History of the Great Western Railway by E. T. MacDermot

History of the Great Western Railway 1833-1863 by E. T. MacDermot.
Published 1927 by the Great Western Railway Co
See also Great Western Railway
- Abingdon Branch, 176, 408-9.
- Abingdon Junction, 409.
- Accidents :
- - Aynho, 325-6.
- - Dee Bridge (C. and H.K.), 343-4.
- - Ealing, 648.
- - Faringdon Road, 116.
- - Round Oak (O. W. and W.R.), 521-2.
- - Salisbury, 409.
- - Shrivenham, 647-8.
- - Sonning, 635.
- - Versailles, 697.
- - West London Crossing, 444.
- - Wootton Bassett, 614.
- - Wootton Bassett Incline, 123.
- Adcock, W. T., 501, 518, 545, 555.
- Amalgamation, Proposed:
- - G.W.R., L. and N.W.R., and L. and S.W.R., 307-8.
- - G.W.R. and L. and N.AV.R., 318-20.
- Andover and Redbridge Railway, 446-7.
- Armstrong, J., 392-3, 789, 808.
- Armstrong, N., 558, 563.
- Avon and Gloucestershire Railway, 3, 208, 217-8.
- Babbage, C., 688.
- Baker, S., 405-6, 418, 420.
- Banbury, 296.
- - Opening to, 300,
- Bancroft, Alderman J., 357-8, 359, 371, 381, 385, 411.
- Barrington, Lord, 149, 407, 419, 450, 451.
- Basing and Bath Railway, 22-4.
- Basingstoke, 192, 204, 277, 278, 295, 410.
- - Opening to, 295.
- Bath:
- - Skew Bridge, 104, 108, 112-3.
- - Station, IOS, 115, 139-40, 698-9.
- - Opening to, 114-5, 131.
- Bathampton Branch, 285, 395-6, 414-5, 418.
- - Opening, 414.
- Berks and Hants Railway, 192-3, 278, 280, 282, 283, 284.
- - Opening, 294-5.
- Berks and Hants Extension Railway, 438. Bill of 1834, 11-6, 32.
- Bill of 1835, 21-5.
- Birkenhead, G.W. trains to, 411, 412, 433.
- Birkenhead Railway, 341, 356 , 357-9, 370-2, 380-2, 384-6, 411-3, 426-7, 850.
- - Agreement with G.W., S. and C., and S. and B., 371-2, 380-1.
- - Broad Gauge proposed, 383.
- - Engines, 805-8.
- - Relations with, 411-3.
- Running Powers over, 371, 384, 385, 390.
- - Taken over, 426-7.
- Birmingham:
- - Broad Gauge to, 261-72.
- - Common Station proposed, 312, 321.
- - Curzon Street Stations, 272, 273.
- - Duddeston Viaduct, 271-4, 323.
- - New Street Station, 272, 372, 373, 378, 380, 391.
- - Opening to, 324-7*
- - Snow Hill Station, 249, 251, 253, 321, 380.
- - Train Service, 648-9, 651, 654.
- Birmingham, Bristol and Thames Junction Railway, 37-8,193
- - (and see West London Railway).
- Birmingham and Gloucester Railway, 163-4, 165, 167, 168, 169-70, 173, 184, 209, 213-6.
- Birmingham and Oxford Junction Railway, 247-74.
- - Acts, 250-1.
- - Construction, 321-4. Gauge, 251, 261.
- - Opening, 324-7.
- - Sale to G.W., 254-61, 269-72, 310.
- - Seal forged, 260.
- Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Dudley Railway, 251-76, 335-9, 484.
- - Act, 252.
- - Gauge, 252, 269-71.
- - Opening, 336.
- - Sale to G.W., 254, 259, 269-72, 310.
- Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Stour Valley Railway. {See Stour Valley Railway)
- Block Telegraph, 441, 607-11, 625.
- Board of Trade, 117, 221, 242-3, 246, 261, 279, 282-3, 372, 375-6, 377-8, 498, 501-3, 504-5, 594, 640, 698
- - “Five Kings,” 221-5, 279, 349.
- - Inspectors:
- - - Galton, Capt. D., 335-6, 497-8, 500-1, 502-3, 519.
- - - Pasley, Major-Gen. C. W., 136-7, 171-2, 179, 182-3, 217-8, 221.
- - - Simmons, Capt. J. 268-9, 297, 299, 300, 474.
- - - Smith, Sir F., 117-9, 134-5, 170, 592, 596,
- - - Tyler, Capt., 416, 521, 522.
- - - Wynne, Capt., 372, 376, 531, 843.
- - - Yolland, Col, 414.
- Bourton-on-the-Water Bly., 544, 551.
- Box Tunnel, 23, 24-5, 126-9, 130, 131-8.
- - Telegraph, 607-10.
- Bradford-on-Avon Branch, 10,17, 19, 22, 26, 147, 278, 285, 286, 414-5.
- Brakes, 633-4, 826, 830, 836, 838, 852.
- - Trials at Evesham, 522.
- Brentford Branch, 424-5, 428, 429, 430, 432, 433.
- Bridges:
- - Abingdon Road, 179.
- - Appleford, 178.
- - Avon, Bristol, 104, 105, 108.
- - Basildon, 101.
- - Bath, 104, 108, 112-3, 114, 138.
- - Bathford, 138.
- - Bishop’s Road, 42, 46.
- - Chepstow, 560, 566, 567-9.
- - Dee, Chester, 343.
- - Feeder, Bristol, 104, 106.
- - Harbour, Bristol, 104, 106, 144.
- - Kennet, 96.
- - Maidenhead, 60, 89-91.
- - Moulsford, 101.
- - Newton St. Loe, 108, 114.
- - Nuneham, 178.
- - Severn, Worcester, 542.
- - Sonning Cutting, 96.
- - Uxbridge Road, Hanwell, 40-2.
- - Wye, Hereford, 532.
- Bridges, Opening:
- - Gloucester, 305.
- - Bullo Pill, 575.
- - Carmarthen, 558.
- - Gloucester Docks, 306.
- - Haverfordwest, 577.
- - Kidwelly, 570.
- - Loughor, 558, 570.
- Bridport, 192.
- - Railway, 416-7.
- Bright, Robert, 5, 10, 28, 83, 149.
- Bristol:
- - And the G.W.R , 4-6, 10, 19, 28, 418, 419.
- - Half-yearly Meetings at, 420.
- - L. and S.W. attack on, 446-7.
- Bristol Committee, 4, 5, 10, 28, 39, 82-3, 105, 114, 142, 160.
- Bristol Station, 26, 103, 114-5, 140-2, 212.
- - Central Station proposed, 447.
- - Coke Ovens, 144.
- - Express Platform, 647, 655.
- - Goods Station, 142, 684.
- - Narrow Gauge at, 216, 332.
- Bristol and Birmingham Railway, 200, 213-6.
- Bristol and Exeter Railway, 38, 130, 151, 162, 190, 278, 280, 281, 283, 284, 289, 291, 292, 302, 318, 645, 655, 656, 657, 759, 761, 790, 843.
- - Junction with, 144-5.
- - Lease of, 151, 302.
- - Purchase of, proposed, 281-2.
- Bristol and Gloucester Railway, 169, 173, 181, 184, 207-18.
- - Agreement with Birmingham and Gloucester, 213.
- - Agreement with G.W., 210-1.
- - Broad Gauge adopted, 210-1.
- - Mixed Gauge, 216-7.
- - Narrow Gauge, 209.
- - Opening, 212.
- - Purchase by Midland, 214-6.
- Bristol and Gloucestershire Railway, 3, 207-8.
- Bristol and South Western Junction Railway, 446-7.
- Broad Gauge (7 ft.):
- - Adopted, 36.
- - Brunel’s Defence, 65-71.
- - Brunel’s Reply, 76-8.
- - Case for, 237-41, 265.
- - Established, 86-7.
- - Extent of, in 1866, 207.
- - Extinction, 207.
- - Hawkshaw’s Report, 74-6.
- - Northern Extremity, 276, 389, 428.
- - On O.W. and W. Railway, 420.
- - Popularity, 201, 265.
- - Proposed, 31-5.
- - to Birkenhead, proposed, 383.
- - to Birmingham and Wolverhampton, 261-72.
- - Wood’s Report, 78-80.
- Brompton, Terminus at, 14.
- Brunel, I. K., 5, 12, 13-4, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31-5, 38-42, 46-9, 60, 61-2, 65- 84, 119, 122-3, 129-30, 134-7, 149, 150,155, 225, 230, 232, 263, 267-8, 281, 289, 291, 314, 321, 329, 330, 332, 335, 336, 403, 415, 417, 425-6, 460, 465, 490, 495-6, 503, 537, 539, 556, 557, 565, 567, 573, 574, 578, 589, 592, 596, 604, 685, 688, 689, 690, 698, 706-12, 715-6, 719, 720, 729, 730-1, 738, 743, 750, 752, 763, 818, 822-3, 824, 825, 831, 838, 853.
- Buckinghamshire Railway, 266, 272, 296-9, 301, 477, 487, 499, 507, 508.
- Buckland, Rev. Dr. W., 136, 138.
- Bullo Pill Railway. {See Forest of Dean.)
- Bull's Bridge (Hayes), 54, 329, 425.
- - By-laws, 696-7.
- Canals:
- - Kennet and Avon, q.v.
- - Thames and Severn, 163.
- - Birmingham, 338, 349, 360.
- - Shropshire Union, 348, 351, 358.
- Cannock Chase, Proposed Branch, 276.
- Capital, 10, 11, 17, 21, 147-8, 175, 198, 309, 310, 312, 398, 402-3, 430.
- Capstans:
- - Point, 589-91.
- - Signal, 604, 614.
- Carmarthen, 569, 572, 580.
- - Drawbridge, 572-3.
- Carmarthen and Cardigan Railway, 580.
- Carriage Trucks, 633-4, 699, 820-1.
- Carriage Works:
- - Paddington, 330, 833, 838, 841, 847.
- - Saltney, 850.
- Carriages, 55, 69, 92-3, 348, 440, 633, 818-50.
- - Between Wheels, 818-22.
- - Composite, 841, 842, 847.
- - Eight-wheeled, 440, 831, 838, 840-1, 844-5.
- - First-class, 55, 633, 823, 825-6, 836-7, 841.
- - Four-wheeled, 819, 821, 823-4, 825.
- - Horse Boxes, 831-2.
- - Lighting of, 134-5, 691, 698, 833, 842, 844, 845.
- - Locking doors of, 693, 695, 697-8.
- - Narrow-gauge, 537, 848-50.
- - Posting, 55, 92-3, 819-20.
- - Royal Saloons, 830-1, 838, 840-1.
- - Second-class, 55, 93, 633, 641, 823, 826-7, 833, 841, 842, 843.
- - Six-wheeled, 825-7.
- - Slip, 652-4.
- - Third-class, 632, 635, 640, 827-30, 834-6, 841, 842.
- - Wheels, 818-9, 827, 831, 847.
- Casson, J. L., 60, 62, 81.
- Castle Cary, 284.
- Chairmen [sec Names):
- - Barrington, Lord, 407.
- - Ponsonhy, Hon. F. G. B., 419.
- - Russell, C., 149.
- - Shaw, B., 27.
- - Shelburne, Lord, 424.
- - Sims, W. U., 50.
- - Walpole, Rt. Hon. S. H., 401, 448.
- Chapman, T. J., 28, 160.
- Cheltenham, 463, 464.
- - Branch, 181-90 [and see Cheltenham and G.W. Union Railway).
- - Lansdown Junction, 186-7.
- - Opening to, 188.
- - Station, 165, 168, 174, 184-5, 188.
- - Train Service, 647.
- Cheltenham and Great Western Union Railway, 38, 125, 151, 162-75.
- - Chairmen, 166, 172.
- - Gauge, 165-6.
- - Lease, 151, 166-7, 170.
- - Opening (partial), 170.
- - Route, 162, 164.
- - Sale, 173-4.
- Chester, 340, 341.
- - Battle of, 356-7.
- - Station, 341, 346, 357.
- Chester and Holyhead Railway, 341, 342, 343, 356, 388, 421.
- - Running Powers over, 371.
- Chippenham:
- - Opening to, 124-5.
- - Station, 125, 417.
- - Thingley Junction, 286, 295, 417.
- Clarke, Frederick, 114, 160, 563, 586, 596, 677-9.
- Clarke, Seymour, 57, 160, 230, 588, 616, 618, 628-32, 661, 663, 677-9, 685.
- Clive, Hon. R., 365, 377.
- Coal Traffic, 329, 339, 406-7, 412, 684.
- Coke Ovens:
- - Bristol, 144.
- - West Drayton, 53.
- Coleford, Monmouth, Usk and Pontypool Railway, 534, 536, 550.
- Collieries (G. W.):
- - Cilely, 438.
- - Gyfeillon, 764.
- Committee of Consultation, 1849, 308-11, 400.
- Committee of Investigation, 1855, 401-5.
- Communication between Guards and Drivers, 691-2, 843-4.
- Compton and Wilton Railway, 284.
- Conductors, 672-3, 674, 693, 698.
- Contractors:
- - Brassey, T., 293, 344, 434-5, 533.
- - Brotherhood, 685-6.
- - Burge, G., 127, 128.
- - Chadwick, 89-90.
- - Grissell and Peto, 39.
- - Kennard, T. W., 531.
- - Knowles, 95.
- - Marchant, 495-6.
- - Lewis and Brewer, 127.
- - McIntosh, 105-6.
- - Oldham, 90.
- - Peto and Betts, 321, 476, 486, 491, 495, 498.
- - Ranger, 94, 105, 106.
- - Rennie, J., 529.
- - Rigby, J. and C., 152-3, 643-4.
- - Treadwells, 476, 486, 491, 576.
- Cooke, W. F., 616, 619, 622
- Cornwall Railway, 191, 193, 195, 283, 425.
- Cornwall and Devon Central Railway, 279, 283, 284.
- Cuttings:
- - Harbury, 321, 322.
- - Llansamlet, 565.
- - Llanvihangel, 531.
- - Sonning, 94-6.
- Deputy Chairmen [see Names):
- - Barrington, Lord, 407, 419.
- - Bright, R., 28.
- - Miles, J. W., 407.
- Detonators, 613.
- Devizes Branch, 192, 278, 285, 396, 416.
- Devon and Dorset Railway, 289-92.
- Didcot:
- - Avoiding Line, 410, 433.
- - Station, 180, 433.
- Directors, 10, 28, 50-1, 148-9, 160, 161, 308, 310, 397, 405-6, 418, 419, 420, 431, 448-50, 553.
- - Nominated, 341, 397, 450.-
- - Number of, 28, 160, 310, 397, 450.
- - Opposition to, 405-6, 418-20, 448, 451-2.
- Dividends, 306, 308, 315, 395, 398, 406, 418, 431.
- Divisions of the Line, 677-81.
- Dorchester Junction, 281, 396, 413-4.
- Dublin, proposed routes to, 150-1, 463.
- East Somerset Railway, 422, 438.
- Electric Telegraph Co., 318, 622.
- Ellis, John, 214-6, 225.
- Ely Valley Railway, 438, 580, 581.
- Embankments:
- - Reading, 101.
- - Swindon, 170-2.
- - Wootton Bassett, 122-3.
- Engineering Department, 685-7.
- Engineers, G.W.R.:
- - Bertram, T. H., 425, 426, 685, 686, 687.
- - Beynon, G. D., 432.
- - Brereton, R. P., 182.
- - Brunel, I. K., q.v.
- - Fowler, J., 426, 490, 539, 687, 845.
- - Frere, G. E., 39, 105, 114.
- - Glennie, W., 127.
- - Hammond, J. W., 39, 54, 137, 685.
- - Lane, M., 426, 432, 685, 687.
- - Owen, W. G., 137, 586.
- - Richardson, C., 182.
- Engineers, Other:
- - Baker, W., 350, 361, 375.
- - Baylis, J., 225.
- - Brunton, W., 3, 4, 25.
- - Cubitt, W., 225, Tn, 378-9, 380, 496, 570-1.
- - Dockray, R. B., 225.
- - Giles, F., 22.
- - Hawkshaw, J., q.v.
- - Liddell, C., 529, 531, 537, 538, 539.
- - Locke, J., <7.
- - McAdam, J. L., 1, 2.
- - McClean, J. R., 276, 335-6.
- - Moorsom, Capt., 170, 288, 291.
- - Palmer, H. R., 14, 23, 25.
- - Price, H. H., 3, 4, 25.
- - Robertson, H., q. v.
- - Stephenson, G., q.v.
- - Stephenson, R., q.v.
- - Varden, R., 495.
- - Vignoles, C. B., 25, 150.
- - Walker, J., 14, 64, 558.
- - Wilson, E., 555, 815.
- - Wood, N., 7.^.
- Engineers, Mechanical:
- - Armstrong, J., q. v.
- - Carr, M., 537, 815.
- - Crampton, T. R., 751.
- - Gooch, D., q.v.
- - Hayward, T., 514, 815.
- - Jeffreys, E., 393, 795.
- - Joy, D., 514, 811-2, 815.
- - McConnell, 263.
- - MacDonnell, A., 537, 815.
- - Marlow, W., 392.
- - Martley, W., 767.
- - Petre, Hon. E., 392-3.
- - Trevithick, 263.
- Enginemen, 676, 689, 690.
- Engines, 36, 51-3, 55, 71-2, 79-80, 83-4, 99-100, 113-4, 230-2, 263-5, 392, 628-32, 644, 705-817.
- - 1837-39, 705-50.
- - 1839-42, 751-61.
- - 1846-66, 768-91.
- - Brunel’s views on, 706-12, 715-6, 719, 720, 729, 730-1, 738, 743.
- - Fuel for, 763-4.
- - Geared, 741, 742, 744-5.
- - Headlights of, 134-5, 691.
- - Lists of, 871-85.
- - Narrow-gauge, 795-817.
- - 10-ft. wheels, 710, 712, 730-1, 734, 746-8.
- Eton College, 13, 15, 22, 25, 26, 57-8, 196-7.
- Euston:
- - Station, 19, 28.
- - “Empire,” 318, 421.
- - “Troupe,” 257-8, 260, 364, 368, 382, 387, 388.
- - Worcester Service, 508.
- Exeter, 190-1, 279, 281, 283-4, 293.
- - Expresses, 642-7, 648, 654-7.
- Exeter and Cowley Bridge Junction Railway, 284.
- Exeter and Crediton Railway, 284.
- Exeter Great Western Railway, 282, 283, 284.
- Exeter, Yeovil and Dorchester Railway, 283, 284.
- Fares, 55, 627, 636, 639.
- - Express, 656.
- - Third-class, 640.
- Faringdon Road (Challow):
- - Accident at, 116.
- - Opening to, 103.
- Fenton, W., 515, 517, 519, 544, 545-6, 555.
- Fishguard, 556, 558, 560, 562, 565, 566, 570.
- Fitzmaurice, Hon. W. E., 531.
- “ Five Kings.” (See Board of Trade.)
- “Flying Dutchman,” The, 645, 648, 655-6.
- Forest of Dean Railway, 574-5.
- Forged Seals, 260, 367.
- Frome, 278.
- - Opening to, 286-7.
- Frome, Yeovil and Weymouth Railway, 287.
- Fusees, 613-4.
- Gauge Act, 201, 244-5.
- Gauge, Break of, 200, 206, 207, 211-3, 222, 224, 230, 232, 234, 237-8, 263, 339, 427-8, 429-30, 573, 662.
- - Basingstoke, 295, 663.
- - Gloucester, 211, 212-3, 662.
- - Wolverhampton, 206, 339, 427-8, 429-30.
- Gauge Commission, 200-1, 229-42, 765.
- - Commissioners, 229-30, 766-7.
- - Engine Trials, 230-2, 766-78.
- - Report, 200-1, 232-5, 768.
- Gauge Commission Report, Observations on, 235-41.
- - Additional Observations, 242.
- Gauge War, 199-293, 328, 389, 400, 428.
- Gauges:
- - Compared, 234.
- - 4 ft. 8 in., 29-30.
- - 4 ft. 8J in., 30-1.
- - 6 ft. 10 in. to 7 ft. proposed by Brunel, 31-5.
- - 7 ft. decided on, 36.
- - Irish, 6 ft. 2 in., 65. 5 ft. 3 in., 822.
- - (And see Broad Gauge, Narrow Gauge, Mixed Gauge.)
- Gibbs, G. H., 6, 10, 28, 50, 53, 54-5, 60, 61-3, 73, 74, 76, 80-3, 84, 87, 149, 157, 618, 688.
- Gibbs, James, 648.
- Gibson, J., 838, 842, 847.
- Gloucester:
- - Avoiding Line, 185-9.
- - Barnwood Junction, 185, 186, 187, 606.
- - Docks Brandl, 305-6.
- - Millstream Junction, 185, 188.
- - Opening Bridge, 305.
- - Opening to, 184.
- - Station, 165, 167, 168, 184, 305.
- - T Station, 188-9, 212, 647.
- - Tramway Junction, 187, 189, 605, 606.
- Gloucester-Cheltenham Line, 163-4, 165-8, 169-70, 181, 184-90, 327, 606.
- Gloucester and Cheltenham Railway, 164.
- Gloucester and Dean Forest Railway, 192, 193, 195, 301, 303, 304-6, 315, 558-9.
- - Lease of, 305.
- - Opening, 305.
- Gooch, D., 51, 54, 83, 84, 119-21,133, 225, 230, 231, 263, 326, 333, 406, 572, 583, 584, 591, 601, 642, 644, 645, 655, 687, 690, 712-4, 717, 718, 721, 726-7, 729, 748-50, 751, 753-7, 759, 761, 763, 764, 765-8, ; 772-3, 780-1, 787, 789, 802-4, 809, 821, 825, 832, 833.
- - Dynamometer Car, 781.
- - Link motion, 765.
- - Steeled tyres, 764.
- Goods Managers:
- - Drewe, A. J., 311, 403, 681-2, 683.
- - English, W., 683.
- - Forbes, J. S., 403, 682.
- - Grierson, J.,
- - Newcombe, W. L., 403-4, 682-3.
- Goods Traffic, 93, 116, 121, 309, 312, 327, 337-9, 357-9, 360, 403, 404, 430,632, 681, 683-4.
- Gore, W. Ormsby, 344, 361, 365-6, 367, 393.
- Gradients, 23, 25, 124, 127, 182, 323.
- Grand Junction Canal, 27.
- Grand Junction Railway, 30, 226-8, 247-9, 252, 272, 349, 484.
- Great Eastern Steamship, 582.
- Great Western Railway, title, 9, 26.
- Great Western and Brentford Railway, 424-5 {and see Brentford Branch).
- Great Western Uxbridge Railway, 196.
- Grierson, J., 391-2, 404, 447, 452, 683.
- Grosmont Railway, 527, 528, 530.
- Guards:
- - Goods, 675.
- - Passenger, 633, 673, 698.
- - Uniform, 674-5.
- Handborough Junction, 508, 514, 549.
- Hawkshaw, J., 73, 74-6, 225, 379-80, 539.
- Hay Lane, 116-7, 119, 125.
- - Coaches from, 121-2.
- - Opening to, 119.
- Henley Branch, 195, 196, 329, 417.
- Hereford:
- - Barr’s Court Junction, 531, 541.
- - Barr’s Court Station, 399, 435.
- - Barton Station, 531, 537, 541, 551.
- - Opening to, 399.
- - Railway, 527, 528, 530.
- - Shelwick Junction, 539, 541, 551.
- Hereford, Ross and Gloucester Railway, 302, 315, 398-9, 434.
- - Absorbed, 434.
- - Openings, 328, 398.
- Horse Boxes, 831-2.
- Hudson, George, 215, 225.
- Huish, Capt. Mark, 225, 228, 256, 261, 296, 298, 301, 312, 318-9, 320, 354-6, 358, 359-60, 363, 368, 369-70, 381, 386, 398, 421, 453, 507, 508, 532, 533, 538.
- Hungerford, 278, 282.
- - Opening to, 294.
- Inclines:
- - Box, 23, 25, 127, 133, 135.
- - Wootton Bassett, 124.
- Ireland, Railways in, 561, 562.
- Jones, George, 4, 10, 28, 210, 215.
- Kemble Junction, 165, 184, 409.
- Kennet and Avon Canal, 13, 126, 208, 315, 415.
- Kensington:
- - Canal, 38, 193.
- - Station, 445.
- King of Prussia, 660.
- Knox, George, 363, 365, 374, 393, 844.
- Lardner, Dr. D., 14, 24-5, 73, 74, 78, 79, 84, 688.
- Leamington, 312, 321, 324, 327.
- Leominster and Kington Railway, 552.
- Level Crossings:
- - Railway, 38, 184, 187, 193-5.
- - Road, 117-8.
- Levers:
- - Point, 591.
- - Signal, 604.
- Lighting :
- - of Box Tunnel, 134-5.
- - of Carriages. {See Carriages.)
- Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 3, 19, 30, 135.
- Llanelly Railway, 570, 573.
- Llanvihangel Railway, 527, 528, 530.
- Llynvi Valley Railway, 575, 580.
- Locke, J., 14, 25, 81, 263, 282, 285, 288, 291, 293, 539.
- Locomotive Works :
- - Saltney, 343, 392, 795.
- - Swindon, q.v.
- - Wolverhampton (High Level), 393, 801.
- - Wolverhampton (Stafford Road), 801-2.
- - Wolverhampton, First Engine built at, 808.
- - Worcester, 814.
- London, City of:
- - Coal Duty, 27.
- - “City Stone” at Hillingdon, 27.
- - Offices 17 Cornhill, 20; Prince’s Street, 27-8.
- London Committee, 6, 9, 10, 28, 39, ; 81-2, 160.
- London Terminus:
- - Brompton, 14.
- - Euston, 19, 28, 35, 36.
- - Paddington, 35, 37.
- - Vauxhall Bridge, 12, 14.
- London, Buckinghamshire and West Midland Junction Railway, 546-7.
- London and Birmingham Railway, 30, 38, 62-3, 163, 193, 221, 224, 226, 228, 247-8, 249, 250, 252, 341, 348-9, 400.
- - Proposed Junction, 19, 26, 27, 35-6.
- London and Greenwich Railway, 31.
- London and North Western Railway, 202, 228, 254-8, 261, 262, 269*, 271-4, 296-301, 312, 317-8, 321, 349, 351, 352, 354-91 passim, 397, 411, 423-4, 431, 435-7, 477-9, 487, 499, 507, 508, 514, 529, 530, 532-3, 538, 540, 545, 547, 548, 549, 551-2, 684.
- - Agreements with, 398, 421, 447.
- - Proposed Amalgamation, 318-20.
- - Yarnton Loop, 487, 499, 507, 508, 545, 548-9.
- London and Southampton Railway, 15, 22, 31, 277.
- London and South Western Railway, 277, 284, 287-9, 290-3, 295, 396, 420-1, 445-7, 654.
- - Agreements with, 279-80,282-3,447.
- Luggage, 632-3, 843.
- - On the roofs, 633, 843-4.
- - Vans, 833, 838, 841.
- Maidenhead:
- - Bridge, 60, 89-91.
- - Corporation, 15, 27.
- - Opening to, 37, 55, 58-60.
- - Stations, 42, 54, 57 n., 88-9, 335.
- - Wycombe Junction, 333.
- Management, 159, 160-1, 405-6, 408, 418-9.
- - Committee of (1861-3), 431, 434, 547-8.
- Manchester, Access to, 370-1, 412, 421, 427, 433, 509.
- Merthyr, Tredegar and Abergavenny Railway, 436, 552.
- Metropolitan Railway, 206, 439-42, 625, 787-9, 844-5.
- Midland Railway, 190, 214-7, 221, 226, 248, 332-3, 476, 477-9, 490, 525, 538, 540, 541, 684.
- - Agreement with, 447.
- Mid-Western Schemes, 486-7, 491, 498-9, 545-7.
- Miles, John William, 407, 419.
- Milford Haven, 566, 570, 577, 578-9, 581-2.
- Minera Branch, 341, 342, 344.
- Mixed Gauge, 185, 222-3, 226, 232, 266-271, 333, 337, 539.
- - At Cardiff, 574.
- - At Ealing, 1847, 268.
- - Birmingham - Wolverhampton, 336-7, 411.
- - Bristol-Standish, 216-7, 332.
- - Dorchester-Weymouth, 281, 396, 413.
- - Extent of, in 1866, 207.
- - Gloucester-Cheltenham, 166,185-8.
- - Junctions, 188.
- - Mangotsfield-Westerleigh, 217.
- - Method of laying, 185-6, 267-9, 327.
- - Metropolitan Railway, 439.
- - Oxford-Basingstoke, 246-7, 410.
- - Oxford-Birmingham, 323-4, 327-8 410-1.
- - Reading-Paddington, 206, 428-30, 432.
- - West London Extension Railway, 444-5.
- - West London Railway, 195.
- - Wolverhampton-Basingstoke, 204, 206, 397, 410.
- Monmouth and Hereford Railway, 192-3, 294, 301-2, 304, 528.
- - Gauge, 244.
- Monmouthshire Railway, 436, 526, 532, 534, 550, 552, 573.
- Morris, P., 455, 536-7, 555.
- Much Wenlock and Severn Junction Railway, 544, 551.
- Narrow Gauge (4 ft. 8.5 in.):
- - At Reading, 422-3, 432.
- - Established, 30-1.
- - Origin, 29-30.
- - Oxford - Basingstoke, 389, 397, 410.
- - To Paddington, 428-30, 432, 551.
- - “New Milford,” 579 {and see Neyland).
- Newbury, 277-8.
- Newport, Mill Street Station, 532.
- Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway, 386, 388, 391, 412, 428, 435, 436, 524-6, 526-37, 540, 541.
- - Aberdare Extension, 534.
- - Capital, 527.
- - Chairmen. (See Fitzmaurice, Price.)
- - Crumlin Viaduct, 530-1, 534.
- - Engines, 533, 537, 814.
- - Llanhilleth Branch, 534.
- - Manager. {See Morris.)
- - Opening, 531, 534.
- - Permanent Way, 536, 554.
- - Taft Vale Extension, 528, 530, 533.
- - (And see West Midland Railway)
- Neyland, 570, 577, 578-9, 581-2.
- North Wales Mineral Railway, 341-3.
- Northern Division, 397.
- Osler, T. (Bristol Secretary), 160, 161.
- Oswestry, 346, 348.
- Oxford:
- - Branch, 10, 17, 175-81.
- - Floods near, 649-51.
- - L. and N.W.R., 297, 500, 508.
- - Millstream Junction, 300, 322, 324, 500.
- - New Station, 322, 325, 327, 496.
- - Old Station, 177, 180-1, 500, 519.
- - Opening to, 180.
- - O.W. and W.R., 492, 496-9, 499-500, 507, 508, 519.
- - Railway Company, 175, 177-8.
- - Train Service, 647.
- - University, 176, 177, 219.
- - Wolvercot Junction, 487, 497, 498.
- Oxford and Rugby Railway, 192-3, 218-29, 271, 294, 295-301, 487.
- - Mixed Gauge on, 226, 243, 246, 267-9, 296-301, 327-8, 496.
- - Opening, 300, 322-4, 327.
- - Partial Abandonment, 296.
- Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton Railway, 192-3, 204, 219-29,251, 275-6, 327, 335, 388, 420, 428, 457- 525, 538, 540, 541.
- - Battle of Mickleton, 494-6.
- - Board of Trade Fight, 501-3.
- - Broad-gauge Train on, 497-8, 510.
- - Capital, 458, 465, 477, 511, 515 516.
- - Chairmen. {See Rufford, Ward, Rushout, Fenton.)
- - Chipping Norton Branch, 524.
- - Engines, 490, 511, 514, 518, 811-4.
- - Gauge, 226, 243, 458, 472, 477, 479, 488-9, 490, 492-4, 496-8, 500-7, 510, 512, 513, 517, 519-21.
- - G.W. Agreement, 420, 519-20, 545-6.
- - G.W., Completion by, 478, 485.
- - G.W. Directors, 458, 488.
- - G.W. Lease and and guarantee, 458- 62, 464, 466-9, 470, 479-82.
- - G.W., War with, 313, 482-5, 486-9, 491-4, 499, 50.3-6, 512, 519-20.
- - Headquarters, 518.
- - L. and N.W. Relations, 477-9, 487, 499, 507-8, 513, 515, 548.
- - Opening, 327, 476, 489, 490, 497-8, 507, 508-9.
- - Permanent Way, 518, 554.
- - Secretaries. {See Smith, Adcock.)
- - Signals, 498.
- - Stratford Branch, 524, 550.
- - Train Service, 500, 508.
- - Working, 490, 514, 518.
- - (And see West Midland Bly.)
- Paddington:
- - Bishop’s Road Station, 440.
- - Canal, 37, 42.
- - Extension, 37, 42, 50, 148.
- - Hotel, 314, 330, 332, 402.
- - Narrow Gauge at, 432.
- - Station, 37, 45-6, 313-4, 329-30, 402, 606.
- Parson, John, 476-8, 479-81, 482-3, 486, 489, 491, 493, 501, 504, 505, 507, 511-2, 513, 515-6, 517, 519, 521, 545, 553-4.
- Passenger Arrangements, 693-702.
- - By-laws, 696-7.
- - Children, 695-6.
- - Cloak Booms, 700.
- - Fares, 55, 627, 636, 639, 695.
- - Fares, Express, 656.
- - Foot-warmers, 702.
- - Ladies’ Compartments, 699.
- - Luggage, 699-700.
- - Private Carriages, 699.
- - Tickets, 693-5, 698.
- - Tickets, Return, 700, 702.
- - Tickets, Season, 702.
- - Waybills, 693, 698.
- Permanent Way:
- - Bathampton Branch, 415-6.
- - Bridport Railway, 416.
- - Later Forms, 92, 99, 113, 686.
- - Maintenance, 685-6.
- - Mixed Gauge, 186.
- - Original Form, 47-9, 54, 60-3, 72, 76, 80, 85.
- - O.W. and W.B., 518.
- - Shrewsbury Lines, 391.
- - Weymouth Branch, 413.
- - Wycombe Branch, 334.
- Peto, Sir M., 515, 517, 524.
- “Picture, The,” 315-6.
- Point Indicators, 588-91.
- Points:
- - Facing, 417, 589.
- - Safety, 614.
- Police, 587, 588-9, 613, 669-72, 691.
- - Booking Constables, 681.
- - Boxes, 587, 589.
- - Inspectors, 671-2.
- - Sub-Inspectors, 671-2.
- - Switchmen, 588, 671.
- - Uniform, 674-6.
- Ponsonby, Hon. F. G. B., 419-22, 424, 448, 452, 519.
- Porters, 673.
- - Travelling, 692.
- - Uniform, 674-5.
- Porth Dynlleyn (Carnarvonshire),
- - Proposed line to, 150-1, 463.
- Post Office, 634, 651-2.
- - Mail Trains, 634, 651-2.
- - Sorting Carriages, 634.
- - Special Postal Trains, 651-2.
- Potter, R., 405-6, 418, 450.
- Price, W. P., 544.
- Prince Albert, 332, 659, 660-2, 664.
- Prince of Wales, 332, 662.
- Prospectus, Great Western Railway:
- - First, 9-10.
- - Supplementary, 16-7.
- - Second, 19.
- Provident Society, 676.
- Queen Adelaide, 660.
- Queen Victoria, 456, 659-65.
- Radstock Branch, 192, 278, 287, 339.
- Rails:
- - Barlow, 334, 531, 534, 569, 570, 577.
- - Box Tunnel, 133.
- - Bridge, 49, 92, 686.
- - MacDonnell’s, 416-7.
- - Seaton’s, 686.
- - T, 416.
- Railway Commissioners, 1846-51, 261-9, 296-301, 472-3, 474-5, 478.
- Reading:
- - Competition at, 420-1, 684.
- - Junction with S.E.R., 422-3.
- - Loop Line, 397, 410.
- - Opening to, 99.
- - Signal Works, 606.
- - Southcot Junction, 295.
- - Station, 96-9, 432-3.
- Rigby, J. and C., 152-3, 643-4.
- Robertson, H., 341, 342, 344, 361, 406, 434.
- Routes proposed, London-Bristol, 2, 3, 5, 12, 14, 16-7, 19, 22, 26.
- Roy, Robert, 341, 354-6, 363, 368, ' 393.
- Royal Saloons, 830-1, 838, 840-1.
- Royal Trains, 392, 659-66.
- Ruabon, 341,
- - Coal Company, 406-7, 418.
- - Opening, Chester to, 342.
- Rufford, F., 460, 462, 466, 477, 481-2.
- Rushout, Capt. G., 478, 490, 505.
- Russell, Charles, 22, 27, 51, 62, 81, 149-50, 191, 255, 277, 283, 287, 309, 315-8, 320, 399-401, 408, 446, 460, 469, 473, 481, 490, 517, 558, 562, 660.
- Saltney, Dee Branch, 342, 343.
- - Works, 343, 392, 795, 850.
- Sapperton Tunnel, 167, 168, 182-3, 610.
- Saunders, Charles A., 9, 10, 11, 20-1, 27, 36, 46, 61, 62, 81, 82, 118, 131, 149, 159, 160, 215, 224, 225, 230, 235, 281, 287, 291, 296, 299, 309, 312, 356, 363, 389, 398, 405, 407-8, 421, 431, 436, 441, 450-6, 473, 475, 481, 492, 503, 504, 517, 588-9, 598-9, 601, 616, 617, 628, 642, 655, 660, 663, 678, 698.
- Saunders, Frederick G., 563, 572, 586.
- Secretaries:
- - Chapman, T. J., 28.
- - Osler, T., 160.
- - Saunders, C. A., 9, 159.
- - Tothill, W., 4.
- Severn and Wye Railway, 575.
- Severn Valley Railway, 544, 551.
- Shaw, Benjamin, 10, 27, 28, 50, 149.
- Shelburne, Lord, 424, 448, 450, 451, 452, 545-6, 584.
- Sherriff, A. C., 452, 518, 545, 555.
- Shrewsbury, 346, 350.
- - Station, 346.
- Shrewsbury and Birmingham Railway, 275, 276, 312, 335, 339, 348-54, 359-68, 372-80, 382-3, 386-90.
- - Alliance with G.W., 363.
- - Amalgamation with G.W., 366-7, 382-3, 386-90, 397.
- - Broad Gauge on, 350-1, 383, 389.
- - Capital, 402-3.
- - Carriages, 848-9.
- - Chairmen, 393.
- - Dividends, 393.
- - Engines, 795, 799-801.
- - Locomotive Superintendents, 392-3.
- - Openings, 353.
- - Seal forged, 367.
- - Secretaries, 393.
- - War with L. and N. W., 359-68, 372-80.
- Shrewsbury and Chester Railway, 312, 340-8, 354-9, 362, 370-1, 382-3, 384-6) 386-93.
- - Alliance with G.W., 363.
- - Amalgamation with G.W., 366, 368-9, 382-3, 386-90, 397.
- - Bailiffs in possession, 385.
- - Broad Gauge proposed, 383, 389.
- - Capital, 402-3.
- - Carriages, 848-9.
- - Chairmen, 393.
- - Dividends, 393.
- - Engines, 795-9.
- - Locomotive Superintendents, 392.
- - Openings, 342, 346.
- - Secretaries, 393.
- - War with L. and N.W., 354-9, 388-71.
- Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway, 346, 386, 391, 399, 434-7, 526, 531, 551.
- - Broad Gauge proposed, 383. Engines, 816-7.
- - Leased to G.W., W.M., and L. and N.W., 435-7, 551.
- - Opening, 435, 531.
- Shrewsbury and Wellington Joint Line, 350, 352.
- - Fares, 360.
- - Opening, 353.
- Shrewsbury, Oswestry and Chester Junction Railway, 342, 343, 346.
- Shrewsbury, Wolverhampton and South Staffordshire Railway, 349-50.
- Shropshire Union Railway, 348, 350, 351, 353, 359-60, 388.
- Sidings:
- - Safety Points, 614.
- - Scotch Blocks, 614.
- Signalmen. {See Police.)
- Signals, 171, 391, 587-614.
- - Auxiliary, 602, 604.
- - Ball, 591-2.
- - Bells, 597-8.
- - Board, 596-8, 601.
- - Disc-and-Crossbar, 171, 598-600, 602-4, 608.
- - Down and Up, 602.
- - Junction, 599, 603.
- - Level Crossing, 602, 614.
- - Distant, 602, 604.
- - “Fantail,” 594, 596-8, 600, 601, 614. __
- - Flag, 594-6.
- - Fusee, 613-4.
- - Hand, 587, 589, 595, 598.
- - Hand-flags, 602.
- - Hand-lamps, 587, 594, 598.
- - Lamps, 594, 597, 599, 601.
- - Semaphore, 391, 498, 536, 605-6.
- - Train, 691.
- - Windsor “ Drum,” 604.
- Sims, William, Unwin, 10, 28, 50, 60, 62, 73, 74, 81, 82, 148-9, 618.
- Single Lines, Working of, 611.
- Sirhowy Tramway, 534.
- Slip Carriages, 652-4.
- Slough, 57-8, 152, 660.
- - Murder, 620-2.
- - Telegraph to, 619-22, 623, 624.
- - Works at, 606.
- Smith, N. T., 492, 497, 506, 518.
- Smithfield Market, 440.
- Smoking, 696, 699.
- Sonning Cutting, 94-6.
- South Devon Railway, 191, 284, 302-3, 318, 447, 641, 746, 782, 791.
- South Eastern Railway, 420, 422-3.
- South Staffordshire Railway, 252, 276, 335.
- South Wales Railway, 191, 193, 303-4, 318, 433, 556-86.
- - Amalgamation, 433-4, 447-8, 585-6.
- - Branches:
- - - Bute Docks, 579-80.
- - - Haverfordwest, 559.
- - - Monmouth, 558, 576.
- - - Pembroke, 556, 558, 576.
- - - Swansea, 559, 563, 570, 579.
- - Capital, 556, 558.
- - Chairmen. {See Russell, Talbot.)
- - Gauge, 243, 244, 558, 574, 581.
- - Goods and Coal Traffic, 564-5, 567, 571, 581.
- - G.W.R. Disputes, 561-2, 565-6, 570-2, 582-5.
- - G.W.R. Lease, 303, 433-4, 559-60, 561, 565, 566, 570, 585.
- - Headquarters, 563.
- - Opening, 303, 563, 567, 569, 570, 572, 577, 579, 580.
- - Permanent Way, 563, 569, 577.
- - Secretaries. (See Armstrong, N., Saunders, F. G.)
- - Signals, 563.
- - Superintendent. {See Clarke, F.)
- South Wales Mineral Railway, 580.
- Southampton, 445-6.
- Southampton and Dorchester Railway, 278-9, 281, 282, 283, 287.
- - Mixed Gauge on, 396, 413-4.
- - Running Powers on, 396.-
- Spagnoletti, C. E., 624.
- Speed, 58, 62, 79, 83-4, 99, 202-3, 223-4, 232, 234, 236, 265, 634, 641-3, 644-7, 648, 654-6, 714, 716, 743, 759, 766, 770, 779-80.
- Staff, 310-1, 315, 333, 455, 669-76.
- - First woman on, 674.
- Standish Junction, 181, 184,191, 208, 209, 210, 216, 217, 556, 558.
- Station Clerks, 678, 680.
- Station Masters, 681.
- Stations, One-sided, 58, 96-9, 305, 336.
- Steamer Services:
- - Cork, 579.
- - Waterford, 578, 579.
- Stephenson, G., 14, 23, 25, 29-30, 177, 340.
- Stephenson, R., 30, 35, 62, 64, 150, 225, 262, 263, 267-8, 272, 3.32, 343, 496, 539, 716, 752.
- Steventon:
- - Board Meetings at, 160-1, 619.
- - Opening to, 102.
- - Station for Oxford, 102, 176.
- Stockton and Darlington Railway, 3, 29.
- Stour Valley Railway, 252, 272, 273, 275, 335, 350, 351, 352, 361, 362, 372-80.
- - Opening, 378.
- - Running Powers over, 352, 373, 378-80, 391.
- Stourbridge Railway, 544, 552, 555.
- Stratford and Moreton Railway, 497, 522-4, 544.
- Stratford-on-Avon:
- - Branch of O. W. and W.R., 438, 464, 524.
- - Railway, 437-8. Sturrock, A., 156, 442.
- Sunday Trains, 24, 55, 626.
- Superintendent of the Line, 159, 678 (and see Saunders, C. A.).
- Superintendents:
- - Carriage and Waggon, 838, 849.
- - District, 678, 680-1.
- - Divisional, 678-9.
- - - Clarke, F., q.v.
- - - Clarke, S., q.v.
- - - Graham, T., 655, 679.
- - - Kelley, J., 655, 680, 849.
- - - Tyrrell, G. N., 679, 680.
- - Locomotive. {See Gooch, D., Armstrong, J.)
- - Telegraph, 624.
- Swansea:
- - Branch, 559.
- - Coal Branch, 570, 579.
- - Docks, 570.
- - Harbour Railway, 579.
- - Opening to, 563.
- Swansea Vale Railway, 575-6.
- Swindon, 119.
- - Church and School, 157, 159.
- - Locomotive Works, 119-21, 151-2, 156-7, 333.
- - First Engines built at, 768, 770, 802.
- - Rolling Mill, 687.
- - Vans, etc., built at, 833, 834, 841, 851.
- - New Town, 119, 152, 157, 333.
- - Refreshment Rooms, 152-6, 643-4.
- - Station, 125, 155.
- Taff Vale Railway, 436, 528, 534, 573-4, 586.
- - Agreement with, 447.
- Talbot, C. R. M., 562, 570, 571, 582, 583, 586.
- Telegraph, 318, 391, 399, 409, 410, 413, 616-25.
- - Instruments:
- - - Double Needle, 619-20, 623.
- - - Five Needle, 617-8.
- - - Single Needle, 623, 625.
- - - Superintendent, 624.
- Train Signalling by, 409, 410, 441, 607-12.
- Tenbury and Bewdley Railway, 644.
- Thames and Severn Canal, 163, 183.
- Third-class Passengers, 93-4, 116, 392, 632-3, 634, 640-1, 658-9, 699, 827-30, 834-6, 841, 842.
- Time Intervals, 595, 606-7, 691.
- Time Tables, 628,^634, 637, 638.
- Tothill, W., 4, 10, 28.
- Train Bills, 626, 628,^634, 636.
- Train Service, 55, 626-59.
- - Side and Tail Lamps, 691.
- - Working, 688-92.
- Trains:
- - “Cheap,” 640-1, 658-9.
- - Excursion, 666-8.
- - Express, 642-7, 648, 654-7.
- - Goods, 634, 852.
- - Mail, 634, 651-2.
- - Parliamentary, 640-1, 6^8-9.
- - Postal Special, 651-2.
- - Precedence of, 692.
- - Royal, 659-66.
- - Special, 666.
- Trowbridge, Branch to, 19, 22, 26, 147, 295.
- Tunnels:
- - Ballingham, 399.
- - Bathwick, 139.
- - Bincombe, 413.
- - Box, q.v.
- - Bradford, 414.
- - Bristol, No. 1, 104, 106, 110.
- - Bristol, No. 2, 104, 106, 109.
- - Bristol, No. 3, 104, 105, 106, 109, 110.
- - Campden. {See Mickleton.)
- - Cockett, 569.
- - Devizes, 438.
- - Dinedor, 399.
- - Dinmore, 437.
- - Dudley, 463, 474.
- - Fawley, 399.
- - Fox's Wood, 104.
- - Frampton, 413.
- - Hockley, 336.
- - Holme Park, Sonning, 37, 94.
- - Holywell, 413.
- - Kemble, 164.
- - Lea, 399.
- - Ledbury, 542-3, 551.
- - Malvern, 542-3, 550, 551.
- - Mickleton, 463, 474, 494-6
- - Middle Hill, 138.
- - Newport, 563.
- - Oakengates, 351, 353.
- - Poundbury, 413.
- - Purley, 37.
- - Saltford, 104, 106.
- - Sapperton, q.v.
- - Snow Hill, 323.
- - Swan Village, 336.
- - Twerton, 104, 106.
- - Wolverhampton, 336, 509.
- - Worcester, 463, 474.
- - Twyford, Opening to, 92.
- - Uniform, 674-6, 681.
- - Uxbridge Branch, 196, 329, 410.
- Vale of Llangollen Railway, 439.
- Vale of Neath Railway 573, 581, 586, 641.
- - Agreement with, 447.
- Vauxhall Bridge, Terminus at, 12, 14.
- Viaducts:
- - Bath, 104, 114, 139.
- - Bordesley. {See Luddeston.)
- - Bourne End, 334.
- - Chirk, 344.
- - Crumlin, 530-1, 534.
- - Dee, Cefn, 344.
- - Duddeston, 271-4, &23.
- - Hanwell, 39-40.
- - Landore, 558, 560, 563.
- - Newport, 560.
- - O.W. and W.R., 474, 554.
- - Reconstruction of timber 687.
- - Stroud Valley, 183,
- - Twerton, 104.
- - WharnclifFe, 39-40.
- - Victoria Station, 206, 444-5.
- - Waggons, 851-3.
- Walpole, Kt. Hon. Spencer H., 401, 407, 420, 448, 451, 513.
- Ward, Lord, 477-8.
- Ward, T. M., 20-1.
- Warminster, opening to, 286-7.
- Watkin, Edward, 296-7, 301, 369, 517, 553.
- Wellington and Severn Junction Railway, 439.
- Wells Branch, 422, 438.
- West Cornwall Railway, 196, 283.
- West Drayton:
- - Coke Ovens, 53.
- - Engine House, 53.
- - Telegraph to, 616-9.
- West London Railway, 193-5, 443.
- - Level Crossing, 38, 193-5, 443-4.
- West London Extension Railway, 444-5.
- West Midland 543-55.
- - Agreement with G.W.- - 547-8.
- - Amalgamation, 447-8, 552-3.
- - Attack on (4. W.R., 545-7.
- - Chairman. (See Fenton.)
- - Directors, 525, 553.
- - Engines, 554, 811-5.
- - Formation, 428, 525, 536, 543.
- - Manager. (See Sherriff.)
- - Running Powers to Newport, 550.
- - Stourbridge Branch, 550.
- Westbourne Lodge, 46, 452.
- Westbourne Place, 46.
- Westbury, 282, 285.
- - Opening to, 286, 295.
- Weymouth, 192, 278, 279, 285, 413.
- - Branch, 192, 278, 281, 285, 396.
- - Opening, 286-7, 410, 413.
- Wharnclilfe, Lord, 16, 24, 27, 40.
- Wharncliffe Viaduct, 39-40.
- Wheatstone, C., 616, 617.
- Wilts and Somerset Railway, 278.
- Wilts, Somerset and Weymouth Railway, 192-3, 278, 280-2, 284, 285-6, 395, 402, 405, 413.
- - Partial Opening, 285, 295.
- - Taken Over, 286.
- - (And see Weymouth, Salisbury, Devizes, Bathampton, and Radstock Branches.)
- Windsor, 15.
- - Branch, 11, 13, 196-8, 429, 430, 433.
- Witney Branch, 464, 544, 551.
- Wolverhampton:
- - Battles of, 361, 372-5.
- - Bushbury Junction, 275, 372, 465, 509, 665.
- - Cannock Road Junction, 275, 276, 499, 508.
- - High Level Station, 339, 350, 352-3, 361, 362, 372, 374, 376-7, 378, 380, 423-4.
- - Junction Railway, 275, 335-6.
- - Low Level Station, 276, 336-7, 363, 423, 465, 508, 510, 519.
- - Opening to, 336.
- - Priestfield Junction, 252, 275, 276, 335, 499, 509, 606.
- - Stafford Road Junction, 275, 276, 335, 339, 423.
- - Stafford Road Works, 801-2. Tunnel, 509.
- - Victorian Basin Depot, 276, 339, 361, 378, 423-4.
- Wood, C. A., 450.
- Wood, N., 47, 49, 64, 73, 74, 78-80, 225.
- Wootton Bassett:
- - Embankments near, 122-3.
- - Incline, 123-4,
- - Road Station, 119, 125.
- - (And see Hay Lane.)
- Worcester, 476, 518.
- - Foregate Street Station, 539.
- - Locomotive Works, 814.
- - Northern Fork, 541, 542.
- - Severn Bridge, 542.
- - Shrub Hill Station, 476, 538, 53 542.
- - Train Service, 549.
- Worcester and Hereford Railway, 428, 499, 524-5, 530, 531, 536, 537-43.- Opening, 542, 550-1.
- - Tunnels, 539, 542-3.
- - (And see West Midland Bly.)
- Worcester and Hereford Junction Railway, 538-9.
- - Wrexham and Minera Railway, 439.
- Wycombe Railway, 196, 333-5, 438, 545, 546.
- - Wynn, Sir W. W., 341, 397, 450.
- - Wynnstay, 341, 397.
- Yeovil, 278, 279, 280, 284, 293.
- - Hendford Station, 293, 410.
- - Opening to, 410.
- - Pen Mill Station, 410.
See Also
Sources of Information