1953 British Industries Fair: Company H
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1953 British Industries Fair
Held 27th April - 8th May at Olympia and Earl's Court
Companies - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- H. and A. Manufacturing Co. Limited Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.19 Ashcroft Road, Kirkby Trading Estate, Near Liverpool, Lancs. Teleph.: Simonswood 2526-7. Cables: “ Howay, Kirkby.”—Manufacturers Of Greaseproof Packeted Rolls, Hanging Packs, Bags, Tissues, Dispenser Rolls, Waxed Paper, Household Rolls, Pliofilm Rolls, Paper Towels, Carrier Bags, All Kinds Bulk Paper Bags.
- H. T. B, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.43 Blackhdrse Lane, Walthamstow, E. 17. Teleph.: Larkswood261i. Cables: “ Streemfeed, Walt, London.”—Specialists In The Manufacture Of Automatic Stream Feeders, For All Types Of Sheet Fed Machines Used In The Printing Industry.
- Hadley Sound Equipments, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.17 Cape Hill, Smethwick. Teleph. : Smethwick 0977. Cables : “ Locator, Smethwick.” London Office : 87, Regent Street, W.L. Teleph. : Regent 2689.—Manufacturers and Patentees Of “ Multkom ” Fully Intercommunicating Loud-Speaking Telephone Equipment; Also Radio and Sound Amplification Systems.
- Haigh and Brearley, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.304 1, Cater Street, Bradford. Teleph.: Bradford 24816. Cables: “ Breartex, Bradford.”—Manufacturers Of Worsted Fabrics, Gabardines, Dress Cloths, Tropicals, Serges, Flannels, Costume Cloths, With Speciality Of High Class Striped and Plain Blazer Cloths.
- Haigh and Sons, Ltd. (Selling Agents : Norwood Mill, Southall, Middlesex. “ Haigh, Southall.”—Manufacturers Of “ Normill Pictures, Firescreens, Worktables, Workstands, Mirrors, Trays, Picture Frame Mouldings.
- Hall Brothers (Longton), Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.62 Radnor Works, Ayshford Street, Longton, Stoke-On-Treni. Teleph. : Longton 33335.—Manufacturers Of “ Radnor ” Bone China Figurines, Toby Jugs, Birds, Floral Ware.
- Hampson, Bettridge and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Moor, Stand G.6 Belmont Works, 63-7, Belmont Street, Chalk Farm, London, N.W.L. Teleph. : Gulliver 5861-2-3. Cables; “ Edentated, Norwest, London.”—Manufacturers Of Machinery For The Bookbinding, Cardboard Boxmaking and Leathergoods Trades, Including Cutting, Scoring, Creasing, Perforating, Numbering and Wire Stitching Machines, Also Presses and Sundry Equipment,
- Hanovia, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.3 Bath Road, Cippenham, Slough, Bucks. Teleph.: Burnham 500. Cables ; “ Hanovia, Slough.”—Manufacturers Of Apparatus For Applying Ultra-Violet Radiation, In Fluorescent Crack Detection, Chromatography, Microscopy and Other Fluorescence Analysis, Detecting Mercury Vapour, Etc. Bactericidal, Medical and Infra-Red Lamps.
- Happe Products, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.602 61a, Brompton Road, London, S.W.3. Teleph. : Kensington 7198, Cables : “ Lynagro, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Organyl ” Cameos, Also Stones In Jade, Onyx, Coral, Ivory, Etc. Supplied Mounted As Brooches, Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger-Rings. In Gold, Silver and Gut. Plaques Supplied.
- Harbutt's Plasticine, Ltd. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand Q.102 Bathampton, Bath, Somerset. Teleph.; Bath 88209. Cables : “ Plasticine, Bath.”—Manufacturers Of “ Plasticine ” Home Modelling Outfits. Also In Bulk For School and Industrial Purposes. “ Plastone ” Self-Hardening Modelling Material, Chalks, Crayons, Sealing Wax and Drawing Inks. See Advt. Page 200
- L. and C. Hardtmuth (Great Britain), Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.41 Church Road, Epsom, Surrey. Teleph. : Epsom 9728-9. Cables ; “ Hardt- Muth, Epsom.”—Manufacturers Of “ Koh-I-Noor ” “ Mephisto,” and Other Blacklead, Copying and Coloured Pencils, Also Crayons, Penholders, Erasers, India-Rubber Bands, Blotters, Artists’ Blocks, Portfolios, Drawing Inks, Set Squares, Etc.
- Hardura, Ltd. Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand Z.21 St. Lawrence Mill, Great Harwood, Near Blackburn. Teleph. ; Great Harwood 3121-2. Sales : 12, Church Road, Hove. Teleph. : Hove 30264. —Manufacturers Of Floor Coverings. High Grade Plastic-Coated Needleloom Felts, Insulation Felts. Wide Range Designs and Colours For Domestic, Public, Industrial Users.
- Hare, James, Ltd. 72, Wellington Street, Leeds, 1. Teleph. : Leeds 31204. Cables : Leeds.” and Grafton House, Golden Square, London, W.L. Teleph. ; Gerrard 3043.—Manufacturers Of “ Coronet ” Woollens, Worsteds, Silks, Rayons and Trimmings Of Every Description For Home and Export.
- Harman Brothers Limited. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.210 115-118, Vyse Street, Birmingham, 18. Teleph. : Birmingham, Central 7821-2-3. Cables : “ Aristocrat, Birmingham.” — Manufacturers Of “ Aristocrat ” and “ Har-Bro ” Cigarette Cases, Cigarette Boxes and Ashtrays, In Silver, E.P.N.S. and Chromium. Cigarette Cases In “ Goldtone.” Silver and E.P.N.S. Serviette Rings.
- Harper and Bates, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.432 Adprint House, 51a, Rathbone Place, London, W.L. Teleph. ; Museum 7788. Cables : “ Harpbates, London.”—Producers Of “ Colourcraft ” Furnishing Fabrics, Damasks, Brocades, Tapestries, Satins, Weaves.
- D. Harper and Co, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand 0.7 258-262, Holloway Road, London, N.7. Teleph. : North 3822. Cables : “ Pertaining, Holway, London.”—Manufacturers and Publishers Of Diaries, Albums, Blotters, Calendars, Note Books, Fancy Leather Goods, Birthday Books, Address Books, Tartan Novelties, Pocket Cases, Mirror and Comb Cases and Children’s Books.
- Harrap Brothers (Sirdar Wools), Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.410 Bective Mills, Alverthorpe, Wakefield, Yorks. Teleph. : Wakefield 3441. Cables : “ Harraps, Wakefield.”—Spinners Of Sirdar Hand Knitting Wools, Rug Wools, Also Producers Of Cotton Rug Canvas, Knitting Instruction Leaflets and Booklets. See Advt. Page 36
- Harrild and Sons, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.45 Norwich Street, Fetter Lane, London, E.C.4. Teleph.: Holbom 3196. Cables: “ Guillotine, Fleet, London.”—Manufacturers Of D.T.R. Two- Revolution Auto-Fed Pile Delivery Super Speedy Power Cylinder Proofing Press. Automatic Delivery “ B.B.” High-Speed Baby Automatic Cylinder Press. Modem Stereo Equipment.
- H. Harris (Textiles), Ltd, Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.431 58-62, Great Eastern Street, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Bishopsgate 5531-5. Cables : “ Silcot, London.”—Producers Of Furnishing Fabrics, Moquettes, Damasks, Tapestries, Velours, Printed Furnishing Fabrics, Furnishing and Upholstery Trimmings. Producers Of The “ Silcot ” Range.
- Harrow-Bunn and Butler, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.109 and R.208 101, Portland Street, Manchester, 1. Teleph. : Manchester, Central 2182. Cables: “ Linenide, Manchester.”—Manufacturers Of Cotton and Rayon, Dyed and Printed Dress and Overall Cloths, Including “ Linenide ” “ Mancuna,” “ Harrosyl ” Brands.
- Hartley Electromotives, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Hour, Stand J.25 Octopus Works, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury. Teleph. : Shrewsbury 6343 and 6346. Cables : “ Octopus, Shrewsbury.”—Manufacturers Of Dictating and Recording Machine For Correspondence, Interviews, Conferences, Stocktaking, Each Cartridge Of Magnetic Tape Gives Full 30 Minutes’ Dictation. Same Machine Used For Transcribing.
- G. A. Harvey and Co (London), Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.31 Greenwich Metal Works, London, S.E.7. Teleph. : Greenwich 3232. Cables : “ Cheaper, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Harco ” Steel Furniture and Equipment, For Office and Factory, Comprising Steel Desks, Filing Cabinets, Planfiles, Cupboards, Lockers, Office Equipment, Steel Shelving, Storage Racks, Bins.
- Haslams Ltd. _‘_2l‘2 22, L2. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.103 28, Quay Street, Manchester, 3. Teleph. : Manchester, Deansgate 4191-7,. Cables : “ Squirrels, Manchester.” London Office : Bury Court, St. Mary Axe, E.C.3. Teleph.: Mansion House 7461-2.—Manufacturers Of Dress Fabrics, Furnishing Fabrics, Shirtings, Handkerchiefs, Corset Fabrics, Drills, Linings, Sheets, Cotton Blankets. See Advt. Pages 182 and 183
- Hawker, Frank, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stands L.212 and L.313 Argosy Works, 52, Spencer Street, Birmingham, 18. Teteph.; Birmingham, Central 2145-^. Cables: “ Argosy, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers Of Trays, Waiters, Entree Dishes, Tea Sets In Sterling E.P.N.S. (Reproduction Silverplate A Speciality). Chrome-Plate, Nickel-Plate, Synthetic and Japanned Enamels Suitable Silversmiths, Hotels, Canteens, Ironmongers.
- Heal's Wholesale and Export, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.426 196, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.L. Teleph.: Museum 1666. Cables : “ Fourposter, Rath, London.”—Producers Of Exclusive Furnishing Fabrics Of Contemporary Design. Printed and Woven Linens, Cottons, Rayons, Damasks and Wool Upholstery Cloths For The High Class Furnishing Trade.
- Heath, Ronald D., Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.529 and R.634 133-135, Borough High Street, London, S.E.L. Teleph.: Hop 0023. Cables: “ Floyce, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Floyce ” “ Dagonet ” and “ Centurion” Umbrellas For Ladies and Gentlemen. Umbrellas and Sunshades For All Climates. Also Golf Umbrellas and Walking Sticks, Covers and Components.
- Heaton, Wallace, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand A.42 127, New Bond Street, London, W.L. Teleph.; Mayfair 7511. Cables: “ Heatonia, Wesdo, London.”—Producers Of Photographs Of Exhibition Stands, Commercial and Fashion Photographs, Showcards, Photographs For Display and Catalogues, Photographs Of Goods For Export. Anything Photographic.
- C. E. Heinke and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.24 87, Grange Road, London, S.E.L. Teleph.: Bermondsey 4461-^. Cables : “ Heindig, Sedist, London.”—Manufacturers and Suppliers Of Diving Apparatus, Including Pumps, Dresses, Hoses and Diverphones, Under Water Welding, Lighting and Cutting Equipment. Contractors To The Admiralty.
- Helena Products, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Hoor, Stand F.2. Helena Building, 86-92, High Road, New Southgale, London, N.I 1. Teleph.: Enterprise 5801-2.—Manufacturers Of Powder Puffs In Lambskin, Velour and Swansdown; Also Handkerchief Powder Puffs Attractively Packed. Specialists In Sponge-Bags. Toilet Holdalls. Cosmetic Bags, Etc., In Various Types.
- Hellawell Sportswear, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.615 12, York Place, Leeds, 1. Teleph. : Leeds 27237.—-Manufacturers Of “ Hellawell ” (Regd.) Mothproof and Showerproof Worsted Type Flannel Trousers For Men and Youths ; Also “ Stoic ” (Regd.) Boys’ Shorts Guaranteed Not To Shrink.
- Hemingway and Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.37 22, Marsh Gate Lane, Stratford, London, E.15. Teleph.: Maty Land 4577. Cables : “ Hemway, London.”—Manufacturers Of Arsenic Acid, Calcium Arsenate, Copper Fungicides, Cuprokylt Lead Arsenate, Paris Green, Sodium . Arsenite, Cerium Oxide, Cerium Salts, Rare Earth Salts, Thorium, Nitrate, Vanadium, Pentoxide. See Advt. Pages 56 and 57
- Henderson, George, Textiles, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.329 70-74, Fulham Road, London, S.W.3. Teleph. : Knightsbridge 1175.— Manufacturers Of Furnishing Fabrics Of All Types, Including Printed and Plain Chintz With “ Everglaze ” Finish. Printed and Plain Linens, Printed Art Silks, Sateens, Repps. Exclusive Designs.
- Hickson and Welch, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand D.25 Castleford, Yorkshire. Teleph, : Castleford 2607. Cables; “ Roseine, Castleford.”—Manufacturers Of Organic Chemicals. Dyestuff, Lake and Pigment and Pharmaceutical Intermediates. Pest Control Products: Technical D.D.T., Dinitro-O-Cresol, Pentachloro-Nitrobenzene, Hexachlorobenzene, Diphenyl Sulphone, P-Chlorophenyl Benzene Sulphonate. “ Tana- Lith ” Wood Preservative.
- Higham-Tong, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.205 113, Princess Street, Manchester, 1. Teleph. : Manchester, Central 0581. Cables: “ Hiamtong, Manchester.” — Manufacturers Of “ Sultan,” “ Douitonian ” Sheets, Pillowcases, Towels, Tablecloths, Bibs, Napkins, Glass-Cloths, Cotton Blankets, Polishing Cloths.
- Hill Brown, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.112 and R.117 St. George’s House, 61-65, Conduit Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Grosvenor 7010. Cables ; “ Hilbrotex, Piccy, London.”—Manufacturers Of Furnishing Fabrics and Bedspreads. Period and Contemporary Designs On Linen, Cotton and Rayon. Woven Jacquard, Dobbie and Overprinted Designs, Plain Weaves and Piece Dyes.
- H. Hillman (London), Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.34 Adprint House, 51a, Rathbone Place, W.L. Teleph. : Museum 7788.— Manufacturers Of ’Xmas Trees and Toys.
- Hillyard, David Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand H.16 The Shipyard, Littlehampton, Sussex. Teleph. : Littlehampton 327. —Manufacturer Of 21 Ft. Hillyard Auxiliary Sailing Yacht Installed With 4-H.P. Stuart Turner Engine.
- W. Hitchins (1932), Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.96 51-57, Hi^ Street South, East Ham, London, E.6. Teleph. : Grangewood 0111-2. Cables; “ Frubox, Forgate, London.”—Manufacturers Of “ Sheraton ” Distinctive Woodware In Walnut, Sycamore, Birch., Biscuit Barrels, Candy Boxes, Tidies, Preserve Holders, Spills, Bookends. Veneer Containers. Table Mats, Trays In Pastel Shades.
- Hobbies, Ltd. Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand Q.4 Dereham, Norfolk. Teleph. : Dereham 444. Cables; “ Hobbies, Dereham.”—Manufacturers Of Fretwork Outfits, Tools, Treadle and Power Fret Machines, Model Makers’ Kits, Publishers Of “ Hobbies Weekly,” “ Hobbies’ Handbook,” Fretwork Plans, Model and Toy Plans.
- Holborn Optical Co, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.42 Terminus Chambers, 6, Holbom Viaduct, London, E.C.L. Teleph. : City 7156-7. Cables: “ Hocoptics, Cent, London.”—Manufacturers Of Ophthalmic and Coloured Lenses, Spectacle Frames and Cases, Sunglasses, Fitovers. Show Materials. Hand Reading Glasses, Linen Provers, Chamois Leathers, Nickel Silver Hinges and Rivets,
- E. Holder and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.801 Mounthill, 295, Springfield Road, Chelmsford, Essex. Teleph. : Chelmsford 2358. Cables: “ Mounthill, Chelmsford.”—Manufacturers Of Dressing Jackets, Dressing Gowns, Ladies’ Evening Capes, Coatees and Stoles. Scarves, Infants’ Shawls, Matinee Jackets, Etc.
- Holdsworth, John, and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.427 Shaw Lodge Mills, Halifax, Yorks. Teleph. : Halifax 3266-7. Cables : “ Holdsworth, Halifax.”—Manufacturers Of Moquettes For Upholstery For Furniture, Road, Rail, Sea and Air Transport. Carpets With Sponge Rubber Back For The Home, Cinema, Hotel and Ship Furnishing. See Advt. Page 37
- A. P. Holland, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.400 Lloyds House, Canal Road, Bradford, Yorkshire. Teleph. : Bradford 24762. Cables : “ Alfhol, Bradford.”—Manufacturers Of “ Triangle Worsted ” Suitings, Flannels, Tropicals. “ Triangle Hairlines ” In Light, Medium and Heavy Weights. “ Triangle ” Hard Twist Three Plys. Worsted Cloth Specialists For All Purposes.
- Hollins, William, and Co, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.517 and R.624 Viyella House, Nottingham. Teleph.: Nottingham 4556. Cables : Viyella, Nottingham.” London Office : Old Change, E.C.4. Teleph. : City 6400. —Manufacturers Of “ Viyella ” and “ Clydella ” Fabrics, Garments and Hosiery For Men, Women and Children. “ Viyella ” and “ Ramada ” Knittings. See Advt. Page 181
- E. R. Holloway, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.70 28, Hydeway, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. Teleph. : Welwyn Garden 4324-5. Cables : “ Allkombs, Welwyn Garden City.”—Manufacturers Of “ Barnet ” Series Hair Combs, Individually Packed. Loose, In Plastic Cases Or On Display Cards. Sunglasses, Manicure and Vanity Cases, Wallets, Note Cases and Knitting-Pins. See Advt. Pages 74 and 75
- Holmes and Co (Printers’ Engineers), Ltd. Olympia. Ground Floor, Stand G.39 Freeth Street, Ladywood, Birmingham, 16. Teleph. : Birmingham, Edgbaston 2974-5. Cables : “ Holprineng, Birmingham.”—Manufacturers Of The “ British Vertical ” Letterpress Printing Machine. 32 In. “ Speedy ” Self Clamp Guillotine.
- Homeshade Co. Limited, The Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.58 99, Baker Street, London, W.L. Teleph.: Welbeck 2235. Cables :** Shades London.”—Manufacturers Of Hand Carved Candelabras, Brackets, Floor Standards, Table Standards. Lamp Shades Of Parchment, Acetate, Crino- Thene. Specialising In Barbola Shades Of Every Description.
- Hong Kong (Official Exhibit) Commonwealth Section, Ground Floor, Earls Court Hong Kong Government Office, Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C.2. Teleph. : Whitehall 1648. Cables: “ Hongaid, London.”— Rubber Footwear, Preserved Ginger, Garments, Cotton Yam, Piecegoods, Torches and Other Light Industrial Products. Admirable Banking, Insurance, Shipping, Cargo Handling and Advertising Facilities. See Advt. Page V
- Hooker, Peter, Limited Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.La 8, Chingford Mount Road, London, E.4. Tele‘Ph. : Larkswood 6529. Cables : “ Elevenfold, London.”—Manufacturers Of Hand and Power Operated Paper-Cutting Guillotines, and Rotary Mitreing Machines.
- Hoover, Limited Perivale, Greenford, Middlesex. “ Hooswepe, Greenford.”—Manufacturers Of The Hoover Range Of Domestic and Heavy Duty Electric Cleaners, The Low-Priced Hoover Electric Washing Machine and The Newly-Introduced Hoover Electric Polisher. See Advt. Pages 166 and 167
- F. E. and J. R. Hopkinson, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand L.113 Trimills Works, 87, London Road, Sheffield. Teleph. : Sheffield 27486. —Manufacturers and Producers Of Cased Goods, Canteens, Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors, Spoons, Forks, Table Cutlery, Carvers, Butchers’, Hunting, Sheath Knives, Painters’, Cutlery, Souvenirs, Fancy Cutlery, Carded Cutlery.
- Horsfall and Sons Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand G.17 Startype Foundry, Birstall, Leeds. Teleph. : Leeds, Batley 513. Cables : “ Startype, Birstall, Leeds.”—Manufacturers Of Diamond and Star Types Printers’ Metal Type, Including Leads, Clumps, Quads, Spaces, Rules and Furniture. Suppliers Of All Composing Room Accessories.
- W. Horton (Toys and Games), Ltd. Olympia, 3rd Floor, Stand Q.97 Reno Works, South Bank Road, Cargo Fleet, Middlesbrough, Yorkshire. Teleph. : Middlesbrough 2849. Cables : “ Reno, Middlesbrough.”—Manufacturers Of “ Kum-Bak ” Tennis Trainers, “ Reno ” Series Dartboards, Ringboards, Blackboards and Easels, Dolls’ Cots, Cradles, Table Tennis, Bats, Tables, Skittles, Britains Oo/Ho Gauge Lilliput and Railway Series.
- Hoyle, Joshua, and Sons, Ltd. Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stands R.623 and R.704 50, Piccadilly, Manchester, 1. Teleph.: Manchester, Central 0511. Cables : “ Sunset, Manchester.”—Manufacturers Of Au Classes Of Cotton, Spun Rayon, Rayon and Mixture Fabrics ; For Dresses and Overalls, Shirtings and Pyjama Cloths, Sheetings, Drius, Furnishings, Blankets and Towels.
- J. J. Huber, Ltd. Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand J.38 Hubex Works, Villiers Road, Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. Teleph.: Willesden 6511. Cables: “Hubexsons, London.”—Manufacturers Of and Sole Agents For Photo-Lithography Equipment, Printing Frames, Horizontal and Vertical Cameras, Arc-Lamps, Whirlers, Contact Boxes, Lenses, Non-Oxidising Aluminium and Zinc Plates For Davidson Rotaprint and Multilith Machines.
- Hummel Optical Co, Ltd., The Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand B.36 New House, 67-68, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.L. Teleph. : Hoibotn 1752. Cables: “Bycomer, London.”—Manufacturers Of Photographic Filters, Enlarger Lenses, Projection Lenses, Sound Units, Microprojector, Slide Projector, Microfilm Viewer, Optical Bench, Lenses, Mirrors, Prisms, Optical Flats, Optical Systems Specially Computed,
- S. M. Hurst, Ltd. -Earls Court, Ground Floor, Stand R.631 85, Avenue Road Extension, Leicester. Teleph. : Leicester 77056.— Manufacturers Of Knitted Outerwear and Underwear.
- Hyders, Ltd. Olympia, 1st Floor, Stand M.86 10, Fitzroy Street, London, W.L. Teleph. : Langham 6192. Cables: “ Hyders, Plaxtol.”—Manufacturers Of Fine Quality Wrought Ironwork. Table Lamps, Floor Standards, Lanterns, Chandeliers and Wau Brackets, Firescreens, Umbreua Stands, Tables, Flower Holders, Jardinieres, and Other Attractive Gifts.
See Also
- 1953 British Industries Fair
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company A
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company B
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company C
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company D
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company E
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company F
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company G
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company I
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company J
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company K
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company L
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company M
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company N
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company O
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company P
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company Q
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company R
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company S
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company T
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company U
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company V
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company W
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company X
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company Y
- 1953 British Industries Fair: Company Z
Sources of Information