Engineering 1938 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs: Difference between revisions
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* [[Davidson and Co]]., Ltd., 148, 380, 392, 750 | * [[Davidson and Co]]., Ltd., 148, 380, 392, 750 | ||
* [[Deloro Smelting and Refining Co]]., Ltd., 89 | * [[Deloro Smelting and Refining Co]]., Ltd., 89 | ||
* [[Dobbie, McInnes]], Ltd., 304 | * [[Dobbie McInnes|Dobbie, McInnes]], Ltd., 304 | ||
* [[Dorman, Long and Co]]., Ltd., 380 | * [[Dorman, Long and Co]]., Ltd., 380 | ||
* [[Drayton Regulator and Instrument Co]]., Ltd., 89 | * [[Drayton Regulator and Instrument Co]]., Ltd., 89 |
Latest revision as of 15:55, 20 June 2024

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1938 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1938 Jul-Dec Volume
Accidents :
- Accident Statistics and Data, 516
- Survey of Accidents in Coke-Oven Industry, 361
- United States, National Safety Competition, Bureau of Mines* Report, 99
Aeronautics :
- Aeronautical-Laboratory Equipment and Key Industry Duty, 759
- Air-Raid Precaution Equipment (Catalogue), 304
- Air-Raid Precautions and Steel Construction, 335
- Air-Raid Precautions and Water Supply, Erratum 656
- Air-Raid detection Institute, 82 Aircraft Apprentices, School for, 139 “Aircraft Production,** 616
- Bristol Perseus Aero Engine, Endurance Test, 763
- Busk Studentship, 42
- Canada, Air-Mail Service, 763
- Engines, Aero (Catalogue), 292
- French Air Liner, Flying Model of, 103
- Observers for R.A.F., Recruitment, 762
- R.A.F. Expansion Programme, 132
Agriculture :
- India, Distressed Areas, Relief Employment for, 276
- Machinery, Agricultural (Catalogue), 292
- Oxford Farming Conference, 561
- Royal Show, 1939, 280
- Alloys. See Mining and Metallurgy
Appointments, Awards, &c. :
- Buchan Prize, Dr. E. W. Hewson, 686
- Charles B. Dudley Medal (A.S.T.M.) to R. H. Heyer, 99
- Clyde Shipbuilders* Honours, 535
- City and Guilds Fellowships, 220
- London University College Awards, 134
- Miller Award, American Welding Society, 647
- National Physical Laboratory, Directorship, 445
- North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders* Awards, 364
- Shipbuilding Employers’ Federation, Central Board, Changes of Officers, 585
- Automobiles. See Motor Cars
- Boilers. See Engines and Boilers
Bridges :
- Aberuthven Bridge, Reconstruction, 233 Bray, Bridge over Thames, 626
- Brimsdown-Station Road Bridge, 478
- Middletown—Portland Bridge on the Connecticut River, 676
- Buildings and Building Construction :
- International Building Club, 219, 309
- Roofing, Zinc Roll-Cap, 734 Supplies, Builders’ (Catalogue), 548
- Uniform Building Code, Addendum 503
Canals :
- Panama Canal Traffic, 225, 421
Catalogues :
- 89, 120, 148, 190, 218, 258, 292, 304, 352, 380, 391, 464, 548, 604, 633, 721, 750
- Abwood Tool and Engineering Co., Ltd., 148
- Air Control Installations, Ltd., 548, 590 Amsler, A. J., and Co., 258
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., Ltd., 218 Batteries, Ltd., 721
- Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss, Ltd., 464
- Blackman Export Co., Ltd., 89
- Bleicher and Mitchell, Ltd., 120
- Brady, G., and Co., Ltd., 292
- Bray, G., and Co., Ltd., 633
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., 292
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 292
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., 89, 120, 352 (2), 380, 548
- British Rototherm Co., Ltd., 604
- British Steel Piling Co., Ltd., 292, 352
- British Thermostat Co., Ltd., 721
- Brooke Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 89
- Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., 548, 721, 750
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 292, 750
- Burton, Griffiths and Co., Ltd., 120
- C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd., 89, 750
- Callender's Cable and Construction Co., Ltd. 380
- Cambridge Instrument Co,, Ltd., 89
- Celotex, Ltd., 190
- Churchill, C., and Co., Ltd., 148
- Cochran and Co., Annan, Ltd., 120
- Colvilles, Ltd., 218
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., 292
- Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., 380
- Crofts (Engineers), Ltd., 120
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., 89, 380
- Crossley-Premier Engines, Ltd., 304
- Darwins, Ltd., 721
- Davenport Engineering Co., Ltd., 190
- Davidson and Co., Ltd., 148, 380, 392, 750
- Deloro Smelting and Refining Co., Ltd., 89
- Dobbie, McInnes, Ltd., 304
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., 380
- Drayton Regulator and Instrument Co., Ltd., 89
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., 464
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 120, 464
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., 604, 633, 750
- Kelco Hoists, Ltd., 548
- Ferguson-Brown, Ltd., 292
- Firth, Thos., and John Brown, Ltd., 89, 218, 604
- Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels, Ltd., 89, 380
- Fowler, J., and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 89
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 89 (2), 120, 148, 292, 548, 604, 721, 750 (2)
- Gent and Co., Ltd., 190, 292
- Germ Lubricants, Ltd., 380
- Giddings and Lewis Machine Tool Co., 380
- Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., 548
- Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd., 190
- Guest, Keen, Baldwins Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., 464
- Hadfields, Ltd., 148, 304, 633
- Hall, B. J., and Co., Ltd., 89
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., 380
- Hardypick, Ltd., 292
- Harland Engineering Co., Ltd., 380
- Hart, T., Ltd., 391
- Head, Wrightson and Co., 750
- Henley’s, W. T., Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., 89, 304, 391
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., 292
- Higgs Motors, Ltd., 258, 391
- Hilger, Adam, Ltd., 604
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., 258
- Holmes, J. H., and Co., Ltd., 148
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., 148
- Howden, J., and Co. (Land), Ltd., 148, 464
- Igranic Electric Co., Ltd., 89
- Imperial Smelting Corporation, Ltd., 89
- Ismailia Valve Co., 548
- Jackman, J. W., and Co., Ltd., 292
- Jensen and Nicholson, Ltd., 391
- Jones, E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., 89, 380, 392 721
- Keith, Blackman, Ltd., 120, 352
- Klaxon, Ltd., 258
- Koepfer, J., <fe Sohne, G.m.b.H., 750 Lacy-Hulbert and Co., Ltd., 292
- Lancashire Dvnamo and Crypto, Ltd., 292, 380
- London Electric Firm, 750
- M. and C. Switchgear, Ltd., 89
- Marbaix, Gaston E., Ltd., 148
- Marelli <fe Co., Ltd., 89
- Marshall, Sons and Co. (Successors), Ltd., 89, 391, 548
- Millspaugh, Ltd., 292
- Miniature Bearings, Ltd., 604
- Moenich, Oscar, and Co., Ltd., 548
- Morris, Herbert, Ltd., 148, 391
- Mortimer, Gall and Co., Ltd., 750 Moss Gear Co., Ltd., 750
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., 190, 292
- Negretti and Zambra, 90
- Neill, J., and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., 391
- Newbury Diesel Co., Ltd., 721
- Newton, Chambers and Co., Ltd., 604
- Osborn, S., and Co., Ltd., 380
- Ozonair, Ltd., 258
- Parsons Engineering Co., Ltd,, 120
- Payen, J., Ltd., 190
- Philips’ Industrial X-Ray Service, 391,
- Phosphor Bronze Co., Ltd., 304
- Poppe Rubber and Tyre Co., 352
- Powell Duffryn Associated Collieries, Ltd., 258
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., 120, 304
- Rawlplug Co., Ltd., 90
- Renold and Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., 392 ReyroUe, A., and Co., Ltd., 120
- Robey and Co., Ltd., 604
- Robinson, T., and Son, Ltd., 148, 750
- Rose, Downs and Thompson, Etd., 120 Russell, Newbury and Co.. 633
- Sankey, J. H., <fe Son, Lid., 380
- Scott, H. J., and Co. (Belfast), Ltd., 548
- Serck Radiators, Ltd., 548
- Shorter Process Co., Ltd., 190
- Siebe, Gorman and Co., Ltd., 304. 721
- Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., 89
- Silentbloc, Ltd., 218
- Smith, T., and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., 89
- Soag Machine Tools, Ltd., 292, 304, 750
- Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., 548
- Staveley Coal and Iron Co., Ltd., 352
- Sternol, Ltd., 548
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 750
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., 292
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 89, 292, 464, 548
- Switchgear and Cowans, Ltd., 292
- Tinsley, H., and Co., Ltd., 464
- Victor Oil Engines (Coventry), Ltd., 89
- Ward, T. W., Ltd., 633
- Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd., 120, 304, 750
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., 148,464, 604, 750
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., 148
- Willemore and Tibbenham, 352
- Wycliffe Foundry Co., Ltd., 604
Cement and Concrete :
- Concrete Reinforcement, Standard Steel Bars and Wires for, 72
- Chemistry. See Physics and Chemistry
Coal :
- British Coal Utilisation Research Association, 589
- Canadian Imports, 476
- Cardiff, 13, 43, 73, 103, 133, 161, 191, 219,
- 246, 277, 304, 335, 364, 393, 421, 449, 476, 507, 535, 560. 588, 617, 647, 676, 704, 735, 763
- Coal-Washing Plant (Catalogue), 721 Colliery Equipment (Catalogue), 120 Danish Imports of British Coal, 224, 338
- France, Imports of British Coal, 13
- France, Northern, Collieries of, 334 Industries and Coal Prices, 219 Middlesbrough Coke, 13, 43, 73, 161, 191, 219, 247, 277, 305, 393, 421, 449, 477, 507, 534, 617, 646, 677, 705,735,763
- Mining Plant (Catalogue), 604
- Poland, Coal Exports, 97, 191, 476 ; duction, 191, 304, 646
- Safety Appliances (Catalogue), 304
- Sheffield, 13, 43, 73, 103, 133, 161, 191, 219,
- 247, 277, 305, 335, 365, 393, 421, 449, 476, 507, 535, 560, 589, 617, 647, 676, 704, 734, 762
- Smokeless Coal (Catalogue), 258 Stone-Dust Distributor (Catalogue), 292 Testing of Coal, Standard Method, 473 Winding Plant (Catalogue), 120 (2)
- CoUeges. See JSducation
Companies :
- Carron Company, History of, 247
- Robinson, T., <fe Son, Ltd., Centenary, 246
- Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
- Cranes, Conveyors, &c. :
- Chain Slings, Safe Loading of, 247
- Conveying Plant (Catalogue), 292
- Holyhead Goods Traffic, Conveyors for Expediting, 393
- Lifting Tackle (Catalogue), 548
- Pulley Blocks (Catalogues), 148, 391
- Scottish Crane Contracts, 647
- Shunting Crane, Diesel (Catalogue), 120 Telpher Plant, Automatic (Catalogue), 120 Wire Ropes for Cranes, Standard, 494
- Docks. See Jlarbours
Education :
- Apprentices, Aircraft, School for, 139
- Army Vocational Training Centre, Aidershot, 686
- Bombay Apprentices, Compulsory Training Clause in Contracts, 160
- Borough Polytechnic, London, Students’ Work Exhibition, 734
- British Foundry School, 102
- Busk Studentship Award, 42
- Chadwick Public Lectures, 420
- Christmas Lectures for Young People, 760
- City and Guilds of Loudon Institute Awards, 364
- Industrial Law, Lectures on, 334
- Japan, Hokkaido University Calendar, 256
- Mary Ward Settlement, Lectures on Engineers and the Community, 409
- Mercantile Marine, Engineers’ Examinations, 42
- , Lord Ashfleld on the Opportunities of the Engineering Profession, 586
- Scholarships, Oxford and Cambridge Universities, Extra-Mural Studies, 673
- Sheffield University Annual Report, 617 Sheffield University’s New Laboratories, 277, 365
- South Africa, Technical Colleges of, 248 Technological Institute of Great Britain, 534 Toronto University, Engineering Society, Transactions, TJl
- Tropical Hygiene, Lectures, 598
- University College, London, Awards, 134
- Electricity :
- Accessories, Electrical (Catalogue), 548 Accumulators, Train-Lighting, Standard, 491 Aluminium in Electrical Installations (Catalogue), 292
- Australia, Sydney Electricity Supply, 133 Batteries, Storage (Catalogue), 721 Boiler-House Control Gear (Catalogue), 721 Brushes, Carbon, for Electrical Machines,
- Standard, 436 «
- Cables (Catalogues), 304, 352, 380, 391 Cable-Box Compounds, Standard, 277 Cable-Jointing Materials (Catalogue), 380 Cable Manufacture (Catalogue), 380 Cable Sheathings, Standard, 284 Calcutta Electricity Supply, 522 Canada, Electric Displays and Lamp Signs,
- Standard, 494
- Canada, Generation Statistics, 300 Canada, Water Power in, 133 Ceiling Roses, Standard, 647 Clocks, Tell-Tale (Catalogue), 190 Contactors, Standard, 321 Control Gear (Catalogues), 89, 750 Ducts, Steel, &c., for Electrical Services, Standard, 303 ; Non-Metallic, 762 Earthing Conductor, Lead-Sheathed, 385 Electrical Industries Benevolent Association.
- 534
- Electrodes, Arc-Welding, Approved, 573 Electrode, Welding, for A.C. Equipment, 93 Electrodes for Use in Shipbuilding, Standard, 17
- Equipment, Electrical (Catalogue), 89 Factory Lighting, Standard, 102 Fans, Electric (Catalogue), 89 Fuses, Liquid (Catalogue), 548 Fuses, Service (Catalogue), 89 Generation Statistics, 246, 453, 511, 732 Generators, Electric (Catalogue), 548 Instruments, Electrical (Catalogue), 464 Insulation, Mica (Catalogue), 292 Ireland, Northern, Generation Statistics, 161, 447
- Italy, Generation Statistics, 449
- Lamp, Battery, for Emergency Purposes, 494 Lamps, Gas-Discharge, Lanterns for (Catalogue), 148
- Lamp, Sieray-Dual, 507
- Lighting, Electric, British Standards, 219 Lighting, Electric, History of, 759 Lighting, Flood (Catalogue), 89
- London and Home Counties Electricity Order, Amendment, 560
- Machinery, Electrical (Catalogue), 292 Magnets, Permanent (Catalogue), 721 Manufacturing, Electrical (“ Some Information ”), 436
- Materials and their Testing, Joint Committee, 140, 561
- Meters Act, Electricity Supply, 1936, 54 Meters, House-Service (Catalogue), 664 Meter Parts, Washing Machine for, Erratani, 589
- Motors, Electric (Catalogues), 89(2), 148, 258, 380, 391, 548
- Ovens, Electric-Baking (Catalogues), 604 Position Indicator for Transformers (Catalogue), 464
- Power-Station Equipment (Catalogue), 464 Prepayment Meters (Catalogue), 352 Pump Motors (Catalogue), 380 Radio-Frequency Allocations, Chart, 392 Rectitters, Metal (Catalogue), 750 Safety Devices, Electrical (Catalogue), 120 Searchlights, Modern, 666
- Soldering Irons (Catalogue), 190 Starters, Electric (Catalogues), 89, 648 Switchboards, Boiler-House (Catalogue), 548 Switchboards, Marine Craft (Catalogue), 750 Switchgear (Catalogues), 89 (2)
- Switchgear, High-Tension, Tripping Gear for, 295
- Switches, Non-Automatic, Oil, Erratum, 185
- Switches, Oil (Catalogue), 292
- Switches, Single and Multi-Point Push- Button, 744
- Switch Sockets, Shutter Pattern, 277
- Telegraph Lines (Catalogue), 3.52
- Telephone Lines (Catalogue), 352 Thermionic Valve, History of, 756
- Turkey, Swedish Electric Pow'er Plant for, 73
- Welding, Arc, Electrodes for Use in Shipbuilding, Standard, 17
- Welding, Electrode for A.C. Equipment, 93
- Welding Electrodes, Standard Shanks, 393
- Wiring Regulations, &c., National Committee, 629
- X-Ray and Research Equipment (Catalogue), 391
Engines and Boilers :
- Boilers (Catalogue), 548
- Boilers, Diesel-Engine Exhaust (Catalogue), 120
- Boiler-House Control Gear (Catalogue), 721 Engines, Steam (Catalogues), 190, 604
- Fan Control, Boiler-House (Catalogue), 548 Marine Engines (Catalogue), 120
- Pistons and Rings (Catalogue), 120
- Power Generation, Progress in, 448
- Pumps, Boiler-Feed (Catalogue), 380
- Soot Blowers (Catalogue), 148
- Traps, Steam (Catalogue), 89
- Turbines, Steam (Catalogue), 548
Exhibitions :
- Foire de Paris, 1939, 598
- Highway Exhibition, International, Chile, 98
- Leipzig Fair, 763
- Li6ge International Exhibition, 365
- “ Model Engineer ” Exhibition, 132
- Motor Exhibition, International, Earl’s Court, 420
- New Zealand Centennial Exhibition, 199
- Prague Autumn Fair, 199
- Ferro-Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
Gas :
- Gas-Temperature Measurement Symposium, 612
- Gasholder for Coke-Oven Gas, 13
- Gas and Oil Engines :
- Boilers, Diesel-Engine Exhaust (Catalogue)’ 120
- Diesel Engines (Catalogues), 89, 292, 633, 721
- Gas Engines (Catalogue), 190
- Oil Engines, Heavy-Duty (Catalogue), 304
- Petrol-Engine Starter, Villiers, 266
- Power Generation, Progress in, 448 Priestman Oil Engine, Model of First, 598 Supercharging, Btichi System, 247
- Harbours, Docks, Piers, &c. :
- Southampton Docks, Southern Railway Handbook, 103 ; Centenary Pamphlet, 655
Hydraulics :
- Pumps, Boiler-Feed (Catalogue), 380
- Valves, Flap (Catalogue), 548
- Industries and Commerce :
- Anglo-Australian Commerce, 618
- Anglo-Ttalian Clearing Accounts, 218 Birmingham, Industrial, 247
- Canada, Motor-Car Industry, 157 Chromium Plating, Historical Survey, 433 Coal Prices and Industries, 219
- Coal Tar, Sampling of, Standard, 341
- Contracts, 12, 42, 72, 102, 160, 190, 218, 246, 276, 304, 334, 364, 392, 420, 448, 476, 506, 534, 562, 588, 616, 646, 704, 734, 762
- Cutler’s Feast, 478
- Czechoslovakian Motor-Car Industry, 13
- Germany, Economic Position and Cyclic Theory, 417
- Grimsby as a Factory Centre, 365 Income-Tax Chart Manual, Tolley’s, 247 India-South Africa Commerce, 364 Industry, New Light of, 247
- Law, Industrial, Lectures on, 334
- London County Council Contract Conditions, Postponement Clause, 74
- Management, Scientific, International Congress, 73
- Overseas Trade Opportunities, 246
- Personal, 12, 42, 72, 102, 132, 160, 190, 218, 246, 276, 304, 334, 364, 392, 420, 448, 476, 506, 534, 560, 588, 616, 646, 676, 704, 734, 762
- Ready Reckoner, “ Per Dozen,” 705
- Sales Technology, Institute of, 402
- Sheffield and Defence Orders for Aircraft, 73
- Sheffield, Master Cutler Installation, 420 Special Areas, Progress of, 160
- Statistics, Official, Guide to, 132
- Swansea, Tin-Plate Shipments, 612
- Team Valley Trading Estate, 397
- Tenders, 12, 42, 72, 102, 132, 160, 190, 218, 246, 276, 304, 334, 364, 392, 420, 448, 476, 506, 534, 560, 588, 616, 646, 676, 704, 734
- United Kingdom, Consumption of Aluminium and other Metals, 171
- United States Tin-Plate Industry, 191
- Institutions. See Technical Societies
- Internal-Combustion Engines. See Gas and Oil Engines
Iron and Steel :
- Air-Raid Precautions and Steel Construction, 335
- Armament Plants, Maintenance Question, 43 Atlas Works, Springburn, Re-Opening, 477
- Bars, Steel, for Reinforcement, Standard, 72 Blast-Furnaces Blown Out, 161, 191 British Cast-Iron Research Association, 321 Canada, Iron and Steel Imports, 560
- Canada, Iron and Steel Production 73, 393, 763
- Cleveland Basic Iron Prices, 13, 43, 73, 133, 161, 191, 219, 247, 277, 305, 335, 393, 421, 449, 477, 507, 534. 561, 589, 646, 677, 705, 735, 763
- Cleveland Iron Market, 13, 43, 73, 103, 161, 191, 219, 247, 277, 305, 335, 365, 393, 421, 449, 477, 507, 534, 561, 589, 617, 646, 677, 705, 735, 763
- Cleveland Manufactured Iron and Steel, 13, 43, 73, 103, 133, 161, 191, 219, 247, 277, 305, 335, 365, 393, 421, 449, 477, 507, 534, 561, 589, 617, 646, 677, 705, 735, 763
- Dorman Long Blast-Furnaces, 161, 191 East Coast Hematite, 13, 43, 73, 103, 133, 161, 191, 219, 247, 277, 305, 335, 365, 393, 421, 449, 477, 507, 534, 561, 589, 617, 646, 677, 705, 735, 763
- English Steel Corporation, Trade Conditions in Sheffield,143; Catalogue of Products, 604 Ferro-Vanadium, Chemical Standard, 365 Firth, Thos., and John Brown, Ltd., Visit by Cutler’s Guests, 476
- Gas-Mask Stores, Steel Shelving for, 73 Grant, A. J., on Development of New Uses for Steel, 420
- Great Britain, Iron and Steel Production, 102, 343, 477
- Iron Castings, Standard, 13
- Ironwork, Ornamental (Catalogue), 464 London Iron and Steel Exchange, Closing of, 758
- Middlesbrough, Foreign Ore, 13, 43, 73, 103, 133, 161, 191, 219, 247, 277, 305, 335, 365, 393, 421, 449, 477, 507, 534, 561, 589, 617, 646, 677, 705, 735, 763
- Middlesbrough, Scrap Prices, 13, 43, 73, 103 133, 161, 191, 247, 277, 305, 335, 365, 393, 477, 507. 534, 561, 589. 617, 646, 677, 705
- Nickel-Chronuuin-Molybdenuin Steel, Chemical Standard, 365
- Paint, Coal-Tar, for Iron and Steel Work in India, 276
- Permanent Magnets, Alloy Steels for Manufacture (Catalogue), 721
- Piling, Steel (Catalogues), 292, 352 Pipes, Cast-Iron (Catalogue), 352 Pipes, Cast-Iron, Standard, 893 Pipes, Steel (Catalogue), 750
- Scottish Iron and Steel Trade, 13, 43, 73,103, 133, 191, 219, 247, 277, 305, 335, 365, 398, 421, 449, 477, 507, 535, 589, 616, 647, 677, 705, 735, 763
- Scottish Scrap-Iron Prices Agreement, 13 Sheffield and Aircraft Steel Production, 73 Sheffield Iron and Steel Trade, 13, 43, 73, 103, 133, 161, 191, 219, 247, 277, 305, 335, 365, 393, 420, 449, 476, 507, 535, 560, 588, 617, 647, 676, 704, 734, 763
- Steels, Alloy (Catalogue), 750 Steel Castings (Catalogue), 89
- Steel for Die Blocks for Drop Forging, Standard, 332
- Steels, High-Grade (Catalogue), 218 Steels, High-Tensile (Catalogue), 218 Steel Sheets, Galvanised Corrugated, Standard, 320
- Steel, Stainless (Catalogue), 380 (2) Steels, Structural (Catalogue), 380, 604 Steel, Weather-Resisting Mild (Catalogue), 218 Structural Steelwork, Handbook of, 735 Swedish Iron Industry, 574
- Tees Imports, 43, 191, 305, 421, 561, 677 Tees Shipments, 43, 161, 305, 421, 534, 677 Turkey, Steel Plant for, 43
- United States Pig Iron Industry, 140 ; Iron Ore Mining, 142
- Wagons, Steel, for Soda Ash, 491
- Welsh Trade, 13, 43, 73. 103, 133, 161, 191, 219, 246, 277, 304, 335, 364, 393, 421, 449, 476, 507, 535, 560, 588, 617, 647, 676, 704, 735, 763
- Wire Ropes for Cranes, Standard, 494
- Wire, Steel, for Reinforcement, Standard, 72
- Labour Questions. See Trade Societies
Legal :
- Electricity Supply (Meters) Act, 1936, 54 Factories Act. 1937, Examination of Plant, 226 ; Regulations and Orders, 82
- Holidays-with-Pay Bill, 82
- Law, Industrial, Ixjctures on, 334
- I*ublic-Health Law Development, Lecture, 420
- Vnemplovment Benefit Disqualification Case, 417
- Literature. See LITERATURE INDEX
Machine and Other Tools :
- Circular-Saw Benches (Catalogue), 750 Contour-Forming Machines (Catalogue), 392 Cutting Fluids, 477
- Cutting Fluids and the Machine Tool, Erratum, 580
- Cutting Fluid, Sternopal, 104
- Cutting Tools (Catalogues), 89, 148
- Drill, Radial, with Pre-Selective Gear, Addendum, 477
- Drilling Machines (Catalogue), 148
- Engineers’ Tools (Catalogue), 89
- Facing Tools, Spot (Catalogue), 89
- Grinding JMachines (Catalogue), 148
- Hack Saws (Catalogue), 391
- Handsaw Tooth, “ Spearfast,” 402
- Liithe Beds, Hardened, 761
- Machine Tools, General (Catalogues), 148, 292, 380, 780
- Milling Cutters and Reamers, Standard, 304 lililling Machines (Catalogues), 380, 750 Mortising Machine (Catalogue), 148
- Phoenix Tool Cabinet, 233
- Presses, Power (Catalogue), 89
- Reamer, Wimet-Tipped Expansion, 248 Straightedges, Toolmakers’, Standard, 448 Stud-Setting Equipment, 133
- Taps, Ground-Thread (Catalogue), 604
- Tools, Pneumatic (Catalogue), 292
- Tools, Small (Catalogue), 633
- Turner’s Handbook, New, 735
- Marine Engineering. See Engines and Boilers; Ships and Shipbuilding
Mining and Metallurgy :
- Aluminium Alloys, Hijih-Strength, IJata, 12 Aluininiiim and Other Metals, U.K. Consumption, 171
- Aluminium, World l^roduction, 611
- Canada, Cliromium Production in, 132, ('opper Production 97 ; Gold Production, 393 ; Ontario Limestone Deposits, 305 ; Quebec Asbestos Production, 13, 501
- Castings, Centrifugal (Catalogue), 292 Chromium Plating, Historical Survey, 433 Die Castings (Catalogue), 89
- Hammers, Drop ((’atalogue), 120 Italy, Aluminium Production, 400 Laboratories, New, Slieflield University, -/7 Mining Plant (Catalogue), 604
- Monel Metal, Data, 647
- New Zealand Manganese and Asbestos, Grant of Working Riglits, 652
- Refractories (Catalogue), 380
- Rolling Mills ((Catalogue), 120
- Rolling Mill Equipment (Catalogue), 750 Smiths’ Hearths ((Catalogue), 352
- Soldering Irons, Electric (Catalogue), 190 Surface Hardening Process (Catalogue), 190 Temperature and CO^ Indicator (Catalogue), 89
- Tin, World’s Production and Consumption, 26, 360
Miscellaneous :
- ! Air-Compressor Test-Bed Drive, Mdrfertdawi, 191
- Air-Conditioning Plant (('atalogue), 380
- Air Heaters and Cleaners (Catalogues),89, 464, 633
- Air-Raid Shelters (Catalogues), 464, 548 Air-Raid Shelter and Garage, Combined, 487 Army Vocational Training Centre, Aidershot, 686
- Bakelite Heat-Resisting Materials, 365
- Bakelite for Plywood Idanufac.ture, 13 Bakelite, Shaped Laminated Sheets, 392 Baking Ovens (C’atalogue), 604
- Birmingham, Industrial, 247
- Books, Standard, British Scientific and Technical, 247
- Canada-U.S. Road Tralfic, 803
- Cane-Fibre Products (Catalogue), 190
- Carbon Dioxide and Temperature Indicator (Catalogue), 89
- Clocks, Tell-Tale (Catalogue), 190
- Coal Tar, Sampling of. Standard, 341
- Colvilles, Ltd., Fracture Clinic, 534 Community and the Engineer, 409 Compressed-Air Engines (Catalogue), 258 (’ompressors, Rotary (Catalogue), 292 Contracts, 12, 42, 72, 102, 160, 190. 218, 246, 276, 304. 334, 364, 392, 420, 448, 476, 506, 562, o88, 616, 646, 704, 734, 762
- Cooling and Ventilating Plant (Catalogue), 548
- Craftsmanship and Draughtsmanship Competition, 365
- Crushing-Plant Replacements (Catalogue),148 Czechoslovakia, Land Reclamation in, 162 Dermatitis l^revention ((’atalogue), 548 Drawing-Office Accessories (Catalogue), 89 Drying Plant (Catalogue), 120, 750 Escalators (C’atalogue), 380, Engineer and the Community, 409 Engineers’ Guild, 688 Engineers. Status, Qualifications and Remuneration, 616
- Excavators ((Catalogues), 89, 304
- Fans, Ventilating (Catalogues), 89, 148 (2), 352, 548, 750
- Filters, Air, &c. (Catalogue), 292
- Fire Alarms (Catalogue), 190
- Fire Service, London Auxiliary Volunteer,535 Gaskets (Catalogue), 190
- Grease-Lubrication Battery, Tecalemit Multipoint, Addendum, 272
- Grimsby as a Factory Centre, 365
- Heat and Light (Catalogue), 750 Heating Plant, &c. (Catalogue), 380, 750 Heating and Ventilation, Progress in, 448 Homogenisers, Valve for (Catalogue), 750 Hose, Rubber, Standard, 276 Hyderabad, Public Amenities Improvement, 335
- Income-Tax Chart Manual, Tolley’s, 247 Instruments, Anti-Vibration Mountings for (Catalogue), 218
- Instruments, Indicating, &c. ((-atalogue), 190 Laboratory Equipment (Catalogue), 190 Light and Heat (Catalogue), 750
- Lining and Coating Material, Lithcote, 102 Liquid-Fuel Meters (Catalogue), 89
- London, City, Road Widening, 777 Lubricants (Catalogue), 380 Machinery. Reconditioned (Catalogue), 633 Mallon By-Pass Road, 161
- Materials and their Testing, Joint Committee, 140, 561
- Models, Scale, Use in General Engineering, Erratum, 284
- Municipal Services, Ministrv of Health Loans, 133
- Norwich Engineering Society, 735 Oil-Burning Equipment, Standard, 365 Oil, Vegetable, Machinery (Catalogue), 120 Paint Gun, “ Varispray,” 705
- Personal, 12, 42, 72, 102, 132, 160, 190, 218, 246, 276, 304, 334, 364, 392, 420, 448, 476, 506, 560, 588, 616, 646, 676, 704, 734, 762 Petroleum Refinery, Alberta, 219
- Plywood, Durisol, 306 Population Congestion Evils, Lecture, 420 Professional Classes Aid Council, 161
- Public Health Law, Lecture, 420 i
- Radiators and Heat Exchangers (Catalogue), 548 I
- Refuse-Disposal Plant, Stockholm, 448 Respirators (Catalogue), 721 Road Federation, British, 561 Road Improvements, Hebrides, 118 Road Improvements, Somerset, 43 Road-Roller Attachment (Catalogue), 89 Road Trans])ort (Defence) Advisory Committee, 506
- Rubber Products (Catalogue), 352
- Rubber from Tomato Peel, 448 Sales Technology, Institute of, 402
- Screens, Vibrating and Revolving (Catalogue), 633
- Set-S(juare, “Trig-Angle” Adjustable, 365 Shutters, Roller (Catalogue), 292
- Signals, Stall-Ixicatlng (('atalogue), 292 Signals, Warning ((’atalogue), 258
- Somerset Road Improvements, 3 Spectrographic Apparatus (Catalogue), 604 Standards institution, British, 13, 17, 72, 219. 276, 277, 284, 303, 304, 320, 321, 332, 341, 365, 392 (2), 436, 448, 473, 494, 648
- Statistics, Official Guide to, 132
- Sutton By-Pass Road, Pedestrian Subways, 206
- Tank, Uot-Water Storage, Everdur Alloy, 160
- Tank indicators (Catalogue), 304
- Tenders, 12, 42, 72, 102, 132, 160, 190, 218, 246, 276, 304, 334, 364, 392, 420, 448, 476, 506, 560, 588, 616, 646, 676, 704, 734
- Testing Machines (Catalogue), 258 Thermometry, Modern (Catalogue), 604 Timbers, Ckiionial, 506
- Tractors (Catalogue), 391
- Tropical Hygiene, Lectures on, 598
- Tubes, Pneumatic, Transmission (Catalogue), 292
- United States-Canada Road Traffic, 303 United States, Highway Research Board, 161 Uxbridge Road, Reconstruction of, 449 Valves and Strainers (Catalogue), 721 Ventilating Plant (Catalogues), 120, 380 Ventilation and Heating, l*rogress in, 448 Washing Machine for Electric-Meter Parts, Erratum, 589
- Water-Cooling Towers (Catalogue), 190 Welding, Acetylene, Gorton Works Plant, L.N.E.R., 72
- Welding ((’atalogue), 352
- Welding Repairs, Lantern Slides, 507
- Winches for Clothes Rack (Catalogue), 750 Winders, Steam and Electric (Catalogue), 120 (2)
- Window, (fee.. Frames, Metal (Catalogue), 292 Wood Preservation (Catalogue), 391 Worcestershire Trunk Road Improvement, 759
Motor Cars, &c. :
- Australia, Motor-Vehicle Imports, 238
- Belfast, Electromatic Vehicle Control at, 103 Canada-U.S. Traffic, 303
- Canadian Motor-Car Industry, 157
- Cycle Screw Threads, Standard, 773 Czechoslovakia, Motor-('ar Industry, 13 Drivers, Road-Motor, Training School for, 218
- Electromatic Vehicle Control at Belfast, 103 Indicator, Speed Limit, 392
- Motor-Car Exports, Great Britain, 218 Motor-Vehicle Drivers, Training School, 218 Pistons and Rings (Catalogues), 304, 750 Repair Certificate Examinations, I.A.K., 177 Road Transport (Defence) Advisory (jom- mittee, 506
- Road Vehicles Registered, 104, 248, 483, 776 South Africa, Motor Cycles in, 220
- Touring-Car Figure of Merit, 305
- World Output, 430
Naval :
- Admiralty Contracts, 247, 477, 647, 763
- ” Ascaro,” Italian Destroyer, Launch, 478
- ” Barlow,” H.M. Boom-Defence Vessel, Launch, 277
- ” Barmouth,” H.M. Boom-Defence Vessel, Launch, 475
- ” Entre Rios,” Argentine Destroyer, 392, 465 ” Fuciliere,” Italian Destroyer, Launch, 478 Italian Submarines, Launch of, 199
- Italian Torpedo Boats, Launch of, 219
- ” Janus,” H.M. Destroyer, Launch, 598
- ” Jervis,” H.M. Flotilla Leader, Launch, 353 ” Kelly,” H.M. Flotilla Leader, Launch, 590
- ” Manchester,” H.M. Cruiser, Trial Trip, 191 ” Moorland,” H.M.S., Launch of, 671
- ” Somali,” H.M. Destroyer, Trials, 734
- ” Thetis,” H.M. Submarine, Launch, 58 Thistle,” H.M. Submarine, Launch, 535
- ” Trident,” H.M. Submarine, Launch, 705
- Warship Machinery Contract, Scottish, 561
- Obituary. See GENERAL INDEX
Physics and Chemistry ;
- Chemical Standards, Ferro-Vanadium and Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum, 365
- Chemical Works, Safety Rales for, 276 Fans for Chemical Works (Catalogue), 392
- Power Plants. See Electricity
Power Transmission :
- Bearings, Bronze (Catalogue), 304
- Bearings, Miniature Ball (Catalogue), 604 Belt-Slip Prevention, 305
- Chain Drives (Catalogues), 391, 548 Clutches, Disc (Catalogue), 120 Couplings, Geared (Catalogue), 750 Drives, Variable-Speed (Catalogue), 721
- Gears, Variable-Speed (Catalogue), 604 Power Transmission Association, 617
- Ropes, Driving (Catalogue), 391
- Torrington Needle Bearings, 132
- Vee-Rope Drives, Computer for, 736
Railways and Locomotives :
- Djibouti-Addis Ababa Railway, 185 Ethiopia, Railcar Service in, 361 Great Western Railway Magazine, 653 Indian Railways, 1936-37, Add^um, 134 Italj/, Electrification of Ancona-Bologna-
- Milan Line, 477
- King’s Cross Underground Station, Reconstruction, Erratum, 444
- London Midland and Scottish Railway, Shock-Absorbing Goods Wagons, Addendum, 56; Windermere, Railway Launch “ Swan,” 72 ; Three-Car Diesel Train, 364
- Railways and Locomotives—continued,
- London and North Eastern Railway, Colour- Light Signals, 28 ; Gorton Works, Acety- ^ene-Generating Plant, 72 ; Speed Record,
- Russian Railway Mileage, 586 Signalling Equipment (Catalogue), 148 Signalling Installation, Hull, 604 Signalling, Interlocking (Catalogue), 464 Southern Railway, Southampton Docks, ^andbook, 103; Centenary Pamphlet,
- Statistics, Railway, 132, 692
- Swedish Railways, Electrification of, 160 Wagons, Steel, for Soda Ash, 491
- Schools. See Education
Ships and Shipbuilding :
- Admiralty Contracts, 247
- Clyde Activities, 43, 161, 305, 421, 535, 677 Coastwise Shipping, Service and Rates, 576 Electrodes for Use in Shipbuilding, Standard, 17
- Engines, Small Marine (Catalogue), 120 Icebreaker for the Caspian Sea, 585 Italo-Albanian Ferryboat Service, 187 Launches and Trial Trips, 12, 52, 72, 102, 160, 218, 276, 304, 334, 364, 392. 448, 476, 506, 534, 589, 617, 705, 734, 762
- Life-Saving Appliances in Merchant Ships, 676
- Lifeboat, Motor, for Newbiggin, 604 Machinery, Marine, 1938 Output, 733, 763 Marine Auxiliaries, Control (Catalogue), 750 “Mauretania,’* Cunard White Star Liner, Addendum^ 218
- Mercantile Marine, Engineers’ Examinations. 42
- Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Scholarships, 677
- “ Queen Elizabeth,” Cunard White Star Liner, 646
- Scottish Shipbuilding, 43, 161, 305, 421, 535,
- Scottish Shipbuilding Contracts, 13, 277, 477. 561, 589
- Shipbuilding in 1938, 734, 762 Switchboards, Marine Craft (Catalogue), 750 United States Shipbuilding, 140 Windermere Launch “ Swan,” L.M, <fe S.
- Railway , 72
- Wreck Statistics, Lloyd’s, 132, 774
- Societies. See Technical and Trade
- Technical Societies, &c. :
- American Society for Testing Materials> Honours and Awards, 132
- American Welding Society, 647 Automobile Engineers, Institution of, 177 British Association, 284, Erratum^ 704 Electrical Engineers, Institution of, 42, 72, 82, 103, 140, 162, 400, 561
- Engineering Congress, International, Glasgow, 700
- Engineering Inspection, Institution of, 570 Faraday Society, 102
- Fuel, Institute of, 73, 612
- Hull Association of Engineers, 190
- Iron and Steel Institute, 420 Junior Institution of Engineers, 607, 616 Liverpool Engineering Society, 560 Management Congress, International, 73 Materials and their Testing, Joint Committee, 140, 561
- Mechanical Engineers, American Society of, 617
- Metals, Institute of, 420
- Meteorological Society, Royal, 686 Municipal Electricai Association, Inc., 417, 593
- Naval Architects, Institution of, 392, 502, 677 North-East Coast Institution of Engiiieers and Shipbuilders, 364
- Norwich Engineering Society, 735 Oxford Farming Conference, 561 Petroleum, Institute of, 617
- Production Engineers, Institution of, 507 Public Health Services Congress, Erratum, 696
- Royal Aeronautical Society, 576
- Supervising Electrical Engineers, Association of, 12
- Timber Utilisation, International Conference, 276
- Transport, Institute of, 448
- Whitworth Society, 115
- World Power Conference, Vienna Meeting, 102, 190
- Telegraphy. See Electricity
- Telephony. See Electricity
- Tools. See Machine and other Tools
- Trade. See Coal ; Industries ; Iron and Steel Ships and Shipbuilding
Trade Societies, &c.:
- Accidents, Industrial, Insurance in Germany, 243
- Admiralty, Dockyard Founders and Wage Improvements, 417
- Agar, T. W., Appointment as Assistant Secretary of National Foremen’s Association, 673
- Aircraft Factory Strike, Cotton Hackett, 301 Apprentices, Bombay, Compulsory Training Clause in Contracts, 160 ; France, Apprenticeship Rules Question, 557; India, Department of Industries’ Apprenticeship Scheme, 585 ; Denmark, New Law : Conditions, and Application by Apprentices’ Council, 673 ; U.S. Fair Labour Standards Act, Learners and Apprentices, Regulation Affecting Lower Wages, 673
- Approved Societies, Trade Union Association of, Social Services Resolutions, 673
- Armament Programme, Favourable Position of Building Trade Operatives in Relation to Defence Works, 38 ; Electrical Trades
- Union, Reason for Resolution Opposing Co-operation, 99; A.E.U. Opposition to Relaxation, in Favour of Re-armament, of Existing Regulations, 128; Sir T. Inskip on the Excellent Response of all Defence Workers, 157; A.E.U. Comments on Public Accounts Reports and on Economy in the Purchase of Armament Equipment, 215 ; T.U.C. on Prime Minister’s View of Industrial Livelihoods at Close of Armament Programme, 242 ; T.U.C. Rejection of Motion to Refer Back to G.C. the Armament Section of Report, 344 ; A.E.U. on the Use of Armaments and on Dilution, 344 Austin Aircraft Factory Strike, 301 Australia, Queensland Industrial Court Decision in Relation to Working Hours, 344; Railways 44-Hour Week in Workshop Scheme, Adverse Ballot, 656
- Belgium, Data as to Overtime Worked, 39; Royal Orders as to Methods to be Observed in Polishing and Plating Shops, 39
- Benefit Allowances, Number of Unemployed Applicants, 127, 186, 243, 301, 390, 516, 585, 612, 673; Unemployment Claims as Affected by Holidays with Pay, 361
- Boilermakers’ Society, Membership and Benefit Data, 8, 128, 390, 516, 656; Mr. Hodgson on the Organisation of Youths into Appropriate Unions, 516; on the Need of Subsidies for Shipbuilding to Meet Foreign Competition, 656
- Bolivia, Compulsory Pensions for Rail and Tram Workers, 361
- Brownlie, J. T., the Late, 473, 585
- Building Trades, National Federation of Operatives, Mr. Hicks on Favourable Situation in Relation to Defence Works, 38; Labour Dilution Question, 39 ; SirW. Citrine on Union Leaders’ Responsibility for Decisions, 39 ; Proposed Re-examination of Wages Conditions, 39: Unorganised Building Labourers, 39; Mr. Fawcett on Unemployment in the Building Industry, 128; Building Trade Union, T.U.C., Resolution for Reform of Workmen’s Compensation Law, 273
- Cleveland Blast Fumacemen’s Wages, 133, 507
- Cleveland Ironstone Miners’ Wages, 507 Clothing and Occupation, German Society for the Protection of Labour and, 701
- Coal Mines. See Mining Industry (below) Constructional Engineering Union and Allied Employers, Improved Wage Conditions, 8 Cost of Living, Reduction of, A.E.U. Demand for Government Policy, 186
- Defence. See Armament Programme (above) Denmark, Legislation Defining Relations of Employers and Employees in Private Undertakings, Anonymous Advertising Question, 186 ; New Apprenticeship Law ; Conditions, and Application by Apprentices’ Council, 673
- Dilution of Labour, Building Trades, 39 ; A.E.U., Comments on Dilution, 82, 273, 344 ; A.E.U. on Dilution in Relation to Skilled Labour, 701
- Diseases, Occupational, German Labour Society’s Investigations on Diseases Resulting from Sand Blasting and Grinding, 82 ; French Workers’ Demand for Notification of Contents of Toxic Compounds, 129; Uruguay, Ministerial Decree for Labelling of Toxic Products, 129 ; South Wales Miners, Proposed Abolition of Clause in Silicosis Compensation Scheme, 273; l.L.0. Silicosis Report, 543; Italy, Reports on Compensation for Industrial Diseases, 473, 557 ; French Statistics, 656 ; United States, Rock Drilling, Enforcement of Industrial Code for Control of Silica Dust, 759
- Disputes, Industrial, T.U.C., and Union’s Views on Financial Aid Schemes, 731
- Dockyard Founders, Wage Improvements, 417
- Education, Technical and Commercial, of Employees, International Congresses, 473 Electrical Industry, Electricity Supply Industry, Claim for Increased Wages, 39, 82 ; Electrical Trades Union, Nationalisation of Supply Industry, 82, 186; Electrical Trades Union, Reasons for Declining to Co-operate with Armament Programme, 99 ; on Elimination of Amateurs from the Industry, 99 ; 40-Hour Week Wage, 99 ; Electrical Trades Union, Resolution Relating to Electricity Distribution Question at Blackpool T.U.C., 273
- Electrical Trades Union. See Electrical Industry (above)
- Electricity Services, E.T.U., on Nationalisation of, 82, 186
- Employers’ Federation, Discussion with A.E.U. and Foundry Workers and Joint Trades Movement on Wages and Working Conditions Claims, 390
- Employment Exchange Reports, 8,127,186, 243, 301, 390, 417, 516, 556, 612, 673, 759 Employment, Insured Persons in. Labour Ministry Reports, 38, 186, 301, 417, 556, 612, 673
- Engineering Industry, A.E.U. on Socialisation of, 186
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, Membership and Benefit Data, 82, 215, 344, 444, 585, 701; Morecambe Meeting of National Committee, Comments on Dilution, on Unemployment, and on Basic Minimum Pay Rates, &c., 82; Joint Movement Opposition to Relaxation of Existing Regulations In Favour of Re-armament, 128; Resolutions at T.U.C. Meeting at Blackpool for Socialisation of Engineering Industry and on Reduction of Cost of Living, 186 ; Comments on Public Accounts Reports and on Economy in the Purchase of Armament Equipment, 215; Railway Lines Committee, Discussion of Railway Shopmen’s Demands and Ques- i tion of Short-time Working, 242 ; Mr. Little on Dilution and Failure of Govern- !
- ment Pledges, 273; T.U.C. Blackpool, Resolutions Proposed by A.E.U. on Socialisation of Engineering Industry and Reduction of Cost of Living, 273 ; Comments on Unemployment of Members and Shortage of Skilled Labour in Relation to Dilution, 344, 701 ; Meeting of Foundry Workers and A.E.U. with Employers’ Federation re New Wages and Working Conditions Claims, 390, 656, 701; Overtime and Nightshift Agreement Addendum, 444 ; Comments on the Crisis in Relation to Industry and Unemployment, 444 ; Tribute to the late J. T. Brownlie, 585; Ruling Relating to Notification to Workers of Overtime Requirements, 585; Comments on Industrial Conscription in Relation to Unemployment, 585
- Eye-Screening Regulations for Operations under Factories Act, 99
- Factories Act, 1937, Regulations and Orders, 82, 99, 157 ; Eye-Screening Regulations in Specific Processes, 99
- Factories, Chief Inspector’s Remarks on Workers’ Lack of Interest in Safety, 215
- Founders, H.M. Dockyard, Wage Improvements, 417
- Foundry Workers and A.E.U., Discussion with Employers’ Federation on Wages and Working Conditions Claims, 390, 656, 701 France, Application of 40-Uour Week Act, Order Sanctioning Extra Days at Overtime Pay, 82; Workers’ Demands for Labelling of Industrial, (fee.. Products and Toxic Compounds, 129 ; Decree Authorising Unlimited Overtime in National Defence-Industries, and 100 Hours per Annum in Other Industries, 301 ; Premier’s Forecast with Regard to Working Hours and Overtime, 390; Arbitration Award in Paper Industry, Concerning Recovery of Lost Time, 557 ; Public Employment Exchanges Committees, Apprenticeship Rules Question, 557, Public Servants’ Federation Demands, 612 ; French Labour Troubles, Political Aspect of, 656 ; Census of Unemployed Persons, Official Statistics, Percentage of Specialists and Elderly Persons, 656; Occupational Disease Statistics, 656,; Holidays, Seasonal, Decree Regulating Rotation to Avoid Simultaneous Closing of Similar Industrial Undertakings, 731 ; Decree Relating to Unjustifiable Refusal to Work Overtime, Provisions and Penalties, 731 ; Proposed Business Research Institute, Aim and Duties, 759
- Friendly Societies* Report, 1937, 301 Friendly Societies, Union Data, 516 Furnishing Trades Association, T.U.C.
- Resolution of Statutory Enforcement of Working Hours, 273
- General Federation of Trade Unions, Membership and Benefit Data, 215, 585 ; Mr. Appleton’s Comments on Disqualification from Benefit under Unemployment Insurance Act, 215 ; Retirement of Mr. Appleton, Minute of Appreciation, 585
- General and Municipal Workers, Resolution on Enforcement of Agreements Between Employers’ Associations and Trade Unions 8; Mr. Dukes on Progress of Union and on Membership and Compensation Recoveries, 273 ; T.U.C. Resolution Opposing Entry of Foreign Firms Having Unsatisfactory Practices, 344
- Geneva. See International Labour Office (below)
- Germany, Sand Blasting and Grinding, Labour Protection Society’s Investigations in Relation to Silicosis and Pneumoconiosis, 82 ; Employment Statistics, 99 ; Decrease in Unemployment, 99; Decree for Conscripting Labour and for Regulating Employment in all Economic Branches, 99 ; Working Hours and Wages, Close Connection with War Economy, 157 ; Supply of Italian Building Operatives from Italy, 215 ; Industrial Accident Insurance, Features of, 243 ; Record Production of Iron and Steel, but Deficit in Supplies for Ordinary Purposes, 361; Inquiry into Unemployment among Persons with Limited Capacity for Work, 361 ; Decree for Compulsory Acceptance by Nationals of Assigned Employment, Scope and Methods, 390 ; Germany’s Economic Situation and the Cyclic Theory, 417 ; Diminishing Unemployment Figures, 473 ; Distribution of Available Labour under Four- Year Plan, 516, 759 ; Training Plan for New Skilled Labour, 544 ; British Export of Scrap to Germany, 612 ; Employment Figures and Demand for Labour, 612 ; Lack of Technically Expert Teachers and Students of Universities, 612 ; German Society for the Protection of Labour, Discussion on Occupation and Clothing, 701
- Health Ministry, Poor Relief Returns, 99, 390, 444 ; Applications and other Data under New “Black-Coat” Pension Scheme, 128 ; National Association of Trade Unions Approved Societies, Submission of Social Service Resolutions, 673
- Holland, Proposed Legislation Relating to the Employment of Women and Young Persons, Prohibitions, 557
- Hours of Work, International Labour Conference and Proposed Conventions to Generalise Principles in Reduction of Hours of Labour, 8 ; Belgium, Statistics of Overtime, 39; Glasgow Fair, Holiday Pay for Iron and Steel Workers, 73 ; Holidays with Pay Bill, 82, 99 ; N.U.R. Demands, Including Holidays with Pay, 82; France, Order Sanctioning Extra Days, under 1936 Decree, at Overtime Pay, 82 ; Electrical Trades Union, 40-Hour Week, 99; Mineworkers* Federation, Resolutions that Working Hours be Reduced and on Emergency Overtime, 128; Germany, Relationship Between Hours of Work and Wages and War Economy ,157;
- Rouinania, Enforcement, of Holidays with Pay Grants to Employees, 157 ; Holiday Payments, Effect on Unemployment Benefit Claims, 186; Sweden, Holiday s- with-Pay Legislation, 186; Portugal, Holiday s-with-Pay and Military Service Regulation, 186 ; Italy, Compensation for Accidents, Methods of Assessing Daily Wages, 187 ; International Metal Workers’ Federation, Grounds of Claim for 40-Hour Week, 243 ; Furnishing Trades Association, T.U.C., on Statutory Enforcement of Working Hours, 273 ; Seamen, National Union of, Proposed Claim for Holidays with Pay, 301 ; Mr. Butler (I.L.O.) on the 40-Hour Week, Problem of General Adoption, 344 ; T.U.C. Demands Relating to Hours of Work and Adoption of Spread- Over Principle for Holidays, 344 ; Unemployment Benefit Claim Affected by Holidays with Pay, Rulings; 361; France, Premier’s Forecast in Relation to Working Hours and Overtime, 390 ; United States Holidays with Pay, 417; United States, Bureau of Statistics, Study of Agreements, Overtime Provisions, 417 ; A.E.U., Overtime and Nightshift Agreement, Addendum, 444; Hungary, Partial Introduction of Eight-Hour Day, 445 ; Holidays with Pay, Cost to Industrial Workers, 473 ; 1939 I.L.O. Conference on Reduction of Hours in Rail Transport, 343 ; Statistics, Labour Ministry, of Wage Earners Having Holidays with Pay, 556 ; Textile Trade Unions and Employers, Discussion of Holidays with Pay, 557 ; Proposed Revision of Unemployment Insurance Acts in Relation to Holidays with Pay, 557; Italy, Inapplicability of 40-Hour Week, Decree to Chief Technicians, &c., 557 ; Lost Time on Holiday Cases, Arbitration Awards, 557; A.E.U. and the Ruling Relating to Prior Notification to Workers of Overtime Requirements, 585 ; United States, Hours of Work in Private Shipyards, 612 ; United States Federal Wage- Hour Law, 656 ; Australia, 44-Hour Week in Railway Workshop Scheme, Adverse Ballot, 656; Roumania, Royal Decree Modifying Section 49 of Act of 1929, Relating to Holidays with Pay, 673; United States, Navy Yard Working Hours, &c., 701; United States Labour Department on Latin-American Legislation for Hours of Work and Overtime and for Pay Rates, 701; Luxembourg International Transport Workers’ Conference on a 40-Hour Week Without Loss of Pay, 701 ; Young Persons Employment Act, 1938, Hours of Work Provisions, 731 ; France, Decree to Regulate Rotation of Holidays to Avoid Closing of Similar Industries, 731 France, Decree Relating to Unjustifiable Refusal to Work Overtime, Provisions and Penalties, 731
- Hungary, Partial Introduction of Eight-Hour Day in Industry, 445
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Wages Question, 731
- Incomes and Rent, Relation of, Discussion by Economic Committee of General Council of T.U.C., 273
- India, Bombay, Apprentices Training Clause in Contracts, 160 ; Department of Industries Apprenticeship Scheme, 585
- India, Relief Employment for Distressed 2 V 0
- Industrial Situation, 38, 301, 417
- Industry, Proposed Discussion of Medical Problems in, 701
- Industry, Public Control in, 128 ; Committee of Scientists and Trade Unions and Problems of Industry, 417
- International Federation of Trade Unions, Affiliation of New Zealand, 157 ; United States Meeting, 445
- International Labour Office, I.L.O. Conference and Proposed Conventions to Generalise Principles of Reduction of Working Hours, 8 ; World Employment and Unemployment Statement, 991; Mr. Butler on the Problem of the 40-Hour Week, 344 ; London Meeting, Address by Mr. E. Brown,
- 543 ; Mr. F. W. Leggett on Progress of the Organisation, 543 ; Silicosis Report, 543 ; 1939 Conference on Reduction of Hours in Rail Transport, 543 ; Observance of I.L.O. Conventions by Countries Ratifying Them,
- 544 ; Young Persons, Employment Out of School Hours, 544 ; United States, Factors Affecting Employment of Elderly Workers, 544 ; World Coal-Mining Industries, Economic and Social Conditions, 731
- International Metal Workers* Federation, Grounds of Claim for 40-Hour Week, 243
- Iron and Steel Trades Confederation, on the Adverse Results of Technological and Mechanical Developments with Reference to Tin-Plate and Steel-Sheetindustries, 273 Ironworkers’ Wages, 191
- Italy, Compensation for Accidents, Method of Assessing Daily Wages, 187 ; Supply of Italian Building Operatives to Germany, 215 ; Report on Compensation for Occupational Diseases, 473 ; Forty-Hour Week Decree, Inapplicability to Chief Technicians, &c., 557; Industrial Medicine Congress, Report on Occupational Diseases, 557; Industrial Workers’ Christmas Bonus Agreement, 585
- Japan, Control of Commodity Prices, 157 ; Registration of Vocational Qualifications under General Mobilisation Act, 301; Withdrawal of Undergraduates from Technical Schools, 445 ; Disabled Soldiers’ Employment Scheme, 612
- Joint Trade Movement and Employers’ Federation, Discussion on Wages and Working Conditions Claims, 390
- Juvenile Labour, Question of Employment of Young Persons Out of School Hours, 544 ; Holland, Proposed Legislation Prohibiting Employment on Certain Work, 557 ;
- United States, Keport on Child Labour in Southern States, 701; Young Persons Employment Act, 1938, Hours Provisions, 731
- Labour Management Conference, Technical Training, 544
- Labour Ministry Reports, 8, 127, 301, 390, 516, 556, 585, 612, 673, 759
- Labour Notes, 8, 38, 81, 99, 127, 157, 186, 215, 242, 273, 301, 334, 361, 390, 417, 444, 473, 516, 543, 556, 585, 612, 673, 701, 731, 759
- Latin America, Legislation for Hours of Work and Overtime, and Pay Rates, 701
- Locomotive Engineers and Firemen. See Railways (below)
- Luxembourg, International Transport Workers’ Conference on 40-Hour Week, 701
- Lyons Group, Proposed Discussion of Medical Problems in Industry, 701
- ‘ ‘ Man and Metal,” Comments on Steel Trade Set-Back, 99, 361, 473 ; on Holidays with Pay, 242 ; on the Depression in the Iron and Steel Industry, 361 ; on the Operation of the Steel Trade and the Export of Scrap to Germany, 612 ; on the Ineffectiveness of General Strikes, 731
- Medical Problems in Industry, Proposed Discussion of, 701
- Mining Industry, Mineworkers’ Federation, Proposed Amalgamation of Unions, 99, 128 ; Mr. Jones on Miners’ Inadequate Proportion of Increased Cost to Meet Wage Advances, 128; Conference Resolutions, 128 ; Coal Export Trade, Government and Proposed Levy on Marketable Coal, 157 ; South Wales Miners’ Pension Scheme, Difficulties in Application, 273 ; South Wales Miners, Aoposed Abolition of Clause in Silicosis Compensation Scheme, 273 ; I.L.O. Publication on Conditions in World Coal-Mining Industries, 731
- Motion Studies at Warsaw Research Institute, 585
- National Union of Railwaymen. See Railways (below)
- New Zealand, Affiliation to International Federation of Trade Unions, 157 ; Public Works Construction in Relation to Government Finance, 445
- Patternmakers’ Association, Membership and Benefit Data, 99, 242, 361, 516, 612; Government Dockyard Patternmakers’ Wages Award, 99 ; Increase in Unemployment, 242
- Pension and Other Benefit Schemes, Morris Works, 39; “ Black-Coat ” Pension
- Scheme, Health Ministry Figures, 128; South Wales Miners’ Scheme, Difficulties in Application, 273 ; National Union of Clerks, Pensions and Participation in Administration, 344 ; Bolivia, Compulsory Pensions for Railway and Tramway Workers, 361; Russia, Pensions to Aliens, 473
- Poland, Unemployed Workers, Reduction in Number, 242 ; Research Institute for Social and Occupational Surgery, 385
- Porters’ Strike, London Railway Stations, 473 Portugal, Holidays with vPay and Military Service Regulation, 186
- Post Office Workers, Engineering Union Conference, Mr. Garner on Low-Wage Standards, 9 ; Assistant Director-General’s
- Reply to Wages Claim, 473 ; Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal’s Wages Award, 731 Railways, N.U.R., on the Need for Single
- Co-ordinated National Transport Service, 9, 38 ; Question of State Ownership and Democratic Control of Rail and Road Transport, 38, 82 ; N.U.R. Locomotive Firemen and Railway Clerks, Claims for Increased Wages and Improved Conditions, 39, 656; N.U.R. Demands, Including Minimum Wages and Holidays with Pay, 82, 186 ; N.U.R. on Inequity of Existing Workmen’s Compensation, 82 ; N.U.R. on General Unemployment, with Suggested Remedies, -82 ; Engineers and Firemen on the Dangers of Absolute Amalgamation, 82 ; Railway Clerks’ Association, Amalgamation Questions, 186 ; R.S.N. Tribunal’s Award on Improved Pay Demand, Additions to Signalmen’s Pay, 186 ; Signalmen’s Rejection of Staff National Council’s Findings on Wages and Hours, 390 ; Companies’ Reply to Railwaymen’s Demands, 473; London Railway Porters, Strike, 473 ; Railway Shopmen’s Claims’ 656
- Rent in Relation to Income, Discussion bv T.U.C., 273
- Road Haulage Wages Boards, 215
- Roumania, Enforcement of Holidays with Pay Grants to Employees, 157 ; Report of Labour Ministry on Infringements of Labour Legislation, 557 ; Holidays with Pay, Royal Decree, 673.
- Russia, Collective Farms, Reorganisation of Labour Recruiting System, 417 ; Regulations Affecting Pensions to Aliens, 473
- Scholarships, Oxford and Cambridge Universities, Extra-Mural Studies, 673
- Scientific Advisory Committee, Examination of Industrial Problems, 417
- Seamen, National Union of. Improved Rations Question, 99 ; Proposed Claim for Holidays with Pay, 301
- Sheet-Metal Workers’ Wage Increase, 656 Sheffield Engineering Operatives, Unofficial Strike, 656
- Shipbuilding Employers’ Federation, Central Board, Changes of Officers, 585
- Shipbuilding Industry, Decline in Employment, 701
- South Wales Miners. See Mining Industry (above)
- Special Areas, Progress of, 160
- Strikes, General, “Man and Metal” on Ineffectiveness, 731
- Strike Statistics, 8, 128, 243, 390, 516, 612, 759
- Strikes, Unauthorised, Mr. Clvnes’ Views, 544
- Sweden, Economic and Industrial Situation, Decline in Employment, 157 ; Annual Holidays With Pay Legislation, 186; Penal Code Against Picketing, 585 ; Agreement Between Employers and Unions Regarding Trade Disputes, 759
- Textile Trade and Holidays With Pay, 557 Theatrical and Cinema Employees’ Association, Proposed National Charter, 157
- Toxic Products, Labelling of, French Workers’ Demand, 128 ; Uruguay, Ministerial Decree, 129
- Trades Union Congress, Blackpool Meeting, Resolutions and Demands of Component Unions, 186 ; Workmen’s Compensation’ Appeal to Unions for Data as to Alleged Irregularities in Practice, 215 ; on Prime Minister’s Objection to Legislation Affecting Trade Union Practices and View of Events at Close of Armament Programme, 242 ; Electrical Trades Union, Proposed Kesolution on Electricity Distribution, 273; A.E.U. Proposed Resolutions on Socialisation of Engineering Industry and on Reduction in Cost of Living, 273 ; Furnishing Trades Association’s Resolution for Enforcement of Working Hours, 273; Building Trade, Workers’ Resolution on Reform of Workmen’s Compensation Law, 273 ; Rent in Relation to Income, Discussion by Economic Committee of General Council, 273; Presidential Address, T.U.C., Blackpool, Aims,Achievements, and Youth Charter, 301 ; Rejection of Motion to Refer Back to G.C. the Armament Part of Report, 344 ; A.E.U. Remarks on Armaments and the Dilution Question, 344 ; Emergency Resolution on Large-Scale Unemployment, 344 ; Resolution by National Union of Clerks as to Pensions and Participation in Administration, 344 ; Mr. Butler (I.L.O.) on the 40-Hour Week, 344; American Federation of Labom? Delegates on the Causes of Depression in U.S., 344 ; General and Municipal Workers’ Resolution Opposing Entry of Foreign Firms Having Unsatisfactory Practices, 344; Cost of Living Resolutions and Hours of Work, 344; Adoption of Principle of Spread-Over of Holidays, 344 ; T.U.C. Committee for Examining Practical Pi’ob- lems of Industry in Co-operation with Scientists, 417; Methods of Financing National Disputes, 731 ; Workmen’s Compensation, Desired Reform, 759
- Transport and General Workers’ Union, Public Control in Industry, 129 ; Financial Situation, 186 ; Lydney Power Workers’ Branch, Mr. Deakin on Improved Outlook for Workpeople, 242 ; Mr. Deakin on the Strike Menace, 390 ; Mr. Bevin on the United States Labour Movement and Unification, 612 ; Year’s Activities, 731
- Unemployment,General, I.L.O.International Statistics, 99, 445 ; T.U.C. on Large-Scale Unemployment, 344 ; U.S.A. Employment Census, 1937, 361
- Unemployment Insurance Act, 1935, Disqualification Section, 215, 417
- Unemployment Insurance Acts, Proposed Revision in Relation to Holidays With Pay, 557
- Unemployment Reports, 8, 38, 82, 186, 215, 243, 301, 390, 417, 516, 556, 585, 673, 701, 759
- Unions, Labour Ministry Statistics, 516
- Union Leaders, Sir W. Citrine on Responsibility for Decisions, 39
- United States, U.S. Steel Corporation, i Discussion of Wages Reduction to Assist Business Recovery, 8 ; Railway Managements, Proposed Negotiations for Wages Reduction, 8 ; High Earnings of American Steel Workers, 8; Bureau of Mines National Safety Competition, 90 ; Unemployment Insurance Agencies and Payment of Interstate Benefit Plan, 157 ; “ Labour Inspection Manual,” Embodying Labour
- Protection Practices, 215 ; Federation of Labour and Industrial Organisation- 273; International Machinists on Maltreatment of Members by Industrial Organisation, 273 ; Accidents and Employment in Coke Industry, 361 ; Unemployment Census, 1937, 361 ; Holidays with Pay, 417 ; Bureau of Statistics’ Study of Agreements, Overtime Provisions, 417; Opposition to Centralised Authority, 44.5 ; Accident Statistics and Data, 516 ; .Bailway Industry, International Machinists’ View, 516 ; * Factors Affecting Employment of Elderly Persons, 544 ; Association of American Railroads, Concession in Relation to Wage-Cut, 556 ; IVIr. Bevin on United States Labour Movement and Uniiication, 612; Private Shipyards, Hours of Work in, 612; Fair Labour Standards Act, Provisions, 656, 673, 759; Navy Yard Earnings and Working Hours, 701 ; Labour Department on Latin American Legislation for Hours of Work, Overtime and Pay Rates, 701 ; Child Labour in Southern States, Report, 701 ; Rock Drilling, Enforcement of Silica-Dust Control, 759
- Universities, Oxford and Cambridge, Extra- Mural Scholarships, 673
- Uruguay, Ministerial Decree Regulating Labelling of Toxic Products, 129
- Wages, Fluctuation of, 8, 127, 243, 390, 516, 612, 759
- Wages and Hours of Work in Germany, 157 ; United States Fair Labour Standards Act, 656
- Women Workers, Proposed Legislation in Holland, 557
- Woodcutting Machinists’ Agreement, Paid Holidays, 344
- Woolwich Arsenal Workers’ Pay Question, 301
- Working Hours, Labour Ministrv’s Report, 243
- Workmen’s Compensation, Prime Minister on Proposed Modification of Existing Legislation, 9; N.U.R. on Inequity in Existing Compensation Law, 82 ; Mine- workers’ Federation Resolution on New Legislation, 128; T.U.C. Appeal to Unions for Data as to Alleged Irregularities in Practice, 215 ; Building Trade Union Resolution at T.U.C. on Reform of Compensation Law’, 273; Royal Commission, 612, 731 ; T.U.C. and Desired Reform, 59
- Youth Charter, Comments on, 301
Tramways :
- Tramway Equipment (Catalogue), 120 Turbines. See Engines and Boilers Universities. See Education
- Vehicles. See Motor Cars; Railways
- Warships. See Naval
Waterworks, &c.;
- Hyderabad, Waraiigel Water Supply, 448
- Water Supply and Air-Raid Precautions, Erratum, 650
See Also
Sources of Information