve Layout, 500
- Oram, J. E., and others. Furnace, 60
- Ottawa, Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Refrigerator, 100
- Pilkington Brothers, Ltd., and another. Feeder for Glass-Rolling Machines, 240
- Powell, J. W., and others. Crane, 280
- Presland, C. W., and others. Electric-Arc Tilting Furnace, 460.
- Prince-Smith, Ltd., and another. Centrifugal Spinning Machine, 220
- Projectile and Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Heat Treatment of Shell Cases, 460
- Purday, H. F. P., and others. Gas-Engine Inlet Valve, 360 ?
- Pyrotenax, Ltd., and another. Sealing Electric Cable Ends, 520
- Rebbeck, F. E., and others. Gas-Engine Inlet Valve, 360
- Reid and Sigrist, Ltd., and another. Aircraft Cabin Top, 140
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., and others. Protective Relay for Polyphase Circuits, 180
- Robinson, Thomas, and Son, Ltd., and another. Combined Routing and Boring Machine, 120
- Rodger, J., and others. Turbine-Rotor Control, 340
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Ltd., and another. Twist- Drill Steady, 340
- Rover Co., Ltd., and another. Magnetic Gearbox, 240
- Ruddock, J. T., and others. Carrier-Bar Stoker, 40
- Ryner, A., and others. Gas-Washing Plant, 480
- Sargent, T., and others. Wagon Tippler, 440
- Saunders-Roe, Ltd., and others. Stabilisers for Flying Boats, 100
- Scammell Lorries, Ltd., and others. ’ Cylinder Head and Valve Layout, 500
- Schieldrop, B. H., and others. Ingot Furnace,20 Scott, W. Electric Motor, 480
- Scott Motors (Saltaire), Ltd., and another. Motor-Cycle Transmission, 100
- Scott-Iverson, P. A., and others. Magnetic Gearbox, 240
- Scott-Paine, H. Motor Torpedo-Boat, 360 ; High-Speed Motor Boat Construction, 300
- Selman, G. S., and another. High-Speed Motor Boat Construction, 300
- Shotter, G. F., -and others. Alternating and Direct-Current Comparator, 120
- Sidney, E. H., and others. Fire Tender, 520
- Sinclair, H. Two-Speed Gear, 160
- Smail, G. G., and others. Protective Relay, 180
- Smith, S., and others. Tube-Drawing Dies, 300 Stein and Atkinson, Ltd., and another. Furnace, 320
- Stevens, M. F., and others. Paper-Maturing ^Machine, 80
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., and another. Steel Manufacture, 20
- Strachan and Henshaw, Ltd., and others. Wagon Tippler, 440
- Stringer and Son (Cradley Heath), Ltd., and another. Crane, 280
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., and another.. Paper-Maturing Machine, 80
- Sugg, William, and Co., Ltd., and another. Incandescent Gas Burner, 340
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., and another. Chain Link, 420
- Sykes, A. A., and Others. Throttle-Control, 460
- Tanner Brothers (Greenfield), Ltd., and others. Yarn-Twisting Machine, 240
- Taylor, E. W., and others. Ball-Bearing Microscope Slides, 260
- Taylor, R. F., and others. Drill Steady, 340
- Thomas, F. M., and others. Variable-Pitch Airscrew, 500
- Thompson, John (Wolverhampton), Ltd., and another. Carrier-Bar Stoker, 40
- Ventress, E. W. S., and another. Water Circulator for Boilers, 200
- Victaulic Co., Ltd., and another. Pipe Joint, 420
- Walker, G. H., and others. Torque-Reaction Dynamometer, 380•
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., and another. Feed Pump, 500
- Welbury, S. G., and others. Lathe Tool, 520
- Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and another. Tube-Drawing Dies, 300
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and another. Ingot-Heating Furnace, 20
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., and another. Furnace, 60
- Winterbottom, J., and others. Yarn-Twisting Machine, 240
- Wood Hoists, Ltd., and another. Lorry Tipping Gear, 380
- Wright, M. E. A., and others. Pitch Control of - Contra-Rotating Airscrews, 480
- Wright, R. B., and others. Wagon Tippler, 160
- Young, A. F. B., and others. Protective Relay, 180.
See Also
Sources of Information